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June 14, 1984 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Getz, Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Grimes and
MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners Bertucelli, Hoyer, and Martin
Community Development Staff
Daniel B. Christians
Philip Gorny
Maureen K. Morton
City Attorney
Robert Rogers
Police Department
Ron Petrocchi
Director of Public Services
Robert Yee
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Grimes/Second Mantegani: To approve the minutes of the
April 16 and May 10, 1984 meetings with the following correction: Page 1336 of April
26, 1984 meeting, case E.B. Motel (Patel & Patel): Add vote outcome of motion to
i ndi cate that the moti on was carri ed by unanimous vote. Unanimously approved by
voice vote.
Chairman Getz advised that Commissioner Bertucelli was in Peninsula Hospital.
Chairman Getz also stated that he attended the City Council meeting of June 5, 1984
and spoke as a pri vate ci ti zen on the Val enci a and Stonegate cases. He i ndi cated
that the Ci ty Counci 1 uphel d the recommendati on of the Pl anni ng Commi ss i on to revoke
the Valencia permit but that the Council had overturned the decision of the Commission
and denied Stonegate1s request for a one year time extension.
Commissioner Grimes asked about the progress on the parking lot problems at the
Sav-On property. Associ ate Pl anner ~lorton call ed the Commi ssi on IS attenti on to the
recent letter sent the the property owner listing all the problems on this site. She
stated that the Commission would be informed of the progress on this matter.
Senior Planner Gorny introduced Assistant to the City Manager Mark Lewis to the
City of South San Francisco, ZA-84-29, Negative Declaration No. 453
Resolution of Intention to set June 28,1984 as a public hearing date to amend
Chapter 20.66 of the Municipal Code allowing a dinner house restaurant as a permitted
use in the P-C-M Zone.
June 14, 1984 Staff Report presented.
1~1oti on-Mantegani / Second Grimes: To adopt the Reso 1 uti on setti ng June 28, 1984 as a
public hearing date for ZA-84-29 and Negative Declaration No. 453. Unanimously
approved by voice vote.
June 14, 1984
Syufy Enterprises/Pay IN Pak (Golden Gateway Management Development Corp).,
UP-84-688, Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 448
Use Permi t to construct a 2,000 seat movi e theatre and a 50,000 square foot retai 1
store with an 8,400 square foot open garden supply shop, with signs exceeding 100
square feet in area, and with related landscaping, utilizing a reciprocal parking
arrangement on property located on the north side of Noor Avenue west of Huntington
Avenue in the PCM - Planned Commercial and Limited Industrial Zone District.
June 14, 1984 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present:
Jack Haigh
Syufy Enterprises
Mr. Haigh advised the Commission that the applicants concur with all of Staffls recom-
mendations \oJith the exception of substituting the word "Center" instead of
II ~~arehouse" on the Pay IN Pak si gn. He i ndi cated that he was unable to address th is
matter and that the Pay IN Pak applicant was not present.
Sgt Petrocchi stated that Police Department condition A3 regarding no parking on Noor
Avenue should be deleted. He indicated that the Director of Public Services imposed
a condition that there would be "No parking" on Noor Avenue at any time and that the
Police Department concurred with this condition.
City Attorney Rogers requested that the following be added directly after the first
sentence of Special Condition No.8: "Said insulation measures shall be implemented
prior to issuance of occupancy permit or temporary occupancy permit for the theatre
bui 1 di ng. II
The Commission discussed concerns with regard to landscaping, traffic, parking and
the Pay IN Pak use. Chairman Getz expressed his disappointment with the Pay IN Pak
use on this site.
Motion-Mantegani/Second Grimes: To approve UP-84-688 and Mitigated Negative
Declaration No. 448, based on findings and subject to all conditions, including above
deleted and amended conditions, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved.
City of South San Francisco, GP-84-25, Negative Declaration No. 451
Adopti on of Reso 1 uti on approvi ng Amendment Number GP-84-25, Amendi ng the Housi ng
Element of the General Plan.
June 14, 1984 Staff Report presented.
Cityls Consultant Present:
Neal Martin
Martin/Carpenter Assoc.
Mr. Gorny read for the record the ei ght (8) poi nts contai ned in the Staff Report
regarding concerns expressed by the State Department of Housing and Community
Development (HUD). [vir. Gorny advised the Commission that they need only consider
June 14, 1984
these points and that comments will be made at the City Council meeting since a for-
mal letter from HUn had not yet been received.
Chairman Getz questioned the legality of his voting on this issue since he represents
the State Department of Housing and Community Development. City Attorney Rogers
stated that Chairman Getz could vote since there was no litigation from the State on
thi smatter. Chai rman Getz i ndi cated that if another Commi ss i oner had been present
at this meeting, he would abstain from voting.
Motion-Hoyer/Second Terry: To adopt the Resolution recommending that the City
Council adopt the Housing Element Amendment to the General Plan (GP-84-25) and
Negative Declaration No. 451. Unanimously approved.
Goodrich Tire Center
Request from Goodrich Tire Center for a temporary inflatable tire and/or flag promo-
tional displays at 490 Victory Avenue.
June 14, 1984 Staff Report presented.
Applicant's Representative Present:
Dianne Pims
Ns. Pims presented a plot plan to the Commission.
It was the consensus of the Commission that this display, as well as other temporary
adverti sing di sp 1 ays, be permi tted but that such di sp 1 ays shall be 1 imi ted to tl0
longer than eight (8) days.
Capital Improvement Program
Mr. Yee responded to Commission questions regarding this program.
Mati on-Mantegani / Second Grimes: To adopt the Reso 1 uti on determi ni ng that the pro-
posed 1984-85 Capital Improvement Programs are consistent with the City's General
Plan. Unanimously approved.
Items from the Commission
Vi ce-Chai rman Terry asked the status of the Pri ce Cl ub proj ect. Seni or Pl anner
Christians advised that the City ~1anager was directly involved in this matter and
that the Staff present was not aware of the current status of this proposal.
Adjournment: 8:30 P.M.
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le B. ~istlans, Rctlng Secretary
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Charles W. Getz IV, Chairman
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco