HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/04/1982 November 4, 1982 General Plan 11eeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission PLACE: MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING,33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco 1lli1ffiERS PRESENT: Chairman Martin, Vice-Chairman Hoyer, Commissioners Bertucelli, Getz, Grimes, Mantegani and Terry ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell'An~ela Daniel B. Christians Philip Gorny Assistant City Attorney Elladene Katz Police Sgt. Russ Moss Parks & Recreation Lyle Norton PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Approval of Minutes: Motion-Grimes/Second Hoyer: To approve the Minutes of the General Plan Meeting of August 26, 1982 as presented. Unanimously approved. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Commissioner Getz and Chairman Martin commended Staff for their work regarding the South Slope. Commissioner Getz mentioned the PG&E letter of November 2, 1982 which he thought sounded arrogant. He asked if this was something the Commission needed to be involved in. Mr. Dell'Angela responded that the City, PG&E and the Redevelopment Agency and Homart will discuss the matter referred to in the PG&E letter. He added that the Planning Commission's role was only to analyze the road alignment and the EIR. GP-82-20, City of South San Francisco, Draft Land Use, Circulation and Transportation Elements (Continued from 8/26/82) EIR-82-7, City of South San Francisco, Draft Environmental Impact Report for the General Plan Land Use, Circulation & Transportation Elements (Continued from 8/26/82) PUBLIC HEARING Speakers: Lucille M. Creamer 529 Eucalyptus Mrs. Creamer spoke about Policy 6, Planning Area No.3. She advised the Commission that the concensus of the homeowner's in Parkway Heights was in agreement with this policy. She stated that the residents were in strong opposition to potential rezoning of the Parkway School property to a higher density. Assistant City Attorney Katz advised Mrs. Creamer that if a rezoning was requested once the proposed General Plan was approved, all residents of the area would be notified since a General Plan Amendment would have to be requested. Mrs. Creamer showed the Commission a letter from the School District to Mr. Birkelo, City Manager, with regard to a proposal for this property which would indicate a higher density. She also expressed concern about the potential zoning of the entire Parkway Junior High School if it was ever closed. - 4484 - November 4, 1982 Mrs. Creamer also spoke about comments on Page 56 of the General Plan document in regard to the Willow Grand Apartment Complex. She stated that this adjacent develop- ment could be used as an example of what could be foreseen if medium density were approved in the Parkway area. She requested that the Planning Commission not allow Policy 6 to be changed. Commissioner Mantegani asked if she was recommending R-l Zoning in this area. She responded in the affirmative. WIT. Dell'Angela advised that there had been requests from the School District for medium density zoning in this area. Walt Mareno, Foster/Keizer Signs 1601 Maritime St. Oakland 1rr. Mareno spoke in opposition of Policy 36 and 37 regarding signs and billboards. He also spoke in opposition of the Downtown Policy 3, Policy 4 of Planning Area No 8, and Policy 10, Planning Area 9, all relating to signs and billboards. Raymond De Nardi 453 Alhambra Rd Mr. De Nardi distributed maps to the Commission showing the location of his property at Alida and Ponderosa. He indicated that the proposed Land Use Map showed his recently purchased parcel to be low density. He felt that high density zoning would not be out of order since his property was located along side the Rotary Plaza and Habitat Project which were zoned high density. Mr. Dell'Angela stated that Mr. De Nardi could request his proposed plan prior to approval of this General Plan. Doris Agee 819 Ridge Court Mrs. Agee questioned the zoning on Chestnut Avenue where zoning had,preyiQusly been set at RPD-IO and under the proposed General Plan document ~oning would be permitted up to 15 units per acre. She recalled the many hearings held on this land and wondered why this document did not adhere to the previous decision of the Commission. She wondered why the Chestnut Avenue property couldn't have its own special RPD-IO designation. Mr. Dell'Angela explained the breakdown of the densities. He said this property was improper for low density but that because of special characteristics it can be limited to RPD-IO. Commissioner Getz agreed with keeping this property zoned RPD-IO. He participated in the hearings and it was the will of the Commission that the density be RPD-IO. Mr. Dell'Angela suggested that if the Commission/Council wants to make a specific designation of 10 units per acre for this property, they do so in a separate Policy statement. - 4485 - November 4, 1982 Jerrold A. Fadem P.O. Bx 2148 Santa Monica Mr. Fadem is the attorney for Budget Rent-A-Car. He stated he supported the Gateway Extension but wanted to protect the use of Budget's portion of the property which would be taken if the present Gatewav Extension ulan is used~ It would be a case of major dislocation of Budget property. He felt the City should have a Circulation Element which shows the Gateway Extension and is discussed in the EIR. It was his feeling that the EIR before the Commission would not stand review. He recommended that this EIR be disapproved and sent back for one that will withstand legal review. Mr. Dell'Angela advised that a separate EIR is being prepared for this project and that Staff is not now prepared to recommend inclusion of the roadway. Mr. Fadem responded that the EIR is being endangered by leaving the Gateway extension out. He added that a consultant had been hired by the City who tells his client that his property is going to be condemned . Mr. Dell'Angela responded that the City has not authorized condemnation action for this roadway. Mr. Fadem advised Mr. Dell'Angela that a condemnation appraiser already has been hired and he's at work. Mr. Dell'Angela responded that consultants are being hired under the Assessment District for other matters. Commissioner Getz asked Assistant City Attorney Katz about the procedure to ruTIend the General Plan if it is adopted as currently proposed without the Gateway Extension. She responded that an amendment to the General Plan would be required at both the Planning Commission and City Council level. Tom Vlassic 3240 Alpine Rd Mr. Vlassic objected to the wording with regard to slopes in excess of 30%. He advised the Commission that he was continuing to work with densities on the Callan property, looking closely at cost impacts and that it was not his intent to delay the project. Dan Modena 421 Grand Avenue Mr. Modena respresented Al Pasco who owns a card room. Mr. Modena advised that regarding Policy No. 49 on card rooms, he has no objection. He and his client would like to move from Grand Avenue but were concerned about where the card rooms were to be relocated and objected to the wording that these card rooms should be removed to the "periphery" of the City. He would like to see this wording changed to read a Commercial or Industrial Zone. Mr. Dell'Angela advised the Commission that the Zoning Ordinance does not permit card rooms and that the two cardrooms on Grand Avenue were grandfathered in as non-conforming uses. He advised the Commission that they had two choices: 1) Prohibit card rooms or 2) Recognize and relocate card rooms thereby giveing them l~gitimacy. It was the concensus of the Commission that the policy should specify certain locations for the relocation of the card rooms. - 4486 - November 4, 1982 William L. Ryan, PG&E 2225 Folsom St. Mr. Ryan apologized if the PG&E letter mentioned earlier sounded arrogant. His point is that a very complex engineering problem exists regarding the PG&E sub- station because of the proposed Gateway Extension project. Michael C. Callan 82 Isabella Ave Atherton Mr. Callan spoke about plans for his property in Westborough. He requested' requirement for less t~~ 2parki~g spaces per unit and higher density than 30 units for his property on Carter Drlve. Commissioner Getz stated that regarding density, a general policy be adopted allowing density bonuses for low income housing and seniors without being site specific. Theodore Tronoff 345 Park Plaza Drive, D.C. Mr. Tronoff questioned how senior housing at 50-units to the acre could be supported when Policy 30 states a height limit of 3 stories. He pointed out that the Club View Apartments are a good example of 4-story housing with an elevator. He stated that rental housing was also needed and if it is for physically disabled, required elevators. Elevators, he felt, were not economically feasible for a 3 story structure. Douglas Butler 133 Adrian Mr. Butler questioned Planning Area No.9, Winston Manor, page 68. He noted that there was no policy governing the Serra Vista School and recommend that it remain for R-l uses if sold. Staff advised 1tt. Butler that such a policy has, been included in the proposed revisions to the plan. Mr. Butler reiterated his statement at the previous meeting that the McLellan site should remain as Open Space. Tom Vlassic 3240 Alpine Rd Mr. Vlassic, for the record, suggested including the increased density bonus for affordable housing mentioned by Commissioner Getz. PUBLIC HEARING CLDSED. Chairman Martin stated that a discussion would be held by the Comrrdssion to cover as much as possible and that the meeting would be continued to a meeting to be held on December 16, 1982. - 4487 - November 4, 1982 Commissioner Getz commented on the following items: 1. School District - He could not believe the School District letter. He agrees with the low density on Parkway site. He strongly supports the Staff policy. Concensus of the Commission was to support the low density policy on the Parkway site. 2. De Nardi Property - He doesn't want to get involved with spot zoning and doesn't like intensive development on this site. Commissioner Hoyer does not consider this spot zoning - just an extension of high density in the ~ediate adjacent neighborhood. Mr. Dell'Angela responded that this is a unique situation. He would like to stay with low density unless he could see a proposal. He suggested that Mr. De Nardi come in with a unit count and then the Commission could assess it at the December Meeting. Commissioner Hoyer stated he was not in favor of low density on this site. Consensus of the Commission to continue this matter to December 16. 3. Chestnut Avenue - Staff should come up with a policy indicating that the Commission/Council take the position that the project be limited to no more than 10 units per acre. 4. Affordable housing - Staff should develop a policy in this regard. It was the consensus of the Commission that a 20% density increase would be allowed for affordable housing. Also, height flexibility should be considered for such housing. 5. 30% Slope - Commissioner Getz agreed with the Staff policy. Commissioner Terry disagreed. The Commission suggested that other communities be checked; more research needed. 6. Card Rooms - Commission requested Staff to come up with recommendations for areas where card rooms could be relocated. 7. Salvage Yards - Commission needs to know how many salvage yards are on the west side of 101. Staff was requested to come back on December 16 with final suggested policy. 8. Billboards - Some Commissioners were in disagreement about totally elim- inating billboards. It was requested that Staff prepare a list of specific areas where billboards are not desired (i.e. El Camino Real). Commission wishes to know how many billboards there currently are and where they are located. - 4488 - November 4, 1982 The meeting was adjoined to December 16, 1982 in the West Orange Avenue Library Auditorium. Commissioner Mantegani advised that Mr. Dominguez's property is impacted with mud/debris and needs to be cleaned out. There is a trench dug out to Stonegate Property and a spring is coming out. Meeting adjourned: 11:20 P.M. Louis Dell'Angela Secretary to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Louis Martin Chairman to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco - 4489 -