HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/09/1986
January 9, 1986 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco
Planning Commission.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Terry, Vice-Chair Wendler,
commissioners Boblitt, Getz, Hoyer, Agee and
Planning Division
~Jean T. Smith
Maureen K. Morton
Iv1ark Lewis
DCM/City Engineer
Robert Yee
Assistant City Attorney
lRobert Kasper
Police Department
]~ichael Dickson
Building Division
:Ray Laur
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Wendler/Second Boblitt: To approve
the minutes of the December 12, 1985 Planning Commission Meeting
as presented. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
Carole Di Piero was unable to attend this meeting but will be
present at a future meeting.
Director smith requested that item number 5 be moved before item
number 4.
Reverend Mammen, UP-77-396/Mod 1
Continued from Planning Commission Meeting of December 12, 1985.
Modification of Use Permit UP-77-396 to allow a single family
detached residential unit on a vacant subdivision lot 'at,19
Chateau Court.
January 9, 1986 Staff Report presented.
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AGENDA ITEMS (continued)
Staff recommended that this item be continued until the February
13, 1986 meeting.
Applicant not present.
Motion-Boblitt/Second Wendler:
the February 13, 1986 meeting.
To continue UP-77-396/Mod 1 until
Unanimously approved by voice
Grosvenor Airport Inn, UP-85-750 and Negative Declaration No. 536
Use Permit to allow construction of an addition consisting of 96
rooms, retail and banquet facilities, with related parking and
landscaping, and an antennae farm located on the roof of the
existing hotel structure at 380 South Airport Boulevard.
January 9, 1986 Staff Report presented.
Staff recommended that this item be continued until the February
13, 1986 meeting.
Applicant not present.
Motion-Agee/Second Boblitt: To continue UP-85-750 and Negative
Declaration No. 536 until the February 13, 1986 meeting.
Unanimously approved by voice vote.
McDonald's Corporation, UP-86-752 and Negative Declaration
No. 539
Use Permit to allow construction of a McDonald's fast food
restaurant with related parking and landscaping at 264 South
Airport Boulevard.
January 9, 1986 Staff Report presented.
Applicant's Representatives Present:
Robin Chang
Group 4
457 Forbes Blvd.
Larry Dorsey
McDonald's Corp.
Mr. Chang found that all the conditions are acceptable with the
exception of the elimination of the free-standing sign. He
stated that this is a well designed sign and that is not
inconsistent with the commercial free-standing signs in existence
along South Airport Boulevard.
Mr. Dorsey stated that McDonald's relies on impulse business and
a sign is critical. It is a unique sign and one of a kind.
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AGENDA ITEMS (continued)
Chairman Terry read a letter from Mr. Lou Dell'Angela, for the
record. As a concerned citizen, Mr. Dell'Angela listed fourteen
specific concerns regarding the acceptance and staff approval of
this project including:
Definition of planned commercial general plan designation
specifically lists non-fast food restaurants; General Plan Policy
1-10 emphasizes dinner houses; this is not a good use from a
traffic standpoint.
commissioner Boblitt favored monument signs over freestanding
signs and stated that signs were for identification purposes
only. Vice-Chair Wendler and Commissioner Getz applauded
McDonald's for all their fine contributions but could only
support a full service restaurant for this site. Commissioner
Agee supported the design but not the location due to the traffic
situation. Commissioner Hoyer felt that the terminology in the
General Plan has been misconstrued regarding fast food
restaurants along South Airport Boulevard. Both Commissioners
Martin and Hoyer agreed that a dinner house would better satisfy
the needs of the citizens of South San Francisco. Chairman Terry
opposed any freestanding sign and stressed that the size of the
lot, as with other McDonald's restaurants, did not take into
consideration the large delivery trucks that must maneuver around
customers' vehicles and which often cause traffic problems.
After hearing comments from all Commissioners as to why this
application is not acceptable Commissioner Getz listed the
following findings for denying this application:
1. This use will generate additional traffic both on surface
streets and within the internal circulation on the site. The
mitigation measures do not lessen these impacts sufficiently.
The 380 ramp construction, extension of Gateway Boulevard,
and enlargements of hotels in the immediate area impact
existing traffic; any additional impact should be lessened
where possible. This use does not lessen those impacts.
2. The definition of Planned Commercial in the General Plan
specifically designates non-fast food restaurants. General
Plan Policy 1-10 specifies no further fast food restaurants
in this area and calls for full service dinner restaurants.
This use would not meet that policy.
3. Full service dinner restaurants are a preferable use in this
area due to less traffic impacts and the sensitive nature of
the site, as part of the City's southern entrance-way.
4. The sign program proposed is excessive and would emphasize
this use as a highway dependent use, not necessarily a use to
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AGENDA ITEMS (continued)
serve the surrounding community; the freestanding sign could
create a precedent, whereas the trend is to eliminate such
signs not create new ones, and it could further create
traffic problems on 101.
5. Although the design of this McDonald's is commendable, this
use would be detrimental to the upgrading and re-vitalization
of the hotels and other existing uses, currently underway in
the South Airport area.
Motion-Getz/Second Boblitt: To deny UP-86-752 subject to the
five findings listed above and based upon the evidence heard.
Unanimously approved by roll call vote.
Chairman Terry notified the applicant that there is a ten day
appeal period.
Chairman Terry declared a ten minute break.
Election of Officers
Reorganization of Planning Commission for 1986: election of
chairman and vice-chairman.
Chairman Terry expressed his appreciation to staff and members of
the Commission for their cooperation during the past year. He
also stated his reasons for wanting to be on the Planning
Commission and felt that serving on the commission has been
Nominations for Chairman were requested.
Commissioner Martin nominated Joy-Ann Wendler for Chair.
Motion-Martin/Second Getz: To close nominations for Chair.
Unanimously approved by voice vote.
Motion-Martin/Second Agee: To elect Joy-Ann Wendler as Chair of
the Planning Commission for 1986. Unanimously approved by voice
Nomination for Vice-Chairman were requested.
Commissioner Getz nominated Beverly Boblitt for Vice-Chair.
Motion-Martin/Second Getz: To close nominations for Vice-Chair.
Unanimously approved by voice vote.
Motion-Getz/Second Martin: To elect Beverly Boblitt for Vice-
Chair of the Planning Commission for 1986. Unanimously approved
by voice vote.
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AGENDA ITEMS (continued)
Chair Wendler presented out-going Chairman Terry with a plaque
and thanked him for his service during the past year.
Chair Wendler thanked everyone and stated that in the forthcoming
year she will be learning a great deal and that she will be
relying on staff and the Commissioners for their help and
Design Review Board Appointment
Introduction and information session with applicant for Design
Review Board.
The commissioners discussed the future appointment of a
nonprofessional type person to the Design Review Board.
commissioner Agee requested copies of the Design Review Board
decisions. Vice-Chair Boblitt and Commissioner Agee both felt
minutes should be taken at the Design Review Board meetings for
the Commissioners to review. Commissioner Terry suggested the
use of a tape recorder. All Commissioners agreed that to know
what Design Review Board comments were, good or bad, would be
most beneficial when hearing a case.
Deputy City Manager Mark Lewis stated that he and staff would
look at the process and modify it.
Chair Wendler asked for staff to come back at the next meeting,
January 23, 1986, with ideas and/or suggestions.
Motion-Getz/Second Agee: To appoint John Lucchesi and reappoint
Louis Fornaciari for two-year terms to the Design Review Board.
Unanimously approved by roll call vote.
Zoning Ordinance Revision
Proposed ordinance to regulate signal receiving or transmitting
Assistant City Attorney Robert Kasper reviewed the proposed
ordinance for the Commission. Director Jean Smith informed the
Commission that this would be part of the amended Zoning
Items from Staff
1. Director Smith requested that this meeting be adjourned to
January 23, 1986, 6:30 p.m. at the Grosvenor Airport Inn
for a work session.
Chair Wendler requested that a letter be mailed to remind the
Commissioners of the next meeting.
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ITEMS FROM STAFF (continued)
2. Director Smith advised the Commissioners that at the January
8, 1986 City Council Meeting Shearwater had it's second
reading and was approved. Also, that the Guillory General
Plan Amendment, the Scaffold Mart appeal, and the Dominguez
Subdivision extension cases were all continued until the
January 22, 1986 City Council meeting.
Items from the Commission
1. Commissioner Martin requested staff that Syufy Theaters be
informed of the lack of supervision in the game room located
within the theatre. There appear to be juveniles entering
the theater without purchasing tickets. Also, Commissioner
Martin wanted the number of machines permitted to be checked
by staff.
2. Commissioner Martin asked the status of the Price Club.
Deputy City Manager Mark Lewis stated the Price Club people
are awaiting BCDC approval, and the Army Corp of Engineers'
approval and will probably be under construction by the next
construction season.
3. Commissioner Martin asked for the status of the Citation
Builders application. Deputy City Manager Lewis remarked
that Citation Builders is having a density problem. He had
suggested to Kathy Oesterreich a General Plan amendment,
which they are thinking about, inasmuch as the Planning
Commission had determined that public streets are called for.
Adjourned: 10:55 to the Study Session on January 23, 1986, 6:30
p.m. at the Grosvenor Airport Inn.
ean T. Smith, Secretary
Planning Comrrdssion
City of South San Francisco
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