HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 356-1955[Ifun, File No. 509] .......... oa xaiscs so. AN O~I~NCE A~XNG O~IN~CE NO. 353 *ZONING O~I~NCE OF ~ CI~ OF 9~H BAN ~NCIBCO~, ~~ AUGUBT l~, 1954. The City Council of the City of South San Francisco does ordain as follows: S~CTION I. Subsection 3.14(a) of Ordinance No. 353, entitled 'Zoning Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco', passed and adopted on Aufust 10, lt54, is hereby amended mo that said subsection, as amended~ shall read as follows: "3.4(a) For each dwelling - minim of five thousand (5000) square feet, minimum width of fifty (50) feet, and minimum depth of eighty (80) feet on interior lots; ainiaua of six thousand (6000) square feet, minimum width of sixty (60) feet, and minimum depth of eighty (SO) feet on corner lots. In no case shall there be more than one (1) siugle family dwelling on any one (1) building site. (See Section 3.12(d) and Section 5.3 for exceptions.)' ~BCTION II. Subsection 3.16 (b) of said Ordinance is hereby amended so that said subsection, as amende~ shall read as follows: '3.16 (b) Side Yards: Five (5) feet to the portion of the buildimf uearest the lot line (excluding eaves, bays, chimneys, and similar arohitectural features), provided that the side yard on the street side of a corner lot shall not be less than ten (10) feet and provided, further, that on the rear twenty (20) feet of the street side of a corner lot, where there is reversed frontage, the side yard mhall not be less than the front yard required or existing on the adjacent reversed frontage; and provided, further, that the side- y~rd on any lot with an average width of forty (40) feet or less shall bo a minimum of ten percent (10~) of tho lot width but in no camm less than three (3) feet. Fo cave, bay, chimney, or other architectural feature shall extend nors than two (2) feet into any required side yard." SECTION III. Subsection 3.24(a) of said Ordi~ance is hereby amended so that said subsection, as amended, shall read as follows: "3.24 (a) For each d~llinl - =iniaua of fi~e thousand (5000) sq~re feet, aini~ width of fifty (~) f~t, and a ainia~ depth (ghty (~) feet on interior lots; minim~ of six thousand (6000) squre feet, minimum width of sixty (60) feet, and minimu depth of etfhty (80) feet on corner lease In no case shall there ~ Mrs than ~ (1) eiqle f~ily d~lltn~ or one (1) duplex on any om (1) hildinf ~te. (See bctton 3.12 (d) and Section 503 for exceptions.)" $~ION IF. flubsection 3.26 (b) of said 0rdi~nee is hereby rended ~ that ~id su~eetion, as ~ndod, m~ll read as follow: '3.26 (b) Side Yards. Five (5) f~t to the ~rtion of the butldinf nearest the lot line (excludinf eaves, bays, chi~, rand similar architectural features), provi~d tht the side ~rd on the strut side of a corner lot mhll ~t ~ less than ten (10) feet and p~vi~d, further, that on the rear twenty (20) feet of the street mi~ of a corer lot, ~ere there is reversed frontage, the side yard shall not ~ less than the front yard required or existinK on the adjacent rearmed f~ata~e; and provided, further, that the side yard oa any lot ~th an averaKe width of forty (40) feet or less shall be a atniBu of ten percent (10~) of the lot width ~t in no case less t~n three (3) f~t. ~ cave, bay, chimney~ or other architectural feat,s ohll extend Mro than tw (~) feet into any required side yard. ~ 8~lON Y. 5ubsection 3.~ (a) of ~id ~di~nco is hereby aM~ so that ~id mu~eetion, as amended, shall read '3.~ (a) ~r each ~ildinK or ~oup of buildinfs - minim~ of five thoun~d (~) squre feet, ainiu width of fifty (~) feet, and minimu depth of ei~ty (~) feet on interior lots; minimu of six thousand (6000) square feet, minimum width of sixty (60) feet, and minimum depth of eighty (80) feet on corner lots.# SECTION VI. Subsection 3.36 (b) of said Ordinance is hereby amended so that said subsection, as amended, shall read as follows: '3.36 (b) Side Yards: Five (5) feet to the portion of the I~ilding nearest the lot line (excluding eaves, bays, chimneys, and similar architectural features), provided that the side yard on the street side of a corner lot shall not be less than ten (10) feet and prmvided, further, that on the rear twenty (20) feet of the street side of a corner lot, where there is reversed frentage, the side yard shall not be less than the front yard required or existin~ on the adjacent reversed frontage; and prmvi~ed, further, that the side yard on any lot with an average width of forty (40) feet or less shall be a minimum of ten l~rcent (10~) of the lot width b~t in no case less than three (3) feet. No eave, t~ay, chivy, or other architectural feature shall extend more than two (I) feet into any required side yard. Interior side yards shall be tmcr®ased by two (2) feet for each ten (10) feet or portion thereof that the butldl~g exceeds thirty (30) feet in height.* 8F~'rlON VII. ~ubsection 3.47 (a) 1 of said Ordinance is hereby amemded so that said subsection, as amended, shall read as follows: MI. Retail stores, one (1) parking space for each one hundred (100) square feet of sales floor area, but in no case less than ome (1) space for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area o M 9ECTIOM VIII. Section~ 3j5 o'f said Ordinance is hereby amended by adding thereto a new submection to be designated as sebsection 3.51 (b), and which shall read as fellow: '3.51 (b) I~mm-flashimg signs appurtemmmt to amy permitted use, and mt projecting more than one (1) foot over the property line.* B~CTIOM IX. Bubsectien 6°2 of said Ordimance is amended no that said subsection, as amended, shall read as follows: o "6.2 Use Permits: Use Permits, revocable, conditional, er valid for a term period, may, in accordance with the provisions of this subsection, be issued or denied for any of the uses or purposes for which said permits are required or permitted by the terms of this ordinance." SECTION Xo Subsection 6.21 of said ordinance is hereby amended by adding thereto a new subsection to be designated as subsection 6.21 (b), and which shall read as follows: ~6o~-1 (b) When an application has been filed, the planning coBRissien shall process it as expeditiously as possible, either denying the same or reeeumending to the city council in writing that it be granted°" marled se tlmt said eubeoetien, as rended, sJuall road H fells: "6.23 Action by Commission: (a) In order for it to roeeumd aha gras~tt'ng of any uae permit tbs findings of tho planing oeemiasiou shall bo to tbs effect that aha eetablisJmoat, maintenance, operation, er tho use er the building for vhieh a permit is sought viii sot, under the siren- seasons of the lml~tieular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, pesce, morals, comfort, and general welfare of perseus residimg er Working is tbs naigbborhooa ef such propoeed oeo, and will sot bo detrimental or injurious to properly and lmproYemoats ia tho neighbor- bead er to tiao pseral welfare of the eity. (b) b planing commission Bay designate ouch oouditiona in COUBOetion with tho issuance of-a use permit, as it deeBa' necessary in order to fulfill tho purPOses of this ordinance-and Bay reeomad tho roquiriq of reasonble guaramtees aid evidence that nth con- ditioss are bsiug, er viii be, complied with. (e) Zf aha plashing omission sets favorably upon the applica- tion, said camisoles shall, without undue delay, ceamumieate its determination to the city counoll, stating ia writing all the qualifica* tions and conditions recoB~ended pursuant to the provisions of (a) and (b) of this mubgection. Should the application be denied, no communication need be forwarded to the city eouncilo' SECTION XII. Subsection 6°24 of said ordinance is amended so that said subsection, as amended, shall read as follows: #6.24 Appeal~ (a) In case the application is denied, the applicant, or any other person affected, may, within five (5) days thereafter, appeal in writing to the city council. (b) The City council shall set a date for a public hearing and shall post .notices as set forth in Section 6°22 (b). Notice of such appeal shall also be given to the planninf commission, and the planninf eom~imsion shall submit a report d~ the city council setting forth the reasons for action taken by the commissiou. In addition, the planning commission may be represented at the hearing. (c) The city council shall render its decision within sixty (60) days after the filing of such appeal." SECTION lllI. Subsection 6.25 of said Ordinance is hereby repealed, and a ney subsection, to be designated Subsection 6025, is hf~oby added, the same to read as follows: '6.25 Action by City Council*o (a) When the planning commission has recommended that an application for a use permit be granted, the city council shall consider the applicatiom..:and recommendation within thirty (30) days after the receipt of the planning cemmissionts report, and if the city council finds that the use which is sought will not under the circumstances of the. particular case be detrilmntal to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, and general welfare of persons residinf or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, or will ~ot be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or to the feneral welfare of the city, the city council shall, on motion, rfant the use permit. (b) Tee city couBcil may designate such other or additional qulificatioas and conditions in connection with the uso permit Foquostod as it deems necessary or advisable in order to fulfill ° the purposes of t~ts ordinance, and it nay require reasonable guarantees and evidence that such condi,~oaa are being, or will be, complied withe? SECTION XIVo Subsection 6°3 of said Ordinance is hereby anended by adding thereto a new subsection to be designated as Subsection 6o26, :,and which shall read as follows #6°26 Effect: No building or zoning permit shall be issued except in accordance with the terns and conditions of the use pernit granted°? SECTION X¥° Subsection 6o31 (a) of said Ordinance is hereby amended so as to provide for a fee of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) to aeee~pany applicat~ons for ~ariance permits instead of a fee of only Ten Dollars SECTION X¥I. 8ubneetien 6.6 ef said Ordinance is hereby amended so that said sub~ect.ion, am amendedv shall read as follows: '~. 6 A~endaents: This ordinance nay, by relieving the procedure of this section, be a~ended by changing the boundaries of districts er by changing any other provisions thereof whenever the public necessity and con- venience e~d the general welfare require such a~onde~ento 6.61 Initiation: (&) An anend~ent nay be initiated by: 1. The verified petitien of one or ~ere owners of property affected by the preponed anend~ent, which petition shall be filed with the planning commission and shall be accompanied by a fee of Fifty Rellars ($50.00), no part of which shall be returnable to the petitte~r; 2. Resolution of Intention of the planning commission. 6.62 Public Rearings: (a) The planning commission shall hold such public hearings as are required by lay, but the planning cemmission shall hold at least one (1) public hearing on any o (b) In ~ .t~ ~~ m=nt ~ats of t ~ or t~ t~f Mt ~ t~ t~ (lO) ~p ~io~ ~ tho ~te of of ~ ~~. ~ ~ Mtim ~ ~M~t of the ~~ ~ of ~etrtet, t~ tim 8. ph~ st ii~ ,'tM (e) Amy ~il~ to ~mt ~ ~bligh ~Mlc Mti~m ~ bid ~blie h~i~ am aforesaid s~ll not inulihM any ~oee~i~e for IMnMt of this ~~ ordimMo, uul~a such ~gti~, ~blishi~ or holding of ~blic heariMm, ehll ~ an a~olute requirmnt under a cont~lli~~imiom of state law. ~.63 (a) ~llo~mf the afore~id' hearimp, the planninf shall Mkm a re~rt o~ its findi~m amd recreations with ~s~ct to the pro~ed ~nt and m~ll file with tb city cemil an attested copy of such re~rt within ~ifty (~) ~ys after Jhe first ~blication of t~ notice of said heart.si provided tht such time limit My ~ ~tendod u~n the nt~l ~emmt of the p~ties having an interest in ~id ~cm~i~s, or by consent of the city council given u~n ~ttten requMt fr~ the planning eomismion m~ti~ t~ r~nm for such exaction, hilure of ~e pl~ng ~tea~on eo to re~rt vittin ~itty (~) ~ys ahtll; in the abaen=e of an agreement or extension, as aforesaid, be deemed to be approval of the proposed amendment by the planning commission. (b) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary bereinelaevhere stated, whenever a matter involving any amendment to, change in, or addition to this Ordinance has been eeferred to, or is under consideration by, the planning commission, the city council may, at the request of an interested party or upon its own volition, require the planning commission to submit its written report within forty (40) days from the date of original reference to, or initial date of pendency before, the planning commission, or within such longer period of time as said city council may designate. Failure of the planning commission so to report within maid forty (40) days, or within such longer designated period of time, shall be dmBmed to be approval of the proposed change, amendment, or addition. 6.64 (a) Upon receipt of such report from the planning commission, or upon the expiration of the period of time alletted to the planning commission, as aforesaid, the city council shall set the matter of the proposed amendment for public hearing after giving notice thereof as required by lay. After the eoBelasion of such hearing, the city council mays~Sd~pt, in such form as said city council may deem to be advisable, the proposed amendment, or any part thereof, as set forth in the petition or resolution. (b) The decision~ef the city council shall be rendered within fifty (~0) days after the receipt of the report and recommendations from the Planning conission, or With*B~'~ fifty (50) days after the expiration of the period of time allotted to the planning commission as aforesaid. 6.65 Proc.dural, Incident&l~ or Other Changes not Affecting any Precise Plan or Regulation hsed upon hster Plan: The prooedure outlined in this subsection for amendments to, or changes in, this Ordinance are not mandatory insofar as conce~m amendments or changes pertaining only to matters of procedure or of an incidental nature, or to any amendments or changes which do not substantially affect any precise plan or regulation based upon the e v"8~l~ l~I. ,bctt~ 7 of maid ~diu~e ~ a~ subsection 7031-~20 ~ folXow~ -~~c~ on th. ~tldiq sites at l~st ton (10) by flW (~) feet, lo~t~ off the strut with acoemm for the reqm~M ~ law amd ~11 t~e effect thZFty (M) after Ate a~ption. znt~ue~ thi, ~My o~ ~ ..... , City of South hn ~anciseo atah~yn mtiq of the City ~uneil of t ~ncimeo this ~ day of ~ ; 1955~ by tbs foXlo~ng vote~