HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/11/1984 October 11, 1984 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission ME:NlBERS PRESENT: Chairman Getz, Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Grimes and Mantegani 1lli1ffiERS ABSENT: Commissioners Hoyer and Martin AIBO PRESENT: Planning Division DanielB. Christians Philip Gorny Maureen K. Morton Deputy City Manager Mark Lewis Deputy City Manager/CE Robert Yee City Attorney Robert Rogers Police Department Ron Petrocchi Fire Department Dave Parenti Building Division Ray Laur PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Grimes/Second Mantegani: To approve the minutes of the Joint Meeting of the Planning Commission and Design Review Board and the regular meeting of September 27, 1984. Unanimously approved by voice vote with Chairman Getz abstaining from that portion of the meeting during which he was absent. CHAIRMAN COMMENTS Chairman Getz gave a brief report about the Subcommittee Meeting of October 9, 1984 regarding preparation of an Administrative Procedures Manual for the Planning Division. 'Chairman Getz also stated that there was Subcommittee discussion about recommending an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to bring certain residential structure changes before the Commission for approval. This amendment is being considered in order to insure neighborhood continuity. One of the possibilities discussed was to have structure changes of 50% or greater require Commission approval. The Chairman also indicated that there was a discussion of changing Design Review Board policies to allow discretionary review by the Commission of new buildings and apartments. He requested that Comrrdssioners present their ideas, in writing, for any changes they wish to recommend at the November 8, 1984 meeting. Chairman Getz noted that there was a high school class present at this meeting and invited the students to present any questions they may have to Commissioners at the break. - 1383 - October 11, 1984 AGENDA ITEMS The Good Guys (Ares Commercial Property, Owner), UP-83-672 (PUBLIC HEARING) Evidentiary hearing for revocation of Use Permit UP-83-672 for a lack of compliance with the Special Conditions of Approval for a warehouse, offices, and restricted retail sales at 370 Shaw Road in the M-2 Industrial Zone District. Chairman Getz advised that he would be unable to act 'on this item as he is a consumer who recently bought a Stereo at the Good Guys. Since there were only three (3) Commissioners remaining, a quorum was not present. City Attorney Rogers stated tht this item should be continued to the next regular agenda. The applicant's attorney advised that he had no need to say anything at tonight's meeting in view of the recommended continuance. Motion-Terry/Second Grimes: To continue UP-83-672 to the meeting of November 8, 1984. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Guy F. Atkinson Company, PM-84-220, Negative Declaration No. 458 (PUBLIC HEARING) Tentative Parcel Map to create four (4) parcels of 4.07 acres, 3.26 acres, 3.22 acres, and 8.41 acres from an existing 19 acre parcel bounded by Orange Avenue, North Canal Street, Magnolia Avenue, and Railroad Avenue in the M-l Industrial Zone District. (Continued from the 9126/84 Meeting). October 11, 1984 Staff Report presented. Motion-Grimes/Second Terry: To continue PM-84-220 and Negative Declaration No. 458 to the meeting of November 8, 1984. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Since the applicant for Item 3, Manuel Garcia, Jr., was not yet present, Item No. 4 on the Agenda was heard next. Golden Gate Furniture (Brentwood Holding Co., Owner), UP-84-699, Negative Declaration No. 466, (PUBLIC HEARING) Use Permit application to establish a furniture store at the former Brentwood Market at 249 Kenwood Way in the C-l Neighborhood Commercial Zone District. October 11, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Attorney Present: Daniel J. Modena 421 Grand Avenue Mr. Modena stated that he represented both the applicant and the Brentwood Holding Company. Mr. Modena distributed revised Special Conditions prepared by his office for Commission consideration. The following revised Special Conditions were addressed: - 1384 - October 11, 1984 2. Mr. Modena stated that the applicant did not plan to have exterior trash receptacles so requested that the condition be amended to indicate that such receptacles would be screened in the event the applicant has them. 3. Mr. Modena requested that the reference to pick up an delivery vehicles using the parking lot at the rear of the business be deleted. He advised that the applicant would use the side door to load and unload. He further advised the Commission that the parking lot to the rear of the building was not owned by this property owner. He indicated that small trucks (about 14') would be used to deliver furniture and that these trucks would drive into the building. There was discussion about the hours of deliveries, trucks blocking traffic, and the issue of motor~vehicles entering the building. Deputy Fire Marshall Parenti advised that the building was sprinklered and that the Fire Department foresaw no problems with the trucks entering the building. He stated that the packaging of trash inside the building would require that the trash be emptied two (2) or three (3) times a week. He stated that the Fire Department would check to assure that this was being done. Sgt Petrocchi advised the Commission that the use of 14' trucks would resolve many of the problems. He indicated that pick-ups and deliveries should not conflict with peak hour traffic. Mr. Modena stated that this Company has a warehouse in San Francisco and major deliveries would be made from the warehouse. Vice-Chairman Terry called the applicant's attention to Special Condition No. 6 which prohibits window signs. He advised the applicant that this prohibits the use of special sales signs. After discussion, Special Conditions No. 2 and 3 were amended as follows: "2. In the event the applicant has exterior trash receptacles, then said trash receptacles are to be screened from the public view." "3. The applicant shall insure that furniture deliveries and customer pick ups are made without blocking traffic on Hazelwood Drive or impeding pedestrian traffic on the adjacent sidewalk. Deliveries should be scheduled at times which conflict the least with peak hour traffic and adjacent business uses, and shall take place within the confines of the building." Motion-Grimes/Second Mantegani: To approve UP-84-699 and Negative Declaration No. 466 based on findings and subject to all conditions, including the above- amended special conditions, contined in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. NIanuel Garcia, Jr., PC-Mod-84-5 (PUBLIC HEARING) Planned Community Modification for an addition between the townhouse and garage at 3630 Baldwin Hills Court in the PC Planned Community Zone Distirct. October 11, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Manuel Garica 3630 Baldwin Hills Court - 1385 - October 11, 1984 Mr. Garcia stated that he was in disagreement with Staff's recommendation that the deck requested as a part of this application not be approved. He stated that he was willing to follow the Design Review Board recommendations to screen this deck. He also stated that the deck was not on the property line as indicated by Staff. After Commission discussion, it was the concensus that the request for the deck not be approved as it would set a precedent in the neighborhood and would not be consistent with the character and design of the Westborough Planned Community. Motion-Grimes/Second Terry: To approve PC-Mod-84-5 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Renan Dominguez, SA-83-82, BPD-79-6, EIR (PUBLIC HEARING) Modification of environmental mitigation measures and conditions of approval for a 17 lot residential subdivision and residential planned development known as VieWIIlOnt Terrace #5 located southeast of Stonegate Drive. October 11, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Renan Dominguez 306 P~ilroad Avenue In response to a Commission questIon Mr. Yee stated he had reviewed the proposal and found no problem with the requested rrodification. The issue of grading arose. Condition No. 6.h., was changed to read as follows: "6.h. All future grading and retaining wall construction will take place at one time." Motion-Grimes/Second Mantegani: To approve modification of environmental mitigation measures and conditions of approval for SA-83-82 and RPD-79-6, to change Special Condition No. 2 (Exhibit "A" of the Staff Report) with the with the above stated modification. Unanimously approved. Items from Staff Resolution, Louis Dell'Angela Motion-Mantegani/Second Grimes: To adopt a Resolution commending Louis Dell'Angela for his contributions as the Director of Community Development. Unanimously approved by voice vote. UP-194 , Bernard Hagan Motion-ManteganilSecond Terry: To set November 8, 1984 as an evidentiary hearing for consideration of revocation of Use Permit UP-194. Unanimously approved by voice vote. General Plan Anmendment - Orange, Grand, and Spruce Avenues and Tamarack Lane ~1otion-Mantegani/Second Grimes: To set November 8, 1984 as a hearing date for a General Plan Amendment for alternative residential land use designations in the above area. Unanimously approved by voice vote. - 1386 - October 11, 1984 Items from the Commission Motion-Grimes/Second Mantegani: To cancel the Planning Commission Meeting of October 25, 1984. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Commissioner Grimes thanked Associate Planner Morton for her efforts to improve the condition at the Sav-On parking lot. Vice-Chairman Terry indicated that there are about 30-40 large vans parked on the south border of the City entranceway at Noor Avenue. Sgt. Petrocchi stated that the situation should be resolved shortly as one of the conditions of approval for the Syuffy Theatre use was to install 'INo Parking'l signs on Noor Avenue. Commissioner Grimes stated that he observed that the trucks which had been parked towards the rear of the Sav-On parking lot are now parked on the front of the lot near EI Camino Real. Adjournment: 8:45 P.M. . , Charles W. Getz, IV, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Daniel B. Christians, Acting Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco - 1387 -