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October 8, 1981 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
PLACE: IVfUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING" 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Franeisco
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chairman Martin, Corrmissioners
Bertucelli, Hoyer, Mantegani and Terry.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Canmissioner Getz
Community Development Staff
LDuis Dell'Angela
Daniel Christians
Philip C':rarny
Gisele Sorensen
Director-Public Services/CE
H. Yee
City Attorney's Office
K. Hauck
Chief Building Inspector
H. J. Wittwer
Sgt R. Petrocchi
Fire Marshal E. Simpson
Pledge of Allegiance
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mot ion-Bertucel 1 i/Second-Hoyer : To approve the minutes
of September 10, 1981. Unanimously approved.
Sgt Petrocchi discussed graffitti and prevention measures. The Police Department
is taking action to address this problem.
PM-80-185 Budget Rent-A-Car
A time extension request for filing a Final Map for a minor lot line adjustment
located on the northeast corner of So. Airport Blvd. and Highway 101 in the
M-2 Heavy Industrial Zone District.
October 8, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Applicant IS Representative Present: Theodore Tronoff, CE
Daly City
Motion-Bertucelli-Second Martin: To approve the six-month time extension.
Unanimously approved.
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October 8, 1981
AGENDA ITEMS (Continued)
Applicant Present: Sam Davis
San Anselmo
Speaking on the Project: Thomas M. Heffernan
107 Fir Ave
Irene & Louis Mann
103 Fir Ave
Mrs Peronna
104 Fir Ave
Speakers voiced concern about noise, the fact that employees have no lounge and
were eating outside and using foul language. There was also a complaint about
the varnish odors. Also, the hours of operation were questioned because of
work during the evenings and on Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Davis agreed to work with Staff and address the concerns.
Motion-MartinjSecond-Hoyer: To continue this project off-calendar. AYES:
Chairman Grimes, Commissioners Bertucelli and Terry. NO: Commissioner
UP-81-601, Negative Declaration No. 337, Rich Diodati
A Use Permit to construct a 227 berth private Marina with related landscaping
and parking located northwesterly of the terminus of Oyster Point Blvd. in
the OS Open Space Zone District.
October 8, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present: Rich Diodati
Motion-BertucellijSecond Mantegani: To approve TJP-81-601 and Negative
Declaration No. 337 based on information and subject to all conditions contained
in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved.
UP-81-603, Negative Declaration No. 339, Bruno Fanucchi/Victor Feudale/Arthur Royce
A Use Permit to establish an automotive repair and body shop located at 110
Lux Avenue in the C-3 Heavy Commercial Zone District.
October 8, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present: Bruno Fanucchi
528 Magnolia
Applicant objected to planting anymore trees or painting his building or taking
down the signs.
H. J. Wittwer explained why the applicant needed a swinging door.
The Special Conditions regarding painting and landscaping were deleted.
Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To approve UP-81-603 and Negative Declaration
No. 339 based on and subject to all conditions recommended in the Staff
Report except those relating to painting and landscaping. Unanimously
October 8" 1981
AGENDA ITEMS,(Continued)
UP-81-598 Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 332, Century Development Company
A Use Permit to construct three office buildings, a parking garage, landscaping
and uncovered parking on 8.33 acres of vacant land located northerly of Noor
Avenue, easterly of El Camino Real, and westerly of Huntington Avenue in the
PCM Planned Commercial Light Industrial Zone District.
October 8,1981 Staff Report presented.
Applicant T s Representatives Present: Warner Schmalz" Proj ect Director
San Francisco
Juergen A. Fehr, PRC Voorhees
Berkeley, CA
Richard Anderson, Economist
Redwood City
Charles Cavanaugh - Wilsey & Ham
Speaking on Project:
Les Kealting - Vice Chairman
San Bruno Planning Commission
Bruce Balshone, Planner
Ci ty of San Bruno
Rose A. Urbach
440 Euclid Ave, San Bruno
There was discussion of traffic problems, air quality, land use issues,
utilities, public service, general housing situation, sewer & storm drainage.
San Bruno Planning Cormnissioner and Planning Department suggested a joint
meeting of the South San Francisco and San Bruno Planning Corrmissions and
felt an EIR was in order.
Motion-Martin/Second-Hoyer: To approve UP-81--598 and Mitigated Negative
Declaration No. 332 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained
in the Staff Report including the three following additional special conditions:
"8. A transportation system management program shall be prepared by
the applicant for review and approval of the Department of Community
Development. The approved transportation program shall be administered
by the owners andjor association of the future occupants of the site
to create programs to reduce the dependence of the private automobile
and reduce air pollutants. These programs should include but not
be limited to ridesharing, transit improvements, paratransit systems,
bicycle facilities, general traffic envineering, truck restrictions,
peak-period travel control and a transit incentive program.
9. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a cash deposit shall
be posted with the City for at least 5 years to guarantee the total
cost of the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection
October 8, 1981
AGENDA ITEMS (Continued)
of Noor Ave and El Camino Real. The final dete:rmination of the
necessity of this signal. shall be subject to. review and approval
by the City Engineer and/or the State of California Department of
10. Prior to issuance of a building permit, Noor Avenue shall be vacated
and turned into a private driveway subject to' approval by the City
Council. 'I
Unanimously approved.
PM-81-196, Negative Declaration No. 338, Steve Hynding
A Tentative Parcel Map to create two parcels from an existing 2 acre parcel
located on the northwest corner of Myrtle Avenue and South Spruce Avenue in
the PCM Planned Coillllercial and Light Industrial Zone District.
October 8, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Applicant's Representative Present: Hans Mullberg
Morgan Hill
Motion-Hoyer/Second Mantegani: To approve PM-81-196 and Negative Declaration
No. 338 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the
Staff Report. Unanimously approved.
V-81-252,Dennis and Diana Dennin
A Variance to construct a single-story room addition encroaching 2 feet into
the required 5 foot side yard setback located at 160 Nyla Avenue in the R-l
Single Family Zone District.
October 8, 1981 Staff Report Presented.
Applicants Present: Dennis and Diana Dennin
160 Nyla Avenue
Motion-Mantegani/Second-Bertucelli: To approve V-81-252 based on findings
and subject to all conditions contained in. the Staff Report. Unanimously
UP-81-602, Srun Davis/GrowingCoricernAntiques and Reproductions
A Use Permit to establish a woodworking shop at 519 Mayfair Avenue in the PCM
Planned Commercial Light Industrial Zone District.
October 8, 1981 Staff Report presented.
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October 8, 1981
AGENDA ITErvTS (Continued)
V-81-25land UP-81-600, Negative Declaration No. 336, Sam Leonetti/Earl
Hardt & Associates
A Variance to construct a building for the storage and reconditioning of antique
cars, having no off-street parking and a Use Permit to construct a 2400 square
foot concrete building for the storage and reconditioning of antique cars
at 776 ElCrumino Real in the C-2 Central Commercial Zone District.
October 8, 1981 Staff Reports presented.
Applicants Present: Sam Leonetti & Earl Hardt
57 Leland Ave, San Francisco
tIT. Leonetti agreed to work with Staff in addressing staff concerns.
Motion-Mantegani/Second Terry: To continue V-81-251 off calendar. Unanimously
Motion-Mantegani/SecondTerry: To continue UP-81-600 and Negative Declaration
No. 336 off -calendar. Unanimously apporved.
UP-80-545, Negative Declaration No. 258, Robert Sirrrns-Trux Inc.
A Use Permit application to construct two office/warehouse structures with
related landscaping and parking located on vacant pr'operty lQcated easterly
of So. Airport Blvd and. north of the southernrrost CiJv limi t line in the M-2
Heavy Industrial Zone District (r~ntinued from the 7/9/81 Meeting).
October 8, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present: Robert Simms
508 S. Airport Blvd.
Robert M. Desky, Attorney
San Mateo
There was a discussion with :Mr. Simms' lawyer, R. Yee and K. Hauck regarding
Special Condition No.2. There was also a discussion about problems with the
site plan, access and effects on the San Francisco Bay.
Motion-Bertucelli/Second Hoyer: To continue UP-80-545 and Negative Declaration
No. 258 to the October 22, 1981 meeting. Unanimously approved.
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October 8, 1981
AGENDA ITEMS (Continued)
UP-78-440 (Modification No.1), Bayland Development Co. (Referred from the
City Council Meeting of July 15, 1981)
Proposed modification of a Use Permit to the site plan, floor plans and building
elevations of a proposed 155 unit planned residential development located
along Ridgeview Court in the Stonegate Units No. 5 and 6.
October 8, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present: C. N. Chow
Al Seyrenian
San Francisco
Speaking on the Project: Doris R. Agee
819 Ridge Court
Margaret M. Warren
790 Stonegate Dr
M. Barbara Hill
856 Stonegate Dr
Joan Grant
842 Stonegate
The Commission expressed concern about the 4-plex units located in the upper
portion of Unit No.5. Mr. Seyranian and Mr. Chow said they would bring in
building elevations showing these units at the October 22, 1981 meeting.
Mtoion-Mantegani/Second Hoyer: To continue UP-78-440 (Modification No.1)
to the October 22, 1981 Meeting. Unanimously approved.
Items from Commission
Motion-Vice-Chairman Martin/Second Commissioner Terry: To adopt a 5 minute
time limit for speakers and to adopt a consent calendar. Unanimously approved.
Motion-Bertucelli/Second Mantegani: To recommend that the City Council
allow Commissioner Hoyer to vote again on South Slope issues. AYES : Chairman
Grimes, Vice-Chairman Martin, Commissioners Bertucelli, Mantegani and Terry.
ABSTAINED: Commissioner Hoyer. ABSENT: Comnissioner Getz
Staff recommended that the City Attorney's opinion on the last motion be
first obtained.
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, October 22, 1981
Daniel B. Christians,
Senior Planner
Acting Secretary to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Donald Grimes
Chairman to the Planning C~mmissio]
Ci ty of South San Francisco
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