HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/13/1985 (Cassette No.1) February 13, 1986 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning commission. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Wendler, Vice-Chair Boblitt, Commissioners Getz, Hoyer, Martin and Terry. ABSENT: Commissioner Agee ALSO PRESENT:' Planning Division Jean T. Smith Philip Gorny Maureen K. Morton DCM/City Engineer Robert Yee Assistant City Attorney Robert Kasper Police Department Ron Petrocchi Building Division H. J. Wittwer Ray Laur PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Terry/Second Boblitt: To approve the minutes of the January 9, 1986 Planning Commission Meeting as presented. Unanimously approved by voice vote. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS AGENDA ITEMS (PUBLIC HEARINGS) Reverend Mammen, UP-77-396/Mod 1, 19 Chateau Court Continued from Planning Commission Meeting of January 9, 1986. Modification of Use Permit UP-77-396 to allow a single family detached residential unit on a vacant subdivision lot at 19 Chateau Court. February 13, 1986 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Reverend Thomas Mammen 2560 Turnberry Drive San Bruno The applicant agreed with the Staff Report's findings and special conditions. PC Mtg. 2/13/86 Page 1 of 9 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (continued) Speaking for the Project: Mrs. Elfriede Will 20 Chateau Court Mrs. Will stated that she is in favor of the proposed structure being built because the site was being used by the people living in the neighborhood as a garbage dump. Speaking in Opposition of the Project: Raymond Lee 17 Chateau Court Schen Castillo 15 Chateau Court Virgilio Camoto 13 Chateau Court Mr. Lee spoke as a representative for the neighbors on Chateau Court and stated that they are very concerned with the size and the excavation that will be necessary. Mr. Lee was dissatisfied with the homeowner's association handling of this project and didn't feel that the meeting was held fairly and with enough participation of the homeowners on Chateau Court. He was the only homeowner that attended that meeting. Chair Wendler asked Mr. Lee how many homeowners received notice of the homeowners' association meeting when this issue was discussed. Mr. Lee didn't know but several of the homeowners were present in the audience if they wished to speak. Mr. Castillo was in agreement with Mr. Lee but elaborated on the issue of the house's design not being consistent with the neighborhood. Mr. Camoto was concerned with the amount of water that collects in his backyard after a rainstorm and did not want a house to be built on that lot if it meant his house was going to be flooded. Speaking With Concern: Ellwood R. Garland 140 Valleyview Way Mr. Garland is the vice-president of the homeowners' association and spoke regarding the notifications that were mailed and that the residents on Chateau Court were hand-delivered a notice of the association's meeting. Vice-Chair Boblitt felt that the building of this structure would alleviate drainage problems in this area. Commissioner Hoyer pointed out that the Engineering Division would oversee the project and assure that it is properly drained. PC Mtg. 2/13/86 Page 2 of 9 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (continued) Commissioner Martin complimented the homeowners' association in notifying the neighborhood regarding this issue. Chair Wendler asked the City's consultant Henry T. Taylor, Principal with Harding Lawson, his opinion regarding the stability of this lot. Mr. Taylor stated that the lot can be developed, it is comparable to the neighborhood, and the slope showed no instability and would be safe. Motion-Hoyer/Second Terry: To approve UP-77-396/Mod 1 subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. AYES: Chair Wendler, Vice-Chair Boblitt, Commissioners Hoyer, Terry, and Martin. NOES: Commissioner Getz. ABSENT: Commissioner Agee. Grosvenor Airport Inn, UP-85-750 and Negative Declaration No. 536, 380 South Airport Boulevard Continued from Planning Commission meeting of January 9, 1986. Use Permit to allow construction of an addition consisting of 96 rooms, retail and banquet facilities, with related parking and landscaping, and an antennae farm located on the roof of the existing hotel structure at 380 South Airport Boulevard. February 13, 1986 Staff Report presented. Staff recommended that this item be continued off calendar until the applicant receives written approval from PG&E for a parking structure. Applicant was not present. No one from the public wished to speak. Chair Wendler proclaimed UP-85-750 and Negative Declaration No. 536 continued off calendar. Melody Paints (Richard Diodati, owner) UP-86-756 and Negative Declaration No. 542, 6 South Linden Avenue Use Permit to allow wholesale sales, distribution and warehousing of flammable liquids at 6 South Linden Avenue, Units 5, 6, and 7, in the M-l Industrial Zone District. February 13, 1986 Staff Report presented. Senior Planner Morton read a letter from Maddalena Zaro, 312 Railroad Avenue, into the record. PC Mtg. 2/13/86 Page 3 of 9 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (continued) Applicant Present: Richard Severino 2165 So. Bascom Avenue Campbell Mr. Severino explained that he does not deal with any solvents that require extraordinary care. There will only be the occasional mixing of paints. Commissioner Terry asked if this was comparable to the mixing of paints that occurs at Montgomery Ward's. Mr. Severino stated that it was the same thing. Commissioner Getz questioned the use of the Fire Room. Ray Laur, Building Division, stated that the room was used for storing 55 gallon drums that are sealed. Motion-Martin/Second Hoyer: To approve UP-86-756 and Negative Declaration No. 542 based on the findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Chair Wendler declared a 10 minute recess at 8:25 pm. Chair Wendler recalled the meeting to order at 8:45 pm with all Commissioners present. Orchard Supply Hardware (Thomas Callan, Jr. owner), UP-86-755 and Negative Declaration No. 541, 2290 Gellert Boulevard February 13, 1986 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative Present: George Avanessian 400 Oyster Point Blvd. Mr. Avanessian, architect for the project, agreed to comply with the conditions. Speaking with Concern: Alice Bullos 2444 Liberty Court Mrs. Bullos had two concerns regarding the possibility of landslides and the amount of traffic this project will generate. Commissioner Terry asked the structural engineer, Pirooz Barar, (480 Francisco Street, San Francisco) to explain the design of the retaining wall, a concept used in Europe (France) since the 1950's which is less expensive to build than a concrete retaining wall. Commissioner Martin asked Mr. Larry Kulchin of Kulchin Associates, South San Francisco, to enumerate what Bay Area PC Mtg. 2/13/86 Page 4 of 9 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (continued) communities have these walls. Mr. Kulchin listed Walnut Creek, San Jose and San Mateo. Commissioner Terry also mentioned that the children in that area use that slope to ride their bikes down as a short-cut to the shopping center across Gellert Boulevard. Mr. Avanessian explained to the Commissioners that the applicant was here tonight only to get approval of the use permit and that the design/construction drawings have not yet been drawn. commissioner Getz asked City's consultant, Mr. Henry T. Taylor, Harding Lawson Associates, his perspective on the wall. He concurred that it was a sound concept but cannot approve it until he sees the design. (Cassette No.2) Vice Chair Boblitt felt that this structure will cause a tremendous amount of traffic in the shopping center area and that the circulation needed more study. Commissioner Hoyer was familiar with the retaining wall concept and felt it was sound, but agreed to a continuance for further study on the traffic situation. Commissioner Getz suggested a month's continuance in order that staff address: 1) the traffic (peak times being Saturdays and Sundays), 2) water service problems, and 3) safety of the slope. Deputy City Manager/City Engineer Bob Yee stated that the wall ultimately will have to be made safe but advised the Commissioners that because the retaining wall design is new for South San Francisco caution should be taken. Motion-Getz/Second Boblitt: To continue UP-86-755 and Negative Declaration No. 541 to March 27, 1986. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Thomas Callan, PM-86-241 and Negative Declaration No. 541, West Side of Gellert Boulevard, North of Westborough Boulevard. Tentative Parcel Map to resubdivide 15.3 acres of vacant land into two lots of 7.5 acres on the westerly side of Gellert Boulevard, northerly of Westborough Boulevard in the C-l Neighborhood Commercial Zone District. Staff recommended that this item be continued to the March 27, 1986 meeting to be considered at that time with UP-86-755. PC Mtg. 2/13/86 Page 5 of 9 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (continued) Applicant: Thomas J. Callan, Jr. 2790 Junipero Serra Bl. Colma Mr. Callan requested a continuance on PM-86-241 until the other matter was heard by the Planning Commission. Motion-Getz/Second Boblitt: To continue PM-86-241 to March 27, 1986. Unanimously approved by voice vote. The Auto Studio, UP-78-441, 45 Chestnut Avenue. February 9, 1986 Staff Report presented. Applicant: Chris Santiago 45 Chestnut Avenue Mr. Santiago expressed agreement with the Staff Report and its conditions and thanked staff for their cooperation. Speaking with Concern: James Geniali 226 Hamilton Street San Francisco Jimmy Brusco 635 Palm Avenue Jose Montez 905 Linden Avenue Mr. Geniali was speaking on behalf of his father-in-law, Elmo Fatica, 538 Silliman Drive, San Francisco, who owns the apartment building directly behind the Auto Studio. Mr. Geniali stated that the easement behind the service station is shared but at times it is blocked by cars, and he requested that the owners of the Auto Studio be more considerate and keep the easement clear. Assistant City Attorney Bob Kasper advised the Commission that this is a matter that the two property owners must discuss since it is private property. Mr. Brusco's concern was with the type of gas Mr. Santiago was going to be selling. Mr. Santiago replied that it would be Texaco. Mr. Montez's concern was the testing of the old tanks for gas leaks. It was determined that this is monitored by the county and is not under the jurisdiction of South San Francisco. PC Mtg. 2/13/86 Page 6 of 9 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (continued) Commissioners Getz and Terry felt there should be some consideration given to the applicant for working on cars outside the garage area. Also they discussed keeping the easement area clear of vehicles by both the apartment dwellers and those being serviced at the Auto Studio. The following Special Conditions were added: 10. The applicant shall ensure that the driveway to the residential use at the rear of this site is not blocked due to the operation of this service station. 11. The applicant shall provide written approval from the appropriate agency regarding the operation and maintenance of the gas tanks. 12. The landscaping shall be installed, in accordance with the approved plan, no later than August 31, 1986. Also, Commissioner Getz suggested modifying the following Special Conditions to read: 6. That the storage and/or major repair of vehicles outside of the building area is prohibited. 7. That all temporary signs, banners, pennants or other types of advertising shall be prohibited. 9. That the applicant shall stripe and designate the six parking spaces for this use as shown on the attached plot plan and on file with the Planning Office. (Cassette No.3) Louis Dell'Angela, 400 Oyster Point Boulevard, representative for the applicant, stated that the applicant fully understands Condition No. 6 and the owners will use common sense. Motion-Getz/Second Hoyer: To not revoke UP-78-441 subject to the findings of the Staff Report and also subject to the additional language agreed to by the applicant and imposed by the Planning Commission. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Items from Staff 1. Director Smith reported to the Commission that the City Council suggested a subcommittee be formed regarding the Scaffold Mart case to discuss what would be the appropriate screening for their outdoor storage. PC Mtg. 2/13/86 Page 7 of 9 Pages ITEMS FROM STAFF (continued) Chair Wendler and Commissioner Terry volunteered to serve on the subcommittee. 2. Director Smith announced that the Genstar appeal on St. Francis Terrace Phase III is February 26, 1986, the Dominguez extension was made for six months, and the appeal on the McDonald's application that was denied by the Planning Commission is set for the March 26, 1986 City Council meeting. 3. Director Smith informed the Commission that contact was made with the Syufy representative and the concerns that the Commissioners expressed at the last commission meeting were communicated to him. With regards to the use permit, it allows 40 game machines in the arcade, requires the area be supervised, and restricts use of the arcade to theatre patrons. 4. Director Smith mentioned that the concerns expressed by the Commission regarding the Design Review Board's comments being incorporated into the staff reports has been accomplished and the DRB meetings are now being taped, but these tapes will be erased after three months. Items from the Commission vice Chair Boblitt asked that the Commission and Staff consider no parking along Gellert Boulevard north of Westborough Boulevard. At present no parking is allowed along the south side. Commissioner Martin asked Staff to find out who is responsible for cleaning up the litter below the Denny's Restaurant and liquor store located at Westborough Square. Chair Wendler asked Staff to review the Pay'n pak's use permit regarding window signs. There were currently six window signs and they should be informed if this is not an approved condition. Items from the Public Louis Dell'Angela, representative for Citation Builders, asked for clarification on the date for the next Planning Commission meeting. Chair Wendler explained that the March 13, 1986 Planning Commission meeting was cancelled due to a lack of quorum as several members of the Planning Commission were going to San Diego for a League of Cities conference. PC Mtg. 2/13/86 Page 8 of 9 Pages ITEMS FROM THE PUBLIC (continued) Mr. Dell'Angela also inquired as to when the zoning ordinance draft would be available. Director Smith indicated that the draft would be available three weeks prior to the hearing in April. Chair Wendler suggested that notification of the upcoming zoning ordinance hearings be printed in both the Enterprise Journal and the Progress newspapers. Adjourned: Meeting was adjourned at 11:15 p.m. to the meeting of March 27, 1986, 7:30 p.m. ~ -~ Jean T. Smith, Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco PC Mtg. 2/13/86 Page 9 of 9 Pages