HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/10/1987
(Cassette No.1)
September 10, 1987 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco
Planning Commission.
Chair Boblitt, Vice-Chairman Terry,
Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren,
Wendler and Zellmer.
City Attorney
Deputy City Attorney
Police Department
Building Division
Jean T. Smith
Maureen Morton
Daniel Christians
Valerie Armento
Robert Ewing
Ron Petrocchi
Ray Laur
Planning Division
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Zellmer asked that Page 9 of the
August 13, 1987 minutes, item ZA-87-39, be
corrected to read that the public hearing date
was set for the September 10, 1987 Planning
Commission meeting. Motion-Wendler/Second
Terry: To approve the Minutes for the August
13, 1987 Planning Commission meeting with
correction noted. Unanimously approved by
voice vote.
City Attorney Armento introduced newly appointed Deputy City Attorney
Robert Ewing to the Commission.
Athletes Center, UP-85-736, 216 Mosswood Drive
One year review of the Use Permit granted to John H. Nadeau to
operate Athletes Center, a non-profit medical center to treat sports
injuries, at 216 Mosswood Drive, in accordance with Special Condition
No. 5 of UP-85-736.
Motion-Mantegani/Second Zellmer: To let stand the original approval
of UP-85-736 based on the applicant's satisfactory compliance with
the conditions of approval. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
City of South San Francisco, ZA-87-40
Set public hearing date to consider a Zoning Amendment to include
Administrative Processes and Guidelines for the Establishment of
Recycling Facilities pursuant to the California Beverage Container
Recycling and Litter Reduction Act.
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Motion-Mantegani/Second Zellmer: To set September 24, 1987 as the
public hearing date to consider ZA-87-40. Unanimously approved by
voice vote.
Auto Studio, UP-78-441 and DR-S-82-92, 45 Chestnut Avenue
Continued from July 9, 1987 Planning Commission meeting.
Review of Use Permit granted to Eddie Chan for the establishment of
an automobile repair facility at an existing gasoline service station
at 45 Chestnut Avenue.
September 10, 1987 Staff Report presented.
Chris Santiago
14 Chateau Court
Applicant's Representative:
Mike Valencia
600 El Camino Real
San Bruno
Speaking Against the Project:
Charles Getz
845 Ridge Court
Mr. Valencia, attorney at law, informed the Commission he was
representing the applicants in place of Mr. Louis Dell'Angela. He
stated that the applicants have agreed to comply with the revised
special conditions contained in the staff report.
Mr. Getz felt the Commission should go forward with revoking the use
permit stating that the area is not zoned for auto repair uses, and
he has not seen the applicant pumping gas.
The Commission discussed the merits of revocation verus revising the
conditions and making them more restrictive. The Commission felt
that more than enough time had been given to the applicants to comply
with conditions, and their flagrant disregard has shown bad faith.
The Commission agreed to the following revised Special Conditions:
"3. No more than 12 vehicles shall be parked on this site,
outside of the building, at anyone time.
4. No vehicle shall be stored on the site for longer than five
5. The approval shall be subject to review in six months.
6. The use shall be conducted as a gasoline sales use, as
defined in South San Francisco Municipal Code section
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Gasoline Sales. The Gasoline Sales use type refers to
establishments or places of business primarily engaged
in the retail sale, from the premises, of petroleum
products with the incidental sale of tires, batteries,
and replacement items, lubricating services, and minor
repair services. Up to fifteen percent of the total
floor area of any service station building can be used
for retail sales of items for the convenience of
Mr. Santiago stated that before he could agree to the revised Special
Conditions, he would have to discuss them with his partner.
Motion-Zellmer/Second Warren: To amend Use Permit UP-78-441 to
include the revised Special Conditions with modification to revised
Special Conditions ~3 and 4, and the addition of Conditions ~5 and 6.
Unanimously approved by voice vote.
E.I. dupont deNemours & Company, UP-87-806, Negative Declaration No.
601, 160 South Linden Avenue
Continued from August 13, 1987 Planning Commission meeting.
Use Permit application of E.I. dupont deNemours & Company and
environmental determination of same to allow re-opening of the resin
manufacturing unit and tank farm for storage of raw material solvents
and finished product resins in the M-1 Industrial Zone District at
160 South Linden Avenue in accordance with South San Francisco
Municipal Code Section 20.30.040.
staff informed the Commission that the applicant, E.I. dupont
deNemours & Company, had withdrawn the application. No action taken.
Syufy Theatres and pay'N pak Stores, UP-84-688/Mod 3, 410-470 Noor
Continued from July 23, 1987 Planning commission meeting.
Public hearing to consider modifications to the Special Conditions of
Syufy Enterprises and Pay 'N pak Stores' Use Permit for property
located on the north side of Noor Avenue, east of El Camino Real, or
to take other appropriate action.
Staff requested that the Planning Commission continue UP-84-688/Mod 3
to the october 8, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Director Smith
informed the Commission that the affected property owners had arrived
at a solution but still need to discuss it with the City Manager and
City Attorney.
Motion-Mantegani/Second Zellmer: To continue UP-84-688/Mod 3 to the
October 8, 1987 Planning commission meeting. Unanimously approved by
voice vote.
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Lillian E. Quinn, UP-87-808, Negative Declaration No. 600, 900 Linden
continued from August 13, 1987 Planning Commission meeting.
Use Permit application of Lillian E. Quinn (Victor Lonati, owner) and
environmental determination of same for a gasoline service station
with auto repairs in the C-1 Retail Commercial Zone District at 900
Linden Avenue in accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code
Section 20.22.040.
September 10, 1987 Staff Report presented. Staff informed the
Commission that a report received from the police department
indicated an employee of the applicant had been sleeping on the
property in a van and using the restroom facilities. Also, two gas
tanks were removed recently from the property and only one gas tank
currently exists. Based on this information, staff proposed to
prepare findings for denial if the Commission requested.
Lillian E. Quinn
2709 Irving Street
San Francisco
Speaking in Opposition:
Jack Stuart
910 Linden Avenue
John Mascio
912 Linden Avenue
George Bugnatto
216 Juniper Avenue
Mrs. Quinn stated that the use will be a gas station with minor auto
(Cassette No.2)
Mr. Stuart submitted pictures to the Commission of the service station
that depicted abandoned vehicles on the property. His main objection
was that the property would turn into an auto repair business.
Mr. Mascio also objected to the use of an auto repair business and
stated that vehicles were being towed to the site during the night.
Mr. Bugnatto, representing the Old Town Homeowners' Association, read
a statement that the association's concern was that a reputable
business should go into the location and not one that would bring
further blight to the area.
The Commission discussed the removal of the two tan]cs, the business
operating in violation of City ordinances, and the concerns of the
neighborhood. With a consensus from the Commission Chair Boblitt
suggested a recess for staff to prepare findings for denial.
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When the Commission reconvened staff presented the following
1. The proposed use will be adverse to the public health,
safety, or general welfare of the community. Evidence
submitted at the Public Hearing indicates that unauthorized
activities conducted on this site by the applicants,
including vehicle repair and storage, living in vehicles,
open fires, and unauthorized towing activities, all
conducted without proper City approvals, are adverse to the
public health, safety and general welfare.
2. The proposed use does not comply with the provisions and
standards of Title 20, South San Francisco Municipal Code.
Since there is only one tank on the site, allowing for the
sale of only one grade of gasoline, and there are spaces
for three to five service bays in the building for auto
repair, it is evident that gasoline sales will not be the
major activity on this site, as required by the provisions
of Title 20. The unauthorized activities which the
applicant has conducted on this site, such as repairing
vehicles outside of the building and storing vehicles, are
not permitted at this location, according to the provisions
of Title 20.
3. The proposed use is not consistent with the City's General
Plan. Auto repair businesses, which is the actual use
which is represented by the application and the activities
on the site, is not a permitted use in the Retail
Commercial designation.
Motion-Warren/Second Terry: To deny UP-87-808 based on the three
findings st~ted for denial. Unanimously approved by the following
roll call vote: AYES: Chair Boblitt, Vice-Chairman Terry,
Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren and Wendler. ABSTAINED:
Commissioner Zellmer.
Stonegate Homes, Inc. & Viewmont Terrace, RPD-79-8/Mod 4, Northerly
terminus of Eucalyptus, SE of Stonegate Drive
Residential Planned Development Permit Modification application of
Stonegate Homes, Inc. to allow modification to the site plan, floor
plans, elevations, and landscape plan for a 17-unit detached single-
family planned unit development at the northerly terminus of
Eucalyptus, southeast of Stonegate Drive (Viewmont Terrace) in
accordance with Chapter 20.84 of the South San Francisco Municipal
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September 10, 1987 Staff Report presented.
Applicant's Representatives:
Kay Wilson
P.o. Box 847
Mill Valley
Chris Craiker
851 Irwin Street
San Rafael
Bob Luff
1400 Grant Avenue
Dominic pieri
Carroll-Resource Eng.
310 N. Bayshore
San Mateo
Ms Wilson informed the Commission that Stonegate Homes purchased the
Viewmont Terrace property in June, 1987. The only changes Stonegate
Homes, Inc. is proposing are to the elevation and landscaping. She
stated the applicant has agreed to all conditions being imposed. Mr.
Craiker gave a brief overview of the project and Mr. Luff described
the proposed changes in landscaping.
The Commission discussed the project and the recorded Subdivision Map
with staff. Mr. pieri explained that the recorded Subdivision Map
called for a stop sign at the end of the driveway onto stonegate
Drive. Commissioner Warren suggested that the increase in traffic be
studied once the project is completed for any possible negative
Motion-Warren/Second Mantegani: To approve RPD-79-8/Mod 4 subject to
the conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff
report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote.
City of South San Francisco, ZA-87-39
Zoning Amendment application to amend Chapter 20.26 of the South San
Francisco Municipal Code to require a Use Permit for religious
assembly uses in the D-C, Downtown Commercial Zone District.
September 10, 1987 staff report presented.
Speaking in favor:
Bill Borba III
206 Airport Boulevard
Mr. Borba, representing the Downtown Merchants Association, stated
the Association's support of the resolution and the need for quality
retail uses in the Downtown area.
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commissioner Zellmer suggested other uses, such as convalescent and
day cares services also be required to obtain use permits in the D-C
Downtown Commercial Zone District. Senior Planner Christians agreed
to review the uses in the Downtown district.
Motion-Zellmer/Second Mantegani: To adopt the Resolution recom-
mending that the City Council approve ZA-87-39 and Negative
Declaration No. 604 based on the findings contained in the staff
report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote.
a. Report from City Attorney on the Brown Act and Conflicts of
City Attorney Armento distributed pamphlets to the Commission and
asked them to familiarize themselves with sections pertaining to
boards and commissions: S54952.5, 54952.6 and 54956.9. She also
informed the Commission that a conflict of interest occurs when
the decision will affect the official economically. Ms Armento
stated her office could be contacted for advice if a question
b. Transitional Zone Memo.
The Commission reviewed the area in question and recommended no
change in Land Use designation or Zoning. They felt that under
the use permit process, uses which are both economically feasible
and appropriate under current land use designations can be
Motion-Mantegani/Second Warren: To recommend to the City Council
no change in Land Use designation or Zoning for the area bounded
by East Grand/Gateway Extension/South Airport Boulevard and
Highway 101. Unanimously approved by roll call vote.
(Cassette No.3)
c. Design Review Board
Commissioner Terry requested this item be continued to the next
Planning Commission meeting due to the lateness of the hour.
d. Gellert/Westborough Overlay District
The Commission agreed to continue this item to the October 8,
1987 Planning Commission meeting due to the lateness of the hour,
and that a study session be held before the regular meeting.
Chair Boblitt asked that the patio enclosure issue also be
scheduled for the study session.
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ITEMS FROM STAFF (continued)
In response to the Commission's inquiries, City Attorney Armento
stated that Deputy City Attorney Ewing would start attending the
Planning Commission meetings soon.
Chair Boblitt adjourned the meeting at 11:15 p.m. to September 24,
1987, 7:30 p.m.
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