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April 26, 1984 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chai rman Getz, Vi ce-Chai rman Terry, Commi ssi oners Grimes, Hoyer,
Mantegani, and Martin
MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Bertucelli
Community Development Staff
Louis Dell 'Angela
Daniel B. Christians
Maureen K. Morton
Ci ty Attorney
Robert Rogers
Chief James Datzman
Sgt Ron Petrocchi
Officer Mike Dixon
Police Department
Fire Department
Dave Parenti
Director of Public Services
Robert Yee
Code Enforcement Officer
Mike Meloni
Building Division
Ray Laur
Vi ce-Cha i rman Terry questi oned the 1 arge si gn at the ARCO Stati on on Westborough
Boul evard. He stated that it was hi s recoll ecti on that a small er si gn had been
approved under the conditions of the Use Permit.
Commissioner Grimes asked about the storage of manure adjacent to the Garden Shop at
the Sav-On Drug Company at 180 El Cami no Real. He al so noted that parts of the
parking lot were full of water.
Director of Community Development Dell 'Angela stated that Staff would inspect these
sites and report back to the Commission
City of South San Francisco, ZA-84-28, Negative Declaration No. 450
Set public hearing date on amendments to Section 29.90.010 of the South San Francisco
Municipal Code (In-Lieu Parking Fees).
Based on Staff's recommendation, this Item was removed from the Agenda.
Tanforan Associates, Case No. UP-83-671
Review of sign program and trash enclosure in accordance with Special Condition No.
10 of UP-83-671 related to an approved development project at the northeast corner of
Hunti ngton Avenue and Noor Avenue in the PCM - Pl anned Commerci al and L imi ted
Industrial Zone District.
Apri 1 26, 1984
April 26, 1984 Staff Report presented.
Motion-Mantegani/Second Grimes: To approve the plans for a sign and trash enclosure
for UP-83-671. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
C. N. Chow, Bayland Properties, Ltd., UP-78-440, Units 5 and 6 (Modification No.5)
Request for a time extension for a 155 unit residential project located along both
sides of Ridgeview Court in Units 5 and 6 of the Stonegate Ridge Planned Community
Zone District.
April 26, 1984 Staff Report presented.
Applicant's Representative Present:
Attorney Theodore F. Bayer
332 Pine St., #400
San Francisco
I n response to concerns expressed by the Commi ss i on at the Apri 1 12, 1984 meeti ng,
Sgt. Ron Petrocchi and City Attorney Robert Rogers presented the following
Sgt. Ron Petrocchi
Police Department
Sgt Petrocchi responded to a request from Ms. Dori s Agee requesti ng a barri cade at
the top of Ridgeview Court. She noted that several burglaries had occurred in that
area of the Stonegate Development. Sgt Petrocchi stated that crime reports indicated
that there were a total of three (3) attempted burglaries all occurring on the same
day. The suspect's car was parked in front of the burgl ari zed res i dences. Sgt
Petrocchi i ndi cated that if a baracade was used Pol ice and Fi re Department access
would be required. Sgt. Petrocchi made no recommendation for or against the barri-
Robert Rogers
Ci ty Attorney
In response to prior Commission questions, City Attorney Rogers stated that the
Commi ssi on had the ri ght to grant or deny the time extensi on request. He stated
that the Commission should not attempt to put any conditions on the extension that
would restrict the alienability of the land.
Chairman Getz expressed concern as to whether or not the extension of time was in the
best interest of the Community.
Motion-Martin/Second Hoyer: To grant a one year time extension until February 11,
1985, to allow additional time for the applicant to begin construction of UP-78-440
(Modificiation No.5) for Units 5 and 6 of the Stonegate Ridge Planned Community
Development based on the Staff recommendati on. AYES: Commi ssi oners Grimes, Hoyer,
Mantegani, and Martin. NOES: Chairman Getz, Vice-Chairman Terry. ABSENT:
Commissioner Bertucelli.
Apri 1 26, 1984
Anthony Valencia, UP-873-657
Use Permit revocation evidentiary hearing for non-compliance with the Special
Condi ti ons of Approval. The Use Permi tis for an auto sal vage and parts storage
facility at 150 Harbor Way in the M-2 Industrial Zone District.
A Court Reporter was present for this hearing.
Ci ty Attorney Rogers recommended that anyone who was to be a potenti al wi tness be
sworn by the Court Reporter. Mr. Rogers advised that Mr. Valencia's counsel need not
be sworn.
Mike Meloni, Louis Dell 'Angela, Mike Dixon and Anthony Valencia were sworn.
The April 26, 1984 Staff Report was presented.
The following were entered into the record by the Court Reporter:
Exhibit 1 - Staff Report of April 26, 1984 with all attachments.
Exhibit 2 - April 24, 1984 Code Enforcement Officer Report.
Exhibit 3 - Binder with photographs of the site at 150 Harbor Way.
Mike Meloni, Code Enforcement Officer, testified that an on-site inspection was con-
ducted on April 23, 1984. Inspecting the site at 150 Harbor Way were Mr. ~leloni,
Senior Planner Daniel B. Christians, Officer Mike Dixon and Deputy Fire Marshal Dave
Parenti. He advised the Commission that violations still existed on the site.
Derek Goulding
135 N. San Mateo Drive
San Mateo
Mr. Goulding questioned Mr. Meloni. He then addressed each condition contained in
the Staff Report. He requested that the Commission grant a six-month time extension
to Mr. Valencia.
Mr. Valencia addressed the Commission. He entered into evidence the following:
Valencia Exhibit A - Small Map
Valencia Exhibit B - Large Map
Valencia Exhibit C - Photographs
Valencia Exhibit D - Single Photograph
There was Commission discussion regarding the required fence which had not yet been
Motion-Mantegani/Second Grimes: To recommend that the City Council revoke UP-83-657
based on the official record of documented violations and based on the three (3) fin-
April 26, 1984
dings contained in the Staff Report. AYES:
Commi ssi oners Grimes, Mantegani, and Marti n.
Commissioner Bertucelli.
Cha i rman Getz, Vi ce-Cha i rman Terry,
NOES: Commissioner Hoyer. ABSENT:
[NOTE: A complete transcript of this hearing will be on file with this case in the
Department of Community Development.]
The Court Reporter left the meeting at this time.
Earl S. Kuhns (Lessee), V-84-276, Negative Declaration No. 441
Variance application pursuant to Section 20.38.100D of the Municipal Code to extend
the termination date of the Adult Entertainment Business (Adult Bookstore) located at
107 Grand Avenue in the C-2, Central Commercial Zone District.
April 26, 1984 Staff Report presented.
Applicant's Attorney Present:
Roger Jon Diamond
15415 Sunset Blvd.
Pacific Pal asides
Owner Present:
David Ratto
Lessee (Applicant) Present:
Earl Kuhns
245 16th Ave.
San Francisco
The Attorney, on behalf of the lessee and owner of the property, requested an indefi-
nite extension of time for the bookstore.
There was a di scussi on regardi ng the zone cl assi fi cati on for thi s property. It was
determined that the property is zoned C2 - Central Commercial Zone District.
The owner and lessee stated that it would be an economic hardship to close the busi-
ness in December of 1986. They stated that there was no place in South San Francisco
for them to relocate. Director Dell'Angela advised that the area on Spruce Avenue
between El Camino Real and Canal Street was zoned C-3 and would allow an adult book
store with Use Permit approval and no Variances. He noted that other C-3 zoned pro-
perty was also available subject to Use Permit and Variance approvals.
Motion-Martin/Second Mantegani: To approve Negative Declaration No. 441 and a
vari ance to extend from March 5, 1984 to December 31, 1986 the termi nati on date of
the Adul t Book Store at 107 Grand Avenue based on fi ndi ngs contai ned in the Staff
Report. AYES: Chairman Getz, Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Grimes, Mantegani,
and Martin. NOES: Commissioner Hoyer. ABSENT: Commissioner Bertucelli.
E. B. Motel (Patel & Patel)
Appeal of the Director of Community Development's determination that the adult enter-
tai nment porti on of the busi ness presently bei ng conducted at E. B. Motel, 1201
Airport Boulevard, is subject to Chapter 20.38 of the South San Francisco Municipa1
Code and shall be terminated.
April 26, 1984
April 26, 1984 Staff Report presented.
Applicant's Attorney Present:
Doulgas Gilles
425 California St.
San Francisco
Manager E.B. Motel Present:
Mrs. Madhu Patel
1201 Airport Boulevard
Mrs. Patel read a statement explaining the operation of the video tapes. She indi-
cated that she has been the Manager of the E.B. Motel since 1978.
Attorney Gilles stated that the issues of the case go beyond the question of adult
entertainment. He indicated that the motel had been in business for several years
and questioned the purpose of the regulations in the Zoning Ordinance.
City Attorney Rogers advised the Commission that this is a zoning issue and that the
Ordinance governs what can be done in certain zones. He indicated that the motel is
located in a C2 Zone with residences next door.
Motion-Hoyer/Second Terry: To deny the appeal by the owner and manager of the E. B.
Motel and concur wi th the Oi rector of Communi ty Oevelopment in hi s i nterpretati on
that the E.B. Motel is an Adult Entertainment establishment pursuant to Chapter 20.38
of the South San Francisco Municipal Code and, as such, the adult entertainment por-
tion of the business must be terminated pursuant to Section 20.38.1000 of the South
San Francisco Municipal Code. Unanimously approved.
Innovative Concrete Systems, SA-82-76
One year time extension request to record Final Subdivision Map SA-82-76, a 56 unit
condomi ni urn proj ect located between Gell ert Boul evard and Appi an Way enti tl ed St.
Francis Terrace Unit No.2, Lot 3, Westborough 4A.
By unanimous voice vote the Commission continuted this case to the May 10,1984
meeting due to the absence of the applicants.
Items from Staff
Staff noted that there will be a joint City Council and Planning Commission study
sessi on hel d on May 16, 1984 to di scuss the Draft Housi ng E1 ement to the General
Items from the Commission
Commissioner Martin requested that a uNo DumpingU sign be posted on vacant property on
Appian Way and Gellert Boulevard
Items from the Public
Jim Keegan
44 Crestwood
April 26, 1984
Mr. Keegan commented on the progress that had been made on the old Kaiser Hospital
bui 1 di ng si te and on the Brosnan proj ect. He requested a status report on the 01 d
Magnolia School site. Director Del11Ange1a advised Mr. Keegan that the City and
County had funded a study of this site for possible use as a senior center. He indi-
cated that it would take approximately two more months to complete this study.
Adjournment: 11:30 P.M.
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LOU1S De I - -- nge a - ~
Secretary, Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Charles w. Getz IV
Chairman, Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco