HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/25/1988 (Cassette NO.1) August 25, 1988 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Terry, Vice-Chairman Zellmer, Commissioners Boblitt, Mantegani, Matteucci, Warren and Wendler. ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Jean T. smith Daniel Christians Robert Yee Robert Ewing Ron Petrocchi Jake wittwer DCM/City Engineer Deputy City Attorney Police Sergeant Chief Building Inspector CHAIR COMMENTS AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS commissioner Mantegani stated for the record that he would be abstaining from Items 1 and 2 as a Commissioner but might be participating as a private citizen. Staff suggested that Staff Reports for Items 1 and 2 be presented together before any public testimony is taken. Standard Builders (Manteqani FamilY. owners). PUD-88-13. SA-88-100. Neqative Declaration No. 635. west side of Chestnut Avenue. 450' north of Grand Avenue Planned unit Development Permit and Subdivision Map to create a 19- unit single-family project on the west side of Chestnut Avenue, 450' north of Grand Avenue in the R-2-G-P Zone District. Alden Company (City of South San Francisco. owners). PUD-88-14. SA-88-101. Neqative Declaration No. 636. northwest corner of Chestnut and Grand Avenues. Planned unit Development and Subdivision Map to create a 35-unit single-family project at the northwest corner of Chestnut and Grand Avenues in the R-2-G-P Zone District. AtHJtlst 25, 1,9-8,8 Sta-ff' 'Reports presented. Senior Planner Christians explained the alternative plans submitted by Standard Building Co., using exhibits for clarification. PAGE 1 OF 7 PAGES 8/25/88 PC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Standard Building Co. representatives: Andrew Cresci 2222 19th Avenue San Francisco James Rowell 2222 19th Avenue San Francisco Alden Company representatives: Kip Jones 411 Borel Avenue San Mateo Fernando Calderon 2070 Business Center Drive Irvine Randy Anderson Wilsey & Ham 1035 E. Hillsdale Blvd. Foster City Speakers: vincent Scotto, Esq. 421 Grand Avenue Louis Dell'Angela 460 Gardenside Avenue Robert Ruggieri 753 Palm Avenue Mr. Nicolini 531 Chestnut Avenue Peter Ruggieri 525 Chestnut Avenue Mr. Cresci addressed each of the alternative plans and explained reasons that Standard Building Co. favored alternative plan #3, adding that this concept requires Alden's approval. He also informed the Commission that this alternative requires a sewer line connection through Alden's development, which also must meet with their approval. He asked the Commission for direction and in turn would submit final drawings for its review at the first meeting in September. Mr.'Jenes fevered an independent'devei-opmentbut waswillinq 'to work with Standard Building Co. to find the best design and circulation solution. PAGE 2 OF 7 PAGES 8/25/88 PC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Mr. Scotto, representing the Ruggieri family, owners of the Silver Terrace Nursery, 525 Chestnut Avenue, felt the Commission should take into consideration future development of the valley and the need for a sewer easement. He stated that the Nicolini and Gemignani families were also concerned with the proposed development and the three families favored alternative #3. Mr. Dell 'Angela, speaking as a concerned citizen, felt the entire area should be developed as a unit rather than individual developments. He felt alternative plan #3 was the most advantageous. The Commission discussed alternative plan #3 and several Commissioners did not favor a stub street in the Parkway Estates II development, as it might be extended into future developments, resulting in one continual downhill street. Several Commissioners felt an entry off Chestnut Avenue and another off Grand Avenue would be used by motorists as a thoroughfare to by-pass the signal at Grand and Chestnut. After a lengthy discussion the Commission endorsed alternative plan #3 with the concurrence of Mr. Cresci and Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones stipulated that he did not want a stub street at the north end of the Parkway Estates II development. Mr. Cresci indicated he will redesign at the direction of the Commission. The Commission requested that drawings be revised and resubmitted at the September 8, 1988 or next possible Planning Commission meeting. (Cassette NO.2) commissioner Terry asked for a poll of the Commission as to which alternative was most favorable. The Commission agreed alternative plan #3 was most logical and therefore requested that the applicants redesign plans in accordance with that alternative but with no stub street connection to the adjacent properties to the north. At the request of the Commission, Mr. Rowell discussed grading the Mantegani property and indicated that there will be no dirt hauling. Mr. Cresci stated the same floor plans will be used as approved for Parkway Estates I. Mr. Calderon discussed the design of the Alden Heights development, and Mr. Anderson addressed the retaining walls. The Commission felt that further discussion of the retaining walls should be made when the plans are resubmitted. A slide presentation was given by 'Mr .a:enes ,-demonstratin'ghowho1neowners "in 'other Alden proj ects had sucessfully landscaped their own front yards. Mr. Robert Ruggieri spoke with concern, reminding the Commission that his family has owned the Silver Terrace Nursery for many years and felt consideration, to how the area is developed, should be extended to the Ruggieris, as well as the Nicolinis and Gemignanis. PAGE 3 OF 7 PAGES 8/25/88 PC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Mr. Nicolini recollected a development plan proposed by the City many years ago. Senior Planner Christians reported that it had only been a study continuing Westborough Boulevard to Hillside Boulevard, but never adopted. Deputy City Manager Yee explained the proposed widening of Chestnut Avenue to four lanes and invited Mr. Nicolini to City Hall to review it. Mr. Pete Ruggieri argued that the property owners along Chestnut Avenue would not be selling their property all at once and therefore several cul-de-sacs along Chestnut Avenue would result. He felt the Commission should approve a circulation plan that would include the entire area and having one main street was the best approach. Motion-Wendler/Second Warren: To continue the public hearing for Standard Building Co., Inc. (PUD-88-13, SA-88-100 and Negative Declaration No. 635) and Alden Company (PUD-88-14, SA-88-101 and Negative Declaration No. 636) to the September 8, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. Unanimously approved by voice vote. ABSTAIN: Commissioner Mantegani. commissioner Mantegani returned to the Commissioners' table. Airport Business Center. PM-88-257. Neqative Declaration No. 637. 245-263 Utah Avenue Parcel Map to resubdivide three parcels into two parcels, each containing an industrial building and related parking and landscaping at 245-263 Utah Avenue in the P-I Zone District. August 25, 1988 Staff Report presented. Applicant's representative: Dan Waldman 1875 Lombard Street San Francisco Mr. Waldman stated that the applicant agrees to all conditions. He felt the resubdivision would correct an inconsistency and would provide a logical parcel division. Motion-Zellmer/Second Wendler: To approve Negative Declaration No. 637 and PM-88-257 subject to all conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. :w illium "'Pa-xten '-(Ma'e':Appieb1:'Oln. 'owner'). '(jP.-;-S~.-;g3'9. V...;:g-g.-;3 06 . Neqative Declaration No. 639 Use Permit to allow outdoor storage as part of an office/warehouse building and a variance to allow a loading dock to encroach 10' into the required 20' front yard setback at 328 Roebling Road in the P-I Zone District. PAGE 4 OF 7 PAGES 8/25/88 PC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued August 25, 1988 Staff Report presented. Applicant: william Paxton 7803 Wren Lane citrus Heights Mr. Paxton stated he agrees to all conditions and recommendations. Motion-Zellmer/Second Mantegani: To approve UP-88-839 subject to all conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Motion-Warren/Second Zellmer: To approve Negative Declaration No. 639 and Variance V-88-306 subject to all conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Parkinq Company of America. UP-88-828/Mod 1. 196 Produce Avenue Use Permit Modification to allow the continuation of a building which was previously scheduled for demolition and to alter the traffic flow and parking configuration for a commercial parking facility at 196 Produce Avenue in the M-1 Zone District. commissioner Zellmer asked to be excused from the Commissioners' table due to a business relationship with the applicant. August 25, 1988 Staff Report presented. Applicant's representative: George Avanessian 400 Oyster Point Boulevard Mr. Avanessian stated the applicant agrees to comply with all conditions contained in the staff report. Motion-Matteucci/Second Wendler: To approve UP-88-828/Mod 1 subject to all conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. ABSTAIN: Vice-Chairman Zellmer. Vice-Chairman Zellmer returned to the Commissioners' table. David Gonzalez. ZA-88-43 zoning Amendment of David Gonzalez to amend section 20.06.050(p) (4) of the-S'outh"S-anFranci'S'Co"Mu.nici-pal Code to inclu.de the tfdisplay'" of vehicles in the definition of "Commercial Parking" in the Zoning Ordinance. August 25, 1988 Staff Report presented. PAGE 5 OF 7 PAGES 8/25/88 PC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Applicant's representative: Louis Dell'Angela 400 Oyster Point Boulevard Mr. Dell'Angela felt the zoning amendment was a simple request that he had understood met with staff's approval and was shocked at the request for denial. (Cassette NO.3) The Commission discussed staff's suggestion that the applicant apply for a rezoning of 401 Airport Boulevard to P-C, thus continuing the current P-C zone from Tamarack Lane south to the corner of Airport and Miller. The Commission's concern was related to spot-zoning, setting a precedent, expansion of a legal non-conforming use, and the possibility of other sites being used for car sales. Commissioner Mantegani felt that wording could be added to prevent sales from occurring. The Commission also discussed the fact that the applicant is currently violating the zoning ordinance by using the lot for display purposes and posting signs without the proper permits. Deputy City Attorney Ewing advised the Commission that the applicant's proposal affected dealerships City-wide, whereas staff's recommendation would not. Motion-Boblitt/Second Zellmer: To deny ZA-88-43 based on the findings contained in the staff report. Approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman Terry, Vice-Chairman Zellmer, Commissioners Boblitt, Matteucci, Warren and Wendler. NOES: Commissioner Mantegani. ITEMS FROM STAFF Director smith informed the Commission that Syufy theatres has posted the lot at Noor and El Camino with a sign designating the area as parking for employees and theatre patrons only. Sergeant Petrocchi stated the management at Syufy or pay'N Pak must call a tow company to have cars removed but seems reluctant to do so. Staff also reported that the new owner of the Gellert Square Shopping Center is working with the City Heights property owner regarding the fence and landscaping issues. Director smith introduced Terry Leong, Senior civil Engineer, who will be attending Planning Commission meetings in Bob Yee's place upon his retirement. PAGE 6 OF 7 PAGES 8/25/88 PC MTG. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION Commissioner Warren reported that the intersection of Oyster Point and Airport Boulevard has noticeably improved during the morning commute hours and thanked Mr. Yee for his assistance. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Terry adjourned the meeting at 11:30 p.m. to September 8, 1988, 7:30 p.m. an T. Smith, Secretary lanning Commission city of South San Francisco Paul Terry, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco EPT:JTS:sp PAGE 7 OF 7 PAGES 8/25/88 PC MTG.