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August 8, 1985 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Terry, Commissioners Agee, Boblitt, Getz, Hoyer,
and Martin.
MEMBER ABSENT: Vice Chair Wendler
Planning Staff
JeanT. Smith
Maureen K. Morton
Deputy City ManagerjCD&A
Deputy City ManagerjCE
City Attorney
Assistant City Attorney
Mark Lewis
Robert Yee
Robert Rogers
Robert Kasper
Police Department
Ron Petrocchi
Building Division
Jake Wittwer
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 11,1985: Motion: GetzjSecond: Boblitt. AYES: Terry,
Boblitt, Hoyer, Martin, Getz and Agee.
Senior Planner Maureen K. Morton asked if Mr. Francis from Ramm's Furniture
was in the audience and wished to speak. He was not present.
AGENDA ITEMS (Public Hearing)
Mirassou Enterprises (Golden Gate Management and Development Corporation,
Owner)UP-85-728, Negative Declaration No. 507
Use Permit to allow construction of a 22,000 square foot commercial shopping
center with incidential offices and related landscaping and parking on the
northeasterly corner of El Camino Real and Noor Avenue in the PCM-Planned
Commercial and Limited Industrial Zone District.
August 8, 1985 Staff Report presented; applicant has withdrawn the application.
Motion to accept withdrawal: BoblittjSecond: Getz. Unanimously approved.
D.G. Patel (Sierra Motel), UP-80-566/Mod 3
Use Permit modification to allow installation of a satellite dish antenna at
an existing motel at 170 Airport Boulevard in the C-3 Heavy Commercial Zone
July 11, 1985 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present:
D.G. Patel
220 North Bayshore Boulevard
San Mateo, CA 94401
Chairman Terry inquired about the proposed IIgreenhousell which had been on
a previous application and appeared on this plot plan.
Director Smith replied, the green house was part of a previous application
that had not been approved.
Motion: Hoyer/Second: Getz, to approve application.
At this point the applicant left the meeting.
Commissioner Getz had concerns about the visibility of the structure.
Commissioner Hoyer asked Jake Wittwer of the Building Division if a Building
Permit would be issued for this dish antenna.
Mr~ Wittwer said yes, if the Planning Division approves the application
based upon recei of the required building information, calculations, etc.
APPROVAL. OF MINUTES August 8, 1985. Comnissioner Getz
requested a correction to Page 1471, D. G. Patel (Sierra
Motel), UP-80-566/Mod 3. He stated that his intent was that
the antenna was not integral to the use because it was a
monetary decision, not required for the motel use.
Motion-Boblitt/Second Getz: To approve the minutes of
August 8, 1985 as corrected. UnaniIrously approved with
Vice-Chair Wendler Abstaining.
Director Smith asked for the the matter to be continued (at the request
of the City Attorney, because there are legal issues that need to be
c 1 a ri fi ed ) .
Motion to Continue until August 22, 1985: Martin/Second: Agee.
Unanimously approved.
Robert H. Lee & Associates (Chevron USA, Owner), UP-85-732,
Negative Declaration No. 513
Use Permit to demolish an existing gasoline service station and to construct
a new gasoline station, mini-market selling beer and wine, and related
parking and landscaping on the southeasterly corner of El Camino Real and
Westborough Boulevard in the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Zone District.
Chairman Terry withdrew as Chairman and appointed Commissioner Getz as
Acting Chairman.
August 8, 1985 Staff Report presented~ stating that applicant had withdrawn
the application.
Motion to accept withdrawal:Agee/Second:Hoyer. Unanimously approved.
Permit Services Enterprise (Arco Oil Company, Owner), UP~82-619/Mod 1
Use Permit Modification to install signage for a MP&G Tuneup program at 2300
WestboroughBoulevard in the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Zone District.
August 8, 1985 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present:
Richard McKinnley
5500 Shellmound Street
Emeryville, CA
Applicant presented a standard design to the Commission stating that it was the
design desired by Arco Oil Company rather than the sign which was contained in
the packet which had been recommended by the Design Review Board. He said
they would have no problem with the other conditions.
Chairman Terry asked if anyone wanted to speak on the subject.
Ms. Audrey Hewitt
2301 Olympic Drive
South San Francisco, CA 94080
Ms. Hewitt stated that there is a problem with the weather at this location
and the current sign has been blown down twice, falling in many pieces. Her
bedroom is located next to the station and she does not want more business
attracted to the service station.
There were no other public comments.
Commissioner Boblitt questioned which sign was being proposed; although
AROO prefers tonight's submittal, the Commission can consider either.
Commissioner Getz said that the existing sign is taller than the proposed
sign. He assured Ms. Hewitt that the new sign would be a vast improvement
and coupled with the limitations of the signage program, this becomes a plus.
Commissioner Getz said he supports the original brick based sign.
Commissioner Agee questioned the colors of the sign. Staff noted that the
MP&G is yellow on black; the Arco part of the sign is white and blue.
Commissioner Martin asked about th.e status of the Use Permit, as the service
bays have been closed for a few years.
Director Smith said their Use Permit allows them to perform service work.
Commissioner Getz asked if this was an abandonment of part of the use and
what are the implications of expanded use in terms of noise and traffic.
He suggested that a conclusion cannot be reached until the City Attorney
Director Smith said that the Planning Commission could go ahead and approve
the sign. Under the Zoning Ordinance there is no distinction in the Use
Permit whether or not it is a service station that does repair work or
just a station that pumps gas, and it is doubtful that the conditions of
the permit address this issue.
Commissioner Getz said there are on site circulation problems now; an
intensification would only increase this problem. He asked staff to
investigate the existing permit.
Motion to Continue to August 22, 1985: GetzjSecond: Martin. All Ayes.
La Seine Continental Bakery (Pacific Development Group, Owner),
UP-82-6l3j Mod 1, Negative Declaration No. 518 .
Use Permit Modification to allow a bakery in an existing retail shopping
center on the southeasterly corner of El Camino Real and South Spruce
Avenue in the PCM - Planned Commercial and Limited Industrial Zone District.
August 8, 1985 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present:
Steve Silesky
35 Rico Way
San Francisco, CA
The applicant questioned the proposed condition that he install stop signs
and why the shopping center developer was not held accountable for construc-
ting the sign.
Senior Planner Maureen Morton responded that Use Permits are issued on the
property not the tenant. The City does not care who makes the improvements.
The Use Permit goes with the land.
Commissioner Getz noted this was an enforcement issue .and, the City Engineer
and the Code Enforcement Officer should deal with this issue.
Mr. Yee said that it is a problem for the Code Enforcement Officer.
Chairman Terry asked for any comments.
Carol Bucker, Leasing Agent
110 Rousseau Street
San Francisco, CA
Ms. Bucker said the landlord will not be motivated to make the improvements
because General Mills, the existing lessee, will pay the rent regardless.
Commissioner Hoyer asked if the improvements could be made and deducted
from the lease.
Rick Yarborough
P.O. Box 3255
Redwood City, CA
Rick Yarborough is the sign contractor representing the Waterbed store.
The Chairman closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Getz suggested that the premise of the subject conditions be
altered, and a special condition be added that the developer do the
improvements described by the City Engineer concurrently with the
remodeling and the Building Permit be issued before these are completed.
If the improvements are not done then there will be new violations.
Commissioner Martin asked if there is an Enforcement Officer; in two
weeks the position will be filled.
Mark Lewis noted that a Code Enforcement Officer will not solve the entire
problem, it is a very extensive process, with many options.
Commissioner Getz replaced his suggestion as Condition #5: Pacific
Development be required to comply specifically with the provisions of
"Exhibit B", but that the Building Permit and Occupancy Permit be issued
notwithstanding status of compliance. II
Motion to approve subject to special conditions as revised, and the general
conditions and subject to the plans submitted and the findings of the
Staff: Getz/Second: Agee. Unanimously approved.
John H. Nadeau, M.D. (Arco Building Company, Owner) UP-85-736
Use Permit to establish a non-profit medical center to treat sports lnJuries
at 216 Mosswood Drive in the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Zone District.
August 8, 1985 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present:
Joseph H. Nadeau
160 Country Club Drive
South San Francisco, CA
Applicant stated that he agrees with the conditions.
Chairman Terry asked if anyone had any comments.
Rich Diodati
400 Oyster Point Boulevard
South San Francisco, CA 94080
Mr. Diodati voiced his approval.
the public.
There were no other comments from
Commissioner Boblitt voiced concern over parking and asked the number
of staff.
Applicant responded that there are eight (8) volunteer staff people.
Staff suggested a time limit be placed on the Use Permit and reviewed
at that time.
Motion to approve with the additional condition that one year from now
the staff will review for any parking problems and then make recommen-
dations at that time: Martin/Second: Hoyer. Unanimously approved.
Merck and Company, PM-85-231
Tentative Parcel Map to facilitate a boundary line adjustment of 25,000
square feet between adjacent properties located easterly of Point
San Bruno Boulevard at San Francisco Bay Tidelands in the M-2 Industrial
Zone District.
Commissioner Getz abstained because of extensive involvement with BCDC
since his office represents that agency.
August 8, 1985 Staff Report presented.
City Attorney commented that, the easement that the City has over all the
submerged lands, including the submerged lands in Parcel A and Parcel B
will have to be properly reflected on the final map.
Applicant Present:
Dan Cullen
Cullen Engineering Associates
P.O. 591
Benicia, CA 94510
Mr. Cullen said that he concurs with the Staff's recommendations and the
City Attorney's comment.
There were no other comments.
Motion to approve subject to conditions and findings: Hoyer/Second: Agee.
Unanimously approved.
Richard Diodati, PM-85-233, Negative Declaration No. 519
Tentative Parcel Map to create eleven (11) lots for industrial condominiums
from an 1.26 acre parcel at 6 South Linden Avenue in the M-l Industrial
Zone District.
Richard Diodati, PM-85-234, Negative Declaration No. 520
Tentative Parcel Map to create twenty-eight (28) lots for industrial
condominiums from a 3.09 acre parcel at 338 North Canal Street in the
M-l Industrial Zone District.
(These two items were handled jointly at the request of Chairman Terry.)
August 8, 1985 Staff Reports were presented.
Applicant Present:
Richard Diodati
400 Oyster Point Boulevard
South San Francisco, CA 94080
Applicant said he agrees with conditions.
There were no other comments.
Commissioner Agee voiced some concern about the numbering of lots. She
also had concerns about the CC&Rs~ and asked who maintains the exterior.
Mr. Diodati said that the association will maintain the exterior and he
also stated that he is selling to users, not investors.
Commissioner Agee suggested that the CC&Rs add that "liability insurance
include prior boards.1I
Applicant said he has no problem with that.
Motion to approve both items subject to conditions and findings: Hoyer/
Second: Martin. Unanimously approved.
1. Director Smith announced that the Shearwater application will
not come before the Commission until September 12, 1985, but
the Draft Zoning Ordinance will be presented at a workshop for
the Planning Commission on August 22, 1985.. This will not be
a public hearing. A representative from Sedway Cooke will
be present.
Commissioner Martin asked if a policy on dish satellites would be included
in the Draft Zoning Ordinance.
Director Smith responded that any concerns by the Commissioners may be
addressed at the workshop.
2. It was also reported that the City Council will have a continuation
of the appeal of the Galway School site next Wednesday night.
3. The invitation from the Police Chief to Commission members to
learn more about the Department's operations was passed .among
members for their date selection.
Gregg Steele, Facilities Manager for the Good Guys, requested for a sale to
reduce their inventory build-up on September 27,28 and 29,1985. The sale
would be by invitation only via a mailout to approximately 300,000 residents
on the Peninsula. He noted that they have placed two securfty guards on
the adjacent doctor1s property during each sale and also cordon off his
property and have not received any complaints from the doctor during the
last three sales. Mike Singer~ the Executive Vice President for the
Good Guys stated that they also built a fence for the doctor.
Director Smith noted that the conditions of their Use Permit prohibit
more than four sales per year.
Commissioner Getz said that if they submitted an amendment, that amendment
could probably be granted but there is not enough time for this sale.
That is the only legal way to allow the sale.
The City Attorney concurred.
Commissioner Agee asked if another member has been added to the Design
Review Board.
Director Smith responded that the makeup of the Design Review Board is
addressed in the proposed Zoning Ordinance and will be dealt with when
the new Zoning Ordinance is adopted.
Commissioner Agee stated that the insurance of her Homeowner's Association
is being raised because a Child Care Center has opened. The Center has no
insurance and could sue the Association if an accident occurs. This
violates their CC&Rs.
Jake Wittwer responded that he investigated a similar complaint. He talked
with a state office that investigates all child care facilities. He said
they are attempting to control this at the county level.
Chairman Terry stated that Taco Bell has a flag on the same pole with the
American Flag, a violation of the U.S. Flag Code. He asked that staff
remind them of this.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
Eugene P. Terry, Chairman
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco