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April 2.5, 1985 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Comnission
}1(E1\ffiEHS PRESRi'1T: Chairman Terry, vice-Chair Wendler, Corrmissioners Agee,
Boblitt, Getz, Hoyer., and Hartin.
Planning ryivision Staff
,Jean T. Smith
~aniel B. Christians
Maureen K. Morton
Deputy City Manager j COS,A
Hark Lewis
Deputy City Manager/CE
Robert Yee
City Attorney
Hobert Rogers
Assistant City Attorney
Hobert Kasper
Police Department
Sgt. Ron Petrocchi
Code EnforceMent Officer
~,~ichael Heloni
Building Division
Ray IJaur
APPROVAL OF HIN1JTES: Hotion-HartinjSecond Wendler: To approve the minutes
of the April 11, 1985 Planning COIIJrY!ission meeting as presented. Approved by
unanimous voice vote with Commissioner Getz abstaining.
Item Numbers 3, 5, and 8 to be withdrawn.
As Item No. 3 had been continued from the April 11, 1985 Planning Commission
meeting it was advised that the item be heard in order to close the public
Bernard P. Hagan, UP-l94jMocl 1
lJse Permit modification to Special Conditions of lW-194 to allow a non-senior
citizen resident manager, and non-senior citizen disabled persons as residents,
to restripe the parking lot, and to amend other existing special conditions, as
necessary, at 416 Alida Way.,
Continued from April 11, 1.985 Planning Commission meeting.
Applicant's Attorney Present:
David Ryers
1301 Shoreway Road, Ste. 201
Belrront, California 94002
Speaking with Concern:
Sol Sher
314 Alida 'INay
Motion-Hoyer jSecond Boblitt: To approve llP-1.94jHod 1. based on thefi ndi nqs and sub-
ject to all conditions contained ih the Staff Report.
April 25, 1985
Unanimously approved by roll call vote with Comnissioner Getz abstaining.
Bernard P. Hagan ,L"P-194
Evidentiary hearing for revocation of Use Permit TJP-194 for on-going viola~
tions of the conditions of approval for a senior citizen retirement center at
314 Alida Way.
Continued from April 11, 1985 Planning Commission meeting.
Chairman Terry declared ..the. revocation proceedini2's teI'IJ1.inated.
See's Candies, Inc., UP-78-473ft~od 1
Use Permit modification to allow construction of a freestandini2' identification
sign and reader board, sixteen (16) feet in height at 210 El Camino Real.
Continued from April 11, 1985 Planning Corrrrlission meeting.
Staff indicated a formal letter of withdrav.ral had been received from the
The Public Hearing was closed.
Motion-Bobli tt /Second Wendler: To approve the withdrawal of IJP-78-4 73 /Hod 1.
Unanimously approved by voice vote with Co~ssioner Getz abstaining.
Pacific International Business Center (Koll Company, Owner), UP-85-717,
Negative Declaration 1'10.491
Use Permit to erect a 24' x 60' double-sided, illuminated non-profit promo-
tional leasing sign on the southwesterly corner of Sierra Point, easterly of
and adjacent to Highway 101.
Staff indicated a new proposal had just been received from the applicants which
they wished to present at this time.
Anplicant's Representative Present:
Nancy Kelly
Pacific International
Business CBnter
400 Oyster Point Blvd, #106
Rich Diodati
PIBC - Chairman
400 Oyster Point Blvd.
Ms. Kelly presented the applicant's new proposal - a two sided monmnent sign,
55 feet high by 16 feet wide. T\vo similar o1)tions were shown, the only
difference being the base of the sign.
Chairman Terry declared a five minute recess for the Commission to review the
April 25, 1985
The Commission requested a condition be added reflecting a set termination
date for this permit. Condition No.4 was added, "4. This permit to expire
April 25, 1993 unless sooner extended."
The Commission discussed the possibility of this sign setting a precedent for
further freeway signs.
Commissioner Agee suggested the height of the base of the sign be reduced by
ten feet.
Motion-Martin/Second Hoyer: To approve lJP-85-717 and Negative Declaration No.
491 based on the findings and subject to all conditions, including the afore-
mentioned added condition, contained in the Staff Report. AYES: Corrmissioners
Hoyer and Martin. NOES: Chairman Terry, Vice-Chair Wendler, Ccmnissioners
Agee, Boblitt, and Getz.
An appeal by Don Cordo (Lou Dell' Angela, Representative) of the Deputy City
Manager for Corrmmity Development and Administration's decision regarding the
sale and installation of four-wheel drive parts and accessories at 531 Airport
Application was withdrawn.
Richard Diodati, UP-84-705/Mod 1, Negative Declaration No. 496
Use Permit modification ~pplication to eliminate concrete batch plant and modify
site plan to include two (2) concrete tilt-up buildings with related parking and
landscaping on property located near the northwesterly corner of South Linden
Avenue and North Canal Street.
April 25, 1985 Staff Report was presented.
Applicant Present:
Richard Diodati
400 Oyster Point Blvd.
Letter of Concern:
Maddalena Zaro
312 Railroad Avenue
Ms. Zaro's letter was read into the record. Her concern was that the tenants
for these buildings should be limited to uses which would be compatible with
the immediate residential area.
Staff indicated that any prospective use which may create a nuisance would
require a Use Permit.
Motion-Hoyer/Second Getz: To approve llP-84-705/Mod 1 and Nega.tive Declaration
No. 496 based on the findings and subject to all conditions contained in the
Staff Report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote.
Nancy Olsen, PM-85-227, Nevative Declaration No. 494
Tentative Parcel ~1ap to divide a 0.35 acre parcel into two (2) parcels of
5766 and 8826 square feet at the northwesterly corner of Alta Vista Drive and
Conrnur Street.
April 25, 1985
April 25, 1985 Staff Report was presented.
Applicant Present:
Nancy Olsen
380 Alta Vista ~ive
Motion-Martin/Second Agee: To approve PM-85-227 and Negative Declaration
No. 494 based on the findings and subject to all conditions contained in the
Staff Report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote.
Russell Pape, Agent, PH-85-228
Tentative Parcel }1ap to extend the present property lines of five (5) contig-
uous parcels to include adjoining state highway surplus lands along the easterly
side of El Camino Real, midway between Westborough Boulevard and Hickey Boulevard.
Staff indicated that a letter requesting the item be continued had heen received
from the applicant.
Motion-Wendler/Second Agee: To continue PM-85-228 to the meeting of June 13,
1985. Unanimously approved by roll call vote.
Pen-Service Corporation (South San Francisco Unified School District, Owner),
UP-85-716, SA-85-88, Negative Declaration No. 489
Tentative Subdivision Hap and Use Permit application to create 54 to\vnhouse lots
and corrmon open space, related parking and landscaping on the westerly side of
Galway Drive.
April 25, 1985 Staff Report was presented.
Applicant's Engineer Present:
Robert Foulk
Brian-Kangas-Foulk Assoc.
595 Price Avenue
Redwood City, CA 94063
Applicant's Contractor Present:
Paul C. Peterson
859 N. San Hateo Drive
San Ha teo, CA 94401
Speaking in Opposition:
Teri O'Brien
2276 Greendale Drive
Albert Waters
2266 Shannon Drive
Speaking with Concern:
Charles Theiss
2601 Donegal
Patti Shelley
2435 Tipperary
Hs. O'Brien was concerned that proposed units 22-30 would block sun and view
of existing units, on Greendale Drive.
April 25, 1985
Mr. Waters, Mr. Theiss and Ms. Shelley expressed their wishes that the land
remain as open space to provide a recrea~ion center for the residents of
Westborough. They are concerned that the West borough area is already too
Commissioner Martin was concerned that all the units were three bedroom
models. Some consideration should be given for smaller more affordable
housing in keeping with the goals of the Housing Blement.
Other concerns voiced by the Commission were that:
- the development should not block the sun and view of existing homes;
- private streets are too narrow, prohibiting on-street parking which
is difficult to regulate and police;
- the developer should consider redesigning a few units for the disabled
and should also consider providing a meeting room; and
- consideration should be given to eliminating one of tbe accessways
Motion-.Terry/Second Martin: To continue llP-85-716, SA-85-88 and Negative
Declaration No. 489 to the meeting of May 23, 1985. Unanimously approved
by voice vote.
Pla nnin gDireGtor~~SmitAinformedtheGommiss i on that the City .Caunc i 1 had acted
o nareque-stfromtheDo\'!r1town Mel"'shants I /\5500i atio nTGr amu raT..... 0 nt~ 2
Metropolitan Hotel.
The Commission discussed \vith the Planning Staff the role of the Design
Review Board and questioned when the vacant position on the board would be
filled. After due consideration it was decided that the position should
remain open until the new Zoning Ordinance is adopted.
Adjorunment: 11:35 P.H.
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/1/.J ean T. .smi th, Secretary
U' Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Eugene p. Terry, Chairman
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco