HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/06/1984 September 6, 1984 E)pecial Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission MEf\ffiERS PRESENT: Chairman Getz*, Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Grimes, Hoyer, Mantegani, and Martin *Chairman Getz arrived at 8: 20 P. M. and was seated beginning with Agenda I tErn No. 4, GP-84-26. Vice-Chairman Terry chaired the meeting until that time. ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell'Angela Daniel B. Christians Maureen K. Morton City Attorney Robert Rogers Assistant to the City Manager Mark Lewis Police Department Russ Moss Director of Public Services Robert Yee Building Division Jake ,Wittwer PLEIXIE OF AlLEGIANCE AGENDA CHANGES The applicant for Item 3, Syufy Enterprises, requested that Item 3, PM-84-221, be heard first due to airline scheduling problems with the Pay 'NPak representative. AGENDA ITEMS Comnissioner Hoyer stepped down for the next item. Syufy Enterprises (Golden Gateway Management and Development Corp), PM-84-22l (PUBLIC HEARING) Tentative Parcel Map to adjust the lot lines of eight (8) existing parcels to create five (5) parcels of 27,492 square feet; 24,995.5 square feet; 143,021.5 square feet, 150,128 square feet; and 81,128 square feet on the westerly side of Huntington Avenue and along the northerly side of Noor Avenue toEl Camino Real. September 6, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Jack Haig Syufy Enterprises 150 Golden Gate Avenue San Francisco Applicant's Engineer Present: Vince De Rios PRC Engineering - 1370 - September 6, 1984 There was Commission discussion regarding Parcel "A". Certain of the Commissioners thought that Parcel "A" was shown as a parking lot on the previously approved Use Permit application. Director Dell' Angela stated that it was not so shown and that Parcel "A" was a separate developable parcel and not related to the Use Permit. Motion -Grimes /Second Mantegani: To approve PM-84-22l based on findings and subj ect to all conditions contained in the Staff Report.. AYES: Vice-Chairman Terry , Carmissioners Grimes, Mantegani, and Martin. ABSTAINED: Conmissioner Hoyer. ABSENT: Chairman Getz. Fiji Jamaat, UP-81-590jMod 2 (PUBLIC HEARING) Use Permit Modification regarding canpliance with the revised conditions of approval and a request for revised hours of operation for a Mosque with resident caretaker's quarters and related parking, lighting, and landscaping at 373 Alta Vista Drive in the R-I Single-Family Zone District. September 6, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Asman Khan 373 Alta Vista Drive $peaking with Concern on the Application: Joy Ann Wendler, President Avalon/Brentwood Homeowners Association 321 Granada Dr. Mr. Khan stated that he had meetings and reached an understanding with the surrounding residents. Mrs. Wendler advised the Carmission that the new leadership of this Church had corrected deficiencies associated with the project and had improved neighborhood relations. She advised the Commission that she agreed with the Staff Report and requested that the Commission monitor this permit annually with regard to the extended hours of operation for one religious holiday month of each year. Vice-Chairman Terry commended the applicant, indicating that this was a good example of an applicant dealing with community concerns. Motion-Hoyer/Second Martin: To approve the applicants' request to modify the hours of operation from IO:OO P.M. to 11:OO P.M. from May 26, 1985 to June 24, 1985. The applicant would be required to request the additional hour of operation each year thereafter, subj ect to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Motion-Hoyer jSecond Martin: To determine that the applicant has substantially complied with the standard and special conditions of approval established for UP-81-590/Mod I. Unanimously approved. - 137l' - September 6, 1984 The Good Guys (Ares Carrnercial Properties), UP-83--672jMod 1 (PUBLIC HEARING) Use Permitmodificiation regarding revised elevations, site plan, parking, landscaping, and days and hours of operation for a warehouse, offices, and restricted retail sales at 370 Shaw Road. September 6, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: John Merchant, Director The Good Guys Applicant'E? Attorney Present: David Duoncriastiani San Francisco Speaking in Opposition of-the Application: Dr . Earl Wachter 360 Shaw Road George Mitchell, Owner 344, 348, 358 Shaw Road Mr. Merchant expressed a willingness to cooperate with the City. He referred to his letter of August 10, 1984 indicating that a change in the Good Guys business situation resulted in changes in the overall use of the building at 370 Shaw Road. He wished to utilize the 10,600 square feet originally designated for office space for bulk warehouse storage. He stated that the Good Guys "WOuld continue to use 300 Shaw Road for their office. He advised the Comnission that no major modifications had been made to the front of the building at 370 Shaw Road. He further indicated that he had made sane modifications on the landscaping plans. Director Dell 'Angela requested that Associate Planner Morton clarify the Design Review !bard recomnendations. Associate Planner Morton advised the Commission that the conditions of approval are not voluntary but a series of conditions which must be met as a part of Use Permit approval. Ms. Morton further stated that the Design Review Board felt that since retail sales were to occur on this site, the exterior of th~ building should be upgraded. Dr. Wachter referred to a recent request of the Good Guys to conduct a Thanksgiving Weekend sale. He indicated that his business was open the day after Thanksgiving as well as the Monday after Thanksgiving and was opposed to any sales on those work days. Mr. Mitchell also objected to sales during ,this time and indicated that the businesses at 344, 348 and 358 Shaw Road are also open after the Thanksgiving Holiday. He spoke about the traffic volume during the special sales days and stated that he had no objection to the sales on Sundays or holidays when his business was closed. He further stated that on days when his business was open he could not operate with the volume of traffic generated by the sales. Sgt. Moss advised the Corrmission that there had been no major problems with the last two holiday sales but that he perceives problems if a sale was to occur over the Thanksgiving holiday. Attorney Duoncriastiani indicated that this was the first time the Good Guys heard of a revocation type of hearing. He stated that the Good Guys assumed that all improvements and property change issues should first be resolved before any landscaping is done. - 1372 - September 6, 1984 Conmissioner Grimes asked Mr. Merchant if any of the conditions of the Use Pennit had been met. Mr. Merchant responded in the negative, adding it was only because he had been waiting for clarification of Use Pennit conditions. It was the consensus of the Commission that the conditions of the original Use Pennit should be met. Motion-MartinjSecond Mantegani: To adopt a Resolution of Intention setting October 11, 1984, as an evidentiary hearing date to consider the revocation of Use Permit UP- 83-672. Unanimously approved. Chairman Getz seated. City of South San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, GP-84-26 (PUBLIC HEARING) General Plan Amendment adding the Gateway Boulevard Extension project, located between East Grand Avenue and South Airport Boulevard as a Major Arterial road in the Circulation and Transportation Elements of the General Plan of the City of South San Francisco. September 6, 1984 Staff Report presented. The Commission discussed how this road extension project would affect the Hungry Hunter Restaurant. Senior Planner Christians advised that it would affect turning movements into the Restaurant. Motion~rimesjSecond Mantegani: To adopt a Resolution recommend~ng that the City Council approve General Plan Amendment GP-84-26 based on findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Olympian Oil Co (Southern Pacific Land Co., Owner), UP-83-567 jMod 1 (PUBLIC HEARING) Modification of Special Condition No. 6 of Use Pennit UP-80-567 to allow a thirty-one (31) square foot monument sign at 190 East Grand Avenue in the M-2 Heavy Industrial Zone District. September 6, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant not present. Motion~rimesjSecond Terry: To approve UP-80-567 jMod 1 based on the findings and subj ect to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Robert V. & Virginia L. Jordan, UP-84-694 (PUBLIC HEARING) Use Permit to add a delicatessen inside the existing Brentwood Liquor Store at 215 Kenwood Way in the C-l Neighborhood Commercial Zone District. September 6, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicants Present: Robert V & Virginia Jordan 215 Northwood Drive - 1373 - September 6, 1984 Commissioner Grimes asked how the garbage and disposal from the delicatessen would be handled. Based on Commissioner Grimes's concern the following additional Special Condition was added: "4. A refuse garbage control plan must be sutmitted to and accepted by the City and implemented by the applicant prior to the start of the use." Motion-Mantegani/Second Hoyer: To approve UP-84-694 and Negative Declaration No. 461 based on findings and subject to all conditions, including above added Special Condi tion No.4, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Leopoldo Gonzalez, UP-84-695, Negative Declaration No. 462 (PUBLIC HEARING) Use Permit for a dwelling group which adds a second single-family, detached residen- tial structure and a three-car garage at 469 CarInercial Avenue in the R-3 Restricted Multiple Family Residential Zone District. September 6, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Leopoldo Gonzalez 469 Commercial Ave. Motion-Martin/Second Mantegani: To approve UP-84-695 and Negative Declaration No. 462 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Itemsfran Staff The Director of Community Development called the Commission's attention to a joint City Council/Planning Commission meeting on September 19, 1984 to discuss a development proposal for the former US Steel site. Certain of the Commissioners indicated they would be unabie to attend this meeting. 'The Director advised that a quorum was not required. In response to a Commission question, City Attorney Rogers indicated that he saw no problem with this meeting since the developer was to make a presentation to show generally what is being considered and to obtain feed-back on issues that need to be addressed in the project EIR. No pre-approval decision is contemplated at that meeting. Associate Planner Morton stated that the Design Review Board requested a joint meeting with the Commission to discuss entrance ways into the City. September 27, 1984 at 7:00 P.M. was set for this joint meeting. Items from the Commission Vice-Chairman Terry inquired about the City Ordinance regulating Recreational Vehicles being parked on City streets in front of residences. He indicated that, in sane instances, people were living in these vehicles. - 1374 - September 6, 1984 Vice-Chairman Terry also stated that an entire front lawn on the corner of Dolores and Crestwood had been concreted and that cars were being parked there. Commissioner Grimes indicated that the current condition of the Sav-On Parking lot is a hazard., Associate Planner Morton stated that there had been a change in owner- ship of the property and that Staff had been in contanct with the new owners about this situation. The Carmission requested that by the September 27th meeting a full report on the current status of the above issues be presented by Staff. Chairman Getz stated that he wished to set an October meeting date for the Commission Subcommi ttee to discuss development application procedures. He asked that this meeting date be established at the September 27th meeting. He requested that the City Attorney and Director of Community Development also be present for this meeting. Chairman Getz noted that he had received an invitation fran the Good Guys inviting him to a Grand Opening of their corporate offices on Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco. Adjournment: 9: 20 P.M. ~ .... . - '~~ ~~-- louis. Dell' e a, Secretar. ~ Planning Commission City of South San Francisco CharlesW. Getz, IV, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco - 1375 -