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July 14, 1983 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Hoyer, Vice-Chairman Getz, Commissioners Bertucelli,
Grimes, ~1antegani, Marti n and Terry
Community Development Staff
Louis Dell 'Angela
Daniel B. Christians
Philip Gorny
Maureen K. Morton
William Holloway
Elladene Katz
Assistant City Attorney
Police Department
Fire Department
Sgt. Ron Petrocchi
Brian Niswonger
Department of Public Services
Robert Yee
Building Division
Jake Wittwer
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Bertucellli/Second Grimes: To approve the minutes
of the June 9, 1983 Meeting as presented. Unanimously approved.
Commissioner Grimes stated that several of his business associates had indicated
to him that offensi ve odors were emanati ng from the t1eat Process; ng Pl ant on
South Airport Boulevard. The Director of Community Development stated that this
was the first complaint he had received and he would furnish the Commisstona
report on this matter at the July 28, 1983 meeting.
Commissioner Terry expressed concern about signs and requested that a definition
of a "sign" be placed in the new Sign Ordinance.
Staff requested that Items 1 (Thomas J. Callan, Jr., PM-83-206), 7 (Northwest
Equity Corp., UP-83-662) and 8 (Louis Poletti, SA-83-80) be moved to the Consent
Calendar as continuances were being requested for these items.
Thomas J. Callan, Jr., PM-83-206, Negative Declaration No. 394
Tentative Parcel Map for a proposed 4 parcel resubdivision of 15.3 acres located
along the westerly side of Gellert Boulevard north of Westborough Boulevard in
the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Zone District. (Continued from Planning
Commission Meeting of June 9, 1983).
July 14, 1983 Staff Report presented.
Applicant's July 6, 1983 letter was read.
July 14, 1983
Applicant's Representative Present:
Gilbert Rodli
Speaking on the Application:
Robert Stevens, President
Westborough Homeowner's
Mr. Stevens stated that he wi 11 hold hi s comments unti 1 the September 8, 1983
Meeting in light of the continuance requested by the applicant. He advised the
Commi s s ion that Mr . Call an has not met wi th members of hi s Assoc i at i on to
discuss this proposal.
Mr. Rodli advised the Commission that he would contact Mr. Stevens and arrange a
The Director of Community Development noted that Mr. Callan had requested that
Staff/Commissioners have a field trip to view hilltop developments in the area.
It was the consensus of the Commission that an organized field trip should not
be taken. They requested that Mr. Call an furni sh the Di rector of Communi ty
Development with a list of projects he wished the Commission to visit. The
Director would then furnish the Commission with this information. The
Commissioners could visit the sites individually.
Motion-Grimes/Second Terry: To continue PM-83-206 and Negative Declaration No.
394 to the Meeting of September 8, 1983. Unanimously approved.
Northwest Equity Corporation, UP-83-662, Negative Declaration No. 414
Use Permit for the proposed conversion of an existing, single-tenant warehouse
and offi ce bui 1 di ng to a mul ti -tenant warehouse and offi ce bui 1 di ng at 570
Eccles Avenue in the M-2 Industrial Zone District.
Applicant's letter of July 8, 1983 requesting a continuance to July 28, 1983 was
Motion-Grimes/Second Terry: To continue UP-83-662 and Negative Declaration No.
414 to the meeting of July 28, 1983. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
Louis Poletti, SA-83-80, Negative Declaration No. 403
A Tentative Subdivision request to create a 34-unit air-space condominium pro-
ject with common parking and open space located northwest of the northern ter-
minus of Blondin Way, west of Alida Way.
Motion-Getz/Second Mantegani: To continue SA-83-80 and Negative Declaration No.
403 to the meeting of July 28, 1983. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
July 14, 1983
Raymond De Nardi, PM-83-211, Negative Declaration No. 411
Tentative Parcel Map for a proposed two-parcel resubdivision of 0.44 acres of
land creating parcels of 10,050 square feet and 9,137 square feet on the south-
west corner of Alida Way and Ponderosa Road in the RPD-15 Residential Planned
Development-15 units per acre Zone District.
July 14, 1983 Staff Report presented.
The Commission was advised of an error on page 3 of the Staff Report. The sizes
of the two parcel s had been reversed. The parcel wi th the tri pl ex, proposed
parcel 1, is 10,050 square feet and the vacant proposed parcel 2 is 9,137 square
Applicant Present:
Raymond De Nardi
453 Alhambra
The Assi stant Ci ty Attorney requested that Speci al Condi ti on No. 3 be changed
to read as follows:
"3. The applicant shall comply with the provlslons of Title 19 of the
South San Francisco Municipal Code (City Subdivision Ordinance) and the
Subdivision Map Act."
Vice-Chairman Getz requested that Finding No. 9 of the Staff Report be recorded
in the deed of the newly created parcel to act as a disclosure statement in the
event the land is sold at some future date. The following Special Condition No.
5 was added:
"5. The final Parcel Map shall have the following wording affixed thereon:
'The City shall not be compelled to approve variances or a development
proposal for Parcel 2 which is substandard and/or is not consistent
with good planning design'll.
Moti on-Getz/Second Marti n: To approve PM-83-211 and Negati ve Decl arati on No.
411 based on findings and subject to all conditions, including above modified
and added special conditions, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously
Schenker1s International Forwarders (Carl Holvic Co), UP-83-661, Negative
Declaration No. 413
Use Permit for a 47,086 square foot office and warehouse building at 380
Littlefield Avenue in the M-2 Industrial Zone District.
July 14, 1983 Staff Report Presented
July 14, 1983
Applicant's Representative Present:
Carl Schmidt
Carl I-Iolvic Co
Palo Alto
Motion-Martin/Second Grimes: To approve UP-83-661 and Negative Declaration No.
413 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff
Report. Unanimously approved.
Central Roofing, Inc. (Cecila S. Mortimer), UP-83-660
Use Permit for a roofing contractor's office, warehouse and storage within the
existing 4,300 square foot building at 938 Linden Avenue in the C-3 Heavy
Commercial Zone District.
July 14, 1983 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present:
Dan Ochoa
480 A 1 ta Vis ta
Speaking in Opposition of the Application:
John Mascio
912 Linden Avenue
Laura Raza
1327 Cleveland
San Mateo
Mr. Mascio, a resident of the adjoining residential neighborhood, objected to
the odor from the tar pots. Ms. Raza, representative of Metropolitan Furniture
Co., 950 Linden Avenue, advised the Commission that the Furniture Company which
she represents was concerned that the odor from the tar pots would get into the
Company's circulation system and adversely affect the fabrics of the furniture.
The applicant indicated that the tar pots would be on the site only about 20-30
minutes in the morning.
Staff had recommended a condition that required the tar pots to be kept indoors.
Brian Niswonger, Deputy Fire Marshal, advised the Commission that the Uniform
Fire Code prohibited the keeping the tar pots inside the building.
1. Although the proposed use is consistent with the General Plan of the
Ci ty of South San Franci sco, it woul d be pl aced near residenti a 1 and
other commercial uses ~~hich could be adversely affected by this use.
To deny UP-83-660 based on the following
2. The proposed use wi 11 be adverse to the pub 1 i c heal th, safety, or
general wel fare and detrimental to surrounding properties and impro-
vements. The proposed use is not compatible with surrounding uses.
3. The effects of this use cannot be reasonably mitigated by the imposi-
tion of conditions.
July 14, 1983
Bob Leech, Exempti on Request per Ordi nance 923-83, UP-83-652, Negati ve
Declaration No. 402
Proposed exemption request per Ordinance 923-83 prohibiting certain uses in the
M-2 I ndustri a 1 Zone Di stri ct and Use Permi t for a proposed 6,000 square foot
2-story automobile service and office building at 435 South Airport Boulevard in
the M-2 Industrial Zone District.
July 14, 1983 Staff Report presented.
The Director of Community Development discussed the Interim Ordinance.
Applicant Present:
Bob Leech
8 Channing Way
Mr. Leech questioned several of the recommended conditions of approval. He read
letters of support from two uses in the area (F&C Ford and American Chesterfield
Manufacturi ng Company ). Both 1 etters stated that they were opposed to the
fence bei ng recommended by Staff. Mr. Leech i ndi cated that he ~~as wi 11 i ng to
bui 1 d a fence across the back of the property. Commi ssi oner Marti n asked Mr.
Leech if he was against Spectal Condition No.7 which required a six-foot high
decorative solid wood fence or masonry wall to be erected along the north,
south, and east property lines. Mr. Leech responded in the affirmative.
Vice-Chairman Getz expressed concern about the possible inconsistency between
this case and the Use Permit application of Harvey Rifkin also on this Agenda.
It was his opinion that uses which may adversely affect the General Plan now
bei ng cons i dered by the Ci ty Counc i 1 shoul d not be approved at thi s ti me. He
suggested denial of this application without predjudice until such time as the
new General Pl an has been approved by the Ci ty Counci 1 . The Di rector of
Community Development responded that in his opinion that this particular use
would not violate the intent of the General Plan.
Mot i on-Getz/ Second Terry: To deny the exempti on request per Ordi nance No.
923-83 based on the following finding:
The auto repair use is not consistent with the proposed General Plan.
I t wi 11 adversely affect the General Pl an Amendment presentl y under
study by the City Council.
AYES: Vice-Chairman Getz, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes, Mantegani, Martin
and Terry. NOES: Chairman Hoyer.
Harvey Rifkin, UP-83-656, Negative Declaration No. 407
Use Permit to construct a 15,q60 square foot industrial office building at 120
Sylvester Road in the M-2 Industrial Zone District.
July 14, 1983 Staff Report presented.
July 14, 1983
Applicant Present
Harvey Rifkin
965 Mission St
San Francisco
Applicant's Architect Present:
George Avanessi n
914 Linden Aven e
Alan Baker
Property Owner
Adjacent Property
A discussion was held regarding off-street parking in the area. Mr. Baker
rei terated the Staff's concern regardi ng the 1 ack of adequate parki ng on thi s
Speaking in Oppositiontdthe Application
Moti on-Getz/Second Mantegani: To deny UP-83-656 and Negati ve Decl arati on No.
407 based on findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved.
Item Number 9 on the Agenda was moved forward to be heard at this time.
Juliana Ho Wong, UP-83-659
Use Permit for construction of a room addition between the existing townhouse
and garage at 2229 Greendale Drive in the P-C Planned Community Zone District.
July 14, 1983 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present:
Juliana Ho Wong
2229 Greendale Drive
Motion-Martin/Second Grimes: To approve UP-83-659 based on findings and subject
to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved.
Louis Poletti, RPD-83-27, Negative Declaration No. 403
Residential Planned Development Permit for a 34 unit residential condominium
project with related parking and landscaping on an approximately 1.1 acre par-
cel located northwest of the northern termi nus of Bl ondi n Way, west of Al i da
Way, between Country Club Drive and Ponderosa Road in the R-3 Restricted
Multiple Family Residential Zone District. (Continued from Planning Commission
Meeting of June 9, 1983).
July 14, 1983 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present:
Loui s Pol etti
333 El Camino Real
Applicant's Architect Present:
George Avanessian
914 Linden Avenue
In response to a Commission question Assistant City Attorney Katz stated that
1 egally the RPD coul d be heard and approved by the Commi ssi on at thi s meeti ng
July 14, 1983
and the action on the Subdivision Map deferred to the next Pl anni Commission
Meeting. Special Condition No. 10 was amenaed to-read as follows:
"10. This permit shall not become effective until and unless the related
Subdivision r~ap (SA-83-80) has been approved by the City Council."
Vice Chai rman Getz and Commi ss i oner Gri mes commended Mr . Pol etti on the rev i-
sions which were made to this project.
Motion-Getz/Second Bertucell i: To approve RPD-83-27 and Negative Decl aration
No. 403 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff
Report including above amended Special Condition No. 10. Unanimously approved.
Anthony Valencia (Valencia Bros.), UP-83-657, N~gative Declaration No. 41~
Use Permit for an existing auto salvage, storage, repair facility, and parts
warehouse at 150 Harbor Way in the M-2 Industrial Zone District.
July 14, 1983 Staff Report Presented
Applicant Present:
Anthony Valencia
150 Harbor Way
Mr. Valencia advised the Commission that by requesting this Use Permit he was
not admitting that he had been engaged in illegal operations at 150 Harbor Way.
The Director of Community Development noted that the Fire Department was
satisfied with the present access lane and that Special Condition No. 1c should,
therefore, be deleted. Mr. Valencia agreed with Staff conditions of approval
with the following exceptions:
1) Special Condition 1a regarding the twelve 15-gallon trees to be
planted in front of his property. Mr. Valencia stated that he had
made an attempt to pl ant trees but that wi thi n a week all box trees
had disappeared.
2) Special Condition 1b relating to removal of the old railroad cars.
Mr. Valencia felt that these cars were not deteriorated and they could
not be seen with the fence that was to be installed.
3) Special Condition No.3 regarding replacement of broken windows. Mr.
Valencia requested that only the front windows, which are visible, be
replaced. He felt that it was too costly to replace all windows and
that they would only be broken again.
4) Special Condition No.8 requiring a letter of credit or cash deposit
to insure accomplishment of the improvements within four (4) months.
He felt that it would be too great a hardship to require a cash depo-
sit to guarantee these improvements.
July 14, 1983
It was the consensus of the Commission that a performance bond would be accep-
table and Special Condition No.8 was amended to include the following wording:
"8. A Performance Bond by an acceptable surety, a 1 etter of credi t or a
cash deposit equal to the cost of required improvements shall be filed
by the applicant to guarantee that all Special Conditions will be
accomp 1 i shed wi thi n a four (4) month peri od from the date Use Permi t
approval is granted."
The Commission advised Mr. Valencia that approval of this Use Permit would be
granted only if all other conditions imposed by Staff were met.
Special Condition No. 1a was amended by the Commission as follows:
"1a. At least twelve 15-gallon trees shall be installed and maintained
along Harbor Way."
Motion-Getz/Second Mantegani: To approve UP-83-567 and Negative Declaration No.
412 based on findings and subject to all conditions, including above amended
special conditions, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved.
Staff called the Commission's attention to the Variance (V-83-267) of Ernest
Maguire which was approved at the April 14, 1983 Planning Commission meeting.
One of the conditions of the Variance was that plans were to be submitted within
thi rty (30) days of the Commi ssi on Meeti ng. No pl ans have been submi tted to
date. The Commission requested Staff to pursue this with the Code Enforcement
Officer and City Attorney.
Adj ournment: 12 f"li dni ght.
Herman Hoyer
Chairman, Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Secretary, Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco