HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/22/1981 MINUTES October 22, 1981 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission PLACE: MIJNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Fra.ncisco MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chairman Martin, Commissioners Bertucelli, Getz, Hantegani and Terry MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Hoyer AlSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell'Angela Daniel Christians Philip Gorny Gisele Sorensen Director-Public Services/CE R. Yee Chief Building Inspector H. J. Wittwer Police Sgt Ron Petrocchi Pledge of Allegiance APPROVAL OF HINUrES: Motion-Mantegani/Second Terry: To approve the minutes of October 8, 1981. AYES: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chairman Martin, Conmissioner Bertucelli, Commissioner Mantegani and Corrmissioner Terry. ABSTAINED: Commissioner Getz. GOOD AND WELFARE There was no audience participation. Staff requested that Item #1 (City of South San Francisco, GPA-81-17) be changed to Item #3. Comnission concurred. Commissioner Getz advised the Commission that he had reviewed the minutes and Staff Reports of the October 8, 1981 meeting and was prepared to take action. AGENDA ITEMS Bayland Developnent Company, UP-78-440 (Modification No.3) Proposed modification of a Use Permit to the site plan, floor plans and building elevations of a proposed 155 unit planned residential development located along Ridgeview Court in Stonegate Ridge Units No. 5 and 6. (Continued from the 10/8/81 Meeting). October 22, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: C. N. Chow, Bayland Development Company Oakland - 4399 - October 22, 1981 AGENDA ITEl'1S (Continued) Applicant's Architect Present: A. Seyranian South San Francisco Speaking on Proj ect : Doris R. Agee 819 Ridge Ct Margaret Warren 790 StonegateDr Steve Marco 849 Ridge Court Mr. Chow advised the Commission that he was against deleting the 4-plex units as recommended by Staff. He also felt the project had ample parking. Ms Agee, Ms Warren and Mr. Marco were opposed to the 4-plex units. They also fel t that there was inadequate parking in the proposed proj ect . They questioned the developer about the location of meeting rooms. They also noted that many of the units inStonegate were not owner-occupied. Mr. Chow responded that 75% of units in Stonegate 8 were owner occupied. The number and location of parking spaces in the project were questioned. Hr. Dell 'Angela adyised the Comnission that tandem parking spaces could not be counted in regard to complying with City requirements. Commissioner Getz expressed concerns about traffic and the aesthetics of 4-plex units protruding above the top of the Hidge. He complimented Mr. Chow on a good redesign but felt that the 4-plex units at the top of the hill were not appropriate. Commissioner Mantegani noted that 2 covered spaces were req~ired per unit. This would require 25 more standard parking spaces than shown. The developer stated that parking was in accordance with the Stonegate Ordinance. The Commission asked Mr . Chow if he was willing to redesign and continue this project off-calendar. Mr. Chow consented to a continuance. Motion-Getz/Second Terry: To continue UP-78-440 (Modification No.3) to the earliest available calendar date after receipt and 10 day review of plans by Staff. Approved by unanimous voice vote. Robert Simms-Trux Inc., UP-80-545 Commissioner Getz disqualified himself from discussing and voting on this application. A Use Permit application to construct two office/warehouse structures with related landscaping and parking located on vacant property located easterly of So. Airport Blvd and southerly of the South San Francisco-San Bruno Treatment Plant in the M-2 Heavy Industrial Zone District. (Continued from the 10/8/81 Meeting) October 22, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Robert Simms-Trux Inc. South San Francisco Applicant's Attorney: Robert Desky San Mateo Applicant's Architect: C':reorge Avanessian South San Francisco 1111r\r\ October 22, 1981 AGENDA I~1S (Continued) Mr. Desky advised the Commission that he felt the three issues raised at the last Planning Commission ~1eeting had been resolved. 1) The Site Plan had been revised. 2) Evidence of legal access to the site had been presented. 3) The issue for "hold harmless" regarding the odor had been resolved with the City Attorney. Mr. Desky opposed the focused'EIH required by the Staff. Permit application should be acted upon now. He felt that the Use There was a discussion on the pros and cons of a focused EIR. Also, there was a discussion about the City easement. Motion-Mantegani/Second Terry: To continue this project off-calendar and require the preparation of a focused EIR. AYES: Vice-Chairman Martin, Corrrnissioner Hantegani, Commissioner Terry. NOES: Chairman Grimes, C"ommissioner Bertucelli. Mr. Desky questioned whether or not an appeal could be made to the City Council since the action was continued off-calendar. He was advised that an appeal of the Planning Commission decision to require a focused EIR could be made to the City Council within 10 days of this hearing. City of South San Francisco, GPA-81-17 (Land Use and Circulation Element of the General Plan) Preliminary review of Draft Land Use and Circulation Elements of the updated General Plan. Commissioner Getz suggested that Mr. Martin make a few general comments and then a Planning Commission Study session on these elements be scheduled at a later date. It was unanimously agreed to have a Planning Commission Study Session on Tuesday, November 10, 1981 at 7:30 P.M. ITEMS FROM STAFF Mr. Dell'Angela advised the Cc:mnission that the Mayor had requested that he ask the Commission if they wished to have a joint meeting with the Council to discuss roles and responsibilities or any other issues. The Commission expressed their appreciation to the Mayor and advised Mr. Dell 'Angela that they had no issues to discuss with the Council at this time. - 4401 - October 22, 1981 ITEMS FROM COMMISSION Corrmissioner Manteg-ani advised Staff that Mrs. Brignadello had called him regarding the man who was renting a garage and also had a sheet metal shop in his garage. Comnissioner Getz also noted that he had received a call from I. Mann at 503 Fir Avenue complaining about the Growing Concern Business on Mayfair Avenue. Staff advised Comnissioner Getz that this was not an approved Use Permit and had been continued off-calendar from the October 8, 1981 Conmission Meeting. It was decided that "Good and Welfare" be changed to "Oral Comnunications" and a category called "Items from the Public" would be added to the end of the Agenda. ITEMS FROM THE PUBLIC Ms Warren commented on a statement from Mr. Chow in which he said that CC&R's would govern whether or not a unit could be rented. Ms Warren noted that this is illegal and could not be made a part of the CC&Rs. ADJOURNlY.lENT: 10: 35 P. M . NEXT 11EETING: Thursday, November 12, 1981 ~~ ~ ~~ 1l - e_ ~'"'"-~-~ ~..::2 <=- Louis Dell'Angela Secretary to the Planning Commission Ci ty of South San Francisco Donald Grimes Chairman to the Planning Comnission City of South San Francisco - 4402 -