HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/09/1984 August 9, 1984 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission MEMBERS PRESENT: Chai rman Getz, Vi ce-Cha i rman Terry, Commi ss i oners Grimes, Hoyer, and Mantegani MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Martin ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis DelllAngela Daniel B. Christians Philip Gorny Maureen K. Morton Ci ty Attorney Robert Rogers Ron petrocchi Police Department Building Division Ray Laur PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF ~1INUTES: Motion-Grimes/Second Hoyer: To approve the minutes of July 26, 1984 as presented. Unanimously approved by voice vote. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Chairman Getz stated that he had received a telephone call from John Merchant of the Good Guys. The forthcoming application was discussed. Lawrence Pera 758 Baden Avenue Mr. Pera spoke about the repairs that were currently being made at the City Hal'. He a1 so stated that the Magn01 i a School shoul d be consi dered as a center for seni or citizens. AGENDA ITEMS Russell Pape, PM-84-219 (PUBLIC HEARING) Tentative Parcel I~ap for a resubdivision of five existing parcels and a portion of the adjoining State of California Highway Right-of-Way along the easterly side of tl Cami no Real mi dway between vJestborough Boul evard and Hi ckey Boul evard in the C-O Commercial Office Zone District. Applicant1s Representative Present: Louis Arata, CE 1 La Cruz Millbrae Applicant Present: Russell Pape 1699 El Camino Real Millbrae Mr. Arata expressed concern about the improvements being required by the Department of Publ ic Services. He requested that the requirements for a sanitary sewer, Colma August 9, 1984 Creek repairs, and easements be postponed. Mr. Yee advised the Commission that he had met with the applicant and that the improvements should be required as a part of thi s subdi vi si on appl i cati on. He i ndi cated that a study cou1 d be made and a bond posted to guarantee the required improvements. City Attorney Rogers stated that the conditions on a tentative map cannot be changed and that the Subdivision Map Act requi res that an appl i cati on be acted upon wi thi n 50 days. He i ndi cated that an extension of time could be requested by the Developer. Mr. Pape stated he was having prob 1 ems wi th Ca 1 Trans wi th regard to the easement at ~1i 11 er and Lux. He further indicated that he would be willing to do the study required by the Director of Public Services. The applicant requested a continuance to the meeting of September 27, 1984 and waived approval time on this application. It was the consensus of the Commission, upon the advise of the City Attorney, to con- tinue this case until the applicant and the City Engineer were in agreement about the conditions and until all Cal Trans problems were resolved. Moti on-Mantegani /Second Grimes: To conti nue PM-84-219 to the meeti ng of September 27, 1984. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Guy F. Atkinson Co., PM-84-220, Negative Declaration No. 458 (PUBLIC HEARING) Tentative Parcel Map to allow the creation of four (4) parcels from two (2) existing parcels bounded by West Orange Avenue, Railroad Avenue, unimproved Magnolia Avenue, and unimproved North Canal Street. August 9, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Jim San Sebastian Manager, Property Division Guy F. Atkinson Co. Applicant's Traffic Engineer Present: Speaking with Concern on the Application: Tony Schwinn Brian-Kangas-Foulk & Assoc. 595 Price Avenue Redwood City Balbir Singh 601 First Lane Sprincy F. Lemos Owner, 605 First Lane Ted Schiebold 627 First Lane Mr. San Sebastian stated that the proposed parcel map and project is in conformance to the Zoning Ordinance and the General Plan. He further stated that he had not been advised of the traffic issue until late in the prior week. He noted that his Traffic August 9, 1984 Engineer had done some traffic research and would present information to the Commission tonight. Mr. Schwinn discussed the traffic information which he had prepared. Chai rman Getz requested that a compl ete Traffi c Study be prepared and presented to the Commission. Commissioner Mantegani noted that the traffic information currently being presented had no input from the Police Department and the Department of Public Services. Mr. Si ngh expressed concern about the traffi c on Rai 1 road Avenue. Mrs. Lemos obj ected to the proj ect because of the increased traffi c and noi se. She expressed concern about the children in the area. Mr. Schiebold was concerned about how the neVJ offi ce-warehouse proj ect woul d look and if it woul d decrease the val ue of hi s property. The Commi ssi on expressed concerns about the wai ti ng time for trucks to get into the project and increased traffic on Railroad Avenue and on streets in Mayfair Village. They suggested that only a right turn out of the property be considered. They also requested that the timi ng of North Canal Extensi on be resol ved pri or to a deci si on be; ng made. Mr. San Sebasti an requested a postponement to the September 27, 1984 meeting. He indicated that he would meet with the concerned neighbors to explain the proj ect. Moti on-Grimes/Second Mantegani: To conti nue PM-84-220 and Negati ve Decl arati on No. 458 to the meeting of September 27, 1984. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Stella Regalia, V-84-282, Negative Declaration No. 460 (PUBLIC HEARING) Variance to Section 20.52.110 C of the South San Francisco Municipal Code to allow one (1) of the required two (2) off-street parking spaces to be located within the front yard setback at 478 Valencia Drive, in the R-1 Single Family Zone District. August 9, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present Stella Regalia 478 Valencia Drive In response to a Commission concern that the granting of this variance would set a precedence, the following sentence was added to Finding No.3: IIAlso, this will support General Plan policy in providing accessible housing units for handicapped persons.1I Motion-Grimes/Second Mantegani: To approve V-84-282 and Negative Declaration No. 469 based on findings, including above addition to Finding No.3, and subject to all con- ditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. .August 9,1984 Manuel J & Rose M. Garcia, PC-Mod-84-4 (PUBLIC HEARING) Planned Community modification to allow room additions above the existing garage and between the existing garage and townhouse at 3630 Baldwin Hills Court. August 9,1984 Staff Report presented. Applicants Present: Rose M. & M. Garcia 3650 Baldwin Hills Court Applicants' Architect Present: Tommy Kwan 1925 Larkin Street San Franci sco The appl i cants' archi teet i ndi cated that a simi 1 ar addi t.i on had been approved 3636 Georgetown. Mr. Kwan presented to the Commission a list of neighbors who did not object to the second story addition. Mr. & Mars. Garcia stated that their family had gorwn and more room was needed. It WaS the concensus of the Commission that this addition was too large and would set a precedent which could change the character of the neighborhood. Moti on-Mantegani /Second Terry: To deny PC-Mod-84-4 based on fi ndi ngs contai ned in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. 101 and 105 Linden Avenue Associ ates (Marshall Bloss, Owner), V-84-281, Negati ve Declaratlon No. 459 (PUBLIC HEARING) Variance to allow 18 off-street parking spaces in lieu of the required 25 spaces at 101 and 105 Linden Avenue. August 9, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicants Present: Brian Fisher Paul Juilly 101 & 105 Linden Avenue Assoc. In response to a question by the CitYi Attorney, Mr. Fisher indicated that Robinson, Mier and Juil1y made up the firm -,of r01 and 105 Linden Avenue Associates and that they were in the process of buying the building from Mr. Bloss. Mr. Fisher stated that the sale is currently in escrow. Motion-Hoyer/Second Mantegani: To approve V-84-281 and Negative Declaration No. 459 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. August 9. 1984 Items from Staff Set September 13, 1984 as a public hearing date to consider a General Plan Amendment to add the Gateway Boulevard Extension Project to the General Plan. The Commissioners advised Staff that there would not be a quorum at the September 13, 1984 meeting. A Special Meeting was set for September 6, 1984. By unanimous voice vote, the Commi ssi on set September 6, 1984 to hear thi s Amendment to the General Pl an. Items from the Commission Moti on-Grimes/Second Terry: To cancel the Pl anni ng Commi ssi on Meeti ng of September 13, 1984 and to set September 6,1984 as a Special Planning Commission Meeting. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Adjournment: 10:45 P.M. c----.--.- ~ "'~~ C~~~ ~ e LOU1S Dell 'Angela, Secretary --, Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Charles Getz, IV, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco