HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/26/1982 M I NUT E S August 26, 1982 General Plan Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission PLACE: MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Martin, Vice-Chairman Hoyer, Commissioners Bertucelli, Getz, Grimes, Mantegani and Terry ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell'Angela Daniel B. Christians Philip Gorny William Holloway Elladene Katz Assistant City Attorney Acting Dir. Public Svcs/CE Arthur Wong Fire Fred Lagomarsino Police Sgt Ron Petrocchi Jake Wittwer Building Division Planning Consultant Neal Martin PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Approval of Minutes: Motion-Bertucelli/Second Grimes: To approve the minutes of the Meeting of July 29, 1982 as presented. Unanimously approved. GP-82-20 Cit of South San Francisco,Draft Land Use, Circu1 ation and Transportation Elements ContinuedfrOm7/29/82 EIR-82-7, City of South San. Francisco, Draft. Environmenta 1. Impact Report for the General Plan Land Use, Circula.tiorlL&Transportation Elements (Continued from 7/29/82) Mr De 11 · Ange 1 a acknowledged receipts<..QTiilelters: 1) Dated August 26, 1982 from the South San Francisco Unified School Dislrtct, recommending changes to certain of the General Plan Po li ci es andcerta.!inofthe 1 and use des i gnat ions; 2) Dated August 22, 1982 from the State Qfficeof Planning & Research; 3) Dated August 20, 1982 from the McLellan family>requesting that the frontage of their property along E1 Camino Real be placed in a commercial designation and the rear portion be left in a medium density resirlential classification. Mr. Christians presented the staff response to comments received at the last meeting. Commissioner Getz commended Staff on their responses. Public Testimony portion of Hearing opened by Chairman. Speakers: Bob Domingue, Business Manager South San Francisco Unified School District 4471 August 26, 1982 Mr. Domingue summarized comments contained in a letter dated August 27, 1982. Robert Balliet California Golf Club He stated that some of the Golf Club land should be able to be used for other uses. He noted that the Club currently has no intention of selling the land but wanted to know if an amendment of the plan could be requested at some future time. Mr. Dell'Angela responded that the Club would always have a right to ask for an amendment to the General Plan. Lynn C. Lee, Project Manager Sierra Point Development Co. He noted that his Company has plans for an office project at Sierra Point. He wanted to know if the General Plan was consistent with this proposal. He was told it was. Jerry Stich, Owner Don & Jerry's Automotive 118 So. Spruce Avenue He requested a definition of "inoperable vehicles", particularly in connection with his business. Mr. Dell'Angela responded that Policy No. 52 deals pri- marily with very intensive vehicle storage uses. Mr. Stitch questioned the intent of Policy 25. The Commission responded that this needs to be further studied after input is received from the Police Deparatment. William Ryan, PG&E 2225 Folsom Street San Francisco He submitted a letter to the Commission regarding the proposed Gateway Boulevard Extension project. He stated that his Company has not had sufficient time to properly evaluate the impact of this proposal on their property. He believes that there will be major conflicts and requested more detailed drawings of the proposal before any action is taken. George Linn, Vice-President Budget Rent-A-Car 177 So. Airport Boulevard He proposed that the Gateway Boulevard extension project be rejected. The pro- ject would have a major direct impact on his business. He believes a longer period of time should be allowed to study the impacts of this project. Mr. Linn objected to the Commission even considering the project at this time. Les Williams, Attorney 223 N. San Mateo Drive S an Mateo 4472 August 26, 1982 Mr. Williams represented Mr. Poser and Mr. Devencenzi who own the property on the north side of Sign Hill. The owners of this property have no objection to Policy 66 as written. He questioned whether the City intended to purchase these lands for open space. Mr. Dell'Angela responded that the Staff views Sign Hill as it views San Bruno Mountain and other steep slope areas. He added that these areas should, in general, be preserved for open space. Reasonable development could be allowed but only if it was non-intensive in nature. Mr. DelllAngela added that there may be some endangered species on Sign Hill. The Commission stated that the City is not proposing to buy this land. limited development would be allowed. The intent is to allow the reasonable use of the property yet preserve a certain amount of open space. Joy Ann Wendler 321 Granada She stated her opposition to the School District1s proposal to change the poli- cies and land use designation of certain school properties. She felt that pro- fessional and governmental offices should be deleted in Policy No. 10 of the General land Use Policies. The Sale and lease Rental Committee of the South San Francisco School District had recommended this to the Administration. She recommended that all closed schools in residential areas should be limited to non-intensive uses. She supported approval of Policy No. 74 in the General Plan. Tom Vlasic 3240 Alpine Road Portola Valley (Planning Consultant representing Michael Callan) He was pleased with the responses provided by Staff to questions raised at the last hearing. He requested that the public hearings be kept open so the public has a further opportunity to comment on the responses. He felt that some of the statements in the Plan are not based on current information, particularly as they affect geology and the location of fault lines. He recommended that the City geologist look at and comment on these various seismic issues. He would like Staff1s response statement on Policy #1 (P.70) followed up and recommended that a reference to low/moderate income be deleted. Mr. Vlasic recommended that the definition of Ilaverage slope'l be deleted since it is not sufficiently flexible. Doris Agee 819 Ridge Court She stated that representatives from Stonegate Ridge recommend a single-family residential use for the surplus land at Parkway School. Tony Valencia 408 Larch (Owner/Salvage Yard 150 Harbor Way) 4473 August 26, 1982 Re: Policy 52 (Storage of Inoperable Vehicles). Mr. Valencia stated that his biggest concern is the phasing out of salvage yards. There is a need for salvage yards in order to keep the City clean. Commissioner Getz asked Staff to get some figures from the Police Department regarding salvage operations in the com- munity. Commissioner Getz also would like to know what the Police Department would do if salvage yards were abandoned. Chairman Martin requested Staff to further explain what "phasing out" means. Mr. Dell'Angela responded that "phasing out" could mean that an amortization provision would be put in the Zoning Ordinance to allow a fixed and reasonable period of time for certain uses to discontinue operation. Douglas Butler 133 Adrian Ave He asked how the new definition of "net density" would affect the South Slope Development. Mr. Dell'Angela responded that to his knowledge the definition will not affect the South Slope project since much of the steeper area will not be developed and the project may be approved before the General Plan is adopted. Mr. Butler questioned the reduction of rear setback from 20. to 10'. This seems to be extreme. He thought that the current plans for the linear park along Colma Creek from Oak to Spruce was to go from the Colma line all the way to the Bay. He stated that the medium density residential designation for the McLellan Nursery isn't appropriate. He urged that this property be left in Open Space, and the Alta Loma School property be left in a low density designation as it is now. He questioned the advisibility allowing high rise buildings east of the Freeway and stated it wi 11 change the character of the Ci ty. He s,uggested a limit of six (6) stories particularly along the shore line. He stated that tall buildings east of Highway 101 would block the view of a large portion of the Bay. Fred Bertetta Jr. 260 Michele Ct. Comment on Planning Area 9, Policy 4,5 and 8, page 16, page 67 and 68 of the Draft General Plan. He questioned the proposal to extend Hickey Boulevard, easterly to Mission Road and Hillside Boulevard since it would go through the middle of his mobile home park. He added that it would be difficult to move people out of his park because of the age of the people and the lack of low cost housing for them. The Staff responded that the thoroughfare is necessary for City-wide circulation needs. Approximately 25-30 units will be displaced and relocation would have to be provided for these people. Philip J. Bernheim 3606 Bassett Court He objected to the proposal that the City ban auto salvage yards in the future. Michale Callan 82 Isabella Avenue Atherton 4474 August 26, 1982 He noted that he will be submitting an application for a 4-story condominium project to the Planning Commission in the future. Michael Rocco Owner South City Tow 119 So. Linden Avenue He objected to the phasing out of salvage yards. 1.1im Keegan 1244 Crestwood Drive Re: Policy 7, Page 56 (Willow Gardens). 1n regard to Policy No.7 (Willow Gardens), he asked what the wording "be completely renovated" means and what power does the City have to implement that policy? Mr. Dell'Angela responded that action should be taken to determine if the property owners would cooperate in the upgrading of the project. The Housing Code and Uniform Building Code of the City could be used to require a rehabilitation program in that area. Commissioner Getz stated that he didn1t feel this was an appropriate General Plan policy as it singles out a particular building for upgrading. Other Commission members noted that this was a project not a single building. Mr. Keegan stated his concern about the vacant agricultural properties along the west side of Chestnut Avenue - including the City-owned property. He stated his opposition to the proposed medium density designation which would raise the den- sity from 10 to 15 units/acre. He said that the previous position of the Commission regarding this property needs to be examined. GENERAL Staff stated that responses on all matters discussed at this meeting will be distributed to the Commission prior to their next meeting. It was the consensus of the Commission to hold another Public Hearing on the General Plan. The Commission cancelled the Meeting of September 2, 1982. They voted to hold another General Plan Public Hearing on October 7, 1982* *Subsequently rescheduled to November 4,1982. LOU1S DelllAngela Secretary to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Louis J. Martin Chairman, Planning Commission City of South San Francisco 4475