HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/04/1986 september 4, 1986 Special Study Session of the South San Francisco Planning Commission and the Downtown Merchants Association Board of Directors. MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chair Wendler, Vice Chair Boblitt, Commissioners Agee, Getz, Hoyer and Terry. ABSENT: Commissioner Martin. DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESENT: President Alan Zellmer, Mona Jajeh, Ingrid Garlasso, Dennis Rosaia, Gloria Maltoni, Robert Giorgi, Rich Welker and Don Edwards. STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Jean Smith, Senior Planner Maureen Morton and Deputy City Manager/CD&A Mark Lewis. ' OTHERS PRESENT: Chamber of Commerce Director Frank Strazzarino and Chamber of Commerce 2nd Vice President Louis Dell'Angela. planning commission Chair Wendler called the study session to order at 7:30 p.m. She stated that Alan Zellmer would open the session by highlighting the concerns which the Downtown Merchants Associaton has with the provisions in the Revised Zoning Ordinance which relate to signs in District 2. The meeting would then be opened for comments and discussion from other merchants. Mr. Zellmer stated several points regarding the proposed sign ordinance, such as the potential severe financial impact it would cause to as many as---thj.rty-five merc~antswho :wilJ. :have :qon~conforming signs; ~fthe ox:dinanceis -adopted.. 'Hest.at.ed tl1eBoard- voted,. unanimously -that the ordinaP.ce: - 1-) -istbo t"estrictive regarCiing height -and size-- of sig~s,2 L is contrary to th~ Association' sbelief--of allowing - variety (freedom 9f _ expression), and 3} that t'h~ Downtown M~rchan:ts -believe that signs al:"e - for automobile-oriented rather -than the- pedes-trlan. - -- Mr. Giorgi felt that the historical uniqueness of the downtown should be retained and that the Association was working hard to keep the downtown alive. Mr. Welker mentioned that the growth of trees along Grand Avenue were hiding some of the signs and making it even harder for people to see store fronts. He also favored retaining the look of the 1950's along Grand Avenue. Mr. Edwards spoke with regard to the grade along Grand Avenue and that windy weather in South San Francisco deterred pedestrian traffic. Mrs. Maltoni made reference to the Steven Fitzpatrick report that was prepared for the Downtown Merchants Association dated January 1986, and suggested that the Commission review it. The commission agreed with the Board on the issue of attracting more people to the downtown and retaining its uniqueness. The Commission supported canopies, flush mounted signs and window graphics. The Planning Commission stated that its major objections were to free- standing signs, large projecting signs and temporary window signs. Chair Wendler distributed photographs taken by Commissioner Hoyer of local, existing signs. 9/4/86 Study Session Page 1 of 2 STUDY SESSION (continued) Commissioner Getz suggested there be a consistency in the approach of the sign issue for the downtown but not necessarily consistency in design. He suggested that a subcommittee be formed to review the document and make the necessary compromises. Mr. Giorgi stated that many merchants have grass roots in South San Francisco and they perceive things in the downtown area a little differently when compared to the rest of the City. He felt that the "old town" look along Grand Avenue should be retained. Mr. Edwards suggested that the Planning office should refer downtown sign applicants to the Merchants Association and that they would work with the merchant to insure the proper sign proposal and assist in the approval process. Deputy City Manager Mark Lewis informed the Commission that the chapters on signs could be extracted from the rest of the Zoning Ordinance to be reviewed further by a subcommittee, if that is what the Commission wishes. The rest of the Ordinance could then go forward for approval by City Council. Chamber of Commerce Director Frank Strazzarino indicated that merchants in other sign districts needed to be informed of the proposed ordinance also. Mr. Giorgi suggested that the Chamber of Commerce would be a good educational resource to alert the community and the businesses of the proposed sign ordinance. ~ -- - - - - - - . - - - - _-It. was the: consensus -:af _ the Commission artdBoardto--recommend -to t.he-- City C9uncil-toremove th~ chapters-: on-~-slgns__from~the- Zoning- Ordinance- and that the -commission--Chair- appo.int_ a subcommittee to discuss- downtown signs with~a subcommitt_eeof ~the Merchat-ns Assoc~ation "=.and- return to the Commission its recommendations'- -The. public hearing would remain open-..-. with regard to the sign ordinance if any merchants from other sign districts wished to speak before the Council. The following people were appointed to the subcommittee: Planning Commission: Chair Wendler, Commissioners Getz and Terry. Downtown Merchants Association: Allan Zellmer, Robert Giorgi and Richard Welker. The subcommittee agreed to meet on September 22, 1986, 7:30 pm, in the Large Conference Room at City Hall. Adjournment: 9:45 pm. ~~ -Ann Wendler ir, Planning Commission 9/4/86 Study Session Page 2 of 2