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June 13, 1985 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
~ffiERS PRESENT: Chairman Terry, Vice Chair Wendler, Commissioners Boblitt,
Agee, Getz, Hoyer, and Martin
Planning Staff
Jean T. Smith
Philip Gorny
Maureen K. Morton
City Attorney
Robert Rogers
Police Department
Sergeant Ron Petrocchi
Building Division
Ray Laur
Engineering Division
Richard Harmon
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Martin/Second Agee: To approve the minutes of
May 23, 1985 Planning Commission Meeting as presented. AYES: Terry, Agee,
Wendler, Boblitt, Hoyer, and Martin. ABSTENTION: Getz.
No Response.
Pen-Service Corporation (South San Francisco Unified School District, Owner)
Negative Declaration No. 489
(Continued from meeting of May 23, 1985).
Use Permit and Tentative Subdivision Map to create fifty-four (54) townhome
lots and con man open space, related parking and landscaping on the westerly
side of Galway Drive between Westborough Boulevard and Greendale Drive in the
P-C Planned Community Zone District.
June 13, 1985 Staff Report presented.
Applicant's Representative Present:
Louis Dell 'Angela
400 Oyster Point Blvd.
~rr. Dell'Angela appeared, representing Pen-Service Corporation and Paul
Petersen of Whitecliff Homes. He pointed out plans have been revised to
meet the issues brought up in April. He stated applicants were interested in
relieving the neighbors' concern about the project and also have spoken with
the Building Division and the Police Department about the concerns.
Speaking Against the Project:
Teri O'Brien
2276 Greendale Drive
Leonardo V. Songco
3819 Kent Way
Barbara Sperring
2264 Greendale Drive
June 13, 198E
Joan Hamilton
2231 Greendale Drive
Sam Zolfgrarrm
2272 Greendale Drive
Teri O'Brien showed concern about the view, stated that if the buildings
would obstruct the view that they would also obstruct the light. Also that
the wall would allow burglars better places to hide.
Leonardo V. Songco expressed agreement with previous speaker.
Barbara Sperring suggested that the units below their property all be one
Joan Hamilton, Chairman of the Parks & Recreation Commission, speaking as a
private citizen, expressed concern about access to the park without having to
go on the public streets. She mentioned a shortage of parking in that area
and the amount of traffic on Galway and Radburn.
Sam Zolfgramm expressed concern about this project affecting light.
Mr. Dell'Angela showed an illustration of the height relationship between the
properties on Greendale Drive and these units proposed below them. He stated
that there are two car garages for each unit, plus driveway space.
Chairman Terry declared the Public Hearing closed.
Commissioner Martin stated that he supports the project, noting the density
below that allowed and the parking in conformance with City Ordinances.
Officer Petrocchi commented on three minor issues. Visitor parking is
provided by an additional half-space per unit plus driveways and double car
garages. He noted his recommendation that entrances to development be posted
per vehicle Code Section 22658, which allows the Homeowner's Association
representative to have the vehicles towed away that are illegally parked. In
regards to the walkway connection, he mentioned that the walkways create dead
zones between the parks and the streets; in most areas of the City, paths are
being vacated.
Commissioner Agee questioned the financing of exterior maintenance; desired
that Homeowner's Association dues cover maintenance. She again emphasized a
meeting place for the Homeowners to meet and conduct business.
Vice-Chair Wendler expressed concern about having the views blocked or
obstructed for 10 units facing Greendale Drive.
Paul Petersen, the Developer, commented on difficulty of making more single
story homes and also spoke on elevation roof lines.
Mr. Getz stated project is well done and balanced. He was concerned about
the densities, view obstruction, and light. Therefore, he suggested acknowl-
edging that developer has already re-designed, that the Commission consider
looking at trying to modify units 22 through 30 on the developers plans,
which have the greatest impact on the existing units. He stated that he
cannot support the plan as is.
Beverly Boblitt stated that she is sympathetic to Homeowner's Association,
but that it is a vacant area that is capable of development.
June 13, 1985
Chairman Terry commented on existing fences being 6' high and their effect
on view.
~tr. Dell'Angela answered that views are a big consideration but regulations
should be consistent and uniform for all projects within the community.
Motion-Martin/Second Hoyer: To approve Use Permit UP-85-716 and Negative
Declaration No. 489 based on the findings and subject to all conditions
contained in the Staff Report. AYES: Chairman Terry, Commissioners
Boblitt and Hartin. NOES: Vice-Chair Wendler, Commissioners Agee
Motion-Martin/Second-Boblitt: To approve SA-85-88 and Negative Declaration
No. 489 basecl on the findings and subject to all conditions.contained in the
E>tCt:ff Report. AYES: Chai:rmaIl...T~r:t'Y,. Cornrnissioners Boblitt, Hoyer, and
Martin. NOES: Vice-Chair Wendler Comrriissioners Agee-and Getz.
Exxon U.S.A.
Negative Declaration No. 500
Use Permit to allow complete remodel of an existing gasoline service station
at 2296 Westborough Boulevard in the C-l Neighborhood Commercial Zone District.
(Continued from meeting of May 9, 1985).
June 13, 1985 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present:
Don Meckfessel
50 Alvarado Street
Mill Valley, CA 94941
1tr. Gorny concluded the staff report and suggested additional special condi-
tions regarding on-site vehicular circulation and off-site pedestrian circula-
Special Condition No. 7 would state "The applicant shall provide directional
arrows and pavement markers to designate a uniform flow of traffic on-site.' I
The suggested condition regarding off-site pedestrian circulation near the
Gellert Boulevard entrance to the adjacent shopping center was held in
abeyance for a future case.
Vice-Chair Wendler expressed concern about intensification of this use since
another pump island and another bay would be added.
Commissioner Martin expressed concern about West borough Boulevard traffic and
the driveway locations. Commissioner C~tz shared this concern.
Chairman Terry discussed excessive signage and distributed photographs of the
site. Window signs were discussed and were specifically prohibited.
Special Condition No. 3 was amended to include a specific reference to window
"3. The monument sign, full- and self-service signs on the columns
supporting the canopy, and Exxon identification signs on the
canopy are the only signs permitted. Window signs are pro-
June 13, 1985
hibited. Any other signage requires approval of a comprehensive
sign program by the Planning Commission. This condition shall
be strictly adhered to by the applicant."
Motion-Getz/Second-Hoyer: To approve UP-85-722 and Negative Declaration No.
500 subject to the Special Conditions and including additional Condition No.
7 . Unanimously approved.
Russell Pape, Agent
Tentative Parcel Map to extend the present property lines of five (5) contig-
uous parcels to include adjoining state highway surplus lands along the east-
erly side of EI Camino Real, midway between Westborough Boulevard and Hickey
Boulevard in the C-O Commercial Office Zone District.
(Continued from the meeting of April 25, 1985).
June 13, 1985 Staff Report presented.
Motion-Hoyer/Second-Wendler: To approve to give the extension for a 90-day
continuance. Unanimously approved.
Pacific International Business Center (Koll Company, Owner)
UP-85-717/Mod 1
Amended Negative Declaration No. 491
Use Permit to erect a promotional leasing sign on the southwesterly corner of
Sierra Point, easterly of and adjacent to Highway 101 in the M-2 Industrial
Zone District.
(Continued from the meeting of April 25, 1985).
June 13, 1985 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present:
Nancy Kelly
2520 Carlmont #4
Belmont, CA 94002
Nancy Kelly stated that they are striving to bring businesses to the Area.
The height of the sign was reduced from the original 55' to 50'. Pacific
International Business Center would prefer exterior illumination.
Commissioner Getz proposed two additional findings:
5. The Pacific International Business Center is a non-profit organi-
zation whose purpose, in co-operation with the City of South San
Francisco, is to develop a major parcel of land to benefit the
community. The city is an active participant in encouraging this
kind of major development. A temporary sign erected on behalf of
this non-profit organization will obviate the need for signs for
each individual developer, and will advance the goals of PIBC and
the City of South San Francisco.
6. No precedent will be established as a result of this temporary
sign because of the unique nature of PIBC: because such sign is
essential to the goals of PIBC and South San Francisco; because the
area in question is large - some 500 acres; and because the sign
is erected for a specific purpose and is not intended to be perma-.
June 13, 1985
Commissioners Getz, Agee, Hoyer, and Vice-Chair Wendler stated that they
could support the project as proposed with internal illumination.
Chairman Terry stated concern of vagrancy and vandalism. He advised the
Commission on the use of different types of shrubbery and re-enforced his
favor of interior illumination.
Motion-Getz/Second-Wendler: To approve UP-85-717 and Negative Declaration
No. 491 based on the findings and subject to all conditions, including
above amended and added conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unani~
mously approved.
Redevelopment Plan for U.S. Steel Site
Determination of consistency between the Redevelopment Plan for the U.S.
Steel Site and the General Plan of the City of South San Francisco.
June 13, 1985 Staff Report presented.
Chairman Terry expressed concern about the problems with density, and that
the Planning Commission would like to be involved with the elements of the
Shearwater Project.
Mrs. Smith stated that the density cannot be over 30 units per acre with-
out an amendment to the General Plan. A suggested addition to the reso-
lution states the restrictions more clearly.
Chairman Terry asked about the possibility of including another area into
this project area, specifically the transfer station and adjacent structures.
Mrs. Smith stated that it was too late in the redevelopment process to add
additional land to this project but the Project Area could later be amended
to include this.
Commissioner Terry declared the Public Hearing open.
Speaking Against the Project:
Douglas Butler
133 Adrian Street
:Mr. Butler stated that he objects to the Redevelopment Agency handling this
issue since it is the same as the City Council. He felt the City Planning
Commission was and should be really a sounding board for the Public. He
also asked what the role of Planning Commission is in the issue of this
Chairman Terry replied that legally the Commission's role is to determine
whether or not this plan is in conformity with the General Plan.
Mr. Butler expressed concern about the traffic problems and the densities.
The Planning Director stated that the Redevelopment Project facilitates the
financing for some of the mitigation matters, for example the traffic
improvements; the Commission is not approving the Sheanvater Project.
Commissioner Getz stated that by the time Shearwater gets to the Planning
Commission, most of the decisions will have been made.
June 13, 1985
Attorney Robert Rogers elaborated on the Specific Plan procedure and
emphasized the Commission should make its wishes known in adoption of
that plan.
Commissioner Getz supported Chairman Terry's comment to include the island
left out of this project and also to transmit interest to Council in
reviewing this project.
Motion-Martin/Second-Boblitt: Recommend that the Planning Commission
adopt Resolution recommending adoption of the Development Plan for the
City of South San Francisco Site designated U.S. Steel Plant Site Redevelop-
ment. Unanimously approved.
Adjournment: 11:45
ean T. i th , Secretary
lanning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Eugene P. Terry, Chairman
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco