HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/09/1984 February 9, 1984 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Getz, Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes*, Hoyer, t,1antegani, and ~1arti n *Commissioner Grimes arrived during the hearing for Agenda Item No.4, Rotary Plaza, RPD-84-28. ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell 'Angela Daniel B. Christians Philip Gorny Maureen K. Morton City Attorney Robert Rogers Assistant City Attorney Elladene Katz Police Department Chief James Datzman Sgt. Ron Petrocchi Fire Department Brian Niswonger Director of Public Services Robert Yee Building Division Ray Laur PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONSENT CALENDAR Joseph Haggarty, UP-80-563, Negative Declaration No. 274 Request for ti me extens i on for a m; ni - storage proj ect located between ~~estborough Soul evard, ~/leath Dri ve, and Carter Dri ve in the P-C-C Pl anned Commun i ty Commerc i al Zone District. February 9, 1984 Staff Report presented. tv10ti on-~1arti n/Second t,1antegani: To conti nue UP-80-563 to the meeti ng of ~1arch 22, 1984. Unanimously approved by voice vote. C.N. Chow, UP-78-440 (Mod 5), Stonegate Units 5 & 6 Request for time extension for 155 residential unit project along both sides of Ridgeview Court in Stonegate Units 5 and 6 in the P-C Planned Community Zone District. February 9, 1984 Staff Report presented. IVloti on-~Iarti n/Second \Vlantegani: To conti nue UP-78-440 to the meeti ng of March 22, 1984 in order for the appl i cant to be present to expl ai n the basi s for the time extension. Unanimously approved by voice vote. 1315 February 9, 1984 Macy's California, UP-77-413, Negative Declaration No. 136 Request for deletion of Special Condition No.3, related to quarterly retail sales, of Use Permit UP-77-413, for the expansion of a warehouse distribution center at 1556 El Camino Real in the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Zone District. February 9, 1984 Staff Report presented. Motion-Martin/Second Mantegani: To amend Special Condition Number 3 of UP-77-413 to read as follows: 113. The applicant shall be required to hold retail sales on the premises in accordance with the general purpose and intent of the C-1 Zone.1I Unanimously approved by voice vote. AGENDA ITEI~1S Rotary Plaza Annex, Inc. (L.G. Folmer), RPD-84-28 Residential Planned Development permit to construct a 54-unit apartment building for senior citizens located on the west side of the terminus of Blondin Way. February 9, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Architect Present: George Avanessian 914 Linden Avenue Speaking with Concern on the Project: Charles Hessel 424 Constitution Drive fvlr. Hessel, Owner/Operator of the adj acent Nursery was concerned that the 1 i ghti ng around the proposed building at night would adversely affect plants in his nursery. In order to address this concern, the following Special Condition No.8 was added: 118. DO\rm or shielded exterior lighting shall be utilized and shall be directed tOv\lard the development and not on the adj acent greenhouse property. II Commissioner Martin noted the significant amount of landscaping proposed on this pro- ject. He felt that the Planning Commission should, in the future, revie\<1/ the 1 andscapi ng pl ans. He added that where the 1 andscapi ng is a 5i gni fi cant issue, a representati ve from the Parks & Recreati on Department shoul d appear' before the Commission to discuss this issue. Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To approve RPD-84-28 based on findings and subject to all conditions, including above added Special Condition Number 8, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. 1316 February 9, 1984 Cousin's Furniture (Roman Cathol ic Archdioceses of San Francisco, Property Owner), UP-84-681, Negative Declaration No. 434 Use Permit to establish an overflow parking lot and related landscaping at 434 Alida Way to serve the adjacent Cousin's furniture store at 555 El Camino Real. February 9, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Gordon Bartell C.H.I,Jells Sa n ~~a teo The Commission discussed the proposed fence, proper illumination of the parking lot, and catch basins to be provided. ~1oti on-fvtantegani /Second Terry: To approve UP-84-681 and Negati ve Decl arati on No.. 434 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. T.N. Taube Associates and Genentech, Inc., V-84-275, Negative Declara~on No. 435 Variance to increase the amount of compact parking spaces from 30% to 50% at 451 and 460 Poi nt San Bruno Boul evard and 800 Forbes Boul evard in the t4-2 Heavy Industri al Zone District. February 9, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Andrew Skibo Genentech Motion-Grimes/Second Mantegani: To approve V-84-275 and Negative Declaration No. 435 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. T.N. Taube Associates and Genentech, Inc., UP-84-682, Negative Declaration No. 435 Request for an exception from the provisions and requirements of Ordinance No.. 925-83 and a Use Permit to establish additional offices, laboratories and a master parking plan for existing buildings at 451 and 460 Point San Bruno Boulevard and 800 Forbes Boulevard in the M-2 Heavy Industrial Zone District. February 9, 1984 Staff Report presented.. Applicant1s Representative Present: Andrew Skibo Genentech The Director of Public Services wanted to confirm, for the record, that the applicant was fully aware of the Oyster Point Interchange contribution requirement as indicated in the conditions of approval. Mr. Skibo stated that he was aware of the condition.. He agreed to making the contribution provided the City agrees that a pro rata payment 1317 ' February 9, 1984 would be made as each building is added rather than requiring payment of the entire contribution before construction. Mr. Yee stated that this procedure was acceptable to II i m . ~10ti on-~1antegani /Second Grimes: To approve UP-84-682 and Negati ve Decl arati on No. 435 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. South San Francisco Unified School District and Jo Eskridge, UP-84-680 Use Permit to establ ish a pre-school and chil d care center at 753 Del ~10nte Avenue (E1 Rancho School) in the R-1, Single-Family Zone District. February 9, 1984 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Jo Eskridge 2821 Berkshire Drive San Bruno Ms. Eskridge submitted a community survey to the Commission Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To approve UP-84-680 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Proposed Revisions to the Land Use, Circulation and Transportation Elements of the General Plan, GP-82-20 Speaking on the General Plan: Wa 1 ter t'loreno Foster Kleiser AndreVJ Johnson Geneto Outdoor Advertising Jim San Sabastian 101 West Orange Ave (Representing Guy F. Atkinson Co) Albert Sanchez, Architect Macy's Chairman Getz raised a question concerning the EIR. On the advice of the Assistant City Attorney and the City Attorney it ~I/as the consensus of the Commission to forv-Jard the additional environmental information provided by Staff to the City Council for their consideration. fv1r. Moreno spoke on proposed Pol icy 38 regard i ng outdoor adverti sing si gns . He requested that the \>Jords II noli and IIcommercialll be deleted from this policy. tvlr. Johnson requested a definition of IIcommercial advertisingll. He objected to the first sentence of Pol icy 38. IVlr. San Sabastian spoke to Pol icy 79 regarding del etion of 1318 February 9, 1984 the North Canal Street Extensi on. !Vir. Yee stated that he di d not vii th the Community Development Department1s recommendation to delete this policy. The Director of Community Development explained his reasons for the proposed deletion of thi s pol icy. ~lr. Sanchez expressed concern about the the amount of Macy I s property required for the alternate alignment for the Hickey Boulevard Extension. He advised the Comm; ssi on that Ivlacy' s IfJi shed to use thi s southerl y porti on of the property for additional employee parking. After Commission discussion, the following changes were made to the January 26, 1984 Amendments proposed by Staff: Definition "Planned Commercial". The last sentence was changed to read: liThe bench- mark den si ty of res i denti a 1 uses in thi s di stri ct shoul d not exceed thi rty (30) dwelling units per net acre of land.1I Policy 39: The first sentence was changed to read: liOn-site identification signs should be reviewed as to size, height and number to prevent visual clutter throughout the community." Pol icy 63: Changed to read: II A 1 andscaped front yard setback of at 1 east 10 feet should be provided on each new industrial building site." Narrati ve on Page 43: 113) North Canal Street Extensi on and Grade Separati on - The ex ten si on of North Canal Street, over the Southern Pac i fi c Ra i 1 road ri ght-of-\'~ay to connect \fiith Airport Boul evard and Produce Avenue may all eviate traffic congestion on major thoroughfares including South Spruce Avenue, South Linden Avenue, Baden Avenue, Airport Boulevard, Produce Avenue and San Mateo Avenue. These thoroughfares currentl y carry most of the truck traffi c in thi s area. The proposed North Canal Street Extension might provide a direct connection between the Lindenvi'le industrial area and the Bayshore Freeway. It coul d al so reduce truck traffi c in the downtown area, particularly along Baden Avenue, Linden Avenue and Airport Boulevard. However, more study is needed to determine if it is physically and fiscally needed or po s sib 1 e. II Policy 79: Changed to read: lIA feasibility study should be prepared to determine if physically and fiscally desirable to extend North Canal Street to the San ~1ateo Avenue/Ai rport Boul evard/Produce Avenue i ntersecti on in order to provi de improved access from the lindenville area to Highway 101.11 Land Use Diagram Map: Paragraph h) Deleted. last two paragraphs renumbered h) and i). (NOTE: An inadvertent error in new subparagraph i) was noted - Chestnut Avenue should read Oak Avenue). Commissioner Hoyer recommended that Policy 38 be deleted from the proposed Plan. Motion-Hoyer/Second Bertucelli: To delete Policy 38 from the proposed General Plan. AYES: Commissioners Hoyer and Bertucel'i. NOES: Chairman Getz, Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Grimes, Mantegani, and Martin. \Vloti on-Grimes/ Second Hoyer: Recommend that the Ci ty Counci 1 make changes to the General Pl an as outl i ned in the Staff Report of February 9, 1984, and as amended 1319 9, 1984 envi approved. in on Ci Council I A Resolution commendi unanimous ce vote. Kostrikin, Design Review Board iii a s by a The Communi se Terrabay Precise 23, 1984. It was the consensus or any acti on taken on completed. from the Comm; s on hol d a the ng ruary session should be held hnical es were Plan and Subdivision the Commission ay Project until 5i nce Terrabay appl i cat; ons were not be con the low vol ume ions for the ~larch 8, Mantegani moved canc Planni Commis h 8, 1984. Commi s oner seconded approved ce , 1984 and Commis oner , 1984 and it was unani y Adjournment: 10:30 P.M. ~~'~~~ Loui s De Angel ac:- .. . , Pl anni s on South isco 7Charles W. Getz IV Chairman, Planning Commis on City South San Francisco 1 ~?()