HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/08/1984 December 8, 1983 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Hoyer, Vice-Chairman Getz, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes, Mantegani, Martin and Terry ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell 'Angela Daniel B. Christians Philip Gorny Maureen K. Morton Assistant City Attorney Elladene Katz Police Departrnent Sgt Ron Petrocchi Fire Department Dave Parenti Director of Public Services Robert Yee Building Division Jake Wi tt~Jer PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion Grimes/Second Bertucelli: To approve the minutes of the November 10, 1983 Meeti ng. Unanimously approved by voi ce vote wi th Commi ssi oner Martin abstaining. AGENDA ITE~IS Classic Van, UP-83-646 Use Permit revocation evidentiary hearing for non-compliance with the Special Condi ti ons of Approval. The Use Permi t was for the sal e and custom conversi on of automotive vans at 105 Linden Avenue in the C-2 Central Commercial Zone District. The Assistant City Attorney advised that Marshall Bloss wished to address the Commission. Marshall Bloss 105 Linden Avenue ~1r. Bloss stated that hi s Attorney was ill. He requested that the Commi ssi on con- tinue this hearing to the meeting of January 12, 1984. It was the consensus of the Commission that the applicant should be granted the con- tinuance. Motion Mantegani/Second Grimes: To continue UP-83-646 to the meeting of January 12, 1983. Unanimously approved. Kung Leung Cheung, DR-83-513 Appeal by Kung Leung Cheung of the findings of the Design Review Board and the Department of Community Development denying the architectural appearance of a greenhouse addition located at 17 Vista Court in the RPD-5 Residential Planned Development Zone District. December 8, 1983 This item was continued by unanimous voice vote to the January 12, 1984 meeting since neither the applicant nor his representative was present. Church of Scientology, UP-83-673, Negative Declaration No. 427 Use Permit for a Round Table Pizza restaurant, serving beer and wine, with four (4) vi deo games at 2225-2227 Gell ert Boul evard, Gell ert Square Shoppi ng Center, in the C-l Neighborhood Commercial Zone District. December 8, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Bharat B. Behan 1112 Halsey Blvd Foster City Speaking in Opposition to the application: Robert Stevens, Presi\dent Westborough Homeowners Assn. 2435 Tipperary Avenue Mr. Behan read a statement regarding Round Table Pizza Restaurant policy. He advised the Commission that the majority of the restaurant business would be in the evening when most other businesses in the Center woul d be closed. He al so stated that the four (4) video games being requested were the maximum amount permitted in all Round Table Pizza Restaurants and that these games were for the use of customers only. Nr. Stevens, representi ng the Board of Di rectors of the Westborough Homeowner's Association, opposed this application for three reasons: 1) There was no need in the nei ghborhood for another pi zza restaurant, 2) Beer, wi ne, and vi deo games are undesirable elements for juveniles, and 3) The restaurant would provide a hang out for juveniles. He cited possible property and vehicle damage. Commissioner Bertucelli questioned Sgt. Petrocchi on this matter. Sgt Petrocchi stated that the same conditions were being imposed for this restaurant as were imposed on the Straw Hat Pizza Restaurant and that a six (6) month study on the Straw Hat operation indi- cated that juvenile problems disappeared. He stated that he foresaw no problems with the Round Table Restaurant if the owner complies with the conditions of approval. Commissioner Getz called to the Commission's attention a letter received from David R. Sereni, Spudnuts, of November 30, 1983 opposi ng thi s use. Mr. Sereni' s 1 etter also stated that a. final inspection of the building at the Gellert Square Shopping Center had not been done. There ~~as Commission discussion regarding parking, traffic, and land use issues. The Commission also discussed the location of the video arcade area. Mr. Behan pre- sented an alternate plan in which the game room was relocated so that it could be moni tored by employees in accordance ~1/i th Pol ice Department requi rements. Assistant City Attorney Katz requested that Special Condition 3 be amended to read: "3. The hours of general restaurant operation shall be limited to 11:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. Sunday through Thursday and 11:00 A.M. to 12:00 Midnight Friday December 8, 1983 and Saturday only. The hours of operation of the arcade shall be in accor- dance with the Police Department requirements contained in Exhibit "B". Associ ate Pl anner Morton al so requested that the foll owi ng Speci al Condi ti on 8 be added: "8. Pri or to the issuance of a Bui 1 di n9 Permi t for the tenant improvements at this site, the Building Permit for the building shall be finalized.1I Motion-Grimes/Second Bertucelli: To approve UP-83-673 and Negative Declaration No. 427 based on fi ndi ngs and subject to all condi ti ons, i ncl udi ng above amended and added conditions, contained in the Staff Report. AYES: Chairman Hoyer, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes, Mantegani, Martin and Terry. NO: Vice-Chairman Getz. Stewart-Warner Corp., UP-83-674, Negative Declaration No. 428 Request for exemption from Ordinance No. 925-83 and a Use Permit for automobile ren- tal, automobile storage, and offices at 124 South Airport Boulevard in the ~.1-2 Industrial Zone District. (Showcase Rental Cars). December 8, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Stanley Plog Showcase Rental Cars Los Angeles Mr. Plog explained the operation of the Showcase Rental Car Agency. It was the consensus of the Commission that the use is not in conformance with the proposed General Plan. Moti on-Getz/Second Terry: To deny UP-83-674 and Negati ve Decl arati on No. 428 based on findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Ares Commercial Properties, UP-83-672, Negative Declaration No. 426 Request for exempti on from Ordi nance No. 925-83 and a Use Permi t for reta i 1 sales, additional offices, and to establish a new sign program at 37~ Shaw Road in the M-2 Industrial Zone District. (The Good Guys). December 8, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: John Merchant, Director Good Guys Stereo Greg Steele Facility Coordinator The Good Guys Applicant's Representative Present: December 8, 1983 Speaking in Favor of the Project: Linda Zaccrin Hickey Blvd. Daly Ci ty Speaking in Opposition of the Project: George Mitchell 344 Shaw Road Dr. Earl Wachter 360 Shaw Road Mr. Merchant questioned Special Condition Number 5 which limited the sales to weekends. He advised the Commission that the Good Guys sales lasted four (4) days, beg; nni ng on Fri day and endi ng on t~onday. He wi shed to conti nue thi s practi ce. He also requested that the pole sign be approved and he advised the Commission that the sign would only be lit during the weekend sales. Ms. Zaccri n stated that she had been to the sal es conducted by the Good Guys and that, in her opinion, traffic should be no longer a problem at this site. Mr. Mi tchell and Dr. Wachter expressed concern about the traffi c generated by the sal es and potenti a"l. confl i cts wi th the surroundi ng i ndustri al uses. Mr. Mi tchell expressed the opi ni on that retail sales shoul d not be permi tted on Shaw Road. Dr. Wachter indicated that, in the past, customers at these sales had used his parking lot. A discussion ensued regarding the proposed sale days. Mr. Steele advised the Commission that The Good Guys sales are traditionally held from Friday through t>1onday, usually in connection with a Monday holiday. It was the consensus of the Commission that they could support a sale on two consecutive weekends (Saturday/Sunday) or possibly a weekend beginning at 6 P.M. Friday through Monday if that Monday were a holiday. They requested that Staff and the applicant work out a specific schedule for proposed sales. Motion-Getz/Second Terry: To continue UP-83-672 and Negative Declaration No. 426 to the meeting of January 12, 1984. Unanimously approved. Tanforan Associates, UP-83-671, Negative Declaration No. 425 Use Permit to construct offices, light assembly, research and development, and other light industrial uses in a three-building complex with related landscaping and park i ng at the northeast corner of Hunti ngton Avenue and Noor Avenue in the P-C-M Planned Commercial and Limited Industrial Zone District. December 8, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Architect Present: Wayne Gehrke Group 4 467 Forbes Blvd. December 8, 1983 Applicant's Representative Present: Al Shan sky HO~lJard Avenue, Burlingame Mr. Gehrke described the project. The Commission discussed issues related to sewers, storm drains, traffic generation, and uses to be permitted in the project. Due to Commission concerns, the following two uses, listed in Special Condition 2e and 2h were deleted as permitted uses. They are: lie. Food distribution not requiring heavy truck use." "h. Storage of non-flamable, non-toxic materials and products." The following was added to Special Condition No.3 as prohibited uses: lie. Warehousing and public storage." The Commission also stipulated that the following Special Condition be added: "10. The sign program and the required trash enclosure(s) shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Commission." tJloti on-Getz/Second Marti n: To approve UP-83-671 and Negati ve Decl arati on No. 425 subject to all conditions, including above amended and added Special Conditions, con- tained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Items from the Staff Status Report on Revocation of UP-83-657, a Use Permit for an auto salvage and parts storage facility at 150 Harbor Way (Anthony Valencia.) December 8, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Anthony Valencia 408 Larch Mr. Valencia advised the Commission that he is working seven (7) days a week to accomplish the conditions imposed by the Commission. He requested that the Commission extend the deadline of November 14, 1983 imposed for completion of all the improvements at 150 Harbor Way. The Commission advised Mr. Valencia that he was in violation of the conditions of the Use Permit and reaffirmed that the public hearing on the revocation should be held on January 12, 1984. Amendments to Language of Adopted Zoning Ordinance for Terrabay Development By unanimous voice vote, the Commission set January 26, 1984 as a public hearing date for thi s item. December 8, 1983 . Proposed Revi s ions to the Land Use, Ci rcul ati on and Transportati n [1 ements of the General Plan By unanimous voice vote, the Commission set January 26, 1984 as a public hearing date for this item. Capital Improvements Program By unanimous voice vote, the Commission set January 12, 1984 to consider the Capital Improvements Program. Planning Commission Meeting Dates Due to the City Council changing its meeting dates, Staff proposed that the Commi ssi on recommend to the Ci ty Counci 1 that its meeti ng dates be changed to the first and third Tuesdays of the month. After discussion, it was determined that the alternate meeting dates suggested by Staff would be a problem for certain Commi ssi oners and the current meeti ng dates for the Pl anni ng Commi ssi on shoul d be retained. Industrial City Letters, Sign Hill The Commission discussed the November 22, 1983 letter received from Roy Folmer on the above. They determined that they would not consider making any recommendation to the City Council on the Folmer proposal at this time. Items from the Commission Commissioner Terry asked when the new Sign Ordinance would be ready. Staff advised him that thi s woul d be a part of the new Zoni ng Ordi nance, whi ch wi 11 be prepared after the General Plan is adopted. Adjournment: 11:45 P.M. Herman Hoyer Chairman, Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Ange a Secretary, Planning Commisssion City of South San Francisco