HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/22/1986
(Cassette No.1)
May 22, 1986 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Wendler, Vice Chair Boblitt, Commissioners
Agee, Getz, Hoyer, Martin and Terry.
Planning Division
Jean T. Smith
Interim City Attorney
Robert Rogers
Police Department
Ron Petrocchi
No one chose to speak.
Fiji Jamaat, UP-81-590/Mod 2, 373 Alta Vista Drive
Request pursuant to Special Condition No. 3 to allow the closing
hour to be extended to 11:00 p.m. during the yearly Ramadan from
May 10, 1986 to June 12, 1986 at 373 Alta Vista Drive in the R-1
Single Family Zone District.
Staff informed the Commission that the letter of request for the
extended hours was received on May 9, 1986 and Notices of Public
Hearing were not mailed to the neighborhood.
Applicant not present.
Motion-Getz:Second Agee: To deny the request for extension of
hours pursuant to Special Condition No. 3 of UP-81-590/Mod 2, on
the grounds of no public notification, inadequate time for the
application to be considered by the Commission, and failure of the
applicant to present his case. AYES: Vice Chair Boblitt,
Commissioners Agee, Getz, Hoyer, Martin and Terry. ABSTAIN:
Chair Wendler.
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City of South San Francisco, ZA-86-34, GP-86-30, and Negative
Declaration No. 547
Continued from Planning Commission Meeting of May 8, 1986.
Public Hearing for a Zoning Amendment application of the City of
South San Francisco and an environmental determination of same to
amend and revise Title 20 (Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map) of the
South San Francisco Municipal Code.
Public Hearing for General Plan Amendment application to amend
various sections of text, policies, and exhibits of the Land Use,
Circulation and Transportation Elements of the South San Francisco
General Plan.
Speaking With Concern:
Gary Randalls
Clark & Cramer
300 Montgomery Street
San Francisco
Bill Ryan, PG&E
170 Market Street
San Francisco
Mr. Randalls' concern was regarding two adjacent lots on West
Harris Avenue that are currently zoned Heavy Industrial. The
proposed zoning map has the two properties, which are under the
same ownership, split showing one lot Planned Industrial and the
other lot zoned Planned Commercial.
Director Smith indicated the line on the proposed zoning map was
copied from he General Plan map which does not show lot lines and
could be shifted to reflect Mr. Randalls' concern.
Mr. Ryan was provided with a copy of the April 30, 1986 memorandum
written by Interim Assistant City Attorney Robert Kasper in
response to Mr. Ryan's letter of April 9th. Mr. Ryan was
satisfied with the memo and thanked the Commission.
The Commission agreed to discuss the City Attorney's April 28,
1986 memorandum, reviewing the areas that the consultant indicated
needed to be discussed with City staff.
2. The Commission agreed with the City Attorney's suggestion for
pre zoning islands and the unincorporated areas of the City.
17. The Commission agreed that the definition of "hospital"
should be included in the ordinance.
45. City Attorney Rogers suggested removing the reference to
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AGENDA ITEMS (continued)
alcohol in the definition of Full Service Restaurant.
54. The Commission agreed that the definitions of "family home"
"small family day care home", "child day care facility", and
"child day care" need to be reworked.
55. The Commission agreed to delete the last sentence from
Section 20.22.030, which reads as follows: "...except that a
use permit is not required when a Commercial use type is
replacing an existing Commercial use type."
Section 20.22.020. The Commission agreed that the word "are"
should be substituted for the word "shall" when used in
reference to uses permitted with a use permit throughout the
59. Section 20.26.030. Uses Permitted Subject to Obtaining a Use
Permit, Commercial Use Types. The Commission agreed to list
"eating and drinking establishments that serve alcoholic
beverages" to this subsection. It was also agreed that this
use type should be standardized throughout the ordinance.
(Cassette No.2)
62. City Attorney Rogers suggested that the consultant meet with
Associate Planner David Carbone to resolve height regulations
related to the San Francisco International Airport.
70. Section 20.72.040. City Attorney Rogers and Director Smith
agreed to meet and re-work this section as per the
Commission's directions.
78. Section 20.73.050 (c) (1). City Attorney Rogers and Director
Smith agreed to meet and resolve this item.
80. The Commission agreed that references to company cars and
numbers of employees should not be used to determine required
109. and 120. The Commission agreed that this section should use
IRS guidelines and the time periods should be reduced.
121. Section 20.78.020. The Commission agreed with the City
Attorney's suggestion and amended the section to read as
follows: "Planned Unit Development regulations shall apply
to all areas of the City shown on the Zoning Map with the
Capital letter "P" following the density designator of that
zoned district. When so designated, a Planned Unit
Development permit shall be required for all new developments
within the zoned district. Projects of three units or fewer
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AGENDA ITEMS (continued)
located within 300' of an already existing Planned Unit
Development shall conform to the design of the closest
adjacent Planned Unit Development and shall require Design
Review approval."
128. and 134. Commissioner Getz recommended that the property
owner receive notice when a long term lessee has applied for
a use permit or variance.
131. Section 20.81.040 (e). Commission agreed to delete
subsection (e) and add to Section 20.81.070 (a) as follows:
"...may require reasonable guarantees and evidence that such
conditions are being, or will be, complied with, however, no
use permit shall be issued unless and until the requirements
of the CEQA have been met.
137. and 138. Section 20.82.040. The Commission agreed to the
City Attorney's recommendation to amend the following:
(a)...In this context, personal, family or financial
difficulties, loss of prospective profits and neighboring
violations or pre-existing non-conforming uses or facilities
are not hardships justifying a variance. FH~~Re~,-a-~~ev~eHs
(b) That such variance, ~s-fieeessa~y-re~-~Re-~~ese~va~~efi
va~~afiee, if granted, would not constitute a special
privilege of the recipient inconsistent with limitations upon
other properties in the vicinity and zone in which such
property is situated.
The Commission agreed with the City Attorney's suggestion to
delete subsections (c) (d) and (e) and add a parking variance
procedure to Section 20.82.045.
147. Section 20.84.020. The Commission agreed to add the
following to the end thereof "...and which are not subject to
a Specific Plan as defined in the California Planning and
Zoning Law."
(Cassette No.3)
162. The Commission agreed that the appeal period shall be fifteen
186. The Commission agreed to amend the language in Section 20.90
to language similar to that used in Section 20.91.090, with
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AGENDA ITEMS (continued)
regards to limiting the information Council receives on an
189. The Commission agreed with the City Attorney's suggestion to
delete Section 20.91.030.
Upon completing review of the City Attorney's memorandum the
Commission agreed to review the Police Department's memo dealing
with areas that were not previously discussed.
The Commission consented to the recommendations Sergeant petrocchi
requested with the exception of 20.08.444-Secondhand/Seconds Sales,
which Sergeant petrocchi and City Attorney Rogers agreed to discuss.
Items from the Commission
Commissioner Getz informed the Commission that City Council upheld
the Commission's decision to require an EIR for the Orchard Supply
Hardware use permit.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:45 p.m. to a Study Session on Monday,
June 2, 1986, 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall Conference Room.
ean T. Smith, Secretary
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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