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Way 10, 1984 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
IMEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Getz, Vice-Chairman Terry, Corrmissioners Grimes, Hoyer,
11antegani, and Martin
~m~1BERS ABSENT: Comrrdssioner Bertucelli
Community Development Staff
Louis Dell 'Angela
Philip Gorny
Maureen K. Horton
City Attorney
Bnbert Rogers
Police Department
Ron Petrocchi
Director of Public Services
Robert Yee
Building Division
Ray Laur
APPROVAL or MlNUrES: Motion-Grimes/Second Mantegani: To approve the minutes of
the April 12, 1984 meeting as presented. Unanimously approved by voice vote with
Vice-Chairman Terry abstaining.
Commissioner Grimes advised Staff that he had driven through the Sav-On property
just prior to this meeting and observed large water holes in the parking lot. He
stated that these two holes were 25 feet northeast of the corner of the Garden
Shop. Staff noted that they will investigate this problem.
Commissioner Martin noted that the ARm station at 2300 Westborough Boulevard has
a vending machine. Corrmissioner Terry asked why this ARGO station had installed a
larger sign than was approved by the Commission. Associate Planner Horton will check
into this matter.
Item 2A to set 1~y 16, 1984 as a joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting date
to consider the draft Housing Element of the General Plan was added to the Agenda.
Innovative Concrete Systems, SA-82-76
One year time extension request to record Final Subdivision Map SA-82-76, a 56 unit
condominium project located between Gellert Boulevard and Appian Way (St. Francis
Terrace Unit 2, Lot 3, Westborough 4A.)
Corrmissioner 1furtin indicated that this vacant property is becoming a dumping ground.
~ He requested that the owner be required to post a "No Dumping" sign on this site.
Also, he requested that Staff notify the owner of the City's weed abatement program.
Staff indicated that the owner was present in the audience.
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May 10, 1984
Motion-Martin/Second Terry: To recommend that the City Council grant a one year
time extension to June 2, 1985 to record the Final Subdivision Map for SA-82-76.
Unanimously approved by voice vote.
Housing Element Amendment to the General Plan, GP-84-25
Motion-Martin/Second Terry: To set May 31, 1984, as the public hearing date for
adoption of the Housing Element to the General Plan.
Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting to Consider Draft Housing Element
Amendment to the General Plan, GP-84-25
Motion-Martin/Second Terry: To set May 16, 1984 as a joint meeting on the Housing
Element Amendment to the General Plan. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
Syufy Enterprises and Pay 'N Pak (Golden Gateway Management & Development Corporation),
UP-84-688, Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 448
Use Permit to construct a 2000 seat movie theatre and a 50,000 square foot retail
store with an 8400 square foot open garden supply shop, with signs exceeding 100
square feet in area, and with related landscaping utilizing a reciprocal parking
arrangement on property located on the north side of Noor Avenue, west of Huntington
Avenue in the PCM - Planned Commercial and Limited Industrial Zone District.
May 10, 1984 Staff Report presented.
Applicant's Architect Present:
Wayne Gehrke
Group 4 Architecture
Applicant's Engineer Present:
Dayo Sowunmi
Wilsey & Ham
Pay 'N Pak Architect Present:
Thomas Sconzo
Bellevue, Washington
The applicants responded to Commission questions on traffic, signalization at Noor
Avenue and El Camino Real, security, landscaping, impacts on the residential neighbor-
hood, Basin No.9 overloading (storm drainage system), sanitary sewers, design of
the Pay 'N Pak building, and colors for the two buildings. The Commission requested
the following additional information be presented at the May 31, 1984 meeting:
1. Traffic impacts on the surrounding residential neighborhood, especially
at night.
2. A review of the Nolte Report so that a determination can be made as to
whether or not the current storm drainage system can handle this development.
Information should also be provided on additional runoff on Huntington
Avenue as a result of this development. The Commission requested that
the calculations be based on the worse case situation (i.e. 100 year storm).
They indicated that the City Engineer should be consulted so that he is
satisfied with the results of this study.
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May 10, 1984
3. That the Police Department contact the Police Departments in San Jose,
Daly City or Colma to see what, if any security problems have occurred in
connection with the Syufy Theaters in those cities.
4. That the landscaping plan be reevaluated. The Corrmission requested that
larger trees be provided on the site.
, 5. That the architect for Pay 'N Pak attempt to improve the design of that
building. The Commission felt that the Pay 'N Pak sign was too large and
the freestanding sign was too tall. They also suggested that a redesign
be done to break up the massive size of the Pay 'N Pak building.
6. That bold colors for the Theatre Building be considered, possibly utilizing
white walls with blue roofs.
7. That a brief cost/benefits analysis of the project be prepared.
Mr. Dell' Angela advised the Corrmission that the Design Review Bca.rd would review
revised plans for this project at its May 22, 1984 meeting.
By unanimous voice vote the Commission continued the public hearing On UP-84-688
and Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 448 to the meeting of May 31, 1984.
City of South San Francisco, ZA-84-27
Zoning Amendment repealing Section 20.72.280 of the South San Francisco Municipal
Code and Section 5.60 of Ordinance No. 353 as amended.
May 10, 1984 Staff Report presented.
Motion-Grimes/Second Mantegani: To adopt the Resolution recorrmending that the City
Council repeal Section 20.72.280 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code and
Section 5.6(g) of Ordinance No. 353, as amended. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
Items from Staff
In-Lieu Parking Fees
May 10, 1984 Staff Report presented.
The Commission concurred with Staff's recommendation that draft Ordinance "B" is
the preferred approach. This Ordinance proposes that the Planning Commission would
have the authority to grant parking exceptions with consideration given to the Parking
Place Commission's recommendations. Director Dell'Angela stated that Parking Place
Commissioner Sciandri was unable to be present at tonight's meeting. It was the
consensus of the Commission, after discussion, that the second ordinance should be
suggested to the City Council. Chairman Getz suggested that actual fees not be
made a part of this Ordinance but be placed on the City's Master Fee Schedule.
Items from the Commission
Commissioners Hoyer and Martin advised Staff that they would be unable to be present
at the June 14, 1984 Planning Commission Meeting.
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May 10, 1984
Motion-Mantegani/Second Hoyer: To cancel the Planning Corrmission meetings of May
24, 1984 and June 14, 1984. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
This meeting was adjourned to a May 16, 1984 meeting with the City Council at the
City Hall Conference Room.
Adjournment: 10:00 P.M.
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Louis Dell'Angela, Secretar
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Charles W. Getz, IV, Chairman
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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