HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/08/1987 (Cassette No.1) October 8, 1987 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Cormnission. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Boblitt, Vice-Chairman Terry, Cormnissioners Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren, Wendler and Zellmer. City Manager Deputy City Manager City Attorney Deputy City Attorney Building Division police Department Philip Gorny Daniel Christians Mark Lewis Robert Yee Valerie Armento Robert Ewing Ray Laur Ron Petrocchi ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division CHAIR COMMENTS AGENDA REVIEW staff informed the Commission that the following continuances are being requested: a) Continue Item ~3, Todd and Rebecca Magaline, to October 22, 1987. b) continue Item ~5, Rental City, off-calendar; c) Continue Item ~8, Ron Price, to November 19, 1987. REPORTS Patio Covers, City of South San Francisco, ZA-87-42 Set public hearing date of November 19, 1987 to consider Zoning Amendment to allow patio covers within portions of the required rear yard setback in the R-1 and R-2 Zone Districts. October 8, 1987 Staff Report presented. The Commission discussed with Senior Building Inspector Laur the Uniform Building Code's definition for compliance of patio enclosures and the type of materials approved for enclosures. Chair Boblitt felt glass, aesthetically, looks better than plastic and screens don't keep ou~ the wind. Mr. Laur suggested that the PC MTG. 10/08/87 Page 1 of 8 Pages REPORTS (continued) amendment should specify "manufactured" patio enclosures. The Commission suggested inviting a representative from the patio enclosure industry for the November 19, 1987 Planning cormnission meeting to answer questions. Motion-Warren/Second Matteucci: To set the public hearing date of November 19, 1987 to consider Zoning Amendment ZA-87-42 to allow patio covers within portions of the required rear yard setback. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Senior Planner Christians informed the Cormnission that Charles and Marjorie Arivett (V-87-295), have been kept informed of the Cormnission's hearings and will be notified once the amendment is approved so they may proceed with their variance request. Gellert/Westborough Overlay District, City of South San Francisco, ZA-87-37 Workshop session to discuss the possibility of an overlay district or other regulations limiting regional uses in neighborhood shopping centers. October 8, 1987 Staff Report presented. staff informed the Commission that there are existing mechanisms in the Zoning Ordinance that control the types of uses going into neighborhood shopping centers. The Commission stated its concern involved large retail businesses (15,000 square feet or greater) and the possible impacts on a surrounding neighborhood. The Cormnission felt the residents should be given an opportunity to voice their opinion about these businesses. They explained that the area of concern included all neighborhood shopping centers in the City, not just the Westborough area. The Commission asked staff to re-schedule this matter and that the proposed Zoning and General Plan Amendments should include the wording developed by staff in the June 22, 1987 inter-office memorandum to the Planning Commission. Motion-Warren/Second Zellmer: For staff to prepare a City-wide General Plan and Zoning Amendment which includes the wording stated in the June 22, 1987 inter-office memorandum. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. PC MTG. 10/08/87 Page 2 of 8 Pages roNS~TC~~DAR Todd and Rebecca Magaline, PM-85-239, 320 Shaw Road Request for a three (3)-year extension of time by Todd and Rebecca Magaline for Tentative Parcel Map PM-85-239 to resubdivide 4.67 acres into 2 parcels of 2.80 acres and 1.87 acres at 320 Shaw Road in accordance with Title 19 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code and the State Subdivision Map Act. Motion-Zellmer/Second Matteucci: To continue PM-85-235 to the October 22, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Unanimously approved by voice vote. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of September 10, 1987 Motion-Zellmer/Second Mantegani: To approve the minutes of the September 10, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Unanimously approved by voice vote. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS Brian and Juleen Pecson, Rental City (Joseph Welch, owner), UP-84-704/Mod 2, 136 South Linden Avenue continued from the August 13, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Use Permit Modification of Brian and Juleen pecson (Joseph Welch, owner) to allow an equipment rental use at an existing office/ warehouse complex at 136 South Linden Avenue and to park rental trucks at 137 South Linden Avenue in the M-1 Industrial Zone District in accordance with Section 20.30.030(c) of the South San Francisco Municipal Code. A letter was distributed to the Commission from the applicants who requested their case be continued off-calendar until Ryder Truck's (57 South Linden Avenue) use permit application was approved. Motion-Mantegani/Second Zellmer: To continue UP-84-704/Mod 2 off- calendar. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Johnnie and Matilda Hall, V-87-300, 632 4th Lane Variance application of Johnnie and Matilda Hall to South San Francisco Municipal Code Section 20.71.030 to allow a 3' encroachment into the required 20' rear yard setback at 632 4th Lane in the R-2 Zone District in accordance with Chapter 20.82 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code. October 8, 1987 Staff Report presented. PC MTG. 10/08/87 Page 3 of 8 Pages PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) Motion-Mantegani/Second Warren: To approve Variance V-87-300 subject to the conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Jose Santiago, V-87-299, 747 Grand Avenue variance application of Jose Santiago to South San Francisco Municipal Code Section 20.71.030 to allow an accessory building to exceed 40% of the required rear yard setback and to allow a 15 foot encroachment into the required 20 foot garage door setback from the adjoining 3rd Lane at 747 Grand Avenue in the R-2 Zone District in accordance with Chapter 20.82 South San Francisco Municipal Code. (Cassette No.2) October 8, 1987 Staff Report presented. Senior Planner Christians also informed the Commission that a letter was received from Mrs. Edna Harks in opposition to the variance application. Applicant: Jose Santiago 747 Grand Avenue Mr. Santiago felt his existing garage, which has a five-foot setback and is 65 years old, is too small for his car to park in. He also mentioned that a previous addition has limited the amount of room in his backyard and landscaping would be reduced considerably if the 20 foot setback was applied. He submitted photos to the Cormnission for review. After a brief discussion of the application, the commission felt the lot offered him other alternatives and agreed with staff's recommendation. Motion-Terry/Second Matteucci: To deny Variance V-87-299 based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Ron Price, 1 Chestnut Avenue, UP-85-712/Mod 1 Use Permit Modification application of Ron Price to establish a comprehensive sign program at an existing auto dealership at 1 Chestnut Avenue in accordance with Special Condition No. 5 of UP-85- 712. Staff informed the Commission that a letter was received from the applicant requesting a continuance. Vice-Chairman Terry asked staff to research the signs approved for the area over the doors of the building and to verify the placement of the freestanding sign near the Auto Studio business. PC MTG. 10/08/87 Page 4 of 8 Pages PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) Motion-Matteucci/Second Wendler: To continue UP~85-712/Mod to November 19, 1987. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Normandy Associa.tes (Herman P. Wa.gner, owner), 325 South Maple Avenue, UP~86~760/MOd 1 Use Permit Modification application of Normandy Associates (Herman P. Wagner, owner) to eliminate Buildings 2 and 3, amend the site plan, landscape plan, building elevations, Special Condition No.5, and add outdoor storage at 325 South Maple Avenue in the M-1 Zone District in accordance with Section 20.30.040 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code. October 8, 1987 Staff Report presented. After ascertaining that the applicant was not present in the audience and questions needed answering, the Commission agreed to hold UP-86-760/Mod 1 until the last item on the Agenda, anticipating the applicant would appear. Syufy, UP~84-688/Mod 3, 410;.,;,470 Noar Avenue Continued from the September 10, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Use Permit Modification to require an Agreement that provides addi- tional peak hour parking spaces and thereby allows additional theatre seats, requires additional off-site improvements and provides related enforcement and monitoring procedures for the Noor/Huntington Avenues. For the record, Ci ty Manager Lewis recounted the history of the events wi th Syufy and pay'N Pak that led to the hearings. He reported the Agreement has not yet been approved. The area of controversy is the pedestrian activated signal at the intersection of Huntington and Noor Avenues. Applicants' Representatives: George Corey, Esq Representing Syufy Ent. 700 EI Camino Real Millbrae Frederick Hertz, Esq. Representing pay'N Pak 785 Market Street San Francisco Speaking with Concern: Alan Crandall 1435 Huntington Avenue PC MTG. 10/08/87 Page 5 of 8 Pages PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) Mr. Corey stated syufy posted with the City $18,700 with the original use permit--money to be used toward a signal at Noor and Huntington Avenues. He reported Mr. Syufy has now agreed to pay an additional $31,700 ($50,000 total). It was also pointed out that under Section 1 of the Agreement, pay'N pak wished to have its name removed with reference to the 210 additional parking spaces. He submitted page 21 of a traffic study prepared by TJKM for the cities of South San Francisco and San Bruno, which indicates a stop sign would be a sufficient solution to the pedestrian and traffic problem. Mr. Corey further explained that the parking problem is one his client shares with pay'N Pak, therefore pay'N pak is obligated to pay a portion of the cost. Deputy City Manager Yee stated the cost of the signal depends on how sophisticated it is and the results of the bidding process. He felt Syufy stood a better chance of getting the costs minimized by being able to negotiate the price, whereas the City cannot. Mr. Hertz stated that pay'N pak is willing to pay 47% of those costs once incurred (improvements to Lot A, traffic light, lost revenue, parking lot lighting), but stressed the burden should be put on syufy. The Commission discussed the formula for parking spaces vs seats. The commission felt the current amount of parking was inadequate for the current amount of seating. Vice-Chairman Terry and Commissioner Wendler felt Syufy showed poor corporate behavior and recounted instances where employees were observed parking in front of the theatre and directing patrons to park at Safeway. It was recommended a condition be imposed that required employees to park across the street. Vice-Chairman Terry requested that "Planning Cormnission" be substituted for "City Planning Director" in Section 6c of the Agreement. (Cassette No.3) The Commission felt the disagreement between syufy and Pay'n pak could be remedied. It was recommended that a final continuance to November 19, 1987 be granted. The Commission stressed the parties involved should resolve their differences. Mr. Crandall, property manager for Tanforan Associates, was concerned with the time factor involved with this issue and felt the patrons safety should be considered. Motion-Matteucci/Second Terry: To continue UP-84-688/Mod 3 to November 19, 1987. Unanimously approved by voice vote. PC MTG. 10/08/87 Page 6 of 8 Pages PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) Normandy Associates (Herman P. Wagner, owner), 325 South Maple Avenue, UP-86-760/Mod 1 Chair Boblitt informed the applicant the Staff Report had already been read and the public hearing was open. Applicant's Representative: Jon Legallet 1335 Griffith Street San Francisco Mr. Legallet agreed to all conditions contained in the staff report. In response to Commissioner Warren's request he explained that at present there were no prospective tenants and was unable to state the type of outdoor storage being proposed. After a discussion, the Commission felt a Special Condition should be imposed that regulated the type of outdoor storage for the site. Staff recommended the following Special Condition: "15. Applicant shall present any request for tenant and use of any portion of outdoor storage to the Planning Commission for review and approval as a matter from staff at the next Planning Commission meeting after such request." The applicant agreed to the additional Special Condition. Motion-Zellmer/Second Matteucci: To approve UP-86-760/Mod 1 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained in the staff report, including additional Special Condition No. 15. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. City of South San Francisco, ZA-87-41 Set public hearing date to consider a Zoning Amendment to the City's Sign Ordinance, Chapters 20.76 and 20.86 of Title 20, South San Francisco Municipal Code, to reduce the required notification period for temporary signs and banners, Case No. ZA-87-41. Motion-Mantegani/Second Zellmer: Public hearing date for ZA-87-41. vote. To set October 22, 1987 as the Unanimously approved by voice ITEMS FROM STAFF Acting Planning Director Gorny read a report to the Commission regarding the Imperial 400 Motor Inn. Vice-Chairman Terry requested this item be rescheduled for the October 22, 1987 Planning Commission meeting for further discussion. PC MTG. 10/08/87 Page 7 of 8 Pages ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION In response to Vice-Chairman Terry's comments regarding the Design Review Board, Mr. Gorny clarified that the Design Review Board makes recommendations only, and the Planning Director makes the decisions based on DRB's recommendations. He also informed the Commission that October 15, 1987 was the cut-off date for applications and a few have been received. Commissioner Wendler asked if the additional six rooms at the Imperial 400 was a change in the original use permit. Mr. Gorny stated he was unaware of a use permit but would have it researched for the Commission. Deputy City Attorney Ewing reported that the illegal sign at 265 Grand Avenue was scheduled to be removed by today's date. Commissioner Mantegani requested staff to ask the Code Enforcement Officer 1) to measure the rear yard setback at 213 James Court; 2) for an update on the addition at 643 Chestnut Avenue as to why the sidewalk and driveway improvements have not yet been made; and 3) to investigate two illegally parked motorhomes at 649 and 653 Chestnut Avenue. Commissioner Zellmer asked for a report on the status of Milt's Livery Service, referring to his previous month's inquiries. Chair Boblitt informed staff that the business at 2236 Westborough Boulevard is still displaying a lottery banner and using planter boxes to display tomatoes. Staff referred the Commission to a letter the Code Enforcement Officer sent to the tenant, Mr. Teodoro Quiban, on October 2, 1987, informing him of the violations. Staff also informed the Commission that Mr. Quiban has called the Planning Division for an appointment to discuss the matter. Commissioner Mantegani reported that garbage from the Willow Gardens area is being dumped over the fence and onto his property. Staff suggested Alex Tsitovitch, the City's liaison with the Willow Gardens Homeowners' Association, be informed of the matter to see if it can be corrected. ADJOURNMENT Chair Boblitt adjourned the meeting at 11:00 p.m. to October 22, 1987, 7:30 p.m. Secretary ;:) ::::> r---'<1~.P . ~ .'.._ !,/J ~") ~ '",- ,I. ",~~.- c_-......".,..,.;.:-F.~~:(.... {,. "';'4;"if..- . (l" ~ ___,~.. ) .pf"" ,j'fl1ri ) t.:' ilJ. ",,~L.~ Beverly Bob tt, Chair Planning Commission City of South San Francisco San Francisco BB:JTS:sp PC MTG. 10/08/87 Page 8 of 8 Pages