HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Ordinance-1954i~Zonfng Ordinance of
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Sc~n_.F:rc~cisco ................... '
Zoning or Districting Plan
Ordinance No. 353 as amended by
' Ordincmce No. 356, Ordinance No. 365 "
and Ordinance NO. 376
AUGUST * 1954
· SECTION 1. PURPOSE AND ADOPTION OF ZON- Sec. 3.62 Uses Permitted, subject to first pro-
ING PLAN ............................................. I curing a Use Permit ........................... 4
~ECTION 2. DISTRICTS ESTABLISHED 1 Sec. 3.63 Building Height L/mit .......................... 4
" ................ Sec. 3.64 Building Site Area Required ................ 4
~ECT/ON 3. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DIS. Sec. 3.65 Yards Required ..................................... 4
TRICT OR R-1 DISTRICT .................... 1 .~
Sec. 3.11 Uses Permitted 1 SECTION 3.7. INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT OR M-1
...................................... . .... DISTRICT ............................................ 5
S~e. 3.12 Uses Permitted, subject to obtaining ' ' Sec. 3.71 Uses Permitted 5
a Use Permit .......................................... '1 :,. ....................................
~. Sec, 3.13 Building Height Limit 1 Sec. 3.72 Uses Permitted, subject to first
.......................... raining a Use Permit'. .......................'...5
See. 3.14 Building Site Area Required .............. 1 Sec. 3.73 Building Height Limit .......................... 5
Sec. 3.15 Percentage of Lot Coverage Permitted 1 ' Sec. 3.74 Yards Required ..................................... 5
Sec. 3.16 Minimum Yards Required .................... 1
:!.' S~e. 3.17 Parking Required--Garage or Garage ", SECTION 3.8. INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT OR
Space ............................................ ;. ....... 2 DISTRICT ............................................
. !~ Sec. 3.81 Uses Permitted ...................................... 5
· ~ECTION 3.2. DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT ' · Sec. 3.82 Uses Permitted, subject to fL-st pro-
OR R-2 DISTRICT ' 2 ' ·
· curing a Use Permit .......................... 5
Sec. 3.2! Uses Permitted ...................................... 2 Sec. 3.83 Building Height L/mit ......................... 5
' See. 3.22 Uses Permitted, subject to obtaining
· a Use Permit ' 2 Sec. 3.84 Yards Required ..................................... 5
Sec. 3.23 Building Height Limit .......................... 2 ' SECTION 3.9. UNCLASSIFIED DISTRICT OR U
Sec. 3.24 Building Site Area 'Required ............. 2 DISTRICT ............................................ 5
Sec. 3.25 Percentage of Lot Coverage Permitted 2 Sec, 3,9I Uses Permitted ...................................... 5
~ Sec. 3.26 Minimum Yards Required 2 ' See. 3.92 Other Regulations 5
Sec. 3.27 Parking Required--Garage or Garage .
Space ................. ~ .................................... 2 ' SECTION 4. REGULATIONS FOR SPECIAL DIS-
TRICTS ..................... ~, ....................... 5
8EC*I'ION 3.3. RESTRICTED MULTIPLE FAMILY Sec. 4.1 Combining Parking District or "H'
RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT OR R-3 DIS'- District ................................................... 5
TRICT ............................................. '... 2 ' Sec. 4.11 Uses Permitted ..................................... 5
Sec. 3.31 Uses Permitted ..................... : .............. 2 Sec. 4.12 Building Location .................................. 6
i' S~e. 3.32 Uses Permitted, subject to obtaining
Sec. 3.32]4 Accessory Uses Permitted ............. 3 OR P-C DISTRICT ............................ 6
Sec. 3.33 Building Height Limit .......................... 3 Sec. 4:23 Uses Permitted ...................................... 6
~ Sec. 3.34 Building Site Area Required .............. 3 SECTIO/~ 4.3. REGULATIONS FOR 'B" DIS-
Sec. 3.35 Percentage of Lot Coverage 3 TRICTS ' 6
Sec. 3.36 Minimum Yards Required .................... 3 SECTION 4.4, PLANNED COMMERCIAL AND
.' See. 3.37 Parking Required--Garage or Garage LIGHT INDU~I'RIAL OR PCM DIS-
Space ..................................................... 3. TRICTS ..............................................
SECTION 3.4. NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL Sec. 4.44 Uses Permitted, subject to first pro-
D/STRICT OR C-1 DISTRICT ............. 3 ..... curing a Use Perm/t, and subject to
Sec. 3.41 Uses Permitted,·subject to provisions ...... the provisions o! ~ctions 4.41, 4.42,
o! Section 3.42 ...................................... 3 and 4,43 .................................................. 7
Sec. 3.43 Uses Permitted, subject to obtaining Sec. 4.45 Building Height Limit .......................... 7
a Use Permit .......................................... 3 Sec. 4.46 Building Site Area Required ................ 7
Sec. 3.44 Building Height Limit ........................ 4 Sec. 4.47 Yard Required ........................................ 7
Sec. 3.45 Building Site Area Required .............. 4 Sec. 4.48 Off-street Parking Required ................ 7
Sec. 3.46 Minimum Yards Required .................. 4 Sec. 4.49 Loading and Unloading Spac~ off-
Sec. 3.47 Parking Required ..................................4 the-street ................................................ 7
OR C-2 DISTRICT .............................. 4 CEPTIONS .......................................... 7
See. 3.51 Uses Permitted ..................................... 4 Sec.. 5.1 Uses ........................................................ 7
Sec. 3.52 Uses Permitted, subject to first pro- Sec. 5.2 Height Limits ........................................ 7
curing a Use Permit .......... ~ ................. 4 Sec. 5.3 Building Site Area ................................7
Sec, 3.53 Building Height Limit .......................... 4 Sec. 5.4 Yards ..................................................... 7
See. 3.54 Building Site Area Required .............. 4 Sec. 5.5 Architectural Control ........................... 8
'Sec. 3.55 Minimum Yards Required ...... : ............ 4 See. 5.6 Non-conforming Uses ..........................
OB C-3 DISTRICT .... : ..................... 4 AMENDMEN'I~ . 9
~ 3.61 Us~ Permitted ............................ ~ ......... 4 . . ~e. 6.1 Zoning Pe~uits ......................................
~ 6.2 IJ~ Permits .......................................... 9 . . f~,c. 7.25 "Dwelling Oroup~' ............................. ][1
S~c. 6.21 Applications .......................................... 9 , . I~ee. 7.26 "Family" . ............................................. 11
See. 6.22 Publie Hearings .................................... 0 See. 7.27 "Gnrage or Car Port" . ..................... 11
See. 6.23 Action by Commission .......................... 9 See. 7.28 "Garage Spnee". .................................. 11 '
See, 6.24 Appeal ................................................ 9 See. 7.29 "Height of Buildings" . ......................... 11 "
See. 6.25 Action by City Council ...................... 9 l~,e. 7.30 "Hotel". ................................................. 11
Sec. 6.26 Effect ...................................................... 9 Sec. 7,31 "Junk Yard" . ......................................... 11
See. 6.3 Variance and Appeals .......................... 9 See. 7.31~ "Loading and Unloading Zones" .... 12
Sec. 6.31 Applications ........................................... 9 Sec. 7.32 "Non-Conforming Use" . ....................... 12
Sec. 6.32 Public Hearings ...................................... 10 Sec. 7.33' "Parking Space" . ................................ 12
Sec. 6.33 Action by Commission ........................ 10 Sac. 7.34 "Professional Office" . .......................... 12
· Sec. 6.34 Action by City Council'. ................. : .....10 See. 7.35 "Rooming or Boarding House" ........ 12
Sec. 6.4 Appeals ................................................. 10 See. 7.36 "Side and Front of Comer Lots" .... 12
,See. 6.5 Re¥ocation of Permits or Variances .. 10 See. 7.37 "Street" . ............................................... 12
Sec. 6.6 Amendments .......................................... 10 See. 7.38 "Street Line". ...... .~ ............................... 12 ,
Sec. 6.61 Initiation ................................................ 10 Sec. 7.39 "Structure" . ......................................... 12
· Sec. 6.62 Public Hearings .................................... 10 Sec. 7.40 "Structural Alterations" ..................... 12
Sec. 6.63 Action by Planning Commission ......... 10 Sec. 7.41 '"l'railer Court" . ..................................... 12
Sec. 6.64 Action by City Council ........................ 11 Sec. 7.42 "Use" . ..................................................... 12
I, Sec. 6.65 Procedural .............................................. 11 Sec. 7.43 "Use-Accessory" . ................................... 12
-qECTION 7~ DEFINITIONS .................................... 11 Sec. 7.44 "Yard" . ...................................................12
Sec. 7.11 "Alley" . ..................................................11 See. 7.45 "Yard--Front" . .................................... 12
Sec. 7.12 "Automobile Court". ............................. 11 Sec. 7.46 "Yard--Rear' . ....................................... 12
Sec. 7.13 "Boarding House" . ............................... 11 Sec. 7,47 "Yard---Side" . ....................................... 12
See. 7.14 "Building" . ........................................... 11 SECTION 8. INTERPRETATION ............................ 12
See. 7.15 "Building, Accessory" . ........................ 11
Sec. 7.16 "Building, Main" . ............. 11 BECTION 9. ENFORCEMENT, PENAL'I'IE~], AND
~' Sec. 7.17 "Building Site" . ..................................... 11 LEGAL PROCEDURE ...................... 12
Sec. 7.18 "Business, Retail". ................................ 11 SECTION 10. REPEALING ...................................... 13
Sec. 7.19 "Business, Wholesale" . ........................ 11 SECTION 11. VALIDITY ......................................... 13
i Sec. 7.20 "Combining District" . .......................... 11
Sec. 7.21 "District" . ...............................................11 I]ECTION 12. REFERENCE ...................................... 13
I Sec. 7.22 "Dwelling, One Single Family" . ......... 11 SECTION 13. PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE
I Sec. 7.23 "Dwelling, Two Family or Duplex'* .... 11 DA3'E ................................................. 13
Sec. 7.24 "Dwelling, Multiple": ........................... 11 APPENDIX~ZONING MAP. "
~ ORDINANCE NO. 353 trict or R-3 District (d} Second single family resi-
/ As Amended by Ordinance No. 356. Neighborhood Commercial Dis- dcnce on a building .~ite
,.'Ordinance No. 365, and Ordinance trier or C-1 District when an existing single fam-
Ine. 576. Central Commercial District or fly residence has been con.
ZONING ORDINANCE C-2 District structcd on the rear one.
~ OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO Heavy Commercial District or half (*~) of the building site
CALIFORNIA C-3 District prior to the adoption of this
~ ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF Indu.,triai District or M-! Dis- ordinance.
"~ ' SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. CALl- trict ~.15 Building ileight Limit:
FORNIA, ADOPTING A ZONING Heavy Industrial District or M-2 (a) For dwcllincs -- m,ximum.
i OR DISTRICTING PLAN FOR District thirty (30) feet.
SAID CITY BY ESTABLISHING Unclassified District or U Dis- (b) For ac~sSory buildings
VARIOUS DISTRICT8 l~ SAID trict maximum, twelve (12)
CITY, W1THIN WHICH CERTAIN Combining District or H Dis- average height between floor
s~ab plate and ridge pole. If
EFFEC~ RELATIN{~ TO THE Planned Community District or floor joist type construction
'~; USES OF LAND *AND BUILD- P-C District is used, the height limit may
INGS: PRESCRIBING H E I G H T Combining District or B District b~ increased three (3) feet.
· ' LIMITS OF BUILDINGS AND Planned Commercial and Light ~.14 Building Site Area Required:
CER TAI N DIMENSIONS FOR Industrial District or P-C-M .. (al Fo~ each dwelling
YARDS A ND OTH ER OPEN District· minimum o! five thousand
SPACES A BO UT BUILDINGS: 2.2 The destgnatlons, locations. (5000) square feet. minimum
REQUIRING THAT PER M I TS and boundaries of the districts es- width of fifty (50) feet
SHALL BE PROCURED FOR CER- tablished are delineated upon the minimum depth of eighty
--~ TAIN OF SUCH BUILDINGS AND map entitled "Zoning Map o! the (80) feet. on interior lots;
, USES: D E'F 1 N I N G CERTAIN City of South San Francisco, Call- mln~mum of six thousand
: ~*'~i TERMS USED HEREIN: SPECI- fornla", dated July 21, 1954, which (6000) square feet. minimum
"' .".:, FYING THE PROCEDURE FOR map and ail notations and infor- width of sixty (60) feet
· THE AMENDMENT, AND PRE- marion thereon are hereby made n and minimum depth of eighty
: SCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE part of this ordinance by this (80) feet, on corner lots. in
· .' VIOLATION, OF ANY OF THE ...... reference, a copy of said map bein$ no case shall there be more
PROVISIONS HEREOF: AND RE- attached hereto, Any land within than one ( ! ) single family
' '~' . PEALING ALL OTHER ORDI= the incorporated limits of the City dwelling on any one (1)
· NANCES OR PARTS OF ORDI- of South San Francisco, now or in building site. (S.-e Section
NANCE8 IN CONFLICT IIERE- the future, and not designated or 3.12(d) and Section 5.3 for
: WITH. indicated on the zoning map shall exceptions.)
· The City Council of the City of be in the unclassified, or U, dis- $.15 Percentage of Lot Coverage
~ South San Francisco does ordain as trict; also, any land hereafter an- Permitted:
follows: hexed to the City of South San (a) For aggregate building coy-
' · ' SECTION L PURPOSE AND ADOP- Francisco shall, upon annexation, be erage maxi. mum, forty
TION OF ZONING PLAN. in the unclassified, or U, detract (40} percent of lot area.
1.1, There is hereby adopted n until given a definite classification. &16 Minimum Yards Required,
zoning or districting plan. ~ECTION 3. SINGLE FAMILY RESlo (m) Front yards -- Minimum re-
1.2 The purpose of this ordinance DENTIAL DISTRIC~I' OR R-I DIS- quired, fifteen (15) feet. and
is to promote the growth of the TRICT. maximum permitted thirty-
· ~. City of South San Francisco in an The following regulations shall ' five (35) feet, but in no case
. .. orderly manner and to promote and apply in all R-1 districts and shall shall any structure be erected
protect the oublic health, safety, be subject to the provisions of Sec- closer than forty (40) feet
; .' . ' peace, comfort, and general welfare, tion 5. to the center line of any
1.3 The zoning or districting plan $.11 Uses Permitted: street, nor shall any garage,
.. effectuated by this ordinance is s (a} Single family dwellings, car port, or accessory build-
part of the Master Plan of the city (b) One accessory building, only lng be erected so that the en-
: of South San Francisco and con- if constructed simultaneously trance thereof is closer than
sists of the establishment of various with, or subsequent to, the nineteen (19) feet to the
· -' districts, including ail the territory main building on the same nearest edge of the sidewalk
' within the boundaries of the city, lot. line; provided that where
· ~ within which the use of land and {el Accessory uses normally in- twenty-five (25l percent or
.'~ ~"' buildings, the space for buildings, cidental to single family real- more of the lots in a block
.... - open space around buildings, and dances. This is not to be con- have been improved with
the height and bulk of buildings strued as permitting any buildings, the minimum front
' are regulated, commercial uses, including yard required shall be the
~ *. 1.4 No building or structure shall the storage of commercial average of improved lots if
";~-' be erected, reconstructed, moved, vehicles, less than fifteen {15) feet.
or structurally altered in nny man- (d)-One sign, not over four {4} When twenty-five percent
ncr, nor shall any building or land square feet in area and un- (25%) or more of the lots
be used for any purpo.~e, other thnn lighted, pertaining only to in a block have been im-
~. as permitted by, and in conformance the sale, lease, or rental of proved with buildings, the
with, this ordinance and all other the property upon which the minimum distance from a
ordinances, laws, and maps referred sign is to be located, garage, car port, or accessory
.... to herein· a. IZ Uses Permitted, subject to building entrance to the
. SECTION ~, DISTRICI~ ESTAB- obtaining a use permit in each case=- nearest edge of the sidewalk
""'~ LISHED. '(a) Churches, schools, parks, ' shall be the average of the
· ' 2.1 The several districts eatab- playgrounds, public utility improved lots if less than
-. ~.~,, '?'~ ~ lJshed are as ~oJows: and public and quasi-public nineteen (19) feet,
/ -~-,., 8ingle Family Residential Dis- ' ....
buildings and uses. , (b) Side Yards ~ Five (5)
... trier or R*! District (b) Crop,and tree farming. · feet to th~ portion of the
' Public or prJvat~ p~.rki-ng I.o~ buildi.ng~ n~trest the Io~t line
Duplex Residential District or -:. (e) 'lOt ~utomob~l~ w~e# lldJ#-
~"'.,:" R.2 District .', (e~tclUditt(i ed,drb$, ebitfl-
', "' ". :' Multiple Family ltestdeuthil Dis. ~., eb#t tO silty C ti4* M diJtflL~ Ji~j~l~ aaa JliRtlli~
~ ','
· sir·" ....:,,.::,?~.!; ..,:. ~:' . .,.. _., ! ,.
~· ~: ·ti ,!'i' ~ :. i~ I ' -·¥,.· ~ '..: ·
~ · *,~', .... .: ...' . .
· ' //;i. "' ',
~ ~r#l {~t~r~sl, i~rovi~l g~ · wb#~'~ i~I~ ~.si~til~g ,tngle faro- building entrance to tha . '
' fha side y~rd on the street .' ily residence has been con- . " nearest edge of the sidewalk
· side of a corner lot shall not . atructed on the rear one- shall be the average of the
be less than ten (10) feet ~.' half (~)of the building site improved lots if less than
and provided, further, that on prior to the adoption of this nineteen (19) feet· .
.' '' the rear twenty (20) feet of ~ ordinance. (b) Side Yards -- Five (5)
~ the street side of a corner (e) Second single family resi- feet to the portion of' the ..
, lot, where there is reversed dence on a building site building nearest the lot line
· fr°ntage, the side yard shall where said site fronts on a (excluding eaves, chim.'.
not be less than the front public street and rears on a heys, and similar architec-
yard required or existing on public street or public alley. ~ rural features), provided that
the adjacent reversed front- (f) One sign, over four (4) ., the side yard on the .~treet
age; and provided, further, square feet in area, and per-' side of a corner lot shall not
~ that the side yard on any · raining only to the sale, be less than ten 110! feet
lot with an average width of lease, or rental of the prop- , and provided, further, that
forty (40) feet or less shall erty upon which the sign is on the rear twenty (20) feet
be a minimum of ten per- to be located, of the street side of a cor-
cent (10%) of the lot width. ~.2~ Building Height Liner: ner lot, where there is re-
but in no case less than (Il) For dwellings- maximum, versed frontage, the side yard
three (3) feet. No eave, thirty (30) feet· shall not be less than the
chimney, or other archi-- (b) For accessory build:~gs ~ , front yard required or ex- .
... rural feature shall extend maximum, twelve (12) feet isting on the adjacent re-
,.. more than two (2) feet into average height between floor ': versed frontage; and provided. "
~ any required side yard. ' ' slab plate and ridge pole. iff further, that the side yard
, (e) Rear Yards--Twenty (20) ,- floor joist type construction on any lot with an average
feet minimum, not to exceed is used, the height limit may width of forty (40) feet or
five per cent (5%) average be increased three~(3) feet.~ ' less shall be a minimum of
g~ade, provided that when
the average slope exceeds five $.~4 Building Site Area Required: ten percent (10%) of the
percent (5%), the rear yard (a) For each dwelling -- ' lot width but in no case less
may be terraced at various minimum of five thousand than three (3)feet. No cave,
~. elevations so that a total of (5000) square feet, minimum ' chimney or o t h e r a r c h i -
width of fifty (50) feet and tectural feature shall extend
twenty (20) feet or more
Ls orovided of less than five .. . minimum depth of eighty more than two (2) feet into
(80) feet, on interior lots; any required side yard.
percent (5%) slope, minimum of six thousand (e) Rear Yards -- Twenty (20)
$.1'/ Parking Required -- Garage 16000) square feet, minimum feet minimum, not to exceed
or Garage Space: width of sixty (60) feet, five percent (5e~), average
~ (a) inet less than one (1) garage and minimum depth of eighty grade, provided that when
or car port for each single (80) feet, on corner lots. In the average slope exceeds
family dwelling, no case shall there he more five percent (5%), the reag
· (b) lqot less than one (1) park- than one (1) -~ingle family yard may be terraced at
lng soace fqr each' six (6) dwelling or one (1) duplex various elevations so that a
seats for churches and places on any one tl) building site· total of twenty (20) feet or
of public assembly. (See Section 3.22(d), 3.22(e) more is provided of less than
' ~I~.~TION 3.2 DUPLEX RESIDEN- and Section 5.3 for excep- five percent (5%) slope.
TIAL DISTRICT OR R-2 DISTRIC~ tions.) 5.2~/ Parking Required -- Garage ,
The following regulations shall 5.211 Percentage of Lot Coverage or Garage Space: .. "
' ' apply in all R-2 districts and shall Permitted: (a) Not less than one (1) garage
be subject to the provisions of (e) For aggregate building coy- or car port for each single
Section 5. erage--maximum, fifty (50) family dwelling.
~ 5.21 Uses Permitted: percent of lot area· (b) Not less than one (1) garage '.
(a} Single family dwellings· 5.26 Minimum Yards Required: space for each dwelling unit
, (b) Two family dwellings, or du- (a) Front Yards -- Minimum re- in any duplex.
, plexes (single structure), quired, fifteen (15) feet, and (c) Not less than one (1) park- ' '
~ (c) Accessory buildings and uses maximum permitted, thirty- lng space for each six (6)
normally incidental to single five (35) feet, but in no case seats for churches and places
family and duplex residences, shall any structure be erect- of public assembly.
This is not to be construed ed closer than forty (40) SECTION 3.3 RESTRICTED MULTI.
,' as permitting any commer- feet to the center line of any PLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DIS-
cial uses, including the stor- ~ street, nor shall any garage, TRICT OR R-3 DISTRICT.
,, age of commercial vehicles. ' car port, or accessory build- The following regulations shall
{d) One sign not over four (4) ' , lng be erected ~o that the apply in all R-3 districts and shall
square feet in area and un- ' entrance thereof is closer be subject to the provisions of
lighted, pertaining only to " than nineteen (19) feet to Section 5.
the sale, lease, or rental of the nearest edge of the side- $.$1 Uses Permitted:
the property upon which the walk line; provided that (a) Single family dwellings and
sign is to be located. ~ where twenty-five (25) per- two family dwellings or du-
$.~ Uses Permitted. ~ubject to .. cent or more of the lots in plexes (sittgle structure).
mbtainlng a Use permit in each case: .,, a block have been improved (b) Multiple family dwellings and
(a) Churches, s c h o o 1 s, parks, with buildings, the minimum apartment houses.
playgrounds, public utility front yard required shall be (c) Accessory buildings normally
and public and quasi-public ', the average of improved lots, incidental to multiple dwell-
buildings, if less than fifteen (15) feet. lags. This is not to be con-
(b) Crop and tree farming. W'hen twenty-five percent strued as permitting any
{c) Public or private parking lots (25%) or more of the lots commercial uses including the
~ for automobiles when adja- in a block have been im- storage of commercial ye-
cent to au¥ C or M district, proved with buildings, the hicles.
(d) ~econd single family resi- minimum distance from a (d) Signs not over four (4)
dence on a building site garage, car port. or accessory square feet in area and at-
Lathed to the main building. · have been improved with $.37 Perkins Re~q.lred -- Oarag~
'~'" 5.5:~ Uses Permitted, subject to · ; ' .' buildings, the minimum front or Gar-c~ ~,~:
~bt~inlng a use permit in eaoh ease: yard required shall be the (a) l~t ~,::~ ~h~. ~ne (1)
(a) Hotels, motels, rooming or average of improved lots, i{ o¥ c-r l-,~rt t'~r erich .~
· , boarding houses, and dwell- . less than fifteen (15) feet. f,~,,ily
· lng groups. When twenty-five percent (b) N~t legg ~.l~an one {1) gnroge
.. ~' (b) tuaries.Pr°fessi°nai offices and mot- ' (25%) or more of the lots in ' ~,aeo· ~ {or ,nth dwcll;*~.
· '. ' . a block have been improved ! (¢) l~lot less than one (1}
(C)* Community centers, social ' with buildings, the minimum in~: ~p,~ce for each ,~nit in
· halls, lodges, clubs and rest ' distance from a garage, car ~,v
- . i . homes. ' port or accessory building eh- . .. (d) Uot le~, ~l,~t~ one (!)
. - ~ (d} Churches, schools, parks, . . trance to the nearest edge of i~,~g .-,l,a,:~ ~o, ~:-~h {,,,r {4~
.:' 7 · ' playgrounds, public utility the sidewalk shall be the ay-
, . ..... " and public and quasi-public ' : rc~orn~ in an)' be, lei, nnd not
· erage of the improved lots if . less than one (1} parhing
buildings, less than nineteen (19} feet. space for each two (2) guests
.... ':"'"'~ (e} Crop and tree farming, in any rooming or boarding
' "" :": - .(f) Public or private parking lots {b} Side Yards ~ Five (5)
· house.
: ' : ~.' for automobiles when adja- '" 'f ' feet to the portion of the ' % (e) lqot less than one (1) park-
~ .... building nearest 'the lot line
· , ,'.. '-· cent to any C or RI district. · (excluding eaves, chim- . lng space for each three hun- . ·
. ..'..' (g) Signs over four (4) square "'"':"" ' heys, and similar architec- dred (300) square feet of ·
· . ~ .::~..-~. ' feet and appurtenant to any . ' ' floor area in any professional '
..... use allowed· · . '- ' rural features), provided that : "'
17. ~.iy .' the side yard on the street office, plusone (1) spacefor ~
: ..: ;,.).!.. .~ 8.$2¥: Accessory Uses Permitted: .... side of a corner lot shall not every two (2) staff members
{a) Accessory uses and buildings "'.:~i' be less than ten (10) feet in any medical office or '"
normally incidental to any of . and provided, further, that . clinic.
:'" '" ': the above. This shall not be . · (f) Not less than one (1) park-
·. _~ ..·. · on the rear twenty (20)feet lng space for each six (6) .
~- i' "-' construed as permitting 'any - ,' of the street side of a corner
~' ' commercial use or occupation " lot, where there is reversed seats in any church, lodge, · ~"~'
, ~ ... ". , frontage, the side yard shall
! . . :., listed, places of public assembly.
..:- not be less than the front
' 5.88 Building Height Limit: .... yard required or existing on S E CTI O N 3.$ NEIGHBORHOOD
".' (fi) For main buildings- maxi .... the adjacent reversed front- COMMERCIAL DISTRICT OR Co-!
.' i, ~" *"'.' mum, fifty (50) feet· age; and provided, further, DISTRICT.
, ... '..: ~'.... '. (b) For acees~ory buildings ~ '-~'. that the side yard on any The following regulations shall
; ' . maximum, twelve (12) feet . lot with an average width of apply in all C-1 Districts and shall ':'
· ~. :' '~.~ ·: average height between floor forty (40) feet or less shall be subject to the provisions of
-~'.'i~ -.'~'i.i.: slab plate and ridge pole. If be a minimum of ten percent Section 5.
floor joist type construction (10%) of the lot width but 5.41 Uses Permitted, subject to
~,' ~- '.." ~ i~ is U~ed, the height limit may in no case less than three provisions of Section 3.42: ; ;' ..~.~
i'.' 7.1).. ). ~ be-increased three (3) feet· . (3) feet. No eaves, chim- (a) Multiple family dwellings,
i. ~7~- '.'..~ ' ~.a& Building Site Area Required: '. ney, or other architectural apartment houses, and dwell ....
! . : of buildings -- minimum of than two (2) feet into any : (b) Churches, libraries, hospitals,' ' -.'..
. .. five thousand (5000) square required side yard. Interior and other public buildings. .'~
i ' ? -' i feet, minimum width of fifty side yards shall be increased (c) Rooming and boarding houses· ~ .:
".' · .-! ,' (50) feet and minimum' by two (2) feet for each ten {d) The following uses when - ·
: .' .'. ..-' '-. depth of eighty (80) feet on (10) feet or portion thereof '. conducted within a building: ·''~..
· ' interior lots; minimum of six that the building exceeds Bakeries (retail only), food ..%,'
', :' .~i thousand (6000) square feet, .- ~hirty (30) feet in height, stores, hardware stores, '
i ''~ ~' ''i minimum width of sixty (60) (e) Rear Yards -- Minimum of banks, barber shops, beauty
. parlors, book stores, variety
:, ·' · ."' ' feet and minimum depth of .ten (10) feet if building not
: . eighty (80) feet, on corner ' stores, shoe shops, drug ..
ii :'.' '' lots. over thirty-five (35) feet in
' ' · ./'. height; add one (1) foot for stores, offices, florist shops, '
.. / (b) For each family unit in any- each ten (10) feet over restaurants, personal service
building or group of build- thirty-five (35) feet. Said establishments, department
-': ". ings ~ minimum of one stores, launderettes, cleaning
'-. thousand (1000) square feet minimum rear yard shall agencies.
· ' not exceed five percent (5%)
: of lot area. (e) Unilluminated signs attached
' ' '-:'" 3.85 Percentage of Lot Coverage: grade, provided that when
the average slope exceeds to the main building and ap-
-' ~ ~.: ' ' (a) For aggregate building cover- purtenant to the use thereof
-' ' :. age ~ maximum of seventy- five percent (5%), the rear and not orojecting more
'~' - '. five (75) percent, yard may be terraced at than one (1) foot over the
' various elevations so that ·
8.80 Minimum Yards Required: a tota'l of ten (10) feet or property line.
(fi) Front Yards ~ Minimum re- ' more is provided of less than 3·42 ~A;'henever any of the uses ..
· quired, fifteen (15) feet, and fiv~ percent (5%) slope, specified in Section 3·41 shall be for
· maximum permitted, thirty- a location closer than two hundred
five (35) feet, but in no case (d} Special Yards and distances (200) feet to the boundary of any
shall any structure be erect- ... between Buildings: dwelling district, then a use permit '
ed closer than forty (40) feet .. 1. Distance between build- shall be first obtained·
to the center line of any ings in any dwelling group, ~.4~ Uses Permitted, subject to
· street, nor shall any garage, ' "* minimum, l0 feet. obtaining a use permit in each case:
" car port, or accessory build- ia) Single family dwellings and
lng be erected so that the an- 2. Side yard providing access duplexes.
i . trance thereof is closer than to single row dwelling group (b) Other stores within a build-
' '* nineteen (19) feet to the minimum, twelve (12) feet. lng, mortuaries, gasoline· serv-
/~' nearest edge of the sidewalk 3. Inner court providing ac, ice stations, theatres, drive-
':i / line; provided that where cass to double row dwell- in banks, drivein restaurants.
twenty-five (25) percent or , , lng group minimum, twenty any "on-sale" establishment
:.' more of the lots in a block . (20) feet. where liquor is served, used
'~" .: . .' ;, car sales lots. and other uses space for each two (2) and property rears on other
· i'. ' ", . which in the opinion oF the guest rooms, commercial property, the rear
~ , ,;: i ,'~' ~.; planning commission are of a 9. All other uses permitted yard setback shall be fifteen
, '.-~/ .~.%,,:,-' similar nature, and not enumerated in (15) feet.
.... 5: .,, (e) ~oci'al halls, lodges, fraternal this section shall furnish SECtiON 8.6 HEAVY COMMERCIAL
"~" ..... ~':'" organizations, and clubs, parking as required by the
~'.~ .':,.. '~ ', ~,, DISTRICT OR C-3 DISTRICT
· .'-:,,.~,~i~L~.:~,.'.,.,~, (d) Non-flashing signs appurten- plannfng commission. ' .. ~he following regulations shall ap-
· .i~,:/ r,:~i'~'=:.~:~:,., ant to any permitted use. {b) Design and location of all ply ia all C-3 districts and shall be
and not projecting more than off-street parking lots shall oubjeet to the provisions of Sec-
'"'~' ~f'~'~'!~ :"' one foot over the property be approved by the planning ~ 5.
· ';' "'/' !V., ~.-'~ k. '"' line. commission. " B.6I Uses Permitted:
· ':q ,,'i;~,.:,''~'' .,' $.44 Building Height Limit: 8FJ~I~OH ~.5 CENTRAL COMMER- ,. {a) Retail stores and personal
· ,~.~=;.::~'.",?~':.~-~': (a)Maximum height any build- service establishments within
· .=...=~?-~;,~ [z.~ [~ .~?~; lng ~ thirty (30) feet. CUd. DISTRICT OR C-i DISTRICT
· he following regulations shall ap- ::~ ' building, including appli-
'i,~q:'.~.'.;:~i~;"~..:;:.~" ~.~ Building Site Area Required: a
pl.y ia all C-2 districts and shall be . ~nce stores, bakeries, banks,
"/'i"' ~/'~"~:'!' ~i.'-, (a) For each main building ~ subject to the provisions of Sec- '-" .' barber shops, beauty parlors.
· "-'?':.:5'2"-'?/,:' Minimum five thousand t/on 15, -' book stores, department
:;"i ~.¥~;'.~:~:"~..', (5000) square feet. :.' ~.S! Uses Permitted: ,-.:, stores, drug stores, food
' ,!"'?,': ':" ?i~'~i"?'~! 4" "::'<~:~.~':: '~L la) feet.Freer yard -- Fifteen (15) .... ,'. ,/~', service establishments with .... series,restaurants,offices,s hradi°o · storeS,shops,
· :~!,:?..:~:~-'~! .~" {b) Bide yard -- None, except '":" . in a building, including ap-
~.~: :'-- ', ~i':~:.?"~'.' where the side of a lot abuts .;':,;.. · pi]asea s t o r e s, bakeries, erStUdi°s'uses whichtaii°r shopS,in theandoptnion°th'
~ :~'~ ",?/L ~,. ':.r:~2: ripen the side of a lot in an ".., banks, barber shops, beauty
· '"~' · parlors, book stores, depart- of the planning commission
· ', ~..'~. :';[.',~i~':.': ;'f' :. ', R district, in which case , :~, ~.', meat stores, drug stores, food are of a similar nature.
:':'-i.,,?:~::'//=%f:, "-" the side yard shall be not {b) W'holesale stores and storage
". ,~ , ' shops, hardware stores, nur-
3.~')-';'". ¥.'~'~ '.<./ less than ten (10) feet. within a building.
~ ~.'i:-;'~"q'~".':. ~, .(e} Rear yard ~ Hone, except ', ' series, offices, radio stores,
'" restaurants, shoe shops, lc) ~igns appurtenant to any per-
. .... . ,....... :-..
· :, ,:. ~.;:.~ f ~,/'Z< where the rear of a lot abuts ~.~ studios, tailor shops, and otb- mitred use.
?- '~.~>~'.3 ' ': '.2;'=. on an R district in which
'q?,:~,'~.~'!~/-'~'.'.~.. ' ease the rear ~,ard shall be ~ er uses which in the opinion ~.6~ Uecs Permitted, subject te
r : O{ the planning commission ~t procuring n use permit in each
-~:~'.~'!:~:.;J"R.;~.?~.:'. .' not less than ten (10) feet.. ~ are of a similar nature.
:.,~.~ :.", ~,-,,~ ~,~. or in the case where prop- '. i lb) Non-flashing signs appurten- la) All uses permitted in any
. ~"=?~.i)~: ,?~,i;.;.' arty rears on other cornier- ~,.,, ant to any permitted use, R district except mortuaries·
· , ."~.-'; ~.?.2/,;~' ~'~i ,i ' cia[property and is one hun-
· './?·;'~',?-;i?'i.;-' · dred fifty (150) feet or more '"" and not projecting more than i' (b) Drive-in banks, drive-ia res-
one (1) foot over the prop- taurants, theatres, any "on-
', ,~: · t~"--'?:~! in depth the rear yard set- . arty line. sale" establishment where ii-
,, . ',~-. =.~-,'.~ back shall be ten (10) feet. ,: ~.fi:8 Uses Permitted, subject to quor is served, outdoor sales
,2 ~;: '-~:"-? ..'-'~'~?;- (a} Off-street parking on the , . capet : sales, gasoline service sta-
~-;.[':'~?,;, t.-'.'~;'?~..., bnilding site shall be re- i,., .,(u)Any use permitted in any "' -tions. light manufacturing,
~,.~:~ '.."~ ~'.f~".',~?.:~:', 5 quired in C-1 districts ac- :i ', R district except mortuaries, including manufacture of
(~.!f/~:'.,c:;.;.'~;:'~,~):~:.I cording to the following for- .'.' lb) Drive-in banks drive-in res- i: :-'~ clothing, novelties and toys.
:!,2.::. ,.~:. :.:r~; .:'..,' z,:,,, . main: and uses which, in the opin-
:-'.k~.q'-::i~-'. ~;:;,.'?i/" 1 Retail stores one (1) ~ '"/'' taurants theatres animal
. ., ..~..,,: ~,=; ~, · . ," .. hospitals, auto repair shops, ion of the planning commie-
, ' ;,: .'~i- ~ :72'..;'-:-;¥~-. ~, · parking space for each one · i .i , cleaning and dyeing establish- sion, are of a similar nature.
· ":; ~ ?;~,':i/:,C.?'i?',. hundred (100) square feet ":~ · meats, creameries, gasoline (c) Signs, other than those ap-
, .=; ,,: .. ¢.~-~.,. ,~.-.,./, , of sales floor area, but in '. '. , service stations, any "on- purtenant to any permitted
;' ;{, ':.,.; -'..~ .'~.:'~'::-.'~.~.:_". no case less than one (1) ', "'" sale" establishment where use. including billboards.
':'}-'-~"~ '~';~'~i':?:~? :. space for each two hun . liquor is served, launderles, (d) Bottling works, blacksmith
' ,-:'..~;~,: ?/;;~, ".:' ~., dred (200) square feet of .... launderettes, second hand shops, building materials
· ":~,~,!,,:;',"~/~?.J~'i'~'\~ gro~s floor area. '~' sales, outdoor markets, out- .... yards, contractor yards, ium-
'i'?.'~:;~:.'f/:.~';G',;~.: S Banks and office build- .', '. . door sales establishment, pet .. ber yards, machine shops,
='~;.~ ~L.~ ·:./ ', fags, one Il) parking · '. shops, public garages, used planing mills, storage of
· .. 'L"'/::~','-",'/-"~,o":~'~' ~ space for each three hun- · : . car sales lots, and other uses goods and materials, and
: .... ~./~.=~.~,~,;~'. ~,-..,.. dred (300) square feet of ' "- which, in the opinion of the other uses which, in the ppis-
'-:? .~,*~,~:'i~?.':;~,,- floor area. ,: planning commission, are of : ion of the planning commie-
: ~;;: ...,-r~-., :~ ,... ..... '~ ~. Restaurants. one (1) park- .. -' a similar nature, sion, are of a similar nature.
~',;,;,'~:~?.~.'~:-~:'~,;',i-..i' lng space for each four · (c) Signs not attached to the ' The planning commission
'%',~'.'??~'~,i~;,",~;,~ :' ]. .; :i:~ (4) seats. .. main building and signs other ' may require a fence of a
'..';.'~'.[~.,!,~'~-:i~:;-,".Y."?~ .,4. Public assembly, including than those appurtenant to i"~ type and design to be ap-
·,/' ,-' '",;,.'.,%q .... .. -~, '~, churches, one (1) parking any permitted use. including =' proved by it for all uses list
i['i:}',},~:'~;;~]i?],,'?'=/, space for each six (6) !, billboards. -5 ed in this subsection. No sign.
"'. ~::~,:&'.?.~ ,'",' ,-'~': seats. .~.~ l~ildiae Height Limit: ?/ shall be painted or erected
' ',.';.~,;~'.'[~/-:,.;~ .... 5. Theatres. one (1) parking ' ~ (a) Maximum height any build- : . on such fence until approved
- :. !: .' ~/:"? ,~,'=::,i' ~ space for each six (6) '~ lng ~ fifty (50) feet provided ~. '; by the planning commission.
:~':-~.~ ;.~/ ,~.'q'~?.':/"=". seats. ' .=' ':, that additional height may ...'~ , ~.~ Building Height Limit:
'~:?.;~.:-'.~,~; .'~-:~'.~,?;~' 6. Clinics, one (1) parking '~i";,. ,be permitted if a uae permit "~ (a) Maximum height of any
'~:.~,'~ .~,~;;'::;,~-',~ ';' space for each three hun- ' ~- ' is first procured in each case. ' '?'~ building -- sixty-five
'):,?~.?!.~i~?,r.~,~!i'~i~'.':; dred (300) square feet of ' ! , $.~ Building Site Area Required: ','"'~ i feet, provided that additional
?i,'~..:,.,.?,~..?~?,~?'~i,~' ~'',.., .;, ~-,%-.- ,. floor, area, plus one (~) .";/:~-. (e) For each main building -- · /. ,~./: height may be permitted if
.... ; -~*;,, .~- .,'-~',~; .- ' additional space for each .' . ':' Minimum, two thousand ' :.' ," · a use parmit is first obtained
;;....~../..r-:~ 'i. '~. ';.. doctor and each two (2).: . ' (2000) square feet -: '.," in each case
. /~-.~';-:./),,,,.;q.::, ·.,:,,. staff members. . · :~.-. ~L~ Minimum Yards Required: ' : : : B.64 Building Stt~ Am Requirtnk
.::; ~/i. ;'~./,.:/~,:J% ;*'~ ;' ?.Residential u~s, one (1) . ~' ~... (a) Front, side, and rear yards ;.):..L.: (a) For each main building --
.,~'~ ..Y? ~.i.i~'~.'~e::;.'.' · parking ~paco per dwell-:?i' :':::? ~ roquired~Hone, except that * '.·~"":' Minimum, two
~,~ ,.,.~:./.-.~,,%;~. ;., lng unit. ':.':':,?.',. w~ere proverty is .one hun-. ,,': ,', '(2000) square.feet.
!;::;,:~...~.'~;¥: ~::,..,;.,?~}:..~:.ll0ee~ ~mm (1}. I~kiM~ ';,;':?.!/:.'~..'::~.ltt.llkpth ##d th~ I~ h~ iOIk~ ' . :.i '(ii) I~L mi~, ~ ~ tai~
;';':='~ ,*/':, ~ ,:?.:'~,'~ :,'. ;, ' · , ' '?('¥:,~':', ':.l , ' ' , ' '
i, f required- Hone, except that the rear yard setback shall the rear yard setback shall
where property is one hun- be fifteen (151 feet. be fifteen {15) feet.
dred fifty {150) feet or more 8E(~'TION 3.8 INI)USTRIAL DIS- SECTION 3.9 IJNCI,AS~q~FIED
in depth and rears on other TRICT OR M-2 DISTRICT TRICT OI4 II III.STIHCT
commercial property, the The following regulations shall The follgwin~, re~.ulations sh~ll
rear yard setback shall be apply in all M-2 districts and shall apply in all nnclnssified, or U. dis-
~ fifteen (tS)feet. be subject to the provisions of triers and shah Ilo subject to the
i ' SECTION 3.7 INDUSTRIAL DIS- ~ection 5. provisions of Seclion 5, {Any land
TRICT OR M-I DISTRICT. 5.81 Usos Permitted: within the i.corv~,r:,lod li.~it~
.'. The following regulations shall la} Retail stores and service es- the city, now or., ~I,,- f,,*,,,-o.
. be subject to the provisions of (b) Vsrholesale stores and storage, cared ~n Ih,' Zoni,~ff M,,.. ~hnll h,.
Section 5. (e) Manufacturing establish- in the un,-la-,~ified, or U. district:
~ ~.'~! Uses Permitted: ments, including manufac- al~z) any land hereafter annexed to
I _ (al Retail stores and service es- ture of furniture, clothing, the city shall be in the unclassified.
, , tablishments, novelties, and toys, metal fab- or U, district until given a definite
'i.~ ,' lb) Wholesale stores and storage, rication, lumber yards, plan- classification.)
~ (e) Light industrial and manu- lng mills· cabinet shops, sheet ~.91 Uses Permitted:
.., lecturing uses including fur- metal shops, assembly plants, (al All uses not otherwise pro-
' ' ( . niture, clothing, novelties, research laboratories, pot- hibited by law. provided that
"'- toys, cabinet shops, sheet tery works, a use permit shall lirst be
' metal shops, research labora- (d) Signs appurtenant to any procured for any use to be
, ' ', tories, lumber yards, planing permitted use. established in any U district.
' mills. $.82 Uses Permitted, subject to $.92 Other Regulations:
'.. id) Signs appurtenant to any per- fir~ p~ocuring a use permit i~ each (al Building Height Limits, build. '
mitted use. ~se; lng site area required, and .
i!' ' , 5.7~ Uses Permitted, subject to ia) All residential uses, trailer yards required shall be as
-, first obtaining a use permit in each courts, motels, and kennels, specified in the Use Permit.
i,i{' . : e~S~: lb) lhdustrial or manufacturing SECTION 4. REGUI~ATIONS FOR ';
;~ .[,. (al Ali uses permitted in any uses which, in the opinion of SPECIAL DISTRICTS ,'.
.. .'' ' R district, and motels and the planningcommission, may 4.1 Combining Parking District or
i, :.~ kennels, be objectionable by reason H district.
-' " . ' ' lb) Industrial or manufacturing of production of offensive The following regulations shall
i ./....'.i.- . uses, which, in the opinion odor, dust, noise, bright apply in all districts with which are
·_ ,. '.. · of the planning commission, lights, or vibration or in- combined H districts, in addition
i -. ' · ' -' , may be objectionable by rea- volving the storage or han- to the regulations hereinbefore
ii f '.': son of production of offensive dling of explosives or danger- subjectSpecifiedto therefor.the provisionsand ofshallsectionbe
odor, dust, noise,' bright pus materials, and all the fol-
:,I ' ~. ' ' lights, or vibration or in- lowing uses: Auto wrecking 5 of this ordinance; provided, how-
'.i : vole{ag the storage or han- and junkyards, rock crushers, ever, that if any of the regulations
· pus materials, and all the cement plants, rock and any of the corresponding regulations ·
i': following uses: Metal [abri- gravel plants, drilling for specified in this ordinance for any -
' ' cation, a s s e m b I y plants, and/or removal of oil, gas or district with which is combined an
· - chemical plants, rock crush- other hydrocarbon substan- H district, then in such case the
" ers, asphalt plants, ready- cea; commercial excavation provisions of this section shall
~ ' mix cement plants, rock and of building or construction govern.
'~. .'~ ,~.,.. g~avel plants, drilling for materials; distillation of 4.11 Uses Permitted:
· : .'-. and/or removal of oil, gas, bones, dumping, disposal, in- All uses permitted in the respec-
,. or other hydrocarbon sub- cineration or reduction of tive districts with which the H
:. stances; commercial excava- garbage, sewage, offal, dead district is combined, suject to ap-
l · ".' : tion of building or construc- animals, or refuse; fat rea- proval of design of building and de-
' , . tion materials; dumping, dis- dering; manufacturing or sign and location of parking lot.
'.~ ... . posal, incineration of gar- storage of acid, cement, ex- provided, however, as follows:
~t .. " bage, sewage, offal, dead plosives or fire-works, fer- la) Off-street parking shall be
'i :" ' animals, sawdust or refuse; tilizer, gas, inflammable required in all districts with
· . . . manufacturing or storage of fluids, glue, gypsum, lime or which the H district is
acid, cement, explosives or piaster of paris, stockyard or . combined, according to the
.. fire-works, gas, inflammable slaughter of animals, refin- following formula:
':! '. fluids, gypsum, lime or pies- ' lng of petroleum or its prod- 1. Retail stores, restaurants,
:,! ' "' , .' ter of paris, smelting of iron, ucts, smelting of iron, tin, and taverns -- minimum
, t . . ' . tin, zinc, or other ores. zinc, or other ores, of one {1l space for each
i'~' · lc) Signs, other than those ap- (c) Signs. other than those ap- two hundred {200) square
· ' purtenant to any permitted purtenant to any permitted, feet o! gross floor area.
use, including billboards, use. including billboards. 2. S e r v i c e establishments. '
:'il 5.7;$ Building Height Limit: 3.85 Building Height Limit: banks, offices, and clinics
!t ' -' (al Maximum height of any (al Maximum height of any -- minimum of one fl)
building ~ sixty-five (65) building -- sixty-five {65) space for each three hun-
"l''l ","· feet provided that additional feet provided that additional dred (300) square feet o[
height may be permitted if a height may be permitted if a gross floor area, plus one
' "; '" i ' use permit is first obtained· use permit is first obtained, il). space for each two
' ,.'.., ., . '. ~.'l& Yards Required: $.84 Yards Required: 12) staff members of any
'i i la} Front, side, and rear yards ia) Front, side, and rear yards clinic.
II :' ',' '.' ~ ' required ~ None, except that required ~ None, except that 3. Theatres and indoor sport
:, ~)~" where property is one hun- where property is one hun- arenas, churl:has, school
,l drad fifty {150) feet or more dred fifty {150) feet or more auditoriums, a s s e m b i y
Il ".: '. in depth and there is no al .... · in depth and there is no al- halls, community centers.
· other commercial proPerty, other eotttmerci~tl property, :- lodge h~llt, d~#c~ httlLt~
~I"'~'. ~' ''''·': P.s*~ .. . " · ' ,.
itl'~. '" .-' . , .
~-,,,: wedding chapels, end simi* ' ~' Plan of the Master Plan of the cJtyor by the prnvl~inns ~( this nrdi-
;."*/-'~ iar ple~ of public as- ~r. fiance for the street on which tiny huildin~ will fr-nt, in nn}-
one (1) spa~ for each ~nstructed, moved, ~ st~cturaliy al~d, so tlmt the snme n]~-]l
six (6) sea~ and not less.. '.': closer to the line of such street ~an s dis~nce to p~vid~ ~,lequate
iff any case, than one (1) I~ce for the traffic movemen~ and ~e stnndl.; of whicl~ wi, ich will
space for each three hun- /,, ~ designated by the planning commJ~n as fl part of the fief. ion
.~fi.'..~'~ dred (3~) ~uare feet of' plans submitted with the appli~tion for n ~rmit for s.ch b,~iJdi.g, os
gross flor area. provided in Section 5,5 of this ordin~nce,
',ir.: 4, Bali ~rks, stadiums, and '~,- 8E~ION 4.2 PLANNED CO~IIINITY DIS~I~ OR P~ PlS']~il~
:'. /. other outd~r sport or .' -,, ~e following regulnl',ions shall apply ~ nil P-C ~llstric~s end ~hall
recreation arenas ~ mini- . '.'V sublet ~ the provisions of S~tton 5 of this ordinance, except that
mum of one (1) s~ce for -.. where ~nflict in r~ulations ~rs the r~ulati~s s~fiied in ~is
:;* each ten (10) ~ats. Uon shall apply:
5. Hotels, r o o m i n ~, nad 4.~1 P.C districts may ~ establtsh~ on ~r~ls of land wh~
~ardt~ ~usea ~ mini- ,.;, ,x.. ~i~ for, n~ ~ sufficient si~ to ~in, a planned ~mmunity
.... - mum of one (1) space for ~ .,;.;w~ complete devel~ment plans have ~n submitted and a~.
"'~"" each thee (3) fue~ ~'~ ~,' ~n~um ares 30 acres.)
~} "- rooms. .7,* .' 4.~2 Application rot the establishment of a P-C district shall include
/' L H~pitals ~ minimum of ",.,:. :~::' ~ t~li~tion for a use ~rmtt f~ all developments wi~Jn ~e db~
one (1) .pa~ for each '/~?' .'~ application for a u~ ~rmit shall l~lude the rolls, ns:
four (4) ~ds. '" '::'" (si A map ~ ma~ showin~
General comme~Jal, ware- . X*.'*:. 1. To~raphy st the land with one f~t c~ur in~ls.
~/~ hou~ and storage, menu* ..:/.~,?/.~, .'2. ~d st~et system and lot deign.
teetering or industry ~ . 3, Areas pm~sed to be dedicated or ~ed for parks, parkway,
minimum of one (1) space playlmunds, sch~l sites, public or quasi*~blic bufldhl~ sad
for ea~ five (5) r~ulsr ¢,;:;'~:i: other such us~.
-~' employees and not less, in ' ' 4. Areas pro~sed rot ~mmerclai uses, orr-street parking, multiple
any case, than one (1) .. - and single family dwellings, and all other usu pm~ to b
space [or each two thou- "C/," .'
' ~tablished within the dhtrict.
sand (2~) square feet
,.hx~' ,.. 5. Proposed locations of buildings on the land.
of ~round or floor area ·
und for warehousing, :.~'~'~/" ih) Elevations of all p~sed buildings and st~u~s other than
s t o r s S e, msnuiscture,. 'ia) Other data and information which may be deemed n~em~
ing, or related uses.
esJdential uses, apart- ..': ..,r,.. the plannin~ commission for proper consideration of the
' ; ~ ~"~ tio~.
men~, Stoup dwellinp -- ..
"'-', minimum of one (1) space .*.' ,:' 4.~ U.s Permitted:
' for each hmily unit for : :/.r:, (SI All US" permitt~ in R*I, R-2, R*3, and ~1 dbtrJc~, subJ~ to
rout (4) or I.s family ' ,'*~;. ' ~ the pr~uri~ of a u~ ~rmit as s~cified in ~tion 8.2
}",,' ' units in any building or ' ? ".L~. ;' (bi Building Height Limit:
group buildinp. For each :'"' · Main building, thirty*five (35)
family unit in ex.ss si ~" ' 1. R*I and R-2 u.s --
rout (4) units the require- . ':Fl '/-" height limit. Acc~Mry buildinp, fifteen (15) feet height limit.
2. R*3 and C-1 u~s -- Fofly-flve (45) ~eet.
meat shall be rout spaces '?..;./;~'~:~-:qle) Building 8ire A~a Required:
plus two (2) spaces rot 1, R-1. R-2, and R-3 use~Minimum of fiIty*rour hund~ (~)
each additional three (3) '**"-'~'/ '
units. ' .... ' ' ~d) Front, side, and rear yards end ~centsge of site coverage:
9. Motels -- minimum or on6 ~"" 1, Same ss required for the partlculsr uses in the dbtrict in which
:~. (1) space for each unit. they are otherwise permitted by t~s ordinsn~.
lo) ~[-Stre~ Parking R~ui~d: .
ih)'off-th~street~adifls and un]oadinfshall ~spSCere* .' ....... . ;)4. 1. One (1) garage or car ~rt space for each dwelling unit.
:. quired in all districts with . 2. A minimum of thee (3) square feet of oil-street ~rking sps~
~. which the H district is ';?' rot each ~uare f~t or area to b ~cupled ~ ~mme~ial
- mmbin~, ac~rdinf ~ the ';'-'" buildinp or statures.
.< followin~ ~ormula: ~.,'. if) ~he regulations s~cifled in this section may ~ wried only when
1, Retail s t o r e s, supply ~ "~:' such variance will ~ult in improved desi~ of the development
houses, warehous., whole* '-r?'- ,'. sad will ~rmit d.irsble arrangement of st~ctur, in relation to
' ~' parking trees, parks and parkway, ~d.trisn walks, and o~er
sale establishments, man- ~ such features. No vaHnn~ may ~ fran~ ~ allow nay
ufacturing or industrial es ....
tablishments, and similar other ~mn tho~
: ' uses -- minimum of one ~;:.~[~':, ~ON 4.8 ~ULA~ON9 ~ B DIS~I~
lC. (1) space for each estab-
,:,:- .... lishment and not less than .~ ~; ~e following r~ulations shall apply in lieu of ~ilding site ~es. yard,
one (1) space rot each ten .:;~. end lot width r~utremen~ in the res~ive R-l, R-2, end R~ dhtr~
whe~ such distri~ a~ ~b~ed ~ . B db~ic~ and shaU
thousand (10,0~) square
reef or gross area (ground { .r,:;.: ." subje~ to the provisions of ~n 5. Ali other ~isJons of ~e rub-
or fl~r) used for the "':~ tire districts shall apply.
listed or related us~. * ...... ' ' MinJm~ Mtnim~ Minimum Minim~ Minimum
2; Hotels, hospit~, public "' ':'''~: ~mbining Building ~t ~t .Front Yl~ Side Y~
where large amounts of "' . 7,5~ sq. ft. 75 ft. 20 ft. 8
w~ds are re~ived m B-2 10.~0 ~. ft. 80 ft. l~ ft. 25 ft. I0 rt.
~e (1) s~. for each. B-4" % a~ 1~ ft. 175 rt. , 30 fL ~ ft.
u~blishment, or ~nch~ f~ building .itu wherein ~
4.11 bMhf ~bn~ ' hnks ~ sb~ of grater Erade than ·ratb ~ 3 ~ l
In .~ M ~iidinw line Is ~ta~' ~ tb planning ~mmiss~n ~ ~ ob~intnw t ~ild-
~O~ ~.A P~ED CO~- A.~ ~l-s~ee~ Paring ~a~: (~) The removal og ~op ~il,
Cl~ ~D MG~ INDUS~I~ ~neral ~mmerclat, wareho~e and minerals, earth, and othe~
DIe'leT OR P-C-M DIS~I~ s~rage, manufactuHng or indite, . .' '.' natural materials, may
~ following radiations shall "'minimum of one {1) s~ for each ':-. ~rmitted in any district
apply ~ all P-~M districts and five (5)regular employes ~d not '... provided ~ use ~rmH:
~all ~ subject ~ ~e provolone !~, in any ca~, t~n one (1) ' first be ohtalned in each case.
Of ~on 5 of ~ ordinan~, ex- Ipace ~r each t~ t~u~nd (2~) ": .~:((t) The moving of 0n7
~pt that where ~nflict in ~gula. ~ua~ feet of ground or flor area '. - into thc city or -,[~h;n tbs
~ons ~, the r~ulations s~ci- ~ for warehousing, storage, thy .~ay he ~rmilt.o,~ in
fi~ ~ this section shall apply. ~ufacturing, preening, or re- · i ~ii::!ri,'i.. provi~led s .-:~
4.41 P*C-M distri~ may ~ es- h~ uses. " ~.~t .) ;,~ [itel bo
~blished in areas where it is deem- 4.~ ~adlng and unloading s~ee i. each
~ desirable to provide for limited df-~strcet shidl be ~q.ir~ a~ .; (f) Ac~orv b.ildings in any
~n~acturing iac~ities of a design ~g ~ the Ioilowin~ formula: R district may occupy no~
~d t~ which ~il enhance t~e ' is) Storage, suppi~ hours, ware- ,: more than thirty pe~ent
~e~ and not ~ detriment~ to sar- '....' · ~us~, whol~ale ~blish- --.. (30~) si the requir~
~din~ pro~rt~ or the city, ....'. men~, manufacturln~ or in- yard area.
4.42 Application for establis~ent dustrial estab~shmen~, and : ~ Height L~i~:
o[ uses permitted in P-C-M dis- ' similar uses ~ minimum o[ _ {~)Chimneys, cutlas, flag ~les,
tri~ shall ~ accom~nied 'by pre- : one (1) spa~ for each estab- . monuments, gas storage hold-
]lmina~ architectural and landsca~ l~hment and not less than ' - ers, radio and other ~wers.
~ drawings, including any ~lans . one (1) s~ce for each ten .~ water tanks, and similar
future expan~on. ~uch uraw- . thousand (10,0~) square . structures and mechanical ap-
mr~gs and plans shall ~ submitted ~ ' feet o{ ~ss ar~ (ground or .. ... purtenances may ~ ~r-
~e pl~ning commission for its ap- floor) us~ for the lbted or .mitted in excess of height
p~val. No bulling ~rmit shall ~ related u~s. .- l~i~ provid~ a u~ ~rmit
t~ued until the dra~ngs or plans (b) Retail s~res, service ~b- " is first ob~ined in each case.
have [l~t ~n considered by the iishments, and similar ~es ; 'ih) In R, C-1, or other dtstric~
planning ~mmi~ion and have ~n shall provide parking ~ pro- In which front-yard or side-
approved ~ the city ~uncll. -- vtded tn S~tion 4.11. yard setbacks are required,
4.43 ~e planning ~m~lon ~ON 5. GE~R~ ~O~ION8 ~:-_.- no lance, hedge, or ~n
may d~ignate such conditions as It ~D EX~ON8 " planting of any kind shall
d~ n~e~ary ~ fulfill the put- ' hereafter ~ ~nstruc~d or
~ of this section and may require ~e regulations s~citted for this '
~dlnance shall ~ ~bject to the ' Iron to exceed six (6) feet
~nable guarantees and evide.~ following general provisions and ex- 1. height (except ~at · one
'*~"~' ~':~.~" - ~at~.... ~, ~. such ~nditions. are ~tng, or - .~pgons: (1)-f~t baffle or louvre may
will ~, ~mplied w~th. ~l U~: be constructed In excess of
4.~ Uses Pe~tted, sublet lo (I) No theatre, circus, carnival, said six (6)-[~t height,
~ ~urinl I use p~mlt in eeeh which shall ~ for ~nd de-
amusement park, open air
M and subJ~t ~ ~e.p~dsbM flection only), within any re-
d ~oM 4,41, 4,42, ~d ~4Ss theatre, race track, private
..... (a) Retail stores and ~rMnal r~reation centers, or other quired side yard to the
'~:~,'.'~L:g~';~?.? · service establishmen~ and similar establishments, shall or the front line of an~
, ~ established In any district .. dwelling or along any rear
,:, offices. ~, '~' prope~y line, nor to exceed
'.:::~';~":~<~¥~" {b) Whole,ale stores and stet- unle~ and unt~ a use ~rmit - -
.,- ' is first procured for the three (3) feet in height
:. age. ·' "'.' establishment, maintenance, along the property line to
- ' the front, or the street side.
~'.;~:'. (~) Manufacture o~ clothing, nov-
..... and operation of such use.
.ra"~...'~'":. elti~, toys, and small ap- . '1':' ih)No dance hall, mad house, of any dwelling, or within
~. vllances. - twenty (20) feet of the
night club, ~mmerclai club,
~"' (d}..Resea~h la~ratories. . , street corner on any corner
~ or any establishment where
lot; provided, however, that
· ' liquor is serve, or ~mmer-
(e) Signs appurtenant to any
' s six (6)-[~t fence, .hedge,
, ~rmitted use. "'" cia] pla~ of amusement or
'~. (f) All uses permitted in any . recreation, or any.such place, or screen plant~g may be
J.~:/,. R distri~. .. ~nstructed or gro~ on the
/ : o~ anF place, where enter-
~'~ (I) ~7 outd~r sales or drlve-ln . . taine~ are provided, whether street side of any dwelling
' . ~tablishments, i n c I u d i n g ms s~ial ~mpanions or oth- required front and side yard
'...'~;"~'+,~.;'~:f~ ~-,,,. :. ~.:./~:. gasolinesimllar u~s.Service stations or "' erwise, shall be ~blished setbacks are maintained.
in any district closer than ~ BuH~o{ Si~ ~ea:
(h) W~d or steel assembly of ' ' ' two hundred (2~) feet ~ (I) Any lot or parcel of land
'' finished materials, machine the ~unda~ of any dwell- under one ownership and of
Ihops, ammbly plants, sheet ' ?ecord as of the 8th day of
" lng district, unle~ a use
metal shops, ~binet shops, Janus., 1948, and where no
. ~rmi, shall fl., have ~. · -~ .d}oini., land is owned
f~nlture manufacturing, ~d procured for the ~tablish-
optmon m the piannns ~m- ' ~r-Hnn ~ ..~k ,,~ ' -, '. used as a building site even
mission, are of a similar
. : (e) Ac~s~ uns and buildings . /~." when of less area or width
~ ......... .... in any C or M district ma~ : ' '; - than that requir~ by the
uaM uses snot ~ Ires st nul- .~"'" ~ ~rmitt~.-~ ....~--~ ..........~ ~.---e .~ re.latins for the distri~ in
smn~ fac~rs, such as, obje~ionuble ~'~. "~' or buildings are inciden~l to, ~. ;.' which it is
sifh~, ~unds, and smells. ~"~.';;~'" and do not slur, the char* . .' .~ ~4
4.48 Buffing Height ~t: Fifty /:. ~ *'~, ac~r of the premis~ in ~- " '
., ..~,(a)Arch,tectural featu~ such
(~) feet. .'.'~.'.'~':" s~t to their use for pur- .:/' .'" .. as ~i~s, ea~. and csn-
~:*~.- ~ ~uJl~g Si~ ~ bquJ~t ~ ~.';:,.~,/~ permit~ in the db- '.'. *~, ~)/ opi~ m~y not extend mo~
~ ~c~ ~in buildinf~mh~ ')";.~,' :",.~i~. Such a~so~ build* ,, .., ' ' than two (2) feet in~ any
~ fl~ ~nd (~)~ua~ f~ ~; ";'* : lags shall ~ all.ed ~ly .'~ :- r~uired side yard
~ Y~ R~I ~ ~s ,.~ '. "~,". when ~st~ct~ ~n~ren~ ':'~ (b) Open un~ve~d ~rches,
. . sto,~ s may ~i~t n~
~ ~ ~r ~~ .,.':..'i:;:.:..',.: the ~s~ ~ the main ' v
~ ~ ~. · '.' ~'~ ?':':'... ~.. ,. . .. :: ~. ..,.. :. m~e theft t~ (~) ~ ~
any required side yard, and buildings or structures and than that occupied by such
not exceeding six (6) feet grounds be in keeping with greenhouses at the time o!
into any required front yard. t~e character of the neigh- adoption of this ordinance.
This is not to be construed borhood and that they not unless and until a use pc.r-
es prohibiting open porches be detrimental to the orderly mit is first procured under
or stoops not exceeding and harmonious development the following conditions:
eighteen (18) inches in of the city or impair the de- 1. Said greenhouses may not
height and not approaching sirabtlity of investment or in any case be allowed to
closer then eighteen (18) .. occupation in the neighbor- expand more than do. hie
inches to eny lot line. ., hood, the area in ..~e nt the
(~) ~enever an official plan (b) The planning commission of ndoplJon of this ordi-
line has been established for ' may appoint an architectural n~nce.
any street, required yards committee of three members. 2. No use permit m,~y
shall bo measured from such ; (~} The architectural committee granted where extcns!on of
line, and in no case shall shall here authority to ap- such greenhouse will ad-
tha provisions of this erda- . prove architectural sketches versely affect surrounding
nanee be construed as per- within the meaning of ~ec- property and the generel
mitring any encroachment > ties 5.5 of this ordinance, welfare of the area.
upon any official plan lines. : {d) In case the applicant is not .- (b) The lawful use of a building
I. case an accessory building satisfied with the decision o! .... existing at the time o! the
is attached to the main the architectural committee, ~ adoption of this ordinance
building, it shall be made he may within fifteen (15)" may be continued elthough
structurally s part of, and '- days after the decision of such use does not conform to
hays a common wall with, said committee, appeal in the regulations specified for
the main building and shall ' ': ::.' - writing to the planning cam- ';-; the district in which such
comply in all respects with . "' ',~ mission. The architectural - -~ building is located.
the requirements of this committee may, if it deems ,~ '(c) The non-conforming use of a
ordinance applicable to the it advisable, refer any ap- : portion of a building may be
main building. Unless so -' placation for architectural ap. .. extended throughout t h ·
attached, an accessory build- provai to the planning cam .... building provided that in
~eg in an R district shall , . mission for its decision. . each case a use permit shall
located on the rear one- ... (el In ca-,e the applicant is not ' ' first be obtained.
half (~) of the lot and at satisfied with the action of : (d) The non-conforming use of
least ten (10) feet from any the planning commission, he - - building may be changed to
dwelling building existing or ~' may within thirty (30) days
under cons!ruction on the .' ',.' thereafter appeal in writing a use of the same, or a more
restricted, nature provided
same lot. Such accessory to the city council, and said ,~.. that in each case a use per-
building shall not be located council shall render its de- mit shall first be obtained.
within five (5) feet of any cision within thirty (30) ?'.~!; (el If the non-conforming use of
alley or within five (5) feet . . . days after the filing of such
of the side line of the front : appeal, a building ceases [or a con-
tinuous period of six (6)
one-half (~) of any adjacent . ([) No permit shall be issued in months, it shall be considered
lot, and in the case of a ' any case hereinabove men- abandoned and shall there-
corner lot, shall not project tioned until such drawings after be used only in accord-
beyond the front yard re- and sketches have been ap-
ance with the regulations for
quired or existing on the ad- proved by the planning cam- . the district in which it is
(~} ~very building- or portion cfi in the event of appeal ([} A non-conforming building
used for any dwelling pur- alan's decision and all build-
.... explosion, earthquake, or
pose in any C district lags, structures, and grounds ": other act to an extent o!
shall comply with the pro- shall be in accordance with · - more than fifty (50) percent
visions of this ordinance as .:the drawings and sketches. ' ' of the aporaised value there-
to side yards which are re- 5.~ Non-Conforming Uses: ?' o!, according to the assessor's
quired in R districts; pro- !':"i... if made to conform to all the
vided that when the ground lc) The lawful use of land exist- records may be restored only
floor of any such building is ' ing at the time of the adap-
used for any commercial . ~':~' . tton of this ordinance, al- ./". regulations of the district in
purpose, no side yard shall ' though such use does not ..... which it is located provided
be required. ' ~ conform to the regulations ..." that such building may be
Architectural Control: .,-,., herein specified for the restored to a total floor area
' ' ' district in which such land -,.-. not exceeding that of the
(&} In case an application is made ' ' is located, may be con- former building if a use per-
for a permit for any building . . tinued, provided that no such .-.._ mit is first procured in each
or structure in any R-3, .., ..' use shall be enlarged or in- ' ' case.
C, or M district, such creased or be ex~ndedtooc- ~','. (g} Ordinary maintenance and
application shall be accom- - cupy a greater area than that ,... repairs may be made to any
panied by architectural draw- ' '. occupied by such use at the non-conforming building pro-
'ings or sketches showing the .,-' time of the adoption of this vided that no structural al-
elevations of the proposed "~'' -. ordinance, and that if any '" terations are made and pro-
building or structure and pro- : ~ such use ceases, the subse- '; vided that such work does
posed landscape or other '. quent use of such land shell -.... not exceed fifteen (15) per-
treatment of the grounds .... '~.': be in conformity to the regu ..... , . cent of the eppreised velue
around such building or .'~,'~,i':. iations specified by this ordi in any one ¢1) ~ear I~rlod.
'structure. Such drawings or .,.,~: .... . nanca for the district in ./;?~?'; Other repairs or alterations
eketches shall be considered which such land is loceted. ';,'i,,. . may be permitted provided
.;:,.% by the planning commission ,:'~, i~.i~" No land used for greenhouae' :.,,~ , 'that a use permit shall first
in an endeavor to provide ~ , purposes may be extended or : "~ h be obtained in each case~
that the architectural end ,,,, r~ , ',,'' ~ ?nlarged so that such green- .'./' ' ( ) Hothing contained in this
general appetrance o! such lttitist, eeve~ e Wr~atar sr,,it , ,% :.,... tlt#ait~ sltilll Iii tl~ta~ tit
require any change in the meat, maintenance· opera- stances of the particular case
plans, construction, or desig- fish, or the use of the build- be detrimental to the health.
' hated use of any building for ,.~ lng for which a permit is safety, peace, morals, com-
/:i'~:",: which a building permit has sought will not, under the fort, and general welfare of
properly been issued in ac- '*' ~ circumstances of the par- per~ons residing or working
cordance with the provision ' ticular case, be detrimental ' in the neighborhood of such
of ordinances then in effect · to the health, safety, peace, ,.,. proposed use, or will not be
and upon which actual con- morals, comfort, and general detrimental or injurious to
struction has been started welfare of persons residing or property and improvements
prior to the effective date of ' working in the neighborhood :~ in t~e nei~ld~orhood or to the
this ordinance, provided that ' ' of such proposed use, and general welfnre of the city,
in all such cases actual con- will not be detrimental or the city council. ~hnll by oral
stroction shall be diligently' - . injurious to property and ia- motion or written ro~olution.
:. carried on until completion provements in the neighbor- grant the use pcrm.t.
of the building, hood or to the general wel- ih! The city council may desig-
~l~.~?rloN 6. PERMITS, VARIANCE8 ' fare of the city. hate such other or additional
AND AMENDMENTS Ih) The planning commission may qualifications and conditions
~.1 Zoning Permits: designate such conditions in in connection with the use
Zoning permits shall be re,quired connection with the issuance permit requested as it deems
tot all buildings and structures of a use permit, as it deems necessary or advisable in ors
hereinafter erected, constructed, al- necessary in order to fulfill der to fulfill the purpos~ of
the purposes of this ordi- this ordinance, and it mey
tered, repaired, or moved within or
Into any district established by this nance and may recommend require reasonable guaran-
the requiring of reasonable tees and evidence that such
ordinance, and for the use of vacant
land or for a change in the char- guarantees and evidence that conditions are being, or will
actor of the use of land, within any such conditions are being, or be. complied with.
will be complied with. 6.26 Effect:
district established by this ordi- (el If the planning commission No building or zoning permit'"
hence. Such permit may be a part
of the building permit, acts favorably upon the ap- shall be issued except in accordance
plication, said commmmon with the terms and conditions of
6.~ Use Permits: shall, without undue delay, the Use Permit granted.
Use Permits, revocable, condi- communicate its determine- 6.3 Variances:
tional, or valid for a term period, tion to the city council, stat- Where practical difficulties, un-
~1~ in accordance with the provl- lng in writing ali the quail-
necessary hardships, and results in-
Of this subsection, be issued or fications and conditions rec- consistent with the general purpose.
deni~! for any of the uses or put- . ommended pursuant to the of this ordinance may result from
~or which said permits are re- provisions of la) and lb) of the strict application of certain pro-
or permitted by the terms of this subsection. Should the visions thereof, variance permits
ordinance, application be denied, no
may be granted as provided in this
~.~1 Applications: communication need be for- s~tton.
(~t Applications for use permits warded to the city council·
may be made only by an in- ~$1 Applications:
'~i~, ~' terested party and shall be 6.Yot Appeal ia) Applications for variance per-
,~¥;., made to the planning cpm- la) In case the application is mits may be made only by an
-' mission in writing on a form denied, the applicant, or any interested party an~ shall
prescribed by the commission other person affected, may, ' be in writing on a form pre-
~'~:¥'.~ and shall be accompanied by within five (5) days there- ' scribed by the planning com-
: plans and elevations neces- after, appeal in writing to mission and shall be accom-
~'-'"r sary to show the detail of ~ the city council· panied by a fee of twenty
the proposed use of building, lb) The city council shall set a dollars ($20.00)and a written
Such applications shall be ac- date for a public hearing and statement, plans, and evi-
shall POst notices as set forth
companied by a fee of five dence showing:
/ dollars ($5.00) each. in ~ection 6.22(b}. Notice 1. That there are exceptional
'(b) When an application has of such appeal shall also be or extraordinary circum-
been filed, the planning corn- given to the planning eom- stances or conditions a~
mission shall process it as mission, and the planning plying to the land. build-
expeditiously as possible, commission shall submit a lng, or use referred to in
report to the city council the application, which cir-
either denying the same or
·recommending to the city setting forth the reasons for cumstances or conditions
, council in writing that it be the action taken by the com- do not apply generally to
granted· mission. In addition, the land, buildings, or uses in
,'-~.~Publie Hearings: planning commission may be the same district.
(m) No public hearing need be represented at the hearing· 2. That the granting of the
· '.c held thereon, but the plan- lc) The city council shall render application is necessary for
ning commission may hold its decision within sixty 160) the preservation and en-
_?~ any hearings it deems ad- days after the filing of such joyment of substantial
vtsable, appeal, property rights of the pe-
(b) In case a public hearing is 6.~ Action by City Council: titioner.
deemed advisable, n notice (n) When the planning commis- 3. That the granting of the
of such hearing shall be sion has recommended that application will not. under
posted on the property in- an application for a use per- the circumstances of the
volved or adjacent thereto at mit be granted, the city ..,~ ,.,,/,',. particular case, materially
least ten (10) days prior to' council shall consider the ap- affect adversely the health
such hearing. " plication and recommenda- .!!: i.~ or safety of persons tmsid-
'~.~ Action by Commission: ·: ~ tion within thirty (30) days ~ lng or working in the
(m) In order for it to recommend ~ · after the receipt of the plan- neighborhood of the prop-
.. ~ , ning commission's report, erty of the applicant, and
· and-if the city council finds will not. under the cir-
. th~ granting of any us~ per-
mit ,the findings of the plan-
' ' - cumstances Of the imrti~ao ,
~ commission shall be to , , ~ that the use which is sought ,," :':';-Imf ens~, Im matoH/dly.:
detrimental to the public thereafter appeal in writing to the sion shall give notice thereof
welfare or injurious to city council, by at least one (1} publica-
property or improvements 6.43 Notice of such appeal shall tion in a newspaper of geno
in said neighborhood, be given to the planning commission eral circulation within the
6.8~ PubLic Hearings: and a w'citten report shall be sub- city at least ten (10) days
mitred by the planning commission prior to the first pi such
(&} A public hearing shall be held to the city council setting forth ~ hearings.
within thirty (30) day.¢ after the reasons for the action taken by {b) In case the proposed amend-
:' the filing of the application, the commission and, in addition, the meat consists of a change
notice of which shall be given commission may be represented at the boundaries of any dis-
by one (1) publication in a the council hearing, trict .~o as to reclassify prop-
newspaper of general circu-
lation in the city at least five 6.44 The city council shall render arty from any district to any
(5) days prior to such hear- Its decision within thirty (30) days other district, the planning
lng and by posting notice on after the filing of such appeal, commission shall give addi-
?~.?!~..: the property involved, or 6.5 Revocation of Permi~ or tional notice of the time and
place o! such hearings and
adjacent thereto, at least five Variances: ~: the purpose thereof by post-
6.51 Any zoning permit, use per-
(5) days prior to such hear-
~ tng. mit, or variance granted in accord- ing along the streets upon
S.88 Action by Commission: once with the terms of this ordi- which the property proposed
nonce shall automatically expire if ,: ' to be reclassified abuts, at
,'~' fa) After the conclusion of the not used within one (1) year from least three (3) public notices
": public hearing the planning the date of approval, thereof not less than ten
~,? commission s hal 1 make 6.52 Any zoning permit, use per- (10) days prior to the dat~
written findings of fact show- mit, or variance granted in accord- of the first of such hearings.
lng whether the qualifica- once with the terms of this ordi- ~. Each such notice shall con-
tions under Section 6,31 (a) nonce may be revoked if any of the sist of the words "Notice of
,": apply to the land, building, conditions or terms of such permit Proposed Zoning Change" in
~!~ or use for which a variance or variance are violated, or if any letters not less than one
is sought and whether such law or ordinance is violated in con- inch in height and, in addi-
variance will be in harmony neetion therewith, tion thereto, a statement in
with the general purpose of 6.53 The planning commission small letters setting forth a
this ordinance. Such writ- shall hold a hearing on any pro- general description of the
ten findings of fact shall bo posed recovation after giving writ- property involved in the pro-
submitted to the city council ten notice to the permittee at least posed change of district, the
within thirty (30) days after ten (10) days prior to the hearing time and place at which the
the public hearing and may and shall submit its recommends- public hearings on the pro-
Include recommendations for tions to the city council, The city posed change will be held,
such conditions as the plan- council shall act thereon within and an,, other information
ning commission deems ne- thirty (30) days after receipt of the which the planning commis-
cessary to fulfill the purposes recommendations of the planning sion may deem to be advis-
or this ordinance, commission, able.
'~;~,;-i ~ Action by Ct~y Council: 6.6 Amendments: (c) Any failure to post or pub-
This ordinance may, by following lish public notices or hold
~{l) The city council shall con-
.i~. sider the application for vari- the procedure of this section, be public hearings as aforesaid
'?)," ance within thirty (301 days amended by changing the boun- shall not invalidate any pro-
.? after receipt of the planning dories of districts or by changing ceedings for amendment pi
commission's report, and if any other provisions thereof when- this zoning ordinance, unless
the city council finds that the ever the public necessity and con- such posting, publishing, or
qualifications under Section venlence or the general welfare holding of public hearings
6.31 (a) apply to the land, requires such amendment, shall be an absolute require-
: building, or use for which a 6.61 Initiation: meat under a controlling
'. variance is sought and that fa) An amendment may be provision of state law.
such variance is in harmony initiated by: 6.0~ Action by Planning Commls~ion:
with the general purpose of 1. The verified petition of (a) Following the aforesaid hear-
this ordinance, said city one or more owners of lags. the planning commission
council shall, by oral motion property affected by the shall make a report of its
or written resolution, grant proposed amendment, which findings and recommends-
such variance, petition shall be filed with *', tions with respect to the pro-
the planning commission and " prosed amendment and shall
{b} The city council may desig- shall be accompanied by a file with the city council an
attested copy of such report
note such conditions in con- fee of fity dollars ($50.00). .;
nection with the variance as no part of which shall bo re- within fifty (50) days after
it deems necessary to fulfill turnable to the petitioner: , - the first publication of the
the purFoses of this ordi- 2. Resolution of Intention of '..i - notice of said hearings; pro-
nonce and may require rea- the city council; t)r by "' vided that such time limit
sonable guarantees and evi- 3. Resolution of Intention of '" may be extended upon the
dence that such conditions the ulanning commission. -. mutual agreement of the par-
are being, or will be, com- 6.4J:~ Public Hearings: ties having an interest in said
plied with. {a) The planning commission ~? proceedings or by consent
6.4 Appeals: shall hold such public hear- . . of the city council given upon
6.41 The planning commission ings as are required by law, written request from the
shall have the power to hear and but the planning commission ': planning commission stating
decide appeals based on the eh- shall hold at least one (1) ' the reasons for such extra-
'~' . . proval of the proposed changes in. other ordinances, with 7.21 "DISTRICT" --A portion of
' / amendment by the planning or without referring the matter to the city within which certain uses
~.. ' ,; ' commission, the planning commission or holding of land and building are permitted
~ . ;i/ ' (b) Notwithstanding anything to public hearings, as it shall in its or prohibited and within which car-
..... '' ;' '- the contrary herelne]sewhere discretion decide, rain yards and other open spaces
stated, whenever a matter SECTION 7. DEFINITIONS ~ are required and certain height
,,;,~, ?'/?i~ involving any amendment to, limits are established for buildings.
: change in, or addition to this 7.1 For the purpose of this ordi-
nance, certain terms used herein all es set forth sad specified in this
.'..:~ ,,~: ordinance has been referred are defined ns follows: ordln~nce,
~, ~ ~o, or iS under consideration
"~s ~'. ' '' 7.11 "ALLEY"--Any public thor- "DWEi.i. LN',~, O:;g gh':,'7.1.,
)'i/!; :.~:~. ,:::. by, the planning con*mission, FAMII,Y" /; i,,6!din,- c.,n':,
- - the city council may, at the oughfare which affords only a see- - ·
., ,..~ ".:., · request of an interested party ondary means of access to the only orJ~ kitri~.n. ,I.'silrn~d f.r.
' block and to abutting property, used to hrm~e, nol more I I~an one
,,,~",. ~ or upon its own volition, re- 7.12 '"AUTOMOBILE COURT"~A (1} family, including all necessary
· ~i("' .. quire the planning commis-
, . group of two (2) or more detached employees of such family.
: .... ,::.. .., ' sion to submit its written re-
', rrrort within forty (40) days or semi-detached buildings con- 7.23 "DWELLING, TWO FAMILY
· taining guests rooms or apartments OR DUPLEX"~A building contain-
:i'".i~ m the date of original ref-
t'' "~ · .... erence to, or initial date of with automobile storage space serv- lng not more than two (2) kitchens
-,~ ,. ,: ~ .... ~ ing such rooms or apartments pro- designed, or used to house, not more
' '" 72"' ~ "/ pendency before, the plan-
..., ~~ :,-' ,, vided in connection therewith, than two (2) families, living inde-
' .'~.- ~-~' ; ning commission, or within
' ~.':.;~;; ~,.~-: ",' which group is designed and used pendently of each other, including
.... ; v ~':.: '- ' such longer period of time as primarily for the accommodation of all necessary employees of each such
"; ',..:.:.:~'45~,.,v' said city council may desig-
, ' ' :,~'~;,:.'" transient automobile travelers, family·
~": "~:;"~'~ t ~' ' hate. Failure of the planning 7.13 "BOARDING HOUSE" ~ A 7.24 "DWELLING. MULTIPLE"~
, "L .~,.,'.,:', .... commission so to report with- dwelling other than a hotel where A building or portion thereof used
.',:.~ .... ""~:'":' in said forty (40) days, or lodging or lodging and meals for and designed as a residence for
within such longer designat- three (3) or more persons is pro- three (3) or more families living
~! ed period of time, shall be vided for com.ensation, independently of each other, and
· deemed to be approval of the 7.14 "BUILDING'--Any structure doing their own cooking in said
'. ~'~ proF.~sed change, amend- having a roof supported by c~lumns building, ~ n c 1 u d i n g apartment
' ~'" !~," ment, or addition.
or by walls and designed for the houses, apartment hotels, and flats.
~. ~" ~.~4 Action by City Council: shelter or housing of any person, but not including automobile courts.
(&) At such time as the planning animal, or chattel.
~,: ~5:.' commission shall render its 7.15 "BUILDING, ACCESSORY"~ 7.25 "DWELLING, GROUPS"~A
' group of two (21 or more detached
., 3 ,.;~ .' report to the city council, or A subordinate building, the use of
upon the expiration of the which is incidental to that of the or semi-detached, 1-family. 2-fam-
period of time allotted to the main building on the same lot or ily. or multiple dwellings occupying
~ ,. ~C,," ' ! planning commission for building site, a parcel of land. in one ownership
~. ! ~': /..,~ making said report, as afore- 7.16 "BUILDING MAIN" ~ A and having any yard or court in
,.~,~ .~ said, the city clerk shall set building in which is conducted the common, but not including auto-
.... the matter for public hearing principal use of the lot or building mobile courts.
' ~ before the city council and site on which it is situated. 7.26 "FAMILY" ~ One (11 or
./ cause notice thereof to be 7.17 "BUILDING SITE'~A lot or more persons occupying a premises
published as required by law. parcel of land, in single or joint and living as a single housekeeping
~ ': ..... After the conclusion of such ownership, and occupied, or to be unit. as distinguished from a group
,,,,] ~:,. hearing, the city council may occupied, by a main building and occupying a hotel, club. fraternity.
adopt the amendment, or accessory buildings, or by a dwell- or ..orority house. A family shall be
· ' ,.. any part thereof, set forth in lng group and its accessory build- deemed to include necessary serv-
. ,6 .:,: ..,~.. the petition or resolution, in tags, together with such open spaces ants.
.., q,. such form as said city coun- as are required by the terms of this 7.27 "GARAGE OR CAR PORT"--
' '~ ell may deem to be advisable, ordinance and having its principal An accessible and usable covered
'i)'~ : ,~ {b) The decision of the city frontage on a street, road, highway, space of not less than ten (10)
council shall be rendered or waterway, feet by twenty (20) feet for storage
" ~' '~ within fifty (50) days after 7.18 "BUSINESS. RETAIL"~The of automobiles, such garage or car
; ,' the receipt of the report and retail sale of any article, substance, port to be so located on the lot as
"{~i ~' !. recommendations from the or commodity for profit or liveli- to meet the requirements of this
-~.-~ ..... ' planning commission, or with- hood, conducted within a building, ordinance for an accessory build-
~'~ -~., in fifty (50) days after the but not includin~ the sale of lure- ing or if attached to the main build-
';,i .i expiration of the period of ber or other building materials or lng, to be so located as to meet
time alloted to the planning the sale of used or second-hand all the requirements of this ordi-
commission as aforesaid, goods or materials of any kind. nance for a main buildin¢.
· 6.65 Procedural, Incidental, or 7.19 "BUSINESS, WHOLESALE" 7.28 "GARAGE SPACE"--An ac-
- V~i,' Other Changes Not Affecting Any ~The wholesale handling of any ar- cesible and usable space of not less
r "- ; Precise Plan or Regulation Based ttcle, substance, or commodity for than eight (8) feet by twenty (201
upon Master Plan: profit or livelihood, but not includ- £eet for the parking of automobiles
The procedure outlined in this lng the handling of lumber or other off the street, such space to be so
'5 subsection for amendments to, or building materials or the open stor- located on the lot as to meet the
.~.,, chan~es in, this ordinance are not age or sale of any material or cpm- requirements of this ordinance for
-;:;A',;~' mandatory insofar as concerns modity and not including the pro- an accessory building.
. ~,~:~ amendments or changes pertaining cessing or manufacture of any prod- 7.29 "HEIGHT OF
· ~' only to matters of procedure or of uct or substance. The vertical distance from the aver-
an incidental nature, or to any 7.20 "COMBINING DISTRICT'~ age level of the hitthest and lowest
'~:;-':' amendments or changes which do Any district in which the general point of that portion of tho lot
';/ ';.';~i:'~ not substantially affect any precise district regulations are combined ered by the building to the topmost
/"'" d"*:';: ~]an or r~ulation based upon the with H for the purpos~ of .adding point of he roof.
.' ~;'~ ".-"' ~ Plan. tbrlth regard to such special regulations. For example. ~.80 'HOTEL"~Any building or
. .: .; , amendments or changes, the city C-2 combined with H (C-2-H) adds portion thereof containing six (61
':~' ' '-~ i;' .'" . council nuty take action just as in the special requirement of off-street or more guest rooms used, designed,
' i:[,,;'~)'.~;i~'~.'.:. ~O e~O O! amendments to, or
parking. ~, or intended to be used, let, or hired
.., ,. '
. ..... q,l" '..:.,. -, :', * r'
out to be occupied, or which are as bearing walls, columns, beams, of them. than is imposed or required
occupied, by six (6) or more indi- or girders, by any existing provisions of law or
viduais for compensation whether 7.41 ;'TRAILER COURT" -- Land ordinance or by any rules, regula-
the compensation for hire be paid or premises used or intended to l~e tions, or permits, or by any ease-
dimly or indirectly, used, let, or rented for occupancy mvnts, covenants, or agr~ments,
'/.81 "JUNK YARD"--The use of by or of trailers or movable dwell- then in such case the provisions
more than one hundred (100) ings, rooms, or sleeping quarters o! this ordinance shall control.
square feet of the area of any lot or any kind. SECT~gN 9. EN?OI1CEMENT, PEN-
the use of any portion of that half 7.42 "USE" ~ The purpose for
o! any lot, which half adjoins any which land or premises of a build-
street, for the storage of junk, in- lng thereon is designed, arranged,
eluding scrap metals, salvage, or or intended, or for which it is or
other scrap materials, or for the dis- may be occupied or maintained. So~th ',~,~ ;"r~,~wo w.,~.~l xvit~h
mantling or "wrecking" of aurorae- 7.43 '*USE, ACCESSORY"~A use the duty or authority to issue per-
biles, other vehicles, or machinery, incidental and accessory to the prin- mits or licenses shall conform to the
whether for sale or storage.
7.811/z "LOADING AND UNLOAD- cipal use of a lot or a building 1o- provisions of this ordinance, and
lNG ZONE" An acceptable and cared on the same lot. , shall issue no permit or license for
~ 7.44 "YARD" ~ An open space u~.es, buildings, or purposes in con-
usable space on the building site, other than a court on the same lot fl/ct with the provisions of this
at least ten (10) feet by thirty-five
(35) feet, located off the street with with a building, which open space ordinance; and any such permit or
access for the loading and unload- is unoccupied and unobstructed license issued in conflict with the
from the ground upward, except as provisions of this ordinance shall be
lng of vehicles, otherwise permitted in Section 5.4. null and void. It shall be the duty
7.82 "NON - CONFORMING USE" 7.45 "YARD, FRONT" -- A yard of the building inspector of the city
~ use that does not conform to extending across the front of the ' to enforce the provisions of this
the regulations for the district in lot between the inner side yard ordinance pertaining to the erec-
which it is situated or exists.
7.~3 "PARKING SPACE"--An ac- lines and measured from the front fica, construction, reconstruction,
cessible and usabl~ space on the llne of the lot to the nearest line of moving, convers/on, alteration, or
building site at least eight (8) fee~ the building; provided however, addition to or of any building or
by twenty (20) feet and' located off that if any building llne or official structure.
the street with access for the park- plan line has been established /'or 9.2 Any person, firm. or corpora-
the street upon which the lot faces, tion, whether as principal, agent,
ln~ ~f$ automobiles.
· "PROFESSIONAL OFFICE" then such measurements shall be emptoyee~ or otherwise, violating or
~An office for the conduct of any taken from such building line or causing the violation of any of the
official plan line to the nearest line provisions of this ordinance, shall
one of the following occupations or of the building, be guilty of a misdemeanor and,
uaes: Accountant, architect, after- 7.46 "YARD, REAR" ~ A yard upon conviction thereof, shall be
ney, chiropractor, civil engineer or extending across the full width of" punishable by a fine of not more
surveyor's drafting office, collection the lot and measured between the ~ than three hundred dollars ($300.00)
agency, cosmetologist, dentist, doc- rear line of the lot and the nearest' or by imprisonment for a term not
for, funeral parlor, insurance office, line of the main building, exceeding one hundred fifty (150)
private detective, real estate office, 7.47 "YARD, SIDE"--A yard be- days or by both such fine and gm-
,octal worker, or similar use; but
not the following occupations or tween the side llne of the lot and prisonment. Such person, firm, or
the nearest line of the building and corporation shall be deemed to be
uses: Advertiser. barber shop, con-
tractor, pest control, pharmacy, extending from the front line of guilty of a separate offense for each
the lot ~o the rear yard. and every day during any portion
veterinary. SECTION 8, INTERPRETATION of which any violation of this ordi-
7.$5 "ROOMING OR BOARDING 8.1 When interpreting and apply- hence is committed or continued by
HOUSE" -- dwelling other than a lng the provisions of this ordinance, such person, firm, or corporation,
hotel where lodging or meals or they shall be held to be the mini- and shall be punishable as herein
both for three (3) or more persons requirements adopted for the provided.
are provided for compensation· promotion of the public health, 9.3 Any building or structure set
7.~6 *'SIDE AND FRONT OF COR- safety, comfort, convenience, and up, erected~ constructed, altered,
NER LOTS"~For the purpose of general welfare. Except as specifi- enlarged, converted, moved, or
this ordinance the narrowest front- callv, herein provided, it is not in- maintained contrary to the pro-
age of a corner lot facing the street tended by the adootion of this ordi- visions of this ordinance, and any
is the front, and the longest front- nance to repeal, abrogate, annul, or use of any land, building, or prom-
age facing the intersecting street is in any way to impair or interfere ises established, conducted, oper-
the side irrespective o[ the direc- with any existing provisions of law ated, or maintained contrary to the
tion In which the dwelling faces, or ordinance, or any rules, regula- provisions of this ordinance, shall
7.~7 '°~TREET"~A public or priv- tions, or permits previously adopt- be, and the same is hereby declared
ate thoroughfare which affords the ed or issued, or which shall be to be, unlawful and a public nut-
principal means of access to a block adopted or issued pursuant to law sance; and the city attorney of said
and to abutting property, including relating to the erection, construe- · city shall, upon order of the city
avenue, place, way, drive, lane, bou- fica, establishment, moving, altera- council, immediately commence ac-
]evard, highway, road, and any oth- tion, or enlargement of any build- tion or proceedings for the abate-
er thoroughfare, except an alley as ing or improvement; nor is it in- ment and removal and enjoinment
defined herein, tended by this ordinance to inter- thereof in the manner prescribed
7.~8 "~TREET LINE"~The boun- fore with or abrogate or annul any by law, and shall take such other
dary between a street and prop- easement, covenant, or other agree- steps and shall apply to such courts
erty. meat between parties; provided, as may have jurisdiction to grant
'/.39 *'STRUCTURE" ~ Anything however, that in cases in which ' such relief as will abate and remove
constructed or erected, the use of this ordinance imposes a greater such building or structure, and re-
which requires location on the restriction upon the erection, con- strain and enjoin any person, firm,
ground or attachment to something struction, establishment, moving, or corporation from setting up,
having location on the ground. 'alteration, or enlargement of build-
?.40 *'STRUCTURAL A L T E R A- ings or the use of any such build- using any such bfiilding contrary to
TIONS~--Any change in the sup- lng or premises'in the several dis- the provisions of thtt ordinance.
porting members of a building, such tricerJ hereby established, or in any 9.4 The. remedies provided for
herein shall be cumulative and not rosining portions of this ordinance. (30) days following its adoption.
exclusive. The city council hereby declares Introduced this 3rd day of Au-
SECTION 10. REPEALING that it would have passed this ordi- gust. 1954.
10.1 Ordinance No. 269 and all hence and each section, subsection .....
amendments thereto are hereby re- sentence, clause, and phrase hereof, Pa.~sed and adopted as an ordi
pealed, and all other ordinances irrespective ol the fact that any one nance of the City of ~uth ~n
Francisco, nta re~larly adJ~
and part~ of ordinances of ~eid city '" or more eectione, eubsections.
in ~nflict with thl~ ordinance, to tences, clauses, or phra~ee be de- meeting of the city ~uncll
the ,xtent of such conflict and no clared invalid. City of South San Fracisco. ~ld
further, are hereby repealed, pro- SE~ION 12. REFERENCE on the 10th day of Auguet, 1954,
vided that nothing ~ntained herein ~2.1 This o r d i n a n c e shall be the following vo~:
shall ~ deemed to re~al or amend known and cited as the "Zoning A~S. ~uncilmen John
~y ordnance of said city requiring Ordinance of the City of ~uth ~an Francis Lucchio. ~rg~ ~
a ~rmit or license, or ~th, to Francisco." Refe~nee to section Telford 8mitE.
~ver a~ busing, trade, or oc- numbers herein are to the se~ions NOES, None.
~patlon. of this ordinance. A~, Emro ~i.
8~ON 11. V~ SE~ON 18. PUB~CA~ON ~D AP~O~D:
11.1 If any se~ion, subsection, g~~ DA~ ~ORD L. ~,
~nt~ce, ~a~e or phrase of this 13,1 ~e city ~erk of the ~ty of Mawr ~ ~e ~y
~ b for any re.on h~d ~ ~uth San ~an~co ~ he~ dj- ~u~ ~n ~.
'm ~ ~ ~m~tentjur~i~ion ~ 'r~d ~ ~u~ t~ or~n~ ~ A~:
~ ~v~ ~ d~on sh~l ~ ~blish~ ~, as r~i~ ~ AR~ RO~
~ ~ ~ ~di~ ~ the ~ hw, ~d it ~ ~ eff~ ~ ~ty~erk.
....,, ~
~;' ,.~., . ~ ~ ,~ ~
,.. ~ - ? '.,..--
. . ~ : .
- t~ .
I~I~SOI~ON NO. 4494
BE IT RESOLVED by I:he Ci~:y Council o£ the City o£
South San Francisco ~ha~ ~he ~o~Ln~ procedure ~s bare-
by established for miu~ng the co~ilation o~ a~nd-
~nts to City Ordinances:
1. ~e City A~o~ey s~ll file a roster copy o~
the compila~ion ~i~h ~ha Cl~y Clerk so ~ duplica~e
copies my be ~de ~re~r~ for dis~ri~io~.
2. ~a City Clerk shll distribu~ ~pies co City
officers and e~loyees, vhtch copies 8h~ld ~ uu~ered
and ~ed as of the ~e o~ distribution. A lo~ or re~is~r
8h11 be min~ained shying the n~r o~ the copy,
of dis~rl~ee and ~Ce of deliveU so thc co~ec~ton
sheets my bo accurately dis~rtbu~d.
3. ~e City officer or e~loyae recei~nS co~ec~lo~
sheets shall insert s~ in hie copy of the
i. Copies sold ~o in,crested ~rt~8 8hll ha~ ~e
a~o of dio~ribution endorsed on tho copy. Persons so ace
~iring copies ara advised ~ the co~llaCion is subject
Co correction on ~h adop~l~ of lmndin~ ordinances and
copies of the co,action shea~s ~11 h available upon
in~ c~ required ~ee Co ~ City
5. ~en an ordinnco la ~osed ~ing the ZoninS
~dinance, the Cic~ A~omey ~l p~e~re a co~ec~ion
Copy No.
This is a compilation of amendments to Zoning Ordinance
No.353 as amended. The exact text of each amended section has
been extracted from the amending ordinances listed in Table I
and arranged in numerical order in the compilation. The ordin-
ance source is noted in parenthesis at the end of each section,
1. Table I, which shows in chronological order
ordinances amending Ordinance No.353, as amended,
passed August 10, 1954, correlated with the section
set forth in the compilation.
2. Section amendments extracted from amending
ordinances and set forth tn the main part of the
compilation, commencing with Section 2.2.
3. Planned Community District Ordinances which
created such districts pursuant to Ordinance No.490
are in the Appendix to the compilation and should be
referred to together with the provisions of Ordinance
No.490 for the regulations applicable to those speci-
fic districts. Ordinance No.490 sets forth the pro-
cedure for establishing a specific Planned Community
District and generally regulations applicable to
Planned Coeuuunity Districts, but the specific Planned
Community District Ordinance (e.g. Ordinance No.511)
creating a specific district invariably contains
additional regulations applicable to that specific
district. The sections added by Ordinance No.490
are, therefore, set forth in the main part of the
compilation in numerical order.
4o New Zonins Map, adopted 3/1/61. rev.
The purpose o~ this coeptlatton is to previde a
quick orderly reference to the Zontns Ordinance and
amendments pendin8 codification.
A master copy of the compilation will be flied
with the City Clerk so that duplicate copies may be
made therefrom for distribution.
Copies distributed to City officers and employees
should be numbered and dated as of the date of dist-
ribution. A log or register should be maintained
showing the number of the copy, name of distributee
and date of delivery, so that correc~io~ sheets may
be accurately distributed to keep up to date copies
in possession of City officers and employees.
Copies sold to interested parties should have the
date of distribution endorsed on the copy. Persons
so acquiring copies are advised that the compilation
is subject to correction on the adoption of amending
ordinances and copies of the correction sheets will be
available upon paying the required fee to the CEty
When an ordinance is passed amending the Zontn~
Ordinance, the City Attorney will prepare a correction
sheet together with instructions and forward same to
the City Clerk for duplication and immediate distrib-
ution to the holders of the resistered copies. The
correction sheets will be in format similar to those
sheets presently in the compilation.
Section 2.2 is the section adopting the Zonin§
Map, Therefore, the correction sheet issued for an
ordinance ~hich merely than§es a Zoning District de-
signation (and the map designation).will be foot-noted
as presently shown on the page in the compilation
containing Section 2.2, to indicate the amendment, In
addition, a plat of the parcel w~ll be fo~warded~th
the correction sheet,
Dated: June 14, 1966
JN:hs' ~/City Attorney
356 ' A 490 (con'd) 3.52(d)
357 , B ,~ , 3.62(e)
3.59 ~ B ~ 3' (d) 82
365 A 4.2 et seq.
366 ' B ' 5.7 et seq,
376 ' A ' 6.23(a)
379 , B 494 , B
383 ~ B 499 , B
387 B
393 B 5OO B
394 ~ B '501 ~ B
399 , B 511 ' 2.2 and Appendix
, 514 , B
400 , B 515 , B
401 B 516 , B
404 ~ C 518
414 ' B 519 ~ 2.2
419 , B 520 ' 2.2
421 , 4.11(C) 521 , 2.2
431 , 4.50 et seq. 524 , 2.2
432 B 526 , 2.2
433 ' B 527 2.2
438 ' B 528 ' 2.2 and Appendix
440 ' C 5 30 ' 2.2
445 , B 531 , 2.2
447 , B 540 , 3.56
450 B , 3.66
451 ' 3.12(e) 541
453 ' B 544 ' 2.2
461 , B 545 ' 2.2 and Appendix
464 , B 546 , 4.44
468 , 6.21(a) (b)
6 22(a)
' 6:31(b)
' 6.32(a)
470 ' B
476 , 2.2
490 , 3.22 (g) ,
' 3.43(e)
A. Included in printed copy of Ordinance #353 as amended.
B. Superseded by new ZoningMap adopted by Ordinance #476, passed 3/5/62
revised 12/31~6'
C. Repealed or repealing ordinance 3.
.f 2.2 The designations, locations and boundaries of the dist-
ricts established are deXineaced upon the map entitled
'Zonin§Map of the City of South San Francisco, Calif-
ornia, dated March 1, 1961", which map and all notations
and information thereon are hereby made a part of this
Ordinance by this reference, a copy of said map bein
attached hereto. Any land within the incorporated
of the City of South San Francisco, now or in the future,
and not designated or indicated on the Zoning Map, shall
be in the unclassified~ or U, District; also, any land
he~eafter annexed to the City of South San Francisco shall,
upon annexation, be in the unclassified, or U, District
untilgiven a definite cEassification.
(Ord. #476 - 3/5/62)
l.' Ord. ~ll - 8/10/64 West Park P.C., see map end Ord.
#511 for regulations - Appendix
Ord. #521 311165 (C-1 Zone)
Ord, #524 3/1/65 (R-3 Zone)
~: Ord. #526 ~/19165 IR-L Zone)
Ord. #527 5/3/65 R-3 Zone)
~ 8. Ord. #528 - 6/7/65 Stonegate Ridgq P.C., see map and
~ Ord.~528 for regulations -
~: Ord. #~30 i 6/21/65 (C-1 Zone)
1 Ord. #~31 7/19/65 ~R-2 Zone)
11. Ord. #544 3/7/66 (R-1 Zone)
12. Ord. #545 3/7/66 Stonegate Ridge P.C. Amendment, see
map and Ord. #545 for
gulations - Appendix
(NOTE: The Zoning Map adopted ~y Ordinance #476 p~ssed 3/5/62
carries revisions through 12/31/64, and Ordinance #516 passed
9/22/64. Footnotes above detail ordinances establishing new
parcel designations since that date except for Footnote l,
which is noted to call particular attention to West Park
Planned Community District ~=dinance #511)
3.12(e) Private non-commercial clubs subject to the fol-
lowing requirements and conditions:
1. The building site areja shall not be less than 2
2. The site for any such use shall be located on a
parcel abutting on a major street or shall be able
to provide access to a major street without causing
heavy vehicular traffic on local residential streets.
Vehicular entrances and exits shall be carefully
controlled and designed to minimize traffic hazards.
3'. No main building or outdoor place of assembly shall
be located closer to any lob. line than the distances
set forth in the following table. Greater distances
may be required as a condition of any Use Permit.
Occupancy load as referred to in the following table
shall be determined in accordance with the rules of
the Uniform Building Code for each type of occupan-
Occupancy Load To Side To Rear To Front
Lot Line Lot Line Lot Line
Under 6 5 20 15
6-20 12 30 20'
~ 20-50 18 40 25
50-100 30 50 30
100-200 36 50 40
200 and over 40 50 50
4. The conduct of such use and the use of mechanical
equipment related thereto shall not produce noise
sustained over long periods perceptible at the ex-
terior lot lines of the lot on which located.
5. Ail exterior artificial illumination shall be so
arranged and placed as to reflect the light away
from adjoining lots in Residential Districts. The
intensity of illumination from any light source on
a lot shall not exceed one-half(~) foot candles at
any point ten feet (lC') beyond the side or rear lot
lines abutting any other lot in any Residential
6. There shall be maintained on each lot line abut-
ting any other lot in any Residential District,
a solid masonry wall or a landscaped screen plant-
ing strip not less effective than a six-foot (6')
compact evergreen hedge to protect adjoining pro-
perty from noise and activity generated on the
site. Additional screening may be required as a
condition of the authorization of any Use Permit.
?~ Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance
with Section 3.27 unless in the opinion of the
Planning Commission a larger number of spaces are
(Ord. - 9/ 9/60)
3.22 (g) Residential Planned Unit Development
(ora. #490 - 4/15/63}
3.32 (h) Residential Planned Unit Development
(Ord. #490 - 4/15/63)
3.43 (e) Commercial Planned Unit Development
(Ord. ~490 - 4/15/63)
3,52 (d) Commercial-Industrial Planned Unit Development
(Ord. #490 - 4/15/63)
3,56 Parking Regulations
Off-street parking on the building site shall be re-
quired in C-2 Districts according to the formulas set
forth in Section 4.11, except for those areas of the
C-2 District located within the boundaries of the Park-
ing District Nc.l-1955-1 of the City of South San Fran-
(Ord. #540 - 1/17/66)
3.62 (e) Commercial-Industrial Planned Unit Development
(Ord. #490 - 4/15/63)
3.66 Parking Regulations
Off-street parking on the building site shall be re-
quired in C-3 Districts according to the formulas set
forth in Section 4.11, except for those areas of the C-3
District located within the boundaries of the Parking
Dist'r~ct No.1-1955-1 of 'the City of South San Francisco.
(Ord. #540 - 1/17/66)
3.72 ~d) Commercial-Industrial Planned Unit Development
(Ord~ #490 - 4/15/63)
3.82 (d) Commercial-Industrial Planned Unit Development
(Ord.~#490 - 4/15/63)
~.11 (c) Increase or decrease in area by modification
of building, site or use; or the Joining of build-
lngs, sites or uses; or by any means whatsoever
of any building, site or use in any district com-
bined with an "H" District that does not have the
parking area required for such building, site or
use shall be permitted upon designating a~d pro-
viding parking area required by this sectio~.f~r
the increased or decreased area of such buildin~,.
site or use.
(ord. -
4.2 Planned Community District or P-C District '..
4.21 Purpose. The purposes of the Planned Community Dist- "--
riot are to: ~
(a) Establish appropriate zoning regulations for
large tracts of land which are under unified ownership
or development control, to permit the long term develop-
ment of such tracts with a variety of uses of land while
insuring that:
1. The development wi~ be consistent with the
adopted general plan of the City.
2. The tract will be planned and development
executed in a manner to provide an environment of
stable quality and desirable character within the
3. The development when completed will be com-
patible with present and probable future uses in the
surrounding area as a whole.
(b) Provide reasonable assurance to the developer
that planned unit development plans prepared in accord-
ance with an approved general development plan and the
terms and conditions of the Ordinance establishing the
P-C zone will be acceptable to the City.
(c) Provide for a zoning and general plan for develop-
ment of large tracts of land, which will serve as a
guide for preparation and filing of planned unit plans
required by this Ordinance.
(Ora, ~490 - 4/15/63)
General Procedure.
(a) Application. An application for P-O zonin~
consisting of a-verified petition, a general de
velopment plan and general development schedule in
form and content as hereinafter set forth shall be
filed with the Planning Commission.
(See Section
(b) Hearing and Recommendation. The Planning Com-
mission upon receipt of the documents set forth in
Subsection (a) shall hold hearings, make a report
of findings and determinations and recommendations
as hereinafter set forth and submit same to the
Oib2 Council as prescribed by Seobion 6.63 of bhe
Zoning Ordinance.
(c) Clb2 Council Hearings and Aobious. The Oiby
Oounoli shall follow bhe procedure seb forbh in
Sscblon 6.64 of bhe Zoning Ordinance as amended
upon receipb of bhe reporb and reoommendabions from
the Planning Commission.
(d} Plans for Planned Units may be submitted con-
currently with the application four P-C zoning but
no action on an7 planned unit shall be final until
the P-C district zoning has been established by
4.2B. General Conditions and Regulations. The regula-
tions set forth in this section shall apply in all P-C
districts and shall be subject to the provisions of Sec-
tion 5 of this Ordinance, except that where a conflict
in regulations occurs, the regulation specified in this
section shall apply.
(a) Establishment of P-C Districts. Residential
P-C Districts may be established on parcels of land
~hich contain sixty or more acres and which are
suitable to permit the development of a complete
neighborhood or community or a major section there-
of having a range of dwelling types together with
necessary local shopping facilities and off-street
parking, parks, playgrounds, schools and other
community facilities; and other uses consistent-'
with the adopted general plan of the City. Com-
mercial-Industrial P-0 Districts ma2 be established
on parcels of land which contain sixty or more
acres of land and which are suitable to the develop-
ment of a complete Commercial-Industrial Community
of ma~o~ section thereof having a range of uses
consistent with the adopted general Plan of the
(b) Area Characteristics. The area included with-
in a P-C District shall be:
1. Bounded by major thoroughfares or other
physical features or by political boundaries or a
combination thereof, or
2. Comprise a unit which because of size,
shape and physical characteristics requires develop-
ment in accordance with a comprehensive plan.
9. Shall be free from features forming bar-
tiers to community or neighborhood cohesiveness.
(c) ~crea~e Requirements. A P-C District shall
include sixty or more acres of contiguous land.
(d) Ownership and Control. At the time of appli-
cation the tract or parcel of land involved must
be either in one ownership or the subject of an
application filed Jointly by the owners of all the
property included (the holder of a written option
to purchase land and a redeveloper under contract
with the redevelopment agency to acquire land b2
purchase or lease shall for purposes of such apr
~lication be deemed to be an owner of such land)
or be the subject of an application filed by any
governmental agency including the redevelopment
agency of the City. Subsequent to the establish-
merit of a P-C District, disposal of any lands, -
property or estates in such District shall be in
such units and manner as prescribed in the approved
general development plan, the conditions and re-
qulrements attached thereto, the terms of the Ordi-
nance establishing the P-C zone, and shall be sub-
Ject to the procedures and requirements of the
Subdivision Ordinance of the City.
(e) Effect of Establishing a P-C District. A
Planned Community classification establishes the
general nature, design and character of development-
permitted in the District, and pro~ides for develop-
ment of the district only through planned units as
set forth in the Zoning Ordinance, which units more
particularly establish the nature, design and char-
acter of the development.
(f) Mses Permitted, General. When in conformity
with the adopted General Plan of the City, subject
to authorizabion.-b2 the te~ms of the Ordinance es-
tablishln~ the P-C District, the followin~ uses are
permitted upon obtaining a.gse, Permtt~
1. Bes2dent~al planned unit
~. Comme~olal planned unit development
3. Crop and tree fat~ning, truck gardening,
floriculture and grazing pending the development
of the lands for the purposes set forth in the
general development plan.
4. Excavation'and grading and removal of ex-
cavated materials from the site in conjunction with
the execution of an approved general development
plan. Said Use Permit shall contain provisions
substantially in accord with the Cit2*s Grading
(g)Schedule of Basic Population Densi~2 and
Building Covera=e Re~ulations~ ~he following
~able-~ts forth the basic population densit2, and-
building coverage regulations for P-C Districts lo-
ca,ed within neighborhoods of the densit2 categor-
ies recommended b2 the General Plau~
Neighborhood Maximum Building
Densit2 Categor2 Population Coverage
Densit2. Limit
Low Densit2 20 B5%
Medium Density 25 B5%
High Densit2 BO ~0%
The Planning Commission ma2 recommend and the
Council may authorize higher densities than those
set forth above when it is demonstrated ~hat, in
the specific ~ase, with the added development pro-
posed in the P-C District, the population densit2
in the entire developed proportion of the neigh-
borhood will not exceed the gross densit2 recom-
mended for the neighborhood unit b2 the General
(h) Re~ired Distances Between Buildings'in
w~in~ Groups. Exoep~ as hereinafter pro-
vided, distances between opposing walls of build-
in~s in dwellin~ g~oups shall be not less than .--
those set forth below~
NelEhborhood Walls with Walls with Other Walls Walls
I)~nsity Living Room B~droom With Without
Cate~or~ Windows Windows Windows Windows
Low 40 24 lO 6
F~dlum 36 18 10 6
High 36 18 lo 6
Where opposinE walls differ in re~avd to type
of window openinEs, the larEest required distanoe
shall Eovevn, sxoept where the wall opposite is
without windows~ the disbanoe may be reduoed to th~
averaEe of the dtstanoes required for tbs types of
wall oonditions involved,
The required distanoes between buildings as
set forth above sha!l be ln~sassd one foot
for saoh four feet (4') the bulldinE exceed thi~t~
feet (30') in heiEht. Where buildinEs av~ un~q~l
In h~lEh~, the avevaEs helEht shall be used.
(i) Yards. Alone ~11 ~-8 Disb~iob boundaries,
~a~ds shall be provided whioh ave nob less in
mension ~han ~equived fo~ the abu~binE pvope~b} in
the adJolninE distviobs.
~.~.--Applioa~ion{' ~ appli~abion for
of a ~-G Dtsbviot s~ll be' ~de by all the owners as
set forth In Sea,ion ~.22 (a) and shsll b8 aooo~anied
b~ the filinE fee required by Seotion 6.6,
{~) ~ition. ~he peri,ion shall s~ forth ~h~
~, ~aw~s, ~dd~esses and ex~en~ of interest
o~ned in ~he pavoel proposed for P-$ Dls~vio~
2. A leEal deso~lp~ion of ~he parcel and a
statement of ~he numbe~ of aoves oon~ained
S. A Title Repo~ verifying ~he description
and vesbee8,
~. Title and o~he= da~a identifying ~he Een-
eva1 develop~nt a~ gene=al develop~nb schedule.
5, A desoPip~ion of the ~hod ~heveb2
landsoaped a=eas ad~aoenb ~o building sites and
landsoa~d ope. a=eas a=e ~o ~e es~a51i~i ahd
6. A declaration as to whether the parcel is
tO remain under the same ownership and control or
to be divided into smaller units during or after-
development and the manner and me,hod of said dj-
7. A copy of any proposed deed ves~rio~ions
and covenants proposed ~o be recorded.
8. A copy of any association, articles of in-
corporation and b2-1a~s and, should ~heve be no~,
~hen a s~a~emen~ of ~he proposed oon~en~s.
(b) General ~velop~n~ Plan. ~e General Develop-
menb ~lan shall inolude~
1. Topo~raph2 and Grading Plan. A map showing
b7 contour lines bhe exisbing bopogvaphio characbe~
of bhe land and bhe 'conbouvs bo ~hioh it ~ill be
graded. T~ contour inbervals and amounb of debail
sho~n shall, in bhe opinion of the Cib2 Engineer,
be adequabe bo provide a basis for determining gen-
eral phTsical feasibilib2 of bhe proposed develop-
menb. T~ Planning Co~ission may require a soils
and g~adin~ anal2sis b2 a oompe~en~ soils engineer.
2. Si~e ov Plo~ Plan. The si~e ov plo~ plan
shall be olearl2 and legibl2 ~va~n on a ~p no~ less
~han 18" x 26" in size and ~o a scale of no~ less
~han one inch equals one hundred fee~ (1" : 100'),
exoep~ ~ha~ should ~ area exceed 2~ aoves~ ~hen
~he scale ma2 be (1": 2~'), and s~ll sho~
(a) The dis~rio~ na~.
(b) Da~e of pvepara~ion.
(o) North Point.
(d) Scale.
(e) Names, addresses and telephone num-
bers of ~ecord o~ner and developer.
(f) Na~ and address of the person ~ho
prepared the ~p and the re~istrabion or li-
cense e
(~) District boundaries and acreage to
the nearest one-tenth (1/10) per cent.
(h) ~c~tio~s, n~es and present ~idths
of ad,scent
(i) Location of proposed streets and hi~h-
wa~s as shown on an~ precise plan or as Official
Plan Lines.
(J) The approximate locations and widths
of the streets and wa~s to be constructed in
the proposed
(k) The location of existing and appFoxi-
mate location of pFoposed sewers, ~torm drains,
fire h~drants, gas, wateF, poweF ~nd telephone -
lines and otheF public utilities and the appFox-
lmate widths and locations of all easements--re-
quired fop same and an~ othe~ existing ease-
(1) ~ppFo~imate location and dimension
(~) ~ blan~ space ct ei;ht~ (80) s;uaFe-
inches in area, o£ suitable shape for
sates, oond~tions and approvals, ere.
(n) The outlines of gFoves of tFees and
the approximate location of all other indivi-
dual ~rees with a ~Funk diameteF of
inches (8") or greater standln~ within the
boundaFies of the district.
(o) Landscaped and open areas which con-
stitute paFt of a lot, oF are adjacent to the
lot, oF afc reserved as open green areas
the benefit of the distr~ot or section.
(p) Number of spaces and appFoximate lo--
cation, dimensions and area of off-street park-
(q) Public areas pFoposed, if any.
3. Elevations and Prospective DFawingst Typi-
cal elevations of all proposed stFuotures shall be
submitted. Such dFawings need not be the result of
final aFchiteotural decisions and need not be in
detail. The purpose of such drawings is to indicate
within stated limits the height of proposedbuild-
lugs and the general appearance of the proposed
structuFes in order to determine whe~heF the entire
development or section will have architectural
and be in harmon~ with surrounding developments.
~. GeneFal DeveloDment Statements The General
(a) The a~e~ of e~oh unit o£ the district
and the percentage to be reserved as open green
or landscaped areas,
lb) The land area proposed for private
uses b7 t~pe of use for the entire
and each unit.
(o) The land area and number of
proposed for public uses of each type.
(d) The standards of usable private open
space, building coverage, and population den-
sit2 proposed for each unit of the development. -..
(e) The number of dwelling units proposed
b2 t2pe of dwelling.
(f) The total population anticipated in
the entire district and in each unit.
(g) ~he amount and t2Pe of private fcc-
reaction facilities proposed to be provided in
conjunction ,ith the development or an2 part
t he re of.
(h) The amount of floor area proposed in
commercial buildings with a description of the
general nature of uses proposed and the probable
trade 'or service area for the commercial uses.
(i) The percentage of each lot to be oc-
cupied b~ a structure and percentage to be
open and/or landscaped.
(J) The general character of public
provements and utilities proposed to be con-
structed and installed, time in which they are
proposed to be completed and the methods of
financing and dedicating said improvements.
(k) The method, source.and adequao7 of
services or utilities ~o provide wa~er, gas,
electric power, telephone, sewage, drainage
and fire protection to the area.
(o) General Development Schedule. The General De-
velopment Schedule sh~ll indicate to the best of the
applicant's knowledge the approximate date on which
construction of the project can be expected to begin,
the anticipated rate of development and completion
da~e. ~he Developmen~ Sohedule~ if approved b~ the
City Council, shall become part of the Development
Plan and shall be adhered to by the applicant and
his successors in interest.
4.25. Public Hearings; Findings Required; Plannin~ Com-
mission Act~. "
(a) Public Hearings: The Planning Commission shall
notice and hold public hearings as required by Sec-
tion 6.6 of the Zoning Ordinance. Prior to noticing.
the public hearing, the Planning Officer shall trans-
mit copies of the application to the department heads
and other agencies deemed necessary for report and
recommendation. The department heads upon receiving
the application shall make a report and recommenda-
tion to the Planning Officer within ten days after
receipt thereof.
(b) Findings Required: The Planning Commission may
approve the Plan and Schedule and recommend same to
the City Council upon finding and determining that:
1. The Application, General Development Plan
and General Development Schedule in form and content
comply with Section 4.2 et. seq.
2. The density proposed for the district con-
forms to the density prescribed by the adopted Gen-
eral Plan of the City.
3. An enforceable adequate program for con-
structlon and installation, and method of maintain-
ing landscaped open areas has been proposed.
4. Adequate public improvements and utilities
are proposed and they are to the standards of the
5. The sites proposed for public facilities,
such as schools, playgrounds and parks, are adequate
to serve the anticipated population and are accept-
able to'the public authorities having Jurisdiction
6. The streets and thoroughfares proposed are
suitably located and adequate to carry the antici-
pated traffic thereon.
7. Any proposed commercial development is
needed at the proposed location to provide adequate
commercial facilities of the type proposed.
8, The development will not generate traffic
which will be in excess of the capacity of streets
in adjacent areas, or place an overload on other
public improvements and facilities.
9. The proposed development will cpnstitute
an environment of sustained desirability~and sta-
bility and will be in harmony with the ~haracter
of the surrounding area.
10. The proponents of the PlannedCommunity De-
velopment intend and are capable of submitting spe-
cific unit development plans for the first unit of
development within one year after establishment of
the Planned Community District and of completing
construction of said unit within two years after
approval thereof.
11. Construction of the public and private im-
provements in the whole district will be completed
within five years after establishment of the Planned
Community District except that the Planning Commis-
sion may consider the nature and size of the dis-
trict as a basis for providing time for completion
up to ten years.
12. The uses and development proposed conform
with the adopted General Plan of the City.
13. Height, space between structures and ope~.
areas are within the limits of the following sched-
As set forth in Section 4.23
14. Adequate off-street parking has been pro-
vided of nob less than one and one-half spaces per
dwelling unit except bhab the Planning Commission
may in its discretion increase this requirement bo
two parking spaces per dwelling unit and in either
instance further require bhab one space be a garage
and the additional space or part thereof be in an
open parking area.
15. Whether a subdivision plat and proceeding
should be required pursuant bo the Government Code
and 0iby~s Subdivision Ordinance.
(c) Planning 0ommission Action: The Plannin~ Com-
mission may m$.ke the reoonmmendation provided in
Subsection (b) above upon making the required find
(d) Council Action: The Council upon receipt of
the Planning Commission recommendations shall notice
and hold public hearings as required b2 Section 6.6
of the Zonin~ Oudinance. The Council ma2 after
hearings as required rezone the area P-C as proposed
or modify or disapprove the proposed rezoning.
Should the Council approve the proposal, an ordi-
nance shall be passed adopting the map approved b2
the Council as an amendment to the City's Zoning
map for said area and shall include in said ordinance
the regulations for said district.
4.26. Modification or Amendment: The P-C District Gen-
eral Development Plan ma2 be modified or the District ma2
be amended.
(a) Modifications The Planning Commission ma2 issue
a Consent to Modification of the General Development
Plan, provided the modification does not materially
change the nature, character and design of the P-C
District. The Consent to Modification shall consist
of a description of the modification and a plat or
map illustrating the modification, and shall be
dated and signed b2 the chairman of the Planning
Commission and Planning Officer. A copy of the Con-
sent shall be filed in Central Records and the Clerk
shall endorse on the original General Plan a refer-
ence to said Consent.
(b) The P-C District ma2 be amended in the manner
provided for in Section 6.6 of the Zoning Ordinance;
except that the application for amendment shall be
accompanied b2 an amending application showing the
specific changes sought in the application or part
thereof and no amendment shall be approved unless
the Planning Commission. make~ ~indings thereon as -
required under Section ~.2~ (a) for the original ap-
4.27. Administration. The Planning Officer shall compare
the actual development accomplished in the various P-C
Districts or units of said Districts wi, th the approved
development schedules and shall report findings monthly
to the Planning Commission.
If in the opinion of the Planning Commission the
o~ner or o~ners of property in any P-C District are fall-
ing or have failed to meet the approved schedule, the
Commission may initiate proceedings to remove the P-C
District from the Zoning Map. Upon the recommendation
of the Planning Commission and for good cause sho~n b
the propert~ owner, ~ the City Coungil..ma~ extend the l~mi~s.
imposed b2 ~h~ ~V~lUt;~ .~eH~d~l~,
Uses permitted subject to first procuring a Use Permit
in each case and subject to the provisions of Sections
4,41, 4.42 and 4.43:
(a) Retail stores and personal service estab-
lishments and offices.
(b) Research laboratories.
(c) Si§ns appurtenant to any permitted use.
(d) Any outdoor sales or drive-in establishments
including gasoline service stations or similar
Said uses shall be free of nuisance factors, such as
bject~onable siEhts, sounds and smells.
Ord. ~518 - 2/1765 ~ Rev. Ord. #§46 - 5/16/66)
The following regulations shall applY in all P-1 Dist-
ricts and shall be subject to the provisions of Section
5 of this, Ordinance.
4'51 Uses Permitted
(a) General offices, executive and administrative
offices, clinics, and other uses which, in the
Opinion of the Planning Commission, are similar.
4.52 Uses Permitted, subject to first procuring a Use Permit
in each case
(a) Multiple dwellings, mortuaries, electronic research
laboratories, and Other laboratories of a similar
type or nature, restaurants, service stations.
4.53 Signs
One (1) single-faced sign, not to exceed one hundred (100)
square feet in area, may be erected for each building site.
Any such sign shall be erected flatwlse on the face of
the building, and if lighted, shall be non, flashing, non-
revolving, and non-scintillating. No sign shall project
lngo any side or rear yard, or over any public street.
4.54 Building Height Limit
(a) Maximum height of any building, fifty (50) feet, pro-
vided that additional height may be permitted if a
use permit is first obtained in each case
4.55 Building Site Area Required
(a)For each main building - minimum of ~ten. thousand
(lO,O00) square feet
4.56 ~lnlmum Yards Required
(a) Front Yards - minimum required twentY-five (25)
(b) Side Yards - minimum required ten (10) feet, except
that on the street side of a corner lot the minimum
shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
(c)Rear Yards - minimum requiredf twenty-five (25) feet
(Ord, #431'- 2/16/59)
4.57 Fences
Fence heights shall not exceed three (3) feet in any
front or side yard extending between any building and
any street line. All fences at the side of, cr~to the
rear of. any building shall have a maximum height of
eight (8) feet; provided, however, that fences along
or near property lines adjoining any R District shall
not exceed six (6) feet in height.
4.58 Parking Required
(a) Off-street parking on the building site shall be
required in.P-1 Districts according to the following
1. Offices, restaurants, mortuaries or clinics:
Minimum of one (1) parking space for each two
hUndred square feet of floor area; .
2. Research or other laboratories, minimum of
one (1) parking space for each five hundred
(500) square feet of floor area;
3. Motels, minimum of one (1) parking space
for each unit
4.59 Architectural Control
The same rules and regulations pertaining to architect-
ural control in an R-3, C or M Die,riot shall obtain with
respect to all P-1 Districts.
(Ord.. #431 - 2/16/59)
5.7, ~urpose. Planned Unit Developments are permitted
in order to allo~ diversification In use and in the
relationships of various buildings, structures and
open spaces in planned bulldin~ ~voups and varia-
tions in the allowable heights of buildings and
structures, while insuring substantial compliance
with the District Regulations and other provisions
~. of this ordinance, in order that the intent of this
ordinance in requiring adequate standards related
to the public health~ safety and general welfare
may be observed without unduly inhibiting develop-
ers attempting to secure She advantages of modern-
larEs-scale site plannin~ for residential, commer-
~ sial or lndusSvial purposes. Where use is made of
· the Planned Unit Development process, as provided
in this section~ a Zoning Permit shall not be is-
sued fo? such development or par$ thereof until
the said development has been approved as herein
5.71. Procedures. The followint p~ocedures shall apply
%o the establishment of a Planned Unit Development
~ in any Zonin~ Distrio~ wherein it is a pe~mitted
use except ~hat in a P-C District the terms of the
ordinance establishing the District may set forth
· the requirements fey permitting a Planned Unit De-
velopment in said P-C District, the regulations
whieh shall be substantially the same as the regu-
lation set forth in the Planned Unit Development
sections of the Zoning Ordinance.
(a) Applicatlog: An application consisting of a
verified petition of all the owners, a site plan
and architectural plans shall be filed with the
Planning Commission. The form.and content of the
petition and site plan are hereinafte~ set forth.
1. Petition: The petition shall set forth
(a) Names, addresses and extent of inter-
est owned in the parcel proposed for P.U.
District zoning o~ permit.
(b) A legal description of the parcel-and
a statement of the numbe~ of ao~ee ecu-
rained therein.
(c) A Title Repo~t ve~if~lr~ the deee~ip-
(d) Title and other data identifying the ~ener-
al development and general development schedule,
(e) The method whereby the landscaped areas
adjacent to building sites and landscaped open
areas are to be established and maintained.
(f) A declaration as to whether the parcel is
to remain under the same ownership and control
or to be divided into smaller units during or
after development and the manner and method of
said division.
(g) A copy of any proposed deed restrictions
and covenants proposed to be recorded.
(h) A copy of any'--association, articles or in-
corporation and by-laws and, should there be
none, then a statement of the proposed contents.
2. Site Plan: The site plan shall be clearl~ and
legibly drawn on a map not less than 18" x 26 in
size and to a scale o£ not less than one inch equals
one hundred feet (1" ~ lC0t) and shall show:
(a) The title of Planned Unit; date of prepara-
tion; north point; scale; names and addresses
and telephone numbers of record owners and
velopers; name, address and registration or li-
cense number of person who p~epared the map;
and a blank space of eight2 (80) square inches
in ax. es, of suitable shepe for certification
conditions and approval.
(b)- Unit boundaries and acreage to the nearest -
one-tenth (I/lOth) per cent; lot lines and dimen-
sions of all lots and area of each lot given to
the nearest two (2) per cent of area; and land-
scaped and open areas which constitute part of a
lot, or are adjacent to the lot or are reserved
as open green areas for the benefit of the unit
or district of which it is a part.
(c) Location, names and eldths of adjacent
streets; proposed streets and highways as shown
on an2 precise plan or as official plan lines;
existing and proposed streets, ways, sewers,
storm drains, fire hydrants, gas, ~ater, po~er
and telephone, and other public utilities for
the unit.
(d) The outllnel of grove, of trees and the lo-
cation of all ct er Individual trees with a
diameter of sigh inches (8") or ~-~eater stand-
ing within the b~unda~ies of the unit.
(e) Location, s~.ze~.present use and proposed use
of existing and ~roposed buildings and structures;
yards and open s~aces, walls and fences. Height'
and materials s~ll be shown for buildings, struc-
tures, walls and fences.
(f) Location, dimensions of-and number of spaces
in existing and proposed off-street parking areas.
(g) Internal circulation for pedestrians and
(h) Location of points of ingress and egress to
public s tree ts.
(i) Location, dimensions and numbe~ of spaces
for loadin~ and the internal circulation for
loading operations.
(J) Location, size, height, type of materials
and lighting of existing and proposed signs.
(k) Location and nature of street and area
llghttn~ including types of hooding devices.
(1) Plans showing existing grades and proposed
finished grades and system for drainage.
(m) Street dedications proposed.
3. Architectural drawings and sketches indicating
buildln~ floor plans and the exterior elevations of
the building or structures proposed.
4. Other data necessary for the Commission and
0omncil to make their required findings.
§~ Subdivision Requirements: Should & ~dtvisioe
of ~he u~lt b~ proposed or undertaken, ~ map and
other regulations of the subdivision o~dinance shall
General Requirements and ExceDtions.
(a) Planned Unit Developments in all districts shall
compl~ with the following requirements:
1. The parcel on which the development is to
be located she. Il be in one ownership or under uni-
fied control and include an area of at least four
(4) acres except that an area may be less than four
acres if it is bounded on all sides by streets,
public open spaces, boundary lines of less restricted
zoning dist~.icts, or natural features which tend to
separate the parcel from adjoining land.
2. The proposed development shall be in con-
formity with the adopted General Plan of the City
and shall conform with any applicable precise plans
adopted in conformance therewith for the purpose of
effectuating the General Plan.
3. The proposed development shall be designed
to produce an environment of stable and desirable
character in harmony with the character of the sur-
rounding area.
4. The spacin~ between main buildings shall
be at least equivalent to the spacing which would
be required between buildings similarly developed
under the terms of this ordinance on separate par-
cels, due considera$ion being given to building
height and to the openness normally afforded by in-
tervening streets and alleys.
5. The development shall not produce a volume
of traffic in excess of the capacity for which the
access streets are designed. Vehicular entrances
and exits shall be carefully located and designated
to minimize hazards. The Plan shall provide for
safe, convenient internal circulation, pedestrian
and vehicular.
(b) A Planned Unit Development in a P-C District
shall conform to the terms of the ordinance estab-
lishing the P-C District and, where not in conflict
therewith, to the General Development Plan and Gen-
eral Development Schedule for the respective P-C
(c) A Planned Unit Development iu any other dis-
trier shall conform to all requirements of the Zon-
ing O~diuauce for such district, except as otherwise
specifically permitted by this section. Planned
Unit Developments in districts other than P-C Dis-
triers shall in addition to other requirements eom-
pl~ with the following:
1. Any buildings exceeding in height the lim-
it normally permitted in the district shall be so
located on the parcel so as to obviate the casting
of unbroken shadows on adjoining parcels.
2. Yards which are not less in dimension than
otherwise required in the district in which situated
shall be provided along the parcel lines bounding
each Planned Unit Development.
· 5.73. Residential Planned Unit Development: Definition,
Requirements and Exceptions:
(a) A Residential Planned Unit Development is a de-
velopment planned and executed as a unit and consist-
ing of a single family, two-family or multiple dwellings
or any appropriate combination thereof, together with
related uses serving only the individual Planned Unit
(b) In districts other than P-C Districts the total
parcel area shall be not less than ninety per cent
90%) of that normally required in the district in
which located for the same number of dwelling units
of equivalent sizes.
(c) The development shall include the provision for
recreation areas adequate to meet the needs of the an-
ticipated'population of the development, or such areas
as may be specified in the Master Plan or in the ap-
proved General Development Plan and General Development
Schedule for any P-C District.
(d) The development may include commercial and pro-
fessional uses as an integral part of a residential
development; but such uses shall be planned and gauged
primarily for the services and convenience of residents
and people workiu~ within, although not residents of,
the Planned Unit Development, and shall be authorized
only to the extent that such uses are not available to
the residents in reasonable proximity thereto.
(e) Adequate off-street parkinm shalI be provided of
not less than one and one-half (1½) spaces per dwelling
unit, except that the Planning Commission may in its
discretion increase this requirement to two parking
spaces per dwelling unit and in either instance further
require that cue space be a garage and the additional
space o~ part thereof be an open parkin~ a~ea.
~.?~. Commercial-Industrial Planned Unit Development:
Definition, Requirements and Exceptions.
(a) A Commercial-Industrial Planned Unit Development
is a development planned and executed as a unit and
consisting of commercial or industrial uses or any
appropriate combination thereof together with related ·
(b) The development shall make adequate provision for
delivery and shipment of materials b2 truck or rail;
standing space for service vehicles; parking for visi-
tors, clients, customers and emplo2ees. In no case
shall a lesser number of parking or loading spaces be
provided than required b2 Section 4.1 for similar uses,
and the Planning Commission may increase said require-
merits b2 lift2 per cent (50%).
(c) Noise, dust, odor, smoke and vibration shall be
limited or controlled so as not to be detrimental to
uses within the development or adjoining properties.
(d) Storage and handling of explosive or otherwise po-
tentiall2 dangerous materials shall be limited to the
extent necessar2 to protect the public safer2.
2°75. Amendment or Modification: A Planned Unit Development
~lan and any requirements imposed as a condition of
granting a Use Permit therefor may be amended or modi-
fied on application b2 the developer, or through pro-
ceedings initiated by the Planning Commission or City
The procedure for amendment or modification shall be the
same as required for the originalapplieation.
~.76. Expiration of Use Permit and Extension of Time: Unless
an extension of time is granted b2 the Cit2 Council, a
Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development shall expire
one 2ear after it is issued, if development pursuant to
it has not commenced.
~.7~ Building Plans and Permits, Review b2'Planninm Officer
and Issuance of Endorsement: Prior to issuance of the
~uilding Permit to applicant, the Building Inspector
shall submit to the Planning Officer two sets of the
plane and the permit he proposes to issue. The Planning
Officer shall review the proposed permit and plans and
determine whether the2 conform to the approved planned
unit development plans. If the2 conform, the Planning
Officer shall endorse approval on both copies of the
permits and plans, returning one set to the Building
Inspector and retaining one set for the Planning Com-
mission files. There shall be no charges made in the
plans as approved by the Planning Officer unless they
are submitted to the Planning Officer as hereinabove
(a) Verification of Construction: The Planning Offi-
cer and Building Inspector shall during the course
of construction determine whether the construction
is proceeding in accordance with the approved
planned unit plans, and should construction not bs
proceeding in accordance therewith, they shall
exercise their powers to cause said construction
to stop.
(b) Report regarding General Development Schedule:
The Planning Officer shall file a monthly report
with the City Council, Planning Commission and
City Manager as to whether the construction in
the Planned Unit Development is proceeding accord-
ing to the approved schedule.
(Ord. #490 - 4/15/63)
"Construction of garages and carports to serve any
duplex, apartment house, dwelling group or other
building or structure containing two or more residen-
tial units shall be regulated by the following pro-
(a) Any garage, carport or other structure
used for or intended to be used for the housing
or shelter of vehicles to meet the other require-
ments of this Ordinance, and opening directly..
on to any public street or alley, shall be en
closed on three sides, and shall be equipped with
a door or doors, or other solid devices, capable
of enclosing the other or.fourth side.
(b) Open garages and carports shall be per-
mitted only when the vehicular entrance thereof '
is at an angle of not less than ninety (90) degrees
from the adjoining public street or alley.
(c) Where any door which swings outward
from the face of the garage entrance is installed,
the garage or carport entrance shall be set back
not less than twenty-four (24) feet. If a hori-
zontal or vertical sliding door is installed, the
garage or carport entrance shall be set back twenty-
one (21) feet. Such setback shall be measured
from the inboard edge of the sidewalk line. If '
no sidewalk or sidewalk line has been established,
such set back shall be measured from the property
(ora, ~)41 - 1/17/66)
(Note: This section was erroneously numbered 5.7.
An amending ordinance is being dFafted to change
the number of, the section to 5.8)
6.21 Applications:
(a} Application for Use Permits may be made only by
an interested party and shall be made to the
Planning Commission in writing on a form pre-
scribed by the Commission and shall be accompanied
by plans and elevations necessary to show the de-
tail of the proposed use of building. Such applic-
ations shall be accompanied by a fee of twenty
dollars (-~20.00) each.
(b) When an application has been filed, the Planning
Commission Secretary shall process it as expedi-
tiously as possible and set a public hearing.
(Ord. #468 - 7/17/61)
6.22 Public Hearings:
(a) A public hearing shall be held within thirty (30)
days after the filing of the application, notice
of which shall be given by one publication in a
newspaper of general circulation in the City at
least ten (lC) days prior to such hearing and by
posting notice on the property involved, or adjacent
thereto at least ten (10) days prior to such hearing.
(Ord. #468 - 7/17/61)
6.2B. Action b2 Commission:
(a) In order for it to recommend the grantin~ of any
use permit the findings of the Planning ~ommission
shall be to the effect that the establishment,
maintenance, operation or the use of the building -
for which a permit is sought will not, under the
circumstances of the particular case, be 8ertl-
mental to the health, safety, peace, moralS, com-
fort and general welfare of persons residing or
working in the neighborhood of such proposed use,
and will not be detrimental or injurious to pro-
perry and improvements iu the neighborhood or the
general welfare of the city. Where a use permit
is requested for a Planned Unit Development find-
ings shall also be made ou the matters required to i
be set forth iu the Application; on the Planned
Unit Development's conformity to the relevant pro-
visions of sections 5.?2, 5.73 and 5.?4, and as
set forth below in order for the Planning Commission.
to make an affirmative recommendation.
1. In case of residential development in districts
other than P-C Districts that the total parcel
area is not less than ninety per cent (9b%) of
that normally required iu the District iu which
~ located for the same number of dwelling units
of equivalent sizes.
2. THat yards are provided along the parcel lines
bounding such Planned Unit DevelOpment not less
in dimension than otherwise required in the
District in which situated.
3. That the spacing between main buildings is at
least equivalent to the spacin~ which would be
required between buildings similarly developed
under the terms of this Ordinance on separate
parcels, due consideation being given to building
height and to the openness normally afforded by
intervening streets and alleys.
4. Buildings exceeding in height the limit normally
permitted in the District, are so located on the
I parcel as to obviate the casting of unbroken
I ~ shadows on adjoining parcels.
5. That the proposed development is designed to
produce an environment of stable and desirable
6. That the proposed development includes provision
for recreation areas to meet the anticipated
needs of the population or such areas as may be
specified in the Master Plan or in the approved
· General Development Plan and Schedule for the
P-C District.
7. That an enforceable adequate method and program
for construction, installation and maintenance
of landscaped open areas has been developed and
8. That for any development in a P-C District the
Planned Unit Development conforms to the terms
of the ~ordinance establishing the district and
where not in conflict therewith the provisions
of the General Development Plan and Schedule
for the District.
6.31 (b) When an application has been filed, the Planning
Commission Secretary shall process it as expe-
ditiously as possible and set a public hearing.
~ (Ord. #468 - 7/17/61)
6,32 Public Hearings:
(a) A public hearing shall be h~ld within thirty (30)
days after the filing of the application, notice
of which shall be given by one (1) publicatien in
a newspaper of general circulation,
(Ord. #468 - ?/l?/61)
1. Ordinance #511 - West Park Planned Community District
2. Ordinance #528 - Stonegate Ridge Planned Communiey
3. Ordinance #545 = Stonegate Ridge Planned Community
District Amendment
The City Council of the City of South San Francisco does
ordain as follows~
The ~ollowin~ paroel of p~opa~y is hereby zoned ~ Planned
Co~ntcy District or P.C. District and iC s~ll contain a Sin~le'
Felly Zone, a Hulciple Family Zone and a Co~go~l Zone as here-
/~f~e~ sec forth:
All =~= certain real proper~y si=~Ce in ~he City of
Sou=h San Francisco, County of San ~eo, S~a~e of
Californ~, being a por~ion of the lands
Buri Buri, described as ~ollows:
BEGIN~NG aC a' poinC on the Northwesterly prolongaCion
of oho cenCerlina of ~nC Drive, disCanC thereon N.
22° 18' ~" W 90.~ feeC from the intersection of said
cenCerline With the NorC~esCerly boun~ry of West-
borough UniC No. lB, as said Drive and said Subdivision
are shown on cha ~p entitled "T~CT N0.798 ~STBOROUGH
UNIT NO. lB S~ ~TEO COUP, ~l~~", which
was recorded Sep~e~er 13, ~96~ in Book ~ of ~ps aC
Pages 16 and ~7, San ~Ceo CgunCy Records; thence from
said point of beginning S 67° 42' ~" W.
thence tangent Co the preceding course Souc~escerly
along the arc of a cu~e co the left ~v~ng 9 radius
of ~15.00 feec and a central angle of 83~ 09' 32", an
arc distance of 791.01 feet; thence CangenC
ceding cu~eS' ~o 27' 32" E. ~16.~2 feet; thence "
Cansenc Co cha precadinS =~rsa Souc~escarly along
. .the arc of a cu~e Co ~ha ~shc ~vins a radius of
217.3t ~ee~ and a oenCral ansle of 94v 17~ 38" aa arc
distance o; 357.70 [eet to a point on the South-
westerly line o£ lands £ormerly o£ San 14ares Title
Co. as described in deed recorded in Volume 3638
Of Of Eicial Records of San Nates County a~ Pa&e 724;
_thence aloeS said Soutlvaesterly line N,36° 25'
W. 1575.O2 [eec Co the Southeasterly. line o; lands
[ormerly o; Title Insurance and Trust Co,, aa
scribed in deed recorded in Volume 3215 o; O[[icial
Records.o[ San Nates County at page_214; thence
'along said Southeasterly line $..77° 14' 00" W. 87.3~
[eec to the.most Southerly corner of said Lands of
Title Insurance and Trust Co., beins also a:point on
the Northeasterly boundary o[ Skyline Boulevard;
thence along said Northeasterly line o£ Skyline Boule-
vard N. 36° 25' OO" W. 786.99 feet; thence leavins
said Northeasterly boundary o£ Skyline Boulevard aloeS
the Southwesterly line nE saidLanda o; Title Insur-
ance and Trust Co., N. 27° 56' O0' W, 908.59 [eeC;
thence along the Westerly line o; lands formerly
Jory~ et al, as described in deed recorded in Volume
3507 o[ O£[icial Records o; San ltateo County at pase
121, N 18° 15' on't W 935.98 [eeC; thence along the
Northwesterly. line of said lands formerly o; Jory N.
45o 00' OO' E 867.44 [eec to a point thereon; thence
leavin~ said Northwesterly line S, 40° lO' OO" E.
.2289.73 leer;' thence tangent Co the preceding course
Southeasterly aloes the arc o; a curve to the right
ha¥in§_a radius o; 2839.75 [eec and a central angle
lOu 10' 00", au arc distance of 503,89 feet; thence tan-
sent to the precedins.curve S 30° OO' 00' E 335.31
thence can§eeC Co the precedin§ course Southeasterly
alonR the arc of a curve to the right havin~ a radius
o; 2795.00 feet and a central an~le o; 7° 42' OO" an
arc distance of 375,62 feec~ thence taesent to the
r$ced!n.g curve S 22° 18' 00" E 20.00 [eec; thence S
7 42' 00" W 45.00 feet to the ~oint of be~inninS ~.,
and containinS 106,930 acres of Land~ more or less.
(Also re[erred to as Nei§~borhood 18 of the General
PLan of South San' Francisco) .- ..
Parcel A hereinafter described is zoeed an~ established as
Sinsla Family Zona~ Parcel B haraina£te~ described is zoned and
'escablished az a 14ulcipie Fanctly Zone, and Parcel C hereina[cer
deserLbed La..=oned and eSCabliehed aa'~a ¢ommr~al Zone,
A o SinSLe Family Zone
ALL thac certain ~eaL p~opeF~ s~e ~n ~he C~ o~
~ou~h San F~anc~sco, County o~ San ~eo, S~ace o~
o~a~ being a port,on o~ the ~ando ~n ~ncho Bur~
CLescrtbed aa ~o~s~
~EGI~ING a~ a po~n~ on the northwesterly prolouga~ion
of the cenCerline of ~on= Drive, distant thereon N 21°
0'5~ 35" W 89.99 feet from the inCersec~ion of said
terline ~th ~he norC~esCerly boun~ of t~C sub-
division entitled Wes=borough UniC Ns.lB, a8 said Drive
and said Subdivision are sho~ on the Mp entitled "~
NO. 798~ ~STBO~UGH ~IT NO.1B, S~ ~TEO CO~,
O~'~ which Mp was recorded Septe~er 13~ 1961 in Book
San ~Ceo Coun~[5?cords;
~ sE ~ps a~ Fases 16 and 17, o , .
thence Erom said FoUnt sE Be~nn~nS N 68 ~ E, ~.~
EeeC; thence N 2L° O~* 3~" ~ 20.~ Eee~; ~hence ~ansen~
co c~ preced~n~ course northwesterly alons the arc sE a
~e Co ~he leEC ~v~nS a radius sE 279~.7~ feec and a
cen~ra~ ans~e si 7° ~2* ~'t an arc length 9[ 37~.~9 [eeC~
thence ~an~en~ ~o ~he preced~flS cu~e N 28° ~7* 3~"
33~.28 Ieee; ~hence ~an~enC Co ~he precedin~ course
~es~erly alon~ ~he arc o~ a cu~e ~o the le[C ~vins
rad~ sE 2839.~9 ~ee~ and acentral an~le, si 6° ~ls
an arc lensch sE 33~.89 [ee~ Co ~he TR~ ~0I~ OF
o~ the parcel ~o be described herein; ~hence [rom sa~d
~0I~ OF BE~I~ING conc~n~n~.alons la8~ sa~d cu~e [rom
a Canzen~ Chac bears N 3~~ 29' 2~" ~ northwesterly a~on~
the arc o~ a cu~e ~o ~he le[C havin~ a rad~ si 2839.~9
Eee~ and a.cen~ral an~le si 3° 28e ~' an arc length si
L7~.9~ Ieee; thence Cansenc ~o ~he preced~n~ cu~e N 38°'
~7* 3~" ~ 1772.02 ~eeCJ thence S ~1° 02~ ~ ~
Ieee; thence Cansen~ Co the precedin~ course s~h~es~er-
ly alons ~he arc sE a cu~e co ~he le[~ ~vin~ a radius
o~ ~0,~ [ee~ and a central ansle si ~0~ 37e 17" an arc
length o~ 687.73 ~ee~ Co a ps,nc si co~ound cu~acure;
thence ~ansenc ~o the precedinS cu~e southeasterly on
the arc si a cu~e ~o ~he ~eEc_~v~ng a radius si ~3~0.~
[ee~ and a cencra~ ansle si 28~ 18~ ~7" an arc ~en~ch
66~.98 Eee~ ~o a ps,nC o~ compound cu~aCure~ ~hence Can-
~enC Co ~he preced~nS cu~e southeasterly on ~he arc sE
a cu~e ~o ~he ~e~ ~v~nE a radius o~' ~30,~ ~eeC and a
cen~ral an~le sE 37° ~* ~6*' an arc lens~h sE 3~9.08 EeeCJ
thence ~an~nc co the preced~nS cu~e S 7~° 38~ ~'* E
L~.60 feet, thence ~an~en~ co ~he precedLnS course souza
~sCerLy on ~he arc o~ a cu~e ~o ~he r~shc ~v~n~ a radLo
us o~ ~30.~ [ee~ and a central an~le si l~o 38t ~*t an
arc.lensch o~ ~3~,~6 ~eeC; thence Cansen~~ Co ~he preced-
ing cu~e S 61° ~' E, ~22,~_~eeg~ ~hence ~ngenc co
~:he r:L&ht hav~ng a radS. us o£ 530.00 £ee~: and a cen~a~
an~le o~ 2~o 1~' ~" an arc length o~ 22~'~6 ~get;
=hence tangent to the preced~n~ cu~e S 36° ~6" ~" E
60.00 feet; thence a~ r~ght angles to the precedinS
course N ~3° ~ OO' E ~7.~2 feet; ~hence ~ngenC Co
~t~e precedSns course northeasterly alon~ the arc o[ a
c~.~e ~o the r$ght ~vSng a radSus of 7~.OO feet and a
central angle oE 2° 42~ ~6" an arc length o~ 33,~
thence ~n~en~ Co ~he p~ece~n$ .cu~e N ~o ~6~
~O.~ [eec to the ~ POI~ OF BEGI~IN~ aad containing
38.669 acres o~ land, more or less.
The Cal$[ornSa CoordSnace System, Zone 3~ ~8 been used
as t~ basso of bearSng [or the purpose o[ thSs descrip-
tion. A~I bearings sSven are ~rSd bearings. All
antes gSven are Sr~d dSstance8. To conve~c S~id dSstance
~o ground d$o~ances ~$ply srSd d~scance by ~,~O922,
Farcel B - ~lcSp~e Fam$~y Zone
AlL ~hat certaSn rea~ property a~t~e ~n the C~ty o[
Sou~h San Francisco, County oE San ~ceo, State oE
o~a, beSng a portion o[ the lands Sn ~ncho ~r$ Bur~,
described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the northwesterly pro~on~a~$on
o[ ~he centerlSne o[ ~n~ Dr~ve, dSs~anc ~hereon N 2L°
O~~ 3~'* ~ 89,99 [eec from ~he ~n~ersecCion oE said center-
~$ne wSth the northwesterly boun~ry oE ~ subd$v~s$on
ent$~ed ~estboroush Un$Z No, ~B, as saSd ~ve and saSd
Subdivision are sho~ on the Mp en~tled **T~ NO.
~hich ~p was recorded September ~3, 196~ ~n Book ~ of
~p8 at ~a~es ~6 and ~7) San ~teo County Records~ thence
from said POint o~ Beg$nnin~ S 68° ~4' 2~" N 10~.~O [eetJ
thence tansen~ to ~he preceding course sout~estezly off :
~he arc o[ a cuxwe to ~he le~ hav~ng a radius o[ ~.9~
[eec and a central angle oE 37° 18* ~" an arc.length oE
3~.88 ~ee~ Co ~he ~ POI~ OF BEGINNI~ o[ the parcel ~..
co be described ~hereSn; thence [rom~saSd T~ POI~ OF
BEGI~ING contSnuSn~ alon~ ~ast saSd cu~e [rom a ~ansent
t~C b~r8 S 3~° 3~' ~" ~ southerly on the arc oE a
cu~e to the le[c havSng a radius o~ ~44.9~ [eec and
a central angle o[ 4~o ~O, ~,, an arc length oE
Ieee; ~hence tangent Co the preced~n~ cu~e S ~4~ 1~* O7*t
E 4L6.38 fee~; thence ~n~enC .Co ~he precedSng course
southwesterly on the arc oE a cu~e co ~he rSghc havSns
a radSu8 o~ 2~7;33 [ee~ and a cen~ra~ angle o~ 9~o ~7*
38" an arc length o~ 3~7,67 ~ee~ co a poSnc on the
~esCer!Y lLne~of ~n~ fo~rly of San ~ceo Coun~y,Ti~o
Company as described in deed recorded in Vol~_~e 3638
oE O£[ic£al Records of San Mateo County at Pase 724;
Chance along said southwesterly line N 35° 12' 35"
W 1§74.87 £eet to the southeasterly Line of Lands £or-
marly of Title Insurance and Trust Company as described
in deed recorded in Volume 3215 of Official Records of
San MaCao County'a~ Page 214; thence along said south-
easterly line S 78° 26' 25" W 87.33 fea~ Fo ~hm most
southerly corner of saidLands of Title Insurance and
Trust Company, being also a point on the northeasterly
Boundary of Skyline Boulevard; thence along said north-
easterly line of Skyline Boulevard g 35° 12' 35" ~
786,92 feet; thence Leaving said northeasterly boundary
of Skyline Boulevard along the'southwesterly line oi
saidLands o£ Title Insurance and Trust Company N 26°
43' 35" ~'908.51 feet; thence along the westerly and
northwesterly line of Lands of~esCborough Ho~es N
17° 02' 35" ~ 935.89 feet and N 460 12' 25" E 867.36
feeC to a point'thereon; thence leaving said'nor~hweater-.
ly line S 38° 57'. 35" E 517.49 feet; thence S 51u 02'
" OO" W 305.67 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course
southwesterly along the arc of a curve to the left hav-
in; a radius of 650.00 feet and a central angle of 60°
~ 37' 17" an arc length of 687.73 feet to a point of com-
pound curvature; thence.tangent to the preceding curve
. southeasterly on the arc of a curve to,the left having
a'radiua of ~350.OO feeC and a central an;la of 28° 1~'
27" an arc length of 666.98 feet to a point of compound
curvature;, thence tangent to. the preceding curve south-
easterly on the arc of a curve to the le£t havin§ a radius
of 530.00 feet. and a central angle of 37o 44' 16' an arc
lan§th of ~49.08 £eet; thence tan;ent to the preceding
curve-S 75° 38' OO" E 130.60 feet;~thence tangent to the
preceding course southeasterly on the arc of a curve
the right havin2 a radius of ~30.00 feetand a central
angle of 14° 38r OO'' an arc distance of 135.36 feet;
thence tangent to the precedin; curve S 61° OO' E 122.OO
[eat; thencetan§ent to the.preceding course southeaSter-
ly on the arc. of a curve to the risht_havin§ a-radius of
530.00 feet and a central angle of.24u'14' 00" an arc
distance of 224.16 feet; thence tangent to the preceding
curve S 36° 46' 00" E 60.00 feet; thence at ri§hr
to the preceding course N 53° 14' OO" E 537.12 fleet;
thence tangent to the preceding course northeasterly alanS
the arc.ola curve to the ri~h~ having a radius of 700.00
feetand a central, ansieoi ~o 42' 36~ an arc lensth
~ 33,11 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve N
56'.. 36".E 140.,OA,;feet; thence from a tangent that, bea~s..
S 35° 290 24" g southeasterly on the arc of a curve .
to the right having a radius of 2839.49 feeC and a cent
ral angle of 6° 4l' 49" an a~c Length o~ 33L.89 ~eec;
Chance ~angen~ co ~he p~eceding cu~e S 28°
70.83 ~ee~; ~hence S 6~o ~2' ~'* ~ 1~.~7 ~eec; ~hence
~ngen~ ~o the preceding course sou~hwes~e~7 on ~he a~c
o~ a ~e ~o the Le~c having a ~adius o~ 7~.~ ~eeC and
a central ang~e o~ 7° 58~ ~ an a~c ~engCh o~ 97.33
~ee~; .~hence ~angenC Co ~he p~eced~ng cu~e S 53°
~ ~3.52 ~eeC; ~hence a~ r~ghc angles ~o ~he preceding
course S ~36° ~6e ~"0 E 520.~ ~eeC; thence
preceding course southeastern7 on ~he ~c~.o~ a cu~e ~o
~he ~ighC having a radius o~ 2~.~ ~eeC and a cen~a~
ang~e.o~ 27° ~' ~L" an ~ length o~ 9~.6~ ~ee~
poinC.~he~eon; .~hence H 20~ ~L**
T~ POI~ OF BEGI~I~ and con~ning 59.~5 ac~e8 o~
~and, ~e o~ ~ess,
The ~L~o~a Coo~d~c~ SysCemo Zone 3o ~s been used
as ~he bas~s o~ b~ns ~o~ ~he pu~oSe o~ ~h~s description,
A~ bea~nS8 s~ven a~e ~d bea~nss. A~
a~e ~d d~s~nce8. To convert s~d d~s~nce
dis~nce~ ~ltiply s~id dis~nce by 1,~922.
Pa~oel C '= Co~e~cial Zone
Ai~ t~t certain ~eal property 8it~te ~n~ the City o~
South San Franciscoo C~n~y o~ San ~teoo Sta~e o~
o~, being a port,on o~ the lands
~sc~ibed as
the cenCer~ine og ~on~ ~ive, distant Che~eon N 2~°
05' 35" ~ 89.99 ~eeC ~om the intersection o~ said cenCe~-
~ine wi~h the northwesterly bouu~ry o~ C~C subdivision
entitled ~esCbo~ou~h Unit Ns.lB, as said D~ive and said
Subdivision are sh~n ~'n the '~p entitled "~ NO. 798~
which ~p was recorded September 13,
l~ps aC ~ages X6 and ~7, San ~ceo County RecordS; thence
f~om said ~oiuc of Beginning N 68° 54' 25" E ~5.~ ~eeC;
~hence N 2~° O5~ 35" ~ 20.~ ~eeC; thence ~ngenc Co the
p~ecedins course norC~esce~y alou~ the arc of a cu~e
to c~ le~c ~ving a radium of 2794.7~ feec and a central
angle of 7° 42'~ ~" an arc 2ensch of 375,59 ieee; chance
~nsent to the preceding ~e N 28° 47' 35" W 264.45
~eec; thence o~t~esterX~ S 61° 12' ~" ~'~',47.
*thence tangent to the preceding course southwesterly
on the arc o£ a curve to the le£t having a gadtus o~
7~.00 ~ee~ and a central angle o~ 7° 58'_~' an
~en~ch o~ 97.33 ~eet; thence tansenC to the preceaz,&
~e S 53° ~' ~" ~ ~23.52 ~eet; thence
an~es to the p;eced~n8 course S 36° ~6' ~' E. 520.25
~eeC; ~hence tangent ~o the p;eced~ng course sou~h-
easCe~ on the a~c o~ a c~ve to the ~ght ~v~ng
~ad~us o~ 200.~ ~eet and a cenc~a~ an;~e o~ 27° 06'
~" an a~c ~eng~h o~ 9~.6~ ~eec to a po~n~ the;eon;
~hence N 80° 20' ~" E 93.83 ~eec; thence no~heasCe;-
Ly ~o= a Can~en~ thaC bea~s N 3~° 35' ~" E on
a~c o~ a cu~e co the ~igh~ ~v~n; a ~ad~us o~
~eec and a central an~e o~ 37° ~' ~' ~n a~c
o~ 35~.88 ~eec; thence tangent to the p~eced~ng cu~e
N 68° 5~' 25" E L05.~ feet ~o the Point o~ Be~nn~nS
and conta~nLns 9.~27 ac~es of land, ;o~e o~ Less.
~he ~o;n~a Co=~d~nate STs~em, Zone 3, has been
used as the bas~s o~ b~n; ~o~ the purpose o~
description. A~L bea~ngs g~veu a~e g~Ld bea=~ngs.
A~L d~sCances g~ven a~e g~d d~sCances. ~o conve~t
~r~d d~s~nce ~o Stood d~scance, mlt~ply srLd d~st
~ce by L.~922.
The map entitled 'Westborou&h, West Park PLsnned Community
District. .Site PLan'* is hereby ed',opted as the Zonins ~ap of the par--
ce1 therein shown, 'estabLish£nS the whole parcel as a PLa~n~4
munity District or P.C. District and the respective parcels so
hated therein as a.~ SinsLe Family Zone,. a Multiple Family Zone and
a Commercial Zone. Subsection 2.2 o£ Ordinance No.3~3 as amen. dad
entitled 'Zonins Ordinance o~ the City o~ South San Francisco**
passed and adopted on Au6ust ZOo Z95~ and the 'Zonin& ~ap o£ the
City o~ South San Francisco" dated July 21, z95~ are hereby amended
by addins thereto the m~p entitled 'Weatboroush, l~est Park PLanned
Co=muntty District Site PLan***
The ~oLlo~rln8 ret~ulations shal~ apply in said Planned Community
District or P.C, District and the Single Family Zone, Hultipla Fam-
ily Zone and Commercial ;one.
A. Geaeral Re~ulations; The General l~e~lations shall be;
1. Those applicable Sections set forth in the Zonins
Ordinance o£ the City o~ South San l~anctsco as said
~'" Ordinance vas amended by Ordinance No.&90~ said Sec-
ttons beins;
3.32 h 4.21
3.43 ~.22 ~.72
3.~2 ' ~.23 ~.73
~ 3.62 ~. 2~ ~ · 7~
3.72 &. 2~ ~. 7~
~- 3.82 i. 26 ~ · 76
.. ~,27 ~.77
2. Land use and development o£ said Planned
District shall comply with the General Plan o£ the
C£ty of South San Francisco, the General Development
PLan and General Development Schedule for sa£d District
approved pursuant to PLann~nS ¢ommtsS£on*$
NO. qTq~, passed the ~?~h day of
1964 , and City Council Resolution No. 3959 , passed
the ~5~h day of Ma~ , 19~ .
3. Density: The overall density shall nsc exceed chat
pex~LCted'b¥ the General P~an o£ the City of South San
&, Open Spaces Not Less than fi£~¥ (50) percent of said
Planned Commun£Cy D~sCr~ct shall be opens green and
Landscaped areas. Driveways, streets and commercial
perkins areas shall not be considered open, 5reen or
Landscaped areas for the purposes of tht~s
$; Lotsz The size, dimension and Location o£ the Lot oF
Lots in the Single Family Zone, Multiple Family Zone
and Commercial Zone shall be as set £orth in the
entitled "Westborou~h, West P~rk PLanned Community
District Site Plan".
6o Public Areasz The size, dimension and location of
the several publio areas such as rishc-oi-ways for
streecs,,school sire'nadp ark site shall be as shown
on the plan entitled "WeoCboroush, West Park PLanned
Community District Site Plan" except ~ paveMnC
w~dzhs o~ 8zreeZs '8~ be as seZ ~orCh ~n Subparagraph
8 o~ Zhts SecZton,
7,.. Co~n Oreenot The 8Lze, d~nst°n 8nd Zo~Z~on
,- C~ severaZ co~n sreens lo. Ced ~n the respective
zones, to w~Ct S~nsle Family Zone, ~lC~p~e Family
~'~ Zone and Co~rch~ Zone, s~ll be as set forth on
the plan entitled "~estboroush, ~est Park Planned Con=
8, S~reec ~dch; Culedeesac s~reeC8 o~L1 ~ve a mini-
~ [or~y (~O)'[eeC ri~hceoE-way wL~h a thirty (30)
~ Eeec pav~en~ curb Co ~urb and a m~n~ curn~nS radius
o~ ~h~r~yo[ive (3~) [eec a~ oho [ace oE the curb. One-
~ay m~nor screens s~lL ~ve a.~enCyoC~o (22) [eec
~ .pavement 8urEace curb co curb. AI~ o~her screen8
~ ~ve a m~n~ rLShc-o[-way o[ [~[cy (~O) ~eec w~ch
a ~veMnC surEace o[ ch~rcyoo~ (36) ~eeC curb
shall be [~led w~h~n one (L) y~ar aider adoption
~h~s Ord~nanceo which C~M My be extended ~or an
add~Cional year by the FLann~ns
B, Special ~SuLac~ons [or S~nsle F~Xy Zonel The
8pec~X re~Ciono 8~11 apply to a S~pg~e F~ly Zone o~ a
DensiCy~ Density shall nec.exCeed eishC hundred and
Chircy (830) persons,
Loc Coverase~ LoC coverage shall nec be interpreted
Co mean Buildtn8 Coverage~ which cerm appltes co the
percencase o£ coverage o~ Che whole DtsCricc or Zone,
Loc coverage o£ the individual loc may be 65~ i£ all
resulacion8 are complied with and the addition of the
pro race share o~ the Common Green Area adJacenC Co
and serving said lee would resulc in a Loc coverage
o[ 40~ Eot said comb£ne~ area composed o[ che Loc and
pro rata share o£ the Common Green Area; ocherwise,
Loc coverage shall nec exceed 40~, The Flanning Com-
mission may approve up co a ten (10) percent increase
in Che £orCy (40) percent loc coverage..~t£ all regul-
ations are complied with and said increase does
adversely aE£ecc the nature, characcer and design o£
che DtsCricC or Zone.
YardsI FronC and rear yards shall have a minimum
depCh o[ ~i£ceen (15) £eeC except chac balconies and
butlding, canCtlevers when their vertical clearance
£rom £inish grade is eighC (8) £eeC or greacer~ may
nec encroach more ~han £ive (5) £eeC 1nCo said yards.
Roo~ eves shall nec proJecc more chan/.an addiCional
~hree (3)'£eeg beyond said balconies or
"'-" cantilevers.
4. Buildin& Line Setback: The minimum £ront setback to
~. face of butldin5 shall be ~wen~y-L'wo (22) ~ea~ fro~ .,~:~.;~
nearest ed&e o£ sidewalk or face o£ curb where side- .'
walks are nsc required,
$, Square Footage o£ UniC or House= The minimum square
£ootage o£ each uniC or .house constructed on lacs in
the Single Family Zone shall be nsc less chart £ifCeen
hundred (1500) square feet,
6, Parking: Each dwelling shall nsc have less Chert four
(4) parking spaces on the loc for said dwelling, Cwo
of which shall be in a garage or covered area and Cwo
of which may be open, Additional parking of ,25 co
shall be provided in the parking bays or other areas
conveniently accessible co said dwelling and ~oc,
C, Speclal ReSulac~ons ~orlqulciple Family Zone= The follow-
ing spec:LaX resuLactons shall apply co l, lulciple Family Zone of
said PLanned Community District~
l, Density= Density shell not exceed two thousand one
hundred seventy (2170) person.s,.
2, Lot Coverage=
a, Four-plax Development~' Lot coverage shell not be
interpreted to mean Building Coverage, which term
applies to the percentage of coverage of the whole
District or Zone. Lot coverage o£ the individual
loc £or £our-plex development may be eighty (80)
percent i£ all regulations are complied with and
Green Area adjacent Co and se~'ving maid Lot
result in a Lot coverase of fi£Cy (50) percent
for maid combined area composed o£ the Loc and
rata share o~ the Common Oreen Area; otherwise,
lot coverage shall not exceed fifty (50)
'- ~he '~Lanuins CommiSsion may approve up to a ten
(LO) percent increase'in ~the £ifCy (50).percent
maid increase does not adversely a£fect the
character and design o£ the District or Zone.
£or Oarden Apartment Development may be fifty (50)
(~0) percent°
3, 'Yards~
'a, Four*~Lex DeveLopment~ ~ha £~onC and rear
yard shall be a min:i, mum o£ ten (LO*) feet in
depth, except chat balconies and open stair°
~.. '.ways~may e,,c~ach-into: satdyards £or not more
t:han a~ (6') t~eer..
b. G~rden Al:mrCmen~i~ 'Devel-opmen~.: The m~n~
(6') ~ee~. ·
4, Build,n8 L~ne Setback: ~,
~our-Plex Devolop~n~ The fron~ and ~ear
s~ll b~ a miata si, cea (10') ~ee~, except
~he F~aain~ Co~ssion ~y require a setback
CwenCy~o (22~) ~eec from ~he ~ace si a garage door
or entrance ~o ~he a~resc ed~o si sidewalk or gace
o~ curb ~here 8ide~alk8 are no~ required,. ~lcon~e8
~'~ ..... and open 8~ai~ay8 ~y encroach ln~o the [ron~ and
rear yarde [or~no~ ~re than 8~ (6°) [eeC,
b, carden A~rCmen~ ~Ve~opMn~ The 8e~bac~ for
~rden A~r~n~ Deve~op~aC s~ll be as
=eh (10*) fee=, and side se=back ~en (10') fee~.
~e Plaunin~ Co~issio. my~ require a setback of
~en=y-~wo (22~) fee~ from. ~he 'face of a ~ra~e door
· on,Fence Co ~h nearest edge of sidewalk or face of
curb where sidewalks are hOC required, Balconies
and open s~airways may encroach into the £ron~ and
rear setbacks for hoc more chart six (6') feet,
Distance between build!nt~s - FoUr-p~ex develop~n~
The mini~ dis~nc~bocween bui~dings ac right
~o each ocher and separated by a Co~n Green s~ll be
cherty (~*) fee~. The m~fl~m distance between the
~c~ of bui~ding8 when separated by a Co~n Green
s~L1 be sevenc~ive (7~) feeC.
sq~re Footage - ~n~ per UniC - Four-p~ex and ~rden Ap~.
~velopmen~l The mia~m square footage of each uniC
s~ll be hoc less ~ha~ four hundred fifty (4~0) ~q~re
fee= for studio a~rtmen=s, seven hundred (7~) sq~re
feeC for o~a (1) bedroom a~rC~aCs~ ei~hC hundred for~y
(840) sq~ra [ea~ Eot cwo (2) bedroo~ apar=meaca and
nine hundred fifty (9~O) sq~re ~aeC for three (3) bed-
room 9~rC~n~s.
Perkins - Four-p~ and ~rden A~rC~nC Deve~0p~aC1
There s~ be a ~nt~ of one (1) off-street covered
parkin~ s~ca per dwellinS uniC on the loc aa an add~-
cioaal min~ of one-half (%) covered or uncovered
perkins s~ce par dwelliaS unic ou =he loc or i~ con-
venieaCly accessible perkins ~ys or ocher perkins
Spac~l ~~Cions for Co~rc~l 'Zonal The followins
~pec~al regulations shal~ apply to the Commerc~a~ Zone o£ sa~d
PLanned Community
1, Uses Perm~uceds ~cepc ~or res~denC~a~ areas,
uses per,CUed ~n a Neighborhood Co~rch~
~nc~ud~ns one ~so~ne se~ce s~C~on as outlined
Section 3,~ o~ the Zon~n~ Ordinance of the C~cy o~
South San F~ancisco,
2. autldtn~ ~C L~C: ~t~ he~c of any bu~ld-'
~ng s~11 be cherty (30") feet, ·
3, Buildin~ S~ce Ar~ aequ~red:
a, For each m~n build,nS - ~n~ ~ive thousand
(5~) s~re ~eec,
~n~ Yards ~qu~red:
a, Front 7ard - ~Ceen (15) [eec.
b. S~de yard - none, except where Cbs' s~de o~ a loc
abuts upon the side o~ a loc ~n an 2 D~s~ricc,
which ~se Cbs s~de yard s~ll be nsc less
ten (10) ~eec,
c, Sear 7ard - None, except where Cbs rear sE a
abuts on an ~ 'Discr~cc, ~n which case c~ rear
7ard s~l~ be nsc less Chart Cea (~0) Ieee,
the ~se where property rears on o~r co~rc~al
proper~7 and ~o one hundred ~c7 (~0) feec
.. ~re ~n depth, the rear ya~ oechck 8hll be cea
(10) ~eec, ..
.~- $ ~arking Required:
a, Offoscree~parking on ~he building si~e shall be
required ~n ¢-1 D~s~r~c~s accord~n~ to the £ollow-
ing £ormula:
L. Retail storesj one (1) perkins space /or each
one hundred (100) square ~eeC o4 sales £1oor
areaj buC ia no case less than one (1) space
~or each ~wo hundred (200) square feet of &ross
~lOOr are~. ·
2. Banks and office bu~ldinSs, one '(1)
space £or each three hundred (300) square £eet
o£ £1oor area.
3, Ras~aurantso one (1).parkLnS space ~or each £our
~ (4) seats,
Fubl~c assembl¥o Lnclud~n& churche8o one (1)
perkins space £or each 8~x (6) seats.
5,Theatres, one (1) perkins space £or each s:Lx
(6) seats,
'6, .Cl~n~coj one (1) perkins space for each
hundred (300) square £ee~ o~.~loor area0
one (1) additional space for each doctor and
cwo (2) s~££ members.
7,All other uses pe~n£tted and not enumerated
· th~s sect£on shall £u~n~sh.l~rkLns as requL~ed
by the Planntns Comm~ss~on~',
b. Design and location of all o££-street parkin~
lots shall be approved by the PlanninS Commission,
This Ordinance shall be published once aa required by law in
the Enterprise-Journal, a newspaper of ~eneral circulation printed
and published in the City of South San Francisco, and shall taka
effect and be in force thirty days iron and a£ter its adoption.
.Introduced this }rd day of August , 19 64.,
Passed and adopted as an Ordinance o£ the City o£ South San
Francisco at an adjourned ~e~ular meetin~ of the
City Council of the City oi South San Francisco this lOth day
of August , 19.64 , by the £ollowtn8 vote:
AYES, COUNCILMEN ?at~ick E. Ahe~n, Prank Bertucelll,
Andrew Rocca, and Guido J. Rozzi
NOES, ': " None
ABSENT, " Emilio Oo~te.si
City. Clerk
As.lia¥or of the ¢it¥ o£ South San..Fran¢ts~o, I do hereby ap-
prove the £ore&otns'Ordtnance this lOb~ day o£ August ., 19 64.
.. /s/ Patrick E. Ahem
The ClOy Gouncil ,0£ ,tbs' City ~£'..8outh San Francisco does or-
dais as £ollowst
The foLlowins parcel of property, is hereby zoned a Flanned Como -
munity District or P,C, District and it shall con~ain a Sinsle Fa~L-
ly Zone, a Duplez Family Zone, a 14~ltiple Fae~tly Zone and a Corem,re
c~al Zone as hereina£cer set forths
All' chat real propercy situate in the City o£ South San
Francisco, County o£ San Maceo, State of California, dee
scribed as followsz
Besinning aC a point on the southeasterly line of Chest-
nut Avenue, said point bein$ the mosC northerly corner
of the 2.538 acre parcel of land described in Parcel Two
of the deed from South San F~ancisco Land and Improvement
Company Co South San Francisco Water Company dated June
12, 1923, and recorded June 13. 1923, in Book 80 of
O££icial_Records of San ~ceo County at pa§e llS; che~nce
......North~16~ ~7* 09" Ease, 176.22 £eeC; thence NotCh 26~
300 ~9'0 Ease, 355.11 feet; Chenc_e NotCh 16° ~.7t 09"
27~.00 feet; thence. North 87° 22' 39" Ease, 250.25
thence_North 76~ O~' 19'* hsd, 1~.93 re'et; thence North
~2o 07' 31"' hoc, ~0.99 feeC to Ch. southeasterly line
of Hillside Boulevard, thence ,northeasterly, along said
southeasterly line of Hillside: Boulevard, on the arc
27* 32" l~esC, h.avins a radius o£ 425 feec, a central
ansle of~ 23o_24' $7"0 a d~sCanee o~ ~73.6~ feeC~ chance
HoFCh 42o 07' 3~' hat, 52.72 feec Co the s~chwescer~7
lt~e o~ ch lands described tn the deed ~rom South San
Frdtncisco ~nd and ~rovemnC Company to Church of ~d
As,~Jociatton o~ Northe~ CaXt~o~ta~ a co,ps,at,on,
Au;~st 26, 1955, and ~ecorded Septe~er 1, 1955 in Book
593j thence southeasterly and northeasterly atOn&
lines of last said hnd8, S~ch ~7o 5X* O2' hot, 201.87
feetC; North ~2° 08~ 58" East, 268.61 feet and North 60°
52* )8" hst, 20.~ ~eet to the south~sterXy line
t~ hndo described Zn the deed from South San Francisco
~nd and X~rove~nc Co~any to SterXtn8 Terrace Corpor-
ation, recorded Feb~w 6, 1950, ~n Book 1791
Record8 st hn ~Ceo C~nty at pass 6~2; thence southeast*
erXy. axons the Xaste~mnCtoned b~n~ry line, S~Ch 29°
07* 22" hst, 5~.~8 feeC to the ~8t nort~esterXy corner
o~ the hnd8 described iff the Grant from South San Fran-
cisco ~nd ~nd Xmprovement C~pany to the C~ty o~ S~ch
San Francisco, ~ced and recorded Januaw 20~ 19~9~
Book 1492 of Official ~cords of San ~teo ~nty aC
~813 thence southerly and easCerXyalons the boun~ry
Z~nes of last mentioned pargel, t~ foltowtoS c~rses
and di~ncea; S~Ch 34° 0~' 53" West, 3~.9~ ~eeC; S~Cb
36' 37" hat, 258.5~ feec~ S~ch 2~o 23' ~"
3~.O5 ~eec; South 65o 26' 22 hoc, 147.3~ feet; South
79o 30t 59" hat, 400.89 ~eeC; S~Ch 53° SI 52 hat,
feet; S~Ch 89o ~' 52" hsC, ~49.40 feet; S~ch
~5o l~o 52" hat0 228.6~ festa S~Ch 6o ~* 08" ~esc,
2o ,35 feet; S~ch 83° 44' 52" hoC, 662.~ ~eeC and Horch
6° ~5' 08" hoc, 64.9~ ~eec co the s~ChwesCer~ boundary
line o~ the lands described in the deed ~r~ the S~Ch
San Franoisco ~nd and l~roveMnC Co~ny co Andres F,
O~sCad, Jr. eC al** ~Ced Jan~ry 26, ~949, and recorded
Jan~W 3L, ~9~90 ~n Book, L6~9 o~ Official ~corde
San ~Ceo County aC pass 78~ thence easCerl~ alons
menC~oo~ line 37.85 feeC Co the most westerly corner o~
the O.5~66 acre parcel o~ hnd described in hrcel
sE the deed ~om S~Ch San ~anc~sco ~nd and ~rovemenC
Co,any Co South San Francisco ~Cer Co~an~, ~Ced
30, ~925, and recorded July ~3, 925, in Book ~69 o~ O~-
~ichl bcordo o~ ho ~Ceo C~ncy at_~le 363i ~ence
along last said b~n~ry S~th ~ ~5' 52" ~oC,
wescerZy line of the alor~nct~ hndo of Andres F.
~s~d, Jr,, et al,J tbn e S ch S6o 260 32' hst,
£eec; thence South 23° 58t 28'* WesC~ 152,06 feet; Chance:,..,."
NotCh 56° 340 17" WasC, 16.70 ~eeC; Chence. S~ch 330 2~e
43'* Vase, ~O0.~ ~eeC; Chence S~ch 56o ~' L7et hSCs
33.35 feec~ chence SouCh 23° 58* 28" ~esC, ~63.O5 Ee~c~
Chance vescec~y on Che sro of ~ c~e Co Che leEc, che
cancer o~ which beers S~Ch 59° 29' ~7" ~aC. hvtng a
radius o~ 640,~ ~eeC, a cenCral ensue o~ ~o 34' 59"
a d~s~nce o~ 397.~7 ~eeC; Chenc~ NoFCh 66°o5' wesco
3~7..09 feec; Chenee on che ars of a e~e ~q .ab ~e~,
havins a radius o~ 608.~ ~eec, a cenCnl a~sleLof 460
14', a dis~nce o~ 490.6~ ~eec; Chence North 87v 31' 03"
~esc, 82.50 ~ee~; Chence_S~ch 82° 59* 28" WesCo
~ee~; ~hence NotCh 7o ~* 32** ~esCo 50.8L feeC~ thence
on ~he arc o~ ~ cu~e ~o ~he le~c, Che cancer o~ which
bears S~h 34° 36' ~9'* ~es~, .havens I radius o~ 798.~
~eeC, i cen~ra~ an~e o~ 27~_14*_46'~ a d~sCance o~
379.48 ~eb~; Chance NotCh 73° ~' 32" ~esC, ~O2.78 fee~
thence on ~he arc o~ a c~e ~o the l~f~ hv~ I radius
o~ 335.~ ~eeC, I ~enCral enSle~o~ 8~ 02* 35", a distance
o~ 468.~ ~ee~;_the9ce Hor~h 73°'~' 32** ~es~, 436.88
Chance North 50° 24' 33** ~es~, 250.58 react Chance
73° ~5* 32" ~esc, ~73.38 fee~j ~bnce No~ LO° 56* 28" hoC,
234.12 ~eeC; Chen~e North 73~ 15' 32" ~,t, ~3.10 ~eeC ~o
the Potn~ o~ BestnntnS.
~cepCtns Chre~ron the ~oXl~nS parceXo of hndz
~e hnds descrtbed tn ~arcel Three o~ the deed ~rom South
San F~anctsco hnd and ~roveMnC ~mp~y, a ~Xtfo~a
co.oration, co S~Ch hn Francisco ~Cer Co.any, a
o~ co,oration, ~Ced June 12, 19230 and recorded ~ne
13, L923, in Book ~ o~ O~fic~l hcordo of hn h~eo County
aC ~se ~75.
~e ~endo described in deed ~rom E~ G. Coopmn end~ ~ch Beebe
Coopmn, h~s w~e, co B.P,O. E~k8'~2Og~ ~d~
Xnc., a corporation, ~Ced SepCe~er ~9,X960, and recorded
October 30 19600 ~n ~ok 3869s o~ OffLu~X h=o~s of San
h~eo County ac pase ~6.
~e Lands described ~ dead ~rom E. G. Coopmn and ~h he~
C~p~n, his wL~e, Co B.P.O. ~l~ ~209X BuLXd~S
Inc., l. co~oraCion, ~Ce4 SepCe~er ~9,. ~9600 end recorded
October 3,~960, ~n ~k 3869 of:O~flohL bests of .Sin
hoes .C~Cy, ac ~So
The deot~naZion, location and boundary o£ ~he properey ....
herein zoned and hereinbefore more parzieularly described
shall be delineaZed upon Zhe map enZiZled "zonins Nap: o£ the
C~CF 'o£ South San FranCiscO, Call£ornia", dozed Naroh 'l,' 1961,
adopZed Narch 5, 1962.
.Th, reopecCive zones eo~abliehed by Ohio oecZion are sho~u
on zhe map entizled '* SZone~ace aidze Planned
.. Community DistricZ - Zontn~ Plan
vhich shall hereinafter be referred Zo as *iMp",
The parcel con~aining lobs designated R*I (and con~aining
lees desi~nated R-2) on ~he 'map**0 which parcel is designated
Parcel A and hereinafter more particularly describeds 18 Boned and
esUablished as a Residential - Single Family Zone,
The parcel conCainin$ ~ocs 'desisnated a*2 on the "nape*o which
parcel is designated hreel B and hereimafCer more Particularly
described, is zoned and established as a aesidencAal *. Duplex Fanily
The parcel con~aining lees desi~naZed a-3 on ~he "map", which
parcel Lo designaZed Far~el C and hereinafZer more Parzicularly
described, is Boned and es~ablished as a Reo~dencial -
Fa~tly Zone,
The parcel containing lees desisoated G on ~ha "rap",
parcel is deoigna~ed hrcel D and hereinafter, more pareicularly
described, is zoned and ·ezUblished as a Coemraial Zone,
......... ,."~ Parcel A - Residential - Single Family Zone ·
All that real property situate in the City of South San Francisco, County of
San Mate,, State of California, described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the Southeasterly line of Chestnut Avenue, said
point bein~ the mo~t northerb, Corner of tho 2.538 aero parcel of land doG-
cribed in Parcel Two of the deed from 8outh San Francisco Land and Improvement
Company to 8outh San 'FrancisCo Water Company, dated June 12, 1923, and
recorded June 13, 1923, in Book 80 of Official Records of 8an Mate. County,
at Page 115; thence 8outh 73'15'32", East, 853.10 :~fll; to the True Point of
Beginning; thence North 10o56'28" East, 41.48 feet; thence South 67°00'00"
East, 70.40 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the
preceding course, said curve having a radius of 175 feet and a central angle
of 30°21'13' .
, an arc distance of 92 71 feet; thence tangent to the preceding
curve, ·South 36038'47" East, 133.45 feet; thence South 83o00'00.. East,
129;.50 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the
preceding course, said curve having a radius of 415 feet and a central angle
of 10°00'00', an arc distance of 72.43 feet; thence, tangent to the preceding
curve, South 73°00'00" East, 158.87 feet; thence along the arc of a curve
to the left, tangent to the preceding course, said curve having a radius of
125 feet and a central angle of 55°00'00'', an arc distance of 119.99 feet;
thence, tangent to the preceding curve, North 52°00'00" East, 80.00 feet;
thence along th& arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the preceding course,
said curve having a radius of 325 feet and a central angle of 50°00'00', an
arc distance of 283.62 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve, South
78°00'00" East, 161.45 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the right,
tangent to the preceding course, said curve having a radius of 115 feet and
a central angle of 29°30'00', an arc distance of 59.21 feet; thence, tangent
to the preceding curve, South 48°30'00' East, 403.15 feet; thence North
41°30'00" East, 15.00 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the right,
tangent to a line which bears South 48030'00.. East, said curve having a radius ..
'of 350 feet and a central angle of 14°00'00'', an arc distance of 85.52 feet
to a point of compound curvature; thence along the arc of a curve to the
right; tangent to the preceding curve, said curve having a radius of 175 feet
and a central angle of 27°29'28', an arc distance of 83.97 feet; thence
tangent to the preceding curve, South 7°00'32'' East, 50.81 feet; thence South
82°59'28' West, 50.00 feet; thence North 7'00'32" West, 50.81 feet; thence
along the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to a line which bears North
55°23'41.. West, said curve having a radius of 798 feet and a central angle of
27°14'46", an arc distance of 379.48 feet, thence North 73o15'32" West,
102.78 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to a line
which bears North 73'15'32" West, said curve having a radius of 335 feet and
a central angle of 80'02'35", an arc distance of 468.00 feet; thence North
73'15'32" West, 436.88 feet; thence North 50*24'33"..West; 250..58..feet; .....
'thence No .r~h 73'15'32" West, 173.38 feet; thence North 10'$6'28" East,
23.4.12 feet 'to the True Point of Beginning. -.
Containing 9.8 Acres, more or less.
Parcel B.- Resf,~ i~tial - Duplex Family
*' " All that real property situate in the City of South San Francisco, County of
San Mateo, State of California, described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the Southeasterly line of Chestnut Avenue, said
point being the most Northerly corner of the 2.538 acre parcel of land des-
cribed in Parcel Two of the deed from South San Francisco Land and Improve-
ment Company to South San Francisco Water Company, dated ~une 12, 1923,
and recorded ~une 13, 1923, in Book 80 of Official Records of San Mateo
County, at Page 116; thence South 73°15'32'' East, 693.89 feet to the True
Point of Beginning; thence North 23°00'00'' East, 102.92 feet; thence along
. the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the preceding course, said curve
having a radius of 45 feet and a central a;~gle of 73 °30~00", an arc distance
of 57.73 feet to a point of reverse curvature; thence along the arc of a curve
to the left, tangent to the preceding curve, said curve having a radius of 175
feet and a central angle of 13°53'59'', an arc distance of 42.45 feet; thence
South 67~00'00'' East, 264.45 feet; thence South 36°38'.47'' East, 135.56 feet;
thence South 83 ~00'00" East, 66.45 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to
the right, tangent to the preceding course, said curve having a radius of 530
feet and a central angle of.10°00'00'', an arc distance of 92.50 feet; thence,
tangent to the preceding curve South 73°00'00'' East, 164.08 feet; thence
North 52~00'00'' East, 85.20 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the
right, tangent to the preceding course, said curve having a radius of 440
feet and a central angle of 50°00'00'', an arc d~stance of 383.97 feet; thence
tangent to the preceding curve, South 78°00'00'' East, 161.45 feet; thence
along the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the preceding course, said
curve having a radius of 230.feet and a central ~ngle of 29~30'00'', an arc
distance of 118.42 feet; thence, tangent to the preceding curve, South 48°30'00''
East, 480.00 feet; thence South 51°11'28'' West, 106.51 feet; thence along
the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to a line which bears North 34°52'07''
West, saldcurve having a radius of 350 feet and a central angle of 13°37'53", ·
an arc distance of 83.27 feet; thence South 41~30'00'' West, 15.00 feet; thence
North 48°30'00'' West, 403.15 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the left,
tangent to the preceding course, said. cunve, havhg a radius of 11 5 feet and
central angle of 29~30'00'', an arc ~tistance of 59.21 feet; thence, tangent to
the preceding curve, North 78°00'00'' West, 161.45 feet; thence along the arc
of a curve to the left, tangent to the preceding course, said curve having a
radius of 325 feet and a central angle of $0°00'00", an arc distance of 283.62
feel; thence, tangent to the preceding curve, South 52 ~00'00" West
thence along the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the preceding course,
said curve having a radius of 125 feet and a central an~;le of 55~00'00"
arc distance of 119.99 feet; thence, tangent to the preceding curve, North
73°00'00" West, 158.87 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the left, tan-
gent to the prececttng course, said curve having a radius of 415 feint and a central
angle of 10°00'00'', an arc distance of 72.43 feet; thence, tangent to theprev.
ceding curve, North 83°00'00" West, 129.50 fee~; thenc~ North 36"38'47'' West,
133.45 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the preceding
course, said curve having a radius of 175 feet and a central angle of 30~21'1~'' ,
an arc distance of 92.71 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve, North
67'00'00"'~/est, 70.40 feet~ thence South 10°56'28'' West, 41.48 feet;
thence North 73'15'32" West, 159,21 feet to the True Point of Beginning,
· Containing 5.3 sores, more o~ less. , : (Res~den~ial-Duplex Fam~l:f Zone)
·" "Parcel C - Residential' Multiple Family Zone
All that real property situate in the City of South San Prancisco, County of
San Mate., State of California, described as follows:
· Beginning at a' point on the southeasterly line of Chestnut Avenue, said point
being the most northerly corner of the 2.538 acre parcel of land described in
Parcel Two of the deed from South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company
to South San Francisco Water Company, dated )'une 12, 1923, and recorded
]'une 13, 1923, in Book 80 of Official Records of San Mate. County, at Page 115;
thence North 16"47'09" East, 176.22 feet; thence North 26"30'49" East, 355.11
feet; thence North 16"47'09" East, 275.00 feet; thence North 87"22'39" East
250.25 feet; thence North 76°04'19" East, 70.00 feet; thence South 13"55'41" East
41.26 feet; thence South 41"20'19" East, 209.92 feet; thence along the arc of
a curve to the left, tangent to a line which bears South 48"39'41" West, said
curve having a radius of 144 feet and a central angle of 6"30'00", an arc
distance of 16.34 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve, South 42"09'41"
West,. 132.98 feet; thence South 47"11'20" East, 147.58 feet; thence South
42°48'40'' West, 300.00 feet; thence South 47"11'20" East, 300.00 feet; thence
North 42"48'40" East, 300.00 feet; thence North 47"11'20" West, 80.57 feet;
thence North 55"18'41" East, 486.66 feet; thence North 46"27:19" West, 402.25
feet; thence North 2"17'25" West, 71.47 feet; thence North 42"08'58" East,
268.61 feet; thence North 60"52'38" 'East, 20.00' feet; thence South 29"07'22"
East, 530.48 feet; thence South 34"01'53" West, 31.90 feet; thence South
19"36'37" East, 258.51 feet; thence South 21"23'30" East, 344.05 feet; thence
South 65"26'23" East, 147.31 feet; thence South 79"30'59" East, 400.89 feet;
~'- thence South 53"01'52" East, 112.34 feet; thence South 89"00'52" East, 149.40
feet; thence. South 45"11'52" East,. 228.61 feet; thence South 6"15'08" West,
201.35 feet; thence South 51"11'28" West, 118.18 feet; thence North 48"30'00"
West, 480.00 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to the
preceding .course, said curve having a radius of "230 feet and a central angle of
29"30'00", an arc distance of 118.42 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve,
North 78"00'00" W. est, 161.45 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the left,
tangent to the preceding course, said curve having a radius of 440 feet and a
central angle of 50"00'00", an arc distance of 383.97 feet; thence tangent to the
preceding curve, South 52"00'00" West, 85.20 feet; thence North 73"00'00"
West, 164.08 feet; thence along the arc'of a curve to the left, tangent to the
prece, ding course,. Said curve having a radius of 530. feet and a central angle of
10"00'00", an arc distance of 92.50 feet; ~thence tangent to the preceding curve,
North 83"00'00" West, 66.45 feet; thence North 36"38'37'' West. 135.56 feet;
thence North 67"00'00" West, 264.45 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the
right, tangent to a line which bears South 82"36'01" West, said curve having a
radius of 175 feet and a central angle of 13"53'59" an arc distance of 42 45 feet
' '
to a point of reverse curvature; thence along the arc of a curve to the left, tangent
to the preceding curve, said curve having a radius of 45 feet and a central angle
of 73030'00", an arc distance of 57.73 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve,
South 23°00'00" West, 102.92 feet; thence North 73°15'32# West, $93.89'.feet to
the Point of Beginning.
Containing 36.7 Acres, more. or less. · ...............
....... ,'(. Re ~Ide~'Ei~[3~'M~Ii~.l.p'l'e "Fa'm~l:f' Zoh~ ) ....................... ' ........
Parcel D - Commerical Zone I
Ail that real property situate in the CiD/ of South San Francisco, County of I
San i~.ateo, State of california, described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of Chestnut Avenue, said point
being the most northerly corner of the 2.S38 acre parcel of land described in
Parcel TWo of :he deed from South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company
to South San Francisco %9'ater Company, dated ~une 1.2, 1923 and recorded
.~una !3, 1923, in Book 80 of Official Records of San Mateo C;ounty at Page
thence North 16"'4Z~09" East, 176.22 feet;, thence North 26"30'49" East, 355.11
feet; thence North'16"47'09" East, 275.C0 feet; thence North 87°22'39" East,
250.25 feet; thence North 76"04'19" East, 70.00 feet to the True Point of
Beginning; thence North 76"04'19" East, 74.93 feet; thence North 40"56'03" East,
40.99 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to a line which
bears North 65"32'28" East, said curve having a radius of 425 feet and a
· central angle of 23"24'$7", an arc distance of. 173.69 feet; thence South 47"51'02"
East, 181.14 feet; thence South 2~17'25" East, 96.42 feet; thence along the arc
., of a curve to the right, tangent to a line which bears South 47"45'19" %Vest,
$~id curve having a radius of 677.03 feet and a central angle of 17"49'22", an
9,rc distance of 210.60 feet; thence tangent to the preceding cu~,e, Sou~h
6,5°34'41'' West, 20.00 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the-left, tangent
~0 the preceding course, said curve having a .radius of 144 feet and a central
9ngle of 16°$$'00'', an arc distance of 42.S1 feet; thence North 41"20'19" West,
~'209.92 feet; thence North 13"55'41" VTest, 41.26 feet to the True Point of
,,Containing 2.1 Acres, more or less.
~": (COmme=cial Zone)
The designation, location and boundary of the property herein
zoned and hereinbefore more particularly described as Parcel A, B,
C, a.nd D shall be delineated upon the~map entitled "Zoning Map of the
City of South San Francisco, California", dated March 1, 1961, adopted
March 5, 1962..
~)I~LNANCE N(~,353 AS ~DED; AND ~ND~
~e mp en~led '* S~onesa~e, ~dse ~lanned
Court,CF DLo~ric~ * ZoninS Plan "Lo hereby adspeed ·
as the Zones hP"o~ Che ~rcel ah~ Cheretn, es~bltohtns
whole ~rcel aa a ~hnned Co~ntc7 DtsCrtcC.or ~.C. DteCrtcC, and
che reopeQCtve ~rcels so also.aCed Cheretn
Family Zone, a hotdenc~l ~plex h~ly Zone, a hotdenCtal ~lctple
F~Iy Zone and a C~rchl Zone, Subseccton 2,2 se ~dtnance Ho.353
aa ~nded enCtCled "Zonios ~dtnance o~ Cb City
ctoco", adspeed Aurae lO, 195~, and the "ZenAnA
S~ch ho Francisco", ~Ced July 21, 195~, .are hereby ~nded by
a~s ChereCo the mp enctcled ** Scone~ce ~dse Planned
Co~ntCy DiaCr~cC - Zontns Plan ".
~e Jell.ns re~lacions s~ll apply tn said Phnned C~ntCy
DtscrtcC or F.C. DioCEtCC ~d Che hstdenc~l S~sle F~12 Zone,'
hat.riehl ~plex F~Iy Zone, hatden~hl ~lciple h~ly Zone and
Comre~l Zone.
A, .~neral b~laCionst ~e General h~laCtons ahll bet
~l. ~ose applt~ble Sections sec ~orCh
~'ance o~ Che CtCy o~ S~Ch San Francisco as said ~dtnance
was ~ended by ~dt~nce No,4900 laid BocC~oo betnst
3.32 h ~.21 5.7~
3', 3 .22 '.72 ·
3.52 ~.23 5,73
. . , 3,62 4..2~ 5,7~ ......
3,72 ~.25 5.75
3.82 4.26 5,76
..... .~ 20 Land use and development o£ said PLanned Community
District shall comply with the General Plan o£ the
~-~..~. ...... City o£ South San Francisco0 ~Jae General DevelopmenZ
Plan and Zhe General Development Schedule for said Diets
lution Ho. ~ passed the __8~_ day o£ March
1965 , and City Coun¢~ ~esolut~on Ho. ., passed the
12th d~y o~ AprIL ,
3. Densityt The dansiey shall not exceed ehae esZablished
, by zhe approved GeneEal Plan of the CtZy of South San
4, Open epacez HoC lees ~han fifzy percent ($O%) of ea~d
~- Planned Commaity District shall be open, 8teen and land-
.,. soaped areas. Driveways, streets and parking areas shall
not be considered open~ g~een or landaQaped areas for
the purposes of this provision.
$,, Later The approximate s~-~e, dimens~on and location of
., the lot or Lots in ~he Residen~ial Slnale Family Zone0
~ Reaiden~ial Duplex Family Zone, gesidentlal Nultiple
.... . Fan~tly Zone and Conneretal Zone 'shall be aa eat forth
on the plan entitled", ~con~ $~,~,~
Community District - Zoning Plan "
60Publl~ Areasz The approxt~nate size, dimension and lo-
oation of zhe several pubti~ areas such as, but not
' limited co: right-o~-ways £or S~ree~s and easemu~e shall
be as shown on Zhe 8ZonesaCe Zidae GenerAL-DevelopmuC
.................................. - ...................... ..: .'_
~,PI, an, as modi£ied by the site plan entitled"
' ' T SC,negate Ridge Planned.Community District -
Zontn& Plan ".
Co vLC~ bdideoCLal S~nsle F~Lly Zoneo ba~denc~ ~-
pLex~ FamL~y Zonea ~sLdenChl ~LCipLe' F~Ly Zone and
Conrchl :one a~ll be aa aec forth on the phn entitled
' ' SCone~aCe. R~d~e Planned ~o~nV Cv ~4 s~r~ -
ZoninR Plan, ".
8, Planned Unit" P~oa~ Uae Pe~AC~ Ti~ ~or FiX~s: ~e
~ ,,, .... Zone, Residential ~lctple F~Xy Z~e ~d Co~c~Z Zorn
'" shaZZ' be planned and developed ms ~Xanned Units. A Uno
Ch,, appl~CZon ~o~ ~t~h 8~l be ~X~ ~chtn one (X)
y~r afCer Ch, adoption of ch~-~d~nance. The Plann~
Co~solon my exZend Ch, C~ ~or ~lLn~ said Use Fe~C
applicon,n, which extension 8~11 hoc exceed one (l)
B. Spec~ h~laCion8 ~or hstdenC~l SlnSle Felly Zone~
~e developnenC ~Chin ~he ho~denChl SibSLo F~ly Zone
' con~o~ with the SCone~Co ~e ,~neral ~velop~nt Plan. aa
~dtfhd by tho 'miCe plan enCtcXed" Scon~Ra~ R~dge
Phnned Co~n/cy District '- Zoqtnq. Plan
and the £ollow~ng spac:l~ reKuLaztons sha~L1 appXy ~n said
L, Uses
- The usaa pecmLcced a~ be SLns~e Family
' except ~oc the lacs de~sniced
Zonin~ PlAn °J0 O0 ~h ~OC8 A CWO-
[am~y duplex dwe~nS my be permitted,
(~cepC all 'co~ne~ loC8 ah~Ld
~ve a m~nt~m o~ 6~ aq.
3. LoC Frontage H~n~a: 50
~. Loc Depth ~nt~m '80 EC.
5. LoC Cave,age ~xt~:
(~aning CaCti buL1d~nA
6. Setbacks:
Front yards - minim 5 ~C.
Side yards - ~n bu~ld~ng - m~n~
(~cepCfon~ Covered parkfn8 spaces
~y be buflC co sfde property 1fnea
leavfng zero setback)
~ar Yards - ~n~ 20
(From mln bufldfng co rear property
7. Pagkfng per dwelling unto 2 cowred
~en teac yard slopes exceed a ~xf~
s~ce o~ aC least ~0 sq. ft. pe~ d~elllng,~lC ~sC be provlded
fn C~ ~o~ o~ deckem paCfos ~balconfes.
~en aCeepheaa o~ slope fa-Coo gzeaC Co p~ovfde the .uncovered
s~eea on the loc where Cbs dwe~lfn8 un fO ~s lo~Ced~ Cbey~y
be 1o~Ced tn o~-ocreec parking areas no less dLa~nee
2~ ~c, ~ dweLL~nS ~cs C~y are co
8.: CuesC Parkin~ per dwelltn~ unic X/& uncovered
:' ..:"~,9, Density, Landscapin~ and ArchitecC- ..... ural ~a~urea I
As se~ tor~h in ~he approved GenoFol ~volo~nc Plan or
~n~nCo Chereof,
G'~?'~ Speu~L ~~C~on8 ~ot ~he ~stden~ ~plex FAm~I~ Zonez
~e develop~nC v~ChLn Che ~s~denC~l~ ~p~ex F~ Zone
con~o~ vLCh the SConesICe ~e ~ne~lL DevelopmnC ~LGn~ Il
~Led by Cha 8tCe plan enCt~led" S~one~aCe ~d~e Planned "
Co~niCy DisCric~ - Zontnx Plan
an~ ~he tollowtng opec~l rephtions 8~11 Ipply tO t~t zonel
1, Uses
Single F~ily dwelling and ~pL~ h~Zy ~lZina
~Fe8 ohll be pemi~Ced.
2. Loc S~ze ~ni~ ~0~ sq.
(Except all corner lots
hve · mini~ of 60~ sq.
3, LoC Frontage ~n~ 50 ~, lc.
~, ~t ~pth Min~ 80
.:..- 5, ~C Coverage ~x~m
(~anin~ total ~ild~S coverase,
lncludinS ~rase or ca~orC)
6, Sa~back,
~ ~onC ~a~o - ~u~ ~ E~.
· . Side Yards - main bulldins; - minimum
"~ "' (Exception'= Covered parking spaces may. .~- ' .....
.. be built co side proper~y Llne'~ leaving
~ero set:back) ,.
'" Rear Yards - Ktnim~ 20
(From main building ko reit ~rope~g/ l~e)"
7.. Parki~ er ~e ~in~ Uni~ :'. ~ covered
~'eacures ~
As aa~ ~or~h In ~ha appr~ad General DaValop~n~ P~n or
amen~en~a ~harao~. '.
D. Spa~iaZ ~1a~tona ~or ~ha ~aiden~1 ~l~ipla Family Zonal
Clple Family Zone o~ the Planned Co~ntCy D~CrtGC~ ~,,
' l,'.. Uses~ ~ildlnS Height L~lca Building Sica Areaa Bu'1ldins
Line SeC~ck, Parcdo~se o~ LoC Coverasa, DenstCy,
'acaptnS~ Arch/Ce~cural FeaCure,~ Yarda~ Distance ba~aen
'Buildio6a, ParkinS and ~n~m Sq~re FooCaSa o~ UntC'
'. s~11 co~ly'viCb Che approved General P~o or
a. Spec~I ~lationa Eot Co~rcial Zone~
~a /oll~ing special regulations shall apply to the
Zone o~ said Planned Co~ni~y DlstricC~
~en rear yard slopes exceed a minima 5~ slope - usable outdoor
space o~ a~ leas~ 150 sq. ~. per d~elling unl~ ms~ be provided
in the ~o~ o~ decks, patios or balconies.
~en steepness o~ slope ia too grea~ ~o provide ~ha uncovered
apaceG o~ ~ha lo~.vhere Ehe d~elling uni~ is located,' ~hey~y
be lo~ed in off a~rea~ parking areas no leas die,hca
2~ fo, ~roa d~elling units r~y are co oa~e, '*
L, . Uses Permictecl0 Bu/.ld/.nt~ He~sht: Limit, Bu:LLd~n~;
_~" S~Ce Area~ Minimum Yards requ~red~ ParkinS required~
Landscapins; and Architectural Features shal~L comply
;with tho approvod GeneraL." Developnent ~lan or amend°
nent8 thereof, .. ....
This .Ordinance shall, be published once as required by law in the
"Enter~r£se-JoUrnal"~ a newspaper of soneraL cir~ula=io.u~ pr£nCed and ',
published in the C'£ty of South San Francisco, and shall take e£fect
and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its
- Introduced this 17th day o£ ~y
Pa~sed and' adopted as an Orcl~nance of the C$Cy of South San
Francisco at a re6ular meetins of the City
Council of the City of~ South San Francisco this 7~,_~,_ day
June ~ 196~ , by ~he followin§ vote:
AY~S~ OOUNOX~N Frank J. Bertuce111, I~trick E. Ahern~ E~/1/o Cortesi~
Andrew Rocca~ and Guido Wo Rozzi.
NOES " l~one ·
ABSENT~ " -- . None.
'"' ' ATTESTS. ~ '
As 14ayor of the City of South San Francisco, I do hereby approve
t:he ~ores;oins Ordinance this ~.Tth day:of ,June
' /s/ Zm K =.
: F~yor
SEC~XON X. SeecXoa Z of O~di.anea No.~28 X. bedew awaded
'" .... "SecCXo~ I. ~~D CO~l~ DXST~ O~ F.C. DXST~
,a, ~e parcel o~ proper~y sho~ on ~C certain ~p
~/~Xed "SCone~e ~dse ~Xanned Co~nX~y ZonXnS Plan", ~hXch
~p is adopted hereby and mdc a pgrC hereo~ as Section
oJ ~hX80rdinance~ Xs hereby classified as a P~nned Co~aX~y
or ~.C. DXs~rXc~ aad s~XX contain a S~S/e Family .Zone~ a
~p. Xex ~a~ly Zone~ a ~X~ipXe F~mXXy Zone and. a Co~rc~X
Zon~a~ all as se~ forth o~sa~d_ZonXnS ~p. ~e desXg~c~oa~
· location aad boun~ of =he property he,cia zoned and
p~=L~rly described shall be deX~aeaCed upon =he ~p
titled "Zon/aS ~p of ~he CX~y of Sou=h San Franc/sco,~l/f-
o~"~ ~ed ~rch l~ 1961, and adopted ~rch ~ X962~
a.~rC of SecCXon 2.2 of Ordinance No.3~3.
the PLanned C~~ty D~str~c~, a~d the S~ngLa Family Zone,
~he ~pL~ Fa~y Zone, ~he ~p~e Fa~ Zone and ~he
Con~cL8~ Zone established ~here~n are delineated upon
which mp and a~L notations and /n~o~Lon ~hereon are
hereby Male a part; o~ ~h/8 Sec~Lon o~ ~hL8 ~d~ance by
this re~erence, a copy o~ 8a~d mp be~n~ at~ched hereto,'"
SECTION II. ~C portion o[ Section II o~ ~dinance Ho,~28
entitled "Parcel C.o ~8~denCiale~lCiple F~Lly Zone" Lo hereby
am~ed Co read as ~o~~
"~arcel C - hs~denC~lo~lC~ple Family Zone,
~e boun~r~e8 o~ ~he ~l~iple Family Zone s~IL be as
a~ed and. described on ~he 'S~one~Ce ~dge Phnn~d Co~n~cy Zono
Lug ~hn" as adopted by Section II,b o~ Chis Ordinance,"
SE~ION II!, ~C po~ion o~ Sec~Lon II o~ ~d~nance No.528
entitled "Parcel D - ~rc~L Zone" ~ hereby amnded ~o read
"h~Ce~ D -.~n~chL Zone.
~a boua~r~es o~ the Co~=o~1 Zone s~11 be as
a.d dasc=1ba4 on the "Stone~ta ~dSa ?~naa4 Co~oLt7 ZontnS
?Lan'" as adopted b7 Secc$on ll.b of thLs
~dL~oce No.528 ~ he=eby ~nded Co
"2. Land use and developmenC o£ said PiLanned Communit:y
D~str~cC shall comply w~th the General Plan 'o£ the C~ty o£ Sou~h.
San Francisco, zhe ~nera~ ~ve~opmnZ Phn and
va~opmnC Schadu~e ~or ~td DtsZrtcc, appr~ed purs~nC co
ntn5 Co~tsston°8 hsotuzton o. 862, pissed
hrch, ~9~5, and Cha ~n~nCs Co said General ~veXopMnC PZan
and the ~ne~aZ ~veZopMnZ Schedule. fo~ satd DLsC~tcZ, approved
purs~nC Co PhnnZns Co~tsston*8 hsoZuCtou
Dece~er, ~965,'
~ SE~lON V. hras~apha A-6 and A*7 of SecZton IV
o~ ~t~nce No,528 are hereby aMnded Co ~ead as
"6, ~bZtc A~east ~e approxtMce stze, d~nston and Zo-
~ cation of the seve~aZ public a~eas such as, buZ
~t5hCseo~*~y ~or sCreeZs and ~seMnCs s~XZ be as
SconegaCe ~d5e General ~veXbpMnC PZan, as satd ~hn was
~ ~; amended by c~ SConegaCe ~dge SiZe Plan, ~Ced ~ce~er
~,~ , and approved purs~nC' Us ~Zanntng Con,ss/on*8 ~soXuCton No,2OZ7
"~-;',: passed on the. 27~h. ~y 0~ December, ~g65."
,:. ~..~:,. ~ha. severa~ co~n ~reens ~o~Ued ~n~,;~ha ~esPecC~ve zones sha~
~-.....~ ".be as seu ~o~h on '~ha ~an enU~ed 'S~one~aUe ~d~e ~anned
Country D~sU~c~ Zon~u~ P~an' as sa~d mp ~s adop~ed and ap*
p~ovea by ~d~nauce ~.528 on ~ha 7ch ~y o~ June,
as shovm on that certain map entitled "$tone6ate Ridge -
?~an', ~Ced ~=e~e= ~O, ~965, and app;oved pu=s~nC co ~ann~ns
Co~sstone8 hmolucton No,20L7 ~ssed on the 27th '~y
., SE~XON ~. ALZ .of Subsection Dof. SectZon XV -
or ~d~a~ce No.528 ts hereby amnded co read am foLXows;
,"D, Special ~~Cion; ~or the ~stdauC~l ~lCipla Felly
X. , ~valopment within the ~siden~ ~ltipXe ~amily
Zone s~ll oonioa rich Cha Stone.ca ~d5e ~neral Develop-
s. ,.,, ~nC ~n and General Develop~nC Schedule as ~nded by
~:':'?'~'. Plannint Co~isaton'a hsolucio~ No.2017, passed on
~ o~ ~ce~ar, 1965.
2. LoC Size ~ini~m: 'All ot Ohm ~sidanc~l
Fm~ly Zone shall ba one 5uildtn& site and C~re s~ll be
no separacio~ o~ chis zone by subdivision, reaubdivtsion,
sale, lease or ~inanctnb, except by subdivision vhich
rich all applicable condominium scacuCaa o~ the S~ce o~
~ltforn~ and zonins and subdivision repletions ot ch~.Ci~y
of South San Francisco.
3. ~C Coverage ~xi~: ~C cove?abe,.
streets ~ drive~ys, ca.ores, garases, ~in and accasso~
,bui,ldtnss, ~s~ll hoc exceed ~t~cy (50~) per oent,o~ the
~nc~l ~ltipl~ Fa~Ly~one. ..... ;
4. Setbacks: Ho part of any building or structure
shall be closer than f:Lve (:~) [eel; l;o any si;reel; line.
D~s~nces between ~n buildings shall be hoc less C~n '.
~hose. sec ou~ ~n Section ~,23 (h) o~ ~d~nance Ho. ~90
'O~ Che City o~' Sou~h San Francisco,
5, 9easily, ~ndscaping and Architectural Features
8~L be as sec ~or~h ~n the approved General Develop~nC
P~n or a~n~nCs Chereo~.
6,. Add~Ciona~ .Spec~a~ ~aC~ons:
'(a) ~e' f°l~o~ing additional' speC~L
s~ll apply ~iChtu Parcel L (To, hOuse Area) o~ the
CLa~ ~L~p~e' Family Zone l
L, Uses pelleted: ~eli~ng8, dwellLng grips, carports,
~rages s open. parkLng areas ~ private non-proZaC recreaC~onal
~acL~CLe8, ~bar, ~o~C~on~ type and nature of aL~ bu~d-
,?ln~s and uses s~ll be as shove 0n ~he a~nded S~0ne~Ce ~idge
DeveLopMnc Flan and DevelopMnC Sc~dule,
2, FarkinK per ~e~l~nE Un,Cz There 8hLL be
~:thn one and one-hl~ (~,~) covered'and, ona'ehl[ uncovered
parkLng~ace8, per d~e~lLng un,C,
'3, Gues~ Fark~ng~ Noc less ~a 'l/~ uncovered parko
Lng a~ce per un~ a~ll be required, located
and wLChLn 2~.'Eee~ o~ ~he dwelling ~C is Co se~e,
~ ·
Cure shale.contAin more than two (2) stories o£ living
area~ plus one story:' £or garage, parking and entry area,
except £or those untl:s designated as "Type VZ' on the amend~
ed ~negaZ ~lan. No m~n butld~u8 s~l exceed ~o~c~
~eeC La* he,she. No ~gpor~ o~ acc~sso~ build,nS s~1L ex-
ceed fifteen (15~. fee~ tn height, ~gh~ of butldtnss
~ .~asured ~rom the 1o~esC point o~ any Stand~ covered by
said bu/ldtnS co ~he ht6hesC point of the tool.
. (b) ~e ~ollo~n6 addt~Lona1 special
s~11 apply*~ichtn,Farcel 2 and ~arcel 3 (~rze aparC~nC
..~11dtnS a~ea) o[ the ~stdenCtal.~lCiple F~/ly Zone:
1'. Uses' ~e~'~ed~' AparC~nC houses~ private non-pro,tO
recr~C~ona1 ~aclltCLes; ~ga6es...The nu~er~ 1ocaCton~'
and' nacre o~ all bu~1dtn~s and uses~ and the n~er, size
and 'C~e o~ restdenC~1 unlCs allo~ed s~lL be as sho~ on
the a~nded Stone, Ce ~d6e ~veLop~nC PLan and Develop~n~
2. S~re~ Foo2a~e~ ~nt~: The~ ~loor*area o~ each
re~1denCtaL untO' s~L1 be noc~1ess C~n [our ~ndred~[~y
(~0) sq~re ~eeC ~og studio o: e~[~ctency a~rC~nCs~
~ndred (6~)' sq~re ~eeC ~or one (Z) bedg~m aparC~ngs; seven
~ndged'[orCy (7~O) sq~re [ee~ log. C~o ~2)bedroom
~nCs; eigh~ hundred e~sh~y (880)sq~re ~eeC.~or' three (3)
bedgoo~ aparc~nCs.. *.
3, Parking: ~ere s~l be not Less t~u one and one-
4. HeiRhC of Buildin~;s:_ No main building or struc-
ture s~ con.in ~re ~n three (3) ~loors or
o~ LLv~ns ~ea above any S~nd level~ p~us one sCo~ ~o~
~a~e, pa~k~nS and enc~y area. Add~tionaL pa~kin~ ~oo~s
or Levels ~y be provided below ~ Xowes~ ginished Sround
1eval surroundins any ~in ~ildins. N0 accesso~
Lng 8~ exceed fifteen (~5) feeC in hei~C, masured fr~
~h~ l~esc ps,nc of any Sround covered by 8a~d
Che hi.ese ps,nc sE Ch~ro~
(c) ~e ~ollowinS additional spechl
8~L1 apply w~zhin Parcel 4 (s~aL~ aparC~nC ~ld~ns area)
of =he' ~siden~l ~=iple Family Zone:
L, Uses Per~CCedl A~rCn~nC houses, open parkinS
armt8, private non-profit recreation areas.
typo and nature of buildings and uses s~ll be as 8ho~
oho ~nded SCouegaCe ~dse Deve~opMnC Plan and ~ve~op~n~
2. ParkinR per ~e~linR Unit: There s~l be nec ~ess
c~n one (1) covered park~n~ space per dwel~inS
8~lX be nec less c~n an additional three-fourths
coVered parking space ~r dwellLnS uni~o'Lo~ced off-street
and ~hLn '~wo ~ndred (2~) fee~ of the uni~. ic Lo co se~e.
SE~ION ~l. A new Paragraph 9 Lo hereby ad~d
IV-A o~ Ordinance ~lo. I~28 Co read as t~ollowsz
"9, Nol; less than thirty (~) acres o~ ~he S~one~Ce
P~anned Country DLsCrLcC s~ be ~andscaped by ~he Developer
thereo~, The ~nds~ped area aha~l hoc include straeCs~ dr~va-
ways~ parkin~ areas~ or any ~round covered by buildiais or
cures. ~nds~pad* s~ll b~ ll~rally consoled Co include
creative facili=ies such as~ buc hoc l~i=ad Co, pools, p~ysrounds~
tennis courts and play areas~ as wall as walks and ~=tos~
the co~n sreans~ and ~he park area~ as aho~ on ~ a~ndad
General Plan." ' '
~ls ~diaaaca s~ll be published once, aa required by law,
pria~ad amd published ia ~he City o~ Sou~h Sam ~aacisco, and
~ake e~ec~ amd be .la for~ ~hl~7 (30) ~ys ~om and af~er
adoption ~
Xn~roduced ~his 21s~ ~7 o~ Feb~r7, 1966,
Passed and adopted as an ~dinaace o~ the City o~ $~h Sam
Francisco a~ a re~lar ~a~im~ of ~he Ci~7 Coumcil o~ ~he City o~
SouZh Sam Eramcisco' ~hts 2Ch ~y o~ ~rch, 1966, ~p ~he
vo~a ~
Cor~eai, Andrew ~c=a and, ~ido ~,
ABSENT~ . . None
C£Cy Clerk
As l~ayoro£ the C~y o~ South San Francisco, I do hereby
approve the [oregoLns Ordinance chis 7~h day oE l~arch, L966.
/si rnA~ J. B~rt~c~t~
455 SIGN ORDINANCE appendix
shall be carefully controlled and designed to minimize traffic hazards.
3. No main building or outdoor place of assembly shall be located
closer to any lot line than the distance set forth in the following table. Greater
distances may be required as a condition of any Use Permit. Occupancy load as re-
ferred to in the following table shall be determined in accordance with the rules of
the Uniform Building Code for each type of occupancy.
Under 6 5 20 15
6-20 12 30 20
20-50 18 40 25
50-100 30 50 30
100-200 36 50 40
200 and over 40 50 50
4. The conduct of such use and the use of mechanical equipment re-
lated thereto shall not produce noise sustained over long periods perceptible at the
exterior lot lines of the lot on which located.
5. All exterior artificial illumination shall be so arranged and
placed as to reflect the light away from adjoining lots in Residential Districts. The
intensity of illumination from any light source on a lot shall not exceed one-half (½)
foot candles at any point ten feet (10') beyond the side or rear lot lines abutting
any other lot in any Residential District.
6. There shall be maintained on each lot line abutting any other
lot in any Residential District, a solid masonry wall or a landscaped screen planting
strip not less effective than a six-foot (6') compact evergreen hedge to protect ad-
joining property from noise and activity generated on the site. Additional screening
may be required as a condition of the authorization of any Use Permit.
7. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Section
4.0 unless in the opinion of the Planning Commission a larger number of spaces are
F. Residential Planned Unit Development, in accordance with the provi-
sions of Section 4.30 and Section 6 herein.
3.13 Building Height Limit
A. for dwellings - maximum thirty (30) feet.
B. For accesso)~ buildings - maximum, twelve (12) feet average height
between floor slab plate and ridge joint. If floor joist type construction is used,
the height limit may be increased three (3) feet.
3.14 Building Site Area Required
A. For each dwelling - minimum of five thousand (5000) square feet,
minimum width of fifty (50) feet minimum depth of eighty (80) feet, on interior lots;
minimum of six thousand (6000) square feet, minimum width of sixty (60) feet and mini-
mum depth of eighty (80) feet, on corner lots. In no case shall there be more than one
(1) single family dwelling on any one (1) building site. ( See Section 3.12 (d) and
including the storage of commercial vehicles.
D. One sign not over four (4) square feet in area and unlighted, pertaining
only to the sale, lease, or rental of the property upon which the sign is to be located.
3.22 Uses Permitted, subject to obtaining a Use Permit in each case
A. Churches, schools, parks, playgrounds, public utility and public and
quasi-public buildings.
B. Crop and tree farming.
C. Public or private parking lots for automobiles when adjacent to any
C or M district.
D. Second single family residence on a building site where an existing
single family residence has been constru£~ed.on the rear one-half (%) of the building
site prior to the adoption of this ordinance.
E. Second single family residence on a building site where said site
fronts on a public street and rears on a public street or public alley.
F. One sign, over four (4) square feet in area, and pertaining only to
the sale, lease, or rental of the property upon which the sign is to be located.
G. Residential Planned Unit Development, in accordance with the provi-
sions of Section 4.30 and Section 6 herein.
3.23 Building Height Limit
A. For dwellings - maximum thirty (30) feet.
B. For accessory buildings - maximum, twelve (12) feet average height
between floor slab plate and ridge pole. If floor joist type construction is used,
the height limit may be increased three (3) feet.
3.24 Building Site Area Required
A. For each dwelling - minimum of five thousand (5000) square feet,
minimum width of fifty (50) feet and minimum depth of eighty (80) feet, on interior
lots; minimum of six thousand (6000) square feet, minimum width of (60) feet,
and minimum depth of eighty (80) feet, on corner lots, in no case shall there be more
than one (1) single family dwelling or one (1) duplex on any one (1) building site.
(See Section 3.22 (d), 3.22 (e) and Section 5.3 for exceptions).
3.25 Percentage of Lot Coverage Permitted
A. For aggregate building coverage - maximum, fifty (50) percent of lot
3.26 Minimum Yards Required
A. Front Yards - Minimum required, fifteen (15) feet, and maximum per-
mitted, thirty-five (35) feet, but in no case shall any structure be erected closer
than forty (40) feet to the center line of any street, nor shall any garage, carport,
or accessory building be erected so that the entrance thereof is closer than nine-
teen (19) feet to the nearest edge of the Sidewalk line; provided that where twenty-
five (25) percent or more of the lots in a block have been improved with buildings
the minimum front yard ~equired shall be the average of improved lots, if less than
fifteen (15) feet. When twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the lots in a block
have been improved with buildings the minimum distance from a garage, carport, or
accessory building entrance to the nearest edge of the sidewalk shall be the average
F. Public or priviate parking lots for automobiles when adjacent to
any C or M district
G. Signs over four (4) square feet and appurtenant to any use allowed.
H. Residential Planned Unit Development, in accordance with the provi-
sions of Section 4.30 and Section 6 herein.
3.325 Accessory Uses Permitted
A. Accessory uses and buildings normally incidental to any of the
above. This shall not be construed as permitting any commercial use or occupation
other than those specifically listed.
3.33 Building Height Limit
A. For main buildings - maximum, fifty (50) feet.
B. For accessory buildings - maximum twelve (12) feet average height
between floor slab plate and ridge pole. If floor joist type construction is used,
the height limit may be increased three (3) feet.
3.34 Building Site Area Required
A. For each building or group of buildings - minimum of five thousand
(5000) square feet, minimum width of fifty (50) feet and miminum depth of eighty (80)
feet on interior lots; minimum of six thousand (6000) square feet, minimum width of
sixty (60) feet and minimum depth of eighty (80) feet on corner lots.
B. For each family unit in any building or group of buildings
minimum of one thousand (1000) square feet of lot area.
3.25 Percentage of Lot Coverage
A. For aggregate building coverage - ma'ximum of seventy-five percent.
3.26 Minimum Yards ReqUired
A. Front Yards - Minimum required, fifteen (15) feet and maximum per-
mitted, thirty-five (35) feet, but in no case shall any structure be erected closer
than forty (40) feet to the center line of any street, nor shall any garage, carport,
or accessory building be erected so that the entrance thereof is closer than nineteen
(19) feet to the nearest edge of the sidewalk line; provided that where twenty-five
(25) percent or more of the lots in a block have been improved with buildings, the
minimum front yard required shall be the average of improved lots, if less than fifteen
(15) feet. When twenty-five (25) percent or more of the lots in a block have been
improved with buildings, the minimum distance from a garage, carport or accessory
building entrance to the nearest edge of the sidewalk shall be the average of the
improved lots if tess than nineteen (19) feet.
B. Side Yards J Five (5) feet to the portion of the building nearest
the lot line (excluding eaves, chimneys, and similar architectural features), provided
that the side yard on the street side of a corner lot shall not be less than ten (10)
feet and provided,.further, that on the rear twenty (20) feet of the street side of a
corner lot, where there is reversed frontage, the side yard shall not be less than
the front yard required or existing on the adjacent reversed frontage; and provided,
further, that the side yard on any lot with an average width of forty (40) feet or
less shall be a minimum of ten (10) percent of the lot width but in no case less than
three (3) feet. No eaVes, chimney or other architectural feature shall extend more
than two (2) feet into any required side yard. Interior side yards shall be increased
by two (2) feet for each (10) feet or portion thereof that the building exceeds
thirty (30) feet in height.
C. Rear Yards - Minimum of ten (10) feet if building not over thirty-
A. Retail stores and service establishments.
B. Wholesale stores and storage.
C. Light industrial and manufacturing uses including furniture, clothing,
novelties, toys, cabinet shops, sheet metal shops, research laboratories, lumber yards,
planing mills.
D. Signs appurtenant to any permitted use.
3.72 Uses Permitted, subject to first obtaining a use permit in each case
A. All uses permitted in any R district, and motels and kennels.
B. Industrial or manufacturinguses, which in the opinion of the Planning
Commission, may be. objectionable by reason of production of offensive ordor, dust,
noise, bright lights, or vibration or involving the storage or handling of explosive
or dangerous materials, and all the following uses: Metal fabrication, assembly plants,
chemical plants, rock crushers, asphalt plants, ready-mix cement plants, rock and gravel
plants, drilling for and-or removal of oil, gas, or other hydrocarbon substances; com-
merical excavation of building or construction materials; dumping, disposal, incineration
of garbage, sewage, offal, dead animals, sawdust or refuse; manufacturing or storage
of acid, cement, explosives or fire-works, gas, inflammable fluids, gypsum, lime or
plaster of paris, smelting or iron, tin, zinc, or other ores.
C. Signs, other than those appurtenant to any permitted use, including
D. Commercial - Industrial Planned. Unit Development.
3.73 Building Height Limit
A. Maximum height of any building - sixty-five (65) feet provided that
additional height may be permitted if a use permit is first obtained.
3.74 Yards Required
A. Front, side, and rear yards required - None.
3.80 Industrial District or M-2 District
3.81 Uses Permitted
3.82 Uses Permitted, subject to first procuring a use permit in each case
3.83 Building Height Limit
3.84 Yards Required
3.80 Industrial District or M-2 District
The following regulations shall apply in all M-2 Districts and shall be
subject to the provisions of Section 5.
3.81 Uses Permitted
A. Retail stores and service establishments.
B. Wholesale stores and storage.
C. Manufacturing establishments, including manufacture of furniture,
clothing, novelties and toys, metal fabrication, lumber yards, planing mills,
cabinet shops, sheet metal shops, assembly plants, research laboratories, potterY
D. Signs appurtenant to any permitted use.
E. Sanitary fill operation {fill and cover} for dumping and solid
waste disposal provided that Council or Planning Commission finds and determines
that the establishment, maintenance, operation or use of the area will not under
the circumstances of the particular case be detrimental to the health, safety,
peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the
neighborhood and will not be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements
in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the City.
3.82 Uses Permitted, subject to first procurinq a use permit in each case
A. All residential uses, trailer courts, motels and kennels.
B. Industrial or manufacturing uses which, in the opinion of the
Planning Commission, may be objectionable by reason of production~of offensive
odor, dust, noise, bright lights, or vibration or involving the storage or handling
of explosives or dangerous materials, and all the following uses: Auto wrecking
and junkyards, rock crushers, asphalt plants, ready-mix cement plants, rock and
gravel plants, drilling for and/or removal of oil, gas or other hydrocarbon substan-
ces; commercial excavation of building or construction materials; distillation of
bones, dumping, disposal, incineration or reduction of garbage, sewage, offal, dead
animals, or refuse; fat rendering; manufacturing or storage of acid, cement, explos-
ives or fire-works, fertilizer, gas, inflammable fluids, glue, gypsum, lime or plaster
of paris, stockyard or slaughter of animals, refining of petroleum or its products,
smelting of iron, tin, zinc or other ores.
C. Signs, other than those appurtenant to any permitted use, including
D. Commercial - Industrial Planned Unit Development.
3.83 Building Height Limit
A. Maximum height of any building - sixty-five {65) feet provided
that additional height may be permitted if a use permit is first obtained.
3.84 Yards Required
A. Front, side and rear yards required - None.
4.123 Commercial Types
4.124 Manufacturing Types
~-- 4.13 Computation of Off-Street Parking Spaces
4.131 Required Off-Street Parking
4.132 Mixed Use
4.133 Uses Not Specified
4.14 General Parking Requirements
4.141 Size
4.142 Location and Type
4.143 Improvements
4.144 Peripheral Walls
4.145 Lighting
4.146 Access, Circulation, Landscaping
4.147 Off-Street Loading and Unloading Spaces
4.0 Off Street Parkin~
4.11 Intent and Purpose
The problem of providing adequate streets, highways and parkihg to meet
the present and future traffic needs generated by our rapidly expanding population is
of prime concern to both the City government and individual citizens of the City. All
types of property, regardless of location or use, are harmed by inadequate off-street
parking facilities, Cars parked on the streets, as a result create a safety hazard,
impede the flow of traffic and delay fire-fighting equipment. The provision of ade-
quate off-street parking, on the other hand, benefits the property owners by adding
security and stability to .his property; benefits his neighbors by relieving conges-
tion; and benefits the entire City by allowing the streets to be used as traffic movers.
4.12 Parking Spaces Required
Every use hereafter inaugurated and every building or structure here-
after erected or altered shall have permanently maintained parking spaces in accor-
dance with the provisions of this ordinance. The number of off-street parking
spaces required shall be no less than the following:
4.121 Residential Use Types Parking Spaces Required
(A) Dwelling, single-family 2 spaces (1 covered) per unit
3 spaces (2 covered) per unit with 5 or
more bedrooms.
(B) Rooming houses, boarding 1 for each sleeping room; in dormitories,
homes, or clubs with sleeping 100 sq.ft, of gross floor area shall be
facilities considered a sleeping room.
(C) Dwellings, multiple-family Bachelor and one (1) bedroom apartments,
one and one-quarter (1-¼) spaces with at
least one (1) space covered; two (2)
bedroom apartments, one and one-half
(1½) spaces for each unit with at least
one (1) space covered; three (3) or
more bedroom apartments, one and three-
quarters (1-3/4) spaces per unit with
at least one (1) space covered.
'~_. (D) Mobile Home Parks 2 (may be tandem) for each site, plus
One (1) for each five (5) sites.
4.30 Residential Planned Unit Development Zone District (R-P-D)
4.31 Purpose (R-P-D)
4.32 Permitted Uses (R-P-D)
4.33 Residential Planned Unit ~evelopment Permits (R-P-D)
4.34 Residential Planned Unit Developments - Single Family Detached
Sub-Zones (R-P-D-SFD)
4.35 Residential Planned Unit Development - Single Family Attached
Sub-Zones (R-P-D-SFA)
4.36 Uses Permitted Subject To Obtaining A Use Permit In Each Case
4.31 Purpose (R-P-D)
In order to provide a method whereby land may be designed and
developed as a unit for residential use by taking advantage of modern site planning
techniques, and in order to produce an environment of stable, desirable character
which will be in harmony with the existing or potential development of the surround-
ing neighborhood, and in order to produce developments which meet the standards set
forth herein of open space, light, air, pedestrian and vehicular circulation, and
maximum density of dwelling units, land in the R-P-D Zone Districts may be used as
set forth in this section.
The Planning Commission may grant a residential planned development
permit for land in the R-l, R-2, R-3, and R-P-D Zone Districts which the Commission
finds meets the requirements of this section.
The Commission may impose such additional conditions and requirements
upon a residential planned development permit as the Commission finds are reasonable
and necessary to carry out the purpose and requirements of the R-P-D Zone District
4.32 Permitted Uses (R-P-D)
The following uses shall be permitted in the Residential Planned
Development Zone District (R-P-D) pursuant to an R-P-D permit obtained from the
Commission pursuant to the provisions of Section 6 of Ordinance 353, as amended:
A. Temporary Agricultural Uses;
B, Boarding and lodging houses;
C. Churches;
D. Dwellings, one-family;
E. Dwellings, two-family;
F. Dwellings, multiple-family;
G. Commercial uses as provided for by R-P-D permit;
H. Signs only as set forth in Ordinance 455, as amended;
I. Public and quasi-public uses and structures;
J, Home occupation in accordance with Ordinance 729-A, as amended;
K. Uses and structures which are incidential or necessary to any of
the uses permitted in the R-P-D Zone District.
4.33 Residential Planned Unit Development Permits (R-P-D)
A. The applicant may submit to the Commission an application for
a Residential Planned Development Permit in the manner set forth in Section 6 of
this ordinance, provided there will not be more tbao an average number of units
per acre as specified by an R-P-D Sub-Zone Suffix{1) or not less than 90 percent
of the total land area normally required in the district in which located for the
same number of dwelling units and further providing that the total number of dwel-
ling units for one parcel of record shall not exceed that density established and
set forth in the General Plan of the City of South San Francisco.
B. That the applicant shall submit to the Commission complete deve-
lopment plans showing the proposed use for the property, including dimensions and
locations of all proposed structures, parking spaces, streets, parks, playgrounds,
school sites and open spaces, and such additional information as may be required
by the Commission.
C. The applicant shall submit evidence showing that the proposed
development is designed to produce an environment of stable and desirable charac-
ter and that areas of open space, parking and recreation facilities are consistent
with the anticipated population of the development and the standards for residential
developments set forth in Section 4 (Off-Street Parking), Section 6 (Residential
Planned Unit Developments), the City of South San Francisco Subdivision Ordinance,
and as set forth in this section.
D. The Commission may allow minor specified commercial uses within
an area covered by the permit referred to in this section when the Commission finds
1. The commercial uses are designed to be used primarily by
the residents within the permit area; and
2. The proposed commercial uses are incidental to and compa-
tible with the nature and type of development proposed for
the permit area and shall be confined within the area as a
part of the total development.
E. Each residential planned development shall contain the following
conditions and such other conditions deemed by the Commission to be reasonably neces-
sary to accomplish the purposes of this section:
1. The applicant shall submit a construction sequence for the
land covered by the permit showing the order in which par-
ticular structures will be constructed and upon approval of
(1)The R-P-D Zone District Suffix shall be established by the Planning
Commission at the time any portion of the property is zoned R-P-D and may reflect
the density set forth and established by the General Plan of the City of South
San Francisco or such lesser density as the Planning Commission may determine based
on the availability of public support services, physical site characteristics,
public need, open space, or any such other information deemed pertinent to the
establishment of said maximum density. For the purpose of this section, the suffix
number following the R-P-D designation shall reflect the maximum number of dwelling
units permitted per net acre of land area. For example, an R-P-D-15 represents a
maximum density of 15 units per net acre or one unit per 2900 square feet of net
land area.
E. 1 .... the sequence, the applicant shall not deviate from
such sequence without written approval by the City
Planner. At no time shall there be more than an average
of the allowable units per acre constructed or under
construction on the portion of the land which has been
developed or is under development.
2. Unless otherwise authorized by the Commission, no part
of any structure shall be constructed less than twenty
(20) feet from any property line which is adjacent to a
perimeter street. If such structure exceeds a height of
twenty-five (25) feet, it shall set back from the property
line an additional five (5) feet for each ten (10) feet
in height, or portion thereof, by which such structure
exceeds twenty-five (25) feet.
3. There shall be a minimum of one and one-half (1½) parking
spaces for each dwelling unit in the development, one of
which shall be covered or enclosed. The Commission may
require additional parking spaces not to exceed one parking
space per dwelling unit and 1/2 parking space for guest
parking when the Commission finds such additional parking
is necessary for the development, taking into consideration
the availability of on-street parking facilities in and
adjacent to the development.
4. The provisions of Section 4 of Ordinance 455 shall not be
applicable to land for which a residential planned unit
development permit has been granted so long as such land
is developed and maintained in accordance with this section
and all of the conditions of the permit, provided, however,
that the Commission may use Section 4 of Ordinance 455 as
guidelines for the establishment of minimum conditions for
permit approval.
5. No R-P-D permit shall be issued upon any single portion
of land zoned R-P-D until there has been submitted to the
Commission a specific plan of the entire area showing the
proposed densities and the open space or park area for all
portions of such land and the specific plan is approved by
the Commission.
6. That the usable open space for each unit in a residential
planned development shall be as follows:
(A) Studio or one-bedroom units 250 square feet
(B) Two-bedroom units 350 square feet
(C) Three-bedroom or larger units 450 square feet
6. Usable open space shall not include the required front or
side yard area provided that when the unit is facing upon
and orienting to such side yard which otherwise meets the
requirements of this section, then such side yard area may
be used in computing the usable open space.
7. That any area established to meet the usable open space re-
quirements of this section shall be at least 15 feet clear
in dimension and not more than five percent in average
cross slope. Usable open space may include private deck
areas or balconies with direct access to the dwelling and
a minimum dimension of six {6} feet and a minimum area of
seventy (70) square feet. Usable open space shall not
include any portion of off-street parking spaces, driveways,
turnaround areas, roof tops, required front yards or required
side yards on the street side of a corner lot, covered
pedestrian access ways between buildings, or any accessory
building, except those portions of any accessory building
used for recreation purposes.
8. Unless otherwise specifically waived or modified by the
Commission, wherever common greenbelts are provided conti-
guous to or integrated with lots containing detached single-
family dwellings in a residential' planned development sub-
division, such lots may be reduced to a minimum of 4500
square feet without being computed within the lots size as
set forth in the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of South
San Francisco. However, such greenbelt areas shall be:
(A) Less than ten (10) percent in cross slope;
(B) A minimum of 500 square feet for each contiguous
(C) At least thirty (30) feet wide; and
(D) In addition to the usable open space required for
such lots as set forth in subsection 7 of this section.
4.34 Residential Planned Unit Developments - Single Family
Detached Sub-Zones (R-P-D-SFD)
In the sub-zone designated R-P-D-SFD, only one family detached
dwelling units shall be permitted. All the other provisions of this section shall
apply in the R-P-D-SFD sub-zone. The density of developments shall be specified
by the applicable numerical sub-zone (e.g. R-P-D-SFD-4 shall mean that detached
homes at a density of not more than four (4) units per net acre shall be permitted).
4.35 Residential Planned Unit Development - Single Family
Attached Sub-Zones (R-P-D-SFA)
In the sub-zone designated R-P-D-SFA, only one family attached
dwelling units shall be permitted. All other provisions of this section shall
apply to the R-P-D-SFA sub-zone. The density of developments shall be established
as set forth in section.4.34 herein.
4.36 Uses Permitted Subject To Obtaining
A Use Permit In Each Case
Because of smoke, fumes, dust, odors, sound vibration, traffic
congestion, or other potential nuisances or hazards, the establishment, mainten-
ance or operation of the uses set forth in this section, shall not be permitted
in an R-P-D zone unless a Use Permit is obtained in the manner set forth in
Section 6 of Ordinance 353, as amended, and such uses conform to every term and
condition of the permit.
A. A permit for any of the following uses may be granted by the
Planning Commission when in the Commission's opinion, it is determined that'the
use will not be injurious or detrimental to the public health, safety or general
welfare or to the property in the vicinity or zone in which the use will be
situated, and that such effects can be prevented with the imposition of conditions,
and that the permit is necessary for the owner of the property to make reasonable
use of the property:
1. Day nurseries;
2. Hotels, motels;
3. Professional offices;
4. Community centers, social halls, lodges, clubs,
rest homes;
5. Churches, schools;
6. Public or private parking lots when adjacent to any
"C" or "M" district;
7. Signs over four square feet and appurtenant to any
use permitted in the zone;
8. The Commission may, at its discretion, grant a Use
Permit to erect and maintain advertising or direc-
tional signs for advertising the sale of any sub-
division or for directing the public to any subdi-
vision whenever the Commission finds that signs are
essential to the sale of the subdivision or to
locate the subdivision.
4.40 Planned Commercial and Light Industrial District or P-C-M District
4.41 P-C-M Districts
4.42 Application for Establishment of Uses Permitted in P-C-M Districts
4.43 The Planning Commission
4.44 Uses Permitted, subject to first procuring a Use Permit in each case
4.45 Building Height Limit
4.46 Building Site Area Required
4.47 Yard Required
E. Public, parochial and private elementary schools, junior high
schools, high schools and colleges.
F. Public park, wildlife preserve, recreation or open space area.
G. Churches, parish houses, monasteries, convents and other reli-
gious institutions.
4.53 Uses Permitted, subject to first obtaining a Use Permit in each case
A. Broadcasting tower for radio or television.
B. Mining, dredging, loading, and hauling of sand, dirt, gravel,
or other aggregate.
C. Private, non-profit schools and colleges not including business,
professional or trade school and colleges.
D. Public and private philanthropic and charitable institutions.
E. Public utility and public service structures or installations
when found by the Commission to be necessary for the public health, safety or welfare.
F. Incidental and accessory structures and uses located on the same
site with, and necessary to the operation of a Conditional Use.
G. Private commercial recreation uses which do not significantly
alter or eliminate the land's natural character.
H. Private commercial and retail sales, restaurants, and other
similar commercial uses when it is determined by the Planning Commission that such
uses are compatible with public and private recreation uses and the public interest.
I. Private parking facilities when constructed in conjunction with
permitted uses.
4.54 General Regulations
A. No horses or cattle and no other animals except household pets
shall be bred, raised or maintained within 200 feet of any R districts.
B. Off-street parking and loading space shall be provided in accor-
dance with Section 4.1 herein.
C. The total grQund coverage of structures on any parcel located
within the OS District shall not exceed 25% of the gross parcel area.
4.60 Commercial Office Zone District or C-O District
4.61 Permitted Uses (C-O)
4.62 Uses Requiring A Use Permit
4.63 Zone Clearance, Development Permits (C-O)
4.64 Signs (C-O)
4.65 Height Regulation (C-O)
4.66 Area Regulation (C-O)
4.67 Off-Street Parking
4.68 Landscaping, Lighting and Storage (C-O)
4.60 Commercial Office Zone District or C-O District
To provide a method by which land located in or adjacent to resi-
dential areas may be designated and developed as a unit for professional and limited
commercial offices, and to produce a professional and limited commercial office
development which will be compatible and harmonious with existing or potential
development of adjacent residential or other areas, and to foster professional and
limited commercial office development which meet the standards set forth herein of
open space, concentration of buildings, parking facilities, landscaping, and pedes-
trian and vehicular circulation, commercial office zones (C-O) are established to
provide suitable alternative locations for office and services of a professional,
clerical or administrative nature.
4.61 Permitted Uses (C-O)
The following uses only shall be permitted in the commercial office
zone district (C-O) subject to the requirements and conditions of a zone permit:
A. Medical and dental clinics and laboratories;
B. Office buildings for professional or business uses. Retail,
wholesale, or warehouses are prohibited, except as otherwise set forth herein.
C. Barber shops, beauty shops or newsstands located in an office
building, provided that there shall be no direct entrance to the public right-of-
way or exterior oriented advertising signs.
D. A pharmacy, provided that it be limited to the preparation,
dispensing and retailing of drugs and medical supplies and related non-pharma-
ceutical commodities.
E~ The growing of agricultural crops on vacant property and uses
accessory thereto, except roadside stands.
4.62 Uses Requiring A Use Permit
The uses set forth in this section may be permitted in C-O zones if a Use
Permit is granted by the Commission in the manner set forth in Section 6 of Ordi-
nance 353, as amended. A permit for any such use may be granted by the Commission
only if it finds that the use will not be injurious or detrimental to the public
health, safety or welfare or to the properties in the area in which the use will
be situated, and secondly, that the imposition of conditions upon the requested use
will insure against such effects.
A. Roadside stands when necessary to support agricultural land uses
conducted on the same site.
B. Churches, mortuaries, ambulance service.
C. Development of natural resources or water wells.
D. Day nurseries.
E. Any use which in the opinion of the Commission is of a similar
F. Multiple-family residential structures.
4.63 Zone Clearance, Development Permits _C-(~
The office of the City Planner shall cause to be issued a zone
permit when the applicant has complied with all of the requirements of this section,
the requirements of Section 5 of Ordiance 353, as amended, all other applicable zon-
ing ordinance requirements, and the findings of the City of South San Francisco
Design Review Board. If any applicant is aggrieved by the action of any person
or political entity, he may appeal to the Planning Commission in the manner set forth
in Section 5 of Ordinance 353, as amended.
4.64 Signs (C-O)
Subject to the requirements and conditions of the development
permit, business signs advertising only the business conducted or the services
provided on the premises shall be the only signs permitted in the C-O Zone
District, subject to the following limitations:
A. All signs shall be attached to the face of the building and
shall not project more than 12 inches therefrom.
Bo Signs may be softly backlighted or flood lighted only.
C. Sign areas may not exceed one square foot of sign for each
linear foot of street frontage.
D. Two signs may be permitted on corner lots.
E. No sign may extend or sit upon the roof of a building.
F. In the case of multiple tenant buildings, one directory sign
designed to be read by pedestrians entering the building may be placed on the
wall at each major point of entry.
G. Freestanding signs shall not be permitted.
H. Signs on the building should be of a design that is harmonious
with the architectural treatment of the structure.
I. All signs over lO0 square feet in area shall be subject to the
granting of a Use Permit in accordance with the provisions of Section 6 of Ordi-
nance 353, as amended.
4.65 Height Regulation (C-O)
The Planning Commission may permit a structure to exceed two stories
or 25 feet if it finds that the general intent and purpose of this section have
been met, but in no case shall any structure exceed four (4) stories or 45 feet in
overall height from finished grade to the highest portion of the roof or appurten-
ance attached thereto.
4.66 Area Regulatio~ (C-O~
The following area regulations shall apply to any use permitted in
the C-O Zones:
A. Front yard, 20 feet exclusive of vehicular parking and turn-
around areas, provided that the second floor may project not more than five feet
into the required setback. For the purpose of this section, corner side yards
'shall be treated the same as a front yard.
B. Rear yard, not less than 20 feet.
C. Side yard, not less than five feet, provided that where the side
yard abuts on residential property, the side yard shall not be less than 10 feet
or the length of the shadow cast by the building whichever distance is greater.
D. Interior yard between buildings shall be a distance equal to the
shadow cast by the southerly building or 20 feet, whichever distance is greater.
E. Building, including accessory building, shall not cover more
than 50 percent of the permit area, provided that if covered parking is provided,
the area of building coverage may be increased in equal proportions to the area of
covered parking. For each five covered parking spaces, one percent of the total
land area shall be added to the landscaped area. In no case shall more than 90
percent of the total land area be devoted to building, structures, parking, vehi-
cular circulation, and not less than lO percent of the total land area shall be
devoted to landscaping.
4.67 Off-Street Parking
Off-street parking shall be provided in the C-O Zone District in
accordance with Section 4 of Ordinance 353, as amended.
4.68 Landscaping, Lighting and Storage (~-0~
The following provisions shall apply to the C-O Zone District:
A. Landscaping
1. Three (3) percent of the total 10 percent landscaping
shall be located in and distributed throughout the
parking area (except in covered parking areas);
2. All of the requirements of Section 4 of Ordinance
353, as amended, related to landscaping shall be
applicable to this section;
3. Whenever development in the C-O zone abuts any "R"
zoned property, a six foot high decorative block
or solid wall shall be erected (for the'purpose of
this section, wood or chain link fences are not
considered solid walls). Such walls shall not
exceed 36 inches in height for a distance of twenty
(20) feet from the edge of the abutting public
B. Lighting. Lighting may not illuminate or glare onto any adja-
cent property or public right-of-way so as to be deemed objectionable or hazar-
dous to motorists.
C. Storage of materials and equipment. Storage of materials or
equipment may be permitted subject to the granting of a Use Permit by the Plan-
ning Commission in accordance with Section 6 of Ordinance 353, as amended.
5.50 Precise Plan of Design
A. No person sha~l commence any use or erect any structure or
make exterior modifications to any existing use, parking area or structure, and
no permit, including but not limited to Development, Residential Planned Develop-
ment, Building, Zone, Use or Variance Permits, shall be issued for any new use
or structure, or modification thereof until a precise plan of desi§n therefor has
been approved and adopted in accordance with the precise plan requirements. The
following exceptions shall apply to exterior modifications:
B. Exceptions
1. Changes in sign copy on existing changeable copy signs
or on signs designed to allow a change of copy, exclu-
ding painted signs or copy changes which increase the
sign area or coverageor which structurally alter the
sign structure.
2. Changes required in whole or part by a requirement of
any governmental agency.
3. Changes to residential structures (except multiple-
family) which do not exceed fifty percent (50%} of
value of structure as established by the Building
Division in accordance with the Uniform Building Code
and otherwise comply with Section 5.60(G) of the Zon-
ing Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco.
5.51 P~gcise Plan of Design Guidelines and Standard_s-
A. Adoption. The Planning Commission in exercising the scope
of authority hereinafter set forth, shall by resolution adopt guidelines and
standards for design review and approval of a precise plan of design. Said guide-
lines and standards shall be adopte~ only after a public hearing noticed and con-
ducted in the manner required for zoning amendments in accordance wit~ the pro-
visions of Section 6 of Ordinance No. ~53, as amended. Any person or persons
aggrieved by the actions of the Planning Commission may appea~ said action in
accordance with the provisions for appeal set forth in Section 6 of Ordinance
No. 353, as amended.
B. ~ope of Authority_. Guidelines and standards for design
review and approval of a precise plan of design shall be in accordance with the
1. A site subject to design and review shall be graded and
developed with due regard for the natural terrain,
aesthetic quality and landscaping so as not to impair
the environmental quality, value or stability of the
site or the environmenta~ quality or value of the im-
prove~ or unimproved property in the area.
2. A building, structure or sign shall'
(A) Reasonably relate to its site and property in the
immediate and adjacent areas, and
~B) Not be excessively uniform or dissimilar or of such
poor quality of design as to adversely affect the
environmental quality of desirability of the imme-
diate areas or neighboring areas, and
(C~ Not impair the benefits of occupancy of existing
property or environmental quality thereof in such
areas or the stability and value of improved or
produce degeneration of property in such areas with
attendant deterioration of conditions affecting the
health, safety and general welfare of the community,
or destroy the proper relationship between the tax-
able value of real property in such areas and the
cost of municipal services provided therefor.
3. A site shall be developed to achieve a harmonious re-
lationship with the area in which it is located and
adjacent areas, avoiding excess variety or monotonous
repetition, but allowing a reasonable similarity of
style or originality which does not impair the environ-
mental quality or values of improved or unimproved pro-
perty or prevent appropriate development and use of such
areas or produce degeneration of properties in such areas
with attendant deterioration of conditions affecting the
health, safety and general welfare of City and adversely
affecting the proper relationship between the taxable
value of real property in such areas and cost of munici-
pal services provided therefor.
4. Open space, parking areas, pedestrian walks, signs
illumination and landscaping {including irrigation) shall
be designed and developed to enhance the environmental
quality of the site, achieve a safe, efficient and harmo-
nious development and accomplish the objectives set forth
in the precise plan of design/design criteria.
5. Electrical and mechanical equipment or works and fixtures
and trash storage areas shall be designed and constructed
so as to enhance the environmental quality of the site.
Electrical and mechanical equipment or works and fixtures
and trash storage areas shall be concealed by an appro-
priate architectural structure which uses colors and
materials harmonious with the principal structure, unless
a reasonable alternative is approved by the Planning Com-
6. For the purpose of determining a reasonable implementation
of said design and the affect on the environmental quality
of the area, the precise plan of design review shall include
but not be limited to exterior design, materials, textures,
colors, means of illumination, landscaping, irrigation,
height, shadow patterns, parking, access, security safety,
and other usual, on-site development elements.
5.52 Applications
A. When a precise plan of design is required by this Ordinance,
the precise plan of design shall be submitted to the Planning Division as a part of
the application for Development Permit, Residential Planned Uevelopment, Building
Permit, Zone Permit, Use Permit or Variance. The precise plan of design for indivi-
dual single family structures shall be submitted to the Planning Division as a part
of the Building Permit application. No additional application or fee shall be required
for the plan of design for residential use other than the Building Permit and
plan check fees normally received by the Building Division.
B. The Planning Division shall check each application sub-
mitted for precise plan review for completeness and shall set the request for
the review and consideration of the Design Review Board. The P~anning Division
shall advise the Design Review Board as to the appropriateness of the request,
ordinance requirements, pertinent regulations of county, state or federal agencies,
and as to procedural requirements.
C. No certificate of ~ccupancy shall be granted by the Building
Division or approved by the City P~anner unless a precise plan of design has been
approved therefor and the building or structure complies therewith.
D. If a~terations to the approved drawings are desired by the
applicant, said drawings shal| be resubmitted and processed according to the pro-
cedures established herein for approval of the original drawings.
E. The fo~lowin§ drawings shall be required for consideration
by the Design Review Board, except that the City P|anner may require lesser infor-
mation or drawing if in his opinion the drawings submitted meet the intent and
purpose of this section:
1. A plot or site p~an, drawn to scale which depicts all
proposed on-site improvements and the locations of
same in accordance with the standards established in
the precise plan of design.
2. A landscape plan drawn to scale which sets forth the
information set forth in the City's landscape design
criteria and all existing trees and shrubs on the
3. Grading plans unless the City Engineer determines they
are unnecessary for the review process.
4.. Architectural drawings, renderings or sketches drawn
to scale as set forth in the City's design criteria.
5. Scale drawings of all signs and light standards with
details of height, area, color and materials specified
6. Any other drawings or additional information necessary
to adequately consider the drawings set forth herein
above and to determine compliance with purposes of this
5.53 Design Review Board
The South San Francisco Design Review Board is hereby estab-
lished. It shall consist of five (5) members appointed by the Planning Commission
and designated as Member 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Each member shall be appointed for a
term of two (2) years, except that on first term, Members 1 and 2 shall serve an
initial term of one (1) year. Two (2) members shall be architects licensed by
the State of California. Two (2) members shall be either a landscape architect,
designer, contractor, horticulturist, or person with equivalent landscaping
expertise or background. One (1) member shall be a building designer or
contractor. At least one (1) of the members shall be a resident and elector of
the City of South San Francisco.
The Design Review Board shall have the power to review the
precise plan of design, related drawings and other matters related thereto and
make recommendations to the City Planner in accordance with the provisions of this
ordinance and the precise plan of design criteria established by the Planning
Commission. The Design Review Board shall meet on the first, second, third and
fourth Tuesdays of each month in the Council Conference Room, City Hall, South San
Francisco, California, at 9:00 a.m. Meetings on the first and third Tuesdays shall
be study sessions, and the meetings on the second and fourth Tuesdays shall be
regular meetings.
5.54 Action of the City Planner
Upon receiving the recommendation from the Design Review Board, the
City Planner shall approve, conditionally approve, disapprove or modify the precise
plan of design. Conditions shall be reasonable, and designed to assure attainment
of the standards established by this Ordinance and designed to bring the building,
structure or sign in conformity with the standards established by this Ordinance.
If the City Planner disapproves the precise plan of design, he shall specify the
standards or conditions which have not been met. If the City Planner fails to
approve, approve with conditions, disapprove or modify the precise plan of design as
submitted by the applicant within 180 days following the date he receives the
recommendation from the Design Review Board, the precise plan of design as
submitted shall be deemed approved, unless the Planning Commission grants the
City Planner a reasonable extension of time therefor. The determination by the
City Planner shall be subject to review by the Planning Commission either on
appeal by the applicant or upon motion of the Planning Commission. If the applicant
fails to appeal within ten (lO) days after notice of the City Planner's determination
or the Planning Commission fails to make an order to review the City Planner's
determination within ten (lO) days after said determination, then the City Planner's
determination shall be final.
5.55 Appeal of Review
A. Appeal to the Planning Commission shall be filed in writing
with the office of the City Planner in accordance with the times before stated
and shall set forth the grounds for appeal. The Planning Commission's order for
review shall be filed with the City Planner in accordance with the times before
B. Hearing on Appeal. The Planning Commission shall set a
hearing on the appeal or order for review by ten (lO) day notice published in a
newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the City of South San
Francisco. Written notice of the appeal shall also be mailed to the applicant
at least ten (10) days prior to the date set for the hearing. The Planning
Commission after hearing may approve, conditionally approve, modify or disapprove
the determination of the City Planner. The action of the Planning Commission shall
become effective ten (lO) days after the action of the Commission unless a
written appeal is filed with the City Council within five (5) days after the
Planning Commission makes its determination.
C. If an appeal is filed with the City Council, the City Clerk
shall set a hearing thereon within ten (lO) days or for the next regular Council
meeting and give ten days' notice thereof in a newspaper printed and published
in the City of South San Francisco and mail the notice to the applicant at least
ten (10) days prior to said hearing and notice to the Planning Commission and
City Planner at least ten (10) days prior to the date set for said hearing. The
City Council after hearing may approve, conditionally approve, disapprove or
modify the precise plan of design.
5.56 Expiration of Design Review Approval
Any development of permit, residential planned unit development,
building permit or zone permit for which a precise plan of design has been
approved, conditionally approved or modified shall lapse and shall be deemed void
one (1) year after the date thereof if a building permit has not been issued
therefor and/or construction has not commenced. Additional extensions of time
may be granted by the City Planner, Planning Commission or City Council, whichever
ordered the final action approving the permit.
5.57 Permit Type and Fees
A. It is hereby established that the action of the Design Review
Board shall be for the following types of permits only:
1. Development Permit: All new or major modifications to
commercial, industrial or multiple family properties,
including signs.
2. Residential Planned Developments and Planned Unit Develop-
ments: All new or major modifications to multiple family
developments, including signs.
3. Building Permits: All new or major modifications to
single family residential, including signs and/or other
construction permits.
4. Zone Permit or clearance issued by the Office of the City
5. Use Permits and Variances. ·
B. Filing fee~ shall be established by the City Council and shall
be as set forth in Section 6 of Ordinance 353, as amended..
5.60 Non-Conforming Uses
A. The lawful use of land existing at the time of the adoption
of this Ordinance, although such use does not conform to the regulations herein
specified for the district in which such land is located, may be continued
provided that no such use shall be enlarged or increased or be extended to occupy
a greater area than that occupied by such use at the time of the adoption of this
Ordinance, and that if any such use ceases, the subsequent use of such land shall
be in conformity to the regulations specified by this Ordinance for the District
in which such land is located, unless otherwise specified herein. No land used
for greenhouse purposes may be extended or enlarged so that such greenhouses
covera greater area than that occupied by such greenhouses at the time of
adoption of this Ordinance, unless and until a use permit is first procured under
the following condition. No use permit may be granted where extension of such
greenhouse will adversely affect surrounding property and the general welfare of
the area.
B. The lawful use of a building existing at the time of this
ordinance may be continued although such use does not conform to the regulations
specified for the district in which such building is located.
C. The non-conforming use of a portion of a building may be
extended throughout the building provided that in each case a use permit shall
first be obtained.
1. The parcel on which the development is to be located
shall be in one ownership or under unified control.
2. The proposed development shall be in conformity with the
adopted General Plan of the City and shall conform with
any applicable precise plans adopted in conformance
therewith for the purpose of effectuating the General Plan.
3. The proposed development shall be designed to produce an
environment of stable and desirable character in harmony
with the character of the surrounding area.
4. The spacing between main buildings shall be at least equi-
valent to the spacing which would be required between
buildings similarly developed under the terms of this
ordinance on separate parcels, due consideration being
given to building height and to the openness normally
afforded by intervening streets and alleys.
5. The development shall not produce a volume of traffic in
excess of the capacity for which the access streets are
designed. Vehicular entrances and exits shall be care-
fully located and designated to minimize hazards. The Plan
shall provide for safe, convenient internal circulation,
pedestrian and vehicular.
B. A Planned Unit Development in a P-C District shall conform to
terms of the ordinance establishing the P-C District and, where not in conflict there-
with to the General Development Plan and General Development Schedule for the respective
P-C District.
C. A Planned Unit Development in any other district shall conform to
all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance for such district, except as otherwise speci-
fically permitted by this section. Planned Unit Developments in districts other than
P-C Districts shall in addition to other requirements comply with the following:
1. Any buildings exceeding in height the limit normally per-
mitted in the district shall be so located on the parcel so
as to obviate the casting of unbroken shadows on adjoining
2. Yards which are not less in dimension than otherwise required
in the district in which situated shall be provided along
the parcel lines bouding each Planned Unit Development.
D. Development of Planned Community - Development of the Planned
Community District or any of the several designated districts or zones shall be by
planned units of not less than four acres, unless otherwise provided, for which a Use
Permit shall be required as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of South San
Francisco and related provisions of this ordinance. No Building Permit shall be issued
nor shal any buildings or structures be moved into said Planned Community District
6.20 Use Permits
Use permits, revocable, conditional, or valid for a term period
may, in accordance with the provisions of this subsection, be issued or denied for
any of the uses or purposes for which said permits are required or permitted by the
terms of this ordinance.
6.21 Applications
A. Application for use permits may be made only by an interested
party and shall be made to the Planning Commission in writing on a form prescribed
by the Commission and shall be accompanied by plans and elevations necessary to show
the detail of the proposed use of the building. Such application shall'be accompanied
by a fee as set forth in Section 6.66, no part of which shall be refundable.
B. When an application is filed, the City Planner shall make an
investigation and review, the City Planner shall set a public hearing before the
Planning Commission on said application.
6.22 Public Hearin§s
A. Publication - ~otice of the public hearing shall be published once
in a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the City of South San
Francisco not less than ten days prior to the date set for the hearing.
B. Posting - Notice of the public hearing shall be posted on the
property which is subject of the application, or adjacent thereto, not less than
ten days prior to the date set for such hearing.
C. Mailing - Notice of public hearing shall be given by notice by
the Planning Commission through the United States mail, using names and addresses from
the last equalized County assessment roll at least 10 days prior to a public hearing.
The applicant shall submit to the Planning Division a certified, complete and accurate
mailing list of all assessor's parcel numbers, owners and addresses of all properties
shown on the last equalized assessment roll as owning real property within 300 feet
of the property which is the subject of the proposed application in a form as pre-
scribed by the Planning Division.
6.23 Action by Commission
A. In order for the Planning Commission to grant a use permit, the
findings of the Planning Commission shall be to the effect that the establishment
maintenance, operation or the use of the building for which a permit is sought will
not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health,
safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working
in the neighborhood of such proposed use, and will not be detrimental or injurious
to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City.
Where a use permit is requested for a Planned Unit Development, findings shall also
be made on the matters required to be set forth in the application; on the Planned
Unit Development's conformity to the relevant provisions of Sections 5.72, 5.73 and
5.74, and as set forth below in order for the Planning Commission to grant the use
1. In case of residential d~velopment in districts other
than P-C Districts that the'total parcel area is
not less than ninety per cent (90%) of that normally
required in the District in which located for the same
number of dwelling units of equivalent sizes.
2. That yards are provided along the parcel lines bounding
such Planned Unit Development not less in dimensien
than otherwise required in the District in whic~ situated.
6.33 Action by Commission
6.34 Appeals
6.35 Effect
6.30 Variances
Where practical difficulties, unnecessary hardships and results in-
consistent with the general purpose of this ordinance may result from the strict appli-
cation of certain provisions thereof, variance permits may be granted as provided in
this section.
6.31 Applications
A. Applications for variance permits may be made only by an interested
party and shall be in writing on a form prescribed by the Planning Commission and
shall be accompanied by a fee as set forth in Section 6.66, no part of which shall
be refundable.
B. When an application is filed, the Planning Officer shall make an
investigation and review of said application. Upon completion of the investigation
and review, the Planning Officer shall set a public hearing before the Planning Com-
mission on said application.
6.32 Public Hearings
A. Publication - Notice of the public hearing shall be published
once in a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the City of South
San Francisco not less than ten days prior to the date set for the hearing.
B. Posting - Notice of the public hearing shall be posted on the
property which is subject of the application, or adjacent thereto, not less than
ten days prior to the date set for such hearing.
C. Mailing - Notice of public hearing shall be given by notice by
the Planning Commission through the United States mail, using names and addresses
from the last equalized County assessment roll at least 10 days prior to a public hearing.
The applicant shall submit to the Planning Division a certified, complete and accu-
rate mailing list of all assessor's parcel numbers, owners and addresses of all properties
shown on the last equalized assessment roll as owning real property within 300 feet of
the property which is the subject of the proposed application in a form as prescribed
by the Planning Division.
6.33 Action by Commission
A. After the conclusion of the public hearing, the Planning Commis-
sion shall make written findings of fact showing whether the qualifications under
Section 6.31 (A) apply to land, building or use for which a variance is sought, and
whether such variance will be in harmony with the general purpose of this Ordinance.
Then the Planning Commission may be Resolution or Motion grant or deny the variance
as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of this Ordinance and may require rea-
sonable guarantees and evidence that such conditions are being or will be complied with.
B. The City Planner shall file with the City Council a report of the
determination and action of the Planning Commission.
6.34 Appeals, Action by City Council
A. Appeal - The applicant or any other person affected by the
determination of the Planning Commission may file an appeal with the City Council,
provided said appeal is filed in writing within ten days after said determination.
The City Council may on its own Motion, within the ten-day period, order that a deter-
mination of the Planning Commission stand appealed.
on the proposed change will be held, and any other information.which the Planning
Commission may deem to be advisable.
C. In case the proposed amendment consists of a change of the boun-
daries of any district to any other district, the Planning Commission shall give
additional notice of such hearings by notice through the United States mail at least
ten (10) days prior to the public hearing. The applicant shall submit to the Planning
Division a certified, complete and accurate mailing list of all assessor's parcel
numbers, owners and addresses of all properties shown on the last equalized assessment
roll as owning real property within 300 feet of the property which is the subject of
the proposed application in a form as prescribed by the Planning Division.
6.63 Action by Planning Commission
A. After the hearing, the Planning Commission shall render its
decision in the form of a written recommendation to the Council. The recommenda-
tion shall include the reasons for the recommendation, a plat of the parcel for
which the classification amendment is proposed, and the proposed regulations for
the classification if the proposed amendment is for a parcel in a Planned Community
District. The recommendation shall be made to the Council within ten days after
close of the hearing, except that the Council may grant an extension of time to so
file not exceeding twenty days. If the Planning Commission fails to make said
recommendation within said time or extension thereof, the proposed amendment shall
be deemed approved by the Planning Commission.
B. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary hereinelsewhere
stated, whenever a matter involving any amendment to, change in, or addition to
this ordinance has been referred to, or is under consideration by the Planning
Commission, the City Council may, at the request of an interested party or upon its own
volition, require the Planning Commission to submit its written report within forty
(40) days from the date of original reference to, or initial date of pendency before
the Planning Commission, or within such longer period of time as said City Council
may designate. Failure of the Planning Commission to so repor~within said forty
(40) days, or within such longer designated period of .time, Shall be deemed to be
approval of the proposed change, amendment, or addition.
6.64 Action by City Council
A. Hearing - Upon receipt of the recommendation of the Planning
Commission,' or failure of the commission to file the recommendation within the re-
quired time, the Council shall hold a public hearing, provided, however, that if
the matter under consideration is an amendment to a Zoning Ordinance to change pro-
perty from one zone to another, and the Planning Commission has recommended against
the adoption of such amendment, the Council shall not be required to take any
further action thereon, unless otherwise provided by the Zoning Ordinance of the
City of South San Francisco, or unless an interested party shall request such a
hearing by filing a written request with the City Clerk within five days after the
Planning Commission files its recommendations with the City Council.
B. Notice of Hearing - Notice of the t~me and place of said
hearing including a general description of the area affected shall be given at least
ten calendar days before the hearing by publication at least once in a newspaper of
general circulation published and circulated in the City, or if there is none, notice
shall be posted in at least three places in the City as designated by the City Clerk.
C. Approval, Modification, Disapproval - The Council may approve,
modify or disapprove the recommendations of the Planning Commission, provided that any
modification of the proposed ordinance or amendment by the Council shall first be
referred to the Planning Commission for report and recommendations, but the Planning
Commission shall not be required to hold a public hearing thereon. Failure of the
Planning Commission to report within forty (40) days after the reference, or such longer
period as designated by the Council shall be deemed to be approval of the proposed
6.65 Procedural, Incidental, or Other Changes No, Affecting Any
Precise Plan or Regulation Based upon Master Plan
The procedure outlined in this subsection for amendments to,
or changes in, this ordinance are not mandatory insofar as concerns amendments
or changes pertaining only to matters of procedure or of an incidental nature, or
to any amendments or changes which do not substantially affect any precise plan
or regulation based upon the Master Plan. With regard to such amendments or
changes, the City Council may take action just as in the case of amendments to,
or changes in, other ordinances, with or without referring the matter to the
Planning Commission or holding public hearings, as it shall in its discretion
6.66 Fees
The fees for processing applications to the Planning Commission
for use permits, variances, zone amendments and zone changes shall be the base
fee plus the additional fee if applicable, as set forth in the following fee
Base Fee
(1) Zone Addition $200.00
(2) Rezone amendments $200.00
(3) Use permits $ 95.00
(4) Variances $ 75.00
(5) Architectural Control:
An application made for a permit for any building or structure
in any R-3, C or M district shall be accompanied by the applicable following fee:
R-3 District $ 25.00
C District $ 50.00
M District $ 75.0'0
(6) Signs
The application fee for signs in all zone districts shall be
accompanied by a fee of $ 25.00
Additional Fees
Additional fees which are not refundable, shall be based on
building a structure valuation data as modified by the Regional Modifier and
Current Costs as published monthly by the International Conference of Building
Officials. Said additional fees shall be as set forth in the following schedule:
Valuation Additional Fee
$0 to $1,999,999 Base fee
$2,000,000 to $4,999,999 $1.00 per $1,000 of total
$5,000,000 to $9,999,999 $1,00 per $10,000 of total
SI0,000,000 or more $1.00 per $100,000 of
7.0 Definitions
7.11 Alley
7.12 Automobile Court
7.13 Boarding House
7.14 Building
7.15 Building, Accessory
7.16 Building Main
7.17 Building Site
7.18 Business, Retail
7.19 Business, Wholesale
7.20 Combining District
7.21 District
7.22 Dwelling, One Single Family
. 7.23 Dwelling, Two Family or Duplex
7.24 Dwelling, Multiple
7.25 Dwelling, Groups
7.26 Family
7.27 Garage or Carport
7.28 Garage Space
7.29 Home Occupations
7.30 Hotel
7.31 Junk Yard
7.315 Loading and Unloading Zone
7.32 Non-Conforming Use
7.33 Parking Space
7.34 Professional Office
7.35 Rooming or Boarding House
7.36 Side and Front of Corner Lots
7.37 Street
7.38 Street Line
7.39 Structure
7.40 Structural Alterations~
7.41 Trailer Court
7~42 Use
7.43 Use, Accessory
peal, abrogate, annul, or in any way to impair or interfere with an existing
provisions of law or ordinance, or any rules, regulations, or permits previously
adopted or issued, or which shall be adopted or issued pursuant to law relating
to the erection, construction, establishment, moving, alteration, or enlarge-
ment of any building or improvement; nor is it intended by this ordinance to in-
terfere with or abrogate or annul any easement, convenant, or other agreement
between parties;provided, however, that in cases in which this ordinance imposes
a greater restriction upon the erection, construction, establishment, moving,
alteration, or enlargement, of buildings or the use of any such building or pre-
mises in the several districts hereby established, or in any of them, than is
imposed or required by an existing provisions of law or ordinance or by any rules,
regulations, or permits, or by any easements, covenants, or agreements, then in
such case the provisions of this ordinance shall control.
9.0 Enforcement, Penalties, and Legal Procedure
9.0 Enforcement, Penalties, and Legal Procedure
9.1 All departments, official, and public employees of the City of
South San Francisco vested with the duty or authority to issue permits or licenses
shall conform to the provisions of this ordinance, and shall issue no permit or
license for uses, buildings, or purposes in conflict with the provisions of this
ordinance; and any such permit or license issued in conflict with the provisions of
this ordinance shall be null and void. It shall be the duty of the Building In-
spector of the City to enforce the provisions of this ordinance pertaining to the
erection, construction, reconstruction, moving, conversion, alteration, or addi-
tion to or of any building or structure.
9.2 Any person violating a provision of this ordinance or failing to
comply with a mandatory requirement of this ordinance shall be guilty of an
infraction and upon conviction such person shall be punishable by a fine of not
less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) and not exceeding Five Hundred. Dollars ($500.00).
9.3 Any building or structure set up, erected, constructed, altered,
enlarged, converted, moved, or maintained contrary to the provisions of this ordi-
nance, and any use of any land, building, or premises established, conducted, oper-
ated, or maintained contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, shall be, and
the same is hereby declared to be, unlawful and a public nuisance; and the City
Attorney of said City shall, upon order of the City Council, immediately commence
action or proceedings for the abatement and removal and enjoinment thereof in the
manner prescribed by law, and shall take such other steps and shall apply tO such
courts as may have jurisdiction to grant such relief as will abate and remove such