HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/26/1987 (Cassette No.1) February 26, 1987 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission. MEMBERS PRESENT: *Chair Wendler, Vice Chair Boblitt, Commissioners Agee, Getz, Hoyer and Terry. ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Jean T. Smith Daniel Christians Maureen Morton Deputy City Manager/CD&A Mark Lewis Deputy City Manager/ City Engineer Robert Yee Police Department Ronald petrocchi Fire Department Tom Reaves Building Division Ray Laur *Chair Wendler arrived at 7:50 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Getz/Second Terry: To approve the Minutes for the January 8, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice Chair Boblitt, Commissioners Agee, Getz, Hoyer and Terry. ABSENT: Chair Wendler. Motion-Agee/Second Getz: To approve the Minutes for the January 22, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Unanimously approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Agee, Getz, Hoyer and Terry. ABSTAINED: Vice Chair Boblitt. ABSENT: Chair Wendler. AGENDA CHANGES: Acting Chair Boblitt announced the following agenda item changes: UP-87-787, Hsiao-Lin Fu, would be heard first; UP-78-441 and DR-S-82- 92, Auto Studio, would be heard second; and UP-77-392/Mod 1, Pak'N Save would be heard third. PC MTG. 2/26/87 Page 1 of 7 Pages AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS Hsiao-Lin Fu, UP-87-787, Negative Declaration No. 574, 132 South Maple Avenue. Use Permit to redevelop an existing industrial site to a newspaper printing facility at 132 South Maple Avenue in the M-1 Zone District. February 26, 1987 staff report presented. Applicant's representative: Julian Young, ARC Associates 790 Brannan Street San Francisco Speaking with concern: Nancy Pariani 128 South Maple Avenue Mr. Young stated that the applicant agrees to the findings and conditions as contained in the staff report. Ms pariani was concerned with the parking and loading dock area of the new development and wanted to be assured that it would be off the street. She further mentioned that the area is heavily impacted with large trucks which use the street for loading and unloading. Senior Planner Christians confirmed that both will be done on the applicant's property. The Commission agreed to add Special Condition No. 5 as follows: "5. No outdoor storage shall be allowed without Planning Commission approval." Motion-Getz/Second Terry: To approve Negative Declaration No. 574 and UP-87-787 subject to the findings and conditions, including Special Condition No.5, contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Auto Studio (Eddie Chan and Chris Santiago), UP-78-441 and DR-S-82- 92, 45 Chestnut Avenue. One year review of a Use Permit and Design Review approval regarding the establishment of an automobile repair facility at an existing gasoline service station at 45 Chestnut Avenue (Auto Studio). February 26, 1987 staff report presented. Applicant's representative: Louis Dell'Angela 400 Oyster Point Boulevard Speaking with concern: Jimmy Brusco 635 Palm Avenue PC MTG. 2/26/87 Page 2 of 7 Pages AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) Mr. Dell'Angela apologized for the applicants' delay in installing the landscaping and other improvements but felt that revocation was now not necessary since the issues are currently being resolved. Mr. Brusco queried as to whether the Auto Studio was selling gasoline every day. Mr. Dell'Angela stated that the applicant was selling gas on a day-to-day basis. The Commission agreed that in order to make a determination regarding the use they needed to see how much gasoline the applicants are currently selling. Mr. Dell'Angela stated that when the use was first approved in 1978 a specific amount of gasoline to be pumped was not imposed. The Commission felt they were being reasonable in their request since it has been evidenced that gasoline bays are being blocked, prices are not competitive and the pumps are locked. Commissioner Getz stated that the lack of a definition for a "service station" in the previous Zoning Ordinance does not grandfather the use since there is language that prohibits auto repair facilities in a commercial zone. Motion-Getz/Second Agee: To continue UP-78-441 and DR-S-82-92 to the May 14, 1987 Planning Commission meeting for purposes of allowing additional time for the applicant to submit evidence as to the nature of the facility. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. pak'n Save (Brentway Inc., owners), UP-77-392/Mod 1, 2255 Gellert Boulevard. continued from the January 8, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Use Permit Modification to: a) establish a 24-hour operation in accordance with Section 20.22.070 South San Francisco Municipal Code, and b) amend Special Condition No. 12B regarding a freestanding sign at the rear of the site for an existing retail facility at 2255 Gellert Boulevard. Director Smith informed the Commission that the Pak'N Save has withdrawn their request for a 24-hour use but asked to continue the sign request until the April 9, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Applicant's representative: Joe Kinn 1110 Jackson Street Oakland Speaking against the project: Albert Waters 2266 Shannon Drive PC MTG. 2/26/87 Page 3 of 7 Pages AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) Barbara Sperring 2264 Greendale Drive Maria Caybut 3661 Gilbert Court Charles Jones 3843 Howard Court Mr. Waters stated his concerns about the amount of traffic and congestion along Westborough Boulevard and at the Gellert Boulevard intersection. Ms Sperring stated the use is too intense for the Westborough area and that the neighborhood was concerned with the closing of Lucky's and the possibility of a Liquor Barn at the Safeway site. Mrs. Caybut spoke in agreement with Ms Sperring and asked the Commission to be considerate of the people who live in Westborough when making their decision. Mr. Jones asked the Commission to further study the issues before making any decisions and to take into consideration the needs of the neighborhood. For the record Mr. Kinn submitted petitions signed by people in favor of the pak'N Save business going into the K-Mart site. The Commission discussed the regional nature of a warehouse type supermarket which draws people in from other communities and the traffic it generates. The Commission felt that enough significant issues had been raised that required the Commission to further study the effect a large operation like pak'N Save would have on a neighborhood shopping center. Commissioner Getz thanked staff for drafting the Gellert/Westborough Overlay District for the Commission to consider. (Cassette No.2) Director Smith stated that under the new zoning ordinance a retail food and beverage store is an allowed use in a commercial zone and that the existing use permit permits a "regional" use at this location. The Commission agreed to establish a subcommittee to discuss the options open to the Planning Commission. Chair Wendler appointed Commissioners Getz and Terry to serve on the subcommittee and meet with Deputy City Manager Mark Lewis, the City Attorney and the Planning Director. PC MTG. 2/26/87 Page 4 of 7 Pages AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) Motion-Getz/Second Boblitt: To continue UP-77-392/Mod 1 to April 9, 1987 at the request of the applicant. On the question, Vice Chair Boblitt asked if the applicant could occupy the site before April 9. Deputy City Manager Lewis stated that staff will obtain the required information for the Commission as soon as possible. Motion-Getz/Second Boblitt: To rescind the previous motion and 1) continue UP-77-392/Mod 1 off-calendar until the applicant requests a hearing or by action of the Commission, and 2) that staff examine the legalities of the applicant occupying the site before the Commission can complete its review of the case. Motion-Getz/Second Boblitt: To rescind the previous motion and continue UP-77-392/Mod 1 to the Planning Commission meeting of March 26, 1987 with the proviso that the applicant may request further continuance to the April 9, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Election of Officers Reorganization of Planning Commission for 1987: election of chair and vice chair. Chair Wendler expressed her appreciation to the Commission and staff for their support, help and cooperation during her term as chairperson. Nominations for Chair were opened. Motion-Terry/Second Getz: To elect Vice Chair Boblitt for Chair. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Nominations for Vice Chair were opened. Commissioner Getz nominated Commissioner Agee for Vice Chair. Commissioner Agee regretfully declined the nomination since this would be her last Commission meeting. The Commission suggested that Commissioner Agee accept the nomination, have the Commission vote and then resign her position. Motion-Getz/Second Wendler: To elect Commissioner Agee for Vice Chair. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Commissioner Getz suggested that Vice Chair Agee continue as Vice Chair until she leaves the Commission, and that the Commission elect a replacement to finish out her term. PC MTG. 2/26/87 Page 5 of 7 Pages AGENDA ITEMS (continued) Nominations for a replacement for Vice Chair Agee were requested. Motion-Wendler/Second Agee: To elect Commissioner Terry as a replacement for Vice Chair Agee. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. ITEMS FROM STAFF a. Request to Set a Public Hearing to Modify the Special Conditions for Use Permit UP-84-688, Syufy Enterprises and pay'N pak Stores at 410 and 470 Noor Avenue. February 26, 1987 staff report presented. Motion-Getz/Second Terry: To set a public hearing for the April 9, 1987 Planning commission meeting to modify the Special Conditions for UP-84-688 or take other appropriate action. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. b. Director Smith informed the Commission of the following: 1) The City Council has set March 11, 1987 for the public hearing on the sign regulations and asked if a Commissioner could attend the meeting to answer questions the Council may have. Chair Boblitt designated Commissioner Getz to attend the meeting if possible. 2) The League of California Cities is holding a Planning Commission Institute in Sacramento on March 11, 12 and 13, and due to a lack of a quorum the March 12 Planning commission meeting must be cancelled. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION Commissioner Terry asked for clarification as to why the Design Review Board and not the Commission is reviewing residential additions that exceed 50% of the floor area or break the roof line. Director Smith indicated that during the revising of the Zoning Ordinance this issue was discussed and the compromise was that since the main concern was the appearance and design of the addition, the Design Review Board would receive these applications. After a lengthy discussion the Commission agreed to evaluate the process for review of additions in six months. Commissioner Terry presented flowers and a commemorative pin to Commissioner Wendler in recognition of her being Chair during 1986. PC MTG. 2/26/87 Page 6 of 7 Pages ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION (continued) Chair Boblitt read Resolution No. 2376, commending Commissioner Agee for her services as Planning Commissioner. Commissioner Agee thanked everyone, stating that she will miss South San Francisco. ADJOURNMENT Chair Boblitt adjourned the meeting at 10:50 p.m. to March 26, 1987, 7:30 p.m. ean T. Smith, Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco i?~ JTS:JAW:sp PC MTG. 2/26/87 Page 7 of 7 Pages