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November 8, 1984 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
]\11EJvlBERS PRESENT: V ice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Grimes, Hoyer, and Mart in
:ME1VlBERS ABSENT: Chairman Getz, Commissioner Mantegani
Planning Division
Daniel B. Christians
Philip Gorny
Maureen K. Morton
Deputy City Manager/CD&A
Mark Lewis
Deputy City Manager/CE
Robert Yee
Police Department
Ron Petrocchi
Building Division
Ray Laur
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Grimes/Second Terry: To approve the minutes of
the October 11, 1984 meeting as presented. Unanimou9ly approved by voice
vote with Commissioners Hoyer and Martin abstaining.l
Vice-Chairman Terry welcomed a High School class from EI Camino High School.
A Planning Commission Resolution commending Louis Dell 'Angela for his contribution
as Director of Community Development from 1979 to 1984 was presented. Mr.
Dell'Angela expressed appreciation.
Bernard P. Hagan, Dolores Hagan and Hagan Family Trust, UP-194 (PUBLIC HEARING)
Evidentiary hearing for revocation of Use Permit UP-194 for on-going violations
of conditions of approval for a senior citizen retirement center at 416 Alida
Way in the R-3 Restricted Multiple Family Residential Zone District.
Acting Planning Director Christians advised the Commission that an agreement had
been reached between the City and the applicant. He requested that the Commission
continue this case off-calendar.
Vice-Chairman Terry read into the record a petition from the tenants at 416
Alida Way.
Motion-Grimes/Second Hoyer: To continue UP-194 off calendar. Unanimously
approved by voice vote.
The Good Guys (Ares Commercial Property, Owner), UP-83-672 (PUBLIC HEARING)
Evidentiary hearing for revocation of Use Permit UP-83-672 for lack of compliance
with the Special Conditions of approval for a warehouse, offices, and restricted
retail sales at 370 Shaw Road in the M-2 Industrial Zone Distri0t. (Continued
from the October 11, 1984 Meeting).
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November 8, 1984
Senior Planner Gorny advised the Corrmission that George Avanessian, Architect,
had submitted a new design for this project. Mr. Gorny requested that the
Corrmission terminate the revocation proceedings and set December 13, 1984 for
a Use Permit modification hearing. Mr. Gorny further requested that the Commission
recommend to the applicant's attorney that a 60 day time limit be established
for completion of this project from the December 13, 1984 hearing date. It
was the consensus of the Corrmission that this 60 day time limit be imposed
with Vice-Chairman Terry noting that it would actually be a 90 day time limit
from the date of tonight's meeting.
Motion-Martin/Second Grimes: To terminate revocation prceedings for UP-83-672.
Unanimously approved by voice vote.
Mtoion-Martin/Second Grmes: To set December 13, 1984 as a public hearing date
for a modification of UP-83-672. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
City of South San Francisco, GP-84-27, Negative Declaration No. 471 (PUBLIC HEARING)
General Plan Amendment for alternate residential land use designations in the
area generally bounded by Orange, Grand, and Spruce Avenues, and Tamarack Lane
in the R-2 Duplex, and R-3 Restricted Multiple Family Residential Zone Districts.
November 8, 1984 Staff Report presented.
A letter of November 1, 1984 from John Penna was entered into the record.
Speaking with concern on the application:
John Rolih
1700 Hunt Drive
Mr. Rolih stated that he and his three brothers had inherited a parcel at 544
Grand Avenue and that he wished the maxirrum benefit from this property, a
multiple-family use. Because of the existing high density units on Grand
Avenue, he would like to see the multiple-family uses continued in that area.
He stated that this parcel is within walking distance of the downtown and with
the development of the Gateway project there will be a greater population in
South San Francisco. It was his feeling that this property is a good place for
apartments and would conform to what is already there. He requested that the
Planning Commission and City Council designate this area a multiple-family
dwelling zone.
Mary Anderson
669 Miller Avenue
Ms. Anderson did not want the density changed. She wished to have the opportunity
to build on this lot.
Robert Gomez
626 Miller Avenue
Mr. Gomez stated that he wished the zoning left as is on Miller Avenue with one
side ~2 and one side R-3. He stated that he did not want office buildings on
this block. Acting Planning Director Christians advised the Commission that the
General Plan and Zoning Ordinance can allow small offices in an R-3 Zone District
on appropriate sites with approval of a Use Permit.
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November 8, 1984
Andrew Rodondi
623 Miller Avenue
Mr. Rodondi stated that,at the present time,he has a single family dwelling on
an R-3 lot and wishes to have the General Plan designation as low density.
Elizabeth Ervin
516 Miller Avenue
Ms. Ervin requested that the area be left low density, stating that she and her
family have resided in this location for 60 years, and that other areas in town
could be used for duplexes and apartrrents rather than destroying this area which
has been here for a long time.
There was Commission and Staff discussion regarding the Historical Preservation
Ordinance. Acting Planning Director Christians advised the Commission that the
Ordinance governing historical residences had not yet been adopted but that such
an Ordinance would require any residences deterrrdned to be historical to come before
an Historical Preservation Board for approval of any alterations to a home.
Commissioner Martin stated that it was interesting that these comments against
multiple-family units in this area were not heard in General Plan discussions.
He indicated that the new General Plan indicates that high density residential,
multiple-family buildings, rental units and small office buildings are permitted
in this area. He stated that we have an adopted General Plan which was discussed
for the last two years and that the General Plan hearings were well advertized.
He referred to the letter from Mr. Penna indicating that property was purchased
to develop and changing the designation would close the door to such development.
Commissioner Martin indicated that this was a difficult position since the fact
is that build-out is already there. The first two alternatives in the Staff
Report are for low density and the area is already built-out. He indicated that
high density could be maintained according to the General Plan or that as a
compromise medium density could be considered with historical preservation.
Commissioner Hoyer agreed with Commissioner Martin. He stated that there are
already so many multiple units in the area that we can't go backwards. He
spoke about the housing shortage in South San Francisco and indicated that there
would be a further shortage when the east side of the freeway was fully developed
with a greater housing demand. He stated that Grand Avenue is an ideal location
for multiple-family units since it is close to the downtown core. He also indicated
that historical dwellings should be preserved.
Commissioner Grimes agreed with Commissioners Martin and Hoyer. He indicated
that many problems would be generated by rezoning this area to R-l.
Vice-Chairman Terry indicated that he was in agreement with the other Commissioners.
He stated that single-family homes could be accommodated by the Historical
Preservation Ordinance. He favored Alternative "D" with the north side of Miller
low density and the south side of Miller and Grand high density. He felt that
this could preserve the nature of the neighborhood. He asked if residents on
Palm Avenue had been notified of this proposed Amendment. He was advised that they
were not. He stated that these residents would likely be opposed~ to high structures
which would destroy views from their homes.
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November 8, 1984
Commissioner Martin stated that it is currently difficult and expensive to purchase
single-family dwellings. He stated that when people made a commitment 10 or 20
years ago to buy homes they shouldn't be penalized after the fact because of a
build-out east of Bayshore. He stated that we are talking about potentially
needing units for new employess in our City, working in the newly developed areas.
Commissioner Martin stated that according to the Housing Element of the General
Plan, we have a responsibility to provide housing but we don't have the respon-
sibility of providing housing to the detriment of people that have invested IlDney
20 or 30 years ago. He stated that he would take a position to request Staff
to propose Alternate"B" - medium density. He felt that this would bridge the
gap between low density and what we now have in the General Plan. It would be
a fair compromise as it would allow 15 units to the acre, allow people that
had purchased property for investments to do so, meet the needs of single-families
and wouldn't add too rmch of a traffic burden on Grand Avenue. He indicated
that this would still meet the goals of the Housing Element. He requested that
Staff present Alternate "B" for Commission consideration.
Acting Planning Director Christians indicated that Staff would return to the
Commission with two alternatives at the December 13, 1984 hearing.
Motion-Martin/Second Hoyer: To continue GP-84-27 and Negative Declaration No.
471 to the meeting of December 13, 1984. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
Guy F. Atkinson Co., PM-84-220, Negative Declaration No. 458 (PUBLIC HEARING)
Tentative Parcel Map to create four (4) parcels of 4.07 acres, 3.26 acres, 3.22
acres and 8.41 acres from an existing 19 acre parcel bounded by West Orange
Avenue, Railroad Avenue, Unimproved Magnolia Avenue, and Unimproved North Canal
Street in the ~1 Industrial Zone District. (Continued from the October 11,
1984 Meet ing) .
November 8, 1984 Staff Report presented.
Applicant's Representative Present:
Jim San Sebastian
Property Manager
Guy F. Atkinson Co.
Mr. San Sebastian stated that he generally found the conditions of approval
satisfactory and requested Commission approval of the Parcel Map application.
He stated that he wished to reserve the right to return to the Commission for an
amendment to the City Engineer's condition regarding the method of calculation of
costs for signals. He stated that he did not agree with this.
Mr. Yee advised the Commission that they could approve the map and, if the
applicant does not agree with a condition of approval, the procedure is to appeal
this to the City Council. 1tr. Yee stated that he wished all conditions clearly
understood by the applicant and the Planning Commission and, that while the City
Attorney was not present, it was his opinion that in no case can the Parcel Map
be approved and the applicant return later to oppose a condition. Acting
Planning Director Christians concurred with Mr. Yee's statement.
Motion-Grimes/Second Martin: To approve PM-84-220 and Negative Declaration No.
458 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff
Report. Unanimously approved.
November 8, 1984
Sierra Point Development (Koll Co., Owner), UP-82-634 (PUBLIC HEARING)
Request for extension of time for Use Permit to construct two 13-story office
buildings with related parking and landscaping located at Sierra Point, east of
Highway 101, south of the northern City limit line in the M-2 Industrial Zone
November 8, 1984 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present:
Tom Kastin, Officer
Koll Company
1000 Marina Blvd.
Motion-Hoyer /Second Grimes: To grant a one-year time extension for Use Permit
UP-82-634 to December 16, 1985. Unanimously approved.
Devon R. Merritt (Kenwood Co., Owner), UP-84-702 (PUBLIC HEAR.ING)
Use Permit to establish a printing and graphics shop at 144 Brentwood Drive in
the C-l Neighborhood Commercial Zone District.
November 8, 1984 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present:
Devon Merritt
3081 Medina Drive
San Bruno
The Commission expressed concern about emergencies which would require late night
printing. Ms. Merritt stated that there were no more than four (4) off-set
machines and duplicating machines. She indicated that the noise could not be
heard in the street. The Corrrnission requested that she assure that there would
be no late night noise as this site had residences within 300 feet.
Motion-Martin/Second Hoyer: To approve UP-84-702 based on findings and subject
to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved.
C and H Development, Buyer (City of South San Francisco, Owner, UP-84-703,
Negative Declaration No. 469 (PUBLIC HEARING)
Use Permit to construct a two-story office building and mini-storage warehouses
with resident manager's quarters, related parking and landscaping on the north-
west corner of South Spruce Avenue and North Canal Street in the M-l Industrial
Zone District.
November 8, 1984 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present:
Kent Woodell
C&H Development
Commissioner Martin stated that on a project of this size, the Commission should
see a specific landscape plan.
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November 8, 1984
Vice-Chairman Terry expressed some concern about the turning radius for fire
equipment. Since no representative of the Fire Department was present, Staff
indicated they would call this concern to the attention of the Fire Department.
Associate Planner Morton advised the Commission that, based on Design Review Board
and Staff's concerns, certain revisions had been made to the original submission.
These revisions had been reviewed by the Design Review Board and they requested
some modifications to the west elevations. Special Condition No. 6 was added
to address this concern. Also, Special Condition No. 4 was amended. The amended
and added Special Conditions are as follows:
"4. The proposed sign program and the final building colors shall be reviewed
by the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a Building Permit."
"6. The west elevation of the warehouse building on the west property line
shall include more architectural detail, specifically a score line in
the concrete and colors to reflect the design of the buildings facing
the street.' I
Motion-Grimes/Second Hoyer: To approve UP-84-702 and Negative Declaration No.
469 based on findings and subject to all conditions, including above modified
and added special conditions, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved.
Public Storage, UP-84-701, Negative Declaration No. 468 (PUBLIC HEARING)
Use Permit to demolish existing structures and to construct an office, research
and development facility with related parking and landscaping at 100-110 Produce
Avenue in the M-2 Industrial Zone District.
November 8, 1984 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present:
Dan Brown
Public Storage
Mr. Brown called the Commission's attention to his letter of October 5, 1984,
contained in the Staff Report listing the hardships incurred because of the demolition
of the building on the site. He felt that Public Storage should be relieved of
the responsibility of paying for the widening of Produce Avenue.
1tt. Yee indicated that, if Mr. Brown wished to appeal this condition of approval,
the City Council would make the final determination. Mr. Yee stated that he
would work with the developer on other potential cost savings, indicating that it
was not his intention that the ColmaCreek improvements would cost $IOO,OOO as
indicated by the applicant.
Commissioner Martin stated that he wished to review specific recommendations regarding
landscaping and to have a Planning Commission review of the trees and other
landscaping for this project. Based on Commissioner Martin's concern, Special
Condition No. 2 was ruTIended to read as follows:
"2. The applicant shall submit final landscape and irrigation plans and
maintenance program to the Design Review Board for review wi th final
approval by the Planning Commission."
November,' 8, 1984
Motion-Martin/Second Grimes: To approve UP-84-701 and Negative Declaration No.
468 based on findings and subject to all conditions, including above amended
Special Condition No.2, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved.
Items from Staff
Acting Planning Director Christians indicated that a copy of Interim Ordinance
No. 926-84 had been placed in the Comrrdssioners binders and should remain there
for reference since it is anticipated that several cases will be processed in
connection with this Ordinance.
Items from the Commission
Motion-Grimes/Second Hoyer: To cancel the Planning Commission Meeting of November
22, 1984. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
Motion-Grimes/Second Hoyer: To hold a Special Planning Commission meeting on
November 29, 1984. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
Commissioner Grimes indicated that the Sav-On Parking lot condition was better
but that trucks were still parking there and that the landscaping was not done
in front. He also spoke about the construction work on Huntington Avenue with
the earth moving equipment and asked if a median would be required. 11r. Yee
indicated he would check into this.
Vice-Chairman Terry requested that a change be made in Design Review Board policy
to allow more review by the Planning Commission. Acting Director Christians
stated that a new Zoning and Sign Ordinance is being prepred and that this
type of change could be made in the new Ordinance.
Adjournment: 9:45 P.M.
Eugene P. Terry, Act ing Chairman
Planning Comrrdssion
City of South San Francisco
Daniel B. Christians, Secretary
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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