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May 31, 1984 Special Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Getz, Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Bertucelli,
Grimes, Hoyer and Mantegani
MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Martin
Community Development Staff
Louis Dell IAngela
Daniel B. Christians
Philip Gorny
Maureen K. Morton
Ci ty Attorney
Robert Rogers
Police Department
Fire Department
Director of Public Services
Ron Petrocchi
Brian Niswonger
Robert Yee
Building Division
Ray Laur
At the request of the Chairman, Item 4 on the Agenda, GP-84-25, was moved to Item 3
on the Consent Calendar.
Commissioner Grimes asked Staff \'Jhat had been done about the holes on the parking lot
at the Sav-On property. Associ ate Pl anner ~~orton i ndi cated that the property ovmer
had been contacted and that the problem shoul d be resolved by the next Pl anni ng
Commission meeting.
City of South San Francisco, ZA-84-28, Negative Declaration No. 450
Motion-Grimes/Second Bertucelli: To set June 28, 1984 as a hearing date to consider
Ordi nance amendi ng Ti tl e 20 of the South San Franci sco Muni ci pal Code regardi ng In
Lieu Parking Fees. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
Appointments to the Design Review Board
Mati on-Grimes/Second Bertucell i : To reappoi nt Wayne Gehrke, George Si ncl ai r, Dori s
Agee, and Peter Kostrikin for two-year terms to the Design Review Board. Unanimously
approved by voice vote.
rvlay 31, 1984
City of South San Francisco, GP-84-25, Negative Declaration No. 451
Motion-Grimes/Second Bertucelli: To set June 14, 1984 as a public hearing date for a
resolution recommending adoption of the Housing Element to the General Plan.
Syufy Enterprises & Pay IN Pak (Golden Gateway Management & Development Corporation),
UP-84-688, Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 448
Commissioner Hoyer stepped down.
Use permi t to construct a 2000 seat movi e theatre and a 50,000 square foot retai 1
store with an 8400 square foot open garden supply shop with signs exceeding 100
square feet in area, and with related landscaping, utilizing a reciprocal parking
arrangement on property located on the north side of tJoor Avenue, west of Huntington
Avenue in the PCM - Planned Commercial and Limited Industrial Zone District.
May 31, 1984 Staff Report presented.
Project Architect Present:
Wayne Gehrke
Group 4 Architecture
Speaking with Concern on the Project
~1i ke Brimer
Director of Building
and Planning
City of San Bruno
t4r. Brimer expressed concern about the generation of traffic. He called the
Commissionl s attention to a May 15, 1984 letter from the City of San Bruno which
addressed the city of San Brunols concerns.
In response to a question from the Commission, Mr. Yee stated that it was his intent
not to commit the city of South San Francisco to install any traffic signals at this
Sgt Petrocchi reported his findings about similar theatres in the cities of San Jose
and Colma to the Commission. Sgt Petrocchi indicated that because of concerns
expressed by the Commi ssi on, the Pol ice Department condi ti ons had been modi fi ed to
require security guards at the theatre.
Senior Planner Christians noted the Design Review Board concerns.
The Commission discussed their concerns about traffic, the large Pay IN pak sign, the
$i ze of the Pay IN Pak bui 1 di ng, the drai nage, and sewer system. ~1r. Yee i ndi cated
that he had no problems wi th the drai nage and sewer systems. Chai rman Getz stated
that, in his opinion, the Pay 'N pak use was disappointing.
By unanimous voi ce vote, the Commi ss i on conti nued UP-84-688 and Mi ti gated Negati ve
Declaration No. 448 to the meeting of June 14, 1984.
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~1ay 31, 1984
Revi e\v and Approval of Amended Pol i ci es of the Land Use and Ci rcul ati on/Trans-
portation Elements of the General Plan, GP-82-20, EIR-82-7
May 31~ 1984 Staff Report presented.
Speaking with Concern on GP-82-20, EIR-82-7
Dr. Charles Bona
1131 Mission Road
Dr. Bona called the Commissionl s attention to the policies which concerned him with
regard to a connector road. He asked why the City Council had deleted the timetable
for this connector road. Staff indicated that it was their opinion that the time-
table had been deleted since there was no currently available funding for this con-
nector and that the Council did not wish to be limited to a time table. Dr. Bona was
advised that he could present his concerns at the City Council meeting of June 27,
Commissioner Hoyer questioned Policy 44 on page 5 of the amended policies that origi-
na 11 y stated that shoppi n9 centers shoul d on 1 y be permi tted wes t of the Bayshore
Freeway. Staff advised the Commission that it was their recollection that this
po 1 icy had been deleted by the Ci ty Counci 1 and that they woul d take appropri ate
action to remove this policy when presenting the General Plan to the City Council for
Commissioner Hoyer questioned Policy D-21 which indicated that no new banks would be
a 11 owed on Grand Avenue. Staff advi sed that the Ci ty Counci 1 felt there were too
many banks on Grand Avenue and that banks don't produce suffi ci ent revenue for the
Ci ty.
The Commi ss ion, in di scuss i ng the Counci l' s deci sian to change the des i gnati on for
the Spruce Drive-In and McLellan Nursery sites from mobile home parks asked if the
Ci ty sati sfi ed the State 1 aw requi rement for manufactured housi ng. Ci ty Attorney
Rogers advised the Commission that the City is required to designate sites in the
ci ty for mobile homes or appropri ate si tes for mobi 1 e homes to be put on si ngl e-
family sites. The State law allows for a mobile home on a single family lot, on a
foundation, trimmed down as a structure rather than a trailer. The City can designa-
te what areas these uses wi 11 be all owab 1 e. Ci ty Attorney Rogers further advi sed
that there were still some areas left for mobile homes. Senior Planner Gorny advised
the Commission that mobile homes were now allowed on the east side of E1 Camino Real
from Hickey Boulevard on the north to Westborough Boulevard on the south and Colma
Creek on the east. The consensus of the Commission was that they recommend that the
City Council consider redesignating the Spruce Drive-In as a mobile home park site.
They al so noted for the record that Ci ty Attorney Rogers assures them that the
General Plan, as amended by the City Council, has an adequate area for mobile homes
and is in compliance with the State law.
Connissioner Grimes questioned Policy 55 regarding noise mitigation measures in
industrial areas ~vhich are in close proximity to residential uses. The Commission
indicated that a decibal level mitigation measure should be included in the policies.
It was the consensus of the Commission to request that the City Council reexamine and
modify this policy as it relates to noise generation. The Commission does not wish
to restri ct uses but to mi ti gate the noi se. Staff wi 11 add a noi se standard to
Policy 56.
~1ay 31, 1984
~,1oti on-Hoyer/Second Terry: To recommend that the Ci ty Counci 1 reexami ne and modi fy
the policies indicated above, to recommend that the City Council consider the com-
ments made at this hearing, and that the City Council adopt the policies, as revised,
to GP-82-20. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
Items from Staff
Consi derati on of a request from the Goodri ch Ti re Center, 490 Vi ctory Avenue for a
temporary inflatable tire promotional display.
It was the consensus of the Commission that temporary advertising displays of this
nature should be permitted subject to a time limitation.
Director Dell'Angela advised the Commission that the meeting of June 14, 1984 which
had been previously cancelled by the Commission should be reinstated. He stated that
the 1 egal adverti sement for the May 31, 1984 meeti ng for the Housi ng El ement of the
General Plan had been incorrectly advertised in a Daly City newspaper rather than the
Enterprise Journal.
Motion-Grimes/Second Terry: To reinstate the Planning Commission meeting of June 14,
1984. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
Items from the Commission
Chairman Getz requested that a subcommittee of the Planning Commission meet with the
Parking Place Commission informally prior to the regular meeting of June 28,1984.
Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioner Mantegani and Chairman Getz will comprise the sub-
committee and the informal meeting will take place at 6:30 P.M., June 28, 1984 in the
Municipal Services Building.
Chairman Getz also requested that a subcommittee be formed to develop a handbook on
procedures for the Community Development Staff, the Commission and the Design RevievJ
Board. Chai rman Getz, Vi ce-Chai rman Terry and Commi ssi oner Hoyer wi l' compri se the
subcommi ttee. The fi rst meeti ng wi 11 be schedul ed wi th Ci ty Attorney Rogers and
Director of Community Development Dell 'Angela.
Adjournment: 10:10 P.M.
~ ~.
A. L . AA_-&
OUl S De)t. Ange a, Secre ary ....
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Charles W. Getz IV, Chairman
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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