HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/23/1987 (Cassette No.1) July 23, 1987 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning commission. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Boblitt, Vice-Chairman Terry, Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren, Wendler and Zellmer. Building Division Fire Department Jean T. Smith Daniel Christians Richard Harmon Ray McKeon Michael Dickson Ray Laur Dave Parenti ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Engineering Division Police Department PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Wendler/Second Zellmer: To approve the Minutes for the July 9, 1987 Planning Commission meeting as presented. Approved by voice vote. ABSTAINED: Chair Boblitt. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS Syufy Theatres and Pay'N pak Stores, UP-84-688/Mod 3, 410-470 Noor Avenue. continued from the June 11, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Public hearing to consider modifications to the Special Conditions of Syufy Enterprises) and pay'N pak Stores' Use Permit for property located on the north side of Noor Avenue, east of El Camino Real, or to take other appropriate action. July 23, 1987 Staff Report presented. Director Smith informed the Commission that the parties have come to an impasse with regard to finalizing a plan that would solve the parking problems. She recommended that the Commission allow a final continuance of UP-84- 688/Mod 3 to the September 10th Planning Commission meeting, giving the applicants time to reach an agreement. If the applicants are still deadlocked, staff will have a proposal for the Commission to consider. Applicant's representatives: Frederick Hertz, Esq. Representing pay'N pak 785 Market st., 14th Floor San Francisco George Corey, Esq. Representing Syufy Ent. 700 EI Camino Real Millbrae PC MTG. 7/23/87 Page 1 of 7 Pages AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) Mr. Corey and Mr. Hertz stated that their position is only as respondents to the City's request and wished not to be referred to as applicants. Mr. Corey stated he was hopeful that the respondents would reach a solution to the parking problem by September 10. Commissioner Terry stated for the record that he did not favor the Tanforan Business Park (1405-1475 Huntington Avenue) as a parking site for the theatre patrons. Motion-Wendler/Second Warren: To continue UP-84-688/Mod 3 to the September 10, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. City Heights Partners (Tom and Gladys Callan, owners), UP-83-673/Mod 2, Negative Declaration No. 589, Gellert Square Shopping Center Continued from the June 25, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Use Permit Modification application of City Heights Partners (Tom and Gladys Callan, owners) and environmental determination of same to allow a driveway connecting Gellert Square and proposed City Heights Center in Daly City in accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code Section 20.91.020 at Gellert Square Shopping Center in the C-1, Retail Commercial Zone District. June 25, 1987 (Reissued for July 23, 1987) Staff Report was presented. Applicant's representative: Norman P. Marshall Jr. address not given Mr. Marshall, manager of the Gellert Square Shopping Center, stated that the application request was merely a way to gain access between the two shopping centers, since they are owned by the same person. He felt parking was not the issue since Gellert Square had more than enough parking. The Commission discussed the negative impacts the driveway would cause at the Gellert Square Shopping Center and the traffic that will be generated by the new City Heights Shopping Center. Motion Mantegani/Second Matteucci: To deny Negative Declaration No. 589 and Use Permit Modification UP-83-673/Mod 2 based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Frank Giffra Enterprises, V-87-293, Negative Declaration No. 596 713/723 Cypress Avenue Variance application of Frank Giffra Enterprises and environmental determination of same to allow 3, rather than the permitted 2.8 residential dwelling units with related parking and landscaping at 713/723 Cypress Avenue in the R-2 Zone District in accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code Chapter 20.82. PC MTG. 7/23/87 Page 2 of 7 Pages AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) July 23, 1987 Staff Report presented. Applicant's representative: James Casella 2636 Ponce Avenue Belmont Speaking in favor of the project: George Bugnatto 216 Juniper Avenue Mr. Casella, designer for the project, stated the applicant has agreed to the conditions contained in the staff report. Mr. Bugnatto, representing the Historic Old Town Homeowners Assoc- iation, stated that the association enthusiastically support the applicant in his request. The Commission commended six members of the homeowners' association for appearing at the Planning Commission meeting and voicing support. Motion-Warren/Second Zellmer: To approve Negative Declaration No. 596 and V-87-293, subject to the conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Nayif Ababseh (Mike & Ken's Deli), UP-87-805, 1031 Airport Boulevard Use Permit application of Nayif Ababseh (Mike & Ken's Deli) to expand an existing nonconforming use within a building at 1031 Airport Boulevard in the P-C Zone District in accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code Section 20.97.050. July 23, 1987 Staff Report presented. Applicant: Mary Ababseh 856 4th Avenue San Bruno Speaking in favor: Dallas Allen 1103 Airport Boulevard Raoul Fitzpatrick 1103 Airport Boulevard Speaking in opposition: Ferrell Stiltner 146 Gardiner Avenue Nick Elchinoff 1486 Huntington Avenue PC MTG. 7/23/87 Page 3 of 7 Pages AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) Speaking with concern: Michael Becker 612 Stonegate Drive Ray Laur 400 Grand Avenue Mrs. Ababseh stated agreement to the conditions contained in the staff report. Messrs. Allen and Fitzpatrick spoke in support of the applicants' request, stating their business has been beneficial to the neighborhood. Mr. Stiltner, speaking on behalf of Irma Stiltner, complained that there have been problems with cars and trucks double parking and blocking driveways while drivers are doing business at the delis. Mr. Elchinoff, attorney representing James Elmore (owner of Jailhouse Deli, 1051 Airport Boulevard), presented photos to the Commission that showed cars double parked and other vehicle violations. He felt that by increasing the number of tables in the deli there would be more traffic problems to contend with. Mr. Becker stated he is a commuter who uses the intersection at Butler Road and Airport Boulevard daily and finds it difficult to maneuver his vehicle through the narrow lane on Butler when cars are double parked. Mr. Laur, Senior Building Inspector, also commented on the double parking. At the request of the Commission, Officer Michael Dickson attested to the numerous parking and vehicle violations that have taken place on Airport Boulevard between Butler Road and Chapman Avenue. Officer Dickson attributed these problems both to Mike & Ken's Deli and the Jailhouse Deli, stressing that calls to the police Department have been coming from the deli owners and not the general public. He stated that either stricter enforcement of vehicle violations or major engineering improvements at the intersection are the only plausible solutions to the problems. The majority of the Commission felt that an increase in seating at Mike & Ken's Deli would not have an effect on the traffic congestion. The Commission advised the two business owners to resolve their problems because the community was being affected. Motion-Terry/Second Matteucci: To approve UP-87-805 subject to the conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chair Boblitt, Vice Chairman Terry, Commissioners Matteucci and Zellmer. NOES: Commis- sioners Mantegani, Warren, and Wendler. PC MTG. 7/23/87 Page 4 of 7 Pages AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) (Cassette No.2) Stonegate Homes, Inc. (Bayland Properties, Ltd., owner), SA-87-96, PUD-87-4, Negative Declaration No. 595, Stonegate 5 and 6. Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map and Planned Unit Development Permit applications of Stonegate Homes, Inc. and environmental determination of same to subdivide 12.5 acres located at the terminus of Ridgeview Court into 80 single-family residential parcels in a PUD, common areas, private streets, and a 4.8 acre parcel to be dedicated to the City for Sign Hill Park at Stonegate Units 5 & 6 in the R-2-H-P and O-S-A Zone Districts in accordance with South San Francisco Municipal Code Title 19 and section 20.84. July 23, 1987 Staff Reports presented. Applicant's representative: Kay Wilson P.o. Box 847 Mill Valley Chris Craiker 851 Irwin Street San Rafael Stephen Weinberger 4637 Chabot Drive Pleasanton Speaking in opposition: Francis Leong 600 Stonegate Drive David Diller 964C Ridgeview Ct. Michael Becker 612 Stonegate Drive Randy Dilena 601 Stonegate Drive David Fernandes 618 Stonegate Drive Sam Wells 964A Ridgeview Ct. Speaking with concern: Jim Guinasso 628 Stonegate Drive Al Paparelli 637 Stonegate Drive PC MTG. 7/23/87 Page 5 of 7 Pages AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) Ms Wilson gave a brief overview of the project, stating four primary objectives of the developer: 1) consistency with the general plan and zoning ordinance, 2) compatibility with the existing neighborhood, 3) an environmentally sensitive design, and 4) a quality community. Mr. Craiker described the planning concepts, architecture, landscaping, and the neighborhood responses. (Cassette No.3) Mr. Weinberger, of TJKM Transportation Consultants, reviewed the traffic study and gave his analysis. Mr. Leong stated his concern was privacy. He felt the homes were going to be built too close to his house. Mr. Diller requested a modification to the plan, informing the Commission that his view would be obstructed, which would lower the value of his property. Mr. Becker discussed the geotechnical investigation report, referring to the Franciscan rock soil as being "massive churt corn flakes". He claimed the report was incomplete and needed further examination. Mr. Dilena also objected to a 30' setback between his home and the proposed development. He also felt that there should be an effort made to save as many eucalyptus trees as possible. Mr. Fernandes was concerned with the lack of facilities for children and the loss of the eucalyptus trees. Mr. Wells, an active member of the homeowners association, cited previous parking problems in the Stonegate area. He also objected to the cul de sac bulb, indicating it would turn into a garbage dump. Mr. Guinasso commended the developer for meeting with the neighbor- hood, listening to its concerns, and modifying the plans; but he agreed with the previous speakers that many concerns were still unanswered. Mr. Paparelli was concerned with the installation of adequate foliage to distinguish the properties, drainage and run-off from the slope. The Commission discussed private streets vs. public streets. Commissioner Mantegani asked for a poll of the Commission and a majority indicated they were open to discussion on the matter and would make a determination based on the presentations. The Commission further discussed the concerns of the speakers and listed their own concerns for the applicant and for staff to answer. The Commission felt a meeting room should be incorporated into the development and an attempt should be made to save as many eucalyptus trees as possible. Other concerns involved: soil stability, infill, landslides, view obstruction, traffic, and parking. PC MTG. 7/23/87 Page 6 of 7 Pages AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) The Commission recommended the case be continued in order for the applicant to respond to the concerns. The applicants were encouraged to have another neighborhood meeting to discuss the proposed modifications and make other compromises. Ms Wilson agreed to a continuance to the August 13th Planning commission meeting and to have a neighborhood meeting prior to that time. Motion-Mantegani/Second Matteucci: To continue Negative Declaration No. 595, SA-87-96 and PUD-87-4 to the August 13, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. ITEMS FROM STAFF Chair Boblitt suggested that Item 6, "Transitional Designation" be continued to the August 13th meeting. Director Smith informed the Commission that at the July 22, 1987 City Council meeting the Council adopted "A Resolution Designating a Redevelopment Survey Area for Study Purposes" and "A Resolution Approving the Downtown Commercial Rehabilitation pilot Program Guidelines". ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION Commissioner Terry extended thanks to the Building Division for response to his concerns at 613 Hillside Boulevard. ADJOURNMENT Chair Boblitt adjourned the meeting at 11:30 p.m. to August 13, 1987, 7:30 p.m. ean T. Smith, Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco JTS:BB:sp PC MTG. 7/23/87 Page 7 of 7 Pages