HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/09/1989 March 9, 1989 regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning commission CALL TO ORDER: (Cassette No.1) 7:00 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Zellmer, Vice-Chairman Mantegani, commissioners Boblitt, Matteucci*, Terry, and Warren. ABSENT: Commissioner Wendler ALSO PRESENT: Planning Division Jean T. smith Maureen K. Morton Dan Christians Arthur Wong Robert Ewing Richard Harmon Ron Petrocchi Dave Parenti Jake wittwer Acting DCM/City Engineer Deputy City Attorney Engineering Division Police Department Fire Department Building Division *commissioner Matteucci arrived at 7:05. CHAIRMAN COMMENTS APPROVAL OF MINUTES of February 9, 1989 Motion-Boblitt/Second Matteucci: To approve the February 9, 1989 Planning Commission minutes as presented. Approved by the following roll call vote. AYES: Chairman Zellmer, Commissioners Boblitt, Matteucci and Terry. ABSTAIN: Vice-Chairman Mantegani and Commissioner Warren. ABSENT: Commissioner Wendler. AGENDA ITEMS Terrabav Development. southern slope of San Bruno Mountain (Administrative Parcel Nos. 2-04 and 2-06) a) Public compliance hearing, San Bruno Mountain-Habitat Conservation Plan and Agreement b) Terrabay Precise Plan, PP-88-18 c) Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map, SA-88-104 Precise plan and tentative subdivision map to allow construction of Phase I of the Terrabay project including 168 townhome units (Terrabay Village) and 125 single family homes (Terrabay Park) located on the southerly slopes of San Bruno Mountain, northerly of Hillside Boulevard, easterly of Hillside Elementary School. Continued from the March 2, 1989 Planning Commission meeting. Chairman Zellmer read into the record a letter received from Mr. David Schooley, P.O. Box 80, Brisbane (copy attached). Director smith informed the Commission that at the end of the March 2 meeting Mrs. Diane Keene submitted a question to staff regarding the 6 foot height of the fence surrounding the catch basins. Mr. Ron Calhoun, engineering consultant, responded in his letter to staff PAGE 1 OF 7 PAGES 3/9/89 PIC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - continued dated March 9, 1989, that six feet is a common standard and if the City wished to have this changed the Joint Powers Authority must concur. commissioner Terry stated that material recently put in his mail box at home by the Bay Area Mountain Watch organization was unlawful. City's consultant: Robert Yee Applicant's representative: John Ochsner 901 Mariner's Blvd. San Mateo commissioner Warren was concerned with the visual impact of the water tank. Mr. Ochsner stated the tank will be softened with landscaping and is situated so that it will not be seen from most angles. There was also a concern regarding illegal parking on private streets. Sergeant Petrocchi responded that the police department has not experienced any enforcement problems on private streets and foresees none for Terrabay. with reference to Stonegate he stated that this project does not have private streets, only driveways. commissioner Mantegani questioned the amount of landscaping around playfields and was assured by staff that a recent plan submittal has shown the amount of landscaping to have doubled. In response to the repavement of Randolph Avenue, Mr. Yee stated that this street was not being repaved as part of this development. Mr. Ochsner stated the parcourse was eliminated because of the Recreation Department's recommendation through past experience with problems of maintenance and little use. He further stated that details of the ballfields and other facilities (i.e. tot lot apparatuses) are still being discussed with the Recreation Department. In response to Commissioner Boblitt's concern regarding the homeowners' association, Mr. Ochsner stated that the Department of Real Estate reviews the budget, which can be submitted to the Commission for review. He also stated that there is a master association and sub-associations, with total monthly dues being approximately $150. After discussing the associations' responsibilities and starting funds, Mr. Ochsner stated that if corrective work is necessary before the associations have built-up capital, W. W. Dean will ensure adequate funding. He felt there should be an element of trust since the company's reputation is at stake. Director smith informed the Commission the slope will be monitored by Roger Foott & Assoc., the City's engineering consultant, and during the first year the developer will still be doing work, so therefore it remains the developer's responsibility. commissioner Boblitt felt the homeowner's guideline booklet, recommended by the Design Review Board, would be beneficial and is an excellent suggestion. Director smith stated that this type of booklet would also be used for other planned unit developments. PAGE 2 OF 7 PAGES 3/9/89 P/C MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - continued In reference to Specific Plan Amendment No. 43, Commissioner Terry stated that the 40 houses in Terrabay Commons earmarked for the handicapped, should be marketed for more than 60 days, as stipulated. Director smith said that any change would have to be agreed upon by both the developer and the City, and since the Commons are part of Phase II this should be brought up again when that precise plan comes before the Commission. commissioner Terry also objected to compact parking spaces, although approved as part of the Specific Plan. Chairman Zellmer clarified the Commission's roll regarding this issue and stated ample opportunity was given to the public to speak. He felt the consultants responded to each concern and all questions were addressed. Motion-Mantegani/Second Terry: To adopt a resolution recommending that the City Council find the Terrabay Precise Plan PP-88-18 and Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map SA-88-104 in compliance with the San Bruno Mountain HCPi and adopt a resolution recommending that the city Council approve Precise Plan PP-88-18 and Tentative Vesting Subdivision Map SA-88-104 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS Genentech. Inc.. UP-85-734/Mod 2. Neqative Declaration No. 652. 1400 Grandview Drive continued from the February 9, 1989 Planning Commission meeting. Use Permit Modification to allow installation of a portable storage building for solvents and chemicals at the southerly corner of the Buena vista Business Park. March 9, 1989 staff report presented. Applicant's representative: Andrew Scherer 460 Pt. San Bruno BI. Mr. Scherer stated the applicant agrees to the conditions as recommended by staff. Motion-Terry/Second Warren: To approve Negative Declaration No. 652 and UP-85-734/Mod 2 subject to the conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. C. L. Yanq. 3963 Callan Boulevard. UP-88-842. Neqative Declaration No. 646 Use Permit to construct a retail commercial center in the C-1 Zone District in accordance with provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code section 20.22.030. March 9, 1989 staff report presented. PAGE 3 OF 7 PAGES 3/9/89 PIC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Applicant's representative: Kim Lew 1680 Clay Street San Francisco Mr. Lew stated the applicant agrees to the conditions and also informed the commission that the applicant has obtained the necessary encroachment permit from the City of Daly City. (Cassette NO.2) The Commission discussed with staff the required parking and approved uses for the site. Staff reiterated that high volume businesses, such as restaurants and delicatessens, are not allowed. Motion-Matteucci/Second Warren: Approve Negative Declaration No. 646 and Use Permit UP-88-842 subject to the conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Poletti Trust (PG&E. owner). 181-185 Gatewav Boulevard. UP-89-854. Neqative Declaration No. 659 Use Permit request to allow vehicle parking, sales, and rentals in the P-C Zone District in accordance with provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code Section 20.24.030. March 9, 1989 staff report presented. Applicant: Louis Poletti 333 EI Camino Real Mr. Poletti stated that he accepts the conditions as presented by staff. He informed the Commission that he would return for a use permit modification if an on-site attendant becomes necessary. Commissioner Mantegani was concerned with inoperable vehicles, auto repair, and people residing in the RV's. Staff suggested the following three additional special conditions: "8. All vehicles stored on this site shall be in operable condition. 9. There shall be no repair of vehicles on the site. 10. No one shall reside or remain overnight on this site." Mr. Poletti agreed to the additional conditions. Motion-Warren/Second Boblitt: To approve Negative Declaration No. 659 and Use Permit UP-89-854 subject to the conditions, including Special Conditions Nos. 8, 9, and 10, and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. PAGE 4 OF 7 PAGES 3/9/89 PIC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Lawrence Calvi. 345 Shaw Road. UP-89-850. Neqative Declaration No. 651 Use Permit to allow an operable vehicle storage facility with a caretaker's residence in the M-1 Zone District in accordance with provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code section 20.30.030. March 9, 1989 staff report presented. Senior Planner Morton recommended that Special Condition No. 11 be amended as follows: "11. Vehicles stored on this site shall be limited to recreational and passenqer vehicles, as defined in the South San Francisco Municipal Code. No other storage shall occur. Applicant: Lawrence Calvi 1361 San Mateo Avenue Mr. Calvi agreed to all the conditions and found them acceptable. He also stated that he was not interested in a commercial airport parking facility. Commissioner Terry requested staff investigate if this use was subject to the airport parking tax. The Commission asked that special conditions addressing inoperable vehicles and auto repair be included, as follows: "13. All vehicles stored on this site shall be in operable condition. 14. There shall be no repair of vehicles on the site." Because of possible misinterpretation, Chairman Zellmer asked that Special Condition No. 12 be clarified as follows: "12. TaIlor Vehicles in excess of 10' in heiqht shall be limited to the center and easterly parking areas." Mr. Calvi agreed to these additional special conditions. Motion Boblitt/Second Matteucci: To approve Negative Declaration No. 651 and Use Permit UP-89-850 subject to the conditions, including modification to Special Condition No. 12 and additional Special Conditions Nos. 13 and 14, and based on the findings contained in the staff report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. Embassy suites. ZA-89-49. Neqative Declaration No. 656 Zoning Amendment to amend South San Francisco Municipal Code section 20.57.200 to allow amusement arcades within hotels in the Gateway Specific Plan District. March 9, 1989 staff report presented. Senior Planner Morton recommended that this provision also be included in the Shearwater and Terrabay Specific Plan Districts and provisions that regulate the hotels along South Airport Boulevard. PAGE 5 OF 7 PAGES 3/9/89 P/C MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued Applicant's representative: Carter Barnes Embassy suites 250 Gateway Blvd. Mr. Barnes stated that he agreed to the staff report. Sergeant Petrocchi reported that there have not been any police problems associated with arcades and this is attributed to the severe restrictions imposed by the police and other City departments. Motion-Vice-Chairman Mantegani/Second Warren: To adopt the resolution recommending that the city Council approve Negative Declaration No. 656 and Zoning Amendment ZA-89-49, including the additional zoning areas. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. James Elmore. 1051 Airport Boulevard/13 Butler Avenue. UP-88-820 Modification/revocation for cause by the City of South San Francisco of Use Permit UP-88-820 granted to James Elmore for expansion of a nonconforming use in the P-C Zone District in accordance with provisions of South San Francisco Municipal Code section 20.91.030. March 9, 1989 staff report presented. Deputy City Attorney Ewing added that the procedure for modifying or revoking any use permit is that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council whether there should be a modification or revocation, and grounds must be specified as per section 20.91.030. Property owner: James Elmore 1051 Airport Blvd. Mr. Elmore questioned the Commission's authority and felt that Commissioners Warren and Terry should step down because of past remarks made about his "track record". Both Commissioners stated that their decision would be fair and impartial and therefore, they would remain seated. Mr. Elmore submitted documents to the Commission, including a copy of the current site plan (dated 11-11- 88) showing a 6' fence along the driveway easement. The Commission discussed the chronology of events since the May 12, 1988 Planning Commission meeting, and Mr. Elmore's interpretation of Special Condition No. 5 and staff's intention. After this lengthy discussion, commissioner Boblitt asked Mr. Elmore whether or not he would agree to cut the fence back to the allowed 3'. His response was neither yes or no, but a statement that all conditions imposed by the Planning Commission have been met. Chairman Zellmer informed Mr. Elmore that the only way that fence can be allowed to remain in this circumstance is if a variance is granted. The Commission agreed to modify UP-88-820 based on the following findings: PAGE 6 OF 7 PAGES 3/9/89 PIC MTG. AGENDA ITEMS - PUBLIC HEARINGS - continued section 20.91.030(a) "(2) That one or more of the conditions upon which such permit was granted have been violated. (3) That the use or facility for which the permit was granted is so conducted or maintained as to be detrimental to the public health or safety, or as to be a nuisance." Motion-Mantegani/Second Warren: To recommend that the City council modify Special Condition No. 5 based on the findings stated above, and further recommend that thirty days after City Council's approval the fence be brought into compliance and date be set for revocation hearing in the event that compliance is not achieved by required date. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION Chairman Zellmer informed the Commission that a discussion of the proposed timeline will be scheduled for the March 23 Planning Commission meeting. Director smith announced that provisions from the recent "clean-up" zoning amendment will also be discussed at the March 23 meeting. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Zellmer adjourned the meeting at 10:10 p.m. to March 23, 1989, 7:30 p.m. ean T. Smith, Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco A mer, Chairman Plann' g Commission City of South San Francisco AZ:JTS:sp PAGE 7 OF 7 PAGES 3/9/89 PIC MTG. .~ IIJI ~l'\IftO 1II0Uftlat" P 0 boa ao. bnlMM. c.Jlron". '.OO~ BAY AREA MOUNTAIN WATCH CitY' of South San Erancisco Pl.annin<< Commissioners 33 Arrayo Dri va South San Francisco, CA 94080 March 8, 1989 Dear Chairman Alan Zellmen ani all Pla~ Commissioners; .It the last meeti~, lIarch 2, 189, tho~h it was a closed meet~ (and while in the mean time TeITabay Development members 'Were spea~ and i1- lust,Ta:t~ material), I did raise Y113' hand. I raised my hand because I felt frustrated by hall-spoken events am. misunderstood statements. The Bay Area Mountain Watch will respond step by etep what we be1ea.Te are incorrect facts, periods of time and map statemente.proposed by the Ter- rabay people. If we don't have it done by the next meeting, March 9th, our responce will ~o also to Kayor Roberta Tet;1ia and Council Members, In the mean time, I am writt~ this letter as a more personal responce after my frustrated, impossible attempt to speak ~ the closed p~ Commission meet~o I liTed for a number of years at Kearney and Hemlock streets, Paradise Valley, South San Francisco. I learned to 1mow those hills from exploring and taki~ sohool ~roups, etc. As I looked at the Terrabay ~s of streets and houses, I realized that between Kearney st. and the Hillside School a whole hill.as missi~. As the Terrabay r;entleman was point~ out features for gra~, I realized that, unspoken and unexpla.ned, TerrabaY' 'Was planni.ng to bench out that hill rather than just protect~ am shoring-up a steep descent of the South Slope itself. To bench out a hill rather than just shoring-up an unstable descent is quite different. This is be~ done to have more space just to build, but equa.lq caus~ more exposure am. more da~erous instability, rather than simply to stabilize. The removal of a hill-top was not mentioned. I looked closer and saw another hill that lrouldbe removed, not for safty but for ~rowth expansion near RalXiolf/Airport Blvd. The hill near Kearney st. is about 370 feet hi~h. The hill point near Randolf is approximately 300 feet h~h. Those hills don It need bench~. To remove sloping hills do need bench~, but in this case, will also ex- pose and chB.n<<e fault pressure l:ines; more dangerous than if you just leave ... the hills be. The other more personal response, from that last meet~, invol'Yed the Ohlone midden or shell mound near Airport BlTd. One of the Fhnni ~ staff members spoke out; saying that these middens are garba.?e dumps, like our garbage dumps and therefore, of no value, indeed, are ne~ative factors. From the staff member I felt a t~e of dislike, or disgust about "~arbage middens~ My re sponc e is also simp Ie : 1. A shell mound is a prec olumbian, prehistoric presence of man. It is where the Californian ChIone Indians lived, worked and died. Little was written by the Spaniards about the Ohlone ways. All evidence and research are of ~reat value to learn more about so~ of the most unknown, lea st studied, and the very first exterpated Indian Tribelet of the San Francisco Bay re~io~ -2- 2. Most of the Bay Area middens are ~one. Hidden from the road by willows, the South City mounds are in a rlnd-sheltered bowl of the Mtn., only partly disturbed 8JXi instead, protec ted from de5Ce~ down into the Bay by the first (1906) train line bay-fill, the Old Bay Shore and Freeway 161. A step away from anille~al, modem dump, the shell mmmd still has foxes, eagles, owls and Mission Blue at its edges. 3. 200 years ahead our own ~arbage dumps will be coveted indeed, even though our dumps are dangerous from chemicals and gasses, 'While Californ.ia- Indian shell mounds are clean by comparison. Thay were natural composts. Even better, thay were ChIone "truck gardens~ since the Indians brought all needed acorms, nuts, seeds,berries toward midden areas. The middens are most often beside a creek or sprint; and I suspect that before the denuding aDd fi~ the Bay edges there were willows, buckeyes~ oaks as well as annual plants .and~rasses brought as seeds, used and dropj; around by the Indians over thousands of years. 2 of the 4 San Bruno Mtn. middens are still surrounded by native flora. The lower South City midden can easily be replanted with native trees and pJants alo~ the creek and springo 4. To add this prehistoric presence to the San Bruno Mtn. Park, just a step away from a now quiet~ returning wildlife bay lagoon is of great value for science, anthropology ard. abo'Ye all for people and students learni~ about where ~ li'Ye, history, earth value, and liTing time flow of local laMo 5 1D: ere 1y J J)4~~ David Schooley