HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/14/1985 February 14, 1985 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Terry, Vice-Chair Wendler, Corrmissioners Agee, Boblitt, Getz, Hoyer, and Martin ALSO PRESENT: Planning Staff Jean T. Smith Maureen K. Morton Deputy City Manager/CE Robert Yee City Attorney Robert Rogers Police Department Ron Petrocchi Building Division Ray Laur PLEDGE OF AILEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Getz/Second Boblitt: To approve the minutes of the January 24, 1985 meeting as presented. Unanimously approved by voice vote. AGENDA ITEMS (PUBLIC HEARINGS) Bernard P. Hagan, Dolores Hagan and Hagan Family Trust, UP-194 Revocation Evidentiary Hearing on Use Permit UP-194 for a senior citizen retire- ment center at 416 Alida Way in the R-3 Restricted Multiple Family Residential Zone District. City Attorney Rogers advised the Corrmission that this case had been previously scheduled for revocation and that, as a result, his office and Mr. Hagan had reached an agreement. He indicated that certain terms of the agreement had not been met and that tonight's hearing had been scheduled. He further stated that, in the interim, 1tt. Hagan hired a resident manager for the units who is not elderly. He stated that he received a letter from Mr. Hagan indicating that he would file for a Use Permit Modification so as to allow one unit to be occupied by a non-senior manager and that he would comply with and implement the security requirements of the Police Department. This letter requested a one month postponement The City Attorney requested that the Commission open the hearing, hear testimony, and continue this case to the meeting of March 14, 1985. The applicant was not present. No one from the public requested to speak. Motion -Getz/Second Martin: To continue UP-194 to the meeting of March 14, 1985. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Kenny Realty (Joseph T. Leva, Owner), DR-8-84-17l Appeal of Design Review Board and Planning Division's decision to limit the height and style of a proposed sign at an existing real estate office at 100 Arroyo Drive in the C-l, Neighborhood Corrmercial District. - 1416 - February 14, 1985 February 14, 1985 Staff Report presented. Commissioner Agee stepped down. Associate Planner Morton stated that the City Attorney advised that the applicant should have received a ten-day notice of this hearing. The applicant waived his right to a ten-day notice. Applicant Present: Gordon Kenny Kenny Realty 100 Arroyo Drive The applicant advised the Commission that he has a lease agreement with the owner which entitles him to have a freestanding sign. He stated that the real estate office had been in this location since 1956 and that his name had been on the sign since 1967. He stated that the previous sign was 15' high and that he had the sign removed for safety reasons since a portion of the base had rotted. He was not aware that there was a six (6) month time limit to maintain a non-conforming status. He read a letter to the Commission from the owner stating that he was the only tenant entitled to a freestanding sign. He referred to the freestanding sign across the street at Glendale Savings. He also stated that the neighbor- hood was not entirely residential as the nearest residence to his office was a Doctor's office. Commissioner Hoyer stated that monument signs came into being with Industrial Parks and it was his oplnlon that they were not always the answer. He had no objections to a pole sign. Commissioner Martin noted Staff's alternative to place a sign on the face of the building. After discussion, it was the consensus of the other Commissioners to uphold the Design Review Board and Planning Division's finding. 1tt. Kenny stated that the owner did not wish a wall sign as proposed by Staff. Motion-Getz/Second Hoyer: To uphold the Design Review Board and Planning Division's decision and to deny the appeal based on the findings contained in the Staff Report. AYES: Chairman Terry, Vice-Chair Wendler, Commissioners Boblitt, Getz, and Martin. NOES: Commissioner Hoyer. ABSTAINED: Commissioner Agee. Northwest Equity, UP-83-662/Mbd 1 Use Permit modification to allow partial occupancy of a multi-tenant warehouse and office building at 570 Eccles Avenue in the M-2, Heavy Industrial Zone District. February 14, 1985 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Architect Present: George Avanessian 914 Linden Avenue Motion-Martin/Second Wendler: To approve UP-83-662/Mod 1 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Reports UnarrjJnously approved. - 1417 - February 14, 1985 Ron Price, UP-85-7l2 Use Permit to allow construction of a two-story showroom and office addition to an existing automobile sales facility and to modify the existing exterior elevations at 1 Chestnut Avenue in the C-l, Neighborhood COIIIllercial Zone District. February 14, 1985 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Architect Present: George Avanessian 914 Linden Avenue :Mr. Avanessian stated that Special Condition No.6 presented a problem. He stated that approval of the storage lot must go through the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and if, for some reason, the approval was not granted,this condition would preclude occupancy of the proposed addition. He stated that there was no on-site parking problem. Mr. Avanessian also stated that he had no objection to submitting the colors to the Design Review Board but he requested that this not be attached to the issuance of the building permit. Speaking with Concern on the Application: Margaret Warren 790 Stonegate Drive Mrs. Warren stated that the number of signs on the Ron Price window precluded one from seeing inside. There was Commission discussion about the signs, the elevations, and parking. Sgt. Petrocchi expressed concern about the cars on site during the construction and requeste~ a site plan be furnished Staff. After discussion, the Commission requested that the following concerns be met: 1. Parking a. Parking calculations for existing and proposed building and a clear parking plan to meet the Code requirements. b. A proposed parking plan to address Police Department conditions regarding parking and vehicle storage during construction. 2. Address concerns regarding north and east elevations (especially in regard to the view from adj acent apartments). 3. Submit a complete sign program for the site. Indicate that no window signs shall be utilized. 4. Submit floor plan for second story, revised elevations (as per Design Review Board recomnendations), and proposed painting program. Motion-Getz/Second Wendler: To continue UP-85-7l2 to the meeting of March 14, 1985 to meet the concerns expressed by the Corrmission. AYES: Chairman Terry, Vice-Chair Wendler, Corrmissioners Agee , Boblitt, Getz, and Martin. NOES: Commissioner Hoyer. - 1418 - February 14, 1985 Items from Staff Motion-Martin/Second Agee: To adopt resolutions commending former Commissioners Grimes and Mantegani. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Motion-Martin/Second Boblitt: To cancel the Planning Commission meeting of February 28, 1985. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Planning Director Smith advised the Commission that Staff was requesting a joint City Council/Planning Commission meeting on Wednesday, March 20, 1985 for the purpose of discussion of the Zoning Ordinance. Mrs. Smith stated that the Commission would be advised when this date is confirmed. Mrs. Smith called the Commission's attention to the League of California cities orientation beginning on February 28, 1985. She stated that the budget would allow for attendance of five Commissioners and asked Commissioners to notify the Planning Office if they wished to attend. City Attorney Rogers introduced Robert Kasper to the Commission. Mr. Kasper will begin his duties as Assistant City Attorney on March 8, 1985. Adjournment: 9:00 P.M. :,,"N\ /1 j ,) . "'"''''''--'--)/;/ \{j?;...e:c..--.....<j r//~:l.-,..-".,'-d /;/Oean T. Smith, Secretary 1/ Planning Corrmission i/ Ci ty of South San Francisco Eugene P. Terry, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco - 1419 -