HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Ordinance-1953 ZONING (RDINANCE
1.1 The purpose of th~ Ordinance is to promote the growth of the Cit~ of South
San Francisco, in an orderly manner and to promote and protect the public health~ safety~
peace~ comfert and general welfare°
lo2 The Zeroing or Districting Plan effectuated by this Ordinance i~ a part of th~
Master Plan and consist~ of the establishment of various dis~ric~s~ including mi1
territory within the boundmries of the City~ within which the use of land ~nd
the space for buildings~ open space around b~tldings~ and the height and bulk of
are regulated.
1o3 No building or structure ~hall be erect~d~ reconmtructed ~r str~t~r~
in any manner~ nor shall any building ,mr land be u~ed for ~y purpose~ o~h~r ~:,,
mitred by and in conformance with thi~ Ordinance and all other ordinanc~ ~1~',~ ~.~ ~p~
referred to therein.
2ol The several district~ es*~bli~h~d ~re m~ follow~
Single Family Residential Di~*~ict ~ R~I District
Duple~ Residential District or R~2 District
Mvltiple Family Residential Dis~ric~$ ~ R~3 Dist~iot
Neighborhood Commercial Dist¢,lct or C~l District
Central Commercial Di~rict ~r 0~2
Heavy Commercial Distrio~ or C=~ Di~trlo%
Industrial District or M District
Unclassified District or U District
Combining District or ~H~ District
Planned C~unity Distric% er P~¢ Di~+~ict
Combining District or B District
2.2 The designations~ lo~ation~ and boundaries of the distri~s established are
delineated upon the map entitled ~Zcaing Map for the Ci~ of South San Francisco~
ernia"~ dated ~ which map and all ~otations and information thereon rare
hereby made a ~ar~0~-~i~ ~inance by r~ferenc®o Any land within the incorporated
limits of the City a~ South San Francisco now or in the future a~l not designated or indicated
on the Eoning Map shall be in the Unclassified or ~U· District~
The following regulations shall apply in all R~I Districts and shall be subject
to the provisions of ~ection 5e
3oll Uses Permitted~
(a) Single family dwellings
(b) One accessory b~ilding o~y if constructed simultaneously with or
subsequs~t to the main building mm the same
(c) Accessory uses normally incidental to single family residences.
This is not to be construed as permitting any commercial u~ea
including the st~&ge of coa~ercial vehicles.
(d) One sign, met over four (4) square feet in area amd umlighted, pertain-
ing only to the sale, lease, or rental of the property upon which the
sign ia to be located.
3.12 U~es permitted, subject to obtaining a u~e permit in each oawe8
(a) Churches, schools, parks, playgrounds, pub!io utility and public and
quasi-p~ blic buildings and uae~,
(b) Crop and ~ree farming.
(c) Public ~r private parking lets for automobiles when adJaoen% to an~ 0
e~ M Distric%.
(d) ~Second single family residence om a building site when an existing single
family residence has been constructed on the rear one-half (~) of the
building site prior to the adoption of this 0~dinance.
3.13 Building Height Limits
(a) For dwellings - maximums thirty (30) feet.
.(b) F~r accessory b,,t~ld~gs o. m~,~ twelve (12) fee~ average height between
flo~ slab plate and ridge pele. If flo~ Jei~% type oonstructim ie u~ed
the height limit may be increased three (3) feet~
3.14 ~,~ld~wg Site Area Requireds
(a) For each dwelLin~ - minimma of forty five hundred (4500) square feet and
minimum width of fifty (%0) feet on interior iota; miniznaa o~ fifty-fou~
hundred (5400) sq,,?e feet and minimum width of sixty (60) feet ~ corner
Iota. In no case shall there be mc~e than one (1) single family dwelling
on any one (1) building site. (See Section 3.11~i and 5.3 for exoepti~)e
3.1~ Percentage of Lot Coverage ~Permitteds
(a) For aggregate building coverage - maximum forty (40) percent of lot area.
3.16 Minimum Yard~ Requireds
(a) Front yards - Minimum required fifteen (15) feet and maximum p~.rmitted,
thirty-five (3%) feet, but in no case shall any st~uoture be erected
closer than far%y (40) feet frma the center line of any street, provided
that where 2% percent or more of the lo~s in a block have been improved
with buildings, the minimum required shall be the average of improved lot~
if less than twenty (20) feet.
(b) Side yards - Five (%)feet to foundation line, provided that the ei~e yard
on the rear one-quarter (~) of the street side of a corner lot, where
there is reversed frontage shall not be less than the frc~t yard required
or existing on the adjacent reversed frontage and further provided tha~
the side yard on any lot with an average width of 40 feet ~ les~ shall
be a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the lot width but in no case less
than three (3) feet. No cave, bay, ch~--~ey, or other architectural
feature shall ~xtend more than one (1) foot into any required side yard~
3.17 Parking Required - Garage or Garage Space.
(a) Not less than ~one~(1) garage c~ car port far each sing~ family dwelling.
(b) Not less than one (1) parking space for each six (6) seats for churche~
and places of public ass~bly.
~me2m ~
The following regulations shall apply in all R-2 Districts and shall be subject
to the provisions of Sectima 5.
3.21 Uses Permitted~
(a) Single family dwellings.
(b) Two family dwellings c~ duplexes (single structure).
(c) Accessory buildings and uses n~ally incidental to single family an~
duplex residences.
This is not to be construed as permitting any commercial uses including
the at, age of commercial vehicles.
(d) One sign not over four (4) sq~,~re feet in area an~ unlighted, pertaining
only to the sale~ lease or re~tal of the property upon which the sign
is to be located.
3.22 U~es permitted~ subject to obtaining a use permit in each case~
(a)~ Church.a, schools~ parks, playgrounds, public utility and public and
quasi-public buildings o ~
(b) Crop and tree farming.
(c) Public or private parking lots for automobiles when adjacent to anY O
or M District.
(d) Second' single family residence on a building site where an existing singl~
family residence has been coastructed on the rear one-half (~) of the
building site prior to the adoption~ of this Ordinance.
(e) One sign~ over four (4) square feet in area, and pertaining only to the
sale, lease, or rental of ~the prsperty upon which the sign is to be lecated.
'3.23 Building Height Limits
(a~ For dwellings - maximum thirty (30) feet.
(b) For accessory buildings - maximum twelve (12) feet average height between
· floor slab plate and ridge pole. If floor Joist t~pe construction is used
the height limit may be increased three (3) feet~
3.24 Building Site Area Requiredi
(a) For each dwelling - minimum of forty-five hundred (4500) square feet and
minimum l~idth or'fifty (50) feet on interior lots$ mlntm~ of fifty--four
hundred (5400) square feet and minimma width of sixty (60) feet on corner
lots. In no case shall there be more than one (1) single family dwelling
or one (1)duplex on any one (1) building site. (See secticz~ 3.12-d and
5.3 for exceptions.)
3.25 Percentage of Lot Coverage Permitted~
(a) For aggregate building coverage - maximum fifty (50) percent of lot area.
3.26 Minimum Yards Required~
(a) Front yards - Minimum required fifteen (15) feet and maximum permitted,
thirty-five (35) feet, but in no case shall any structure, be erectad
closer than forty (40) feet fr~a the center line of any street, provided
that where 25 percent or mare of the Iota in a block have been improved
with buildings, the mtn1-,-~ required shall be the average of improved iota
if less than twenty (20) feet.
(b) ~Side yards - Five (5) feet to foundation line~ provided that the aide yard
on the rear one-quarter (~) of the street side of a corner lot, where
there ia rever~ed fromtage shall not be le~s tha~ the front yard required
or existing on the adjacent reversed frontage and further provided that
the sid~ yard on ~y lot with au av,~rag~ '~dth of 40 feet or le~ shall
be a mmnimum of ten percent (10%) of the lot width but in no case le~
than ~hree (3) feet. No ea~.~ bay~ chi~ney~ or o+~her architect~al
feat~e shall extend m~e ~an ~e (1) foot ~to ~y req~red ~i~
3.27 Paring Required ~ Garage or Garage $~ce~
(a) Not le~ than one (1) g~rmge or c~ port for emch ~i~le f~ly dwell~g.
(b) Not le~ ~a~ one (1) g~rage space f~ each dwell~ ~t ~ amy dupl~
(c) Not le~ t~n ~e (1~ ~rk~g ~oe f~ each six ~6) ~eat~ for ch~che~
a~ place~ of public ~embly~
~e fo~o~ reg~t~o~s sh~ll ~pply i~ a~ R=3 Districts and a~ ~ subject
~ t~ pro~ion~ of Secti~ 5.
3.31 Uses Per~tted~
(a) ~le fa~ly dwe~l~r~ and two fa~y dwell~g~ or dup~xea.
(b) M~tiple f~ily dwelli~ apar*~ent
(c) Acceaso~ b~ld~ nor~l~y inc~den~l to m~tiple d~ll~gs. ~ia
not ~o be construed ~ per~tti~ ~y co~roial ~ea ~cl~ing the
at,age of co~erci~l vehicl~.
(d) Si~a not ~er fo~ ~ ~q~re feet ~ are~ ~d attached to the
3.32 Umea Per~tt~ed~ subject to obtaining a uae ~r~t Lu e~oh
(a) Hote~ motel~ ~z~ ro~ng or b~rdi~ h~ea~ ~l~ ~p~
(d) Ch~o.he~ achool~ p~ p~i~gr~ public utility and
q~at~public b~~ e
(e) Crop a~ ~ee
(f) ~lio or pri~t, p~g lots for automobilee ~en ~edjmoent to
M District~
(g) 8ig~ o~r fo~ ~4~ ~q~e feet and appoint to a~ ~e all--de
Acceaa~ Uaea Pe~tted~
(a) Acceas~ uses ~d b~tld~e n~lly incid~l te a~ ~ the abo~e
~ia s~l not ~ cons~d aa pe~itt~ ~y co~ercial ~e or ~cu~
ti~ o~er t~ ~oee e~c~ic~l~ listed.
3.3~3 ~~ Heig~ L~t~
(a) F~ ~ b~ld~ ~ ~xim~ fifty (50) feet.
(b) F~ accessory b~ldinga ~ ~x~ t~lve (~) fee~ average height bet~en
~o~ slab p~te and ridge pole. ~ ~o~ Joist t~ conatr~ti~
~e height l~it ~y be ~creaaed ~ree (3) feet.
3.34 ~ild~g Site A~a Req~ed~
(a) For each b~lding ~ grip of b~~ ~ ~~ of fi~ tho~a~ (5~)
aq~re feet and ~~ ~d+~ of f~ (50) feet
of s~ ~o~a~ (6000) ~q~e feet ~d ~~ ~d~ of six~ (60) feet
o~ oo~ lotse
(b) For each f~y ~it ~ ~y buil~ng ~ ~o~ of b,,~a
one ~ou~and ~(l~O) sq~re feet of lot ~ea.
3.3h ~rcentage of Lot ~overage~
(a) For aggregate building coverage -maximum of seventy-five (75) percent.
3.35 Minimum Yards Required~
(a) Front yard~ - Minimum required fifteen (15) feet and maximum permitted~
thirty-five (35) feet, but in no case shall any structure be erected
closer than f~rty (40) feet frcm the center line of any street,~ provided
that where 25 percent or more of the lots in a block have been improved
with buildings, the minimum required shall be the average of improved lots
if less than fifteen (15) feet.
(b) Side yards - Five (5) feet to foundation line, provided that the side yard
on the rear one-quarter (~) of the street side of a corner lot,· where
there is reversed frontage shall not be less than the front yard required
or existing on the adjacent reversed frontage and further provided that
the side yard on any lot with an average width of 40 feet or less shall
be a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the lot width but i~ no case less
than three (3) feet. No eave, bay, chimney, or other architectural
feature shall extend more than one (1) foot into any required side yard.
Interior side ymrds shall be increased by two (2) feet for each ten (10)
feet or portion thereof that the building exceeds thirty (30) feet in height.
(c) R~ar yards ~ Minimum of ten (10) feet if building not over thirty-five (35)
feet in height; add c~e (1) foot for each ten (10) feet over thirty-five
(35) feet.
(d) Special yards and distax~,~s between buildings:
1. Distance between buildings in any dwelling group -minimum ten (lO) feet.
2. Side yard providing access to single row dwelling group - minimum
twelve (12) feet.
3. Inner court providing access to double row dwelling group - minimum
twenty (20) feet.
3..36 ~Parking Required ~ Garage or Garage Space:
(a) Not less than one (1) garage or car port for each single family dwelling.
(b) Not less than one (1) garage space for each dwelling unit.
(c) Not les~ than one (1) parking sp~e for each unit in any motel.
(d) Not less than one (1) parking space for each four (4) room~ in any hotel
and not less than one (1) parking space for each two (2) guests in any
rooming or boarding house.
(e) Not less than one (1) parking space for each t~mee hundred (300) square
feet of floor area in any professional office, plus one (1) space for
~every two (2) staff members in any medical office or clinic.
(f) Not less tD~n one (1) parking space for each six (6) seats in any church,
lodge, club, social hall or other places of public assembly.
The following regulations shall apply in all C-1 Districts and shall be subject
to the provisions of Section 5.
3~41 Uses Permitted~
(a) Multiple family dwellings, apartment houses and dwelling groups.
(b) Churches, libraries, hospitals, and 9ther public buildings.
(6)~Rooming and boarding houses.~
(d) The following uses when conducted within a building~
Bakeries (retail only), food st~es, hardware stores, banks~ barber shops~
beauty parlors, book stores, variety stores, shoe shops, drug stores,and
offices, florist shops, restaurants, personal service establishments,
department stores, launderettes~ cleaning agencies.
(e) Unilluminated sign~ attached to the main building and appurtenant to the
use thereof and not proJecting~more than one (1) ft over the property line~
~o42 Uses 't~at m7 be Pe~-~tt~d~ s~bJect to obta~ning a ~e ~t ~ ~h
O~mim ~e ~ a o~
m~e ~ ~e f~t ~ the ~ope~ ~eo
(a) ,'-~ a h~g~' ~ b~~ - *h~ (30) feets
(a) F~ each m~ ~t~ - ~~ fi~ ~ho~ (%~) sq~ feet.
(a) Fret Y~- F~en (1%) reeve
(b) Si~ Y~ ~ N~ep ~cept ~e~ ~e 8i~ ~ a lot a~ ~p~ ~e si~
~ a lo~ ~ ~ ~u Dis~i~; ~ ~oh ~8e ~b sMe ~ ~ be no~
lees ~ ~ (10) fee~o
(~) R~ ~ - H~e~ e~ ~ere ~e r~ ~ a lo~ abu~ ~ ~ ~u Dis~
rio~; ~ ~h ~e ~e ~ ~ s~l be no~ less ~ ~ (XO)
~ ~ ~he ~se ~ ~o~ ~ ~ o~ ~~ ~o~r~
1~O f~ ~ ~e ~ ~ep~ t~ ~ ~ 8e~k ~ ~ ~ (XO) reeve
(a) ~f~e~ ~~ ~ the b~*~ 8i~ ~1 ~ r~~ ~ 0-1
aoo~ ~o ~e fo~~ f~a8
lo Re~ 8~;'1 p~ s~oe f~ ea~ ~e h~ (1~)
fee~ ~ s~ ~oor
(3~) ~e fee~ ~ ~ areas
3. ~sM~n~, 1 ~"E ~oe f~ each f~ (4) seab.
4o ~blio ass~b~) hol~ ~es, 1'~~ ~e f~ e~h
seam ·
%. ~eo; 1 ~r~-~ s~oe f~ eaoh s~ (6) ~a~.
of ~o~ ~; ~m ~ (1) a~~ s~oe f~ cash ~ ~
eaeh two (2) a~f
8. Bo~ n~ r~ houe8; 1 ~r~ ~oe f~ ~h ~ (2)
~O~ ·
~o ~ o~er ~eo ~~ a~ no~ enra~ ~ ~ seo~m ~
~h ~~ as r~ed ~ the ~-.n4~ C~ss~o
(b) bs~ ~ l~a~ of all ~f~eet ~r~ 1~ 8~ be
3,~1 USes ~er~itted~
in~lmiing ~ppliance etoree, bakeriee~
~rl~ book e~ree~ d~~t
~es ~it~, e~Jeot ~ first
a s~
(c) S~s not at~ch~ to ~e ~ b~~ a~ li~ e~er ~ ~e
(a) '~ height ~ b~e - f~ (%0) feet ~o~ ~t ~~1
h~t ~y be ~t~ ~ a ~e
(a) F~ each m~ b~i~ - ~~ We ~o~ (~) sq~e feets
to ~ pr~ei~ ~'~otim ~o
shoe s~s'~ st~ ~Al~ sh~, ~d o~er ~ee ~ioh ~ ~e o~m
3'~ ~ee ~t~, subject te f~st ,ee~ ,a ~e
of the P~anning Commission are of a similar nature.
(c) Signs, other than tho~e appurtenant to any pe~mitted u~e~ including
billboards o
(d) The following u~es~ Auto wrecking, bottling work~, blacksmith shop~,
building materials yards, contractors yards, feed and fuel yards, lumber
yards~ machine shops., planing milis~ ~torage of goods and material~ and
other' use~ which in the opinion of the Planni~E Commission are of a similar
nature. The Planning Commission may require a fence of a type and design
to be approved by them for all uses li~ted Ln Section 3o62~d. No sign
shall be painted or erected ,u such fence until approved by the Plannir~
C ommi~ si on o
~(e) Trai~ er
3.63 Building Height Limi, t~
(a) Maximum height of any bui2d~i~g ,~ sixty.~five (65) feet~ provided that addit-
ional height m~y be permitted if a u~e permit is first secured ira each ca.ee
3.64 Building Site Area Required~
(a) For each m~ir~ build&~g ~ Mi:~iim~ two thousand (£G~0) square feet.
3.65 Yard~ Required~
(a) Front~ side and rear yards required
150 feet or more in depth and r e~s o~ other commercial property the
rear yard set back shall be fifteen (15) feet.
The following regulaticsn~ ~hall app~Ly i~ ~1 M Di~,ri~t~ and sha~l be ~uhJect
the provisions of Section 5.
3.71 Use~ Pe~m~itted2
(a) Retail and w~,O~me$~lii~e store~ or ~torag~ ~ervioe establi~hments~ light
~ndustrial and manufacturir~ usee and sny other use~ which ir~ the opL~mion
of the Planning Commiesion ~re of s~ilar
(b) Signs appurtenant to any permitted
3.72 Uses permitted~ ~ubjec~ to .first securing a u~e permit ~ each case2
(a) Indust~'ial or manufacturing uses, which in the opinion of ~he Planning
Commis$ic~u may be objectionable by reason of production of offensive
odor° du~% noise~, bright lights~ vibration or involving the storage
~r handlLug of explosivss or dangerou~ materials~ and all the uses listed:
All use~ permitted in any ~R~ District~ trailer courts and labor campers
junkyards, rook orushers~ aephalt pls~nts, ready mix cement plant~ rock
and gravel plant~ drilling for and/or removal o~ oil~ gas~ or other
hydrocarbon substanoe~ commercial excavation of building or construction
material~.$ distillation~ of bones~ dumping, disposal~ incineration
reduction of garbage~, sewage, offal~ dead animals~ or reD~e~ fat render-
ing$ manufacturing or ~torage of acid~ cement, explosives ~r fire-work~,
fertilizer, gas, inf~mable fluids~ glue, gypsum~ lime or plaster of
paris, stockyard or slaughter of animals~ refi~.dng of petioleurn, of it~
products, smelting of iron~ tin~ zinc~ or other c~es, hog raisinge
(b) Signs, other ~han those appurtenant to any pe~mitted use~ including
3.73 Building Height Limit:
(a) Maximma height cf any building - sixty-five (65) feet provided that
additional height may be permitted if a use permit is first secured.
3·74 Yards Required~
(a) Frent, side amd rear yards required -' NOne, except where proper~y is
150 feet or m~we in depth and there is no alley and propert~ rears On
other co~aercial proper~F the rear yard setback shall Be fiftee~ (15) ftc
. The following regulations shall apply in all Uaclassified or U Districts and
shall be subject to the prOVisions of. Section 5. (Any land within the incorp=ated limits
of the City, now or in the i~ature, and not otherwise designated or indicated On the Zc~
Map shall be in the Unclassified or U Distric%o)
3-81 Uses Permitteds
(a) Ail uses not otherwise prohibited by law, provided that a use permit
shall first Be secured f= any use to be established in an~ sue District.
3.82 Other Reg,,laticms~
(a) Buildir~ Height Limits, building site area required mad yards reqvired
shall be as specified in the use per.it. .-_
4·1 Combining Parking District or "4' Districts
The following regulations shall apply in all districts w~th which are cc~bined
._~w Districts, in addittc~ to the regulati~us hereinBefore specified therefor, and shall
ha subject to the provisions of SectiOn 5 of this Ordina~e.~ provided h~ever, that if any
of the regulations specified in this sectiOn differ fraa an~ of the corresponding regula-
ticas specified in this Ordinance for any district ~ith which is c~nbined an "-~" District,
thew in such case the provisions of this sec+~Lc~ shall govern.
4~ll .Uses Permitteds
All uses permitted in the respective districts with which the e.~w District
is cabined, subject to approval of design of building and design and location of parking
let~ provided however, as followss
(a) Off-street perking shall be reqUired in all districts with which the
"-H" District is combined, according to the fo]lowing for~la~
le Retail stores, restaurants and tavern~ - ~Lini~ of One (1) space
for each two-hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area.
2· Service establishments, banks, offices and clinics.- ~Lui~ of ~
(t) space for each three hundred (300) square feet ~of gross' floor
area, plus cae (1) space for each two (2) staff me.hers of any clinic.
3. ?heatres and indoor sport arenas, churches, school auditoriums,
assembly halls, community canters, aortuaries, funeral ho~ee, lodge
halls, dance hallS, W~dding chapels, and similar places of public
assemblages -~i~nm of one (1) space for each six (6) seats and
not less, ~_u any case, than c~e (1) space for each three humored (300)
square feet of gross floor area.
4~ Ballparks~ ~adiu~ an~ other outdoor sport or recreation arenas -
mini~ of one (1) space for each ten (10) seats e
5e Hotels~ rooming and boarding house~ ~ ~'~imu~ ~f me (1) ~ee f~
each ~ee (3) ~est r~
6~ Hospi~l~ ~ ~~ of one (I) s~ce f~ each fo~ (4) be~
7e G~eral c~ercial~ ~reho~e and ~torage~ ~act~
~~ ~ one (1) a~ce f~ each five (5) reg~ ~l~ee~
less~ ~ ~y c~se~ th~ ~e (1) s~ce f~ ea~ ~o ~o~ (~)
sq~re feet of ~o~d ~ flo~ ~ea ~ for ~eho~ ster~e~
~n~act~e~ pr~ess~ or re~
8~ Resident~l use~ a~ents~ grip ~ell~s ~ ~~ ~ ~ (1)
space f~ ~ch f~ ~lt for fo~ (4) or less f~
(b) L~d~g ~d %~l~d~ sp~ of T-~e-s~eet shall be r~u~ed ~ a~
~s~c~ wi~ ~ioh the ~{~ ~a~ie~ is comb~e4~ acc~d~g to ~e
~n~act~ or ~d~l es~blis~ and s~
of ~e (1) sp~ce for each e~b!~t ~d not less ~ ~ (1)
spao. for e~ch ten ~o~and ~10~0) sq~e feet
or ~o,~ ~ed f~ t~ list,d or re.ted
2e Hotels~ hospitals~ p~!ic ~ q~si-p~ b~~s ~e ~e
~o~ts of go~s ~re received or shied ~ ~~
each es~blis~t~
4~ ~ild~g Location~
~ case no b~ing !~ i~ ~blished ~ th® S~eet ~ H~y p~ ~f
~ ~s~r ~n of ~e City or ~ the p~o~si~s o.~ this ~d~ce for ~e s~eet ~ ~i~
~y b~~ ~ ~ont~ ~ ~' Distrio~ ~ w~ch ~ ~ Dis~ict is cemb~e~ ne s~h
~~g s~ll be erec~ co~truc~,~ ~d ~ ~tr~t~y altered~ so ~ ~e sa~ ~1
~ cl~ to t~ l~e of such s~eet th~ ~ 4is~ce to ~o~ a~eq~ s~ce f~ ~e traff~
m~a~ ~d the s~nd~g of ~e~c~ ~,ch w~ll be ~ciden~l t~ ~e ~e of
-~ dis~ce to be desi~a~ ~ th~ ~a~g C~issi~ as a ~rt of the acti~ on p~
~is ~~e~
~~ 4~2 ~~ CO~I~ DI3~ICT ~ P~ D~S~IGT
~ fe~g re~~s shall apply ~ all ~P~ Dis~ic~
Jest ~ ~e ~o~si~ of ~c~ 5 of this ~nance~ ~cept ~at ~re c~iet
~ ~c~s ~e reg~ati~ ~ecifi~ ~ th~ ~tl~ sha~ apply2
4~ ~P~ Dis~ ~y ~ es~bl~hed ~.~rce~ of ~ ~ich ~e
f~ ~d ~ ~fici~t si~ to conta~ a p~ c~ty f~ ~ich ce~le~ ~evel~nt
~ ~ve ~en s~t~d ~d a~oved~ (~~ ~ea 30 acres~)
4~22 A~licati~ f~ ~e es~blis~t of a ~P~ Dis~ict sh~l ~cl~
applicatim for a ~e pe~t f~ a~ devel~en~ ~ ~e Dia~iet~ S~h a~li~ati~ f~
a ~e ~t s~l ~cl~e the fo~gs
(a) A ~p or ~ps sh~
1~ Topo~ap~ of the ~ ~e foot c~to~
2~ ~op~ed s~eet s~tem a~ lot desi~
~o~ school sites~ p~l~ ~ q~si-~blic ~~s
~e~ ~
4o Areas proposed for commercial uses~ off~street parking, ~ultiple
and single family dwellings and all other uses proposed to be
established within the districto
50 Proposed locations of buildings on the lando
(b) E~ vatic~s of alI proposed buildings a__.~_ structures other than single-
family residences o
(c)O~her data and informatic~ which may be deemed necessary by the
Oommissien for proper consideration of the applications
4°23 Uses Permitted~
(a)Ail uses permitted in ~R~I~ "R-2=~ "R-3s and ~C-1= Districts, subject
to the securing .of a use permit as specified in Section 6e2o
(b) ldin .eight
1o "R-1~ and aR~2~ uses - Main building~ thirty-five (35) feet.: height li~it.
accessory buildings~ fifteen. (15) fees height limit°
2e "R~3= and ~C-I" uses -Forty-riva (45) feet°
(c) Building Site Area Required~
1o "R~I~ "R-2~ and "R-3· uses -Fi~ty~four humdred (540~)' ~quare feet°
(d) Front~ side and rear yards and percentage of site coverage~
1o Same as required for the particular uses in the district in which
they are otherwise permitted by this Ordinances
(e) Off~Street Parking Requireds _ .
le One (1) garage or car po~t space for each d~elling unite
2° A ~inimum of three (3) square feet of off-street parking space for
each square foot of area to be occupied by cea~ercial b,~,gs
(f) The regulatic~s specified in this ~ section may be varied c~ ~hen
such variance will result in improved design of the development and will
permit desirable arrangement of structures in relation to parking areas~
parks and parkways~ pedestrian walks, and othe?' such 'featu~ese No
variance ~ay be granted to allow any use other than those specified.
The following regulAtA~ns shall apply in lieu of build/ng site area, yard and
lot width requireaents 'in the respective R-I~ R-2~ R-3 Districts where such Districts are
combined with the #-B~ District and shall be subject to the provisi~ons of Section 5o All
other provisions of the respective districts shall apply°
Combining Building Lot .:~ Lot Front Yard Side Yard
D~signation Site Area Width -Length Depth Fldths
eB~i# 7500 sqofto 75 fro 100 ftc 20 ft° § ft.
"B-2~ 10~000 sqof~o 80 fro 120 ftc 25 fro 10 ftc
"B-3" 15~000 sq°fte 100 fro 150 fro 30 fte 1% ft~
. '~B~" ~ acre 150 fi° 175 ft° 30 fi° 20 ft.
Any land graded or benched for building sites wherein cuts are required leaving
banks or slopes of greater grade than a ratio of 3 te 1 shall be approved by the PlannLug
Commiesicm prior to obtaining a building permit.
The regulations specified for this Ordinance shall be subject to the following
general provisions and exceptions,
Uses ~
(a) No theatre~ circus~ carnival~ amusement P'ark~ open air theatre~ race track~
private recreatic~ centers~ or other s~m~lar establishments~ shall be estab-
lished in any Dis~rict unless and until a use permit is first secured fc~
the establishment~ maintenance~ and operation of such use.
(b) No dance hall~ road house~ might club~ ce~aercial club~ or any establish-
ment where liquor is served~ or commercial place of amusement c~ reCreatica
or any such place or any place where entertainers are provided~ whether
as social companions or otherwise~ shall be established in amy District
closer than two hun~red (200) feet to the boundary of any dwelling district~
'~less a use permit shall first have been secured far the eStabllsh~ent~
maintenance and operation cf such use.
(c) Accessory uses and buildings in any C or M District may be permitted where
such use or buildings are incidental to and do not alter the character of
the premises in respect te their use for purposes permitte~ in the District.
~uch accqesory buildings shall be alleged only when constructed concurrent
with or subsequent to the main building,
(d) The removal of top soil~ minerals~ earth and other natural materials~ may be
permitted in any district providing a use permit shall first be obtaine~ in
each case e
5°2 Height Limits~
(a) Chimneys~ c~pclas~ flag pole~ m~a~ents~ gas storage ~olders~ radio ar~
other towers~ water tank~ am~ similar structures and mechanical appurten-
ances may be permitte~ in excess of height limits provided a uae permit~is
first obtained in each case~
(b) No fence~ hedge or screen plant~ng of any kimi shall hereinafter be const-
ructed or grown to exceed six (6) feet in height~ provided that a 1
baffle or l~er may be constructed in excess of said 6 ft. heig~bt~ f~
defleot~,~ ~d.~ within any required side yard +~ the rear of the front ~e
of amy dwelling or along any rear property line~ nor to exceed three (3)
feet in height along the property line to the front of a~ dwelling or
withi~ twenty (20) feet of the street corner on any corner lots
5°3 Building Site Area~
(a) Any lot or parcel of land uader one ownership and of record ce the effective
date of this Ordinance and where no adJoi~eing land is owned by the~ same
person may be used as a bailding site even when of less area or width than
that required by the regulations for the district in which it is located.
5.4 Yards ~
(a) Architectural features such as cornicee~ eaves and canopies may not extend
(b) Open uncovered porches~ landing places or outside stairways may project
(6) feet into any required front yard° This is not to be construed as
prohibiting open porches or stoops not exceeding eighteen (18) inches in
height and not approaching closev than eighteen (18) inches to any lot line,
(c) Whe~ever an Official Plan Line has been estmblished for any stree%~
required yards shall be measured frc~ such line and in no case shall
the provisions of this ordinance be co~trued as permitting any
encroachn~nt upon any O~ficial Plan Lineso
(d) In case an accessory building is attache~ to ~he main buildi~g~ it shall
be made structurally a par% ~f and have a o ommc~ wall with the main
building ami shall comply in all respec$~ with the requirement~ of this
ordinance applicable to th~, ~ain bu~ldingo U~less so attached an
accessory .building in an ~R~ District sha!lbe located ma the rear
c~e-half (~) of the lot amd at least ten (10) feet from any dwelling
building existing or under construction c~ the same
~. Such accessory building shall not be located within fiv~ (5) feet
of any all~ey er within five (5) feet of the side line of the frc~t
one-half (~} of any adjacent lot ~r in the o~se of a corner lot t~
project beyond the front yard required c~ existing on the adJa~% lot.
(e) Every buildin~ er p~rtion thereof which is designed c~ nsed fer
dwelling purpose in amy ~O· District shall comply with the provisicm~
of this erdinance asto side yards which are required in "R~ Di~tricts~
provide~ that When the ground floer of any such building is use~ fer
auy conmeroial purpo$®~ no side yard shall be required°.
5.5 Archi~ctural Cc~trc~l~
(a) In case au applicatio~ i~ made for & permit for a~ building or structure
i~ any ~C= or ~Mw District said application shall be accompanied by
architectural drawings or sketches showing 'the elevations of the proposed
building er structure and proposed landscape c~ other treatment ef the
grounds ar~md such building or structureo Such drawing~ or sk~tche~
shall be cc~sidered by the P!a~n.ing Cmmmtsslom in an endeavor to provide
that the &rchitecturml and g®neral appearance of such buiidl~gs ~r
structures and grounds be i~ keeping with the character of the neighbor~
hood and such as not to be detrimental to the erderly and har~cmious
development of the city er to impair the desirability of inv~e~ent or
occupatica in the neighbc~hoode
(b) The Planning Commission may appoint an Architectural Cc~nittee cf three
(c) The Architectural Committee shall have &uthority to approve architectural
sketches within the meantug of Section 5.5 of this Ordinance.
(d) In case the applicant is not ~atisfied with the decision of the architeC-
tural O .~mmittee~ he may within fifteen (15) days after such actium appeal
in writing to the Planning Commissic~o The Architectural C~tttee~ may
if it deem* it advisable, refer any application for archieectural approval
to the Planning Cmmmissic~ for its decision.
(e) In case the applicant is ~ct satisfied with the action of the
Cmmnissicm~ he may within thirty (30) days appeal Lu writing to the City
Council, and said Council shall render its decisiea within thirty (30)
days after the filing of such appeals
(f) No permit shall be issued in any case hereinabove mentioned until such'
drawings ami sketches have been approved by the Planning Commissi~
by the City Council in the event of appeal from the Planning Commissicm
and all buildings~ ~tructures and grounds shall be in accordance with
the drawings an& ~ketches.
5.6 Non-Conforming Uses~
(a) The lawful use of land existing at the time of the adoption of
ordinance~ al+~hou~h such use does n~t conform to $~he regulati~ herein
specified for the district in which such land ia located, may be
continued provide~ that no such use shall be enlarged or increaeed~ nor
be e×tended to occupy a greater area than that occupied by much uae at the
time of the, adoption of this Ordinance, and that if any such use~ceasem,the
subsequent uae of much land shall be in conformity to the regulations speci-
fied by this Ordinance for the district in which such land l~ located. No
land used for greenhouse purposes may be extended or enlarged so ~that such
greenhouaeg cover a greater area than that occupied by such greenhou~ew at
th$ time of adoptiea of this 0~dinance,~ ual. mm and u~til a uae permit ia
firs% secured under .the following conditions~
1. 8aid gree ~houaes may not in any cases be allowed to expand more than
double the area in uae at the +,~ma of adoption of this Ordimm~e.
2. No uae permit mau be grante~ where extenmiom of such greenhouse will
adversely affect m~rrounding ,property~and the general, welfare cf the areas
(b) The lawful use of building existing at the time of the adoptt~ of
Ordd_nance may be continued although such uae does not comfor~ to the regula-
tions specified for the district in which such building is located.
(c) The nom~confcead~g uae of a portion of a building may be extemde~ throughout
the building provided that in each came a uae permit shall first be obtainers
(d) The n~-conformtng use of a building may be changed to a uae of the same or
more restricted nature provided that in each case a u~e peracLt shall first
be obtained.
(e) If the nom-comform~ug uae of a bUilding ceasem for, a continuous period of six
(6) montha~ it shallbe cm~aidered abandoned and shall Shereafter be used
in accordance with the regulation___a for the district in ~hich it is locatede
(f) A non-conforming building 8am~ged or destroyed by fire~ explosiom~ earthquake~
or other act to an ext~ut of more than fifty (50) percent of the appraised
value thereof, according to the assessor ~s records may be restored omly if
made to co.form to all the regulatiome of the diat~i~t in which it ia located
provided that such building may be restored to a total floor area not exceed-
Lug that of the former building if a uae permit ia fire% secured im .each came.,
(g) Ordinary maintenance and ~epairs may be made to any nos-conforming buildimg
providing no m~uctural alterations are made and providimg that such work does
not exceed fifteen (15) percent of the appraised value in amy one (1) year
period. Other repairs or alterations may be permitted provided that a uae
permit ~hali first be mecured in each came.
(h) Nothing contained in this Ordinance shall be deemed to require amy change ia
the plans~ construction or designated uae of any Suilding for ~ich a budldiug
permit ham properly been issued, in accordance with the proviei~a~ ef ordia-
ance~ then effective, and upon which actual construction has been starte~
prior to the effective date of this Ordinance~ provided that ~ ail such ca~ee
actual co~tructiea shall be diligently carried ca umtil ccm~le~ ~f the
6.1 Zoning Permit, s ~ permit~ shall be req-t~ed f~ all buildings amd structures
h~reimafte~ erected, cor~tructed~ altered, repaired or moved withim ~r into any district estab-
]:,:!i.~hed by this ordinance~ and fcr the uae of vacant land or for a chauge in the character o£
'?he uae of laud, withim an~ district established by this ordinance. Such permit may be a part
~,f the b~,~ 1 d~g permits
6.2 Use Permit. s ~e permits, revocable, conditiemal or valid f~ a term perio~ ~a~ be
i~mued for an~ of th · uses or purposes for which such permits are required e~ Peril%ted by t~e
terms' of t, kt.m Ordina.n. oeo
6.21 Applicat~m s
· (a) Applicatiem for uae permit shall be ~ade 'to the Plma~g ¢ommimmiaa in:~riting
em a fees pr,,escribed by the O~ssioa amd shall be acc~maaled by plaza ami
e~vattea~ ~eoessary to show the detaLl of the Proposed uae
Such applicatiem shall be aocea~ed by a fee of five dollara
(a) #o public hearing need be held thereon, provided ~hat the l~-nntV~ ~emaisl-
ion ma~ hold an~ hearings, as it deems necessary.
,(b) In case a public hearing is deemed necessary, a notice
postd~t Ga the proper~y involved ~r adjacent t~ore%o atleast ten (10)
~ays pri~ ~o such hearing.
6.23 Action by
(a) ~n order ~o grant an~ ~ee permit the findings of t~e p~..n~ng
shall be that the ee~ablishnent~ maintenance ~ operation of ~he uae o~
h~lN4~ applied for will no~ under the circumstances of the
case, be de~rinan~al to the health, eafe%y, peace, mora~a~ oon~er~ and
general welfare of persons residing or working in ~he neighbOrhood of
proposed uae or he de~riuent~l er inJuriou~ ~o proper~F and ilprovemen~J in
the neighborhood or to the general welfare of +.he
(b) The Planning Ooamiselon amy deaigan~e e~oh conditions, in oonneo~i0n with
the use perait~ as it deems necessary to secure the purposes of' .t~Le Ordin-
ance and.ay require 'such guarantees and evidenoe ~hat suah oondi~iona are
being or will be complied with.
~o24 Appeal ~
(a) In case the applicaut or others affected are net satisfied wi~h the
of t~e .~e~ Commissim he ne~ wit~Lu fi~e ¢~) deTs appeal in
to the Ci~ Counoil~
(b) The Ci~F Council shall set da~e for public hearings and eh&IX peet
as set forth in Section ~e22 (b)e No~ioe shall alee be giver to ~he
Planning ~omeiselon of such appeal and the Planning Cameission shall
a reporb to the Ci~ Council setting £orth the reasons for aoti~ ~aMon
the Commission, or ~ball be repreeeate~ at ~he hearAng.
(c) Tho City Council shall render its decision wit~Ln six~ (60) days after
the filing of such appeals
6.2% Effect8
No build~ Grsoning porn it shall be issued in any case where a use pereit
ie required by +~e terns of this Ordinance until five (%) days after the granting ~f ouch use
permit b~ ~he Planning Couaission or in the eve2t, of appeal iby ~he' City Ce~mo ~.l and ~han
in accordance with the terns and conditions of the uae peruit granted.
~.~ yar4ance an~ APPeals
Where practical d~fficulties, unnecessary hardships and remLlt~ incone~e~ent wi~h
the general purpose of this Ordinance Bay result free the s~ruot application of ear,sin pro-
vtrions~.thereof, variance -ay be granted as provided in t~is sections
6.~1 Applications
(a) Application for variance shall be nade in writing on a fora prea6ribed
and statenent~ plans and evidence shovings
lo .That there are eXoeptl~naX or extra~ oi~nmstanoea ~r conditions
applying to the land; b-~]~ug or uae referred to ia the applioatien~ ,
which circumtanoes or conditions do not apply generall~ to land, ~bui!d'-
ings~ and/or uses in the same district,
· 20 That the granting of the apllL~ icatien is necessary for the preservation
and en3oTmnt of s,,ubetantial propert~ fights of the petittamr.
3o That the granting of such application will not~ under the circunstaneea
of the particular case, naterially affect adversel~ the health cF safety
of persona residing er working in the neighborhood of the property of the
applicant, and will not~ under the circumtance8 of tho particular case,
be materiall~ detrimental to the public welfare cF injurious to property
cr improvesmnt8 in said noighborhoodo
6.32 Public Hearings
(a) A public hearing shall be held within thirty (30) days after f~4-g of
applicatien~ notice of which shall be given .by ~ae (1) p~blicati~u .in a
newspape~ of general circulation in the City at least five (%) days prior
to such hearing and by posting notice cn the property invol?ed, cF adjacent
thereto, at least five (%) days prior to such hearings
6033 Action by Oamnissicns
(a) After the c~nclusion of the public hearing, the Planning Cosmission shall
make a written finding of facts showing whether the qualifications under
section 6o31 (a), apply to the land, bv~g cF use for which variance is
sought and whether such variance shall be in harmen~ with the general pur-
pose of this 0rdinanceo Such written finding of facts shall be submitted
to ~e City Council within thirty (30) days after the public hear~n_ff and
may include reccamendatiaus for such conditiens as the P~gn-~g Ccamiosion
deens necessary to secure the purposes of thio Ordinance.
6034 Action by City Council
(a) The City Council shell consider the application for variance within thirty
(30) days after receipt of the p~ann~g CCmRIOsiGn report, and, if the
City Council finds that the q .ualificatiens under Section 6o31 (a) apply to
the 1And~ building or use'~or which variance is sought and that such var~tuoe
is in harmmy with the general purposes of this Ordinance, said City Ceuncil
shall be resolution grant such variances
(b) The City Council may designate such conditions in connection with the
variance as it deems necessary to secure the purposes of this 0edinance and
nay require such guarantees and evidence that such conditiens are being cF
w~ll be complied witho
604 Appeals x
60~1 The I~nntmg Ccanission shall have the p~eer to hoar and decide appeals ba~ed
on the enforcement cF interpretation of the provisions of thio 0rdina~cee
6042 In case an applicant is not satisfied with the action of the Planning Ccmaiosion
on his appeal he may within fifteen (15) days appeal in writing to the City Council.
6.43 Notice shall be given to the Planning Commission of such appeal 'and a report
shall be subBittod by the Plamaing C~maission to the City Council setting forth the reasons
for actien taken by the Commission or shall be represented at the Council meetings
60~ The City Council shall render it~ decision within thirty (30) dayw after the
filing of such appeals
6o~ ' Revocatic~ of Permits or Yariancees
6o51 Any zoning permit~ use permit, or variance granted in accordance with the'terB8
of this ~rd~mance shall autouatically be revoked if not used within ~e year frem date of
6°52 An~ zc~mng pe .r~X~, u~e perait, ce varXaace g~n~, ~ ~ accm ~s
~ t~s ~~ce ~y be revo~ ~ a~ of the c~~ ~ ~r~ ~ such ~it ~ ~r~ce
are ~ola~ or ~ ~y ~w ~ ~ance is ~o~d ~ co~eoti~ ~er~+~
6~53 ~e ~-n~ 0~ssi~ s~ ho~ a he~i~ ~ ~ ~ed rev~a~m afar
gi~ ~itten notice to ~e ~r~t~e at le~t ten (10) days p~ to ~ he~g
s~t its rec~~ti~s ~ ~e City Oo~c~o ~e Ol~ Co~c~ s~l act ~ere~
~ (30) ~ aft~ recei~ of the reco~~ of the ~a~g
606 ' ~d~nts ~
~is ~nce ~y be ~ded ~ ~~ ~e b~iea .of ~a~i~ ~ by
ch~g~ ~y o~er ~o~i~$ ~ereof ~ene~r the ~b~c necessity ~ c~~ce ~ ~e
g~l we~a~ r~ ~ ~~t by fo~~ ~e ~~e ~ t~ secti~
(a) ~ ~~nt ~y ~ ~itia~ ~
~op~ ~e~t~ ~ich ~ti~ s~ be f~ed ~ ~e
O~ssi~ a~ ~a~ ~ acco~i~ ~ a f~ ~ ~y-fi~ do~a~
($2~), no ~r~ ~ w~oh ~all ~ ret~blp ~ ~e p~m~
2~ Resoluti~ of ~ntl~ of ~e City C~c~ ~ ~
6. ~ ~lio Hear~gs ~
(a) ~e ~~ C~ssi~ s~ h~ ~o (2) ~b~c h~s
~~t at least t~ (10) da~ a~ts and s~ ~. neti~ ~e~
l~st ~e ~b~oati~ ~ a ~~ ~ g~er~ c~c~ti~ ~ ~ City
at l~st t~ (t0) ~ys pri~ to ~e ~st of s~h ~~
(b) ~ case ~e ~osed ~~t c~ia~ efa c~e ~ t~
~s~-the ~~ C~ssi~ e~ ~ ~ti~ noti~
~d p~ce of such h~s ~ of ~e ~e ~re~ .~ p~ at l~t
to ~ ~s~i~ aButso Each such no~ce sha~ c~iat ~ ~.~ '
"Notice ~ ~~ Z~ C~e". ~ letters not ieee ~ me (1)
heists ~ ~ ~i~ ~reto~ a s~t~t ~ s~ l~ters'aett~
a ~ne~l ~ecrip~ ~ ~ ~r~ ~v~ ~ the pr~ed ~ ef
~s~ots ~e ti~ ~ pla~ at ~i~ ~e p~lic hear~ ~
~y de~ to ~ ~oess~y.
(c) ~y fail~ to p~t ~blic nonces as af~esaid $~ a~ ~~te
~e~gs f~ ~ent of ~is Z~g ~~cee
6063 Acti~ ~ ~~ O~aai~ .
(a) Foll~g ~e af~esaid hearts ~e ~~ C~asi~ s~ll ~ a repot
~ i~ f~s a~ rec~en~ons ~ reset to ~ ~ed
~d sha~ f~e ~th ~e City C~c~ ~ at~e~ copy ~ ~ repot
~ety (~) ~ afar ~ n~ice of the ~st of ea~ he~e;
~ ~ ~st ~ the ~oce~s. Fa~e of ~e ~~
so to r~t ~t~ ~ety (90) ~ ~o~ ~e ~e~ a~e~t,
6.64 Action by Ci~! C~mucil8
(a) Upon receipt of such report from the Planning C~siea or uDem the expira-
tics of such ninety (90) days as ~foresaid~ the City Council shall set the
matter for public hearing after notice thereof is given of the proposed
amendmento After the co~clusi~ of such hearing the City Counctl may adopt
the amendment or any part thereof set f=th in the petitica in such farm
as said coUncil may deem to be advisable.
(b) The decisic~ of the City Council shall be rendered within sixty (60) days
a~ter ~he receipt of a reP°r% an~ recom~encla21c~s ,/~c~ %he Planning Co.m-
issies or after the expiration of such ninety (90) days as aforesaid.
7.I F~r the purpose of this Ordinance~ certain terms used herein are defined as
follows ~
7.11 "ALLEYw Any public thoroughfare which affords maly a secondary means of access
to the block and to abutting property.
7.12 'AUTONOBT~.~ CO~Tm A group of 2 or more detached or semi-detached buildings
containing guest rooms c~ apartments with automobile storage space serving such rooms
apartments provided in connection therewith which group is designed and used primarily fc~
the accommodation ~f transient automobile travelers.
7o13 "BOARDING HOUSE~ A dwelling o+~her than a hotel where lodging or l~ging and
meals fc~ three (3) or more perse~s is provided for compensation.
7°14 "BU~.nINGm Any structure having a roof supported by colu~s or by walls and
designed for the shelter or housing er any person~ animal er chattelo
7o15 "BUILDIRI~, ACCESS~Yw A subordinate b,,tlat~g~ the use of which is incidental
to that of the main building ~n the same lot and/or building sits.
7o16 -BD17.nING, MAIN. A building in which is conducted the principal use of the lot
and/or building site cn which it is situated.
7°17 .BUr~.nING SITE~ A lot or parcel of land~ in single or Joint cmnership~ and
occupied or to be occupied by a main building and accessory buildings, or by a dwelling group
and its accessory buildings, together with such open spaces as are required by the terms of
this ~rdinance and having its prLncipal frontage on a street, road~ highway or watsrwaye
7°1§ "BUSINESS, RETAIL~ The retail sale of any article, substance~ or commodity few
profit or livelihood, conducted within a building but not including the sale of lumber or
other building materials or the sale of used or second-hand goods or materials ~f any k/nde
7°19 "B~INESS, WN~.F-~A[.E~ The wholesale ~a-~11ug of any article, substance or
edity for the profit or livelihood~ but not including the handling of lumber or other
materials or the open storage or sale of any material or commodity and not including the
processing or manufact~e of any product or substances
7e20 "COMBINING DISTRICT~ Any distric~ ~.n which the general district regulations are
combined with ~-N" for the purpose of adding additional special reg~lati~s, i.e.~ sC-2' com-
bined with w~4~ (C-2-N) adds the additional requirement of off-street parking.
7.21 "DISTRICT~ A portic~ of the City within which certain uses of land and
are permitted or prohibited and within which certain yards and othe= open spaces are req,,~-ed
and certain height limits are established for buildings~ aL1 as set forth ~md specified ~in
this Ordinance°
7°22 "DWELLI~, ~HE SINGLE FAMILY' A b-~l~4~g containing only one kitchen,, demi~ned
ffe~ cF used to house not more than one ffaBily, including all neceesary eapXcyeee of emh
?°23 UDW~.T.~G, TWO FAMILY CR DUPLEXs & bw~ldt~g ccntaining not more +_.h=n twm kitchen,
designed cud/or used to house not moro than two ffamilioe, living independently of each o~her~
including all necessary employees of each such fauily. '
7.2~. UD~K~LING, MULTIPLEs -A b~41d4ng or portim thereof used an~ d~signed a~ a
residence f~r 3 er mere fauiliee living independently of each other, and doing their awn
cooking in said bVtl~ngp including ap&rt~ent houses, apartment hotels and flat~, bat not
including autcuobile courts.
7°2~ ~ ~OUFS#. A group of 2 cF mere detached or selL-detached,
2-ffauily, cF raltiple dwelling° occupying a parcel of land, in one ownership and hav~wS an~
2ard or court in c~en,, but not incl,.~tn.~ autoBobile oourtae
7026 UFAMILYU One or mere persons occupying a pre~ees and living as a
housekeeping ~it,-aa dis,tinguished frqm a group occupying a hotel, club, frat~rni%y or
sorority houses ~ A ',fam~ phall be dec,Mst to include neceesary eervantee
7,27 "(~ARAflB c~ CAR I~RT~ An accessible, f~d u~ablo covered space of I~et 10ss
al to mee% -b r~l~b"'o~' ~ '~& i'or-~'acboesce? buil~; or if 'a%~A6hed to
702~ n~d~A~B SPAOE~ An a¢oeesible and usable Space of n~o~ le~ than 8, x 20' far ~he
~arking of automobile~, off ~he etree%, such epaoe %o be es lo~atad on ~he lo~ es a~ $o moot
the requirements of thio 0~dinance for an accessory building.
702~ "HEIGHT CF DPvr.nIN~$~ The vortical ~istanGe frae the average level of the high-
est and lew~et poin~ of that por~im oF the lo~ coveFed by the b-~,g to the ~ojmso% pein%
of the re of°
7.30 sHOTgLs Any building or por~im thereof con~aining six (6) or Bore guest rom
ued, designed or in~ended ~o be used, lot, or hired out to be occupied or ~hiah are occupied
bY six (6) or mere i~tividuals for ~ouPenSa~ion whe~he~ the compensable for hire be Psi6
directly or indirectly.
7o31 "J.t~X YARD= The use of mere than 100 ~quare feet of the area of an~ lot or
tho u~e of any portion of that half of any lot, which half adjoins any street, fOr tho storage
rvreckings of autonbbilea or ether vehicles) cF Bashan°Fy whether for sale or f%oragee
?°32 sN~-~0NFORKEB3 ~ A use that ~oee not coafcru to the regala~i~ fe~ the
die,riot ia ~hioh it is ei%~a~edo
7033 UPARKIB3 SPAOBg An accessible and usable space on the b-41a4~ sits a~ leas%
8, x 20' located off the street wi~h access fcF the parking ef automobile~e
?~4 sPR0~ESSIOMAL ~FFI~gu An office fcF the ccn~uc~ of any one of the following
usess Accountant, arehi~es%, a~torney, ~hiropraotor, ~ivil engineer or durveyor,s drafting
office, ~olleotim agency, caaBetolegis~, den~is~ dec,r, funeral ~arl~, inmLraaoe office,
private de~ec~ive, real estate office, SociAl work,r, er sinilar use.; but no~ ~he following
mess Adver%iee~ barber shop, con~rao%or~ peet oon~rolo pharnacy, veterinarY. ~
?o3% ~R0CS~3 CR ~C~RDIB3 H0~Sgu' A dwell~ other than a hotel where Xedging and/or
meal~ for three or mare pers~m are provided for soap°nectaene
7°36 aSIDE AI~ Ya~qT CF 0~RM~t LOT8s For the purpose of this Ordinance the ~ar~ow~8~
frontage of a corner lo% facing the e~reet is ~he fron%, an~ the longee~ frontsge facing ~he
intersecting s~reet is the aide irrespectiw QF the direction in which tho dwelling
-. 7037 *~'~,~.E'z~" A p~bl~c or private ~orougnfare wn~n , .~or~s pr~..cXi~- ~eans ef
access to a block and to abutting property, including avenue~ place~ way~ drive, lane~ bould-
yard, highway, road, and any other thoroughfare except an alley as defined herein.
7,38 "S~EE? LI~" The boundary between a street and property.
7°39 "STRUOT~E# Anything constructed or erected, the use of which required location
~n the ground or attachment to so~ething having location ~n the ground°
7.40 ~STRUOTURAL ALTERATIONS' Any change in the supporting members efa building~
such as bearing walls col~ beams or girders°
7e41 ~TT.~ CO~TW land or premises used or intended to be used~ let or rented for
occupancy by or of trailers or movable dwe~lings~ rooms or sleeping quarters of any kind.
7°42 =USE~ The purpose for which land or premises of a building thereon is designed,
arrange~ or intended or for which it is or may be occupied or maintained°
7°43 ~USE~ACCESSCRY~ A use incidental amd accessory to the principal use of a lot or
a building located on the same lot~
7e~ ~YA~D~ All op~n space other than a court on the same lot with a b-~l~ng~ which
open space is unoccupied ~d unobstructed from the ground upward~ except as otherwise
i~rmitted in ~ectic~ 5°4.
~ 7°45 ~YARD~FRONT~ A yard extending across the front cf the lot between the inner
side yard lines and measured from the front lint cf 'the lot to the nearest line of the
building~ provided that if any building line ~ Official Plan L~e has been established for
the ~treet upon which the let faces~ then such measurement shall be taken frc~ suc~
Line or Official Plan Line to the nearest line of the building.
7.46 "YARD~LVAR~ A yard extending across the f,,~ width of the lot and measure~
between the rear line cf the lot and the nearest line of the main building.
7e47 "YARD'~IDE~ A yar~ between the side line cf the lot and the nearest line ef
the building an~ extending from the front line of the lot tc the rear yard.
8.1 When interpreting and aPP~g the prcvisie~ of this Ordinance~ they shall be
held te be the minimum requirements adopted for the Pre. etlon cf the public health~ safety,
ccmfort~ convenience ami general w~lfareo Except as specifically ~erein prcvide~ it is net
~.~tended by the adoption of this Ordinance tc repeal~ abregate~ annul~ or in any w~y te
impair or interfere with any existing previsions of law or erd.tnance~ er any rules, regula-
tions or permits previously adopted er issued, cr which shall be adopted or issued
to law relating te the erection, constructien~ establishment, moving~ alteration~ ar enlarge-
merit of any building cr improvement~ ncr is it intended by thio Ordinance %e interfere with
cr abrogate or annul any easement~ covenant cr other agreement between partiea~ provi~e~
however~ that in cases in which this Ordinance imposes a greater restriction upon the erection,
constructiee~ establishment, moving, alteration or enlargement of buildings or the use of amy
such building or premises in said several districts or any of them~ than is imposed or requir-
e~ by such existing provisions ef law or ordinance or by such rules, regulations er permits
er by such eaaements~ covenants er agreements~ then ia such case the previsions cf ~
Ordinance shall c ontr el.
9.1 All departments, official and p~blic employees cf the City ef South ~an Francisco
vested with the duty or authority tc issue permits or licenses shall ccnfor~ tc ~e previsions
cf this Ordinance~ and shall issue nc permit er license for usee~ buildings~ or purposes
cc~i~-ict with the provisious of this Ordinance~ and any such permit or license issue~ in
conflist with the previsions cf this Ordinance shall be n~il and vci~o It ~aLl be the du~
te ~A~e erec~ eorA~tr~2~tiefl. Noona~--~c~.iosa~ ~ovi~g ~ coawrsi~ alteratiea
~2 ~ ~rs~ fire, er c~p~atim~ ~e~ ~ ~oi~l~ agent~ ~l~ee ~ ~--
~e, ~o~t~g ~ caus~g ~e ~olm~i~ of ~ o~ ~e ~O~l~ of ~i8
g~lty of a ~sden~0r~ a~ up~ co~eti~ there~ ~1 be p~shble by a f~e of ne~
a~ exceed~ 150 ~, ~ by ~th s~ f~e ~ ~a~ate ~ p~S~, f~ ~ c~ra-
ti~ s~l be dee~d te be ~g~ty efa s~a~ Cff~ f~ ~ch ~ e~
p~ off ~ich ~y ~o~ti~ of t~ ~~ce is co~tt~ ~ cent~d ~ such ~rson,
form ~ co~ati~; ~ sha~ be ~~ble as h~e~ ~o~e
903 ~ b~ld~g er s~ct~e set up~ erec~ conduced, alte~d, e-~g~, c~-
~r~, m~ed ~ m~~ c~~ to the ~i~s of ~ ~~ce) ~d~
~d~ b,~d~ or pries es~bliehed, c~~, e~ra~ ~ ~~ cm~a~ te ~e p~-
~8i~ of ~ ~d~n~, shall ~ a~ ~e s~e is here~ decl~ed to ~ ~h~ ~d a
~lic n~s~ce~ ~ ~e City Att~n~ of said Ci~ s~, ~m ~ of ~e 0i~ C~c~,
~ately c~nce ac~ ~ proceed~s f~ ~e a~t~nt ~d reme~ a~ ~Je~t ~eef
~ ~e ~ ~escrib~ ~ ~w~ ~d sh~ ~ke such e~er s~ps ~ ~a~ ap~y
c~ ~ my ~ J~ctim to gr~t such relief as ~ a~ and ~eu such b~g
~ s~uc~e~ and res~a~ ~d ~Jo~ ~ ~rsm~ f~n, or cor~a~m f~m 8et~ UP,
erectS, b~l~, m~t~g or ~ ~ such b~~ con~a~ to ~
904 ~ r~es ~ed f~ here~: sha~ be c~ti~ ~d n~ exclaim.
10ol ~~ce No. 269 is hereby re~ ~ ~ e~er ~~ces ~d p~ ~ ~-
~ce8 ~ said City ~ c~ict ~ ~ ~~ce to ~e ~t of ~ch c~ict ~ ne
f~er~ ~e here~ re~ed prided ~at ne~ c~Min~ s~ll ~ de~d te ro~al
m~ any ~d~ance of said City ~~ a p~t ~ lic~se er both
~ade ~ ~cu~timo
11.1 ~ ~y 8ec~m~ 8u~ectim~ sentence~ chine ~ p~se of t~a
~y reas~ he~ by a co~t of c~nt J~s~c~m to be ~i~, such deeiaim $~ net
aff~t ~e ~idity ~ ~ r~~ p~ti~s ef ~i8 ~~ce.' ~e Ci~ C~c~ h~e~
decla~$ ~at it wo~ ~ ~8s~ ~.~Ce ~d each sectim, s~ectim, e~t~ce,
c~e ~d phrase here~, i~ea~ctive of the fact ~.t ~ me or ~e secti~,
sen~es, c~e8 ~ ~asea ~ declar~ ~~.
12ot ~s ~d~ce s~ll be ~ ~ ci~d as t~ Z~ ~~e of ~e Ci~
Seu~ ~ ~c~ce, Refer~ce ~ secure n~rs ~re~ ~e ~ ~ sec~
13~ ~ Ci~ Cl~k of ~e City ~ Sou~ San ~anc~ce is here~ ~eot~
~d~ce to ~ ~b~ed ~ ~ ~e , a ~ n~a~ ~ g~er~ c~c~m
~~ ~d p~lish~ ~ ~e City ~ Se~ ~n ~~ee, ~d bre~ des~d
14~ ~ ~~0e ~ ~ effect ~y (30) ~ys af~ !m p~e, pr~
356 Amends
357 Rezoning
358 Rezoning
359 Rezoning
365 Amends
366 Rezoning
376 Amends
379 Rezoning
383 Rezoning
387 Rezoning
393 Re zon ing
394 Rezon ing
399 RezOn ing
400 Rezoning
401 Rezoning
404 Adding New Zoning Classification to be Designated as
,,professional, Executive, and Research District or P-I
414 Rezoning
419 Rezoning
421 Adding Section 4.11c
431 Adding Professional Executive Research District or p-I
432 Rezoning
433 'Rezoning
438 Rezoning
440 Rezoning
445 Rezoning
4.47 Rezoning
450 Rezoning
451 Adding Section 3.12 (e) -- Private Non-Commercial Clubs
453 Rezoning
461 Rezoning
464 Rezoning
468 Amend Sections 6.21, 6.22', 6.31, and 6.32.
470 Rezoning
476 Amend Section 2.2, and Adopting Zoning Map Entitled
"Zoning Map of the City of South San Francisco, California,
Dated March I , 1961."
490 Amends
494 Rezoning
499 Rezoning
500 Rezoning
501 Rezoning
511 Rezoning
514 Rezoning
515 Rezoning
516 Rezoning
518 Amending Section 4.44.
519 Rezoning
520 Rezoning
521 Rezoning
524 Rezoning
526 Rezoning
527 Rezoning
528 Rezoning
530 Rezoning
531 Rezoning
540 Parking Regulations for C-2 and C-3 Districts.
541 Adding Sectien 5.7 Regulating Construction of Garages
and Carports in Duplexes, Apartment Houses and Dwelling
544 Rezoning
545 Rezoning
546 Amends Section 4.44 (PCM District Reaulations).
551 Parking Regulations for C-2 and C-3 Districts.
552 Amending Sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and Subsections.
553 Amending Section 4.42.
555 Rezoning
559 Adding to Section 7.29a (Home Occupations).
560 Deleting Subsection 5.6(a)1.
570 ~Amending Sections 4.11 and 4.48.
575 Zoning a Parcel of Approximately 163 Acres Known as
Neighborhood 17 of the General Plan (A Portion of
Westborough Known as Westborough-West Park #3), and
Described a Planned Community or PC District, and
Establishing Specific Districts or Zones; Providing
.Regulations for said PC District or ZOne and Specific
Districts or Zones; and Amend Ord. 353.
581 Amend Section 3.81 (Solid Waste Disposal).
582 Amend Sections 7.28 and 7.33.
587 Amend Sections 4.25(c) and 4.26.
592 Amend~Sections 4.22(b), 4.22(c), 4.25(b)13, 4.25(c),
4.25(d), 4.26(b), 6.63(a), 6.64.
597 Amend Sections 4.23(e), 5.72.
598 Amend Ord. 511 (West Park I and 2, Planned Community District).
Amend Subsection IV~A(I).
599 Amend Ord 528 (Stonegate Ridge Planned Community District).
Amend Subsection IV A(I).
623 Rezoning
612 ^mends Ord. 575.
653 Amending Ord. 575 and Zoning a Parcel of 1.28 Acres and
Described to Planned Community Commercial or PC-C District
and Providing Regulations for said PC-C District; and
Amending Ord 353.
657 Establishing an Open Space Zoning District and Classifying
the Property Herein Described.
669' Amending Sections 5.5(a), 6.21(a), 6.31(a), and 6.61(a).
672 Rezoning
673 Rezoning