HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/20/1986 May 20, 1986 Study Session of the South San Francisco Planning Commission. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Wendler, Commissioners Agee, Hoyer, Martin and Terry. ABSENT: Vice Chair Boblitt and Commissioner Getz ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division: Jean T. Smith Chair Wendler called the Study Session to order at 7:35 p.m. She informed those present that the Commission would resume going over the proposed Zoning Ordinance (dated April 1986) one page at a time starting with Chapter 20.22, C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District Use. It was the consensus of the Commission that in each Zone District where it states "The following use types shall be permitted...subject to obtaining a use permit", permissive, rather than mandatory language should be used. "Section 20.22.020 Commissioner Hoyer reminded Staff to delete "and Services" from (b) Commercial Use Types and any further reference to it when used in the context "Convenience Sales and Services". Section 20.22.070 Commissioner Hoyer suggested the following phrase be corrected when used in any areas of the ordinance: All Non-Residential uses which by their use generate one hundred or more vehicle trips per day are a~eefflae~eaiiy,-eftiy permitted ~~5jeee-ee only by obtaining a use permit. Section 20.26.020 It was the consensus of the Commission to add convenience sales to (c) Commercial Use Types. Section 20.30.040 and 050 Commissioner Hoyer reminded staff to delete references to "Facilities". Director Smith mentioned that staff was working with the consultant to see if this could be eliminated, but also indicated that "Facilities" must be addressed in the ordinance. Section 20.32.020 The Commissioners supported staff's recommendation to delete from (c) Industrial Use Types: uSee~a~e,-afta-B~~e~~B~e~eft~--Heavy. 5/20/86 Study Session Page 1 of 3 Pages STUDY SESSION - PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE (continued) Section 20.36.010 The Commissioners supported staff's recommendation to delete (a) El Camino Overlay district and (b) Senior Citizen Overlay district. Director Smith informed the Commissioners that a use permit could be required for senior housing in any zone allowing residential uses. section 20.43.020 The Commission agreed to the following: ...neighborhood shopping centers such as those in Westborough and Winston Manor, as well as El Camino Real and aeWReeWR commercial zones near residential zones, with the exception of S~aRa-AveRHe the downtown area. Section 20.43.030 The Commission agreed to the following: ...provided that in no case shall any business be aiiewea limited to less than twenty-five square feet or be permitted more than one hundred square feet of sign area. Section 20.43.040 The Commission agreed to the following: In Sign District One, all freestanding signs shall be set back at least five feet from any property line and shall not extend over sidewalk. Table 20.43.100, 20.44.100, and 20.46.100 It was the consensus of the Commission to have all freestanding signs over ten feet subject to Planning Commission approval. In Sign District Four, an attached sign may be "less than 5e-~eee building height" Table 20.69.020 The Commission agreed that further explanation/definition of this table should be included in a footnote with reference to "Designators" and "Density" to clarify that density higher than 30 units per acre applies only to replacement in areas already developed at the higher density. 5/20/86 Study Session Page 2 of 3 Pages STUDY SESSION - PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE (continued) Table 20.69.030 Director Smith informed the Commission that the table on Floor Area Ratio was being considered for deletion from the ordinance and that it will be discussed at a future date. Table 20.71.030 (A revised table was distributed and the Commission agreed to discuss it at a future date). The Study Session was continued to the Planning Commission Meeting of May 22, 1986, 7:30 p.m., at the Municipal Services Building. Adjournment: 10:10 p.m. ean T. Smith, Secretary ;/planning Commission V City of South San Francisco JTS:JAW:sp 5/20/86 Study Session Page 3 of 3 Pages