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March 22~ 1984 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Getz, Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Bertucelli,
Grimes, Hoyer, Mantegani, and Martin
Community Development Staff
Police Department
Fire Department
Director of Public Services
Daniel B. Christians
Philip Gorny
Robert Rogers
Sgt Ron Petrocchi
Ci ty Attorney
Dave Parenti
Robert Yee
Building Division
Ray Laur
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ~10ti on-Grimes/Second Hoyer: To approve the Mi nutes of the
January 26, 1984 and February 9, 1984 meeting as presented. Unanimously approved by
voice vote.
The following three (3) cases were added to the consent calendar:
UP-84-679 - Art Rise
UP-83-567 - Valencia Brothers
E. B. Motel
Case Number 2 on the Consent Calendar, UP-78-440 (Mod 5), Units 5 & 6, C.N. Chow was
removed from the consent calendar and placed on the regular agenda.
Chairman Getz stated that good progress had been made on the downtown parking
problems at the joint meeting of the City Council, Planning Commission, and Parking
Place Commission on March 21, 1984.
The Chairman also noted that there were several high school students in the audience
attending tonight's meeting.
Joseph P. Haggarty, UP-80-563
Request for 3-month time extensi on for a mini -storage proj ect on the east si de of
Carter Dri ve between Meath Dri ve and Westborough Boul evard in the Pl anned Communi ty
Commercial (P-C-C) Zone District.
Motion-Mantegani/Second Grimes: To grant a 6-month time extension to August 18, 1984
for UP-80-563. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
fvlarch 22, 1984
North Peninsula Nieghborhood Services Center, Inc., DR-83-514
Appeal of Design Review Board Findings and Conditions of Approval for the remodeling
of 314 Baden Avenue.
Motion-Mantegani/Second Grimes: To accept the withdrawal of the appeal of DR-83-514.
Unanimously approved by voice vote.
Art-Rise and South San Francisco Unified School District, UP-84-679
Use Permi t to conduct a Communi ty Theatre at the former Avalon School, 375 Dorado
\iJ ay .
Moti on-~lantegani /Second Grimes: To conti nue UP-84-679 Off-Calendar. Unanimously
approved by voice vote.
yalencia Brothers, UP-83-567
Use Permit for an auto salvage and parts storage facility on the west side of
Harbor \~ay.
Notion-Mantegani/Second Grimes: To set April 26, 1984 as an evidentiary hearing date
for revocation of UP-83-657. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
E.B. Motel, 1201 Airport Boulevlard
Appeal by the E.B. Ivlotel of the Director of Community Development's determination
that the adult entertainment portion of the business presently being conducted at 1201
Airport Boulevard be terminated.
Motion-Mantegani/Second Grimes: To set April 26, 1984 as a hearing date for interpre-
tation of Chapter 20.38 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code. Unanimously
approved by voice vote.
c. N. Chow, Bayland Properties, Ltd., UP-78-440, Units 5 & 6
Request for a time extension for a 155 unit residential project located along both
sides of Ridgeview Court in Units 5 & 6 of the Stonegate Ridge Planned Community Zone
March 22, 1984 Staff Report presented.
Applicant's Representative Present:
Theodore Bayer
Representing Bayland
Prop Ltd.
Speaking with Concern on the Application
Doris Agee
819 Ridge Court
March 22, 1984
Speaking on Behalf of the Sprincin Co.
Sara Wally
50 California St.
Ms. Agee, representi ng the Stonegate Hi ghl ands HomemlJners Associ ati on, stated that
there had been several burgl ari es in the Hi ghl ands area of thi s development. It
was the opinion of the Homeowners Association that access from the hill contributed
to these burglaries. She, therefore, requested that, as a condition of approval of
the time extension, a barricade be placed on Ridgeview Court.
Ms. Wally stated that the Sprincin Company supported the time extension request.
Commissioners raised several questions concerning the relationship between the
Bayl and Properti es Company and the Spri nci n Company. Ci ty Attorney Rogers suggested
that the Commission continue this item so that he could research the issues raised.
The Commission also requested the Police Department and Department of Public
Services to advise them of the feasibility of barricading Ridgeview Court as
requested by Ms. Agee.
Motion-Grimes/Second Bertucelli: To continue UP-78-440, Units 5 & 6 time extension
request to the meeting of April 26, 1984. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
Chase Family Motor Homes (W.& P. Enterprises), UP-84-684, Negative Declaration No.
Use Permit for motor home sales and rental, outdoor storage, services and offices for
same in an existing building at 531-545 Airport Boulevard in the C-3 Heavy Commercial
Zone District.
March 22, 1984 Staff Report presented.
Applicant1s Representative Present:
George Avanessian
914 Linden Avenue
Speaking with Concern on the Application:
Dee Larry West
497 Forestview Dr.
ivtr. West, the owner of 531 Airport Boulevard (W. & P. Enterprises) advised the
Commission that the address of 515 Airport Boulevard as shown on the application and
Staff Report was incorrect. He also advised the Commission that his property ends at
531 Airport Boulevard and that he is not the owner of 545 Airport Boulevard. After
Staff met with Mr. West on this matter, it was determined that the address for this
application should indicate 531-545 Airport Boulevard instead of 515-545 Airport
Boul evard as i ndi cated on the appl i cati on and Staff Report.. Si nce the appl i cati on
waS not si gned by the owner of 545 Ai rport Boul evard, the Ci ty Attorney requested
that the following Special Condition be added:
"10. The Use Permit shall not be issued unless the applicant submits to the
Department of Communi ty Development by the close of busi ness Apri 1 4,
1984, written instrument showing that the applicant has a sufficient
interest in the property located at 545 Airport Boulevard to allow the
applicant to stand in the position of "owner" for purposes of the
March 22, 1984
Motion-Mantegani/Second Hoyer: To approve UP-84-684 and Negative Declaration No. 437
based on findings and subject to all conditions, including above added special con-
dition, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved.
San Mateo County Transit District (El Cam & Bay Investment Co), UP-84-683, Negative
Declaration No. 436
Chairman Getz stepped down.
Exception to Ordinance No. 925-83 and a Use Permit for construction of a bus main-
tenance and operations facility with related public access, open space, landscaping,
and parking on Belle Air Island, north of North Access Road, east of South Airport
March 22, 1984 Staff Report presented.
Applicant's Representative Present:
Richard Gee
Mr. Gee advised the Commission that he was in agreement with all conditions of apro-
val except for that condition which required a barbed wire fence. Mr. Yee discussed
with the Commission the issues of sewer connections, storm drainage, and maintenance
of North Access Road. Sgt Petrocchi advised the Commission that he would work with the
applicant with regard to the barbed wire fence.
Mr. Gorny requested that the following additional Special Condition be added:
"9. The public access area on the perimeter of Belle Air Island shall be
widened if so required by BCDC."
~1oti on-f~larti n/Second Bertucell i : To grant an excepti on to Ordi nance No. 925-83 and
approve Negative Declaration No. 436 and Use Permit UP-84-683, based on findings, and
subject to all conditions, including above added special condition, contained in the
Staff Report.. AYES: Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Bertucell i, Grimes, Hoyer,
Mantegani, and Martin. ABSTAINED: Chairman Getz.
City of South San Francisco and Syufy Enterprises, ZA-84-36, Negative Declaration No.
Zoni ng Amendment Amendi ng Chapter 20.66 of the South San Franci sco [Vluni ci pa 1 Code.
March 22, 1984 Staff Report presented.
[Vlotion-Mantegani/Second Grimes: To adopt a Resolution recommending that the
Ci ty Counci 1 approve ZA-84-26 and Negati ve Decl arati on No. 438 amendi ng Secti ons
20.66.030 and 20..66.050 (P-C-M Zone) of the South San Francisco Municipal Code
based on findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved.
Items from the Commission
Commissioner tv'lartin asked where the nearest public dump is located. He noted that
dumping was occurri ng on property on Gell ert Boul evard. Mr. Chri sti ans advi sed
March 22, 1984
Commissioner Martin that the Code Enforcement Officer had notified the property owner
of thi s.
Commissioner Grimes asked the City Attorney if a sign with a curfew could be placed
in public parks. He noted that there were instances of late night drinking and bro-
ken beer bottles in the tot park at Spruce and Terrace. City Attorney Rogers advised
Commissioner Grimes that it is unlawful to consume alcoholic beverages in City parks
except in designated areas and stated that he would request Police Department and
Department of Parks and Recreation action on this matter.
Commissioner Hoyer asked if dirt biking was permitted on Sign Hill. The response was
negati ve and Commi ssi oner Hoyer was advi sed to noti fy the Pol ice Department if he
noted any further violations.
Commissioner Mantegani asked about the weed abatement program and noted that several
lots, notably on the right side of Chestnut and Grand Avenues had tall weeds.
Commissioner Bertucelli stated that there were many violations at the 4-way stop sign
on Palm and Magnolia Avenues and the he considered this hazardous. Mr. Gorny advised
Commissioner Bertucelli that he had informed the Police Department about this concern
in the past but that he would again contact the Traffic Division.
Adjournment: 9:30 P.M.
Charles W. Getz, IV Chairman
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco