HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/25/1986 (Cassette No.1) September 25, 1986 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Wendler, Vice Chair Boblitt, commissioners Agee, Getz, Hoyer, and Terry. ABSENT: Commissioner Martin. ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Jean T. Smith Maureen Morton City Attorney Valerie Armento police Department Ron petrocchi Building Division Ray Laur PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Commissioner Hoyer spoke regarding a recent traffic accident he was involved in at the corner of Aspen and Linden Avenues and requested the police Department review the visibility. Sergeant Petrocchi said he would have it investigated. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS Robert and susa~n~-Bre~9~ante,~V-86~-289 i 13 :ClaraAvenue : contthued from t-heSeptember~~ 11, 1986 Planning Conunission meeting. - - Variance application of Robert ~ and -Susan Bregante-= to- allow --a room addition to an existing single-family residence to encroach fifteen (15) feet into the required twenty (20) foot rear yard setback at 13 Clara Avenue in the R-l Single-Family Zone District. Director Smith informed the Commission that the applicant, Mr. Bregante, failed to submit revised drawings in time for the Commission meeting and suggested continuing the item to the next scheduled meeting, October 9. By voice vote the Commission agreed to continue V-86-289 to October 9, 1986. ABSENT: Commissioner Martin. Discussion of Zoning Ordinance issues referred back to the Planning Commission by the City Council September 25, 1986 Staff Report presented. a. Antenna provlslons: Director Smith introduced Mr. Daryl Jones, Systems Manager for the City of South San Francisco. Mr. Jones PC MTG. 9/25/86 Page 1 of 3 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (PUBLIC HEARINGS) continued answered the Commission's questions with regard to amateur radio operators and their communication antennas. The Commission agreed that they wanted to restrict the height of antennas to a reasonable limit that would accommodate most amateur radio operators. Commisioner Getz noted that the Commision had no criteria for judging the need for an antenna over 40 feet, the limit suggested by staff without a use permit. Mr. Jones believed that 60 feet would accomodate 95 percent of antenna requests. Commissioner Getz suggested that Section 20.77.040(a) be modified to include "a height limit of 60 feet or less from the ground; Section 20.77.070(c) be modified to include "building, structures, or power transmission lines; and 20.77.080 and 20.77.090 be combined to refer back to 20.77.040(a) and to state that antennas in excess of 60 feet require a use permit. The Commission requested that there be two separate sections for radio antennas and satellite dishes and asked that staff and the City Attorney prepare the necessary wording. Mr. Jones stated that because of "scramblers" and the expense involved with "de- scramblers" the popularity of satellite dishes has diminished. b. Time limits (6 months) on use permits: The Commission concurred that there was no need to further discuss this issue and -~ rea~ff.irmed their ~-~approval of~th~ proposed wording d~ for section ~.2.0 ~81" 090. ~ Expi1;"atio!l).~. - _.~ ~~ c . Adu~"t entertainment: ~he Commis~si9h agreed to eliminate . Section - 20.75 .0~70cand.tp ~ideritify in .Section. 2~0 .75.060 :an overlay zone where adult entertainment uses .can be- establisnea. Speaking with concern: Douglas Butler 133 Adrian Avenue Mr. Butler spoke regarding his previous concerns with Chapter 20.75 and stated his support for the proposed overlay district. ITEMS FROM THE PUBLIC Chair Wendler agreed to move item #6 forward on the Agenda so that a group of people waiting in the audience could be heard. Mr. Stanley Molino spoke on behalf of Mr. Adib Khouri, resident of 2288 Delvin Way, who has been unable to obtain a building permit from the City because the Westborough Homeowners Improvement Association have not approved the design of his addition. The Commission explained to Mr. Molino that the City must respect the restrictions contained in the CC&R's. Commissioner Getz suggested that the owner redesign and resubmit his application to the association or obtain legal advice. PC MTG. 9/25/86 Page 2 of 3 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (PUBLIC HEARING) continued Report from Subcommittee on signs in the Downtown Sign District. Commissioner Getz summarized the outline of the September 20 subcommittee meeting, and indicated that he and staff are scheduled to meet and draft wording for the sign ordinance which will be recommended to the Commission. (Cassette No.2) The Commission discussed "vintage" and "grandfathered" signs for the downtown area and other sign districts. Commissioner Getz stated that if the Commission decided to keep amortization, it must be city- wide, not excluding the downtown. Chair Wendler felt that further discussion of all the sign districts was needed to clarify their position on amortization and the possibility of eliminating non-conforming signs when a use changes. It was agreed to hold a public hearing on October 23 to give merchants an opportunity to discuss the sign district ordinance with the Commission. Also, in order for the Commission to discuss public comments and review the recommended wording, a study session would be held on November 5. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION a. Resolution on compensation increase: Motion-Terry/Second Agee: ~oapprov~ ~Resolutio~ 'No. - 237-2 o~f_the Planning Commission recommending _to~the-CityCoundi~_a revise9 ~pay schedule . - - increasIng the -moPthlycorrtpensat~iohfor Planning. Commissioners. Commissioner Gatz~movedto amend the-~Resolution -by adding an- _ effective date -of January_ l,~ -19~7. Amendment died for l~ck of a second. Resolution No. 2372-was approved by the following rcrll call vote: AYES: Chair Wendler, Vice Chair Boblitt, Commissioners Agee, Hoyer and Terry. NOES: Commissioner Getz. ABSENT: Commissioner Martin. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Wendler adjourned the meeting at 10:20 p.m. to October 9, 1986, 7:30 p.m. f~~ / ~an T. Smith, Secretary t Planning Commission City of South San Francisco J y-Ann Wendler, Chair Planning Commission City of South San Francisco JTS:JAW:sp PC MTG. 9/25/86 Page 3 of 3 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (PUBLIC HEARING) Continued Residential Planned Development Permit and Tentative Subdivision Map application of Standard Building, Co., Inc. (South San Francisco Unified School District, owner) and an environmental determination of same to allow a 47 lot, single-family, detached residential development on 7.9 acres of land along the easterly side of Chestnut Avenue, northerly of Tamarack Lane in the R-1 Single Family Zone District. September 11, 1986 Staff Report presented. Applicant's representatives: Andrew Cresci Project Manager Standard Builders 2222 19th Avenue San Francisco Jerry Walters Fehr & Peers Assoc. 3685 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette Speaking in favor: Norm Hynding, Jr. 810 Miller Avenue Mr. Cresci reviewed the two alternate site plans for the Commission and indicated that Standard Builders preferred the Laurel Street access (Alternate Plan No.1). He also informed the Commission that he had a meeting with Mr. Bob Dominge of the School District to resolve the parking situation at the Parkway Junior High School site. Mr. Cresci stated the School District could not move on this matter until an approval on this project was made by the City. Mr. Walters further explained why Standard Builders preferred Alternate Plan No.1. He described the potential traffic problems on Chestnut Avenue as opposed to the exiting onto Laurel Avenue. Mr. Hynding spoke in favor of Alternate Plan No.2. He felt that the traffic impact to Laurel Avenue would be worse than the impact to Chestnut Avenue. Mr. Hynding also informed the Commission that the Parkway School site is the only facility in South San Francisco that does not provide off-street parking for those using the ball field. Commissioner Terry suggested a condition be added to the staff report preventing homeowners in the Parkway Estates from gaining access to Tamarack Lane from the rear of their property. Commissioner Getz proposed the following wording for Condition No.6: "6. All rear and side yards shall have a 6 foot high solid wood fence (4 foot high along the rear property lines adjoining Chestnut Avenue) except along Tamarack Lane where a 6 foot PC MTG. 9/11/86 Page 2 of 7 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (PUBLIC HEARING) Continued high decorative concrete block wall shall be constructed. No gates or access shall be allowed on Tamarack Lane. The design of the fences shall be subject to the approval of staff or the Design Review Board." The Commission asked Deputy City Manager/City Engineer Bob Yee his opinion of stop signs on Chestnut Avenue at the entrance to the proposed Parkway Estates development. Mr. Yee said that he could not support those stop signs based on the number of units in the proposed development. The Commission recommended that staff convey to the City Council a request to work with the Recreation Department and the School District to resolve the parking problem at the Parkway School site which is effecting the residents of the Tamarack Lane/Laurel Avenue area. As per staff's recommendation the Commission agreed that the wording for Special Condition No. 1 should be amended as follows: "1. The project shall be constructed substantially as shown on the undated plans as prepared by Standard Building Company which deletes vehicular access to Laurel Avenue and provides one main access intersection on Chestnut Avenue at least 100 feet north of Tamarack Lane, subject to review and approval of a precise location and improvement plan for such access by the City Engineer." (Cassette No.2) Motion-Getz/Second Martin: To approve RPD-86-30 and Negative Declaration No. 561 subject to the findings and conditions, including amended Special Conditions 1 and 6, contained in the staff report. Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chair Wendler, Commissioners Agee, Getz, Hoyer, Martin and Terry. ABSTAINED: Vice Chair Boblitt. Motion-Getz/Second Martin: To recommend to City Council approval of SA-86-94 subject to the findings and amended conditions contained in the staff report. Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chair Wendler, Commissioners Agee, Getz, Hoyer, Martin and Terry. ABSTAINED: Vice Chair Boblitt. Guy F. Atkinson Co., PM-84-220, 10 West Orange Avenue Request for a one (l)-year extension of time by Guy F. Atkinson Co. for Tentative Parcel Map PM-84-220 to divide a 19t acre site into four (4) parcels of 8.50, 3.99, 3.23, and 3.24t acres for property located easterly of 10 West Orange Avenue. PC MTG. 9/11/86 Page 3 of 7 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (PUBLIC HEARING) Continued September 11, 1986 Staff Report presented. Applicant's representative: Jim San Sebastian 10 West Orange Avenue Motion-Boblitt/Second Terry: To grant a one-year time extension for Tentative parcel Map PM-84-220 to November 8, 1987. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Dan Thurston, UP-86-773, Negative Declaration No. 562, Southwesterly Corner of Oak and Commercial Avenues Use Permit application of Dan Thurston and an environmental determination of same to construct a three (3)-unit apartment building with related off-street parking and landscaping on vacant property located on the southwesterly corner of Oak and Commercial Avenues in the c-o Commercial Office Zone District. September 11, 1986 Staff Report presented. Applicant's representative: John Lucchesi, Architect 436 Second Lane Gary A. Orton, Attorney 700 El Camino Real Millbrae Speaking with concern: Joe D'Angelo 66 Oak Avenue Mr. Lucchesi, described the project and the architecture for the Commission. He stated that Mr. Thurston agreed to the conditions with the exception of the requested public improvements along Oak Avenue. Mr. Orton, attorney for Mr. Thurston, explained that he had met with Mr. Yee and they had made compromises regarding the project. Mr. Yee recommended to the Commission that the developer put in the curb, gutter, sidewalk and asphalt along Oak Avenue and that the City would work with him on the catch basin, stop sign and street lighting requirements. Mr. D'Angelo asked that the City consider making street improvements all along Oak Avenue to the Grand Avenue intersection. Mr. Yee informed the Commission that the west side of Oak Avenue is owned by the County and they intend to improve this property in the near future. Mr. Yee also explained that the remaining portion on the east side of Oak Avenue will be improved when developed; the City can only afford to maintain what is existing. PC MTG. 9/11/86 Page 4 of 7 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (PUBLIC HEARING) Continued The Commission agreed that the color of the complex should be a muted shade, rather than the proposed Epicurean pink. They requested that a new color be submitted for approval by staff. The Commission also requested that the sentence be deleted from the staff report that refers to the number of on-street parking spaces available for guests. Motion-Getz/Second Terry: To approve UP-86-773 and Negative Declaration No. 562 subject to the conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Sharon C. Norlin (Jack Corey, owner), UP-86-775, Negative Declaration No. 564, 930 Linden Avenue Use Permit application of Sharon C. Norlin (Jack Corey, owner) and an environmental determination of same to establish an interior installations business with a small paint booth for refurbishing panel systems, in an existing building at 930 Linden Avenue in the C-3 Heavy Commercial Zone District. September 11, 1986 Staff Report presented. Applicant present: Sharon C. Norlin 405 Grand Avenue Ms. Norlin agreed to the conditions and findings as presented in the staff report. commissioner Getz abstained from voting due to a conflict that as a Deputy Attorney General he represents the State Air Resources Control Board District. Commissioner Terry inquired whether if the lacquer smell coming from the proposed use was going to be monitored and if not could staff see that it is monitored and have it reviewed in six months. Ms. Norlin agreed to the Commissioner's request. Motion-Boblitt/Second Agee: To approve UP-86-775 and Negative Declaration No. 564 subject to the conditions and findings contained in the staff report. Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chair Wendler, Vice Chair Boblitt, Commissioners Agee, Hoyer, Martin and Terry. ABSTAINED: Commissioner Getz. Robert and Susan Bregante, V-86-289, 13 Clara Avenue Variance application of Robert and Susan Bregante to allow a room addition to an existing single-family residence to encroach fifteen (15) feet into the required twenty (20) foot rear yard setback at 13 Clara Avenue in the R-1 Single-Family Zone District. PC MTG. 9/11/86 Page 5 of 7 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (PUBLIC HEARING) Continued September 11, 1986 Staff Report presented. Applicant present: Robert Bregante 13 Clara Avenue Speaking in favor: Mildred Bessire 16 Clara Avenue Mr. Bregante explained his opposition to staff's recommendation of adding on to the front of his garage to reduce the rear yard encroachment. He felt, economically and aesthetically, an addition into the rear yard was the best solution. Mrs. Bessire informed the Commission that the neighbors supported the addition and felt that it would not affect the neighborhood. The Commission felt that they could approve this application if the addition were not so large. They asked Mr. Bregante, if agreeable, to return to the Commission with a redesign. Mr. Bregante agreed. Motion-Getz/Second Hoyer: To continue V-86-289 to the next available meeting. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Discussion of Zoning Ordinance issues referred back to the Planning Commission by the City Council Director Smith informed the Commission that there were three areas that Council felt needed further discussion - 1) the antenna ordinance, 2) adult entertainment, and 3) the sign ordinance which will be discussed by the subcommittee on September 22 and reported back to the Commission on September 25. The Commission felt that before they could make any changes to the antenna ordinance with regard to increasing height of radio antennas they would need further information. They recommended that staff have an unbiased knowledgeable person present at the September 25th meeting to answer their questions. The Commission felt that the proposed adult entertainment map was too extensive and recommended to Council that the new ordinance restrict such uses to only those areas allowed under the current ordinance. (Cassette No.3) ITEMS FROM STAFF Director Smith reviewed the previous evening's City Council meeting. The Council closed the puhlic hearing on the Revised Zoning Ordinance but will accept written comments from the pUblic up to Monday, September 22. PC MTG. 9/11/86 Page 6 of 7 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (PUBLIC HEARING) continued ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION Chair Wendler informed the Commission that the Commission members on the Sign District Two subcommittee consists of herself, Commissioners Getz and Terry; Commissioner Agee is an alternate. Also, they will have their first meeting on Monday night, September 22. Commissioner Martin reported that the Westborough Square hillside has been cleaned up. The Commission thanked Senior Planner Philip Gorny for representing the City at the Daly City City Council hearings in regard to the proposed Serramonte Plaza development. ADJOURNMENT Chair Wendler adjourned the meeting at 11:35 p.m. to September 25, 1986, 7:30 p.m. (7 /""Y1, JJ ,/ IJ~~-# "f.--.a...~ --------' / /~ ~an T. Smith, Secretary //'lPlanning Commission {I City of South San Francisco .~~ y- nn Wendler, Chair Planning Commission City of South San Francisco JTS:JAW:sp PC MTG. 9/11/86 Page 7 of 7 Pages