HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/25/1987
(Cassette No.1)
June 25, 1987 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning
Chair Boblitt, Commissioners Mantegani,
Matteucci, Warren, Wendler and Zellmer.
Vice-Chairman Terry
Planning Division
Jean T. Smith
Maureen Morton
Daniel Christians
Ron Petrocchi
Ray Laur
Fred Lagomarsino
Police Department
Building Division
Fire Department
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Matteucci/Second Wendler: To approve
the Minutes for the June 11, 1987 Planning
Commission meeting as presented. Approved by
the following roll call vote: AYES: Chair
Boblitt, Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci,
Warren, Wendler, and Zellmer. ABSENT: Vice-
Chairman Terry.
Chair Boblitt announced that Agenda Item No. 3 (UP-84-704 and UP-84-
704/Mod 1) would be heard before Agenda Item No.2 (UP-87-799).
Donald Seyranian, UP-87-798, Negative Declaration No. 588, 1133 EI
Camino Real
Continued from the June 11, 1987 Planning Commission meeting.
Use Permit application of Donald Seyranian and environmental
determination of same to allow construction of an office/retail
building with related parking and landscaping in accordance with
provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code Section 20.22.030 at
1133 EI Camino Real.
June 25, 1987 Staff Report presented. Senior Planner Christians
informed the Commission that the Special Conditions have been
modified since the June 11th meeting and the following wording is to
be incorporated into Special Condition No.3:
PC MTG. 6/25/87
Page 1 of 6 Pages
(Cassette No.1)
June 25, 1987 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning
Chair Boblitt, Commissioners Mantegani,
Matteucci, Warren, Wendler and Zellmer.
Vice-Chairman Terry
Planning Division
J.ean T. Smi th
Maureen Morton
Daniel Christians
Ron petrocchi
Ray Laur
Fred Lagomarsino
Police Department
Building Division
Fire Department
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion -Wendler / Se;cond Terry: To approve the
lVI1~nutesforthe;o1.i1ie 11,. 1987 Planning
Commission mee-ying as presented. Approved by
the following/roll call vote: AYES: Chair
Boblitt, Commissioners Mantegani, Matteucci,
Warren, Wendler, and Zellmer. ABSENT: Vice-
Chairman Terry.
Chair Boblitt announced thgt. Agenda Item No. 3 (UP-84-704 and UP-84-
704/Mod 1) would be heard/before Agenda Item No.2 (UP-87-799).
Donald Seyranian, UP~87-798, Negative Declaration No. 588, 1133 El
Camino Real
Continued from t~e June 11, 1987 Planning commission meeting.
Use Permit app~ication of Donald Seyranian and environmental
determinatioIl;,//of same to allow construction of an office/retail
building wi~h related parking and landscaping in accordance with
provisions ..6f South San Francisco Municipal Code section 20.22.030 at
1133 EI Cq.mino Real.
June 25/ 1987 Staff Report presented. Senior Planner Christians
informed the Commission that the Special Conditions have been
modifIed since the June 11th meeting and the following wording is to
be i6corporated into Special Condition No.3:
PC MTG. 6/25/87
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"Only office tenants shall be allowed a loft and such lofts
shall not exceed one-third the size of the ground floor office
Applicant's representative:
Albert Seyranian, AIA
1820 Gate Way
San Mateo
Mr. Seyranian thanked staff for its consideration and explained to
the Commission the changes he incorporated into the building's
design. He also stated that the applicant has agreed to all the
conditions, including Special Condition No.7, prohibiting
The Commission thanked the applicant for the redesign and for
responding to the concerns of the neighborhood.
Motion-Mantegani/Second Wendler: To approve Negative Declaration No.
588 and Use Permit UP-87-298 subject to the conditions and based on
the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by
roll call vote.
Joseph Welch, UP-84-704 and UP-84-704/Mod 1, 120-150 South Linden
Public hearing to review Use Permit and amend the Special Conditions
with regard to auto related uses occupying the site in accordance
with South San Francisco Municipal Code Section 20.91.030 at 120-150
South Linden Avenue in the M-1, Industrial Zone District.
June 25, 1987 Staff Report presented.
Joseph Welch
383 W. San Bruno Avenue
San Bruno
Mr. Welch stated that he will comply with the additional Special
Conditions and assured the Commission that there will not be any
major problems resulting from the auto related use tenants.
Commissioner Mantegani requested that Additional Special Condition
No. 3 be modified to state "customer" rather than "visitor" parking.
Commissioner Wendler asked staff to continue monitoring the situation
for potential problems.
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Motion-Mantegani/Second Matteucci: To approve the additional
Conditions of Approval for UP-84-704 and UP-84-704/Mod 1 and to
modify the wording for Additional Special Condition No.3.
Unanimously approved by roll call vote.
Joseph Welch, UP-87-799, Negative Declaration No. 590, 233 South
Maple Avenue
Use Permit application of Joseph Welch and environmental deter-
mination of same to allow construction of a multi-tenant office/
industrial development with related parking, landscaping, and sign
program in accordance with provision of South San Francisco Municipal
Code Section 20.30.040 at 233 South Maple Avenue in the M-1,
Industrial Zone District.
June 25, 1987 Staff Report presented.
Joseph Welch
383 W. San Bruno Avenue
San Bruno
Mr. Welch stated that he has been negotiating with the Southern
Pacific Railroad to purchase their right-of-way which, would provide
a surplus. of parking. Senior Planner Morton stated that a use permit
modification would be necessary for any alteration to the parking
Commissioner Mantegani requested that Special Condition No. 6 be
changed to read "customer" instead of "visitor" parking. He also
requested, for information only, the Commission see the exterior
elevations of the existing sheet metal buildings after they are
submitted for design review.
Motion-Warren/Second Mantegani: To approve Negative Declaration No.
590 and UP-87-799 subject to the conditions and based on the
findings, including the modification to Special Condition No.6,
contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call
City Heights Partners (Tom and Gladys Callan, owners), UP-83-673/Mod
2, Negative Declaration No. 589, Gellert Square Shopping Center
Use Permit Modification application of City Heights Partners (Tom and
Gladys Callan, owners) and environmental determination of same to
allow a driveway connecting Gellert Square and the proposed City
Heights Center in Daly City in accordance with South San Francisco
Section 20.91.020 at Gellert Square Shopping Center in the C-1,
Retail Commercial Zone District.
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The Planning Director stated that the applicant has requested a
continuance to the July 23, 1987 Planning Commission meeting in order
to respond to the concerns raised by the various City agencies.
Motion-Wendler/Second Zellmer: To continue UP-83-673/Mod 2 to the
July 23, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Unanimously approved by
roll call vote.
Mater Dolorosa (Archdiocese of San Francisco, owner), UP-87-803, 307
Willow Avenue
Use Permit application of the Roman Catholic Church of San Francisco
to allow relocation of a convent on church property in accordance
with South San Francisco Municipal Code Section 20.16.030(b) at 307
Willow Avenue in the R-1, Single Family Residential Zone District.
June 23, 1987 Staff Report presented.
Applicant's representative:
Eric H. Jacobsen, AIA
2385 Carlos Street #3
Moss Beach
Mr. Jacobsen stated the applicant has agreed to the conditions
contained in the staff report.
The Commission discussed the parking situation with Sergeant
Petrocchi. He informed the Commission that he anticipates no
problems with the parking, even if the church decides to recommence
Chair Boblitt mentioned that Vice-Chairman Terry was concerned with
the elevation of the convent, but believed he would be satisfied with
the location as presented.
Motion-Warren/Second Matteucci: To approve UP-87-798 subject to the
conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report.
Unanimously approved by roll call vote.
Auto Studio (Eddie Chan and Chris Santiago, owners), UP-78-441, 45
Chestnut Avenue
Continued from the June 11, 1987 Planning Commission meeting.
One year review of the Use Permit and Design Review approval
regarding the establishment of an automobile repair facility at an
existing gasoline service station at 45 Chestnut Avenue.
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Senior Planner Morton stated that staff recommends a continuance in
order for the applicant to record gasoline sales for a period of two
weeks. A letter from the applicant's representative requesting a
continuance was received.
In order to give the applicant proper direction, staff requested the
Commission be specific about what method it wanted the applicant to
use to verify gasoline sales.
The Commission agreed that the applicant should submit receipts or
other official records indicating the number of gallons of gasoline
purchased each month for the past year.
Motion-Zellmer/Second Warren: To continue UP-78-441 and DR-S-82-92
to the July 9, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Unanimously
approved by voice vote.
Workshop Items: Neighborhood Shopping Centers/Regional Uses
For the benefit of the newly appointed Planning Commissioners, Senior
Planner Morton explained the purpose of the workshop and gave some
background on the issue.
The Commission discussed the proposed wording for the General Plan
Amendment. Commissioner Warren suggested that the phrase "may
include, but not limited to" be incorporated into the definition of
community shopping centers under Retail Commercial.
The Commission agreed with the proposed approach which was presented
to amend the General Plan policy after it was explained by staff.
With regard to the zoning ordinance amendment, the Commission felt
that the square footage amount of 25,000 square feet, triggering the
requirement for a use permit, should be lowered to 15,000 square
feet. There was discussion about how size is related to market area.
Senior Planner Morton stated that wording would be prepared for the
amendments and the staff report would include more information on the
square footage of various retail sites. This will be available to
the Commission in August.
Director Smith informed the Commission that discussion on the
information given to the Commission on square footage maximums for
dwellings with two parking spaces will take place when Assistant
Planner Susy Kalkin can be present inasmuch as she prepared the
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ITEMS FROM STAFF (continued)
Senior Planner Morton informed the Commission that pak'N Save
submitted a new application on June 5, but because of deficiencies
it was not accepted and was returned to the applicant. They were
also notified that an EIR was required.
Director Smith stated that City Council will have a special session
on Wednesday morning, July 1, to discuss the County's half-cent sales
tax proposal.
Commissioner Mantegani asked staff to inform Furniture USA on Grand
Avenue that only 10% of their windows can be used for signage.
Commissioner Mantegani asked for status information on the building
permit for the residence at 643 Chestnut Avenue. He has concerns
about the driveways.
commissioner Warren reported that the intersections at East Grand/
Gateway and East Grand/Forbes/Harbor are continually congested in the
morning and asked for a report from the City Engineer regarding their
Chair Boblitt adjourned the meeting at 9:55 p.m. to July 9, 1987,
7:30 p.m.
.... ..~... -;-. .";;;" -J.
ean T. Smith, Secretary
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
oblitt, Chair
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
PC MTG. 6/25/87
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