HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/27/1984 September 27, 1984 Joint Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission and the Design Review Board MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Grimes, Hoyer, Mantegani, and Martin* Doris Agee, Louis Fornaciari, Wayne Gehrke, Peter Kostrikin, George Sinclair ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell'Angela Maureen K. Morton Parks & Recreation Department Lyle Norton *Commissioner Martin arrived at 7:05 P.M. Mr. Gehrke indicated that the Design Review Board was aware of City Council and Planning Commission concerns about entrance areas to the City. The Design Review Board was particularly concerned about the properties at the corner of Produce and San Mateo Avenues. Mr. Gehrke indicated that the Design Review Board wanted a better understanding of the City Council and Planning Commission objectives in this area. Maureen Morton stated that Councilwoman Teglia had planned to attend this meeting. Another commitment prevented her attendance. She did ask that Ms. Morton distribute copies of the City Council Goals to the Planning Commission and Design Review Board and explain briefly what had transpired regarding item IV D. Lyle Norton, Director of Parks & Recreation, described plans for the beautification of Airport Boulevard. Planning Commission members advised Mr. Norton that they preferred more of a diversity of plant types. Design Review Board members Fornaciari and Kostrikin both indicated that maintenance of landscaping should be included as a condition of approval for large developments. They indicated that on large developments a 2-3 year maintenance clause should be considered. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that, because of the limited number of developable sites left in this City, quality development should be demanded. They stated that comtemporary building designs were desired. Mr. Sinclair requested that the Planning Commission seek Design Review Board input on sensitive projects. The Design Review Board members expressed a desire to have further meetings with the Planning Commission. The Commission indicated that an attempt would be made to schedule another meeting in the future. Adjournment: 7:30 P.M. - 1376 - Eugene P. Terry, Acting Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco September 27, 1984 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission lVmMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Getz*, V ice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Grimes, Hoyer, Mantegani, and Martin *Chairman Getz arrived at 9:30 P.M. and was seated beginning with Agenda Item No.3, PM-84-222. Vice-Chairman Terry chaired the meeting until that time. ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell'Angela Philip Gorny Maureen K. Morton Assistant to the City Manager Mark Lewis City Attorney Robert Rogers Police Department Ron Petrocchi Fire Department Dave Parenti Director of Public Services Robert Yee Building Division Ray Laur PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mot ion-Grimes /Second Mantegani: To approve the minutes of the meet ings of August 9, 1984 and September 6, 1984 as presented. Unanimously approved by voice vote. AGENDA CHANGE Item No.4 on the Agenda (Macy's, UP-78-432) was moved to Agenda Item lA. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS In response to a previous Commission inquiry, Sgt Ron Petrocchi gave a brief report on the status of recreational vehicles in residential neighborhoods. He advised the Commission that there was no arbitrary enforcement on boats or trailers. He stated that the Municipal Code required updating on this issue and the current Code could not be enforced~ He noted that the Police Department responds to complaints only and added that since the new General Plan contains a policy statement on these vehicles, the Police Department is in the process of proposing changes to the Municipal Code. He indicated that a problem area was defining these vehicles. AGENDA ITEMS Russell Pape, PM-84-219 (PUBLIC HEARING) Tentative Parcel Map for a resubdivision of five existing parcels and a portion of the adjoining State of California Highway right-of-way along the easterly side of El Camino Real midway between Westborough Boulevard and Hickey Boulevard, between the Cavalier Motel and the Lands of McLellan. - 1377 - September 27, 1984 September 27, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Louis Arata, CE 1 La Cruz Millbrae Mr. Arata asked if the applicant could resubmit the parcel map if the Commission denied this application without prejudice. Senior Planner Gorny replied in the affirmative indicating that the applicant would be required to pay fees for a new application. Motion-Grimes/Second Mantegani: To deny without prejudice Parcel Map PM-84-219 based on findings contained in the Staff Report. AYES: Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Grimes, Hoyer, Mantegani, and Martin. ABSENT: Chairman Getz. Macy's California, UP-78-432 Modification (PUBLIC HEARING) Deletion of requirement to hold "Quarterly Retail Sales" in accordance with Special Condition No. 3 of Use Permit UP-78-432 for the Macy's Distribution Center at 1556 EI Camino Real. September 27, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative Present: O.W. Willard Senior Vice President Macy's California Commissioner Grimes noted that trucks and trailers were, on occasion, parked in the auto parking area of the Macy's parking lot. ~~r. Willard stated he would look into this matter. Sgt Petrocchi requested that Condition 5 of the Police Department Memorandum of June 13, 1984 be deleted. It was deleted by the Commission. Motion-Mantegani/Second Martin: To accept the applicant's withdrawal of their request to delete Condition No. 3 of UP-78-432 based on information contained in the Staff Report. AYES: Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Grimes, Hoyer, Mantegani, and Martin. ABSENT: Chairman Getz. Guy F. Atkinson Co., PM-84-220, Negative Declaration No. 458 (PUBLIC HEARING) Tentative Parcel Map to allow the creation of four (4) parcels from two (2) existing parcels bounded by West Orange Avenue, Railroad Avenue, Unimproved Magnolia Avenue, and Unimproved North Canal Street. September 27, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Jim San Sebastian Property Manager Guy F. Atkinson Co. Applicant's Traffic Engineer Present: Tony Schwinn Director of Transportation Brian-Kangus-Foulk Assoc. - 1378 - September 27, 1984 Speaking with Concern on the Application: Cheryl Rodriquez Senior Land Agent Southern Pacific Railroad Co. Balbir Singh 601 First Lane Ted Schiebold 627 First Lane Sprincy F. Lemos Owner, 605 First Lane Speaking in Favor of the Application Dave Outman 8 Magnolia Avenue Ms. Rodriquez noted that the letter of notification sent by Staff to Southern Pacific on July 30, 1984 had not been fo.rwarded to her office. She indicated that it appeared that Southern Pacific Railroad Company would have no objection to this Parcel Map. She requested that they be given an opportunity to review the final Parcel Map before it was approved and recorded. Director of Corrmunity Development Dell'Angela indicated that an additional Special Condition could be added requiring that the Final Parcel Map not be approved by the City Engineer until an agreement betweeen Southern Pacific Railroad Co. and Guy F. Atkinson had been reached. Mr. Outman stated that he attended a September 21, 1984 meeting held by Guy F. Atkinson, Co. and now supported this project. The other neighbors expressed concerns about traffic especially on Magnolia and Railroad Avenues. They were opposed to truck traffic on residential streets. Mr. Schiebold expressed a concern about the hours of operation of future tenants of this project in view of the proximity of residences. JVlr. Yee advised the Commission that he met with representatives of Southern Pacific on September 26, 1984 regarding the Magnolia Avenue right-of-way. He stated that ingress/egress over part of the Southern Pacific right-of-way railroad tracks cOllld occur if Guy F. Atkinson Co was no longer using the tracks. He expressed concern about the tracks located outside of the parcels which needed to be removed if Magnolia Avenue improvements are to occur. Mr. San Sebastian stated that the City Council had instructed Staff to move ahead with the abandonment of Magnolia Avenue as a public street and that the Southern Pacific Railroad representative indicated that they were willing to lease this strip to the Atkinson Company or to the City. City Attorney Rogers proposed an additional Special Condition to address this issue. Mr. Yee stated that he had not submitted a written report to the Commission since he still had major concerns about the Traffic Report. He stated that the Traffic Report did not adequately address his concerns, as well as the concerns of residents in the area. He recommended a continuance of this case and indicated that the Police Department was also in favor of continuing the project until all traffic concerns were resolved. - 1379 - September 27, 1984 Sgt Petrocchi stated that the Police Department had a concern with immediate off-site traffic mitigation measures. He further stated that the information used in the Traffic Report was taken from some remote areas and that there were insufficient traffic counts. He also questioned the trip counting procedure used and stated that the narrative analysis and mitigation measures did not address what the Police Department views as potential problems. ~tt. San Sebastian stated that he was distressed by the recommendation for a continuance. He stated that Mr. Schwinn would respond to Commission questions. Mr. San Sebastian also stated that he was first advised that two traffic signals may be required on September 24, 1984. Mr. Schwinn discussed the Traffic Report. Corrrrdssioner Martin stated that the issues raised at this meeting should be resolved with Staff. He stated that a complete report with written recommendations from all Departments should be presented to the Commission to allow them to reach a decision. He requested that the applicant resolve the Southern Pacific issues as well as issues raised by the Director of Public Services and the Police Department. He expressed concern about noise abatement and hours of operation for proposed uses on this site. Director of Community Development Dell'Angela advised that in light of the recent concerns expressed,this case be continued to the meeting of October II, 1984 or November 8, 1984 to allow Staff to resolve the issues raised. Mr. San Sebastian stated that, while he was not in agreement with a continuance, he had no choice but to have the-matter continued. He requested assistance from Staff in order to come to a resolution of issues raised. Motion-Martin/Second Mantegani: To continue PM-84-220 and Negative Declaration No.. 458 to the meeting of October II, 1984. AYES: Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Grimes, Hoyer, Mantegani, and Martin. ABSENT: Chairman Getz. City of South San Francisco, PM-84-222, Negative Declaration No. 465 (PUBLIC HEARING) Tentative Parcel Map to create two (2) parcels of 5.41 and 3.09 acres from an existing 8.50 acre parcel located on the northerly side of North Canal Street betweeen South Spruce Avenue and unimproved Magnolia Avenue. September 27, 1984 Staff Report presented. Motion-Martin/Second Grimes: To approve PM-84~222 and Negative Declaration No. 465 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved by voice vote. South San Francisco Unified School District and All Saints Parish of the Eastern Catholic Archdiocese, UP-84-696 (PUBLIC HEARING) Use Permit to establish a Church at 753 Del Monte Avenue eEl Rancho School) in the R-I Single Family Zone District. September 27, 1984 Staff Report presented. - 1380 - September 27, 1984 Applicant Present: Bishop Mar Mikhael 3741 Madera Way San Bruno Bishop Mikhael spoke about the conditions required by the Building Division (Exhibit 'IB" of the Staff Report) . With regard to Condition 1, Bishop Mikhael stated that the only sign would be lettering on the School. He stated that while he agreed with Conditions 2 through 4, he could not make changes in the School without the permission of the Unified School District. Ray Laur of the Building Division stated that Condition No.3 of his report should be deleted. He added that he would contact the School District on behalf of the applicant about the other conditions imposed by the Building Division. Motion-Grimes/Second Mantegani: To approve UP-84-696 based on findings and subject to all conditions, except far Condition No. 3 of the Building Division report, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Ching Tsun Chiang (J. DeNola, Owner), UP-84-697, Negative Declaration No. 463 (PUBLIC HEARING) Use Permit for the cultivation and production of mushrooms at 539-541 Railroad Avenue in the M-l, Industrial Zone District. September 27, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Terry Lim 100 North Hill Drive Brisbane In response to a question by Commissioner Grimes, the applicant's representative indicated that there would be 2 - 3 employees associated with the business. Commissioner Hoyer questioned the Fire Department's Condition B, which stated that the entire area shall be provided with automatic fire sprinkler protection. Deputy Fire Marshall Parenti stated he would request clarification of this condition. Director of Community Development Dell'Angela asked the applicant's representative if the property owner was aware and accepted all of the requirements of the Special Conditions to improve the property. The applicant's representative repliegin the affirmative, stating that the owner had agreed to make the required ~provements. Motion-Mantegani/Second Terry: To approve UP-84-697 and Negative Declaration No. 463 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved by voice vote. David S. Wilcox (Antonio Cuneo, Owner), UP-84-698, Negative Declaration No. 464 (PUBLIC HEARING) Use Permit to amend Use Permit UP-78-461 to allow a Domino's Pizza store with delivery service at 1317 Mission Road. September 27, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: David Wilcox 220 Lake Merced Daly City 1381 - September 27, 1984 The applicant explained the project to the Corrmission. He indicated that he had attempted to find sites on El Camino Real and in other shopping centers but that no such sites were available. He pointed out a discrepancy between the Negative Declaration and the Staff Report. Director of Community Development Dell'Angela stated that the Negative Declaration was in error and recorrmended that the first two sentences of the Negative Declaration be deleted. The applicant stated that he was willing to make improvements to the property and requested that the Corrmission consider granting a 5 year Use Permit. It was the consensus of the Commission that this use was not appropriate for this site. The Corrmission also noted that the General Plan designation for this site is Planned Commercial. They suggested that the applicant attempt to locate a site within an appropriate zone district. Motion-Grimes/Second Martin: To deny UP-84-698 and Negative Declaration No. 464 based on findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Items from the Commission Chairman Getz requested that Corrmissioners not direct Staff members to investigate matters for them. He recorrmended that the members go through the Chairman who would request the Director of Community Development to investigate problems. Chairman Getz set Tuesday, October 9, 1984 at 7:00 P.11. for a subcommittee meeting to discuss development procedures. The meeting will be held in the City Attorney's Conference Room, 315 ~1aple Avenue. The City Attorney will also attend this meeting. Vice-Chairman Terry stated that he was disappointed by Staff's findings concerning paved front yards in residential areas. Mr. Dell'Angela stated that Staff would investigate the need to propose an Ordinance to address this concern. Items from Staff Mr. Dell'Angela called the Corrmission's attention to a letter from Fire Chief Drago advising them of this retirement and thanking them for their support. Mr. Dell'Angela stated that this would be his last Commission meeting. He thanked the Corrmissioners for the cooperative and professional relationship which was present between the Commission and Staff for the past 5 years. He noted that many positive things had been accomplished in the City during the past 5 years. He said he was proud of the strong positions taken by the Commission on the many difficult cases which they considered in the past. He advised the Corrmission that a new Planning Director would be hired and noted that Mark Lewis would be coordinating Community Development activities in the future. Chairman Getz commended Mr. Dell'Angela for the excellent job he had done for the Corrmission and the City. Adjournment: 11:00 P.M. Charles W. Getz IV, Chairman Planning Corrmission City of South San Francisco Louis Dell'Angela, Secr~Lary- Planning Commission City of South San Francisco