HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/08/1986 (Cassette No.1) May 8, 1986 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Wendler*, Vice Chair Boblitt Commissioners Agee, Getz, Hoyer, Martin and Terry. *Chair Wendler arrived at 8:15 pm. ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Jean T. Smith Maureen K. Morton Phil Gorny DCM/Community Development Mark Lewis DCM/City Engineer Robert Yee Police Department Ron Petrocchi Building Division Ray Laur PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Getz/Second Hoyer: To approve the Minutes of April 24, 1986. Unanimously approved by voice vote. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS No one chose to speak. AGENDA CHANGES Item No.5, B & B Investment, Co. has withdrawn its application. AGENDA ITEMS (PUBLIC HEARINGS) Patricia Elliott and Kathryn Wimsatt, UP-84-685 and V-84-280 - 203, 207, 211 Linden Avenue Request for one (1) year extension of time for Use Permit UP-84- 685 and Variance V-84-280 to allow an alteration to existing restaurant and a third story addition to create a total of 18 residential units and to allow a variance for 95 off-street parking spaces, allowing 6 spaces where 101 are required at 203- 211 Linden Avenue in the C-2 Central Commercial Zone District. May 8, 1986 Staff Report presented. PC Mtg. 5/8/86 Page 1 of 6 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (continued) Applicant: patricia Elliott 404 Broadway Millbrae Mrs. Elliott agreed with the Staff Report and stated that because of financing difficulties the project has been delayed. Motion-Hoyer/Second Agee: To approve UP-84-685 and V-84-280 for a one (1) year extension of time subject to all conditions contained in the original Use Permit and Variance as granted. AYES: Commissioners Agee, Getz, Hoyer, Martin and Terry. ABSTAINED: Vice Chair Boblitt. ABSENT: Chair Wendler. Omar Lee, UP-86-761 and Negative Declaration No. 552, 409 Spruce Avenue Use Permit to construct a multi-tenant two-story office building with related parking and landscaping and signage at 409 South Spruce Avenue, on the southeasterly corner of South Spruce and Huntington Avenues in the PCM Planned Commercial and Limited Industrial Zone District. May 8, 1986 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative: Heston Chau 2282 Buchanan Street San Francisco Mr. Chau had no objections to the Staff Report and agreed to all conditions. Deputy City Manager/City Engineer Robert Yee suggested adding special Condition No. 10 as follows: 10. The applicant shall construct to City's specifications an extension of the median strip to the south property line of the subject property along South Spruce Avenue which shall be approved by the City Engineer. Motion-Getz/Second Hoyer: To approve UP-86-763 subject to all special conditions (including the amended special conditions) contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. ABSENT: Chair Wendler. BRIDGE Housing Corporation (South San Francisco Unified School District, owner), UP-86-762 and Negative Declaration No. 551, Southwest Corner of Grand and Magnolia Avenue. Use Permit to construct a 125 unit senior housing project with related parking and landscaping between Grand Avenue and Baden PC Mtg. 5/8/86 Page 2 of 6 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (continued) Avenue, 125 feet westerly of Magnolia Avenue in the R-3 Restricted Multiple Family Residential Zone District. May 8, 1986 Staff Report presented. Applicant: Don Terner President, BRIDGE Housing 150 California Street San Francisco Speaking in Favor: Edna Harks 210 Eucalyptus Avenue Speaking with Concern: Roy and Barbara Parenti 108 Orange Avenue Arthur Chu 626 Grand Avenue Emilio Firpo 223 Maywood Avenue Andrew Rodondi 623 Miller Avenue Mr. Terner agreed to comply with the conditions contained in the Staff Report but stated that Conditions 3, 4 and 10 needed discussion. Concerning Condition No.3, Mr. Terner asked that spouses under 62 years of age be allowed to reside at the project. In reference to Condition No.4, Mr. Terner informed the Commission that the 50% affordability standard was going to be a challenge and there was the possibility of BRIDGE returning at a later date asking for that figure to be relaxed. He asked the Commission to consider concrete roof tiles instead of clay tiles with regard to Special Condition No. 10. senior Planner Philip Gorny concurred with the applicant's request for modification of Special Condition No.3. Mrs. Harks, speaking on behalf of the Historical Society, expressed how pleased the society is that the Bungalow is going to be preserved and will be a useful part of the project. Mr. Roy and Mrs. Barbara Parenti expressed their concern with the parking situation in the Magnolia and Grand Avenue area. Chair Wendler arrived at the meeting at 8:15 p.m. Mr. Chu's concern was also with on-site parking and the increased traffic problems the project is going to generate. PC Mtg. 5/8/86 Page 3 of 6 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (continued) Mr. Firpo, who owns property along Third Lane, asked about the accessibility the lane would have to the people living in the p~oject. Senior Planner Gorny informed him there will be no accessibility and a hammerhead turnaround is planned as part of the lane improvement along with paving. (Cassette No.2) Mr. Rodondi wished to go on record that more on-site parking is necessary. Commissioner Hoyer expressed his concern with clay tiles and concrete tiles because of seismic movement and suggested that Condition No. 10 be amended as follows: 10. A suitable roof material, to be in harmony with the roof of the Magnolia Center. Roof equipment and gravel shall be colored so as they blend together. The Commission agreed to this amendment and directed staff that the material chosen must be an acceptable substitution. The Commission further agreed that the project's situation is not ideal. Commissioner Martin felt that lighting at this project is important since it involves seniors and recommended that the paragraph from Exhibit "C", Page 6, Section E, be added to the Special Conditions as follows: 17. The lighting required shall be installed according to a lighting plan reviewed and approved by the Police Department prior to issuance of a building permit. Motion-Getz/Second Wendler: To approve UP-86-762 and Negative Declaration No. 551 subject to the conditions, incorporating the change to Special Conditions No.3 and 10, adding Special Conditions No. 16 and 17 and subject to the findings in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Vice Chair Boblitt declared a 15 minute recess at 9:10 pm. Chair Wendler recalled the meeting to order at 9:30 pm. Silvio Earnest Bortoli, PM-86-243, 207-209 Chestnut Avenue Voluntary Tentative Parcel Map to allow a lot line adjustment between two parcels at 207-209 Chestnut Avenue resulting in PC Mtg. 5/8/86 Page 4 of 6 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (continued) parcels of 12,200 square feet and 12,000 square feet where no new parcels are being created in the R-2 Duplex Residential Zone District. May 8, 1986 Staff Report presented. Applicant: Mr. and Mrs. Silvio Bortoli 207 Chestnut Avenue Mr. and Mrs. Bortoli had no objections to the Staff Report and agreed to all conditions. Motion-Hoyer/Second Vice-Chair Boblitt: To approve PM-86-243 subject to all conditions contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. B & B Investment, Co., UP-83-673/Mod 1 and Negative Declaration No. 553, Gellert Square, Gellert Boulevard North of Westborough Boulevard Use Permit modification application to allow a driveway connecting this site with an adjacent project in Daly City immediately to the north, mutual access and parking easements at an existing retail center (Gellert Square) in the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Zone District. Director Smith informed the Commission that a letter of withdrawal had been submitted by the applicant for UP-83-673/Mod 1 and that the Commission need not take any further action on this application. City of South San Francisco, GP-86-30, ZA-86-34 and Negative Declaration No. 547 Continued from Planning Commission Meeting of April 24, 1986. Public Hearing for General Plan Amendment application to amend various sections of text, policies, and exhibits of the Land Use, Circulation and Transportation Elements of the South San Francisco General Plan. Public Hearing for a Zoning Amendment to amend and revise Title 20 (Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map) of the South San Francisco Municipal Code. The Commission decided to continue GP-86-30 and ZA-86-34 to a study session on May 12, 1986, 7:30 pm. PC Mtg. 5/8/86 Page 5 of 6 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (continued) Items from Staff Director Smith informed the Commission that Thomas Callan's appeal will go before the City Council on Wednesday, May 14th and that Dr. Robertson has appealed his case which will be heard by Council on May 28th. Items from Commission Vice Chair Boblitt mentioned that she had spoken with a tenant at the building complex near the proposed Orchard Supply. The tenant had not received any notification about the public hearing. Director smith informed the Commission that the public hearing notice is only sent to the owner of the building, not the tenants. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 10:13 pm to a study session at the City Hall Conference Room on Tuesday, May 13, 1986 at 7:30 pm. an T. Smith, Secretary lanning Commission City of South San Francisco ~'" C' ~oy,Anrr/Wendler, Chair tBl~ ning Commission 6iey of South San Francisco JTS:JAW:sp PC Mtg. 5/8/86 Page 6 of 6 Pages