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November 12, 1981 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisc,o Planning Commission
PLACE: MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUIlDING, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Grimes, Commissioners Getz, Hoyer " Hantegani
IVIEJ\ffiERS ABSENT: Vice-Chairman Martin, Commissioners Bertucelli, Terry
Community Development Staff
Louis Dell'Angela
Daniel Christians
Philip Gorny
Gisele Sorensen
Director Public Services/CE
R. Yee
Chief Building Inspector
H. J. Wittwer
Sgt D. Haskin
Pledge of Allegiance
Commissioner Getz requested that Staff consider, in formulating the General Plan,
the intent of the previous Commission with respect to the zoning designation of
property at Chestnut and Grand Avenue. He indicated that the area in question
was zoned for low density development.
Commissioner Mantegani requested a change to page 4402 of the Minutes of October
22, 1981" first sentence. Commissioner Mantegani, not Commissioner Getz received
the telephone call from Mrs. Brignadello. The minutes were corrected accordingly.
Chairman Grimes read off the items on the Consent Agenda and asked if there were
any persons wishing to speak for or against any of the items. There were none.
Mr. Dell'Angela asked that Item #4 be taken off the Consent Agenda for discussion.
1. Approval of Minutes of October 22, 1981 with correction.
2. Approval of Revised Rules and Procedures of the South San Francisco Planning
3. Gordon Kullberg, UP-79-503 - A time extension request.
4. Homart Development Company, PM-81-195 - REJl10VED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR
5. Joseph P. & Claire C. Haggarty, UP-80-563 - A time extension request.
- 4403 -
November 12, 1981
mNSEl'IT CALENDAR (Continued)
Motion-Mantegani/Second Getz: To approve Items 1 through 3 and Item 5 on the
Consent Calendar. AYES: Chairman Grimes, Carmissioners Mantegani and Getz.
ABSTAIN: Commissioner Hoyer
Homart Development Company, PM-81-195
Final Parcel Map to create three parcels from approximately.113 acres of land
located southerly of Oyster Point Blvd., easterly of Industrial Way, northerly
of East Grand Ave. and westerly of Cabot, Cabot and Forbes Industrial Park in
the Gateway Specific Plan Zone District.
November 12, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Mr. Dell' Angela requested Planning Comnission approval :"of this Parcel Map
based on the stipulations contained in the Staff Report. He advised the Commission
that certain conditions relating to building and occupancy permits specified on
'the Tentative Map were clarified on this Final Map application. Mr. Yee explained
the clarification to the Comnission. The applicant " John Aguilar, Homart
Development Company, stated that he was in agreement and accepted all the conditions
of approval.
Motion-ManteganijSecond Getz: To approve PM-81-195 subject to all stipulations
and conditions contained in the Staff Report. AYES: Chairman Grimes, Commissioners
Mantegani, Getz. ABSTAINED: Corrmissioner Hoyer.
Mr. & Mrs. Ming Paul Lui, V-81-253
A Variance application to construct a two-story room addition encroaching 10
feet into the required 20 foot rear yard setback located at 206 Forest View
Drive in the R-l Single Family Dwelling Zone District.
November 12, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present:
Mr. & Mrs. Lui
206 Forest View Drive
Applicant's Representative Present:
Jim Germaine, General Contractor
South San Francisco
Corrmissioner Mantegani questioned the front wall which is 8' high and 16' wide
wi th no window. Comnissioner Getz recamlended that the plan be reviewed by the
Design Review Board. Condition No. 6 was added as follows:
"6. Refer to Design Review Board for crnments and possible improvements of
west elevation."
Motion-CRtz/Second Mantegani: To approve V-81-253 based on information and subject
to all conditions, including added special condition No.6, contained in the
Staff Report,. Unanimously approved.
- 4404 -
November 12, 1981
AGENDA ITEMS (Continued)
Milan Jurkota, RPD-81-25
Residential Planned Devleopment Permit to construct nine (9) townhouses with
related parking and landscaping located at III Chestnut Avenue.
November 12, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Applicant's Attorney Present:
Daniel Modena
421 Grand Avenue
Applicant's Architect Present:
Albert Seyranian
San Francisco
Speaking Against the Project
M. Warren
790 Stonegate
Doris Agee
819 Ridge Court
William Dondero
101 Chestnut Avenue - Neighborhood Representative
Mr. Modena advised the Corrmission that he objected to Staff's use of the ~rd
"townhouse" for this project. He stated that the project was sutmitted as a
"duplex" project. Mr. Seyranian presented the Corrmission with a revised plan
which deleted 1 unit from the project.
Ms Warren and Ms Agee expressed concerns on ingressjegress (left turns into and
out of the project), traffic,_' problems and density. Mr. Dondero, a resident and
homeowner, spoke on behalf of the neighbors present. He was 'opposed to the
construction of 8 or 9 units stating that the area was zoned R2. He presented
the Commission with a petition signed by 92 residents opposing this project.
~mr. Dondero advised the Commission that he and the other neighbors would have IT0
opposition to the construction of 3 duplexes for a total of 6 units.
Commissioner Mantegani was opposed to the proposed density of 9 units. Corrmissioner
Getz advised the applicants that since the neighborhood would accept six units
that the project be continued for a redesign. Commissioner Getz also suggested
that the applicant consider making the existing frame house available for sale
and removal prior to demolition.
Motion-Hoyer jSecond Mantegani: To continue RPD-81-25 off calendar. Unanimously
Milan Jurkota, V-81-254
Variance for rear yard setback for guest parking and dwelling entrances encroaching
approximately 15 feet into the required 20 foot setback. Also, although not
requested, Staff noted that a variance for the front yard setback would also
be required. The buildings proposed to encroach 10 feet into the required
30 foot front yard setback.
- 4405 -
November 12, 1981
AGENDA ITEMS (Continued)
Milan Jurkota, V-81-254 (Continued)
November 12, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Applicant's representatives and persons speaking against the project are the same
as those in RPD-81-25.
Motion~etzjSecond Mantegani: To deny V-8l-254 based on the findings contained
in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved.
Shamiana, Inc., UP-81-604 , Negative Declaration No. 340
A Use Permit to establish a manufacturingfirrn for upholstered foam furniture
and decorative pillows in an existing structure located at 523 Mayfair Avenue
in the PQ1-Planned Commercial Light Industrial Zone District.
November 12, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present:
Pranju Todhia, President
San Francisco
Speaking on the Proj ect :
Ralph Desigard, Ritchie & Ritchie Real Estate
501 Forbes Blvd.
Charles Hoffman, Owner of Building
117 Hilltop Drive, Redwood City
Speaking in Opposition of Project: June Bruner
104 Fir Avenue
Irene Mann
103 Fir Ave
Thomas Heffernan
107 Fir Ave
Staff recorrrnended the continuance of this proj ect so it could be heard with lJP-8l-
602, Sam Davis/Growing Concern since both uses were on the same parcel and have
common parking. The applicant, real estate agent and owner of the building felt
that the application should not be continued to the December meeting.
The people speaking in opposition of the project were concerned with the noise
level, hours of operation, and traffic.
It was decided by unanimous voice vote to continue UP-81-604 to the December 10,
1981 Meeting. By unanimous voice vote it was also decided to hear UP-81-602
at the December 10, 1981 Meeting.
Bayland Development Company, UP-78-440
Proposed modification No. 4 of Use Permit to the site plan, floor plans and building
elevations of a proposed 155 unit planned residential development located along
Ridgeview Court in the Stonegate Ridge, Units 5 and 6.
- 4406 -
November 12, 1981
AGENDA ITEMS (Continued)
Bayland Development 'Company, lJP-78-440 (CDntinued)
November 12, 1981 Staff Reports presented.
Applicants Present:
C. N. Chow
Charles Sprincin
San Francisco
Applicant's Architect Present:
Albert Seyranian
San Francisco
Speaking on the Project:
Margaret Warren
790 Stonegate
Doris Agee
819 Ridge Court
Applicants agreed with the recommendations contained in the Supplemental Staff
Report of November 12, 1981.
Ms. Warren suggested that the southeasterly leg of the new condominium building
be bent to alleviate the long effect. She suggested that the row of townhouses
located below the condominium building on Unit #5 be readjusted to allow sufficient
Ms. Agee was concerried with the effect the 48 unit building will have on the
Ridge Line. She stated that high landscaping should be placed next to the 48
unit building and recreation/meeting rooms should be placed in the large building.
Commissioner Getz commended Mr. Chow, Mr. Seyranian and Staff and said he agreed
wi th the two speakers. 'He said he supported the concept plan but was concerned
about the elevations of the new building.
In response to a question from Commissioner Hantegani, Mr. Sprincin stated that
it was his intention to put in a meeting room in the big building.
Motion-Getz/Second Mantegani: To approve the concept plan for modification No.
4 based on information contained in the SupplEmental Staff Heport. Unanimously
A detailed plan would be submitted and Commission approval of a final plan
would be required in the future.
Ms. Agee thanked the Commission for adding "I tens. from the Public" on the Agenda
but requested that this be the last i tern on the Agenda. Corrmission concurred.
- 4407 -
November 12, 1981
Staff and the Commission agreed that a special Workshop on the General Plan Update
will be held on December 15, 1981 in the large Conference Room at City Hall.
The workshop will convene at 7: 30 p.m. Staff asked the Corrmission if it was
their intention to cancel the November 26, 1981 regular Planning Commission
Meeting as it was Thanksgiving Day. By unanimous voice vote, the November 26th
Meeting was cancelled.
Corrmissioner Mantegani asked the Chief Building Inspector about a house on Circle
Court with a patio enclosure and asked if such an enclosure can be used as a
family room. Mr. Wittwer advised Commissioner Mantegani that a patio enclosure
was not for habitation.
Chairman Grimes asked Mr. Yee about the drains on Spruce Avenue. Mr. Yee said
he would check into it further.
Adjournment: 9: 45 P.M.
Next Meeting: Thursday, December 10, 1981
Secretary to the Planning Commission
Ci ty of South San Francisco
Donald Grimes
Chairman to the Planning Commissio:
Ci ty of South San Francisco
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