HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/13/1987
(Cassette No.1)
August 13, 1987 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning
Chair Boblitt, Vice-Chairman Terry,
Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren,
Wendler* and Zellmer.
City Manager
Deputy City Manager
Police Department
Building Division
Fire Department
Jean T. Smith
Maureen Morton
Daniel Christians
Mark Lewis
Robert Yee
Ron Petrocchi
Ray Laur
Fred Lagomarsino
Planning Division
*Commission Wendler arrived at 9:50 p.m.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Mantegani/Second Warren: To approve the
Minutes for the July 23, 1987 Planning
Commission meeting as presented. Approved by
voice vote. ABSENT: Commissioner Wendler.
Stonegate Homes, Inc., SA-87-96, PUD-87-4, Negative Declaration No.
continued from the July 23, 1987 Planning Commission meeting.
Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map and Planned Unit Development Permit
applications of Stonegate Homes, Inc. and environmental determination
of same to subdivide 12.5 acres located at the terminus of Ridgeview
Court into 80 single-family residential parcels in a PUD, common
areas, private streets, and a 4.8 acre parcel to be dedicated to the
City for Sign Hill park at Stonegate Units 5 & 6 in the R-2-H-P Zone
District in accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code Title
August 13, 1987 Staff Report presented.
Applicant's representatives:
Kay Wilson
P.O. Box 847
Mill Valley
Chris Craiker
851 Irwin Street
San Rafael
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K. C. Sohn
3015-A Copper Road
Santa Clara
Lee Oberkamper
10 Paul Drive
San Rafael
Robert Luff
1400 Grant Avenue
Stephen Weinberger
4737 Chabot Drive
Ms Wilson agreed to all conditions contained in the staff report.
She highlighted a few of the changes made to the plans which were a
result of the July 23 Planning Commission meeting and the
neighborhood meeting held on July 22.
Mr. Craiker, in greater detail, discussed additional parking, views,
sunlight, decks, and fences.
Mr. Sohn, soils engineer, discussed the 1965 mass grading at
Stonegate and the recent studies made by himself and two other
geotechnical consultants including the independent consultant to the
City. They determined the site to be stable and suitable for the
development. He indicated a final soils report will be submitted to
the City Engineer prior to filing the Final Map.
Mr. Oberkamper, civil engineer, discussed street design, grading,
excavation, and drainage.
Speaking in opposition:
Georgina Wells
964A Ridgeview Court
Irene Flick
961A Ridgeview Court
David Diller
964C Ridgeview Court
Speaking with concern:
Sam Wells
964A Ridgeview Court
Leon Jackson
651 Stonegate Drive
Joan Dennison
957D Ridgeview Court
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Mmes Wells and Flick, representatives of Stonegate 8 Homeowners'
Association, presented petitions to the Commission which stated four
objections: 1) curbs being painted red along Ridgeview Court, 2) a
club house on Ridgeview Court; 3) a parking lot near 963 and 964
Ridgeview Court; and 4) an increase in the number of vehicle trips
per day on Ridgeview Court (the petition requested a second access
road be provided).
Mr. Diller, owner of the condominium whose view will be diminished,
asked for more grading in order to lower the unit that will be built
in front of his building.
Mr. Wells, in agreement with previous speakers, spoke regarding the
conditions of drainage during rainfall and the flooding of basements.
Mr. Jackson, President of Stonegate 4 Homeowners' Association, spoke
in opposition to fences being placed where they would be visible to
the public eye.
Ms Dennison's concern was safety and not being able to park near a
residence. She also stated that neighbors get into arguments over
visitor parking and driveways being blocked.
In answer to the Commission's questions regarding the haul road,
Deputy City Manager Bob Yee said approval of the temporary road is
part of the grading permit process; application has not yet been
received for the grading permit. Mr. Oberkamper exhibited the route
of the haul road and stated that there would be a continuous watering
program for dust control.
Vice-Chairman Terry repeated his suggestion for a handicap unit and
felt the construction standard for private streets should be higher
than for public streets.
(Cassette No.2)
Mr. Luff, landscape architect, in response to Commissioner
Matteucci's concern, stated that approximately 15 eucalyptus trees
would be eliminated but they would be replaced at a 2-1 ratio with
pines and eucalyptus.
Fire Marshal Lagomarsino stated the hammerhead areas, as proposed,
meet specifications for fire engines or trucks to maneuver.
Commissioner Warren asked staff to inquire if the City could require
a bond be posted for declarant association dues, to protect
homebuyers and to insure an association's financial stability.
The Commission agreed to the following issues:
The development will be entirely single family detached
residential units.
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Painting the curb red alon~ Ridgeview Court will be done at
the discretion of the City Engineer.
A parking lot will be built at Sign Hill Park.
Fencing will be left to the discretion of staff and the
Design Review Board.
A gate be installed at the entrance to the access road.
Motion-Mantegani/Second Warren: To recommend approval of Negative
Declaration No. 595 and Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map SA-87-96
subject to the conditions and findings contained in the Staff Report
with the addition of the following conditions:
"10. The proposed 7 parking spaces located within the new
terminus of Ridgeview Court at the entrance to this
subdivision should be retained subject to review and
approval of a precise design by the City Engineer.
11. A gate should be built at the entrance to Sign Hill Park
road, near the new Terminus of Ridgeview Court, subject to
review and approval by the City Engineer.
12. Redlining of the curbs along Ridgeview Court (no parking
zones) should be discouraged unless deemed necessary for
safety reasons subject to the approval of the City
13. The lot lines shall be adjusted as necessary to accommodate
an entirely detached single-family development."
Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chair Boblitt,
Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren,
Zellmer. ABSTAIN: commissioner Wendler.
Motion-Mantegani/Second Warren: To recommend approval to the City
Council of Planned Unit Development Permit PUD-87-4, subject to the
conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report
with the modification to Condition ~6 and the addition of Condition
"6. A six-foot-high decorative fence shall be constructed
around any portions of the project deemed necessary by
staff to prevent unauthorized trails or access to occur on
the slopes and to delineate property lines or common areas.
The fence shall be constructed of durable materials such as
chain link fencing with vinyl coating or concrete block
columns with metal railing. The fence shall be translucent
along any prominent slope area and solid in any areas where
screening between adjoining residential properties is
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deemed necessary. The final design and location of the
fence shall be submitted to the Design Review Board for
recommendations and to the Planning Division for approval
prior to issuance of a building permit.
17. Hauling of soil should be primarily limited to an on-site
haul road located between this project and the adjacent
Viewmont Terrace site."
Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chair Boblitt,
Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren,
Zellmer. ABSTAIN: Commissioner Wendler.
(Cassette No.3)
Brian and Juleen pecson (Joseph Welch, owner), UP-84-704/Mod 2
136 South Linden Avenue, Units "J" and "K".
Use Permit Modification application of Brian and Juleen Pecson
(Joseph Welch, owner) to allow an equipment rental use in an existing
office/warehouse complex in the M-1 Industrial Zone District at 136
South Linden Avenue in accordance with South San Francisco Chapter
August 13, 1987 Staff Report presented.
Applicants present:
Brian pecson
Juleen Pecson
3968 Pasadena Drive
San Mateo
The applicants presented a letter to the Commission from Mike Draneau,
of Mike's Collision Center, which agreed to allow Rental City to park
its trucks at 137 South Linden Avenue. Also, they presented an array
of photographs of nearby businesses with outdoor storage violations.
Mr. Pecson explained to the Commission how his business operates,
stating that often equipment is left outside while orders are being
written up. Mrs. Pecson stated that Saturday was the busiest day and
is when other businesses in the complex are closed.
The Commission asked that the case be continued off-calendar in order
to have staff investigate the location at 137 South Linden Avenue,
monitor the operation for a month, and to amend the application to
include outdoor storage.
The applicants were agreeable to the continuance.
Motion-Mantegani/Second Matteucci: To continue UP-84-704 off-
calendar. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
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Lillian E. Quinn (Victor Lonati, owner), UP-87-808, Negative
Declaration No. 600, 900 Linden Avenue
Use Permit application of Lillian E. Quinn (Victor Lonati, owner) and
environmental determination of same for a gasoline service station
with auto repairs in the C-1 Retail Commercial Zone District at 900
Linden Avenue in accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code
Section 20.22.040.
Vice-Chairman Terry asked staff to inform the applicant that the
location is a service station and not a four-wheel drive parking lot.
Also, the flood lights being illuminated in the evening are
disturbing to the neighborhood.
Motion-Wendler/Second Warren: To continue UP-87-808 to the September
10, 1987 Planning commission meeting. Unanimously approved by voice
E. I. dupont deNemours & Company, UP-87-806, Negative Declaration No.
601, 160 South Linden Avenue.
Use Permit application of E.I. duPont deNemours & Company and
environmental determination of same to allow reopening of the resin
manufacturing unit and tank farm for storage of raw material solvents
and finished product resins in the M-1 Industrial Zone District at
160 South Linden Avenue in accordance with South San Francisco
Municipal Code Section 20.30.040.
Director smith informed the Commission that the applicant has asked
for a continuance in order to prepare a response to the recommend-
ation for denial.
Applicant's representative:
Sharon Solomon, Esq.
Pillsbury, Madison, Sutro
225 Bush Street
San Francisco
Ms Solomon reiterated Director Smith's statement and stated duPont's
corporate management people in Wilmington, Delaware were involved in
the application and were surprised by staffs' recommendation.
Motion-Mantegani/Second Matteucci: To continue UP-87-806 to the
September 10, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Unanimously approved
by voice vote.
Commissioner Terry stated for the record that his employer, Chevron
Oil, is represented by Pillsbury, Madison, and Sutro and asked for a
ruling from the City Attorney with regard to a conflict of interest.
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James E. Tozer, UP-87-807, Negative Declaration No. 599, 251 Michelle
Use Permit application of James E. Tozer and environmental
determination of same to allow conversion of an existing single-
tenant office/warehouse project to multi-tenant in the P-I Planned
Industrial Zone District at 251 Michelle Court in accordance with
South San Francisco Municipal Code Section 20.32.070.
August 13, 1987 Staff Report presented.
James E. Tozer
60 Lookout Road
Mr. Tozer agreed to the conditions and recommendations as stated in
the staff report.
Motion-Zellmer/Second Mantegani: To approve Negative Declaration No.
599 and Use Permit UP-87-807, subject to the conditions and based on
the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by
roll call vote.
William and Margaret King, V-87-294, 109 Dundee Drive.
Variance application of William and Margaret King to construct a room
addition, resulting in more than 1800 square feet of floor area and a
fourth bedroom, to an existing single-family dwelling with a tandem
garage in the R-1 Single Family Residential Zone District at 109
Dundee Drive in accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code
Chapter 20.82.
August 13, 1987 Staff Report presented.
Margaret King
109 Dundee Drive
Mrs. King agreed to the conditions as presented in the staff report.
Motion-Warren/Second Matteucci: To approve V-87-294 subject to the
conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report.
Unanimously approved by roll call vote.
Charles and Marjorie Arivett, V-87-295, 2420 Tipperary Avenue
Variance application of Charles and Marjorie Arivett to allow the
replacement of an existing patio cover with a patio enclosure that
encroaches 12' into the required 20' rear yard setback in the R-1
Single Family Residential Zone District at 2420 Tipperary Avenue in
accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapter 20.82.
August 13, 1987 Staff Report presented.
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Charles Arivett
2420 Tipperary Avenue
Speaking in favor of the project:
Charles Theiss
2601 Donegal Avenue
Robert C. Stevens
2435 Tipperary Avenue
Mr. Arivett submitted photos, a brochure and a magazine article
regarding the proposed patio enclosure. He stated that his wife has
had severe back problems and requires the use of a jacuzzi. He also
stated that weather conditions in the Westborough area prevented
recreational use of the backyard, therefore requiring the jacuzzi be
Messrs. Theiss and Stevens, representatives of the Westborough
Homeowners' Improvement Association, stated the association approved
the plans at their May 19th meeting and the applicants' neighbors
were contacted and had no objections. Mr. Stevens claimed the
weather (wind and fog) in Westborough should be taken into
consideration since many residents have opted for patio enclosures.
(Cassette No.4)
A majority of the Commission agreed with staffs' recommendation for
denial based on the zoning ordinance; but also felt the issue of
Westborough's weather needed to be considered. The Commission
discussed the possibility of a zoning amendment to allow patio
enclosures. Commissioner Wendler mentioned that many patio
enclosures are converted into bedrooms or family rooms shortly after
being built.
The Commission, reluctant to set any precedents, recommended that
staff review the zoning ordinance, address the pros and cons of
allowing patio enclosures within a rear yard setback, and report back
to the Commission at a future date.
Mr. Arivett agreed to the continuance.
Motion-Warren/Second Mantegani: To continue V-87-295 off-calendar.
Unanimously approved by voice vote.
Alberto and Celia Ceffalo, V-87-296, 1082 Grand Avenue
variance request of Alberto and Celia Ceffalo to South San Francisco
Municipal Code section 20.74.040 to allow an addition resulting in a
single-family dwelling exceeding 2500 square feet with two off-street
parking spaces at 1082 Grand Avenue.
August 13, 1987 Staff Report presented.
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Celia Ceffalo
1082 Grand Avenue
Speaking in favor of the project:
Michael Keough
1078 Grand Avenue
Mrs. Ceffalo agreed to the conditions and recommendations contained
in the staff report. She also presented photographs and a petition
to the Commission, signed by her neighbors, stating no objection to
the project.
Mr. Keough, neighbor to the applicants, stated briefly he had no
problems with the requested variance.
Motion-Matteucci/Second Warren: To approve V-87-296 subject to the
conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report.
Unanimously approved by roll call vote.
City of South San Francisco, ZA-87-39
Set date for Public Hearing to require religious assembly uses in
D-C-L Zone be subject to granting of a use permit.
Commissioner Zellmer asked staff to send any information on the
proposed zoning amendment to the Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown
Merchants' Association.
Commissioner Mantegani asked that the public hearing be set for
September 24th, due to the case load scheduled for the September 10th
meeting. Commissioner Zellmer requested it be heard on September
Motion-Zellmer/Second Mantegani: To set September 10, 1987 as a
public hearing date to consider ZA-87-39, a Zoning Amendment to
Chapter 20.26 to require religious assembly uses in the Downtown
Commercial Zone District be subject to a use permit. Unanimously
approved by voice vote.
Study of "Transitional Designation" for Area Bounded by East
Grand/Gateway Extension/South Airport/Highway 101
Chair Boblitt suggested the study be continued to September 10th, due
to the lateness of the hour.
Adoption of a Resolution Commending Planning Commissioner Louis
Motion-Terry/Second Wendler: To approve a resolution commending
Planning Commissioner Louis Martin. Unanimously approved by roll
call vote.
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Celia Ceffalo
1082 Grand Avenue
Speaking in favor of the project:
Michael Keough
1078 Grand Avenue
Mrs. Ceffalo agreed to the conditions and recommendations contained
in the staff report. She also presented photographs and a petition
to the Commission, signed by her neighbors, stating no objection to
the project.
Mr. Keough, neighbor to the applicants, stated briefly h~/had no
problems with the requested variance.//"
"subject to the
e staff report.
Motion-Matteucci/Second Warren: To approve V-87-29
conditions and based on the findings contained in
Unanimously approved by roll call vote.
City of South San Francisco, ZA-87-39
Set date for Public Hearing to requirj,.r...e gious assembly uses in
D-C-L Zone be subject to granting of ~u e permit.
commissioner Zellmer asked staff ~~. nd any information on the
proposed zoning amendment to th~ 'cr1i ber of Commerce and the Downtown
Merchants' Association. ( Q,
Commissioner Mantegani asked th t the public hearing be set for
September 24th, due to the ~ load scheduled for the September 10th
:::::::~ellmer/second Ma~~<;ni: To set September 24, 1987 as a
public hearing date t~ yonsider ZA-87-39, a Zoning Amendment to
Chapter 20.26 to requv~ religious assembly uses in the Downtown
Commercial Zone D..i~.~t ct be subject to a use permit. Unanimously
approved by vOice~te.
~itional Desi nation" for Area Bounded bEast
Extension/South Air 101
Chair Bo itt suggested the study be continued to September 10th, due
to the lateness of the hour.
Adoption of a Resolution Commending Planning Commissioner Louis
Motion-Terry/Second Wendler: To approve a resolution commending
Planning Commissioner Louis Martin. Unanimously approved by roll
call vote.
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ITEMS FROM STAFF (continued)
Director Smith informed the Commission of the following:
1. The appeal to the City Council of UP-87-805, Mike and Ken's
Deli, is scheduled for a public hearing on September 9, 1987.
2. An invitation from the Associated General Contractors for a
barbecue on September 15th at the San Mateo County
Fairgrounds, 5:00 pm. RSVP: September 1, 1987.
3. League of California Cities' annual convention will be
October 5, 6, and 7 in San Francisco.
The Commission discussed with staff the status of the Chestnut/Grand
property with regard to the County's interest in developing a
subsidized housing project. The Commission unanimously agreed a
recommendation be made to the City Council to set a time limit of 30
days for the County to act on a proposal or have the property
returned to the open market for bidding purposes.
Commissioner Matteucci commented that the property at the end of
Haskins Way is an eyesore and is turning into a garbage dump.
(Cassette No.5)
Commissioner Wendler was concerned that the house at Conmur and Alta
Vista may be converted into a duplex. Senior Planner Christians
stated that the owner has signed a document and had it recorded with
the deed stating it will be a single family dwelling.
Commissioner Zellmer reported that Milt's Livery Service is parking
vans along El Camino Real and other locations in South San Francisco,
and is becoming a nuisance.
Vice-Chairman Terry asked that the process for selecting Design
Review Board members be expedited.
Chair Boblitt announced that the meeting for August 27, 1987 was
cancelled and the next regular meeting would be September 10, 1987,
7:30 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:50 p.m.
ean T. Smith, Secretary
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Be er y Bob tt, Chair
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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