HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/09/1986 (Cassette No.1) October 9, 1986 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Wendler, Vice Chair Boblitt, Commissioners Agee and Martin. ABSENT: Commissioners Getz, Hoyer, and Terry. ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Jean T. Smith Maureen Morton Dan Christians Deputy City Manager/City Engineer Robert Yee police Department Ron Petrocchi Building Division Ray Laur PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Chair Wendler requested Minutes for September 4, 1986 Special Study Session be carried over to the next regular meeting inasmuch as only thre.e of the Commissioners present had been at tha t ~ -meeting · _- ~ - ~ - ~ - - - ~ - - r!I.otion.;..Martiri/SecondBobli-tt: ~_To .approve~t.he ~ Minutes ofS~ptember 11-,1986 Planning Commission meeting. ~Vnanim6usly.~pprov~dby voice vote. - -~ ~ -. ADOPTION AND PRESENTATION OF RESOLUTION TO FORMER PLANNING DIVISION SECRETARY JEAN SPROUSE: Although Jean Sprouse was not present to receive the resolution, Chair Wendler read the resolution and thanked her on behalf of the Commission for her dedicated service. AGENDA ITEMS (PUBLIC HEARINGS) All Saints Parish (South San Francisco Unified School District, owner), UP-85-740, 825 Southwood Drive One-year review of the Use Permit issued to All Saints Parish to conduct church services and classes at 825 Southwood Drive in accordance with Special Condition No. 5 of UP-85-740. October 9, 1986 Staff Report presented. PC MTG. 10/9/86 Page 1 of 5 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (PUBLIC HEARING) continued Motion-Martin/second Agee: To let stand the original approval of UP-85-740 based on the applicant's satisfactory compliance with the conditions of approval. Unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chair Wendler, Vice Chair Boblitt, Commissioners Agee and Martin. ABSENT: Commissioners Getz, Hoyer and Terry. Robert and Susan Bregante, V-86-289, 13 Clara Avenue Continued from the Planning Commission Meeting of September 25, 1986. Variance application of Robert and Susan Bregante to allow a room addition to an existing single-family residence to encroach fifteen (15) feet into the required twenty (20) foot rear yard setback at 13 Clara Avenue in the R-l Single-Family Zone District. october 9, 1986 Staff Report presented. Applicant: Robert Bregante 13 Clara Avenue Mr. Bregante explained his redesign and requested the Commission approve a 12' encroachment instead of staff's 10' recommendation. The Commission agreed that since past variances in the immediate area ~ ~ w-ere approved ~for, no more than _to.' '-t:hey~~must uphold~ ~ta_ff-' 's- recommendation~ - - . _ _ Motion-Boblitt/Second -Martin: . ~-To: approve -V-86~289-subject to the . ~conditions (including the~r~quirement~ora ~O~foot setback) and_ findings contained in the staff report. Unanlmously-approvedbythe- following roll call vote: Chair Wendler, Vice Chair Boblitt, Commissioners Agee and Martin. ABSENT: Commissioners Getz, Hoyer and Terry. Arvid J. and J. Kay Olson, UP-86-777, 420 Dorado Way Use Permit to establish a residential second unit within an existing single family residence at 420 Dorado Way. October 9, 1986 Staff Report presented. Applicant: Arvid J. Olson 420 Dorado Way Kay Olson 420 Dorado Way Mr. Olson stated that he accepted the conditions as documented in the staff report. PC MTG. 10/9/86 Page 2 of 5 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (PUBLIC HEARING) continued For the record, Vice Chair Boblitt urged caution in approving second units to avoid adverse impacts in single family areas. Mrs. Olson stated that the unit was to insure privacy for its occupant and also to have someone living with them when they become elderly. Commissioner Agee noted that as long as there is the one entrance there is a control. Motion-Boblitt/Second Agee: To approve UP-86-777 subject to the conditions and findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote as follows: AYES: Chair Wendler, Vice Chair Boblitt, Commissioners Agee and Martin. ABSENT: Commissioners Getz, Hoyer and Terry. Lyon's Restaurants (La Quinta Motor Inns, owner), UP-85-733/Mod 2 10 Airport Boulevard Use Permit Modification for a revised site plan for a 24-hour restaurant with on-sale alcohol, including related parking, exterior elevations, landscaping and signs in accordance with Special Condition No. 7 of UP-85-733 at 10 Airport Boulevard. Upon recommendation of staff, Chair Wendler opened the public hearing and continued UP-85-733/Mod 2 to the November 13/ 1986 Planning Commission meeting in order for the applicant to prepare revised exhibits for the Commission. - ., ~ ~ - ...- By voige. vo~t~e the ~~ccmul\J.ss10n-unariim6\1.s1y ~agreed .:t.o continue UP-8_5-733/Mod~2 to -November 13; _ 1986. ABSENT:. .Corrimissiorie:ts-Getz--,- ~Hoyer ang Tetry~ ~ - Simeon Properties (Armour Food Co.), UP-86-776, Negative Declaration- No. 565, 290 Utah Avenue Use Permit to construct a six-building multi-tenant industrial development with related parking, landscaping, and signs at 290 Utah Avenue. October 9, 1986 Staff Report presented. Applicant: Russ Pitta, Simeon Properties 250 Executive Park Blvd. San Francisco Mr. Pitto agreed to the conditions contained in the staff report and presented the Commission with renderings of the proposed business park. Motion-Martin/Second Agee: To approve UP-86-776 subject to the conditions and findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chair Wendler, Vice Chair Boblitt, Commissioners Agee and Martin. ABSENT: Commissioners Getz, Hoyer and Terry. PC MTG. 10/9/86 Page 3 of 5 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (PUBLIC HEARING) continued Spruce Street Car Wash (Azad Amiri, owner), DR-S-86-219, 246 South Spruce Avenue Appeal of the decision of the Planning Division regarding a proposed freestanding car wash and price sign, approximately 15'0" high, already installed, at an existing service station and car wash at 246 South Spruce Avenue. October 9, 1986 Staff Report presented. Applicant's representative: Gail Ganjei 1107 Mission Road, #207 Mrs. Ganjei asked the Commission to approve the request and explained that in order for fuel prices to be clearly displayed the extra sign was needed. The Commission agreed that staff's recommendation was consistent with the sign regulations that have been imposed on other service stations. Chair Wendler also expressed the Commission's desire to rid the City of a proliferation of signs. Motion-Agee/Second Boblitt: To deny the appeal and uphold the decision of the Plan~ingDirector, based on the findings as contained irith~ s-taff reP9rt. _ up.an~~mously.appr9vedby the followipg roll call vote :- -AYES: '-_Chair -We_ndle:r ,Vice: -Chair --Bobli tt:,. :Comrrilssioner-s~gee: ~ and Martin . -ABSENT: - commissioners ~Getz, -~-Hoyer and Terry.-o~- ~ - ~ Schoebets Athletic Club (Landsing Realty Par~tners II/' owner-) , UP-75-314/Mod 1, Negative Declaratien No. 567, 41,. Eccles Avenue Use Permit Modification application to allow expansion of an existing athletic club to the adjacent property with related parking and landscaping at 417 Eccles Avenue. October 9, 1986 Staff Report presented. Applicant: Howard Wasserteil 425 Eccles Boulevard Mr. Wasserteil made a presentation of a revised site plan. commissioner Martin expressed his concern with the "loose ends" that were addressed in the Special Conditions. Chair Wendler suggested continuing UP-75-314/Mod 1 to the October 23, 1986 Planning Commission meeting, if agreeable with the applicant. Mr. Wasserteil agreed and stated that he will have the Commission's concerns resolved by October 23. PC MTG. 10/9/86 Page 4 of 5 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (PUBLIC HEARING) continued By voice vote the Commission unanimously approved continuing UP-75-314/Mod 1 to October 23, 1986. ABSENT: Commissioners Getz, Hoyer and Terry. (Cassette No.2) ITEMS FROM STAFF Director Smith informed the Commission of the following: 1. That the amended General Plan was adopted by the City Council with three minor changes. 2. The City Council continued the Revised Zoning Ordinance to October 29, 1986 and at that time they may introduce the ordinance. 3. The City Council upheld the Planning Commission's approval of the Shaw Business Center, UP-86-768. ADJOURNMENT Chair Wendler adjourned the meeting at 9:30 p.m. to October 23, 1986, 7:30 ~.m. ~~,\-- .~. an T. Smith, Secretary flanning Commission City of South San Francisco .~~. nn Wendler, Chair a ning Commission City of South San Francisco JTS: JAW: sp PC MTG. 10/9/86 Page 5 of 5 Pages