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(Cassette No.1)
November 19, 1987 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco
Planning Commission.
CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m.
Chair Boblitt, Vice-Chairman Terry*,
Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren,
Wendler and Zellmer.
Planning Division
Jean T. Smith
Maureen K. Morton
Daniel Christians
Mark Lewis
Robert Yee
Valerie Armento
Robert Ewing
Jake Wittwer
Ron Petrocchi
City Manager
Deputy City Manager
City Attorney
Deputy City Attorney
Building Division
Police Department
*Vice-Chairman Terry arrived at 7:35 p.m.
Commissioner Warren informed the Commission of the recent death
of former South San Francisco Police Sergeant Dennis "Skip"
Sullivan, former Community Relations Officer, while on duty, in
Shasta County.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES of October 8, 1987 and October 22, 1987:
Motion-Matteucci/Second Warren: To approve the Minutes of the
October 8, 1987 Planning Commission meeting as presented.
Unanimously approved by voice vote.
Motion-Matteucci/Second Warren: To approve the Minutes of the
October 22, 1987 Planning Commission meeting as presented.
Approved by voice vote. ABSTAIN: Chair Boblitt.
Ron Price, UP-85-712/Mod 1, 1 Chestnut Avenue
Continued from the October 8, 1987 Planning Commission meeting.
PC MTG. 11/19/87
Use Permit Modification application of Ron Price to establish a
comprehensive sign program at an existing auto dealership at 1
Chestnut Avenue in accordance with Special Condition No. 5 of UP-
November 19, 1987 Staff Report presented. Senior Planner Morton
informed the Commission that a letter from the applicant, dated
November 13, 1987, states that UP-84-700 was never instituted and
therefore the conditions of approval should not apply. The
Deputy City Manager/City Engineer agreed to releasing the
applicant from said requirements.
Applicant's representative:
George Avanessian, AlA
400 Oyster Pt. Blvd.
Mr. Avanessian stated the applicant, Ron Price, agrees to the
conditions contained in the staff report.
Vice-Chairman Terry complimented the applicant for recent site
improvements and removal of signs and banners from the windows.
He also asked Mr. Avanessian to convey to Mr. Price that the
existing non-conforming 30' sign shall be removed upon change of
Commissioner Wendler supported the Design Review Board's
recommendation for individually lettered wall signs and lowering
the pole sign.
Motion-Warren/Second Mantegani: To approve UP-85-712/Mod 1
subject to the conditions and based on the findings contained in
the staff report. Approved by the following vote: AYES: Chair
Boblitt, Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci,
Warren and Zellmer. NOES: Commissioner Wendler.
Allan Automatic Sprinkler, UP-87-812, Negative Declaration No.
607, 439 Eccles Avenue
Use Permit application of Allan Automatic Sprinkler to allow the
open storage of materials at an existing warehouse facility in
accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code Section
20.32.070 at 439 Eccles Avenue.
November 19, 1987 Staff Report presented. Senior Planner Morton
noted that Finding No. 4 was omitted from the staff report, and
shall read as follows:
"4. The proposed use will not be adverse to the
public, health, safety or general welfare of
the community, nor detrimental to the
surrounding properties or improvements."
PC MTG. 11/19/87
Applicant's representative:
Jack Gallaher
439 Eccles Avenue
After a discussion of the parking requirements, Mr. Gallaher
stated the applicant agrees to the conditions contained in the
staff report.
Motion-Warren/Second Zellmer: To approve Negative Declaration
No. 607 and Use Permit UP-87-812 subject to all conditions and
based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously
approved by roll call vote.
San Francisco Engine Re-Manufacturing Co., UP-87-814, Negative
Declaration No. 610, 132 South Maple Avenue
Use Permit application of San Francisco Engine Re-Manufacturing
Co., Inc. to establish a rebuilding and servicing of automotive,
truck, and industrial engines in accordance with South San
Francisco Municipal Code section 20.30.030(c) at 132 South Maple
November 19, 1987 Staff Report presented.
Arthur Salume
164 14th Street
San Francisco
Applicant's representative:
Thomas Dolan
434 Avon Street
Mr. Dolan, architect for the project, explained how department/
division concerns were responded to with regard to the current
design. He stated the applicant agrees to all conditions and
clarified for the Police Department that a fence will not be
built around the storage yard. Mr. Salume asked that he be
allowed to post a landscaping bond in order for the facility to
be occupied once major improvements are completed.
The Commission complimented the applicant for the improvement to
the site. The Commission's concerns were toxic waste and engine
noise. The applicant explained the soap used was environmentally
safe and the engines never run without mufflers.
Motion-Warren/Second Wendler: To approve Negative Declaration
No. 610 and UP-87-814 subject to all conditions and based on the
findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by
roll call vote.
PC MTG. 11/19/87
Parnas Corp. (Lenox Properties, Inc., owners), PUD-87-5, SA-87-
97, Negative Declaration No. 609, 433 Blondin Way
Planned unit Development Permit and Tentative Subdivision Map of
Parnas Corp. to allow construction of a 20-townhome planned unit
development with related parking, landscaping, and common areas,
in accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code Section
Chapter 20.84. and Title 19 at 433 Blondin Way.
November 19, 1987 Staff Report presented.
Applicant's representative:
Yves Ghiai
1901 So. Bascom Avenue
San Jose
Mr. Ghiai described the project to the Commission and explained
what changes have been incorporated since the Design Review Board
meeting. He submitted renderings to the Commission and indicated
he had spoken with residents in the neighborhood, including
Rotary Plaza.
(Cassette No.2)
The Commission discussed the project with the applicant and
aesthetically felt some design changes were desirable. It was
suggested that the architect add solarium windows and modify
buildings to achieve a more pleasing appearance and not look so
"boxy" or monotonous.
Mr. Ghiai agreed to a continuance.
Motion Warren/Second Zellmer: To continue Negative Declaration
No. 609, PUD-87-5 and SA-87-97 to the December 10, 1987 Planning
Commission meeting. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
Gary Love (Joseph Welch, owner), UP-87-815, Negative Declaration
No. 611, 656 El Camino Real
Use Permit application of Gary Love (Joseph Welch, owner) to
establish a camper shell sales facility, including outdoor
display, with related parking, landscaping, and sign program in
accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code Section
20.22.040(c) at 656 El Camino Real at 656 El Camino Real.
November 19, 1987 Staff Report presented.
Applicant's representative:
Michael O'Brien
343 Bennington street
San Francisco
PC MTG. 11/19/87
Mr. O'Brien stated the applicant agrees to all conditions and
Commissioner Mantegani stated that Italian cypress do not grow
well in South San Francisco and should not be recommended on the
City's plant palate. Director Smith stated she would check this
matter with the City's landscape architect.
Motion-Zellmer/Second Mantegani: To approve Negative Declaration
No. 611 and Use Permit UP-87-815 subject to all conditions and
based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously
approved by roll call vote.
Art Rise, UP-87-813, 753 Del Monte Avenue
Use Permit application of Art Rise (South San Francisco Unified
School District, owner) to allow a community theater group to
conduct rehearsals, performances, and set construction in three
classrooms at El Rancho School in accordance with South San
Francisco Municipal Code Section 20.16.030(b) at 753 Del Monte
November 19, 1987 Staff Report presented. Director smith noted
that corrected Special Conditions had been circulated to the
Commission with regard to hours the classrooms would be used.
Commissioner Wendler stepped down from the Commissioners' table
noting her position on a previous Art-Rise application and her
wish to abstain on this.
Applicant's representative:
Maggie pierson
204 Rockwood Drive
Ms pierson stated Art-Rise agrees to all conditions but requested
the closing hour on performance nights be extended to 10:30 p.m.
Commissioner Zellmer suggested a condition be added to limiting
the occupancy at performances as follows:
"6. Theatre seating shall be limited to no more than 75
The Commission discussed the request for extension of hours on
performance nights and agreed to the following:
"2. Performances:
Fri. & Sat.
6:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.*
*Subject to approval of the South San Francisco Unified School
District and to review by City staff after two productions or six
months to evaluate impact of 10:30 closing on neighborhood."
PC MTG. 11/19/87
Motion-Zellmer/Second Matteucci: To approve UP-87-813 subject to
all conditions, including amended Special Condition No. 2 and
additional Special Condition NO.6, and based on the findings
contained in the staff report. Approved by the following roll
call vote: AYES: Chair Boblitt, Vice Chairman Terry,
Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren and Zellmer. ABSTAIN:
Commission Wendler.
Commissioner Wendler returned to the Commissioners' table.
City of South San Francisco, Patio Enclosures, ZA-87-42
Public hearing to amend Title 20 of the Municipal Code, Table
20.71.030, regarding patio enclosures within the rear yard
setback in the R-1 and R-2 Zones.
Senior Planner Christians asked the Commission to continue ZA-87-
42 to December 10, 1987, due to the many items on the agenda.
Motion-Warren/Second Zellmer: To continue ZA-87-42 to December
10, 1987. Unanimously approved by roll call vote.
City of South San Francisco, Downtown Redevelopment Project
Selection of boundaries and approval of Preliminary Plan for
Downtown Redevelopment Project.
November 19, 1987 Staff Report presented.
Speaking against the project:
Louis Dell'Angela
460 Gardenside Avenue
Mr. Dell'Angela submitted a letter to the Commission listing six
concerns regarding the redevelopment project. He asked that the
selection of boundaries be postponed a month and all impacted
property owners be notified of the hearing. He requested his
letter be forwarded to the City Council.
Senior Planner Christians explained the preliminary plan process
in relationship to approving the redevelopment plan. He further
stated that the property owners are notified for the City Council
public hearing.
After discussing the area included in the plan the Commission
felt it was misleading to identify only the downtown area and
suggested the plan be called Downtown/Central Redevelopment Plan.
The Commission recommended the property owners be notified of the
next Planning commission public hearing with regard to
consistency with the General Plan. Commissioner Wendler also
PC MTG. 11/19/87
suggested that the Chamber of Commerce, Old Town Homeowners
Association, and Downtown Merchants Association be notified.
Vice-Chairman Terry requested that Mr. Dell'Angela also be placed
on the notification list.
Motion-Wendler/Second Zellmer: To adopt the Resolution selecting
the South San Francisco Downtown Redevelopment Project Area and
approving a Preliminary Plan for the redevelopment of the project
area. Unanimously approved by roll call vote.
Syufy, UP-84-688/Mod 3, 410-470 Noor Avenue
Continued from the October 8, 1987 Planning Commission meeting.
Use Permit Modification to approve an Agreement to provide
additional peak hour parking spaces and thereby allow additional
theatre seats, provide additional off-site improvements and
related enforcement and monitoring procedures for the
Noor/Huntington Avenues area.
November 19, 1987 Staff Report presented.
Syufy's Representative:
George Corey, Esq.
700 El Camino Real
pay'N pak's Representative
Frederick Hertz, Esq.
785 Market Street
San Francisco
(Cassette No.3)
Mr. Hertz reiterated his previous statements regarding pay'N
Pak's willingness to contribute to the costs but felt the City
imposing additional parking conditions on pay'N pak was not
City Manager Lewis informed the Commission that Mr. Corey's and
Mr. Hertz's internal disagreements are irrelevant to the
commission and should not impede the Commission from reaching a
Mr. Corey asked the commission to hear a report from Syufy's
traffic consultant, which would depict pay'N Pak as a contributor
to the traffic problem. The Commission instead requested Mr.
Corey and Mr. Hertz indicate their clients' agreement to the
conditions contained in the staff report and the representatives
so indicated.
PC MTG. 11/19/87
commissioner Wendler suggested a condition be imposed regarding
the employees not parking in choice locations. Mr. Corey agreed
to the following:
"3. Employees of the theatre and pay'N pak shall park at
the remote parking areas during the time those spaces
are available under the agreements."
The City Attorney suggested syufy and pay'N pak be referred to as
"original applicant holders". The Commission suggested this
wording be substituted in Special Conditions Nos. 1b and 2.
Commissioner Zellmer requested that "timely manner" in Condition
No. 1 be modified to read as follows:
"1. Agreements incorporating the following provlslons, in a
form acceptable to City staff and signed by all parties
responsible for implementing any of these provisions
shall be submitted as a part of this use permit file,
recorded and implemented by June 1, 1988."
At Commissioner Zellmer's request City Manager Lewis suggested
Condition No. 1e be modified to read as follows:
"l.e. If the parking problems persist or recur the City may
require a portion of the additional seats to be
removed, up to a maximum number of 675, or the theatre
owners may provide additional parking subject to the
approval of the Planning Commission.
The City Attorney informed the original applicant holders that
the Agreement as presented at the October 8, 1987 Planning
commission meeting is the ultimate agreement to include all
conditions contained in the staff report.
City Manager Lewis informed the Commission that if the agreement
has not been made by June 1, 1988 the use permit will be back
before the Commission with further recommendations from staff.
Motion-Zellmer/Second Terry: To approve UP-84-688/Mod 3 in order
to remedy peak hour parking problems at the Noor and Huntington
Avenues area subject to all conditions, including modification to
Special Condition Nos. 1, 1b, 1e, 2, and additional Special
Condition No.3, and based on the findings contained in the staff
report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote.
Sergeant Petrocchi informed the Planning Commission that the
parking problems on James Court were resolved by Officer Dickson.
PC MTG. 11/19/87
ITEMS FROM STAFF (continued)
Officer Dickson is also working on developing a parking plan for
the El Camino Real corridor. He also responded to questions
raised at the previous Commission meeting regarding the
Recreational Vehicle Ordinance.
Director Smith reminded the commission that on December 3, 1987
there will be a Special Planning Commission meeting to interview
applicants for the Design Review Board.
Vice-Chairman Terry suggested a subcommittee be appointed to
discuss perceived problems regarding the Design Review Board.
Chair Boblitt appointed Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners
Mantegani and Zellmer. The committee agreed to meet December 1
at 4:30 in the Planning Division conference room and a report
would be made at the December 3 meeting.
Chair Boblitt adjourned the meeting at 11:52 p.m. to December 3,
1987, 7:00 p.m.
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PC MTG. 11/19/87