HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/30/1981 MINUTES July 30, 1981 meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Camnission PLACE: MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chairman Martin, Corrmissioners Bertucelli, Getz, Hoyer, Mantegani and Terry ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff LoLus Dell'Angela Daniel B. Christians Philip Gorny Gisele Sorensen Director-Public Services/City Engineer R. Yee Fire Marshal A. Lagmarsino Chief Building Inspector H. J. Wittwer Parks & Recreation Lyle Norton Pledge of Allegiance APPROVAL OF MINUrES Motion-Bertucelli/Second Terry: To approve the minutes of July 9, 1981 as presented. Unanimously approved. GOOD AND WELFARE There was no audience participation. Staff requested that Items 6 and 13 be considered after Items 1 and 2 as all four of these cases were recommended to be continued. Staff also requested that Item #20, General Plan Update Presentation be heard prior to Item 1. Camnissioner Getz noted that no one officially represented South San Francisco at the Daly City hearing on the Bart Tail Track. It was his feeling that South San Francisco should review and cc:mnent on the proposal. Mr. Dell' Angela said he would look into the matter. AGENDA. ITEMS General Plan Update Mr. Neal Martin, Martin, Carpenter Associates gave a brief overview of the planning process and apprised the Planning Commission of work undertaken thus far. American Land Exchange, V"':'81-245,NegativeDeclarationNo. 327 A Variance application to have less than the standard 50 feet of average lot width on a parcel located on the westerly side of Oakmont Drive approximately 480 feet southerly of Westborough Blvd. in the R-l Single Family Residential Zone District. July 30, 1981 Staff Report presented. - 4378 - July 30, 1981 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To continue this matter to the September 10, 1981 Meeting based on information contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Amerie9n Land Excharige, PM-81-192,NegativeDeclaratiori 'No.' 327 A Tentative Parcel Map to create 2 parcels fran a 10,164 square foot property located on the westerly side of Oakmont Avenue, approximately 480 feet southerly of Westborough Blvd. July 30, 1981 Staff Report Presented. Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To continue this matter to the September 10, 1981 Meeting based on information contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Hanart Developmerit Cortpariy,SA"':'81-74 Tentative Subdivision Map SA-81-74 to create nine parcels from approximately 90 acres of land located southerly of Oyster Point Boulevard, easterly of SPRR Right-of-Way, northerly of East Grand Avenue, and westerly of Cabot, Cabot, and Forbes Industrial Park in the Gateway Specific Plan District. July 30, 1981 Staff Report presented. Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To continue this matter to the September 10, 1981 Meeting based on a finding that this application was incomplete. Unanimously approved. Kurby'aridGail'Steverisori,UP"':'81-596 A Use Permit to allow live entertainment, consisting of a guitarist and a singer, at Papa Joe's Restaurant located at 415 Linden in the C-3 Central Commercial Zone District. July 30, 1981 Staff Report presented. Motion-Martin/Second-Bertucelli: To continue this matter off calendar based on information contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Albert Shansky- arid 'J. Queriick, SA-81"':'72 and 'Negative DeclaratioriNo . 315 A Final Subdivision Map to create ten air-space condominium office-warehouse units with landscaped areas at 48 South Linden Avenue. July 30, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: John Sheldon Linden Company Motion-Hoyer/Second Terry: To approve SA-81~72 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. - 4379 - July 30, 1981 ,AGENDA 'ITEMS (Continued) Th6rr'1as 'J" 'Callari; 'Jr..; 'PM...:.81...:.19l A Final Parcel Map to subdivide 16.2 acres of land into four parcels located on the west side of Gellert Boulevard between the Daly City line and Westoorough Boulevard in the C-l Neighborhood Commercial Zone District. July 30, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Mark Callan Daly City Motion-ManteganijSecond Martin: To approve PM-81-191 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Homart Development Co., PM-81-195 Tentative Parcel Map to create three parcels from approximately 113 acres of land generally located southerly of Oyster Point Boulevard, easterly of Industrial Way, northerly of East Grand Avenue and westerly of Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park in the Gateway Specific Plan Zone District. July 30, 1981 Staff Report presented. Motion-HoyerjSecond Terry: To approve PM-81...;.195 based on findings and subject to all condtiions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Gordon Kullbergj J;F. 'BreerijSA-80":'68 A Tentative Subdivision Map to create forty-eight air-space residential condominium units with common parking and landscaping located on the northerly side of Mission Road, between Chestnut Avenue and Oak Avenue. July 30, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative Present: J. F. Breen 490 Port Royal Foster City Motion Bertucelli jSecond Mantegani: To approve SA-80-68 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Daning;uez& Associates,RPD-79-8 and SA-79-53 (Continued from July 9, 1981 Meeting) Proposed deletion of Condition No. 11 which required that prior to submittal of a Final Map, the applicant shall receive the approval of the City Council to vacate the Eucalyptus Ave. stub street, for a 17-unit planned residential development located northerly of Eucalyptus Avenue, southeasterly of Stonegate Ridge Drive in the PCPlannedCammunity Zone District. - 4380 - July 30, 1981 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) July 30, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Renan Dominguez 3 South Linden Avenue Motion Martin/Second Bertucelli: To approve deJetion of Condition No. 11 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. JamesJ "Powers, Jr.', 'SA-81"':'73 and Negative Declaration No. 324 A Tentative Subdivision Map to create five air-space residential condominium units with related coImlon.area on property located at 615 Baden Avenue in the R-3Multiple Frumily Residential Zone District. July 30, 1981 Staff Report Presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Jim Durkis Group Four Architects Motion-Mantegani/Second Martin: To approve SA-81-73 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Jack L. S. Davis,PM"':'81-194,Negative Declaration 'No. 330 A Tentative Parcel Map to combine two parcels into one 0.685 acre parcel located southerly of East Grand Avenue ,and easterly of Littlefield Avenue in the M-2 Heavy Industrial Zone District. July 30, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Hans Mullberg 16760 Oak View Circle Morgan Hill Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To approve PM-81-194 and Negative Declaration No. 330 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Century Development Company, V-81"':'248 andUP-8l-598 and Negative De61arati6n No. 332 A Variance to exceed the 50 foot height lTImit to construct an office ccn1plex on vacant property located northerly of Noor Avenue, easterly of El Camino Real, and westerly of Huntington Avenue in the PCM. Planned Commercial and Light Industrial Zone District. A Use Permit to construct three office buildings, a parking garage, landscaping and uncovered parking on 8.33 acres of vacant land located northerly of Noor Avenue, easterly of El Camino Real, and westerly of Huntington Avenue in the PCM Planned Commercial Light Industrial Zone District. - 4381 - July 30, 1981 AGENDA 'ITEMS (Continued) July 30, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Warner Schmalz Environmental Planning & Research, Inc. JY.I:r. Schmalz made a presentation to the Carmission explaining the project and showing pictures. No one spoke for or against the project. Carmissioner Getz eomnended the applicants on their project. He stated that he didn't like this location for an office complex and thought that a mixed use concept which would include housing should be considered. He also felt the Negative Declaration was not justified and that an EIR should be required to address traffic, housing imbalance, land use, sewage and stonn drainage issues. Vice-Chairman Martin comnented that the projected revenue of $14,000 per year to the City of South San Francisco was not very much. He wanted to know how many jobs would be created in the South San Francisco area as a result of this project. The applicant advised that this project would have about 1,000 employees. Commissioner Terry wanted to know where these poeple were going to live. Chairman Grimes felt that existing sewers were not adequate to serve this project. A further discussion about storm drains, traffic, etc. was held. The Ccmnission requested Mr. Dell' Angela to explore the possibility of a joint meeting with San Bruno. Motion-Getz: To continue this matter off calendar and require an EIR. Motion failed for lack of a second. Motion...,..Mantegani/Second Bertucelli: To continue this matter to the September 10, 1981'meeting in order to.address concerns expressed by the Commission and to allow other agencies to respond with their concerns. Ayes: Conmissioners Bertucelli, Hoyer, Mantegani, Terry, Vice-Chairman Martin, Chairman Grimes. Noes: Comnissioner Getz. Seyrartiari Brothers DevelopmeritCorporatiorijVilla 'court 'CoridomiriiurnsRPD"':'78-6, ModificatioriNUffiber 1 A Modification application to a Residential Planned Development Permit to allow five wood trellises locatyd in the rear yard of 5 condominiums at 13 - 17 Villa Court. July 30, 1981 Staff Report presented. - 4382 - July 30" 1981 , 'AGENDA 'ITEMS (Continued) Applicant Present: Don Seyranian 21 Villa Court Motion-GetzjSecond Terry: To approve Modification 1 of RPD-78-6 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Un- animously approved. , 'B:toad:nX:>dr 'Hdn'les ,'NortherriDivisioIi, 'UP"':'81"':'584,Modificatiori 'Number 1 A modification application of Broadmoor Hames to construct a 200 square foot two-sided identification advertising sign in lieu of an existing 98 square foot single-faced sign, located westerly of Interstate 280 and southerly of West- borough Blvd. July 30, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant; Ipresent: Jim Casper Broadmoor Hanes An additional condition reflected on an inter office memorandum of July 27, 1981 of the Building Division was read into the record. This memorandum will became Exhibit "D" to the Staff Report. Commissioner Getz read into the record a letter from a secretary in his office who resides in this area protesting'the large sign. The applicant requested that Special Condition No. 6 as shown on Exhibit "c" of the Staff Report be deleted. He assured the Comnission that the sign would be constructed in a safe manner. Motion-Martin/Second Mantegani: To approve Modification No. 1 to UP-81-584, deleting special condi tion number' 6 to Exhibit' ICY' and add Exhibit' 'D" based on information and subject to all other conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. , 'Kaiser 'FoUridatioriHospitals,' 'V...:.81...:.247 'and Negative 'Declarati6riNo. '333 A Variance to construct a hospital addition exceeding the 45 foot height limit on property located at 1200 El Crnnino Real in the C~ Commercial Office Zone District. July 30, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Don Chandler Planning Department, Kaiser Hospital Applicant requested that Special Condition Number 4, of Exhibit "A" to the Staff 'Report be changed. His representative was not in attendance at the last Deign Review Board Meeting. He requested that a presentation be made to the Design Review Board prior to asking for revised elevations. Staff and the CDmrrdssion concurred and Special Condition 4 was changed to read as follows: - 4383 - July 30, 1981 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) "Elevations of windows shall be sutmitted to the Design Review Board for review and recarmendationsto the Director of the Department of Camnmity Development." The applicant also questioned the Fire Marshal's conditions contained on page 1, Section A and B regarding wet and dry standpipes. Deputy Fire Marshal Lagmarsino concurred with a change in Section A. Motion-GetzjSecond Martin: To approve V-81-247 and Negative Declaration No. 333, based on infonmation and subject to all conditions, including the above changed conditions, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Genentech, Inc.,UP-81"':'497,NegativeDeclaration'No. 331 Use permit to construct a 75,600 square foot building containing labs, offices, and warehouse, and related parking and landscaping at 451 Point San Bruno Blvd. July 30, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: David Pfaff 460 pt San Bruno Motion-ManteganijSecond Bertucelli: To approve UP-81-597 and Negative Declaration No. 331 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Negative Declaration No. 334 An Environmental Determination for the Appian Way Park Project, a Neighborhood Park, including a Tennis Court, Tot Lot, Parking Area, Lighting , Bathrooms, Landscaping, and Other Related Improvements located :easterly of Appian Way, Westerly of Interstate 280 and southerly of Westborough Boulevard. July 30, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Lyle Norton Parks & Recreation Dept., City of South San Francisco Motion-MartinjSecond...;.Hoyer: To approve Negative Declaration No. 334 based on findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Rich Diodati Commissioner Getz stepped down. A presentation by Mr. Diodati showing pictures and renderings for his new industrial and marina office on the Healy Tibbitts site. The Camnission ccmpi:i.illentedMr. Diodati on his project. They stated they would reserve final judgement on the proj ect until more detailed information is presented and a formal application filed. - 4384 - July 30, 1981 Items from Staff Staff requested that one or two Commissioners at a time meet informally with Staff and Neal Martin regarding the Housing and General Plan Update. Camnissioners agreed. Items from Commission Chairman Grimes questioned the progress of the Adult Entertainment Ordinance. August 20, 1981 was set as a special Public Hearing Date for the Housing Element of the General Plan. August 26, 1981 was set as a joint meeting with the County Planning Commission for the San Bruno Mountain South Slope Project. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Adjournment: 11:10 P.M. Next regular meeting: September 10, 1981 ~~~~O'Q'~~ Louis Dell'Angela ~ Secretary to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Donald Grimes Chairman to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco - 4385 -