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June 23, 1983 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chairman Getz, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes,
~1antegan i
MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman Hoyer, Commissioners Martin and Terry
Community Development Staff
Louis Dell'Angela
Daniel B. Christians
Philip Gorny
Maureen Morton
Assistant City Attorney
Elladene Katz
Sgt. Ron Petrocchi
Dave Parenti
Director of Public Services
Robert Yee
Building Division
Jake Wittwer
Agenda Changes: Staff advi sed the Commi ssi on that Item 8, Mi chael
Call an/Geortom, I nc., UP-83-644 has been vii thdrawn by the app 1 i cant. A 1 etter
dated June 23, 1983 from Mr. Callan requesting the withdrawal was presented to
Staff also advised the Commission that Item 7, GP-83-23 and Item 9, RZ-83-77
pertaining to the South San Francisco Unified School District property at the
Galway School site has been withdrawn.
Staff noted that the General Plan Amendment (GP-83-23) pertaining to the Callan
property on the westerly side of Carter Drive required no Commission action.
The Ci ty Counci 1 determi ned at thei r June 22, 1983 meeti ng that a 132 uni t or
186 unit project on that site was consistent with the current General Plan.
The Director advised the Commission that Interim Ordinance No. 916-83 was not
extended nor ~"as a new Interim Urgency Ordi nance adopted by the Ci ty Counci 1 .
I n vi ew of thi s, I tems No. 5 and 6 on the Agenda (Bob Leech" UP-83-652 and
Harvey Rifkin, UP-83-656) did not require Use Permit approval. (It was sub-
sequently learned that the City Council did" in fact" adopt Interim Urgency
Ordinance No.83-923 at their meeting of June 23" 1983. UP-83-652 and UP-83-656
will be rescheduled for Commission action at the Meeting of July 14, 1983.)
June 23, 1983
Golfredo Dini, RPD-80-17, SA-80-65
Request for six (6) month extension of time to begin construction of a 14 unit
residential air space condominium project at 512-514 Grand Avenue in the R-3
Restricted Multiple Family Residential Zone District.
June 23, 1983 S ta ff Report presented.
Applicant Present:
Golfredo Dini
425 Summit Springs Rd
Motion-Grimes/Second Bertucelli: To approve a six month time extension to com-
mence construction of RPD-80-27 by December 11, 1983. Approved by unanimous
voice vote.
Wagner-Levine Inc., UP-83-643
Use Permit to place a mobile home for a caretaker and to store equip-
ment and trucks on the easterly 9-acre portion of US Steel/USS Fabrication pro-
perty at 205 Oyster Point Boulevard.
June 23, 1983 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present:
Ed Levine
1045 Airport Blvd
The applicant agreed to abide by all conditions of approval recommended in the
Staff Report if the Commi ssi on were to recommend Ci ty Counci 1 approval of thi s
application. Commission raised questions about the status of the grading per-
mit, completion of a soils report, and the mobile home. Mr. Yee advised the
Commission that it was his opinion that nothing on the site will change and that
someone was living in the mobile home. Mr. Yee further views the site as an
interim use until the Real Estate Department of US Steel decides what to do with
the property. Mr. DelllAngela advised the Commission that he is concerned about
the stockpiling of dirt and rock and other illegal activities taking place on
the site. Staff still feels the proposed use is not appropriate.
Motion-Mantegani/Second Bertucelli: To deny UP-83-643 and Negative Declaration
No. 389 based on findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved.
Motion Mantegani/Second Bertucelli: To recommend that if City Council approves
this Use Permit all conditions contained in the Staff Report be imposed.
Unanimously approved.
The Di rector of Communi ty Development advi sed the appl i cant that an appeal of
this action was not required as this case would automatically be referred to the
Ci ty Counci 1 .
June 23, 1983
Ron Stabile and Dan Atkins, UP-82-630
Revocation of Use Permit for an Auto Repair Facility at 821 Cypress Avenue.
June 23, 1983 Staff Report presented.
The applicants were not present.
Mr. Christians informed the Commission that this property was currently in
escrow and the the applicants have been given a sixty (60) day eviction notice.
Speaking in Support of the revocation:
Julia West
212 Juniper
George Bugnatto
216 Juniper
Both of the above neighbors stated that conditions at the auto repair facility
are even worse than was stated in the Staff Report. They reported instances of
garbage, and rats on the premises, children playing in the debris, and middle-of-
the-night disturbances with teenagers in vans.
The Commi ssi on expressed concern about the above reported pub 1 i c nui sances at
this site. They directed the City Attorney, Police Department and Building
Division to take corrective action if any of the above reported violations of
City Ordinances were occurring at the site.
Moti on-Mantegani /Second Grimes: To recommend that the Ci ty Counci 1 revoke Use
Permit UP-82-630 based on findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously
Lal Sing, V-83-270, UP-83-654, Negative Declaration No. 405
Variance for a proposed garage encroaching. eight (8) feet into the required
twenty-one (21) foot rear yard setback at 823 Linden Avenue in the C-2 Central
Commercial Zone District.
Use Permit for a proposed second residence on the rear half of the lot at 823
Linden Avenue in the C-2 Central Commercial Zone District.
Applicant's Representative Present:
Loran C. Dockter
439 Cabrillo Ave.
Speaking on the Application:
Richard Wo'lery
825 Linden Avenue
Joe Sacco
819 Linden Avenue
June 23, 1983
Josephine Sarcelett
821 Linden Avenue
The next door neighbor, Mr. Woolery, questioned the variance procedure and asked
if granting this variance would set a neighborhood precedent. Mr. Gorny
explained the variance regulations. Mr. Sacco and Mrs. Scarelett expressed con-
cern about the congestion in the alley.
It was the consensus of the Commission that a redesign of the project should be
undertaken 0 The second res i dence shoul d be seal ed down in si ze so that no
variance or a lesser variance would be required. Commission asked the
applicant's representative if he were willing to work with Staff on a redesign
of the project. He responded in the affirmative.
Motion-Grimes/Second Bertucelli:
Declaration No. 405 off-calendar.
To continue V-83-270, UP-83-654 and Negative
Unanimous,ly approved.
Items from Staff
Oyster Point Marina Specific Plan
A copy of the proposed draft of this Plan was distributed to the Commission for
their review and comments.
Motion-Mantegani/Second Grimes: To set July 28,1983 as a public hearing date
for the Oyster Poi nt ~Iari na Speci fi c Pl an. Approved by unanimous voi ce vote.
Adjournment: 9:05 P.M.
L:~~~~~ Charles W. Getz IV
Secretary, Planning Commission Acting Chairman, Planning Commisssion
City of South San Francisco City of South San Francisco