HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/12/1989
(Cassette NO.1)
January 12, 1989 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco
Planning Commission
CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m.
Chairman Terry, Vice-Chairman Zellmer,
Commissioners Boblitt, Mantegani, Warren and
commissioner Matteucci
Planning Division
Jean T. smith
Maureen K. Morton
Phil Gorny
Arthur Wong
Terry Leong
Robert Ewing
Ron Petrocchi
Jake wittwer
Acting City Engineer
Engineering Division
Deputy City Attorney
Police Department
Building Division
APPROVAL OF MINUTES of December 8, 1988
Motion-Zellmer/Second Warren: To approve the December 8, 1988
Planning commission minutes as presented. Approved by voice vote.
ABSTAIN: Commissioner Mantegani. ABSENT: Commissioner Matteucci.
John W. Bacon, 1113 Airport Boulevard, UP-88-847, Neqative
Declaration No. 650
continued from the December 8, 1988 Planning Commission meeting.
Use permit to allow construction of a 3-story, 24-room motel plus
manager's unit with related parking, landscaping, and sign program.
Commissioner Mantegani abstained from participating in the discussion
because he had not been present when the public hearing was opened on
December 8, 1988.
January 12, 1989 staff report presented.
John Bacon
P.O. Box 184
So. San Francisco
Applicant's representatives:
George Avanessian
400 Oyster Pt. Blvd.
Louis Dell'Angela
400 Oyster Pt. Blvd.
1/12/89 PC MTG.
Mr. Avanessian disagreed with staff's recommendation to continue UP-
88-847 to the February 9, 1989 Planning Commission meeting. He felt
the concerns were addressed and the Design Review Board's review
would be time consuming and pointless.
Mr. Bacon praised Mr. Avanessian for his accomplishments in the
community and felt the Design Review Board was being too critical of
the design.
Mr. Dell'Angela felt that the Commission should make the decision and
approve one of the three designs and bypass the Design Review Board.
Chairman Terry stated the criticisms of the speakers were not
appreciated and the Commission relies on DRB's opinions and
The Commission discussed the three designs with Mr. Avanessian and
staff. The Commission supported staff's recommendation and felt the
wings of the motel should be modified.
Mr. Dell'Angela asked that the DRB be directed to consider the motel
with 24 units only--no fewer. The Commission declined to make that
Motion-Boblitt/Second Warren: To continue Negative Declaration No.
650 and UP-88-847 to the February 9, 1989 Planning commission
meeting. Approved by roll call vote. ABSTAIN: Commissioner
Mantegani. ABSENT: Commissioner Matteucci.
Mid-Peninsula Housinq Coalition, 222-224 Grand Avenue, UP-81-581/Mod 1
Use permit modification to allow the conversion of a 20-room
residential hotel into a multi-family residential facility with 11
studio apartments at 222-224 Grand Avenue in the D-C Zone District.
January 12, 1989 staff report presented.
Applicant's representative:
Fran Wagstaff
430 Sherman Avenue
Palo Alto
Ms Wagstaff agreed to the conditions contained in the staff report.
She presented background on the Coalition and described how the other
facilities are managed.
The Commission discussed with Ms Wagstaff the maintenance person (who
will also have management responsibilities) and the allowable number
of people in each studio apartment. Sergeant Petrocchi stated the
lane entrance would become the primary entrance to the apartments and
the entrance adjacent to the restaurant would be secondary.
The Commission felt the use and upgrading of the facility will be
beneficial to the Downtown.
Motion-Wendler/Second Boblitt: To approve UP-81-581/Mod 1 subject to
the conditions and based on the findings contained in the staff
1/12/89 PC MTG.
report. Unanimously approved by roll call vote. ABSENT:
Commissioner Matteucci.
F. J. Development (Edqardo Santiaqo, owner), 46 Seville Way, PUD-88-
11 Neqative Declaration No. 625
Planned unit Development Permit to allow construction of a single-
family dwelling on an existing vacant lot within a Planned unit
Development at 46 Seville Way in the R-l Zone District.
January 12, 1989 staff report presented.
Applicant's representative:
Lynn Harrison
1944 Fillmore st.
San Francisco
City's consultant:
Ted Sayer
Cotton & Assoc.
330 Village Lane
Los Gatos
Mr. Harrison stated that the applicant agrees to the conditions
contained in the staff report. He summarized the project and
introduced the project's geotechnical consultants.
The Commission discussed the geotechnical problems involved with the
project in the event of a series of rainstorms that may cause
drainage problems. Commissioner Wendler felt there were too many
soil problems and opposed the development. Mr. Sayer, the City's
consultant, addressed the design measures incorporated into the
project and stated the project was safe and that several measures
were added that were possibly redundant. Mr. Harrison stated that
the soil problems that currently exist will be corrected with the
development of the property.
(Cassette NO.2)
with regard to Special Condition 4.A., Commissioner Boblitt suggested
a warning message be included to advise the property owner of soil
erosion problems. Staff suggested the following wording:
"Warning! To avoid soil erosion: The subject property
has an existing drainage system which has been upgraded
with new construction and has a corresponding drainage
maintenance plan. Owner is responsible for
implementation of all items within the maintenance
Staff suggested the wording also be added to Special Condition 4.E.,
as follows:
liE. Instructions for maintenance shall include keyed
designations which shall also appear on actual cleanouts,
etc., on site. said instructions shall contain the
following words: "Warning! Proper maintenance is
required to avoid soil erosion."
1/12/89 PC MTG.
Mr. Harrison agreed to the Special Conditions.
Motion-Warren/Second Zellmer: To approve Negative Declaration No.
625 and PUD-88-11 subject to the conditions and based on the findings
contained in the staff report. Approved by the following roll call
vote: AYES: Chairman Terry, Vice-Chairman Zellmer, Commissioners
Boblitt, Mantegani, and Warren. NOES: Commissioner Wendler.
ABSENT: Commissioner Matteucci.
city of South San Francisco, ZA-89-47
Chairman Terry stated that he wished to continue ZA-89-47 to the
January 26, 1989 study session. The Commission concurred.
Zoning Amendment of the City of South San Francisco to amend Title 20
of the South San Francisco Municipal Code to correct inconsistencies
and errors which have become evident since its adoption and to make
it consistent with provisions of State law.
Chairman Terry opened the public hearing.
Speaking with concern:
Louis Dell'Angela
400 Oyster Point Blvd.
Mr. Dell'Angela asked for clarification regarding landscaping on
commercial parking lots in the Downtown area and felt the merchants
should be given the opportunity for input if the policy is going to
change. He also suggested that the Commission study the proposed
policy change that would allow auto repair uses in M-l zones without
going through the use permit process.
The Commission stated these items will be discussed at the study
Motion-Zellmer/Second Mantegani: To continue the discussion of ZA-
89-47 to the January 26, 1989 study session and continue the public
hearing to the February 9, 1989 Planning Commission meeting.
Unanimously approved by voice vote. ABSENT: Commissioner Matteucci.
Review of the 1988-1989 Capital Improvement Proqram for Consistency
with the General Plan
Acting City Engineer Arthur Wong answered the Commission's questions
regarding proposed street improvements.
Motion-Mantegani/Second Warren: To adopt the resolution determining
that the proposed 1988-1989 Capital Improvement Program is consistent
with the City's General Plan. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
ABSENT: Commissioner Matteucci.
Director smith asked the Commission to inform staff of any items it
wants included on the agenda for the January 26 study session.
1/12/89 PC MTG.
ITEMS FROM STAFF - continued
Director smith informed the Commission that Terrabay is scheduled for
the February 23, 1989 Planning commission meeting.
Deputy City Attorney Ewing gave an update on the Gellert Square/City
Heights Shopping Center dispute. He also suggested that if any
Commissioner had questions regarding the 1988 Legal Update memorandum
that they can call his office.
Commissioner Mantegani asked that the Planning commission adopt a
policy regarding false building facades. He felt that the two recent
structures at Grand and Spruce, and Baden and Spruce, were
architecturally not pleasing.
commissioner Warren asked when the Design Review Board meetings would
be scheduled for night meetings and staff indicated this would be an
item for future discussion after staff calculations on staffing and
budget ramifications.
Reorqanization of Planninq Commission for 1989. Election of chairman
and vice-chairman.
Nominations for Chair were opened.
Chairman Terry nominated Vice-Chairman Zellmer.
Motion-Mantegani/Second Warren: To elect Vice-Chairman Zellmer for
Chairman. Unanimously approved by voice vote. ABSENT: Commissioner
Chairman Zellmer nominated commissioner Mantegani for Vice-Chairman.
Motion-Zellmer/Second Terry: To elect Commissioner Mantegani for
Vice-Chairman. Unanimously approved by voice vote. ABSENT:
Commissioner Matteucci.
Chairman Terry adjourned the meeting at 10:09'~:'.
1989, 7:30 p.m.
ean T. smith, Secretary
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
E. Paul Terry, Chairman l
Planning commission
City of South San Francisco
1/12/89 PC MTG.