HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/22/1987 (Cassette No.1) October 22, 1987 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commi ssion. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren, Wendler and Zellmer. ABSENT: Chair Boblitt ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Jean T. Smith Maureen Morton Robert Yee Robert Ewing Jake Wittwer Ron Petrocchi Dave Parenti Deputy City Manager Deputy City Attorney Building Division Police Department Fire Department CHAIR COMMENTS CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVAL OF MINUTES for September 24, 1987 Motion-Zellmer/Second Matteucci: To approve the Minutes for the September 24, 1987 Planning Commission meeting as presented. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Auto Studio (Eddie Chan and Chris Santiago, owners), UP-78-441 45 Chestnut Avenue Approval of findings and motion to recommend that the City Council modify Use Permit UP-78-441. A letter from the applicants' attorney, Mike Valencia, was distributed to the Commission, stating a request for a continuance to the December 10, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. The Commission discussed the request and a majority felt the request was not warranted. Motion-Mantegani/Second Matteucci: To continue Use Permit UP-78-441 to the December 10, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Motion failed by the following roll call vote: AY~S: Commissioners Mantegani and Matteucci. NOES: Vice-Chairman Ter~y, Commissioners Warren, Wendler and Zellmer. ABSENT: Chair Boblitt. PC MTG. 10/22/87 Page I of 6 Pages AGENDA ITEMS - CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) The Commission discussed their frustrations with the applicant for lack of compliance with use permit conditions. Deputy City Attorney Ewing advised the Commission to either reconsider the vote, or propose a new motion recommending the case to City Council. Director Smith explained that Mr. Valencia was asking for a continuance because of a personal conflict. Commissioner Wendler felt that it would be in the Commission's best interest that the case be continued, and therefore suggested a vote to reconsider the first vote. Motion-Wendler/Second Terry: To reconsider the previous vote. Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci, Wendler and Warren. NOES: Commissioner Zellmer. ABSENT: Chair Boblitt. Motion-Mantegani/Second Matteucci: To continue Use Permit UP-78-441 to the December 10, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci, and Wendler. NOES: CommLssioners Warren and Zellmer. ABSENT: Chair Boblitt. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS Todd and Rebecca Magaline, PM-85-239, 320 Shaw Road Request for a three (3)-year extension of time by Todd and Rebecca Magaline for Tentative Parcel Map PM-85-239 to resubdivide 4.67 acres into 2 parcels of 2.80 acres and 1.87 acres at 320 Shaw Road in accordance with Title 19 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code and the State Subdivision Map Act. October 22, 1987 Staff Report presented. Motion-Zellmer/Second Wendler: To approve a one-year time extension to November 14, 1988 for Parcel Map PM-85-239. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Rouse and Associates, EIR-87-10, GP-87-31, ZA-87-38, PM-87-251 Southeast corner of Oyster Point and Gateway Boulevards Draft Supplemental EIR, General Plan Amendment, Zoning Amendment, and Tentative Parcel Map of Rouse and Associates for the Gateway Redevelopment Project, at the southeast corner of Oyster Point Boulevard and Gateway Boulevard, to include: PC MTG. 10/22/87 Page 2 of 6 Pages AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) a) Draft Supplemental EIR for the Gateway Redevelopment project covering the three following proposals and the Precise Plan for the project. b) A General Plan Amendment to change the land use designation from Planned Commercial to Planned Industrial for the northeast 4.5 acres of the property. c) Tentative Parcel Map PM-87-251 to subdivide the 22.8 acre site into three lots (4.5 acres, 4.5 acres, and 13.8 acres in size) for phasing purposes. d) A Zoning Amendment to amend the Gateway Specific Plan Zone District to permit light distribution on the northeast 4.5 acres of Parcel A and to allow office/sales/service uses on Parcel A of the Gateway Project. The amendment includes definitions of and off-street parking requirements for these two uses. October 22, 1987 Staff Reports presented. Applicant's Representatives: Stephen Chamberlin Rouse & Assoc. 32990 Alvarado-Niles Road Union City John Duvivier HED Architects 460 Seaport Boulevard Redwood City Brent Cottong 2206 Semeria Avenue Belmont Speaking in favor of the Project: Andy Skibo Genentech, Inc. 460 Pt. San Bruno Blvd. Mr. Chamberlin submitted to the Commission a corporate book of projects Rouse & Associates have built in the Bay Area. He explained the "flex product" concept with regard to the proposed multi-tenant facility. Mr. Duvivier described the site, adjacent uses and design considerations. Mr. Cottong, landscape architect, exhibited the landscape pallet and explained how the site, tenant needs and weather conditions were all factors considered and incorporated into the project. The Commission contributed the following comments: PC MTG. 10/22/87 Page 3 of 6 Pages AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) 1. What will be the traffic impacts of possible new tenants in the present Federal Express facility on East Grand Avenue? 2. How realistic is the assumption that SamTrans will provide transit services to the area? A connection with CalTrain? 3. Much of the traffic mitigation depends on the construction of the Oyster Point Overpass, which is not scheduled to start until after the proposed project is complete. 4. The driveway openings should be wide enough to accommodate truck movements. 5. A reduction in the required parking spaces is not an acceptable TSM measure. 6. Resolve the parking requirement vis-a-vis employees for the Federal Express facility. 7. Consider possible noise mitigations for existing businesses in the area. 8. Consider existing businesses in TSM shuttle bus strategies. 9. Consider the differences between personal autos and the Federal Express vans with regard to features such as visibility through the vehicle, potential damage in accidents, etc. 10. TSM strategies should not be punitive for using personal cars. II. The current levels of service of Highway 101 should be considered, rather than the 1984 levels of E and F. 12. Verify A~pendix C, where employees would reside. 13. Change from Planned Commercial to Planned Industrial should not be indicative of a land USt trend in the Gateway area. 14. Points in Police Department memo shoula be addressed. IS. Poplar trees are not recommended. 16. Regard should be given to the building design; colors and textures. 17. Number of units in Stonegate, Table E need updating. Mr. Skibo explained why Genentech decided not to develop the site and commented that the Rouse development is a significantly smaller project compared to what Genentech had proposed. PC MTG. 10/22/87 Page 4 of 6 Pages AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) Staff informed the Commission that the concerns mentioned will be addressed in the Final EIR. Vice-Chairman Terry closed the public hearing and the Commission recommended that staff address all comments and prepare a final EIR for City Council consideration. Motion-Mantegani/Second Matteucci: To adopt the Resolution recommending that the City Council approve GP-87-31, amending the Land Use Element of the General Plan. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Motion-Zellmer/Second Warren: To adopt the Resolution recommending that the City Council approve ZA-87-38, amending Sections 20.57.200, 20.57.060, and 20.57.250 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code, the Gateway Specific Plan District. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Motion-Zellmer/Second Warren: To continue PM-87-251 to the November 19, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. City of South San Francisco, ZA-87-41 Public hearing for a Zoning Amendment to Chapter 20.76 and 20.86 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code to reduce the required notification period for temporary signs and banners. October 22, 1987 Staff Report presented. Commissioner Zellmer stated he had talked with representatives of the Merchants Association and Chamber of Commerce and they have no concerns. Commissioner Warren felt a maximum time limit for compliance should be stated. She requested the Commission be notified if a notice period should ever exceed 30 days. Motion-Zellmer/Second Matteucci-Mantegani: To adopt the Resolution recommending that the City Council approve ZA-87-4l, amending South San Francisco Municipal Code Section 20.76.080(c). Unanimously approved by voice vote. ITEMS FROM STAFF Director Smith informed the Commission that at the October 27, 1987 City Council meeting the following planning issues will be discussed: religious assembly (ZA-87-39), recycling (ZA-87-40) and the appeal by Lillian Quinn (UP-87-808). PC MTG. 10/22/87 Page 5 of 6 Pages ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION CommLssioner Mantegani expressed his concern regarding the length of time a commercial truck can park in a residential neighborhood. He felt the five hour limit should be shortened. Director Smith said she would inform the Police Department of his concern. with reference to the Imperial 400 Motel, 222 South Airport Boulevard, Vice-Chairman Terry asked staff to inspect the decorative work being added on to the front of the building. He felt it was in the traffic right-of-way and was subject to being hit by a passing truck or bus. Chief Building Inspector wittwer said he would inspect the site for compliance with the approved plans. ADJOURNMENT Vice-Chairman Terry adjourned the meeting at 9:30 p.m. to November 19, 1987, 7:30 p.m. ean T. Smith, Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco ~Eugene P. Terry, Chairman Pro ~~lanning Commission ~C~ty of'South-San .Francisco EPT:JTS:sp PC MTG. 10/22/87 Page 6 of 6 Pages