HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/08/1987
(Cassette No.1)
January 8, 1987 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning
Chair Wendler, Vice Chair Boblitt,
Commissioners Agee, Getz, Hoyer and Terry.
Planning Division
Jean T. Smith
Maureen Morton
David F. Carbone
Deputy City Manager/
City Engineer
Robert Yee
City Attorney
Valerie Armento
Police Department
Ron petrocchi
Building Division
Ray Laur
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Agee/Second Terry. To approve the
Minutes for the December 11, 1986 Planning
Commission Meeting. Approved by the following
roll call vote: AYES: Vice Chair Boblitt,
Commissioners Agee, Getz, and Terry.
ABSTAINED: Chair Wendler and Commissioner
pay'N'pak, UP-84-688/Mod 2 - 470 Noor Avenue
Use Permit Modification of pay'N'pak to amend Special Condition No.2
to allow the existing business to open at 8:00 a.m., rather than 9:00
a.m., on weekdays at 470 Noor Avenue.
January 8, 1987 Staff Report presented.
Applicant's representative:
Tom Sconzo
919-124th Avenue NE
Bellevue, WA
Mr. Sconzo agreed to the conditions set forth in the staff report and
informed the Commission that pay'N'pak was working with Syufy
Theatres to rectify the parking problems.
PC MTG. 1/8/87
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Motion-Hoyer/Second Agee: To approve Use Permit Modification UP-84-
688/Mod 2 subject to the conditions and based on the findings
contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call
pak'N Save, UP-77-392/Mod 1, 2255 Gellert Boulevard
Use Permit Modification of pak'N Save (Brentway, Inc., owners) to
establish a 24-hour operation at an existing retail facility at 2255
Gellert Boulevard.
January 8, 1987 Staff Report presented.
Applicant's representative:
Albert T. Lujan
President, Brentway, Inc.
170 South Spruce Avenue
On behalf of pak'N Save, Mr. Lujan agreed to the conditions and
findings contained in the staff report.
At the Commission's request Mr. Lujan explained that pak'N Save
served 1500 to 2500 customers a day; peak days were Saturday and
Sunday, and peak hours in the morning on those days. He further
explained that many people shopped together so the number of vehicles
in and out of the parking lot was than expected.
After discussing the impacts of a major supermarket/warehouse like
pak'N Save the Commission agreed that a traffic study would be
necessary before acting on the application. The Commission agreed to
continue UP-77-392/Mod 2 to the February 12, 1987 Planning Commission
meeting, to give the applicant time to prepare the study. The
Commission also requested that the Westborough homeowner associations
be notified of the hearing so they may express their concerns.
Motion-Getz/Second Boblitt: To continue UP-77-392/Mod 1 to the
February 12, 1987 Planning Commission meeting. Unanimously approved
by roll call vote.
546 Eccles Avenue, UP-86-785, Negative Declaration No. 573, 546
Eccles Avenue
A Use Permit application of 546 Eccles Avenue, A California Limited
Partnership, and an environmental determination of same to construct
a 35,321 square foot office/warehouse addition (including demolition
of existing office area), creating more than 100 vehicle trips per
day in the P-I Zone District at 546 Eccles Avenue.
January 8, 1987 Staff Report presented.
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Associate Planner Carbone informed the Commission that the applicant
has already indicated modifications to the site plan and suggested
the following condition be added to the staff report:
"5. Any modifications to the site plan, landscaping plan,
and/or building elevations shall be subject to staff
Applicant: Jack Nickel
505 Sansome Street
San Francisco
Applicant's representatives:
Ohan Manoukian
3803 East Bayshore Road
Palo Alto
Kevin James, Esq.
333 Bush Street
San Francisco
Speaking against the project:
Allan "Bud" Mason
100 Kimball Way
Mr. Manoukian agreed to the conditions as contained in the staff
report. He explained to the Commission that there was a potential
tenant that would be occupying the entire building and there would be
a redesign of the loading dock area.
Mr. Mason, representing the owners of the Eccles Business Center, 570
Eccles Avenue, objected to the addition because the increase in
traffic would put a burden on the easement which is shared between
the property owners of 534 Eccles and 570 Eccles Avenue.
Mr. James, an attorney representing Mr. Nickel, explained to the
Commission that his client is currently involved in a private land
dispute with the adjacent owner over the use of the easement.
(Cassette No.2)
At the Commission's request Mr. Nickel explained that the undisclosed
tenant's operation would be small, utilizing only one of the truck
Commissioner Getz suggested the following condition be added:
"6. The paved area between the southern property line and the
southern wall of the existing warehouse bui:ding shall be
designated a fire lane. A sign shall be posted at the
southeast property corner and at the southeast corner of
the existing warehouse building which reads "Fire Lane".
Truck parking shall be in designated area only."
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Motion-Getz/Second Agee: To approve Negative Declaration No. 573 and
Use Permit UP-86-785 subject to the conditions, including the two
additional conditions "4" and "5" and based on the findings contained
in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote.
Sam Bhas, DR-S-86-222, 760 El Camino Real
Appeal of Design Review Decision regarding a proposed modification to
the approved sign program for a motel under construction at 760 EI
Camino Real.
January 8, 1987 Staff Report presented.
Sam Bhas
P.o. Box 5674
South San Francisco
Applicant's representative:
Walter B. McIntyre
Bell Electric Sign. Co.
157 North Amphlett Blvd.
San Mateo
Mr. Bhas spoke briefly, asking Mr. McIntyre to make the presentation
to the Commission. Mr. McIntyre explained the need for sign
recognition along the heavily traveled EI Camino Real.
After listening to Mr. McIntyre's presentation and asking various
questions the Commission agreed to the following special conditions:
"1. A monument sign, maximum 8'0" in height, with a solid
base is permitted, subject to Design Review approval.
The design of the base and the colors shall be consistent
with the building.
2. A wall sign, consisting of individual letters or an
applied sign, is permitted on the designated 6'4" space
on the wall, subject to Design Review approval. Colors
and design shall be consistent with the building.
3. No additional copy, other than the name of the
establishment and "no vacancy" is permitted on the signs.
4. No additional signs, flags, pennants, banners, etc.,
shall be installed on this site.
5. A building permit is required for the installation of the
sign program."
Motion-Getz/Second Boblitt: To grant the appeal of DR-S-86-222
subject to the special conditions. Unanimously approved by roll call
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City of South San Francisco, ZA-86-34
Workshop session on the Revised Sign Regulation Sections of the
Revised Zoning Ordinance.
City Attorney Armento explained the recent changes in State law
regarding amortization. She acknowledged that it would be possible
to have two amortization schedules to reflect 1) nonconforming signs
in existence prior to 1960, and 2) signs that will become
nonconforming upon adoption of the new sign ordinance.
The Commission discussed the definition of pole signs and expressed
their preference for monument signs rather than single-pole signs.
The City Attorney agreed to meet with staff regarding this issue and
have new wording prepared for the January 22, 1987 Planning Commis-
sion meeting.
(Cassette No.3)
With regard to classic signs Commissioner Getz suggested a "sliding
scale" of 30 years rather than a cut-off date of 1960.
Chair Wendler closed the Study Session and continued ZA-86-34 to a
Public Hearing on January 22, 1987.
Director Smith informed the Commission that the new Planning
Commission guidelines were distributed and the Commissioners should
note the appeal period is now 15 days. Director Smith also mentioned
that the Simas/Shell Service Station appeal was being heard by the
City Council on January 14.
Chair Wendler adjourned the meeting at 11:00 p.m. to January 22,
1987, 7:30 p.m. at the Municipal Services Building.
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~ean T. Smlth, Secretary
/</Planning Commission
V City of South San Francisco
Joy-Ann Wendler, Chair
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
PC MTG. 1/8/87
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