HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/10/1987 (Cassette No.1) December 10, 1987 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco planning Commission. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Boblitt, Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren, Wendler and Zellmer. Deputy City Attorney Building Division Engineering Division Police Department Fire Department Jean T. Smith Maureen K. Morton Daniel Christians Robert Ewing Jake Wittwer Richard Harmon Mike Dickson Dave Parenti ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division CHAIR COMMENTS: Chair Boblitt informed those present that Agenda Item No.7, UP-85-745/Mod 1, Chevron U.S.A., has been withdrawn. CONSENT CALENDAR Auto studio (Eddie Chan and Chris Santiago, owners), UP-78-441, 45 Chestnut Avenue continued from the October 22, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Approval of findings and motion to recommend that the City Council modify Use Permit UP-78-441. Applicant's representative: Michael Valencia 600 El Camino Real San Bruno Chair Boblitt informed Mr. Valencia that the public hearing for UP-78-441 was closed but would allow him to make a short statement. Mr. Valencia asked the Commission to reconsider the use permit modification. He explained that the applicants have tried to comply with the special conditions, but cannot agree to operating the business as primarily gas sales. Motion-Zellmer/Second Warren: Recommending the City Council modify UP-78-441 to include the additional six special conditions listed on Exhibit "A" based on the findings contained in the staff report, in accordance with provisions of South San PC MTG. 12/10/87 PAGE 1 OF 10 PAGES CONSENT CALENDAR - continued Francisco Municipal Code Section 20.91.030. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS Parnas Corp. (Lexon Properties, Inc., owners), PUD-87-5, SA-87-97 Negative Declaration No. 609, 433 Blondin Way Continued from the November 19, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Planned Unit Development Permit and Tentative Subdivision Map of Parnas Corp. to allow construction of a 20-townhome planned unit development with related parking, landscaping, and common areas at 433 Blondin Way. December 10, 1987 Staff Report presented. Applicant's representative: Yves Ghiai 1901 South Bascom Avenue Campbell Mr. Ghiai described the architectural modifications made since the November 19 Planning Commission meeting and circulated renderings to the Commission for review. In reference to Special Condition No.3, he asked the Commission to allow an archway instead of an automatic gate. He stated an automatic gate system was confusing and unreliable, and fire and police departments discourage their use. The Commission discussed the modifications and complimented Mr. Ghiai on his redesign. The Commission opposed a security gate or archway and directed staff to approve an alternate design to identify the private nature of the common driveway. Mr. Ghiai agreed to the condition as modified. Motion-Zellmer/Second Mantegani: To recommend that the City Council approve Negative Declaration No. 609, Planned unit Development Permit PUD-87-5 and Tentative Subdivision Map SA-87- 97, subject to the conditions as modified and based on the findings contained in the staff reports. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Patio Covers, City of South San Francisco, ZA~87-42, Negative Declaration No. 615 Public hearing to amend Title 20 of the Municipal Code, Table 20.71.030, regarding patio enclosures within the rear yard setback in the R-1 and R-2 Zones. PC MTG. 12/10/87 PAGE 2 OF 10 PAGES AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Chair Boblitt announced that the public hearing for Agenda Item No. 10 would be opened in order for a representative from the patio enclosure industry to make a presentation. Chair Boblitt introduced Mr. Lenny Paul from Pacific Spas, who submitted brochures to the Commission. Mr. Paul referred to patio enclosures as a "fancy screened-in patio/porch", non-habitable. He mentioned that State code requires plastic material, such as plexi- glas or acrylic. Chair Boblitt thanked Mr. Paul for his comments and continued the public hearing until after Item No.9. Imperial 400 Motel, SC-87-3, 222 South Airport Boulevard Special Circumstance Type C Sign program, including two freestanding illuminated pole signs at an existing motel at 222 South Airport Boulevard. December 10, 1987 Staff Report presented. Applicant's representatives: Wade McClure 1026 San Miquel Road Concord, CA 94518 Gene Blazek Hotel Manager 222 South Airport Blvd. Mr. McClure stated his agreement to the conditions contained in the staff report except for the height of the monument sign. He presented photos of the site and discussed why additional height was necessary. In response to Vice-Chairman Terry's question regarding parking on South Airport Boulevard, Mr. Blazek stated that due to the present construction at the Imperial 400 the police department allowed the parking. Officer Dickson verified that the "no parking" signs are to be re-posted once the construction is completed. The Commission discussed the monument sign and agreed to modify Condition No. 3 as follows: "3. The South Airport Boulevard sign shall be modified to a double-post monument sign, maximum 11'9" in height. The final design details shall be subject to Planning Division staff approval with the building permit application." Mr. McClure agreed to the modification. PC MTG. 12/10/87 PAGE 3 OF 10 PAGES AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Motion-Zellmer/Second Terry: To approve SC-87-3 subject to the conditions as modified and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Hogan's.Cafe (GGPT II, Inc., owner), SC-87-2, 124 Terminal Court Special Circumstance Type C sign permit to allow a 45' high freestanding illuminated pole at an existing produce terminal and restaurant at 124 Terminal Court. December 10, 1987 Staff Report presented. Applicant: Donald Farber 125 Terminal Court Applicant's representative: Ron Bernstein 362 Industrial Way Brisbane Speaking in favor of the application: Frank Strazzarino, Jr. 10 Greenwood Drive Louis Dell'Angela 400 Oyster Point Blvd. Rob Helgesen 114 South B Street San Mateo Mr. Farber stated his disagreement with the findings for denial. Mr. Bernstein, United Signs, informed the Commission he was present to answer any questions. Mr. Strazzarino, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce, asked the Commission to reconsider staffs' recommendation and questioned why the application was being considered a new sign. Mr. Dell'Angela also asked the Commission to reexamine staffs' recommendation and stated that the produce market is a 16-acre site with one sign; he felt this was minimal in comparison to the size of the facility. Mr. Helgesen, representative of the hotel and restaurants union, stated that many employees at Hogan's had worked at Yolanda's, and they have noted a decline in business. He felt that any type of advertising that would attract more business would be beneficial for the employees to retain their jobs. PC MTG. 12/10/87 PAGE 4 OF 10 PAGES AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued (Cassette No.2) The Commission discussed the public's comments and the concern regarding setting a precedent by approving a 45-foot pole sign. In answer to a question from the Commission, Mr. Bernstein stated the sign would still be visible from the freeway if lowered to 32 feet. The Commission discussed a compromise and asked Mr. Farber if he was willing to agree to a continuance. Mr. Farber agreed to a continuance in order to research the feasibility of lowering the sign. Motion-Zellmer/Second Warren: To continue SC-87-2 to the January 14, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. Unanimously approved by voice vote. American Cancer Society (J. Susa, owner), UP-87-788/Mod 1, 443 Grand Avenue Use Permit Modification to change Special Condition No. 4 of UP- 87-788 to allow a painted window sign, approximately 5 square feet in size for the existing Discovery Shop at 443 Grand Avenue. December 10, 1987 Staff Report presented. Applicant: Mary Ottoboni 663 Rocca Avenue Mrs. Ottoboni explained to the Commission that the Discovery Shop needed to be identified in order for the division headquarters to continue paying the building's rent. She explained that financially the store was not doing well and it needed better identification. The Commission commended the applicant for the fine community service the Society was providing. It further discussed the need for advertising the Discovery Shop and agreed to the following modification to Special Condition No.1: "1. A small window sign, approximately 4 square feet in size, shall be painted directly on the side window." Commissioner Zellmer recommended that a condition be added for the Commission to review the use permit in six months (Special Condition No.3). Mrs. Ottoboni agreed to the conditions. Motion-Mantegani/Second Wendler: To approve UP-87-788/Mod 1 subject to the conditions, including modification to Special Condition No.1 and additional Special Condition No.3, and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. PC MTG. 12/10/87 PAGE 5 OF 10 PAGES AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Teodoro Quiban (Robinson & Co., owner), UP-87-817, 2236 Westborough Boulevard Use Permit to allow the outdoor display and sales of produce at an existing produce store at 2236 Westborough Boulevard. December 10, 1987 Staff Report presented. Applicants: Mr. and Mrs. Teodoro Quiban 2236 Westborough Boulevard Mrs. Quiban agreed to the conditions contained in the staff report. She explained to the commission that her small business is in competition with Safeway and in order to attract customers it was necessary to display produce outside. The Commission discussed the applicants' past record with regard to spoiled produce left in planter boxes and the trash at the rear of the store. Commissioners Matteucci and Zellmer felt that outdoor display was a common practice for produce markets and suggested a six month review once the new display cases were installed. A majority of the Commission felt that a precedent would be set by granting the use permit and the City could not continually watch the applicant for code compliance. Mr. Quiban stated that the owner of the shopping center gave him permission to display produce outside and that it was necessary in order for his business to continue. (Cassette No.3) At the Commission's request Senior Planner Christians developed the following findings for denial: 1. The use would be adverse to the public health, safety and general welfare and detrimental to the adjacent tenant and properties. The existing unauthorized outdoor sales area has contributed health problems, litter and has obstructed the adjacent sidewalk. 2. The use is inconsistent with the City's General Plan. The shopping center is neighborhood-oriented and is not conducive to outdoor sales. 3. The use does not comply with all applicable standards and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant has been in violation of the ordinance for a number of years without obtaining the required use permit. Also, the outdoor sales have not been conducted in an orderly manner. PC MTG. 12/10/87 PAGE 6 OF 10 PAGES AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Motion-Terry/Second Warren: To deny UP-87-815 based on the findings for denial. AYES: Chair Boblitt, vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Mantegani, Warren and Wendler. NOES: Commis- sioners Matteucci and Zellmer. Chevron U.S.A., UP-85-745/Mod 1, 1 Westborough Boulevard Use Permit Modification to change Special Condition No. 2 of UP- 85-745 to allow additional signage at an existing gasoline service station at 1 Westborough Boulevard. Chair Boblitt announced that Use Permit application UP-85-745/ Mod 1 has been withdrawn. Jesus Ontiveros, UP-86-769/Mod 1, 221 South Spruce Avenue Use Permit Modification to change Special Condition No. 6 of UP- 86-769 to extend the hours of operation until 2:00 a.m. for an existing restaurant at 221 South Spruce Avenue in the P-C Zone District. Director Smith informed the Commission that although the staff report was requesting a continuance until there was compliance with all original conditions, the applicant has made considerable progress and therefore staff recommends approval of UP-86-769/ Mod 1, subject to the condition that all conditions would be complied with within four months. Applicant: Jesus Ontiveros 221 South Spruce Avenue Mr. Ontiveros agreed to the condition as stated by Director smith. He stated he would have the lighting completed in the next couple of weeks and the landscaping within four months. Although the commission had no problem with the bar staying open until 2:00 a.m., several Commissioners commented that the applicant has had ample time to complete the landscaping. After a lengthy discussion the Commission agreed to the following special condition: "1. All conditions of UP-86-769 shall be completed by March 1, 1988." Mr. ontiveros agreed to the condition. Motion-Wendler/Second Matteucci: To approve UP-86-769/Mod 1 subject to Special Condition No.1, as stated. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. PC MTG. 12/10/87 PAGE 7 OF 10 PAGES AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued DHL Worldwide Express (Boston Properties, owner), UP-87-818, Negative Declaration No. 614, 560 Forbes Boulevard Use Permit application to establish a transportation service exceeding a net increase of more than one-hundred vehicle trips per day at 560 Forbes Boulevard in the P-I Zone District. December 10, 1987 Staff Report presented. Applicant's representative: Michael Nilmeyer 325 South B Street San Mateo Kenneth Grace 865 Hinckley Road Burlingame David Black 1 Embarcadero Center San Francisco Paul Roblin 865 Hinckley Road Burlingame Mr. Nilmeyer stated the applicant agrees to all conditions with the exception of Special Condition No.6. He requested that approximately 15 vans be allowed to park in the rear of the site. Mr. Grace explained DHL's 24-hour operation. Mr. Black of Coldwell Banker, commented to the Commission that DHL has been looking for a site for 8 months and believed the use will be an asset to the business park. Mr. Roblin, district manager for DHL, discussed the company's future growth. The Commission discussed DHL's operation, parking requirements, and its contribution to the Oyster Point Interchange/Overpass. The Commission agreed to amend Condition No. 6 as follows: "6. No more than 15 vans shall be parked outside the building at any time." Motion-Matteucci/Second Zellmer: To approve Negative Declaration No. 614 and UP-87-818 subject to the conditions as modified and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Patio Covers, City of South San Francisco, ZA-87-42, Negative Declaration No. 615. PC MTG. 12/10/87 PAGE 8 OF 10 PAGES AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Continued from earlier part of meeting. December 10, 1987 Staff Report presented. commissioner Mantegani suggested that the amendment include a maximum size for a patio enclosure. The Commission agreed to a limit of 300 square feet. Motion-Warren/Second Matteucci: To adopt the Resolution recommending the City Council approve Zoning Amendment ZA-87-42 and Negative Declaration No. 615, and to include the following additional requirement in Table 20.71.030: "...No patio cover may project more than 15 feet from an existing dwelling or contain more than 300 square feet in area unless a use permit is granted to exceed these standards." Unanimously approved by voice vote. Motion-Zellmer/Second Mantegani: schedule it for January 14, 1988. vote. To untable V-87-295 and Unanimously approved by voice C-1 Zone District - Use Permit Required, City of South San Francisco, GP-87-32, ZA-87-37 General Plan Amendment. amending the definition of Retail Commercial and Zoning Amendment requiring Use Permits for certain tenant spaces in the C-1 Zone District. The Commission requested GP-87-32 and ZA-87-37 be continued to the January 14, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. Motion-Zellmer/Second Wendler: To continue GP-87-32 and ZA-87-37 to the January 14, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. Unanimously approved by voice vote. APPOINTMENTS TO THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 1. Recommendation that the Planning Commission designate that the current terms started in January 1986 and are extended until December 31, 1989 for the following Board members: Peter Kostrikin John Lucchesi Motion-Zellmer/Seconded Mantegani: To approve the extension of terms for Peter Kostrikin and John Lucchesi to December 31, 1989. Approved by voice vote. PC MTG. 12/10/87 PAGE 9 OF 10 PAGES APPOINTMENTS TO THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD - continued 2. Recommendation that the Planning Commission appoint new members of the Design Review Board to the other three seats to replace current members whose terms have already expired or will expire in January. The Planning commission selected the following three candidates by written ballot: Robert A. Williams, Architect Anthony Shen, Architect Michael DeZordo, Landscape Professional Vice-Chairman Terry asked that a joint meeting be scheduled with the Design Review Board. ADJOURNMENT Chair Boblitt adjourned the meeting at 12:00 p.m. to January 14, 1988, 7:30 p.m. an T. Smith, Secretary lanning Commission City of South San Francisco c-) ~~.. P" .~:.'/'~)~. f/'} n . . (:"'..~(~/~. . ~~~V~ 7 . Beverly Bo~litt, Chair Planning Commission City of South San Francisco BB:JTS:sp PC MTG. 12/10/87 PAGE 10 OF 10 PAGES