HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/12/1984 April 12, 1984 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission ~lEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Getz*, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes, Hoyer, Mantegani, and Martin Vice-Chairman Terry ~!lE~1BERS ABSENT: *Chai rman Getz arri ved at 8 P .[VI. for the heari ng begi nni ng wi th M. & R. pynoos (Tanforan Associates). ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell 'Angela Daniel B. Christians Philip Gorny Ci ty Attorney Police Department Robert Rogers Sgt Ron Petrocchi Fire Department Director of Public Services Dave Parenti Robert Yee Building Division Ray Laur PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ~loti on-Grimes/Second Mantegani: To approve the Mi nutes of March 22, 1984 meeting as presented. Unanimously approved by voice vote. AGENDA CHANGES Item Number 7 on the Agenda, Negative Declaration No. 445 was moved to Item No.2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Commissioner Bertucelli expressed his appreciation to Staff for their action to have Police Department patrols at the corner of Palm and Magnolia Avenues. Commissioner Grimes expressed appreciation to the City Attorney for action taken by him regarding City parks. AGENDA ITEMS Deepak Shah, P-C Mod-84-2 Pl anned Communi ty modi fi cati on to allow constructi on of an addi ti on between the existing house and garage at 2448 Williamsburg Court. April 12, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Deepak Shah 2448 Williamsburg Court Apri 1 12, 1984 Speaking in Opposition to the Application: George Kimura 2454 Williamsburg Court Mr. Kimura, the next door neighbor, presented photographs to the Commission showing that an addition between his other neighbor's house and garage at 2460 Williamsburg Court had been built. He indicated that if this application was approved sunlight to his property would be blocked. Mr. Gorny advised the Commission that Staff inspected the site at 2460 Williamsburg Court and that it appeared that this addition was built wi thout a Use Permi t or Bui 1 di ng Permi t. Mr. Gorny further advi sed the Commi ssi on that Staff woul d request the Code Enforcement Offi cer to i nvesti gate thi s apparent violation. Moti on-Mantegani /Second Grimes: To approve P-C Mod 84-2 based on fi ndi ngs and sub- ject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Ci ty of South San Franci sco, Produce AvenueWi deni ng/Mi ti gated, Negati ve Declaration No. 445 An environmental determination on the proposed widening of Produce Avenue from Colma Creek to Terminal Court. April 12, 1984 Staff Report presented. Contract Engineer Present: George Homolka Wilsey and Hamm Speaking in Favor of the Application Primo Repetto, Manager Golden Gate Produce Terminal Speaking with Concern on Application: Laura Harkner Park 'N' Fly ~~r. Homolka explained the project to the Commission. He stated that this project will be coordinated with CalTrans. Mr. Repetto supported the widening project indi- cating that it would benefit the truck traffic at the Market. Ms. Harkner asked if any part of the road would be closed during construction. Mr. Homolka indicated that two 1 anes woul d be open at all times. He noted that there may be short peri ods during the construction when one only one lane would be open but that there would be a flagman present to direct traffic. Motion-Grimes/Second Bertucelli: To recommend that the City Council approve Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 445, based on findings and subject to all con- ditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. M. & H. Pynoos (Tanforan Associates), PM-84-215 Tentati ve Parcel Map for a commerci al condomi ni urn proj ect wi th rel ated common area located on the east side of Huntington Avenue, north of Noor Avenue. April 12, 1984 Staff Report presented. Apri 1 12, 1984 Applicant's Representative Present: Albert Shansky 1201 Howard Avenue Burlingame Special Condition No.5, requested by the City Attorney, was added: "5. That the appl i cant submi t a ti tl e report showi ng that the appl i cant has fee title to the property before the City Engineer may certify the Final Parcel ~lap and before the Parcel Map or the CC&R I S may be recorded. II There was a discussion about the location of the San Francisco gas main. Because of concerns raised by the Commission, the following additional Special Condition was added: "6. The applicant shall accurately locate all utility and other easements under and immediately adjacent to his lands, show this on the final map, and shall insure protection during construction." The Ci ty Attorney requested that Condi ti on No. 1 under By-Laws recommended in the Director of Public Services ~1emorandum of April 6, 1984 (Exhibit "C") be deleted. This condition was deleted by the Commission. Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To approve PM-84-215 based on findings and subject to all conditions, including the above modified conditions, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Mercury Tours (Pete & Mark Stender), UP-84-687, Negative Declaration No. 443 Use Permit to conduct a charter bus service, with bus parking, minor repairs, and offices within an existing building at 935 Linden Avenue. April 12, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative Present: George Keeling 1061 Beech Park Blvd. Foster City Motion-Grimes/Second Bertucelli: To approve UP-84-687 and Negative Declaration No. 443, based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. North Peninsula Neighborhood Services Center, Inc., V-84-278, Negative Declaration No.444 Variance to Section 20.52.050 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code to allow zero (Q) off-street parking spaces where seven (7) are required to allow the rehabilita- tion of a residential structure into an office building at 324 Baden Avenue. April 12, 1984 Staff Report presented. It was noted that the April 12, 1984 Staff Report recommended that the applicant pro- vide two (2) off-street parking spaces. April 12, 1984 Parking Place Commissioner David Sciandri addressed the Commission with regard to this case and case V-84-280 (Patricia Elliott & Kathryn Wimsatt). He advised the Commission that his comments applied to both cases. Commissioner Sciandri directed the Commission's attention to Parking Place Commission Resolution No. 1-84, dated April 3, 1984. He advised the Commission that it was the intent of the Parki ng Pl ace Commi ssi on to enact thi s Resol uti on at the joi nt Ci ty Council, Planning Commission, Parking Place Commission meeting. He was advised that the Parking Place Commission did not have the authority to establish in-lieu parking fees. Therefore, an Ordinance establishing in-lieu parking fees would be recommended to the City Council for that body's approval. Commissioner Sciandri stated that if the Pl anni ng Commi ssi on approved these two vari ances a precedent woul d be set for future appl i cants si nce they coul d request a Vari ance rather than payi ng i n-l i eu fees. He stated that parking was a major problem in the downtown area. Applicant's Representative Present: Hortenzia Lopez Executive Officer North Peninsula Neighborhood Services Center Speaking in Opposition of the Application: Don Edwards 10 Escanyo Drive Ms Lopez i ndi cated that the appl i cant was in agreement wi th Staff's recommendati on regarding the two (2) off-street parking spaces and would comply with all conditions of approval. Mr. Edwards, a businessman on Grand Avenue, indicated he was also addressing his con- cerns to the two variances being requested. He expressed concerns about the downtown parking problem. In his opinion, neVJ business vI/as good for the downto\tm area but that such new businesses cause parking problems. The Commission discussed the parking problems and the Parking Place Commission Resolution. It was the consensus of the Commission that a precedent would not be set in this case since this application was filed prior to the adoption of Resolution No. 1-84. The following finding was added: "5. The Ci ty Counci 1 and Park i ng Pl ace Commi ssi on are currently consi deri ng adoption of an in-lieu fee as an interim parking relief measure. This app 1 i cati on was fi 1 ed pri or to the adopti on of Reso 1 uti on 1-84 of the Parking Place Commission. The granting of this Variance will not, therefore, set a precedent for future applications because it was filed p r i 0 r to con sid era t ion 0 fin - 1 i e u fee s . I f s u c h ani n - 1 i e u fee i s adopted, the Commission recognizes the need to apply said requirement, whenever appropriate, and also that any application filed after adoption of Resolution 1-84 is on notice of said Resolution and its requirements." ~~otion-Bertucelli/Second Martin: To approve V-84-278 and Negative Declaration No. 444 based on findings, including above added finding, and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. April 12, 1984 Patricia Elliott and Kathryn Wimsatt, V-84-280, Negative Declaration No. 440 Variance to Section 20.52.030 and 20.52.050 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code to allow six (6) off-street parking spaces were one hundred and one (101) spaces are required at 203-211 Linden Avenue. April 12, 1984 Staff Report presented. Patri ci a ~1. El i ott and Kathryn Wi msatt, UP-84-685, Negati ve Decl arati on No. 440 Use Permit to allow an alteration to an existing restaurant and a third story addi- tion to create a total of 18 residential units at 203-211 Linden Avenue. April 12, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Patricia Elliott 629 Spruce Speaking in Opposition of the Application: David Sciandri Parking Place Camm. Don Edwards 10 Escanyo Dr. Ms. Elliott indicated that she and Kathryn Wimsatt were co-owners of the building and that they had been in that 1 ocati on for twenty years. She i ndi cated that si x (6) parking spaces were being added. She also cited the need for residential units for seni or ci ti zens ; n the Ci ty. Mr. Sci andri and Mr. Edwards rei terated thei r pre- viously expressed concerns.. Mr. Sciandri noted that, if approved, this variance would cause the parking lot on Linden Avenue to be almost 100% full. Finding Number 4, identical to Finding No.5 on the previous appl ication, V-84-278, was added to this Variance (V-84-280). The following special conditions were added: "3. The applicant shall for the life of Use Permit, UP-84-685, purchase and mai ntai n 15 parki ng permi ts from the Ci ty and provi de sai d permi ts to the tenants of the residential units." "4. Six (6) parking spaces will be provided for tenant residents.1I The above two conditions were also added as Special Conditions No.9 and 10 of Use Permit, UP-84-685. Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To approve V-84-280 and Negative Declaration No. 440 based on findings, including above added finding and subject to all conditions, including above two added special conditions, contained in the Staff Report. AYES: Chairman Getz, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes, Hoyer and ~1artin. NOES: Commissioner Mantegani. ABSENT: Vice-Chairman Terry. Moti on-Grimes/Second Marti n: To approve UP-84-685 and Negati ve Decl arati on No. 440 based on findings, and subject to all conditions, including above two added special conditions contained in the Staff Report. AYES: Chairman Getz, Commissioners April 12, 1984 Bertucell i, Grimes, Hoyer, and Marti n. Vice-Chairman Terry. NOES: Commissioner Mantegani. ABSENT: Items from Staff Resolution of Intention to Delete Section 20.72.280 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code and Section 5.60 of Ordinance No. 353 as amended/City of South San Francisco/ZA-84-27 and Negative Declaration No. 447. Motion-Mantegani/Second Martin: To set May 10, 1983 as a publ ic hearing date for ZA-84-27. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Adjournment: 10:30 P.M. Charles w. Getz IV Chairman, Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Ange a Secretary, Planning Carom lon City of South San Francisco