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October 10, 1985 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Comnission
Chairman Terry, Vice-Chair Wendler
Corrmissioners Agee, Boblitt, Getz, and Martin
Corrmissioner Hoyer
Planning Staff
Deputy City Manager/CD&A
Deputy City Manager/CE
City Attorney
Assistant City Attorney
Police Department
Building Division
Jean T. Smith
Philip Gorny
Maureen K. Morton
Mark Lewis
Robert Yee
Robert Rogers
Robert Kasper
Sgt. Ron Petrocchi
Ray Laur
Motion-Agee/Second Vice-Chair Wendler: To approve
the minutes of the September 12, 1985 Planning
Commission meeting as presented. Unanimously
approved by voice vote with Commissioner Boblitt
AGENDA ITEMS (Public Hearing)
Weight Watchers (Croation Associates, Owners) PE-85-1 Parking Exception from the parking
requirements of Chapter 20.52 of the South San Francisco Code to_allow an organization
to meet in space previously occupied by an office at 415 Grand Avenue, #201.
Applicant Present:
Elaine Silver
191 Acacia
San Bruno
Applicant requested relief from the condition requiring purchase of fifteen monthly
parking permits and the requirement that no classes be scheduled during the business
week lunch hour.
The Commission discussed the conditions and decided that the (10) monthly parking
permits should be required unless the number of employees should increase.
Speaking in Favor:
Milan Cvitanovich
Croation Associates
415 Grand Avenue
Motion-Boblitt/Second Vice-Chair Wendler: To approve-PE-85-1 based on the findings
contained in the Staff Report and subject to the following conditions:
AGENDA ITEMS (Public Hearing) - continued
1. The applicant shal1 purchase ten (10) monthly parking permits from the City's
Finance Division. If the number of employees exceeds ten (10), the applicant
shall purchase one permit for each additional employee. These permits shal1
be distributed to employees for parking in the 1fumicipal Parking Lot on the
northeast corner of Miller and Maple Avenues. If the permits are not purchased
during anyone month, this Parking Exemption is void and the use shal1 be
2. The applicants shal1 encourage their clients to use the parking lot on the
northeast corner of Miller and Maple Avenues.
3. No classes shall be held during business weekdays from 11:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.
4. This exception shall be reviewed by the Planning Comrrdssion in one year.
5. No additiGnal signs, banners, flags, ~indow signs, etc., shall Le instal16d
~~thout prior City approval.
The motion was unanimously approved by roll call vote.
Willie Ostertag (Louis Poletti, Owner) UP-85-741
Negative Declaration No. 524
Use Permit to allow construction of a 61-unit Senior Citizen apartment housing project
at 455 Alida Way in the R-l Single Family andR-3Restricted Multiple Family Zone
A letter was received from the applicant requesting that this item be continued to the
meeting of November 14, 1985.
Motion-Agee/Second-Getz: To continue UP-85-741 and Negative Declaration No. 524 to the
November 14, 1985 Planning Commission meeting. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
Quinton R. Robertson, UP-85-743 and.
Negative Declaration No~ 526
Use Permit to allow a bakery, video rental business, and pizza restaurant, revised
parking, circulation and landscape, plans at an existing shopping center located on
the southwesterly corner of EI Camino Real and Hickey Boulevard, in the C-l Neighborhood
Commercial Zone district.
Applicant Present:
Dr. Quinton Robertson
95 - 37th Avenue
San Mateo, CA 94403
Dr. Robertson requested relief from special condition #15 requiring all site ~provements
to be completed prior to his tenants receiving occupancy permits. TheCommissioners
responded that this requirement is their best assurance that the improvements would be
completed in a t~ely manner.
Motion-Getz/Second-Martin: To approve UP-85-743 and Negative Declaration No. 526 based
on the findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report.
Unanimously approved by roll call vote.
All Saints' Parish (South San Francisco Unified School District, Owner) UP-85-740
Use Permit to conduct church services and classes at 825 Southwood School, Home Economics
room,in the R-l Single Family Zone District.
Applicant Present:
Metropolitan Mar Mikhael, O.S.J., Ph.D.
190 Palisades
Daly City, California
Speaking with Concern:
Bel Zertuche
760 Haven
Virginia Cowlishaw
733 Hill Avenue
Ms. Zertuche and Ms. Cowlishaw both voiced concern that the legal notice for the case
was unclear. They felt that the neighbors should have been better informed because
the use may cause too much traffic and noise.
The Commissioners were concerned that the neighbors were not better notified, but after
discussion with the applicant they felt the project could be approved contingent upon
a one year review and a limit on hours of operation. They also suggested that the
applicant have a meeting with neighbors to allay their concerns.
Motion-Getz/Second-Vice-Chair Wendler: To approve UP-85-740 based on the findings and
subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report, with two added special
5. This permit shall be subject to review after a one year period.
6. No activity shall continue past 9:00 P.M. The premises shall be vacated
and secured by that time ~
The rrvtion was unanimously approved. by ro~~_ call vote.
Chairman Terry stepped down for the next item..
Carroll/REM (Joseph David Goldman, et aI, (Owners)
UP-85-745, Negative Declaration No~ .529
Use Permit to allow demolition of an existing gasoline service station and construc-
tion of a new mini market, canopy, pump islands, utility building, and related
parking and landscaping on the southwesterly corner of EI Camino Real and West borough
Boulevard in the C-l Neighborhood Commercial Zone District.
Applicant's Representative Present:
Cliff Perry
Engineering & Management
310 N. Bayshore Boulevard
San Mateo, CA 94401
Robert Patterson
Chevron, Inc.
2 Annabel Lane #200
San Ramon, CA
AGENDA ITEMS (Public Hearing) - cont inued
The Commission discussed the problems connected with on and off-site circulation.
Concern was voiced that patrons would not use the provided parking spaces but
would leave cars at the pump islands, and that the mini market would increase
this stack-up problem. It was also discussed that ingress and egress should be
directed one way only.
Other concerns expressed by the Commission were that the proposed use is highway
oriented but situated at a.major intracity intersection, that there are many
other nearby businesses providing convenience items, and that the proposed mini
market would create a litter problem.
The Commissioners were in agreement that they would appreciate seeing this station
upgraded, but only without the related mini market.
Motion-Getz/Second-Martin: To deny LlP-85-745 and Negative Declaration No. 529 based
on the following findings:
1. The proposed use is not consistent with the provisions and requirements
of the C-l Neighborhood Commercial Zone District.
2. The use would have severe on and off site circulation problems, and the
sale of convenience items would increase this problem.
3. Although parts of the design are commendable, the use is not aesthetically
pleasing, nor is the need for the mini market so compel1ing that aesthetics
should be overruled.
4. The proposed uses will be adverse to the public health, safety or cOrrITort,
and detrimental to surrounding properties or improvements.
The rrotion was unanimously approved bv roll call votA.
Chairman Terry resumed the Chair.
City of South San Francisco (South San Francisco Unified School District, Owners)
Use Permit to allow a Senior Citizen adult day care facility in the multi-purpose
room at EI Rancho School, 753 Del Monte Avenue, in the R-l Single Family Zone District.
Applicant's Representative Present:
Sandra Hagedorn
Senior Day Care Coordinator
33 Arroyo Drive
Vice-Chair Wendler commended the applicant on the proposed use.
Motion-Vice-Chair Wendler/Second-Getz: To approve UP-85-746 based on the findings
and subject to all conditions contained to the Staff Report. Unanimously approved
by roll call vote.
Chairman Terry called for a fifteen rrdnute recess.
AGENDA ITEMS (Public Hearing) - continued
Neville H. Price and the City of South San Francisco
GPA-85-28, ZA-85-32, RZ-85-79, SA-85-91, SP-85-5
General Plan Amendment, Zoning Amendment, Rezoning, Tentative Subdivision Map,
and Specific Plan applications and findings and statement of facts and overriding
considerations relative to the Environmental Impact Report for the Shearwater
Development Project, to allow an amendment to the General Plan Land Use Element
to increaseresidential density from 30 to 40 units per acre, a zoning amendment
which adds the Shearwater Specific Plan Zone District to Title 20 of the South San
Francisco Municipal Code F and creates the Shearwater Specific Plan, a rezoning
from H-2 Industrial to the new Shearwa.ter Spe<;ific Plan Zone District, a Tentative
Subdivision Map which. results in the creation of twelve (12) lots; to allow the
Shearwater Development Project as a mixed use facility with residential,-office~
commercial, marine, cultural, hotel.and public uses 'with shoreline access to San
Francisco Bay, located northeasterly of the Intersection of Oyster Point rlvd and
Highway 101.
Commissioner Getz mentioned that he'd had contacts with two citizens expressing
concerns about residential units proposed under flight paths, and about the fear of
the development creating a "China Wall".
Senior Planner Gorny noted various changes to the special conditions.
Environmental Consultant:
William Ziebron
EIP Associates
319 Eleventh Street
San Francisco
Juergen Fehr
Fehr & Peers Associates
3468 Mt. Diablo Blvd. #Bl05
Lafayette, CA
Traffic Consultant:
Mr. Ziebron spoke regarding the environmental effects of the revised Shearwater
Development Project in comparison to the earlier project that was studied in the
EIR. Mr. Fehr described the altered traffic impacts resulting from the revised plan.
Both stated that the revised project would result in a slightly greater beneficial
Speaking in Favor:
Neville Price
25 Ecker Square
San Francisco
Rich Diodati
P.I.B.C. - President
400 Oyster Pt. Blvd.
Tom Kasten
Koll Center Sierra Point
Nancy Kelly
Executive Director - PIBC
2323 Buena Vista
Belmont, CA
AGENDA ITEMS (Public Hearing) - continued
John Aguilar
Homart Development Company
601 Gateway Boulevard
All the proponents expressed their support for the project which they felt would
enhance the area greatly.
Speaking in Opposition:
Ronald Wilson
Director of Community Affairs for
S. F. Airport
Sylvia Gregory
141 Madison Avenue
San Bruno
Mr. Wilson and Ms. Gregory voiced strong opposition to the residential portion of
the application. They felt the noise ~pacts from shoreline departures would be too
great to permit residential uses, and the number of shoreline departures will be
increasing in the future. Mr. Wilson showed the Comnission a video tape taken from
the site to illustrate the noise impacts.
A letter was submitted by Roger Chinn, the Chairman of the Airport/Corrmunity Roundtable,
also expressing disapprovalof the residential portion of 'the project due to noise
A lengthy discussion ensued concerning the noise ~pacts of the proposal.
Speaking in Opposition:
to GPA-85-28
Robert Mantegani
113 James Court
Mr. Mantegani objected to the Corrmission granting increased density to this project.
CommissionerGetzfelthe could support the increased density for this project because
of the unique characteristics of the site. Other Comnissioners felt that many hours
were spent in deciding the existing densities during the General Plan hearings and
this increase is drastic and would open the door for others requesting increased
Motion-Boblitt/Second-Getz: To approve Resolution A, a Resolution adopting a State-
ment of Overriding Considerations related to approval and adoption of the Shearwater
Development Project, but not related to the Tentative Subdivision Map. Unanimously
approved by roll call vote.
Motion-Boblitt/Second-Vice-Chair Wendler: To approve Resolution B, a Resolution
adopting findings and statements of facts supporting findings pursuant to considera-
tion of the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Shearwater Project. Unanimously
approved by roll call vote.
Motion-Getz/Second-Boblitt: To approve Resolution C, a Resolution of the Planning
Comnission of the City of South San Francisco recommending that the City Council
adopt General Plan Amendment GP-85-28 ,adding to the definition of the Planned
Comnercial designation in the Land Use, Element a residential density of forty (40)
units per acre for the U.S. Steel Redevelopment Area (Shearwater Project). Ayes:
Vice-Chair Wendler, Commissioners Agee, Boblitt and Getz. Noes: Chairman Terry,
Comnissioner Martin.
AGENDA ITEMS (Public Hearing) - continued
Staff presented various changes to the wording of the proposed Shearwater Specific
Plan Zone District.
At 12:30 A.M. Chairman Terry noted that Commissioner Martin had to leave.
Motion-Getz/Second--Vice-Chair Wendler: To approve Resolution D, a Resolution of the
South San Francisco Planning Commission recommending that the City Council by
Ordinance approve and adopt Specific Plan SP-85-5 and Zoning Amendment ZA-85-32 adding
Chapter 20.61 to the South San Francisco Municipal Code (Shearwater Specific Plan
Zone District). Unanimously approved by roll call vote.
Motion-Boblitt/Second-Agee: To approve Resolution E, a Resolution of the Planning
Commission of the City of South San Francisco recommending that the City Council
by Ordinance rezone an approximately 187 acre land and water area located northerly
and easterly of Highway 101 and Oyster Point Boulevard from M-2 Industrial to the
Shearwater Specific Plan Zone District. Unanimously approved by roll call vote.
Motion-Vice-Chair Wendler/Second-Getz: To approve Tentative Subdivision Map
SA-85-91 subject to all Special Conditions as attached to the Staff Report and
based on the following findings:
1. The Subdivision Map is consistent with the General Plan and the Specific
2. The design and improvements are consistent with the General Plan and the
Specific Plan.
3. The site isphysically suitable for the type of development proposed.
4. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of the development.
5. The design of the subdivision and proposed improvements are not likely to
cause substantial environmental damage or will not substantially injure
fish or wildlife or their habitat.
6. The design of the subdivision and improvements are not likely to cause
serious public health problems.
7. The design of the subdivision and improvements will not conflict with
easements for access to or use of the property within the proposed
The motion was unanimously approved by roll call vote.
The Commission commended Staff and the developer on the presentation and explanation
of the project.
Items from Staff
Staff reminded the Commissioners of an invitation to aPIBC Development Tour
October 17, 1985, at 7:30 A.M.
AGENDA ITEMS (Public Hearing) - continued
Items from the Commission
Commissioners Getz and Martin will be unable to attend October 24, 1985 Planning
Commission meeting.
Commissioner Boblitt inquired about the status of the Gellert/
Appian Way undeveloped parcels. Staff informed the Commission that the City Council
had issued order to abate the nuisance. The owners have thirty days to respond
before the City will IIDve in and abate for them.
Vice-Chair Wendler inquired whether any recent Planning Commission decisions had
been appealed to the City Council. Staff responded that the Sierra Motels Request
for a satellite dish was the only recently appealed case.
Adjournment: 12:50 A.M.
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fifean T. 8mi th, Secretary
/'Planning Commission
V City of South San Francisco
Eugene P. Terry, Chairman
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco